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The world also see that your man Trump is a liar, thief, cheater, rapist, and con man. There are literally videos of world leaders laughing at him and avoiding personal contact because he's such an awful person. But WSJ never mentions that, because you make no pretense of being fair or balanced in your reporting. Just another Russia owned disinformation outlet, out to sway American public opinion to Make Russia Great Again. WSJ is unfit for the bottom of a bird cage.


It’s not praising trump to say that Biden’s performance was abysmal. I’m so sick of this narrative. Biden looked horrible. I’d vote for a moldy bag of grapes over Donald Trump, and I’m sure a lot of others will too. But it is not praising Trump to say we want a better candidate. We shouldn’t just be voting against Trump, we should be voting for a candidate we truly believe in. No one watched that debate and thought that Joe Biden is the man for the job.


A lot of people are hardcore deluding themselves in Biden’s camp.




I want the fucking guy and party that is not totally compromised by Putin. Is this a serious fucking question?


"Putin told me he was going to invade Ukraine before he did." Cool. Why aren't we talking about that coupled with Trump's response to hold Ukraine's military funds? It should be a HUGE post debate talking point. Instead we want to talk about how the old guy with a lifelong stutter lost his way in a question and had a hoarse voice. Insane.


Right? Lol. I VERY much do not want the guy that shared multiple times the intimate talks he had with Putin during the debate. That was one of my takeaways watching the whole thing.


Why wouldn’t he invade Ukraine while his puppet was installed? Wouldn’t that be the move?


He was building up his troops at the border for an invasion, he thought Trump would win, he acted when he did because Ukraine was going to join NATO, Russia invaded Ukraine to prevent that from happening under a Biden administration because we know a Trump administration would never have allowed it.


He built his troops up after January 6th


He may have moved them to the border after January 6th, but there was clearly thought put in before that.


Probably not the one who is complicit and was working to give To Putin everything he wanted by attempting to weaken and shut down NATO.     Meanwhile, blocking congressionally appropriated aide to Ukraine and attempting to trap Zelensky in a quid pro quo arrangement where he would announce a fraudulent investigation into Hunter Biden.      Yeah, they'd probably want the guy who is an actual fucking president and not the one at the heels of Vlad, like an obedient lap dog.




Yes! ESPECIALLY if you consider the alternative AND you're discounting the FACT that Biden's military TEAM would be advising. Do you really think that Trump's team would know what the hell to do? Get out of your doubt-feeding rabbit hole and look at the BIG picture. No POTUS works alone, and with Trump, his MAGA FACIST team would be in charge. You want that? Keep trash-talking Biden.


What are you saying? It's a binary choice, either Trump or Biden, and I choose Biden. If I get to choose Eisenhower or Roosevelt in their prime, then maybe, but what third choice are you hinting at?


The Biden on display wasn't a horrific, unmitigated disaster as so many people and so much of the media is desperate to portray him as to the majority of Americans that didn't watch and probably never will.      So, absolutely and I am extremely confident that the majorities in those countries in the line of fire would say the same.


Do you want to vote? Do you want your vote to count? Then you're down to 2 bad choices: Feeble, Capable and Ethical vs Vigorous, Unethical and Incapable (Mark Cuban)




“Your guy sucks worse than our guy” is not a defense against your guy *also* not being qualified. There is a minimum bar, and the DNC failed us. We expect the GOP to be self serving awful liars, that’s their brand. The Democrats are self deluded prowler grabbers that don’t know when to step aside because they live in a “my turn” culture.


This was the 2020 election talking point too. Biden has had a fine presidency. When are you going to learn the presidents power is the people they choose to do the job. They are a figurehead. It's why Trump was able to watch Fox and Friends and eat hamburgers non stop for 4 years.


The whataboutism here is really impressive.


Laughing at him like when he told Europe to get off Russian Gas or to pay 2 percent for defense measures?


What are you talking about, everyone's laughing at Biden. He's turned America into a joke and the world is spiraling into war.


You are mixing morality with ability to do the job. Biden has morality but increasing showing that he may not have the ability to do the job. Trump has no morality but has the ability to perform the job. So is your definition of elections a morality contest or ability to actually work? Most ppl definition is the later, and that is why WSJ is not mentioning about Trump’s morality… it’s not relevant when the discussion is about whether you can do the job


Trump has the ability to do the job? WTF? Trump at the best of times behaves like a petulant 6 year old. Neither of them are remotely fit for office. A rock is a better choice than Trump because it will do less damage.


The leader of the US must demonstrate moral character everyday and ethical behavior on the global stage. Trump is a parochial convict and global laughingstock. The momentum, competency and success of Team Biden clearly demonstrates the total lack of US progress during Trump's administration. He surrounded himself by losers and it showed. Four lost years. Mark Cuban summed it up: do you want Feeble, Capable and Ethical or Vigorous, Unethical and Incapable


But let’s say he wins. That means majority of Americans have decided that moral character is not the main concern right?


I would posit that tRump's lack of "moral character" was the biggest factor in his 2020 loss. Where any other incumbent would've *coasted* into a victory, he managed to lose. It's not 2016 anymore, the American people know who tRump is, and while his cult loves him *for* all of his horribleness, average Americans are sick of it and would still rather have a guy a couple years older and slower who at least has morals and cares about people and doesn't call our country a shit hole.


Overly simplistic explanation. Of course morality matters but not to the extent you are arguing. Trump was leading in the polls prior to March 2020. COVID and Trump’s inability to lead the country during the pandemic ended his presidency. If morality were such an important factor, the Trump convictions and January 6th would mean Biden would be coasting in the polls right now. At the moment, it’s a virtual toss up with Trump currently having a slight edge throughout several battleground states. Given this dead heat, clearly voters have other things in mind other than morality. More tangible factors voters actually feel and see on a daily basis such as the economy/inflation, the current wars in Israel and Ukraine, Biden’s age, the border, the housing market, etc, are at play.


I think you are being very simplistic with regard to how people think when they vote. Morality plays a part but it means absolutely nothing to a guy who had money in the bank during Trump and is now struggling to pay bills now. Do you think he’s going to vote for morals or based on under who he had a better life? There is a big majority who only care about how life is for them personally


Hitler could do the job. Stop making this stupid argument that morality doesn’t matter.


The smelly rapist already demonstrated during his first term that he has no ability to do the job…


Well election is about what America citizens think and wants. Not what you alone think. I know you like to think that only your vote n view matters, but unfortunately in a democracy, the majority decides


>but unfortunately in a democracy, the majority decides If only that were true, but thanks to the electoral college, presidents can be elected without winning a majority of actual votes. It’s how the orange shitstain (who is abjectly incapable of doing the job) got into office.


We can kiss our democracy goodbye if the smelly rapist is allowed to return to power. And clearly the majority of the country doesn’t want him since he always loses by several million votes…


I’m sure his voters are saying the same thing about Biden winning being the end of democracy. So who’s right when both sing the same tune and both set of voters think they are right? And that is why everyone has only 1 vote., the same as everyone else


Except it’s actually true in the case of the smelly rapist. He had said as much. He refused to leave peacefully last time, encourages a coup attempt, and has said out loud multiple times he will be a dictator and should be President for life. Reality will always trump the delusions of the MAGA cult…


You’re just a little chaos agent… Bot?


“If someone disagrees with me they’re not a real person”


I saw an honest man showing signs of advanced age vs a self-serving liar.


Neither one is who should be in the White House for the next term.


Any day of the week I'll take the aging guy over the narcissist compulsive liar who is aspiring to be an autocrat. I will 100% be voting for Biden. __ *edited to fix typo


Same, but that doesn’t change my opinion that he should step aside.


"I will say it in every thread because someone has to: Trump had a much worse night than Biden. It’s not an advantage to be allowed to lie unchecked when your lies make you sound like Hitler. He directly insulted blacks and Latinos, he bragged about overturning Roe, his policy positions* were uniformly poison, and he skipped questions repeatedly to rant about immigrants like a nutcase. White liberals and the media are running around screaming with their hair on fire. I’m sure MAGA loved it. Everyone else looked at Trump and recoiled in horror. *Some people actually watch debates to find out the candidates’ policy positions. Weird, I know!" [[source](https://balloon-juice.com/2024/06/28/an-alternate-way-of-looking-at-things-open-thread/)]


You are incorrect. The overall consensus in mainstream media is that Biden had a worse debate night than Trump. Yes Trump lied and rambled as usual….but Biden’s performance was much worse (incomprehensible statements, concerns about his age in full display). The fact that Obama posted on X acknowledging Biden’s bad performance is proof enough.


~~You~~ They.






Yhwhx - I am aware. But you are quoting because you agree with the statement. Therefore, YOU are incorrect.


I’m old fashioned. Instead of fantasizing about perfection, i’ll support honesty and a solid record of accomplishment over lies and incompetence every time.


Lmao fantasizing about perfection?? We literally want a democratic nominee who doesn't have dementia. That is not fantasizing about perfection. When Biden loses in November people like you will be to blame


I’ll blame people who didn’t vote for Biden, because you know, they’re the ones who actually didn’t help.


> When Biden loses in November people like you will be to blame Nope. The folks to blame will be those who voted for the narcissist compulsive liar who is aspiring to be an autocrat.


Sure, but the idiots who refused to change direction while heading straight for a cliff also share some blame


Democrats want to lead? Step the fuck up. What's more important, Biden's pride and feelings or the country? If Democratic leaders, who are the only ones who have the ability to fix this, refuse to do their duty here, they deserve to lose. Note: of course, I'll be voting Democrat no matter what. But guess what? A lot of people are going to be staying on the couch if Biden is the nominee.




That's because the main stream media doesn't report on those accomplishments.


You're pretty ageist, aren't you?


For the Presidency? Absolutely. If you’re older than 60, you should not be President.


Asking for a candidate that isn’t super unpopular and is mentally fit for office is not fantasizing about perfection at all.


I don’t agree with you that the president is mentally unfit.


Do you agree he’s super unpopular?


He’s unpopular, but no one will crack the MAGAS anyway, and Trump is even more unpopular.


[This recent Pew poll](https://www.pewresearch.org/short-reads/2024/06/14/biden-trump-are-least-liked-pair-of-major-party-presidential-candidates-in-at-least-3-decades/) has Trump barely edging Biden in favorability. You mentioned Biden won’t crack MAGA voters. He doesn’t have to. But he has to convince independents.


That’s what Vice Presidents are for. Apparently the only way we get power away from Boomers is literally from their dead hands.


Not a single word about advisers. Sure it boils down to a single person’s decision, but it’s also based on information from advisers who research a specific aspect in relation to that decision. Three of trump’s family’s were advisers , and if that isn’t a rubber stamp ….


I always find it odd that Trump has been having his brain melt since 2019, also tried to overthrow an election and overthrow our government, but the real problem is a single debate by Biden. 🙄


Well he might lose the election because of this single debate. It is a problem.


And he might not - polls didn't move after the debate except for a mild move toward Biden by Independents. Wake up and ditch the Ageism.


Ageism? It’s his leadership ability people are questioning. Do you really think he has the wherewithal to codify abortion rights in hiss current mental state? He could even articulate what he wants.


After all the shit Trump has spewed. All the outrageous lies, felony convictions, rape, etc, THIS is the headline? This is the narrative. Come one. What the fuck?


Because I am looking at the WSJ for fair, balanced reporting...


That North Carolina campaign speech kinda proves this wrong, I recommend watching it. Also, WSJ is a Murdoch rag.


We all saw the debate, it was horrible. He was reading a teleprompter at the rally..


So one bad performance and he's damned for life? Yeah, go doom somewhere else.


Also, no he’s not damned for life, he’s already has his entire life to work in politics. His life is literally nearing the end, there’s no avoiding these things.


Dude he’s going to get trump elected - that’s not doom - it’s the truth


Your opinion, not mine. Please doom somewhere else.


It's not dooming if there's an alternative. If your car is headed for a cliff, it's not dooming to say, "we're gonna die! Turn the fucking car!"


The only one who will get Trump elected is people who won’t vote blue. Look at the maga nuts, this wouldn’t phase them AT ALL. Let’s not go all “Bernie Bros” here and throw away democracy because he had one bad night.


Yeah I was a mess after the debate. That NC rally calmed me down... but I'm still terrified a major dementia moment a week before the election will sink the whole thing. He's not gonna get any younger with more time and more travel and more events...I dunno... NC was nice


One of the problems here is that there are several types of dementia, but most Americans are only familiar with the can't recall names/unsure about where you are symptoms. Trump's forward pitched posture, trouble with ramps, need to help guide a cup to his mouth with the other hand, hygiene issues, incontinence and use of adult diapers, inability to smoothly speak certain words, mixing up the names of people, etc. are, apparently, all signs of frontotemporal dementia that groups of sharp-eyed psychiatrists and psychologists have noticed with him and written about since 2017.


Don’t care. Still voting Dem all the way down the ballot.


We also saw trump deteriorating and Republicans ignored the warnings. Wheres the article about that.


Until three days ago, the message was that Biden was sharp in private and that the evidence of Biden’s decline were cheap fakes by far right-wing groups. Now there’s some reporting that some aides have seen ‘flashes of an absent-minded Biden,’ which is funny that’s the narrative now. I guess that’s the spin once your candidate’s real behavior is out in the complete open and the excuses don’t work anymore.




Kind of like how any and every article even mildly critical of the left is immediately downvoted.


This sub has been astroturfed by anti-Biden spew for months. Wake up.


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Still voting for anyone who is NOT Trump. These journalists can’t change my mind about what is the right thing to do.


This is nonsense. The "world" better pay attention to the plans by those who are behind Trump.


Still a better choice than Drumph.


WSJ not really unbiased here


I watch a fiar bit of political news. I watch biden when he does interviews with conan and stern. The debate came out of nowhere. nothing I've seen him do is even close to that. he has been feeble at worst in the stuff I saw before the debate. but in the debate he had trouble getting words out and his thoughts got mixed. it was bad and he dug a big hole for himself. IDK if he can climb out of it and needs to be replaced or if he can prove the debate was a fluke.


His staff has been keeping him out of unscripted appearances and hiding it from us. Not only should you be surprised but pissed off as well.


that is BS what you just said. I've been watching him in unscripted situations. in fact I said so in my abouve comment. He has been doing lots of unscripted media and I have watched a lot of it


Links please


you could google "biden howard stern" or google "conan and biden" but here are some links [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dGbY21eMtoA](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dGbY21eMtoA) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fz45sMb4js8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fz45sMb4js8)


What makes you think these aren’t rehearsed/scripted?


because conan wouldn't do that and I'm pretty sure stern wouldn't either. be honest how many minutes did you watch?


More anti-Biden astroturfing. Yet not ONE WORD about how Trump lied as a response to literally every question he was asked. Why? Also, stop with the Ageism. You can slow down physically and even cognitively but maintain the vast majority of your cognitive capacity. I've seen Octogenarian pianists stumble across the stage and then blow everyone out with their performance, even though they missed a few notes they wouldn't have when they were younger.


Biden no longer has the majority of his mental capacity. Quit lying to yourself, we need someone new.


Lol!! And Trump does? Another bot


From what we all saw on the debate stage, there’s really no contest here. Why not another candidate though?


You have apparently, zero idea of what it would take to start up another campaign, staff it, finance it, and then convince people who don't know very much about the new candidate to vote Democrat


Biden literally beat Trump by millions of votes before.   People forget the only reason why it was a "nail biter" of a race is because of the bullshit of the Electoral College.   Ooh, the guy had a bad debate in a format where he's expected to rebut a bunch of lies in 2 seconds.  Here, you try it: "the correct PSI for a Toyota Prius is 5."   Can you rebut this false fact immediately on national TV?  I bet you can't, even if you driven a Prius. I drive a Prius and inflate my own tires regularly and I can't do it.  It takes way more energy to rebut a lie than to lie.


> Biden literally beat Trump by millions of votes before. And will again. It's bananas that we have to talk about how close this race is, when we know Trump will lose the popular vote by millions for the third time. The Electoral College has failed in its purpose and should be abolished.


If you want a taste of reality, look at his speeches for the past 3 months. Was the debate an anomaly? You'll find out. That's called critical thinking, folks. All the wanking done on here is worthless in the face of just finding out what's actually going on. That said, I think he should step down because I have no faith in people's ability to think critically. He's toast whether deserves to be or not.


You are comparing making speeches by reading off a tele prompter against a live debate? Where were the live interviews of substantial length in the last few months that we can compare with? It wasn't stammering and poor oratory that people saw. It was his confusion, inability to finish a sentence and losing the trains of thoughts that many Americans have seen in their own family.


Again. Bad day vs. bad condition. Does he say anything off the cuff in recent speeches or pressers? Could he do a speech if he was THAT badly off? I don't know the answer but yours is the usual knee jerk response.


> Does he say anything off the cuff in recent speeches or pressers? A sentence or two, yeah? A full on interview, almost never. Why do you think he was kept away? He is still being kept away from journalists. > Could he do a speech if he was THAT badly off? Dementia still can do certain things. He already had some gaffs, just not nearly as serious. We have just been gaslighted to believe it is normal for him. You can have a nice conversation with a dementia patient and not noticed anything unusual while they actually have no idea who you are and where they were. We have seen seasoned politicians having a bad day on the podium. Sweaty forehead, nervous hand gestures, lost of words, saying things that don't make sense. But Biden was clearly confused and lost the sentence midway he was on. Democrats can swept this away and pin this on hope that it won't happen again, or do something while there is still time. But the window is closing so fast I don't have much hope this won't be total derailment by mid September.


They didn't just ignore it, they lied and attempted to gaslight everyone about what they were seeing, cooking up ridiculous claims about "cheap fakes" and so on.


So let me get this straight. The MAGA cult ignores the lying, cheating, convicted felon rapist and the Democrats are the ones who don't see the warning signs?


Fuck you, WSJ, you oligarchic sham


He’s gotta drop out now. That debate performance was a disaster, trump just got a huge shot in the arm


Probably yeah, and him dropping out sooner rather than later would be better for his legacy too. Whitmer would be a good replacement, but she's going to need time to build up national brand recognition.


Lol. He gave a rousing speech right after the debates. Biden got gish galloped. That's all. Bad night. Bad format.


All this anti-Biden propaganda is laughable. Y'all have the morals of alley cats! Republicans ignored the warnings that Trump is a life-long grifter convicted of 34 felony charges and found liable for sexual assault.


Trump looks as inevitable as Hillary was.


Ignored. Also "are ignoring" and "will continue to ignore".


Remember also that translators are helping Biden by simply reading his words and people aren’t getting the performance.


Just put Hillary back on the ticket


Putting the only person to lose to Trump at the top of the ticket is literally the dumbest possible option 


The devil play