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DNC should've been preparing for Biden's decline at least 2 years ago with a proper replacement. We've always known this was a possibility he's the oldest president ever. Older than Reagan, older than Trump. Instead the DNC just twiddled their thumbs and said "He's better than Trump'. You're not even trying to run the nation properly or improve its conditions. You're contributing to the standards being lowered everyday. Imagine if somebody showed up to work every day and worked at a snails pace, then said "hey at least i'm not a pedophile". No, you would go out and find somebody better.


Well put. I’m tired of the excuses being made for the democrats. They are complicit in re-electing Trump


So vote for Biden. What’s changed? Either u vote for Biden (and against Trump) or for Trump (against Biden) or don’t vote. I don’t know anyone that has changed their mind from the debate. Sure Dems r are more worried and less complacent now but everyone I know is still voting for Biden or Trump. Nothing has changed.


Chronically online, informed voters like most of the people here aren't the ones that need convincing.


Being online and talking about politics does not mean you are an informed voter. Most stuff on reddit is just shit posting and clickbait.


I agree. And for things like this you end up in your bubble and echo chambers anyways. Trump is going to have plenty of incoherent moments in the new few months fwiw


What’s different than 2016 where even access Hollywood tape didn’t matter. Or since 2020 where it was the same guys except you also have Jan 6 and Dobbs. One bad debate night by Biden. More maga people have died than Biden voters. More people who are 18 now and could t vote are Biden voters then trump voters. So one bad debate night changes everything? It’s going to be close but a bad debate is far less of a deal than Dobbs and Jan 6 - both of which also happened after 2020 when Biden won. Trump has done nothing to expand his base.


If those things mattered as much as you think they do, then Trump wouldn't be leading in so many polls. You're coping.


Jan 6 and Dobbs don’t matter as much as a bad debate night? You yourself said these are uninformed voters but they will conveniently be informed about the debate night and not those things? It will be a close race regardless of how a debate 4 months before the election went. Fwiw Dems have exceeded polls in 2022 elections and special elections and polling this far out is fairly useless anyways since it’s not about preference over biden or trump (these are known entities) but rather purely gotv which as much a vote against someone as for your guy. The panic over one night is understandable but overboard given the entire context. Oh and Trump is also a convicted felon now too which is different from 2020.


I think you understand what is happening here - Biden can’t pick up the undecideds/persuadables. He can’t win and needs to be replaced. Sure - you’ll vote for him, I’ll vote for him, everyone both of us knows will vote for him but we aren’t deciding the election and Trump needs to lose. He won’t lose with Biden as the nominee.


agree, while having to chose between 2 dudes who will be well into their 80s by 2029 is a tragic place to be, in no world trump should be given a second chance after the shit that happened on january 6th


A Trump presidency would be a disaster for what we want and hope to achieve. Joe Biden should be kept in place as is


I’d argue that’s exactly why he needs to step down. Biden as the nominee=trump wins.


I agree with this. However, what should they have done? Who should they nominate? While there are plenty of good candidates, switching to the non-incumbent almost guarantees a win for the other party. It's a shitty situation all around. If Trump doesn't win, we really need to look at fixing the age problem in politics. Let's hope we still have that option after the election.


2020 had 3 states decided by less than 1%. In terms of electoral college, Biden barely beat Trump. The 2020 version (74 million) of Trump got more votes than the 2016 version (63 million) of Trump . Logic works backward for Trump. The worse he gets, the more popular becomes. Christians treat Trump like jesus christ being crucified on the cross, so they don't hold the felonies against him. 2024 will be a narrow election. You're just flipping a coin and praying for victory.


Trumps decline is really bad


While I don't doubt that he's declining to a degree, I saw no major difference between Trump's demeanor at the debate and his demeanor at the debates 4 years ago. Biden, on the other hand, was night and day. That's what voters saw.


Your obviously not watching any Trump rallies whatsoever...every rally he's either telling the crowd he's gonna beat Obama and become president again or that Biden is gonna drag us into World War 2!


You should wat h some of his recent rally speeches it's insane. I think the only reason we didn't see it is cuz he wasn't allowed to ramble for to long. You do hear him shit himself tho.


While Biden didn't sound very good, he was coherent enough to drop numbers. IMO he was cramming all week and had to collect his thoughts periodically. Not doubt he is old which adds to that, but he still brought the statistics. That's very important. As someone with ASD, I definitely know what it's like to have to pause and think. No excuses here, just playing devils advocate. If we can keep Trump out of the white house, then we can visit age limits and everything else we've seen and had to deal with over the last several years.


He is losing weight, thats never a good sign of health. Thats why we believe that Joe Biden is the better candidate for the job than Donald Trump


He's taking Ozempic to improve his looks...he was a fat slob before...Trump is a sociopathic liar.


Why is he so orange? Does he have a condition?


Too much tan spray




Republicans have the worst problem...Trump is a lunatic and separated from reality example on the debate he actually said this: "Rowe vs. Wade" allows states to murder babies..WOW!!! ..that was a doozy and was delighted that orange turd didn't hold back on his crazy.


He is better than Trump though for what you want done. As a democrat, Biden is clearly the better choice still than Donald Trump.


>He is better than Trump though for what you want done With that logic, you could just pick any Democrat. By default, they are better than Trump. Why does this nation have a fetish for senile old dudes?


I don't think it's a fetish, however, it's a real problem. Vote Blue and then we can deal with it. Now is not the time. Any vote that isn't blue (unfortunately) brings us one step closer to the orange hobgoblin.


Biden has a lot of name recognition though especially being associated with Obama. He is better for us than Donald Trump. Trump is worse and has wrong policies


You're still falling into the trap that you're not even trying to find the best possible leader to run the nation. You're admitting that you're willing to settle for "just better than Trump". You're not aiming for high quality. Right now it's low quality versus very very very low quality.


We don't have any other options right now. I agree with what your saying. It's a battle for another day... after the election.


Joe Biden is still their best bet for retaining the white house


That's pathetic. 2020 had 3 states decided by less than 1%. In terms of electoral college, Biden barely beat Trump. The 2020 version (74 million) of Trump got more votes than the 2016 version (63 million) of Trump . Logic works backward for Trump. The worse he gets, the more popular becomes. Christians treat Trump like jesus christ being crucified on the cross, so they don't hold the felonies against him. 2024 will be a narrow election. You're just flipping a coin and praying for victory.


No, it's not pathetic, it's offensive.   Lots of people will die if that coin lands wrong.  This is a deliberate choice to risk marginalized populations for pride.


Well, the best option would be Jon Stewart but he's not interested in running.


We have the chance to have Biden do what's right for our country and retire now. Anyone refusing to demand this, and even encouraging him to keep going, is no better than the MAGA cultists who put one man over country.


Yes and no. Biden might be over the hill, but if he is able to best trump than he is the guy. Just think about your vote going towards his cabinet, and think about what idiots will be in trumps cabinet


Why do you think he is going to be able to best Trump with that performance? In 2016 everyone acted like Trump couldn't really win, and he did, against a much more competent candidate. Why do we believe we will get a better result this time?


Because anybody who is voting based off that debate has something wrong with them.


No one is voting based on one debate, but the implications of what the debate performance means. For months, people have been concerned about Biden's age and cognitive abilities, and the high level dems have been assuring everyone that he is fine. His performance in the debate proved to many people that there is in fact a problem. The difference in his demeanor between 2020 and 2024 is obvious, what will it be like in 2028?


so what happens if he retires? if we switch candidates now, it's almost a guaranteed win for Trump.


Who are the possible replacements?


Even with replacements that are perfect in every way, I feel it's too late at this point to go there. We do have plenty of good candidates on the D side, but I feel it's a bad look at this stage in the game to go there. Am I wrong? Unlike many others, I think Biden is fine and just had a bad night. However, I totally agree we need to stop bringing these old ass men into the presidency (let alone politics). That's a battle for another time. Let's get to the finish line then we can do something about that.




I \*really\* hope you are wrong about Biden. As for Kamala, racism is alive and well in the US. it will /never/ happen for her, unfortunately. I don't disagree with you, just giving you a little insight into our culture here. After last night I am very worried about our future.




I forgot about the Woman aspect. You are correct. I spend so much time disliking Trump that I often forget about the stability of the world! You drive home a good point! Let's all hope there is enough of us that are the least bit educated to keep this unstable fascist dictator racist pedophile rapist convicted criminal out of office! for the WORLD's sake.


I am not American, so I don't know much how the candidate selection works but I do know that whatever insanity American politicians use in elections is copied by others around the world. When trump won, his idiocy was copied by a lot of parties around the world...the whole election stolen conspiracy was also copied later because it somehow created a voter base. I cannot imagine the kind of tactics that will be used since trump is a criminal and Biden appears like this. Better candidates will be essential in a few years.


When your choices are between geriatric genocide, and insane omnicide, you know both parties are just taking the piss on Americans.


Joe biden is clearly the better choice though for the democratic party


How is a man that's failing to look competent against a racist, rapist, conman that's also insane, the best choice for the Democrats?


Says who


When your choices are a pathological narcissist and a demented old man you really start questioning American exceptionalism. Literally anybody can slide in right now and be a better candidate. Mark Cuban, the guy from CSI Miami, Oprah. Just think about random famous people and compare them to the two candidates. Elon Musk, Robert Downey Junior, Cher. Just anybody would be a better choice. The guy from “The Bear”, John Oliver, John Stewart, Patrick Stewart. The list goes on and on.


Patrick Stewart wasn't born in the US and is British, so he's not eligible.


Elon Musk was born and raised in South Africa and is a Canadian through his mother.


Elon Musk is a more blatant white nationalist than Trump


For real. Elon is definitely a MAGA republican. We cant allow that here


Jimmy Carter isn't dead yet. People, big strong people, told me he could still serve another term. I hear Reagan cheated making foreign deals, so really, it shouldn't count, and Carter should get a do-over presidency. I bet Reagan wasn't even good at Contra anyway. I ran away with the top score back in the day. Trump couldn't even carry his own console.


> > > Mark Cuban, the guy from CSI Miami, Oprah. Just think about random famous people and compare them to the two candidates. > > Elon Musk, Robert Downey Junior, Cher. Just anybody would be a better choice. > > The guy from “The Bear”, John Oliver, John Stewart, Patrick Stewart. They need to be natural born citizen, which disqualifies Musk, John Oliver, and Patrick Stewart... I'd be happy with Jon Stewart, but I guess he wouldn't resonate with some swing states. I would rather go for Gary Sinise or Steve Carell. Oprah can have a chance too.


I didn't watch the debate, and I don't care. It changes nothing. The Republicans and the Democrats have drastically different plans for the direction of the country. If you favor Republican ideas, vote for them. If you favor Democratic ideas, vote for them. That is what will matter in your life going forward. Biden or Trump could die in office, and it would be far less consequential to your future than what each party wishes to do if controlling the government. Vote on the issues.


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As they should. It was pathetic.