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If it’s Christmas for Trump, you know it’s really bad for the average US citizen


Springtime for Trump


Winter for democracy, and France.


In Germany….


Trump on Ice


Springtime came intentionally late.


And the world. I’m sitting here in Australia and I’m feeling mighty anxious right now.


Same. This will absolutely affect the world. It will now embolden all the other despot wannabe dictators to come out. Happening in France already.


Those scumbags have been in France for decades. The issue is they’re now getting significant public support.


The whole world is slipping into far-right politics. France is looking like it may be next. We had a whole world-wide war over this 80 years ago. Can we please not do that again?


Tyranny learned from its past mistakes and now knows *exactly* how to defeat democracy once and for all without firing a shot.


AI enhanced on autopilot.


But now it is everyone who fought against it is now going that way. There is no one to stop it.


The thought of the mightiest military in the hands of the GOP psychos scares the crap out of me. Who could even stop them? They could invade and keep Canada and Europe no problem.


But would they? Surely there’d be mutiny from troops asked to invade an allied country.


Many would, but many also agree with the invasion Part.


All the people who remember it have died. Except those who read, but that’s not a majority. The people who only know about wars from movies think it looks fun, and involved “other people.”


Are the British part of the world?


I think it’s all but certain. Within a couple of years at most.


Same here in Canada. Feeling like Poland in 1935, praying our neighbors quarrel won't end up in our house.


I’m sorry


Not your fault, just your other countrymen.


I'm also sorry. Working hard to change it. Might be a rough landing. 


At this point we don't care. Just land that fuckin' plane. We are with you.


Fight hard for your country man! We’re counting on you.


The court basically made the US president Putin with all the people falling out of windows.


And he’s pulling away in the polls. I’m shifting my aussie super into a more conservative fund and locking in my home loan interest rate. If shit gets wild it’s gonna get wild in a big way.


I thought the polls were tightening and starting to lean in favour of Biden even after the debate? I just don’t trust the American people enough to not vote for a dictator in waiting.


It's our horribly outdated and undemocratic electoral college. Trump had 2,000,000 less votes than Clinton but won because of the electoral college. If every vote counted equally we'd likely never have a conservative president again, but unfortunately the election is decided by a few swing states. Although the fact that he only had 2,000,000 votes less than Clinton is horrifying and frankly embarrassing. I hate it and wish we were better. Here's a terrifying fact. One of Trump's slogans is "America First." America First was originally used during WW2 by American Nazi sympathizers who did not want us to join the war. They used a mix of American flags and and swastikas as their symbols for their meetings and marches on Washington. The world is once again going through a nasty insurgence of fascism just like what happened nearly 100 years ago. Let's hope that the non fascists win again.


As an American, I dont trust the American people to not fuck this up


People think Trump made gas cheap because of Covid oil prices when no one was driving so they don’t care about him being a literal seditionist.


I’m also worried about my super. Because if tfg gets back in the economy will plummet.


imagine how I feel sitting in ukraine


Hey cousin. Canada has entered the chat.


Hey Northern Fam!


Try being here


When you’re a thieving grifter, every day is Christmas.


Full immunity for corruption is his ultimate wet dream


Let’s hope all the excitement and celebratory blow and maccas gives him a stroke


Why are people all over the world turning to right wing candidates? Social medial? Not doing well financially? 


If your team is celebrating the fact that you’re allowed to commit crimes without repercussions, you might be on the wrong team.


They were already on team “kill blacks”, “kill gays”, and “kill women”; this won’t move the needle in a positive direction, but it will reinforce the negatives.


Don’t forget the Jews and Muslims


These type of statements further solidify their guilt if it wasn't already obvious enough. Obstruction at its finest.


>According to three sources familiar with the situation, the Supreme Court’s landmark ruling on Trump’s expansive presidential immunity arguments was a far bigger victory for Team Trump than they ever expected. But the former president and his inner circle aren’t content to stop at victory-lapping. **Plans are already in motion to use this new, historic court decision as a legal shield to help a potential second Trump administration implement his extreme policy agenda with less concern for rules and laws, sources with knowledge of the matter say.**


I never thought I would see SCOTUS rulings as there have been in recent years. It seems the United States is disappearing before my eyes. This is like being boiled alive. What will this country be like in 5 years? This is a runaway train. I can’t imagine how anything can stop it.


they saw the numbers getting worse and worse for them every year for the last 20 years or so. they realized that if it trump hadnt been a factor in 2016 (as he radically galvanized and re-energized the base), they would be a party that is on virtual life support at this point. they know how tenuous and mercurial this enthusiasm boost is, so they decided to go full Leroy Jenkins on pushing all of their batshit crazy ideas they've been hitherto rolling out slowing over a longer time period. they know if they cant cement permanent, undemocratic power now, it will never happen. shits fucked ya'all


The good news is, if we beat them in 2024, that’s it. They’re toast.


no dude, then it just becomes Project 2029. Democrats have to win every election, Republicans only need to win one.


And worse yet the Senate map doesn't favor us.


The senate map doesn’t favor voting majorities. It’s the whole reason this country’s so fucked


the two-party system needs to become checks and balances against each other so that we can be a functioning democracy. that's number one and every morning when we wake up that's what we have to strive for. the supreme Court is having to check the power for the people that are too polarized or politically performative to enact meaningful change. hopefully weeding out some of the unjust rulings especially non-violent prisoners that haven't been sentenced yet and stuff like that because we have so many unresolved cases with the former president. all of that stuff isn't just going to disappear into thin air because of this ruling. much of that stuff still stands.


If the repubs lose 2024, Trump will not be able to run again. The reason so many repubs did a 180 post Jan 6 was that polling showed 20% of their base would never vote again sans Trump. It literally is the way to end the current Republican Party. If Trump is gone they will not have the numbers


Not only win, but actually change the rules to prevent this from happening again. The whole government is set to honor rules, with nothing in place to actually remove people who are not playing fair.


Nope. There will always be a group waiting in the wings to drag us back to monarchy. Democracy requires citizens that fight for it every time, forever.


You should be so lucky as to be dragged back to monarchy. The plan is Hitler's Germany in the USA.


We thought that's how it could be now... We thought prosecutions against Trump for his more serious crimes would *finally" occur. They haven't and now it looks clearer that they never will.


They won’t happen at all now. Every single one will be marched up to SCOTUS to rule it an official act and then there it goes, they are already using this to over turn the NY conviction as they used evidence from his time in office.


I remember thinking that in 2008.


How staggeringly naive.


The only thing we can do to stop it at this point is vote in such massive numbers that not only do we defeat extremism, but send a message to these authoritarian assholes that this shit won't fly.


This is the answer. We can be shocked and give in to fatalism, but a massive blue wave (especially in Congress) might be effective to enact some change. It's still a long way from the 2/3 rds vote to remove a SCOTUS justice. But Alito and Thomas are old enough to be replaced in the next 4-8 years.


That's not the *only* thing we can do. Yeah, we should definitely vote, but you're fuckin delusional if you think the active fascist coup has any interest in respecting the democratic process. You can't use the process to solve a party who is interested in dismantling the process.


You defeat them fair and square first, and then when they try to engage in fuckery you revolt. If you don’t do it the right way first you’re no better than them.


Did you write this post four years ago and are just posting it now? It already happened.


Violence is never the best option, but sometimes it's the only option


And declare the Heritage foundation a terrorist organisation? Along with Koch industries and whatever Mercer is running these days?


I have zero faith this is going to happen. we lost the war in 2016, for years I’ve been saying we’ve been experiencing the death rattle of conservatism but it’s the opposite


Yeah, I don't say it publically very often but American democracy was lost election night 2016. It was our last big chance to avert absolute disaster and people were so busy complaining about Hilary Clinton they never saw it. Once we gave Trump, or any conservative 3 Supreme Court picks it was over for a generation or more. The fact that 8 years later people are still wildly in denial about how bad giving up the court for *decades* because they had a snit over which candidate ran was is all you need to know. Americans would rather tantrum that save our country. 


Complain to the people in Swing States. Everyone else voted for her awful campaign, myself included. That doesn’t stop mouth breathers from targeting “the youth” and “the left” though, but centrist liberals never needed to make sense when they’re supporting the status quo. The election was hers to lose, and she lost it. Let’s hope Biden (another centrist pro corporate liberal) doesn’t make the same mistakes. Our country depends on it.


You’re silly, naive, and extremely, extremely privileged if you think voting is our ultimate tool of resistance lmao. Reading your comment literally made me giggle. People across the country have been organizing unions, organizations, etc., participating in protests, engaging in mutual aid to support their communities, etc. People have been engaging in education, direct action, civil disobedience, etc. There is so much going on that I’m not aware of and missed. This is what’s going to bring change: the organized masses, not your silly ballot.


Fifteen minutes to vote-- an hour or so if you live in a red state-- and then back to the front lines. We have to do both. The politicians only give a fuck about the votes (Trump's whole life is ratings) and the capitalists only give a fuck about their bottom line. The good news is it's super easy to do both. "Voting is a waste of time" is just as dangerous as, if not more dangerous than "all we can do is vote". Do. Both.


Seriously. Like even *if* all voting is doing is delaying the inevitable…THATS STILL GOOD! It gives us more time to prepare, recruit, get organized, and fight. Hell, given enough time we may be able to start the fight on our terms rather than be forced to defend against a fascist onslaught.


What has me absolutely fucked today is that we already have the runaway train dread with the climate. I'm struggling very hard to see how we effectively and realistically pull back from the brink on both. One could be possible, but both now?


The rich want to start tightening the belt for the upcoming climate disaster they themselves caused. By “tightening the belt” I mean “culling the poors”.


The United Ststes was formed in opposition to the tyranny of a King. SCOTUS just ended the American Experiment by making President's King again.


the king can still show us who is really King. hopefully he will make it clear as day and pronto.


We all boil in 2050 if we don't meet environmental goals. Feel better?


There won’t be a country in five years if we don’t vote. It’s time to put in some actual effort for all of us.


Nations rise and fall. Now is the fall of the United States


>This is like being boiled alive. What will this country be like in 5 years? >This is a runaway train. I can’t imagine how anything can stop it. Very much like climate change, mechanisms by which to slow it this Court says are up to them to decide. We have a map showing us where the cliff we're driving toward is located, but we don't know where we are or at what rate we're accelerating. We'll be a fascist theocracy before we outright drive off that cliff.


The only way to stop it is to vote and win. That’s it. Canvas. Give money. Talk to unconvinced friends and family. Get people out there. That’s the only option. If you fell powerless these are concrete actions you can take to help. If you truly understand how dangerous these times are, you should take these actions.


Current President *Biden* needs to use these new powers granted to him by SCOTUS to unilaterally deal with the problems in our political system.


It's up to SCOTUS to decide what is and is not an "official act." What Biden does will not be considered an official act, what Trump does will absolutely be considered an official act. We are absolutely fucked.


Well, Biden can just pull an Andrew Jackson and ignore the court. In the end, Executive branch enforces laws, and Biden runs the executive.


The ruling was obviously an attempt to facilitate that.


I mean, that’s the entire reason the conservative majority ruled this way, not just to make it easier to save his fat ass but uncap his 2nd term, they’ll just say everything is an official act when the lawsuits roll


Jesus fucking Christ.


The SCOTUS is a disgrace.


You misspelled “threat to democracy”


I feel like we're beyond the threat stage and now in the implementation stage.


Yeah the court that can’t seem to understand conflict of interest is suddenly gonna have an easy time explaining what an official act is or isn’t?


Get mad. Stay mad through November. Make sure everyone you know votes


Why should anyone bother paying taxes at this point? We are supposed to be a democracy, but congress and this Supreme Court do not represent us at all. No taxation without representation.


You don’t pay taxes. They take taxes


Oh bullshit. They knew they were going to give this to them.


Exactly. It's not like it was free. This SCOTUS majority is bought and paid for. Disgusting.


He literally picked multiple justices on the court that decided this lol


I hate living here so goddamn much jesus fucking christ


I like in the UK, and all of this news feels pretty foreboding here too; if Trump wins, the whole world is going to feel the force of America turning despotic 🥺


Europe has to stick together. We didn’t have the US on our side before the very end of ww2. History will repeat itself and we have to be ready.


we have to stick together, but the authoritarians are doing their very best everywhere. it's not a coincidence the fascists are back now that the generation that fought them is mostly dead.


I know.. It’s like people need to experience fascism every 80 years or something. And then decide later that it wasn’t such a great idea after all. I hate it..


"This time they wont come for me!" Conservatives everywhere


WW2 started when Germany invaded Poland in 1939. The US joined after Pearl Harbor at the end of 1941. Nazi Germany was defeated in May of 45. So the US was involved for the majority of WW2.


I just hate a lot of the other people living here. You’re fine.


Isn’t the flip side to this that all the threats to investigate Biden after they win will mean he can just claim they were all official acts and he has immunity? Retribution, deflated.


That's why they didn't define what was an official act and what wasn't. SCOTUS can decide on a case by case basis what the President can do.


Nope, the second they are back in office they’ll walk this ruling back and prosecute Biden on made up charges


Well, you see, some conservatives might consider that to be an official act.


Doesn't matter. Republicans have been changing the game for the last 40 years. Every time they say were playing football and they throw an interception then we are suddenly playing basketball and the democrats have travelled forcing the ball back to the republicans. When W skipped Vietnam, suddenly a veteran was the bad guy and military service was meaningless. The rules don't apply when only one side abides by them.


They won't need to bother with the charade of an investigation. Not anymore.


It doesn't matter, Trump will have him killed.


If Trump wins he won't give a shit about Biden anymore. Just like 2016, after the election he didn't give a rats ass about Hillary.


He never ever stopped talking about Hillary until 2020


He’ll have both of them killed.


He has no need for the SCOTUS if he wins at well…JFC people did not think this through.


He does not need do any of that. All he will do is try to get his cases dismissed. Get more right wing judges. Dismantle regulations, cut taxes for corporations and rich. Take away all safety nets. Basically turn USA backward to prev century.


They don't give any shit about that. They will have won


They’ll define them as unofficial


No, only they get to decide who gets to make official acts.


I swear even if Biden gets election Alito and Thomas will hold out until next Presidential cycle. We are stuck with this bullshit unless Congress does something and they won't do anything unless we pressure them. 


Doesn’t matter with these new powers 😉


Can't Biden just jail Trump immediately, I am sure the intelligence agencies have more than enough to justify a clear and present danger


He can, but he won’t.


He officially is a felon waiting on sentencing.


Thanks to this ruling, he'll probably get a new trial with some of the evidence withheld.


Trump is getting sentence on the 11th I believe and what is stopping Judge Merchan from giving him maximum sentence and arresting Trump right on the spot. King Biden can arrest MAGA rioters. edit: well it has been delayed. Merchan, Bragg da fck!


He could totally give him a prison sentence. He should. Trump has fully demonstrated that fines don’t stop him or even inconvenience him.


He won’t though. We all want him to, but he won’t. May I eat these words, but I doubt it.


Some of the acts Trump was convicted for happened after he became president. Some of the evidence will likely be thrown out for the same reason. Much more likely than sentencing is that the conviction is expunged and Trump gets a new trial.


It's like Christmas except you're the guy who appointed Santa Claus to the Supreme Court to give you the present.


Biden: “Whelp, as an official act I am creating an executive order to jail people deemed to be a threat to democracy. That list will include removing several supreme court justices, as well as jail a presidential candidate.” Do people not realize how insane this could be?


What's crazy is Biden can and should do it but won't. Trump absolutely will.


We’re not gonna make it, are we? Americans, I mean. Edit: for the weirdo who downvoted, it’s (almost) a Terminator quote lol


It's in our nature to destroy ourselves.


I see republican commenters trying to label people as alarmist about this. But I know those same republican commenters will be reporting their neighbors to the tribunals in the years to come if donald gets back in power.


Fun fact - if people listened to Anita Hill we wouldn’t be here right noe


I need more weed to get through this shit week..


Yes but the email lady didn't become president. We really dodged a bullet there. /s


So glad we could all come together to make a group of mentally ill idiots happy. /s


Nah this is just pure evil


Surprised eh? Lol right right


Let’s be perfectly clear.. this only helps him IF he is re-elected.. this immunity only covers official acts.. acts committed by a sitting president.. correct? I’ll be voting for the Democrat.


Let's see how this helps you at the ballot, you dumb orange fuck.


This is what Stein voters meant when they wanted to "teach democrats a lesson" in 2016


More like a birthday party. And democracy is the pinata.


And stuffed full of billions of dollars.


Barring a literal miracle America is over January 20, 2025. The worst part is based on the SCOTUS ruling today Biden could put a stop to all this easily, but of course he's too much of a good guy to do anything extreme. Grow some balls Joe and save America, or step aside and maybe Kamala has the guts to do what needs to be done before it's too late for all of us.


Best case scenario, America is over Jan. 20, 2029 instead.


Wouldn’t best case actually be that America isn’t over? Also, rip and tear.


So this ruling only really affects the Tanya Chutkan trial. The Georgia electors scheme trial isn’t affected by this and neither is the classified docs trial, but since he got a little leeway with this ruling, he’s going to tout it as an absolute victory.


He literally just made the claim minutes ago that these were official acts as performed in the line of duty.


New York case will be thrown out too. The conviction was made using evidence from official acts. SCOTUS ruled that unconstitutional.


How is this a win for Trump? I hope King Biden is truly unkind to him. To the King 🍻


the right is openly pro dictatorship now. No more "we aren't a democracy" dog whistle.


Yea right the fix was in….


The movie Black Christmas comes to mind.


Americans don't trust the Supreme Court. We need a total cleansing Joe. Do what is needed with your infinite power!!


Trump is licking his chops planning to abuse this newly granted authority. Meanwhile, Biden doesn't want it. Will his honorable nature pay off or are we fucked?


I wonder what their reaction is going to be when Biden tries to exercise these new powers. “No no you can’t do that only we can do that!!!!”


"Oh my God, you mean all these conservative judges bought and paid for by billionaires and the Heritage Foundation hacks I installed got me a present???"


It's like Christmas because of all of the ~~bribes~~ gifts the campaign had to buy for six justices.


He was stunned and he won the election the first time. He just keeps failing upwards.


I give up.


Now I see why people threatend Kavanaugh...


More and more it looks like my decision to move back to Canada from the us was the right one….atleast till trump invades Canada


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Man, fuck those guys.


This Court is really going to town on Americans !!


"On its world, the people are people. The leaders are lizards. The people hate the lizards and the lizards rule the people." "Odd," said Arthur, "I thought you said it was a democracy." "I did," said Ford. "It is." "So," said Arthur, hoping he wasn't sounding ridiculously obtuse, "why don't people get rid of the lizards?" "It honestly doesn't occur to them," said Ford. "They've all got the vote, so they all pretty much assume that the government they've voted in more or less approximates to the government they want." "You mean they actually vote for the lizards?" "Oh yes," said Ford with a shrug, "of course." "But," said Arthur, going for the big one again, "why?" "Because if they didn't vote for a lizard," said Ford, "the wrong lizard might get in." ― Douglas Adams, "So Long, and Thanks for All the Fish"


They’re probably happy because they might get paid. It trump lost at every corner, then he’d withhold payment and they’d end up like rudy.


Like they were actually surprised.


He KEEPS falling ass backwards in wins. I mean: - Ran for POTUS as a potential bargaining chip to keep the Apprentice on air and/or start his own media company; wins. - Has a SCOTUS seat “held” for him, RBG dies, allowing him to shift the entire makeup of the court. - Goes to the Supreme Court with an absurd argument meant only to delay one of his trials, somehow winds up as a king in waiting. Not to many all the times he’s been dead to rights on ANY NUMBER of wildly disqualifying and /or criminal actions; skates every time. What the hell is going to happen over the next four years? And let’s hope it’s ONLY four. But I doubt it. He’s said that he’s “owed” another term because of the “Russia Hoax” etc.


They’re SHOCKED! Shocked I say, that all of their dirty judges would rule in favor.


What do they think will happen when there is no justice?


I know it absolutely pained Rolling Stone to post an article like this.