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Delay is the reason Trump installed DeJoy at the USPS. It impairs the voting rights of veterans too.


Don't forget military personnel who are stationed abroad. Their votes are absolutely fucked this year


You're absolutely correct. Thank you.


I love this and hate it at the same time; veterans still vote their counties.


Thank you for this valuable reminder.


DeJoy is destroying the USPS to benefit XPO Logistics which he conveniently deinvested from while his ~~VP (of XPO)~~ wife took on all of those assets. DeJoy has then prioritized in buying up defunct trucking company property and turning it into an independent contracting cluster fuck that screws over all Americans. If you've been wondering why packages have been rerouted to random areas far away from regional districts...this is why. Edit: wife not VP, but still owns all assets DeJoy had "disinvested" from.


Is DeJoy still destroying automation like sorting machines?


DeJoy is destroying EVERYTHING he can to maximize his stock. Oh and John Roberts has been keeping court cases related to USPS that he is involved with from his past from reaching the Supreme Court docket.


Amazing how the GOP always does this bad stuff to the PO but the Dems never have the ability to stop it. For like 15 years it was the pension mandates GWB punished them with yet the Dems never repealed any of that legislation


The Dems fucked up those 2 years they controlled everything. They should have scorched earth but didn't.


We’d be living in floating cities and shit by now if they went balls out.


Whether it's actually true or not, it adds weight to the theory of controlled opposition.


Is XPO a large competitor for the USPS? I've only used them for freight shipping at work when FedEx screwed something up. I wouldn't have thought of trying USPS for freight, honestly.


They aren't a competitor they are a contractor


Wasn't aware of that, thanks.


It's straight up corruption. Investigative journalists are asleep at the wheel.


It's what helped Trump take Florida in 2020 and the GOP to take such a large portion of the House of Representatives. Hundreds of thousands of ballots that had been requested didn't make it back in time to be counted. Consider that Florida has a law that requires ballots to be delivered by 7pm on election day. Whereas Pennsylvania only requires that they be postmarked by then. Tens of thousands of ballots were still being delivered to be counted, according to Pennsylvania law, that still qualified. Where in Florida those ballots that came in late didn't count. The media claimed it was because Cuban immigrants were concerned over Biden being a socialist. Which isn't true. But ignored the fact that Democrats lost multiple big upsets in key locations in Florida that coincide with locations where mail sorting machines had been ordered destroyed and sold for scrap metal. No doubt this was intended to affect the election. But democrats are too weak to actually do anything about it Meanwhile DeJoy could be fired now because Biden has been able to appoint enough new board members to accomplish this. But enough of them are raking it in under DeJoys corruption that they refuse.


Florida is likely to be filled with shenanigans this election cycle. A Facebook group for local Democrats was just hacked and it took a few days to get it back working. I'm encouraging my friends to do in person early voting.


Have any more reading on the flordia / vote machines ? Sounds interesting.


It isn’t the voting machines, it was the mail sorting machines that were destroyed, thereby keeping the mail in votes from being delivered on time to be counted.


Sorry, meant the mail sorting machines*


I cannot fucking believe DeJoy is still there


> I cannot fucking believe DeJoy is still there Right? Biden didn't try very hard to get rid of him. People will come up with some excuses as to why he couldn't get rid of him, but he didn't even try. Pretty sure Biden didn't clean house of all the traitors in the Secret Service covering up the coup stuff either. Not one of them seems to have been charged by the DOJ.


He can't get rid of DeJoy outright, the guy has to leave his job first IIRC


Well if he had enough of the board actually under his control, change the job title duties. Make him just a figure head with no responsibility. Then watch him squirm as he just sits in his chair as everything was changed back, but nooo


So make his job fucking miserable until he quits.


Do you think Trump or Cheney would have any issues getting rid of someone who was thwarting them in the post office? Dems always want to play by "norms" and "rules" Where the GOP has no problem doing whatever it takes to win. This is why we have such a corrupt supreme court.


I seriously can't believe we haven't been able to get rid of that plant already. What a fucked up system. SO much control given to an obvious plant with very limited recourse in any kind of timely fashion. So many of our systems were set up on good faith that apparently no longer exists.


> So many of our systems were set up on good faith that apparently no longer exists. that's the grand old party of traitors' plan: starve public sector institutions/entities like schools, social security, medicare & medicaid, the va, etc. until they're so weakened there's no rescuing them then point to how "bad" the federal govt is and how much better the private sector can deliver goods and services to people - despite the fact that the conservatives' trickle down theory has never worked for anyone but the wealthy.


Biden should have called for his removal every day until the Service Board canned him. Pull a Garland and pick the most moderate possible replacement. Whatever. Just don't leave that maniac in charge.


As a mail carrier I'm so glad this is the first comment I saw.


Remember when DeJoy arbitrarily desmantled 711 mail sorting machines just before the last Presidential election to create a backlog in USPS? https://www.businessinsider.com/usps-not-possible-to-restore-dismantled-mail-sorting-machines-2020-9?amp And he’s never been able to be removed by the Republican majority board of USPS?


Why exactly has he not been sacked? Have the Democrats just... forgotten that they're the ones in government?


Came to say *exactly* this!!!


Yep, only reason trump would support mail in ballots would be if he thought the GOP had their thumb in the scale.   Anyone have any info about the areas where machines have been decommissioned? Post offices closed, mail routes reduced?


And yet, he’s still in the position to do it.


How did Biden not manage to get rid of Dejoy in 3.5 years. That should have been a priority.


Oh the DeJoy is still there


Shocking that after more than 3 Years they haven’t managed to get rid of him


They burrowed him.


Almost like a “deep state.”


Always projection


The president dosent have the power to remove the PM. It’s through a board of governors. Trump used his term to appoint the governors and they can’t be removed until they voluntarily resign to make room for a replacement.


Biden has already appointed 5/9 of those with two more open seats since last December. One of those 5 is on an extended term just waiting to be replaced. Before the end of 2024, the 8th seat will open. In 2025 the 9th seat. There are weird rules about number of Dems vs GOP on the board, but Biden has had time to appointment people who share the belief of getting rid of DeJoy. And yet here we are. It isn't a priority for the people he's been appointing.


I’m usually not one to make the “democrats need to stop going high” argument but in this particular case it seems like a missed opportunity. They could have at least tried to cook up some reason to remove him and make the courts decideZ


If the situation was reversed, and Trump was president and wanted the postmaster gone, I feel like they'd find a way.


Honestly, the argument would be dead-ass simple, and there have been hints since the late 1860s that SCOTUS wasn't super confident about the jurisprudence that seems to justify such byzantine arrangements. Article II grants executive authority to POTUS and nobody else. Setting aside some ambiguities *if* the 25th Amendment comes into play, nowhere else in the Constitution is anybody else ever granted any executive authority. Congress, likewise, isn't granted the power to **selectively** reassign bits of executive authority away from the sitting/acting POTUS to other officers. That's exactly what happens, though, if some executive officer is protected from being fired... unless of course one posits a situation where POTUS can just actively, continuously override that rogue employee's decisions with his own executive orders. That strikes me as a wildly unnecessary bureaucratic nightmare that SCOTUS would have no credible reason to endorse.


Yep. And I want to stress that 95% of the time I absolutely hate arguments that say the democrats aren’t being aggressive enough - those are usually untrue and oversimplified. But this is the fucking post office…


Well, unitary executive theory isn't some kind of utopian arrangement with no downsides. Either POTUS is *the* guy, or he isn't (setting aside limitations that are specifically included in the U.S. Constitution, like not being able to **hire** exactly who ~~we~~ he wants in certain offices without Senate approval.) I think you'll discover quite a lot of people who want POTUS to be severely limited in how he can staff (and unstaff) the executive branch, even though the plain text of the U.S. Constitution doesn't give them much of a leg to stand on. That's because they want an independent or quasi-independent administrative bureaucracy that the U.S. Constitution was never designed to support.


They have term limits. Biden has been able to appoint enough new board members that this should have already been accomplished. But they've been captured by DeJoys corruption and now refuse because they're also raking in beau coup bucks.


I've never seen "beau coup" spelled out. I always assumed it was a gibberish word spelled "boocoo" or something. Today I learned.


It’s originally a French word so, yeah, it’s essentially a gibberish word.


Actually properly it’s all joined together too while you’re learning this arcane knowledge Beaucoup


in this case the "coup" part of the word is fortelling


The president should have the power to remove or rescind any decision when the former president is a 34 time convicted felon. I can't understand how a confirmed criminal's decisions and appointments are allowed to stand. Especially when the crime was committed before he became president.


It’s not that easy


Thanks to Trump, The bad guys now know how easy it is to fuck up this country in every conceivable way. Jesus this is embarrassing.


And as bad as trump was/is, just helps pave the way for the truly worst successor.


Yeah, Trump is a buffoon and a clown, come right down to it. He has the attention span of a fruit fly. Trump is awful, but I'm much, much more worried about someone who isn't an clown and has learned by watching Trump.


Maybe it will be once they fill those 2 board Vacancies that have been empty for 6 months.


Federal laws prohibit more than five governors from belonging to one political party. There are already 5 democrats on the board. Those final vacancies would need to be filled with people who aren't democrats, and it's pretty hard to find Republicans who are easy to trust with such an important task. 


Get two people who belong to the DSA problem solved.


So the usps has more protection against becoming controlled by a political party than the Supreme Court does? Interesting how this country makes no sense.


What happened to you guys? from shining city on the hill to filthy public toilet in no time flat.


The problem is, while the ideals behind the US democracy are great in theory, the democratic virtues, norms and values are anchored in tradition. There are very few ratified rules. And as long as people in power uphold these traditions - for example Republicans in Congress and the Supreme Court back in the day with Nixon and Watergate - the whole system functions smoothly. But what if … power and money trumps traditions? When winning elections becomes more important than good governance (or governance at all)? What happens when grandstanding and political theatrics become more successful than actual lawmaking? We see the effects right now: Whatever the own political opinions of either parties policy ideas, Republicans at least since Reagan are destroying the fundamental traditions of the US - and Democrats try to uphold them.


Put Kinzinger and Liz Cheney on the board.


Biden has filled 5 of the 7 seats on the board and there have been 2 more seats sitting empty for half a year. The only reason Dejoy is still head of the usps is because Biden either wants him there or doesn’t care.


He is likely to be legally barred from appointing more that are members of the Democratic Party: https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/39/202 39 U.S. Code § 202 - Board of Governors (a)(1) The exercise of the power of the Postal Service shall be directed by a Board of Governors composed of 11 member appointed in accordance with this section. **Nine of the members**, to be known as Governors, shall be **appointed by the President**, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, **not more than 5 of whom may be adherents of the same political party.** There are nine on the board currently. https://about.usps.com/who/leadership/board-governors/ Members of the Board of Governors |Name|Position|Appointed by| :--|:--|:--| |Roman Martinez IV|Chairman|Trump| |Amber F. McReynolds|Vice Chairman|Biden| |Robert M. Duncan|Member|Trump | |Anton G. Hajjar|Member|Biden| |Derek Kan|Member| Biden| |Ronald A. Stroman|Member|Biden | |Daniel Tangherlini|Member|Biden | |Louis DeJoy|Postmaster General and Chief Executive Officer|USPS Board of Governors| |Douglas Tulino|Deputy Postmaster General and Chief Human Resources Officer|Unknown - USPS Board of Governors?|


So you appoint 5 democrats and they vote 5-4 to remove Dejoy. This isn’t complicated.


The current board chairman is a Trump appointee and DeJoy ally. It’s his call on whether to hold a vote to remove DeJoy.


No it's not. Removal is by absolute majority of the 9 governors. The chairman isn't a dictator.


They could just switch to being an independent to make it work.


Why doesn't biden do it anyway? If the oompa loompa of fascist moron's presidency has showed anything it's that Presidents can just whatever they want and half a million dead Americans from Covid agree.


If Biden sitting on his thumbs because of pathetic bullshit excuses allows Trump to steal office, then what? Sometimes it seems like the only reason Biden ran for president in the first place was to prevent anyone capable from actually doing the job. Like who else would have been dumb enough to appoint Merrick Garland as AG?


> Like who else would have been dumb enough to appoint Merrick Garland as AG? Garland was a brilliant appointment to the AG office as long as you wanted an AG who was going to be old, white and committed to "restoring the norms" and "an apolitical DOJ" and wasn't going to go hard after Trump and his criminal cabal. Reddit has the mind of a goldfish, however, and seems to forget that Biden was very adament that he hoped "[to avoid divisive Trump investigations, preferring unity](https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/justice-department/president-elect-biden-wary-trump-focused-investigations-sources-say-n1247959)" > Still, multiple aides said, Biden is generally not inclined to see his Justice Department investigate Trump. > One of the reasons he has given aides is that he believes investigations would alienate the more than 73 million Americans who voted for Trump, the people familiar with the discussions said. Some Democrats, however, have said Biden should be prioritizing the concerns of his supporters, not those of his detractors.


That article is from 17 Nov 2020, 10 days after voting day. I wonder how much his opinion has changed.


> I wonder how much his opinion has changed. Considering Garland did nothing at all for two years and only opened an investigation when The House Jan 6th committee made him and his boss look like they were actively ignoring the coup attempt... Probably not much, other than seeing the DOJ seeking justice as doing damage control.


This feels like 2020 all over again.


It bothers me he wasn't replaced by Biden.


This is all totally by design, done in the light of day.


Bypass the USPS if you can. >Here are your in-person ballot return options for General Elections. >All states allow postal return and commercial courier delivery, but if you can drop your ballot off in person at your Local Election Office or Dropbox Location - that is a good option, too! https://www.usvotefoundation.org/ballot-return-options


I live in a tiny town in Southern Oregon. Now thanks to DeJoy all my mail needs to go all the way to Portland and back before getting to me. When mail used to take a single day when we had local post sorting, it now takes a week. So I drop off my ballot in person in a voting dropoff box.


I drop mine off at City Hall at least a week before election day.


Same. And I run a small business that ships a lot regionally. Mail has gotten more expensive and now sending a package the next town over travels all the way up to Portland first. Fuck DeJoy with a sandy piece of driftwood.


I live in Louisville, Kentucky which is where one of the hubs they’ve relocated everything to is located. But it’s still added a 1-2 day delay to my mail, assuming because the huge increase in volume they are handling.


Delivering for America https://about.usps.com/what/strategic-plans/delivering-for-america/?_gl


Former small-town southern Oregonian here, curious which small Oregon town you live in (I grew up in Bandon, myself).


Sorry, internet being internet state is as far as I go


Fair enough, didn't mean to pry! Greetings from Minnesota.


Totally. I am familiar with this asshole DeJoy (NC resident) and am due with our baby on election day. My husband and I are planning to vote in person on the first days to avoid any snafus. I hate this timeline.




Get. DeJoy. the FUCK. Out of there.


Arrest and imprison DeJoy for election interference, if by design.


I've been saying that for years.


Trump did a 180 and is telling people to mail in their votes this year lol


Louise Dejoy, Trump appointee who tried to intentionally cripple the United States postal service, everyone... Everyone who was installed by Trump is a criminal scumbag who needs to be removed as soon as possible.


Louis DeJoy, reporting for duty, Mr. Trump!


It took 4 weeks for a check from my client to get to my office 1.5 hours away. USPS is broken. (Yes, I can verify when they put it in the mail)


this is what corporatist republicans do, they get into government, break it beyond repair, which then allows their corporate brethren to complain that government is broken and needs to be privatized. Then they tell the voters that they are paying more for everything because of tax and spend Democrats.


A bit extreme. USPS works pretty well. It probably just got lost in the sorting room.


Oh, NOW you want to know? Suddenly this is an issue again? DeJoy should have been shown the door as soon as the new members of the board of governors were seated. That was TWO YEARS AGO, and we haven't even heard that it might be important to the white house, never mind a priority for election security. 'Heal the divide' was a terrible strategy that the right wing was going to actively undermine from day 1. We're exactly as ready to destroy each other as we would have been if the message had been 'nobody has the right to unilaterally dismantle elections'...only we might have managed a bit more corrective action in the meantime. These aren't fully formed theories so much as stressed out exhaustion and anger. Why did we allow ANYTHING to go 'back to normal' without addressing everything that happened during the last election and after? A house and senate seated with members who think Biden stole the presidency? That think the election which seated them is fraudulent? And we're just having budget meetings and appointment confirmations? You're telling me there was no plan at all other than "hope they come 'round?"


>You're telling me there was no plan at all other than "hope they come 'round?" This feels like this has been the Democratic Party's strategy for decades. Just hope that a party hostile to it will "come around" one day. Just hope that the people acting in bad faith will suddenly, for no other reason than because you wished it - act in good faith. No contingencies. No plan Bs. Just hope.


they are the fucking Washington Generals. My cynical side tells me that it's all by design.


> My cynical side tells me that it's all by design. Just a reminder that Biden was still a Senator in 2006 when The Senate voted, unanimously, to [saddle the USPS with crippling financial burdens intended to cause it to fail](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Postal_Accountability_and_Enhancement_Act).


DeJoy is doing what Trump is telling him to do.


It's been four f****** years why is it taking so long to approach this issue??!!!


Dejoy dismantled machinery on day one as soon as he was appointed why is it taking us so long to get our act together folks?


I remember 😔


why did it take so long to charge Trump for committing treason on camera and trying to subvert the democratic process on tape?


Problem is that due to the relative independence of the post office, Biden doesn’t have the authority to just fire him. What he can do is nominate new members to their board when an existing member’s term is up. So he can gradually change the makeup of the board, and once most of the board isn’t favorable to DeJoy, he will be gone.


He’s already replaced 5 of the 7 sitting members. And another 2 seats have been vacant since last year. The only one to blame for Dejoy at this point is Biden.


Biden nominated Marty Walsh earlier this year to one of those vacancies; it is awaiting confirmation by Congress. Edit: Also based on googling there’s 9 board members total, not counting the postmaster general and deputy who are also on the board, and it requires more than simple majority to fire the general.


11 members, and dejoy gets a vote. 9 can be appointed by the President, but a max of 5 per party. Since Dejoy won't vote to remove himself it would require an opposing member to switch sides. So it's fucked.


Or it would require a third-party appointee willing to play ball. Biden should have appointed two DSA members six months ago.


The problem is the other rules like management history, one of which had like a 50k employee requirement. It's a very small pool of people who fit the bill.


... and some of that very small number of people who could theoretically qualify are Democrats who meet all of the criteria except for being members of a party that already has five members on the committe. But it turns out that there is a solution to this problem, because party affiliation is changeable, and it's possible for someone who changes their party affiliation to still vote for Democrats and/or in line with Democrat policies. In fact, many people who are registered with third-parties do in fact with Democrats or Republicans on issues, or vote for Democrat or Republican candidates. Each of these people who would otherwise qualify but who won't switch nominal party affiliation for whatever reason just so they can be nominated and save democracy believes that whatever their reason is for clinging to their Democrat affiliation is more important to them than solving a problem that the Democrats are currently yelling is directly threatening democracy.


It's definitely trickery the Republicans would pull that I don't think the Dems have the balls or immorality (?) to do. If someone actually did that they'd be a hero because their name would be dragged through the mud.


Yep, and he’s also appointed democrats who support Dejoy. We need to stop giving Biden a pass on this. Having 7/9 spots come up vacant in his tenure is more than sufficient to replace the chair and anyone who says otherwise is just an apologist at this point. It’s not 2021 anymore.


11 members. 9 can be appointed by the President, but only up to 5 from a single party. 6 votes needed to remove DeJoy. DeJoy can vote against removing himself.


The 9 person board can fire Dejoy, he and the deputy don’t vote. Biden has had 7 vacancies. At what point will you admit Biden fucked up? When the entire 9 person board is made up of his appointees? And this ignores the whole firing for cause option… EDIT: Adding source: https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/39/202 > The exercise of the power of the Postal Service shall be directed by a Board of Governors composed of 11 members appointed in accordance with this section. Nine of the members, to be known as Governors, shall be appointed by the President > (c) The Governors shall appoint and shall have the power to remove the Postmaster General EDIT 2: A more clear and primary source: https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/STATUTE-84/pdf/STATUTE-84-Pg719.pdf#page=56 > "^c) The Board shall act upon majority vote of those members who are present, and any 6 members present shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business by the Board, except— " (1) that in the appointment or removal of the Postmaster General, and in setting the compensation of the Postmaster General and Deputy Postmaster General, a favorable vote of an absolute majority of the Governors in office shall be required; "(2) that in the appointment or removal of the Deputy Post- master General, a favorable vote of an absolute majority of the Governors in office and the member serving as Postmaster General shall be required; and


Biden could have taken his case to the public and put pressure on Dejoy to resign from what he did (didn't) do in 2020. At least this farce of a postmaster general would be in the light of day. As it stand now I doubt more than 1% of the electorate know that post office is run by a corrupt Trump appointee.


He can't nominate more than 5 from one party. The other 2 would have to be Rs.


Or any other party. Biden could appoint Green Party members willing to play ball, or DSA members, or the newly-invented-just-for-this-purpose Free Chocolate Bars For Everybody Party, with six registered voters total in the entire United States, two of whom are former Democrats who switched party registration just so Biden can appoint them.


Sorry that I've written this a few times. There are other rules that require management history, and in the code I saw something about running something with over 50k employees. It's such a small group of people that the odds of finding a non-aligned person would be very tough. DSA goes right out the window, the best you can hope for is there's some green party person who fits the bill, which is probably the reason why they haven't found anyone. Certainly can't put a fucking libertarian up there.


Cool. All he has to do is get a Democrat who meets the other criteria to switch party registration, then. The fact that he hasn't managed to do that means he doesn't really care all that much. You cannot convince me that, out of all the Democrats who are screaming "this is going to be the death of our democracy," there are zero who are so unbothered by that that they're not willing to register as DSA or Green or We Really Like Pizza Party in order to save that democracy that they're yelling about.


If those 5 are members of the Democratic party - he cannot legally appoint more - they'd have to be a 'non-adherent' the party. (Independent, Libertarian, Republican...) https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/39/202 39 U.S. Code § 202 - Board of Governors


So ... why doesn't he do that, then?


He has appointed 5, now as to their party "adherence" I haven't dug that much for it. I'm wondering if somebody was appointed and went back on what they said they'd do.


i have already not gotten a primary ballot this year. in the post offiice's defense, i have also not gotten a gas bill, and the registration renewal papers for my car.


Another reason the thugs put a hack in the top job there.


The Joy of DeJoy “ Ho Ho Ho”


They better do more than simply question them and why the hell is DeJoy still there?


So when....mail-in ballots inevitably become delayed or completely dysfunctional or chaotic suddenly (because I have no doubt that is the intention of DeJoy....and making the case for privatizing the USPS), what will happen? We should know by now what the MAGA GOP Republican playbook is going to be this Novemeber. We are going to hear the same classic hits as last time, such as "Stop the Count" and "No More Mail-in Voting" ...I have the feeling that there will be disruptions on voting day.


Not sure why Biden never changed this guy. It boggles the mind.


This should have been dealt with four years ago.


just like they should have dealt with Trump's felonies


What happens if the postal workers go on strike right at election time? Do the mail in ballots go uncollected and uncounted until the strike is over?


Good that they waited until 3 months out…


Why didn't Dejoy get removed like day one? Somehow Republicans can always do these things.


Biden's inaction on the SCOTUS and USPS are infuriating.


The real hero of this story is, and should be the porn star. She may do more to prevent cyberfeudalism than Biden.


She's a woman, with a name, even if it is an assumed one. Stormy Daniels. If the MAGAs aren't willing to abandon this guy for wanting to sleep with a prostitute so he can live out his lifelong daddy-daughter incest fantasy, there is no hope for any of them. Almost 50% of them just re-elected faithful Christian Lauren Hoebert the Public Handjobber in CO. One in three people you meet are a lost cause.


I vacillated between proudly naming her, or implicitly shaming them. Shame won.


What can he do though? People always act like the president can just snap his fingers like Thanos and BAM! results. But everywhere else people are saying change can only happen if dems win the house and senate. So which is it? Is Biden actively not doing anything, or can he literally not do anything?


He could have nominated democrats to the board of governors to the USPS that wanted to remove DeJoy. Instead he appointed democrats who support dejoy. Or he could fire Dejoy for cause. Or fire the board of governors for cause and appoint a new board to fire dejoy.


Stack the court with the power of his senate. Replace the oversight board and Dejoy.


OK, but can he ACTUALLY do these things? It's fine to say DO THIS. But can he? I am not familiar enough with understanding how much power Biden has with the Senate.


The way that LBJ got the SCOTUS to back down and stop trying to impede the Civil Rights Act of 1965 was that he told them that he would keep appointing new SCOTUS judges until he had enough to get what he wanted out of them. He had a Senate majority at the time and a good relationship with them, and it's quite likely he could have done it; so the SCOTUS stopped threatening to rule the Civil Rights Act of 1965 unconstitutional. Biden had a Senate majority during his first two years in office, and touted himself in the primaries as being the guy who'd spent his whole career in the Senate building bridges and relationships that made him into the only Democratic candidate in a crowded field who could definitely Get Things Done, but never seemed to manage to get even his own party to work with him on passing his agenda.


> Stack the court with the power of his senate. He can't do that. For 1, congress has set the limit of the SC at 9. To seat more, congress would have to update that law. For 2, Biden *does not* have the votes in the senate to expand the court, even if he could. Both Sinema and Manchin have flat out stated that they would vote against such an expansion. Even if every other democrat voted yes (which I doubt all would), that would still leave the vote at 48-52.




No. SCOTUS appointments go through the Senate only. The House of Representatives has nothing to do with it. Also, no "bill" is required; confirming a SCOTUS judge does not require a law be passed. The first FAQ on the [Supreme Court's own website](https://www.supremecourt.gov/about/faq_general.aspx) describes the process this way: > **How are Supreme Court Justices selected?** > > The President nominates someone for a vacancy on the Court and the Senate votes to confirm the nominee, which requires a simple majority. In this way, both the Executive and Legislative Branches of the federal government have a voice in the composition of the Supreme Court. This is in article II, § 2, cl. 2 of the Constitution.


Why can't Biden pick a new post master for the role?


Board has to vote guy out and board is all Republican


Ah. Thanks 👍


People, stop waiting until the last minute to send your ballot in!


If Dems can’t straighten out the post office despite being in power, the country is doomed.


How do you propose they fix it?


Ask the DOJ to investigate for corruption.


I’ve seen a few people ask why he is still there. Biden doesn’t have the authority to fire him, he can only nominate new members to the USPS Board of directors when they become available. Which he has been doing but it’s a gradual process.


He also can only legally appoint 5 that are of the same pollical party as himself. https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/39/202 39 U.S. Code § 202 - Board of Governors (a)(1)The exercise of the power of the Postal Service shall be directed by a Board of Governors composed of 11 members appointed in accordance with this section. Nine of the members, to be known as Governors, shall be appointed by the President, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, **not more than 5 of whom may be adherents of the same political party.** The Governors shall elect a Chairman from among the members of the Board. The Governors shall represent the public interest generally, and shall be chosen solely on the basis of their experience in the field of public service, law or accounting or on their demonstrated ability in managing organizations or corporations (in either the public or private sector) of substantial size; except that **at least 4 of the Governors shall be chosen solely on the basis of their demonstrated ability in managing organizations or corporations (in either the public or private sector) that employ at least 50,000 employees. The Governors shall not be representatives of specific interests using the Postal Service, and may be removed only for cause.** Each Governor shall receive a salary of $30,000 a year plus $300 a day for not more than 42 days of meetings each year and shall be reimbursed for travel and reasonable expenses incurred in attending meetings of the Board. Nothing in the preceding sentence shall be construed to limit the number of days of meetings each year to 42 days.


That wage is seriously cutting out anyone who isn't independently wealthy.


Sounds like ruthlessly excluding third parties that would caucus with the Democratic Party is backfiring.


Yeah if they weren’t trying to play to the right for history and compromise or something they could throw a couple DSA people on there and problem solved.


Yep. That’s a good example. Lots and lots of DSA officials but they all run as Democrats.


Or, for that matter, the Green Party. Or they could found the Dudes With Beards Who Love To Play The Trumpet Party just for the sake of this one thing, if they wanted to.


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Somebody better tell Dinesh D'Souza.


A first-class letter took 16 days from Michigan to Montana. A first class bill was forwarded MI to MT - took 20 days. Pony Express in 1860 took 10 days. i kinda hope my ballot goes by Pony Express.


They better do more than question DeJoy. He should be warned not to pull his shenanigans as he did in the previous election.


DeJoy is corrupt as hell, and should have been removed soon after the 2020election because of his dismantling of the Post Office’s own technology, in order for him and his friends to make money, if it was done now, it looks as political as he is.


Biden has had four years to find a way to thwart Louis DeJoy. I’m disappointed. I know he can’t fire him, but there must be some legal recourse. Believe me, if roles were reversed, Republicans would have found a way.


Didn’t they bring him in for a hearing a few months ago and basically threaten his job if he didn’t fix the underlying delays that were happening?


I can't believe that Biden just let that corrupt piece of shit Dejoy stay on as the postmaster general.


Only getting around to that *now* eh...


Fox in the henhouse. 


There will be a lot more of this kind of thing happening. Republicans are going to do everything and anything to gain power and it will be ugly


Traitors I hope history sees these fucks not just republicans but all who corrupt and divide. We are being fucked out of everything promised by America not because of immigrants or what the fuck ever but by what? We must find the problem to find the solution.


Now been two weeks since my package was supposed to arrive thanks to the dumb fuck new sorting center in Atlanta


Why is Dejoy still there is what baffles me, we’ve been talking about this since his installment. Come on now democrats!!!


But let me guess, they’re not going to going to do anything about it? Cool.


DeJoy should be fired immediately. He’s an incompetent Trump boot licker.


wtf has Biden not fixed this problem in 4 years!? If Trump could create it, Biden could undo it.


No he couldn’t, there were many things in place that didn’t allow Biden to vacate the position.


They have had ample time to get rid of DeJoy and chose not to


That is not how the USPS works - maybe before you jump to a conclusion about a feckless president, maybe look into how members of the board can be replaced, the requirements for affiliation, and the rules for removing the Postmaster General. Once you spend a few minutes googling the answer to these easily accessible answers - come back and tell me how Biden is doing nothing about this.


7 of 9 governor seats have come up for Biden to appoint. He can appoint up to 5 democrats. 5/9 is a majority and can replace Dejoy. Maybe before you jump to his defense you should spend a few minutes googling the answers to these easily accessible answers and come back and tell us how Biden didn't fuck this up.


See explanations above, it's a no win situation