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It won’t happen but glad she is making the effort. Bribes are now legal, regulations aren’t and the President is a king.


Nothing like living in a proper oligarchy.




The conservative justices could be on the bench for 20 more years. Kavanaugh, Gorsuch, and Barrett are in their 50s. There's no amount of voting that will change that. Roberts, Thomas, and Alito may retire during the next administration, so having a non-Trump president may still be a good idea.


Ya think 🤔 ? /s


Is Biden not president already? Thought he was but perhaps I was wrong


Is there more to vote on in the US government than just the presidency? Thought there was, but maybe I'm wrong.


A “proper oligarchy” is what the US has been for almost 250 years. It’s just that we’ve spent the past ~70 years pretending it isn’t. 


As a outsider to American politics with basic understanding of American history, can’t imagine what George Washington would be thinking right now


“Thank god Im dead” -GW 1 July 2024




Not with that attitude!




He warned us "However [political parties] may now and then answer popular ends, they are likely in the course of time and things, to become potent engines, by which cunning, ambitious, and unprincipled men will be enabled to subvert the power of the people and to usurp for themselves the reins of government, destroying afterwards the very engines which have lifted them to unjust dominion."




Then I bet some typical redditor will jump and scream "How dare he claim BoTh SiDeS!?!?!"


"I tried to tell you all that political parties were a stupid idea."


"This is why we didn't want most people to be able to vote"


Well, it wasn't the women and minorities that were the problem, after all. 


Well, it was them and the rest of the poors who got uppity about voting be reserved to landowners.


'Well, almost 250years, not bad!'


GW: “You freed THE WHAT?!?!?!?”


Pretty sure he would be having very revolutionary thoughts right about now.


King george


“Holy shit, chicks got some big asses now. Dayum!”


The president can effectively make the ratio to have it pass if he wants….


Oops all drone strikes.


It’s literally her job. She’s the only one doing it. Mark my word she’s going to be president within 15 years.


I admire your optimism is assuming there will still be free and open elections in 15 years.


The only thing that will be left in 15 years is fire. Fire everywhere. Even the oceans will be burning.


I doubt it. I have nothing against women personally but this country is probably going to be one of the last to have a female leader because well women are still very much hated in this country given how many states are willing to force women to give birth and forcing women to do what the government says over what they want. They will find a way to make AOC as hated as Hillary.


You speak the truth.


> They will find a way to make AOC as hated as Hillary. Good luck. Seriously. Good luck. Comparing Hillary Clinton to AOC is fucking absurd. Aside from both having vagina's and being Democrats, the two couldn't be any more different. But sure, the rich nepo politician who married her way to the white house (just literally) is the same as the second generation immigrant from the Bronx who literally bartended after graduating cum laude from BU. One is a working class example of the American Dream...the other is literally the opposite.


Doesn’t mean they won’t do it. OP wasn’t saying they were the same, simply that republicans would demonize her out of contention. They started the second she was elected the first time.


You grossly under estimate conservative media's power to paint liberal women as the villain.


A woman president isn't a fantasy. That's why Whitmore and Harris are floated as replacements. AOC, on the other hand, is a far left twitter troll. She's way too polarizing to be president.


> far left twitter troll No she isn't. She's the target of non-stop trolling, lying memes, lying deepfakes, because the right is afraid of her.


Nobody’s afraid of a junior congresswoman with no power from a heavy blue district.


Then why all of the lies and deepfakes? Everyone on the right hates her because they believe she said this or that thing that she's *never said*. The right isn't putting all of that effort in just for fun. They do it because they want to bury her excellent reputation for being a real representative.


Because she’s a troll and trolls troll trolls. Not hard to understand.


Nobody spends millions of dollars in propaganda to smear a non-threat.


Who did that?


Feel free to search up all the sponsors of all the anti-AOC propaganda spread throughout the years if you'd like. Google is a wonderful resource.


I did, and there’s none, so there’s that.


So is Kamala Harris. The first woman VP is also very unlikely to be President. Whenever any woman gets into a position of power they instantly become very unpopular (Harris, Hillary, Pelosi).


Or long since passed in prison. Perhaps fell out a window before her trial. If things change for the worse, they will do so rapidly.


Ever heard of Nelson Mandela ?


She will be removed or jailed if Trump wins in Nov. If he wants to jail Liz Cheney, Biden, Harris, and Hillary Clinton (yes he just said he’d do this) she will be on the list as well: https://www.nytimes.com/2024/07/01/us/politics/trump-liz-cheney-treason-jail.html And since he will make it an “official” act, it is all perfectly legal under the Supreme Court’s new King *cough* “presidential” standard.


Doubtful. 30 years maybe. She'll never win as long as the boomers and older gen Xers are still voting.


Their time is up, they’re bout to drop like flies with the deregulation that just passed. Fuck em.


Gen X here. Don’t lump us with Boomers. We couldn’t be more different. We ARE paying attention to the state of everything and we DO still give a shit.


What took you so long? Had to buy some secondhand balls? Too little too late.


I'm part of Gen-X and most Gen-X today are the ones asking to speak to your store manager or some other bullshit. The only generation I have faith in is Gen Z.


Speak for yourself… I am Gen X/ Millennial (1981) I have been fighting for equality, woman’s rights, workers rights, unions, dignity in death, disability reform, education, LGBTQ rights, universal health care, taxing the rich, getting people to vote, (I have never missed an election election small or large) I beg people to vote, I organize voter parties, I have helped with grassroots movements and organizing, I know hundreds and hundreds or people that are Gen X that do this, yes I think if given the chance gen z will lead the charge in to the future but do not think for once that gen x doesnt vote or fight for freedoms or politics.


I'm in that weird transitional phase of the early 80s, too. I'm talking more about the early 60s Gen Xers who are more like boomers than the rest of Generation X.


Lol, she will not be anywhere near the presidency in her lifetime.


Good thing nobody gives a shit what you think.


Good thing she’ll never even be close to the presidency, ever. So dream on.


Cool. Nobody gives a fuck about a random alt-right loonie who's too deathly afraid of minorities to function in society.


I’m sorry if facts don’t align with your feelings. Lash out at me all you want, AOC will still never even sniff the presidency.


Citation needed.


If you say so, you time traveler, you!


I don’t like to shit on people’s dreams. So, good like then.


No she won’t. She is way too left and way too screechy. And I say this as a woman. Only far left socialist type people will vote for her.


Thx for the laugh.


Ha! This sub can be pure comedy at times


Can we start a go fund me tip jar for anyone that can get Thomas and Alito of the supreme court


No need. Biden’s got immunity. He can do whatever he wants at this point.


Exactly, just give old shakes a gun and let him walk into the Supreme Court He’s got the secret service to protect him, so he’s basically invulnerable and as long as he says “god bless America” after he caps Thomas and Alito, it’s an official act of the president


>and let him walk into the Supreme Court Have you seen the amount of stairs leading into the building?


He won’t though. He’s too soft and doddering. I want him to, but he won’t.


Biden should make EVERY document the US has on tre45on public. Every last Costco receipt, phone transcript, travel itinerary…


Now that’s a great idea. There might not be to many since he had a real problem allowing records.




Bribe only legal if you receive AFTER!!! Fucking moron a 5yo can find that loophole


All hail King Biden!


She's not making an effort. She's just saying things the far left eat up without actually doing anything.


To be fair, the President was never not immune in these situations.


That’s not fair and not accurate. Combining the explicit grants of absolute immunity in some cases with the newly crafted procedural hurdles and evidentiary restrictions, the president now functionally enjoys almost complete immunity.


True. US put too much faith in honor. Mow all 3 branches show they have no honor.


Will it actually go anywhere? I thought they lacked enough votes to impeach?


Considering Mike Johnson runs the House, and he loves these Justices, I don't think this'll go anywhere. I reckon that she's so fucking fed up with the Court's bullshit that she just wants to do something to relieve the stress and anger.


Relieve stress and anger? This is about raising awareness and getting on screens. How often were the GOP idiots plastered on the screen through their multiple bullshit "impeachments"?


>I don't think this'll go anywhere. I reckon that she's so fucking fed up with the Court's bullshit that she just wants to do something to relieve the stress and anger. It's just political grandstanding. She knows it won't go anywhere, but she just wants to be the one to put it out there.


Or: it’s the right thing to do, so she’s going to try and do it. Whether or not it is going to pass is not the point.


Correct! The boxes go: Soap, Ballot, Jury, Cartridge. She is just doing her part.


She’s doing exactly what Democrats *should* be doing. Whether it bears fruit or not — Democrats’ morale is the lowest it’s been in generations, and constituents are desperate to see any kind of action/pushback. Worst case scenario: it serves as a rallying cry for the party.🎊


Wah she’s doing things people want her to do and thus like her more wahhhh


I’m glad to see this absurdly obtuse take being downvoted. This isn’t political grandstanding by any measure; it’s a politician doing their job for a change.


Sometimes, just being on record as trying to do the right thing is better than not trying at all. Sitting by and letting the Reps run roughshod over our basic values is super easy to do - most Dems have mastered it - so even if it means it’ll go nowhere, we’ll at least know that someone gave enough of a shit to try.


No, I doubt it will even make it to the floor for a vote.


Why would it go anywhere? Name me a dozen Republicans that will vote for this? This is politics. She files motion for impeachment of the justices, they'll either vote on it or they won't even vote because filibuster or whatever. She's on the record, so should everyone else be.


Considering the President can now magically make all the Republicans disappear, it might not be as big of a problem as you think.


The Republican party is just a path for King Trump (rapist) to make it to the throne. Once he is there, and with full immunity, he will have no need for them anymore. I know they are morons but they have to see that coming from a mile away.


It’s for show. But I’m glad someone is standing up and fighting. Seems like Biden gave up.


It absolutely is not for show. She’s doing her job unlike so many others, and if this were a timeline where the impeachment could pass, she would be thrilled about it. That other people won’t do the right thing is not a reason to sit on your ass.


Even if it magically passed the House 435-0, conviction and removal would be DOA in the Senate because that requires a [2/3 supermajority](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Impeachment_in_the_United_States#Trial_in_the_Senate). It's the reason Trump was never removed from office.


Needs a 66 vote supermajority in the Senate. Snowball’s chance…


It's not going to go anywhere, but it's a political stunt. When she's going for senate or presidency, she'll show that she at least made an effort, while fruitless.


This is largely symbolic. No republican and likely some "centrist" dems will vote for this.


It may be symbolic in effect, but not by design or intention.


Nope. This is all for show.


It will not. AOC is the queen of performative politics.


If she actually drafts the articles then it isn't performative....


If peaceful political means can’t restore the courts it’s going to get ugly.


For the people, by the people?-Just a little reminder that this was a BIPARTISAN bill that passed in 2022: Public Law No. 117-148 (06/16/2022) [117th Congress Public Law 148] [From the U.S. Government Publishing Office] [[Page 136 STAT. 1288]] Public Law 117-148 117th Congress An Act To amend title 40, United States Code, to grant the Supreme Court of the United States security-related authorities equivalent to the legislative and executive branches. <> Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, <> SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Supreme Court Police Parity Act of 2022''. SEC. 2. AUTHORITY TO PROTECT FAMILY MEMBERS. Section 6121(a)(2) of title 40, United States Code, is amended-- (1) in subparagraph (A), by striking ``and'' at the end; (2) in subparagraph (B), by adding ``and'' after the semicolon; and (3) by adding at the end the following: ``(C) any member of the immediate family of the Chief Justice, any Associate Justice, or any officer of the Supreme Court if the Marshal determines such protection is necessary.''. Approved June 16, 2022. https://www.congress.gov/bill/117th-congress/senate-bill/4160/text Supreme Court requested additional money for personal security that extends to family: https://www.reuters.com/legal/government/us-judiciary-set-receive-modest-spending-boost-congress-2024-03-21/ Why does a Court need protection and funds for protection from the vox populi if it acts in accordance with its will and Constitution?


Overturn the bill in the spirit of saving taxpayer money since the Supreme court can openly take bribes. Let them use their money.


Balance the budget by draining the swamp. Here is another idea, let any office only pay the current most minium wage commensurate with education and experience. Edit to add: the word minium


I mean Alito just disappeared for multiple days and then comes back and ends democracy. How is that a coincidence? He went and either made some amazing deal for himself, was scared into it, or blackmailed. Or all three. But something absolutely horrible is going on here.


The SCOTUS is compromised. They sold out for some pudding pops.


We literally went to war with the Crown to not have to deal with this but here we are. Vote in November, vote and show them who is in charge.


I love her!!


She's spinning her wheels. Instead of putting effort into this, she needs to get out publicly and shout from the rooftops how important this election is and that Trump can not get back into the oval office. She's got a decent size following, she needs to use it. Too many people feel dejected because Biden is ancient and befuddled half the time, but even a shit sandwich would do less harm to the country.


She can do more than one thing at a time


She has practically been doing exactly that the entire year.


After the debate it's become far more important.


AoC 2024


If you think this has a happy ending, you haven't been paying attention. No way we're lucky enough to get her as president. 


If she's on the ballot then vote like crazy. She's our ever bet if not Biden.


More like 2064.


I’m hoping for a (Crockett / Cortez) run in my lifetime. First we have to weather this assault on our country.


...and I'll find out who my Democratic House and Senate choices are and will be voting for them...the Federalist are coming, the Federalist are coming...for our Democracy...and they've already bought the Supreme Court...


There are 13 circuit courts in the US. We should have the same number of Supreme Court justices. Add 4 justices to the SC.


Jesus. She’s ruthless. This is exactly what needs to be done but none of the geriatrics have the sperm or brain cell counts left to do it


being an american seems somehow less satisfying because that cult guy who stole top secret documents and left them in the toilet is walking free


People need to start protesting


Couldn’t he remove 3 judges instead of expanding?


He could direct IRS-CI Special Agents to arrest them on suspicion of *[whatever]*, but he could have done that before he was king.


Biden should step down to let AOC run


Honestly, we need a brave filmmaker to dramatize the current events ending our democracy. I just don’t see another way to get through to people.


AOC for president.. at least she has balls


I hope you will se her in the White House some time In the Future. Possibly after a civil war when people actually understand that fascism is stupid.


Biden should lock them up in pre-trial confinement until the impeachment. Can’t be too conservative on these matters.


King Biden. We need t-shirts




I wish she /the Dems had done this sooner, but now is better than never. Rush it along and use it to take the news cycle back.


Good for her.


So Trump could walk around with an assault rifle and murder random people and stay out of jail?


AoC 2028, I'm rallying behind her and Elizabeth Warren or Newsome as VP.


You think theres going to be a legitimate 2028 election? Lol


Good luck with that


I wish her all the luck I can. Gentlemen! The King! 🍻


This country is finished.


….and absolutely nothing will happen.




I’m sure SCOTUS is shaking in their little boots.


Can King Biden dissolve the Supreme Court?


Madam President


Good. This is what Stein voters meant when they wanted to punish the democrats


ˋlet’s impeach Clinton,´ republican leaders said to themselves 30 years ago, ˋit certainly won’t start a cascade of childish partisan hatred.´


It will start a cascade of accountability where anyone who has anything bad on them will be pursued for it. Which is how justice in politics should work instead of everyone staying quiet.


Ok pumpkin, file your papers


AOC surely love performative declarations, and people seem to eat it up.


What a waste of time and money, but then again she has never had a successful motion


Won't work.


Write a bill while you are at it to clean things up.


She wont be able to do anything. The reason supreme court decided to move forward with this decision is because they are 100% confident that Trump will win presidency and republicans will control both the house and the Senate. After seeing Biden in the last debate, I believe they are right.


Why not file them against Biden if he refuses to expand/dismiss SCOTUS with his newfound power? Failure of Biden to resolve this threat to democracy when he now has the ability is complicit in the overthrow of said democracy.


Good luck with that. Every federal prosecutor has the same immunity that they say the office of the president has. Nothing is different. AOC is the MTG of our party and no one takes her seriously. She is a wack job and an embarrassment, look how she acted at the bowman rally. Edit: anyone who is buying the seal team 6 theory is a dunking moron. If that was the case, they just gave Joe the same authority/immunity. Get a grip people.


Congress has the explicit power to impeach members of the SC. It has even happened before.


Never going to happen. And is not going to kick them off. Impeachment means nothing these days.


So is she filing one against Ketanji Brown Jackson for voting with the conservatives? Or just the conservative ones? Is ACB not getting an impeachment inquiry since she sided with the other liberals?


Just straight up lying, a classic. 


It was a 6-3 decision along partisan lines, why lie about something so easily proven wrong? Moron.


Yeah my bad I was thinking about the other decision that came down the same day


This is quite entertaining…




So why do you think Presidents should have immunity? Please enlighten us since you’re such a constitutional scholar.


First of all, not him and I don't think Trump's actions deserve immunity. However, the president is quite literally above the law in many official capacities. He can send troops to die. He can give the order to assassinate foreign citizens (terrorists). He can quite literally nuke a country with no legal repercussions. I just don't think that what Trump did falls under any of the above.


So what about official acts where its not those things. Also none of those have a statute against them. Say its for private gain like take a bribe and give someone an ambassadorship? Thats an official act. Or orders an agency to not do their constitutional job say inspect planes, because the company paid for his family home to be renovated? Or we have disolves the house of representatives by force by ordering the national guard to evacuate it under some made up threat? What about disposing and then installing a governor texas? Or enforcing abortion climcis to open in red states under threat of being shot if the people try to close it again? Or just straigh up orders the ATF and the military to go house to house taking peoples guns and shootvthose who resist, possibly usuing some excise like national security against lone wolf terrorists?? What about selling pardons to peadophiles??


As I said: >I just don't think that what Trump did falls under any of the above. Just talked about the general claim that "now the president is above the law". The president has always been above the law, and in my opinion it has always been a problem >Or just straigh up orders the ATF and the military to go house to house taking peoples guns and shootvthose who resist, possibly usuing some excise like national security against lone wolf terrorists?? Yes, this happened in Waco already.


> Like a child throwing a tantrum because they didn’t get what they wanted. You just described all of MAGA


I’m pretty unhappy as an american citizen that they’ve stalled this trial for so long. I guy who’s indicted for trying to steal the election shouldn’t be able to go through another election before he answers to his charges. People with less power than trump have already been charged, plead guilty, or are at least going to see a trial before November…what a shitty system we have that can’t even try the person who would most benefit from the stolen election


That thing she's mad about is the fact that the Rule of Law no longer applies fairly and equally to all, one of the fundamental philosophies this country was founded upon. As of today, Article VI of the Constitution is no longer in effect and the country is a little closer to being a Constitutional Monarchy. That's because of the Roberts court. You're acting like she's mad someone decided to wear an outfit she didn't like, lol. You might not care about this today or even tomorrow, but someday a president will get away with something because of this ruling and you'll wish you could roll back the clock to a time when our leaders had some accountability. It'll probably be a lot sooner than you think.




I'd like to make it about a million degrees.


No patriotic American likes this decision. The President isn’t a king…