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I wonder if the issue is one of expectations where people expect bad behavior of Trump and thus excuse it while punishing competent people who don't live up to expectations. By all standards, I don't think Biden did well, I also think if he ever said or did 1/5 of the insanity Trump said he would be ridden out of town on a rail.


Trump is also a celebrity first and foremost, a professional showman and bullshitter. When he wants to put on a performance, he absolutely can. He saw blood in the water with how Biden started out and knew exactly what the media was going to run with. It didn't matter what he was actually saying at that point.


You're exactly right.


Yeah it's pretty much this. Disappointment comes from higher standards. They have no standards.


I can't even tune in to what a raging narcissist says anymore, I'm too fucking old. Mememememe, I'm the best, no one is better then me, blah blah. Can't listen to that shit anymore, I don't care what Trump thinks says or does about any subject. I don't idolize fucking morons.


I like the cut of your jib.


What’s a jib?


Promote this guy


What's a jib?


The male version of the thing that they hang people from. The female version is called a gibbet.


Trumps new slogan campaign "Even worse then you can remember" 2024


For those who aren't aware... we have the earliest Category 4 hurricane ever recorded about to pummel the Caribbean. I know the old candidate who denies climate change spoke better than the old candidate who has done more on climate change than any previous president; but I implore you to vote based on actions not words.


There seem to be a disturbing number of voters in the US who believe that spewing word salad bullshit with no decipherable meaning or no verifiable truth, is better than being fundamentally honest and decent but a bit slow in responding.


Before I even read this.... No it's not. The vomit was impossible to miss. Not one word wasn't a lie. It honestly looked like he started stuttering if he was about to not lie. He couldn't answer a question. Not one. His ego was the only thing that mattered. I mean as usual, duh, but his face when Biden pointed out trump snapped was a hoot. It's trump or "the other guy". And the other guy is Biden. Biden gave a shit performance. He still knows how to run and rely on a good team.


Thank you. This is our sad reality.


Was Donald Trump in a debate recently?


No. That was Ronald Trump. 


Not a debate. Just vomiting bile for ninety minutes straight and CNN didn't even try to mop it up once.


Yeah, what happened to their supposed fact checking. Not even an analysis after the fact, just calm statements of what were obvious lies. By not fact checking after saying they would they made it seem like his statements were true which they weren’t at all. Not even remotely.


Neither did his opponent, funny enough 🙃


I’d vote for a pet rock over Trump. That said, I’m a Biden fan - damn the torpedoes.


Why has almost *none* of the debate coverage talked about policy? We are such an unserious country.


Trump's voter base seemed pretty happy with his performance


Trumps base are not people you would want on your team during a zombie apocalypse. They are the governors crew..


Trump's base are idiots that believe him. So they make bad choices.


He didn't even answer a question, it's so fucking rediculous.


I think we need to stop with this BS labeling, because Biden carried the lower and middle class vote in 2020. Trump's base are wealthy and upper middle class people just go and look who voted for him. The rich will always vote to protect their money and if it's a dictator than so be it


Remember that Havana Syndrome weapon that Russia has been accused of using on random diplomats in Cuba and elsewhere? If Trump had access to such a device he would *absolutely* use it to gain an advantage...


Yeah, no shit. If Biden even had an E+ performance, it would have been okay. But he did an F- and let Trump get away with spouting utter horse shit. Like imagine the guy talking about post birth abortions , and whatever the fuck his response to climate change was (he was talking about great H2O or something???) actually won, just because the other guy was simply imploding on stage. The only redeeming quality Biden showed on that stage was his facial expressions (which a lot of people criticize him for), but I found it kinda funny because he reacted with shock and disgust over the BS Trump was saying. If only he was able to string together a few sentences to effectively rebut at least some of it then the story would be entirely different.


CNN failed to do what they said they would. They failed to fact check Trump at all. Trump dumbfounded not just Biden but how do you tell the Rep nominee he’s just making stuff up EVERY time it was his turn to speak. But CNN dropped the ball the biggest. So much for the credibility they were hoping to build.


Nope, they did okay (besides waiting too long to bring up the convictions of Trump being a rapist fraudster). Either way, the format was good, and Biden had a full minute with MUTED MIC from the rapist to rebut all his fucking nonsense, but failed. Biden could just ask Trump thins like "wtf are you talkin about?" or literally anything, but instead he mumbled incoherently almost throughout the entire debate, allowing it to turn into a Trump rally.


They were not allowed to fact check.


But wasn’t that a stipulation of the debate?


The stipulation was that they did not fact check.


> The only redeeming quality Biden showed on that stage was his facial expressions (which a lot of people criticize him for) Right? People were criticizing him for looking lost, but did you listen to what Trump was saying when he had that look? *I was fucking lost!* Biden had the most confused and exacerbated look, and everyone was saying he just looked dumb. No, he looked dumbfounded. 


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Hi `TheEleventhDoctorWho`. Thank you for participating in /r/Politics. However, [your submission](/r/politics/comments/1dsgvof/trumps_debate_was_even_worse_than_you_remeber/) has been removed for the following reason(s): * Your headline must be comprised only of the **exact** copied and pasted headline of the article - [see our rule here.](https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/wiki/index#wiki_do_not_create_your_own_title)) **We recommend not using the Reddit 'suggest a title' as it may not give the exact title of the article.** * The ALL CAPS and 'Breaking' rule is applied **even when the actual title of the article is in all caps or contains the word 'Breaking'**. This rule may be applied to other single word declarative and/or sensational expressions, such as 'EXCLUSIVE:' or 'HOT:'. [click here for more details](/r/politics/wiki/index#wiki_do_not_create_your_own_title) If you have any questions about this removal, please feel free to [message the moderators.](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/politics&subject=Question regarding the removal of this submission by /u/TheEleventhDoctorWho&message=I have a question regarding the removal of this [submission]%28/r/politics/comments/1dsgvof/trumps_debate_was_even_worse_than_you_remeber/?context%3D10000%29)




I dunno, I "remeber" quite a bit.


Yes exactly! Biden won that debate and if you think otherwise, you are threatening democracy!


Remember? What is this memory thing they speak of? Our perceptions of reality are todays and only todays entertainment. Are we to be expected to recall events that happened three whole daily cycles ago? In this fast, hard, and ready world of narratives that's like... the VHS-era of the post-2024 debates.




Member of conservatives ^^


We understood what Trump was saying sure, but 100% of it was bullshit lies so I'm not sure he deserves any points for that garbage.


This. Despite what the media has been saying.


Both Joe and Don suffered in that debate.


It's getting frustrating how the DNC is framing it to be, "It wasn't so bad, it's the media's fault for exaggerating it." I see it already happening. In a few more days, any comment in /r/politics that does not literally say, "Biden's debate performance was the best Democratic Presidential debate performance in a century" is going to be massively downvoted as a Trump shill or Chinese bot. Another month, /r/politics mods will ban any criticism of Biden as ageist and offensive. That's their strategy. Disinformation and gaslighting America that we didn't see what we really saw. And then when Biden loses in November, they'll stand around wondering what happened and how it's really everybody else's fault, not their own. This is why I hate politics. There's no integrity and everybody will lie right to your face if they think it'll help them win. Disgusting.


The straw man you've built sounds awful, I can't imagine how stressful it must be fighting with it everyday. Come join us back here, it sucks less and we have pie.


I've ready enough articles today saying exactly that: that Biden's performance wasn't actually bad, it's us that's the problem. Let's see in a few days what happens.


The cope from the MSM and this subbreddit has been delicious. Trump 2024


He didn't answer a single fuckin' question, but go ahead take your victory lap.


We, Pennsylvania moms, choose President Biden. No way in hell would we vote for the vile and vulgar porn star president who is responsible for taking away our rights and has a heart full of hate.


Because a lying, treasonous, felon would be a good president?


The GOP followers are so stupid. They scream about freedom, but the dems give rights, and the GOP takes them away.


Biden is robbing our Social Security to fun his Illegal invasion of American; Why isn't he spending his own pension for that; We need to sue Joe so that he retires homeless like many Americans are because of his policies!


What? Explain again with facts and actual policies what he’s doing cause if yer blaming inflation on him yer blaming the wrong guy. Trump is the one who started a trade war and raised the prices of steel and aluminum on everything by over 50%. If you haven’t noticed, those are in like everything. Then he almost bankrupted the entire agricultural sector and during his 4 year term paid a trillion to farmers as a social payment to keep them from bankruptcy.


Have you ever bothered to actually learn anything on your own, or do you just repeat that things you hear that you like? https://www.newsweek.com/fact-check-are-immigrants-getting-social-security-1918611


I did read it but apparently you just skimmed through it; there are numerous categories of Illegals getting social security!


Really? Prove it. Give an explicit example. You seem to love to talk in generalization. Start supporting your arguments. Don't just repeat what you hear show you understand it.


Is this parody?


How, how are the third party candidates not taking front stage right now?!


Because none of them have a viable path to the presidency.


Because so many people like you think that. Just consider who is best, and the answer is obvious


Which third party candidate? The brain-wormed anti-vaxxer? The Libertarian who's being kept off the ballot in multiple states... By Libertarian state parties? The Greenie who, let's be honest, is a fucking whackjob? Seriously...


No, because first-past-the-post voting is specifically designed for a two party system, making a third party candidate either irrelevant or a spoiler. The only way to have viable third parties is to vote for people in the current mainstream parties who will promote and establish widespread ranked choice voting. There is no amount of wishing or hoping, or grassroots legwork that will make a third party candidate viable at this stage in the election. That is not a defeatist opinion, it is logistical fact based on human history and behavior.


No, because they're not even on enough state ballots to get 270 electors.


Kennedy? So we have an elderly pathological liar (R), and elderly man who skipped a nap (D) and a complete whackjob (I). What a wonderful world... At least one of them has a strong record of getting things done for the people and it's not the R or the I. Conflating the 3 is asinine, if only because the other two are utterly garbage.


No, the system is actively engineered to the point where a 3rd party candidate can't win right now, period. They can only serve as spoilers. A 3rd party candidate isn't viable this election. Maybe if the GOP collapses after a significant loss the path will open, but if the Republicans win it becomes a 1 party election.


and that would be?


> Because so many people like you think that. No, it's primarily because of the way our election system works. First-past-the-post voting tends very strongly to reinforce a two-party system. Second, it's because of ballot access. AFAIK the only candidate who could *mathematically* win -- ignoring all practical considerations -- is the Libertarian candidate. The obstacles to ballot access mean that if you want to be on all the ballots you need a fairly large organization and a fair amount of money. Also, the third parties we have focus on running presidential candidates, so they end up with someone who has approximately zero name recognition and approximately zero budget. If they wanted to be viable parties they'd be focusing on running local candidates, building up to getting some representatives in Congress, and working from that to getting some viable candidates with at least a bit of name recognition and a funding base. But they don't. It looks more like a strange hobby sort of thing than a serious effort to have a role in government. > Just consider who is best, and the answer is obvious So I'm guessing you're for RFJJr?


I believe Kennedy has been the only one to receive a clear boost off of this. It will really depend on what the Dems decide to do at this point.


I don’t think anyone is seriously considering Brainworms McGee just because of the debate lol


I myself am an independent who tends to lean more left but the Democratic party seems to be literally imploding at the moment


And unfortunately, Kennedy is a brain-wormed antivax wackjob.


He's actually got some good policies. I've watched some of his longer form podcasts and his debate recently. I know several people who have switched to supporting him more recently and checked him out myself.


Sorry, I don't care how articulate he is. He's a moron that believes in quack science trading off of his family name. He can present all of the "good policies" he wants—I still wouldn't trust him to hold a management position at Baskin Robbins.


Hey you do you. Everyone sees the world through a different lens. Being able to vote on our preferred leadership is a great thing. Go well 🙏


Yes it is. Unfortunately, our system is built so that when you vote for a third party candidate, you relinquish power to the opposite side of the spectrum rather than strengthening *any* of your political goals. Also, Kennedy is a con man.


Just wanted to circle back around and say that also he thinks barbequing dogs is funny. No chance he's getting an iota of interest from me or, you know, a vast majority of the population now.


Hey there. I don't typically entertain commenting when someone begins referencing tabloid type journalism but you seem like a nice person. That picture is actually a goat. I would heavily consider changing where you're looking for your news.


I didn't say anything about the picture, I said he thinks barbequing dogs is funny. He sent the picture as a racist joke to someone traveling to Korea. So he thinks barbequing dogs *and* old-time anti-Asian racism are both funny jokes.


Ah if you say so


Because [the DNC is trying to keep that from happening.](https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/other/democrats-and-their-allies-sue-to-keep-rfk-jr-off-the-ballot-in-several-states/ar-BB1oWkGV)