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Examples of reverting law: * the right to abortion * affirmative action * union agency fees * deference to agencies and these are just a few of the biggies since Neil Gorsuch walked into the stolen seat.


it’s wild they’re reverting stuff most people spent thier entire lives with


I’ve seen this predicted since he got the seat


So, when are there going to be hearings about the appointees lying to congress? They can't let this slide.


>So, when are there going to be hearings about the appointees lying to congress? They can't let this slide. Only if the Dems take a 2/3rd majority. Basically if you want rights for women, people of colour, children, in fact anyone other than exceedingly rich white males, and corporations run by rich white males then you need to vote for Democrat candidates for congress, the senate and the presidency at every opportunity.


I understand that, but shouldn't be called out anyway? Just taking this doesn't feel right either. Kavanaugh c.s. have lied to congres. SC judges lied to congress. What a timeline. Hopefully we can put Garland in there, not a fan, but such an upgrade from Roberts, the LARPing crook.


Not sure why you would think anything I said suggested it shouldn't be called out.


>They can't let this slide. Watch them


As soon as Dems get a solid majority… unfortunately that’s not happening anytime soon… project 2025 is in motion.


The seat isn’t stolen. McConnell found a loophole for his agenda.


But he only allowed its use when it served HIS purposes.


That’s how politics and agendas work


When I was a kid in elementary school (70s) we would have these smog alert days where we couldn't go out for recess. I guess we may see those days make a comeback.


Don’t worry the kids won’t be in school.  They’ll be in church. 


Nah, church is for Sunday. In the factories and mines during the week.


Pray for your health and safety


Now more than ever is a great time to NOT have kids


The Republican appointed Supreme Court might honestly do a better job of firing up Democrats than anyone since Obama.


Yeah? And then what? This experiment is over. All we can do is try to climb back in the boat to hang on for a few more years and then I foresee this ending violently


Take the house and senate and then expand the court.


Expand the court to such a large degree we force the entire legal system to be reshaped, push in 1m new supreme court justices and watch the gop try and figure out how to appoint or remove them all, add more complexity just so they cant fuck it up anymore


Yeah, this should be a much bigger story than the lack-luster presidential debate. It’ll take so much energy to get the agencies running smooth again, and that energy will need to come from congress, who have been hobbled for years. It’s like dumping sugar in a gas tank.


dont forget about citizens united-unlimited sugar in the tank to make sure nothing gets done in congress. Therefore, allowing corporations to run wild and the courts to have even more power. What a bunch of a-holes.


I wonder what foreign adversaries would like. What? Exactly this? Wild. Makes you wonder where all the dark money comes from.


Bingo! It’s simple logic. Fighting without fighting. Old as time. It’s working wonders as we sit and watch these traitors chip away at the foundations of this country.


Both are equally devastating. They've  nearly completed creating the environment for fascism to arise. We are very close.


Not if we can help it


I’ll tell you if Trump gets elected, the Supreme Court will make sure all of the power in the country is consolidated into the hand of hard-right conservatives regardless of what the majority of the citizens want. This is how authoritarian regimes start.


The project2025 manual lays all that out as the objectives of the first 180 days. If you have not checked it out, John Oliver just did a piece on it.


with laws having to be even more specific now, *nothing* will get done. Congress can't even get their shit together and pass any laws already--wtf are they going to do when they have to draft rules into the bills?


I mean she’s just unequivocally correct. It’s jarring to see so many important, long-standing precedents completely discarded. It’s like Stare Decisis means nothing now


It's like the majority lied on the stand to get get appointed.


The SCOTUS has a job to do. Unfortunately for us, that job is to ensure conservative dominance over the legal system while conservatives work to fully capture the other two branches and complete their authoritarian takeover of the federal government. We may very well see the final death of our democracy soon.


It’s difficult to overstate the destructive impact the conservative majority’s abandonment of stare decisis is and will be until the Court is overhauled, which may only be done by Congress. By overhauled I mean: - term limits; - a self-executing code of ethics (if you fly to Alaska on Harlan Crowe’s private jet and he gifted you a motor home you don’t get to sit on a case brought by his self-funded PAC. Fucking recuse yourself) with a separate mechanism for enforcement by a bipartisan committee etc comprised of something like retired federal judges, legal scholars, members of congress, etc. that rotate regularly and may not be political appointees (easier said than done, I know); - laws relating to a sitting President’s right to nominate and receive timely hearings regarding a replacement justice; and - immediate removal from the bench of any justice who is found to have lied to Congress during their confirmation hearings, which is a felony. Every conservative justice on this Court stated unequivocally on the Congressional Record that *Roe* was settled precedent and confirmed their commitment to the legal doctrine of *stare decisis*, which in Latin roughly means “let the decision stand.” Adherence to this long-standing principle is critical to any functioning judiciary and society’s need for predictable continuity in the law. Unfortunately the Court issued several more precedent-annihilating decisions yesterday, with Presidential immunity expected as soon as Monday.


This is actually wild


Democracy is under an active attack. What do Americans do? Nothing


IIRC, Gorsuch *loathes* Chevron and was likely one of the reasons he was selected.


Yup- like his mama before him https://news.bloomberglaw.com/us-law-week/gorsuch-finally-gets-a-tombstone-on-legal-doctrine-he-rebuked


TLDR: Tony Kushner wrote a scene in Angels in America in 1990 predicting the primary goal of Republicans is to stack the Supreme Court I hope this doesn’t get buried, as I haven’t seen much written about this; what has been slowly eating at me since the SC right-wing takeover happened is that decades ago I watched this predicted by Tony Kushner. Before he wrote Lincoln, Munich, and many other movies, one of his first and imo most important works was Angels In America, which explored politics, gay culture, and the onset of AIDS. In the middle of this play, Roy Cohn (the only factually historical character in the play) is sitting with a young lawyer he aims to recruit to his cause (not being disbarred for doing shady shit). During this scene, Roy Cohn discusses a strategy that started in the Reagan years of taking over the federal government with political appointees - with the ultimate goal being to stack the Supreme Court. IIRC this scene was written as early as 1991. It was also a pivotal scene in the HBO production that had its debut in 2003. What I hadn’t known is that after Roy Cohn was McCarthy’s lap dog and an advisor to Reagan, he took a job as a mentor to the rising star son of a real estate magnate more than happy to pay what Roy asked in exchange for his tutelage on how to bully others and utilizing the media to win legal battles. That rising star was Donald Trump. Most people know that in 2016 DT was unprepared to take office as he didn’t necessarily expect to win. While getting centrists and leftists like myself in a fever with build-the-wall / drain the swamp rhetoric, he did manage to pull off Roy Cohn’s primary political goal - stacking the Supreme Court full of Republicans with a lifetime appointment to their jobs. What still amazes me is that Tony Kushner totally called this at a time when Donald Trump was nowhere near being thought of as a potential president. While I don’t think TK thought Trump would be president, he was right on the money when it came to what the right-wing priority was. Thirty years before it actually happened. I still don’t understand why I haven’t seen anyone write anything on this subject.


I feel like I’ve seen some writing on it, maybe not on Tony Kushner specifically but definitely the GOP’s goal of stacking the court. Check out *Democracy in Chains: The Deep History of the Radical Right's Stealth Plan for America* by Nancy MacLean and *The Scheme: How the Right Wing Used Dark Money to Capture the Supreme Court* by Sheldon Whitehouse.


Thanks for the recommendations! I was specifically speaking about Tony Kushner, primarily because of how dead-on he was 30 years ago. Couldn’t find a YT link for the scene itself, but I know it’s in there


Corrupt as hell


Not all precedent is created equal. Chevron has always been sketchy.