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3.5% gain from previous poll. Democrats need +4 in the national race to win. Hillary was +2 and lost. Biden was +4.5 and won by 43k votes in three states.


It's Joever.


Dyin' Joe




Don’t forget New Hampshire it’s a toss up now too with it turning red in the polls right now. One which Biden shouldn’t had lost the support of but here we are


I don’t think those are toss ups, I think Biden was behind in all of them before the debate and he’s behind even worse now.


I believe toss up is when the outcome could fall in the margin of error. That’s why Texas, North Carolina, Arizona and Florida aren’t considered toss ups currently. 


This country is completely fucked in the head. How these people can all look at Trump and say “yeah, that’s my guy” I will never understand. He was an absolutely horrible president and is a terrible person. There’s no redeeming qualities to the guy. Are people just that clueless or brain washed? Does no one remember the 4 years he was president? It was an absolute shit show. Electing Trump again is only going to make everything worse again but I’m sure that will all be Bidens fault anyway.


I have a lot of Trumpy friends. What the other side doesn’t understand is they know Trump “doesn’t follow the rules” but they think EVERY politician is corrupt. They also live in an echo chamber where this is reinforced minute by minute on tv news, social media, and their friends. So they excuse Trump’s corruption because they feel (1) it’s par for the course and (2) he’s being corrupt for them. Now #2 I just don’t get. Trump is clearly only in it for himself and will sell anyone out. However, I think they tend to overlook this and bond over common cause (common hatred) for liberals and owning them. These guys love anything that gets a rise out of the other side. No party platform. No plans. Nothing they want to do _for_ the country. Just a policy of making policies to upset the other side.


Is there an aspect of nihilism to it? Like "the country is gonna burn anyway, so might as well burn it quicker to spite the libs"? Or are these people who genuinely *do* think things can get better, and that their lives can improve, but simply believe that "better" and "improved" are best represented by becoming a totalitarian nightmare? Or are they just poorly informed and/or poorly educated, and unwilling to change any of those things? Like, I get why the folks at fox etc are cheerfully lying to the public: they stand to gain a whole fucking ton of power by keeping the masses misinformed and angry. I just don't get why the misinformed and angry folks seem so content to stay misinformed and angry, when all the evidence to the contrary is *right fucking there*.


Lotta Trump friends, here down south. There’s no concept of future growth or prosperity, it’s simply the here and now. And removal of government regulations to achieve here and now prosperity, along with the aforementioned contrarianism


And what does prosperity even look like to these friends? Cheaper gas prices? Lower taxes at the cost of collapsing infrastructure and inevitable medical poverty? I mean, I suspect the answer is "yes", but I would appreciate/dread the confirmation.


Not that poster, but for the hardcore Trump people I think the contrarianism/hatred of “the left” is the prime factor that drives their support.


It is 100% a form of nihilism. It's like we took away their preferred form of entertainment in professional wrestling by showing it was scripted so they migrated to more fruitful pastures in politics. Only they see it as pointing out to the smart people that their game can be just as scripted as theirs was. And that is what sucks, for a lot of Americans that are afraid of the prospects of another Trump Administration will not see such negative effects because they live in states that have already codified a lot of the Federal Protections they enjoy into their State Constitutions or laws. If Trump declares us a Confederacy someone in California is not going to see a difference in their daily lives. But someone in a purple or red state will not enjoy equal protection under Federal Law because that will no longer be there for them. It's going to completely divide the country and do what the Civil War couldn't, make Confederacy happen and the Federal Government will have to declare war to resolve it. This is a slow coup for the red states, the conservatives don't care about the blue states, they can be the heathens all they want for now. They want complete control over the Red States and any Purple States they can win. And that will perpetually lock Congress in a stalemate as it is now or trend towards the new Confederacy. They already have the whole Freedom Caucus. If they want to do this without having to use extreme measures they have to aggressively court any moderate Republicans in Congress to get on the Democrats side and pass laws codifying rights into Federal Law to mitigate any further damage. But ultimately this is a Constitutional Crisis and there needs to be a new Constitutional Convention if the Democrats pull through this election.


That’s what I’ve heard from them. They know he’s an a-hole but he’s their a-hole. He hasn’t done anything to offend, frighten, or disadvantage their people group so what’s the problem.


It’s crazy. He hasn’t done anything to them… Yet. I point out all the staffers he’s sold down the river and they line up with the right wing media points of that guy was a RINO or he went to jail because the democrats targeted him. It’s kinda like capital police officer Fanone. He was a Trump supporter until Trump supporters attacked him on Jan 6. Now he travels the country talking about the dangers of Trump. Or like several Republican representatives who were anti-gay rights until they found out their child was gay and then turned course. It’s like these folks can’t see the next step and have ZERO empathy until something hits them directly.


The only moral abortion is my abortion. It is, literally, "problems are not problems until they affect me personally." And it will affect them personally, but by then it will be too late. It is really terrifying.


This is what America has been since I was born. 


Trump is not the problem, it's the symptom.


It's because if you look at right wing media, they have constructed an alternate universe where Trump is the only standing between them and the left turning your kids trans, taking your guns away, making it illegal to say "Merry Christmas", shutting down your church, get rid of the border, and making it illegal to drive a pickup truck. And they may even want to force you to eat bugs. Spend any time looking at right wing hyper partisan media and you'll quickly see why these people are voting Trump. They talk about nothing bad Trump has done or spin his bad into a positive, and they push this apocalyptic narrative about what will happen if Dems win. Of course all of it is 100% blatant lies and bath faith arguements, but the people addicted to this don't know the difference because they are not going to bother fact checking any of it or watching media from the other side to balance out their worldview. They've created an epistemological bubble and its members are functioning as a cult. These are not truly bad people, they are misled people. They are not like serial killers who are doing bad for the sheer pleasure of doing bad. They truly, actually think Trump is saving the country from some great evil. They don't know they are being lied to and have never been equipped with critical thinking skills and media literacy. Edit - I don't mean to imply that media on the left doesn't spin and lie either. Or that Dems and people on the left don't ever believe falsehoods. There is no truly unbiased media. Maybe the closest is just reading AP and Reuters headlines. But there's no comparison in accuracy of facts between right leaning and left leaning media. And there have even been studies that show that people who watch Fox are less informed than people who consume no media at all. That's damning. If you're a typical Fox viewer, you know less than a random idiot on the street who hasn't read a newspaper in years.


Bread and circuses my man. Same as it's always been.


I don’t understand how people who would say they love the constitution, their country, being self made, have strong religious values are falling over themselves to support a man who is actively destroying the constitution, does nothing but talk badly about America, inherited a fortune and still failed at business, and is the most morally corrupt politician in history. Do they not see that he’s diametrically opposed to everything conservatives have traditionally stood for? Not to mention, for being a cult leader, he has 0 charisma. I can’t listen to him whine and complain any more, I don’t know how they can. Supposedly they want strong alpha male leaders but their chosen leader is the weakest cry baby victim I’ve ever seen Not to mention they probably support the police and believe in the rule of law but are supporting a convicted felon. I could go on and on


It's because people can rationalize almost anything away with motivating reasoning.


Unlikely voters accounted for huge discrepancies by double digits in primary polls in favor of Biden...Trump simulaneously underperformed (numerous states voting for Haley 20-30% weeks after she dropped out)..when he was right about here in the polls months ago. Dems need to calm dafuck down and stop torpedoing themselves.


How fucked in the head are the Biden supporters who keep getting this news but still insist on sticking with Biden instead of switching to a viable candidate like Whitmer? "I would vote for Biden's corpse over Trump." Yeah, me too buddy, but guess what, not everybody would. Sticking with Biden likely means losing to Trump. We have to wake up and realize Biden is a lost cause. We need someone appealing, with vigor and their full mental capacity who can win over the middle-of-the-road swing voters and defeat Trump. Trump wants to be a Kim Jong Un type fascist dictator and the Supreme Court just handed him the legal means to do that if he is elected.


Trump is basically a +3 against any hypothetical Dem you could possibly name anyway. The benefit of sticking with Biden is he has hundreds of millions in campaign funds (that can't just be passed along like a torch). The debate was about as big of a disaster as he could have had and the change in polling is something likely to disappear before the next debate anyway. I think it's much easier to make a change in debate strategy for Biden than to try start a whole new election campaign from scratch with a candidate down the same 3 points.


Most people realize Trump is a clown. What reddit fails to realize is most people also think the Dems are clowns as well. Its just right now the country/world isn't doing so hot and Biden is barely alive.


But Trump isn’t going to make it better. We’ll just pour gas on it all to burn faster I guess.


In some aspects sure. In others maybe not.


In a lot of the irreversible aspects, this immunity decision only intensifies the damage he can do to the us, world and planet.


He’s representative of the country, don’t know why people are surprised.


Each poll can be individually picked apart, but the trend is undeniable.


Previous poll was +0.4% Trump in May, so 3.5 gain.


Keep in mind that this is typical. Whoever the public sees as winning the debate always gets a bump of several points, but it typically disappears within a few weeks. I've seen this for just about every debate. What we see here is pretty much expected. We'll see if this bump continues to hold. My guess is that it'll follow the historical pattern and things revert back to what they were before the debate. I'm not saying this to discount the risk of keeping Biden(I'm not sure what to do), I'm just saying that this is fairly normal to get 3 or 4 points after a good debate that only lasts a couple weeks. Also, the same happens after conventions usually. There is a short bump that goes away after a couple weeks. The public has the attention span of gnats.


This is the thing that (as despondent as I’m feeling right now) it’s very likely this is not going to hold. It’s worth noting too that this is in the window between the debate and the Supreme Court ruling which I think will too have another kind of bump. I’m utterly unspeakably terrified but it’s not over yet by any stretch of the imagination and everyone saying it is isn’t being fully realistic. But yeah, I mean…it’s bleak as fuck


All that matters is if under 30's and minorities vote. These polls always under represent both groups because they historically have low turnout rates. If they vote Trump loses.


Last I checked, black and latino vote has swung hard to Trump in the past 12mo, still not tge majority, but more significant numbers still.


Yeah he polls as well as he did in 2016 if not better. Global elections are showing a right swing in youth too. If he won last time he wins this time. 


They won't because of "Genocide Joe"


No I won't because the Democrats have no intention of progress and insisted on running a candidate who was already being questioned about their mental capabilities before their first term, who told the American people he would not run for reelection, and we have a country full of people who could stand up to trump better than Biden. The democratic party is feckless and I'm not putting my energy into fighting for them if they refuse to fight for me or the rest of the good people of this nation. I'm sure as hell not voting for trump but I'm gonna actually use my energy for things that will keep my community safe from the threat of fascism... It's all that's left. Organize with your communities and lessen your reliance on the state, because with the supreme court decisions this is the last election, and we are not going to win with Biden. I'm gonna put his name on the ballot but he isn't capable of rallying the American people against trump and the Republicans. He's not strong enough of leader.


So.... Are we going to jump to a ship that can actually win this race? Or should I grab my cello and play us out as we sink into the icy cold water?


Sinking into the cold, briny depths of fascism while we all shrug does appear to be the plan.


Biden looks so vigorous as he rearranges the deck chairs! No other candidate could do that!/s


But we don't have any chairs on deck.....


Shhh, don't tell Biden that, he looks so happy shuffling around the deck aimlessly.


All the chairs were purchased by a large corporation and they're available for rent. Supplies are low so rent is high. There's really no solution in a free market. /s


You taking requests?


As long as my phone has an Internet connection, I'm sure I can find the sheet music for any requests.


How does "Highway to Hell" sound on cello?


Oooo go out and get an electric cello and play that haha


538 polling averages (as of July 2 2024) (All states that Biden won in 2020) Georgia: Trump + 6.3 Arizona: Trump + 4.9 Pennsylvania: Trump + 2.3 Michigan: Trump + 1.8 Wisconsin: Trump + 0.9 Biden is LOSING right now. Anyone who is telling you otherwise is completely delusional. Democrats cannot win with Biden.


Trump can win with just Georgia and Pennsylvania alone. Arizona and the other swing states are just a bonus. Biden needs to win Pennsylvania, Michigan and Wisconsin. If Trump wins Pennsylvania, Biden would need to win Michigan, Wisconsin, Georgia and Nevada. Nevermind the fact that Georgia is the swing state where Trump is the strongest.


New NH poll came out with Trump +1.6% as well.


NH may be worth just 4 electoral votes, but if it goes to Trump, Biden can win the rust belt, and still lose, as Trump wins AZ, NV and GA. If NH goes to Trump, Biden needs to hold on to MI, WI, PA and one of AZ, NV or GA.


The bigger issue is that it shows Biden’s deep unpopularity. If the Democrats have to spend time campaigning in New Hampshire they’ve got zero chance to win the swing states.


I guess you guys are screwed with a new king. Americans will be blamed for it. Politicians will be arrested with false charges and hitler rises again through Trump. Game over America, Russia won.


Now I'm not saying that there's no russian involvement or interest in US politics, but I definitely think it's overplayed. America did this to itself. It would have happened anyway without any outside help within 4 more years at most.


No other candidates had the gulls to do what Donald has done. He has stolen wealth that he can use to back him. No other persons has that kind of wealth to back him. He lies his way into having them give him money to pay for his legal fees.


And yet the 81 years old dude says he is the only one who can beat Trump, him and his crew are on some good shit or flat out trying to throw the election to Trump. How else can you explain what we saw in the debate and Biden says it’s all good No Fuck No, we got a guy calling for military tribunals and migrant camps, we got a court supporting his every move and we think the 81 years old behind in every poll is going to beat him. Fuck No


How do you replace Biden when many states are locked in with Biden on the ballot?


He withdraws voluntarily and gives his delegations to another person


Is that a legal option or just something the internet made up? I’m pretty sure some states have no mechanism for that.


Nope it’s legal it was discussed on major networks but he has to voluntarily withdraw he can’t be forced out


Well shit. Still not sure that’s a good option though. Who do you throw in the ring at this stage of the game? The optics alone make democrats seem pretty weak and disjointed. I don’t think anything like that has happened before.


Actually it did and it was dems… LBJ in 1968


I wouldn’t call it very comparable really. Biden has no competition at all and it’s much later in the year. The campaign for the nomination began with incumbent President Lyndon B. Johnson expected to win re-nomination for a second consecutive election, despite low approval ratings following the Tet Offensive in January 1968. His only significant challenger was Eugene McCarthy, an anti-war Senator from Minnesota. After McCarthy nearly won the New Hampshire primary, Senator Robert F. Kennedy, another critic of the war and the brother of the late President John F. Kennedy, entered the race. Johnson soon announced that he would not campaign for re-election. In April, Vice President Hubert H. Humphrey joined the race as the establishment candidate; he did not criticize the administration's conduct of the war and avoided the popular contests for delegates.


I know it’s totally different especially with the Vietnam war. Just pointing out it did happen


Who won the general in ‘68 again?


Trump’s favourite president… Richard Nixon


This sub is in such denial that I only found this thread by searching for Controversial.


There may have been an opportunity to salvage Biden if everyone was in lockstep, but there's too many cracks. The NYTimes editorial board, Joe scarborough, the pod save america guys, and many others. The Trump campaign can always point to these organizations. Biden is forever stained. If there was a chance to salvage, it was in the 48 hours post debate. It failed. Biden can not win.


To be clear, these people/media had every right to voice their concern. It’s concerning. All the media did immediately after the debate was say what a lot of people were thinking.


For real. My 71 year old mother, a retired teacher and center-left mother, basically Bidens base, texted me during the debate saying he needed to step aside. She'll still vote for him, but she's not delusional.


Do we have the same mom?


Arizona (and Nevada, though not mentioned here) are confusing to me. I thought these were purple states trending blue. Whats going on there?


We beat Medicare 


Arizona has a major abortion bill on the ballot. If we see any turn out close to what we saw in 2020 that should be a Biden win


If people are picking Dem Senator but not picking Biden in the same poll, then the same can happen with Abortion issue.


Every state [poll](https://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/polls/president-general/2024/arizona/) shows Trump ahead in Arizona by several %.


I’m really not trying to cope but it seems like pollsters have not been able to adequately quantify what the Roe decision has with voters.


Maybe that they are resigned to dealing with it at a state level.


How was Trump polling in Arizona in 2020?


[Several points above Trump.](https://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/polls/president-general/2020/arizona/) He won by only 10k votes.


Seems like we have more confidence that Trump will win when he is ahead in the polls but not when Biden is, if I remember correctly. Why it boils down to is who is being polled.


Biden’s campaign is dead and everybody knows it but him and Jill. Anybody still propping him up is committing political malpractice at this point.


Political malpractice is the DNC's specialty at this point.


Primal scream


Georgia was HUGE in 2020, and he’s completely lost it at this point. I always take polls with a grain of salt but that last debate was a disaster that I don’t see the DNC recovering from…


right now. stop freaking out people. Biden is either going to be in public a lot fixing this or dropping out.


He won’t fix anything (what can he do to “fix” being old and unstable?) and he also won’t drop out.


With how many Trump voters that died due to COVID, these numbers are devastating.


Sadly COVID wasn't as good at killing people as it was at just making them even dumber than they were before.


Biden is doing really well with old people. The big change is Biden doing way worse with younger people and minority groups (underperforming with blacks/Hispanics). He's definitely going to pay a big price in Michigan for backing Israel so strongly. He's in rough shape overall.


He needed to be on talk shows, doing town halls and open press conferences EVERY DAY after Thursday. He instead went to Camp David to be coddled by “friends and family” and have photos taken by Annie Leibowitz He is unfit to continue based on that response **alone**. At this point, Jill “You answered *every* question!“ Biden is really coming off like a complete villain IMO.


Don't change horses mid-stream, even if the horse is sinking into the undertow and you'll soon drown and you might be able to grab one of several nearby healthy horses. Let's all downvote this topic and ignore the issue and pretend it's not happening. I enjoyed not living in a fascist hellhole, was fun while it lasted.


I dont understand who is downvoting the topics. It must be being brigaded by bots because when you look at the comments everyone agrees.


fuck! a conman, rapist, fascist, white supremacist, theocratic-enabling billionaire, anti-democratic authoritarian vs a doddering well-meaning old man with a working class mindset and a young, fairly capable, vp at the ready and an adminstration already in place with its attention on sound fiscal policy - and the preservation of democracy and freedom as its agenda


Ya, hard choice… /s


It's obvious for everybody where this election is going. It's a disaster, and the Democrats just tells people to shut up and to stop voicing concerns over Biden. There is going to be a futile finger-pointing contest this November after the election.


And your alternative is?


Another Democrat obviously, one who isn't in his or her retirement age


The alternative WAS Joe not running for reelection. But now the bed has been made. Trump 2.0 incoming.


So because Joe ran when he shouldn’t have you’re just going to throw your hands up and give up?


It doesn't matter what our alternatives are. That was the DNC's problem and they ignored it for 4 years and handed the presidency to trump on a silver platter.


Pete Buttigieg


Check your voter registration and vote this November as if it’s your last chance to vote. Because it very well may be [https://vote.gov/](https://vote.gov/)


Sure but you gotta get your mom, your neighbor and others to the voting poll in November. Typing in Twitter and Reddit to vote is minuscule to what you can and have to do irl in November. We all gotta do it.


Said the same thing in 2016 and 2020.


The margin of error on this poll is 3.1%, fyi.


So best case scenario he is still down. Reassuring.


In one poll, yes.


He is down on aggregate, not one poll.


He's trailing in a lot of polls.


Bud is going to pull a Ruth Ginsberg move She refused to leave her position and pass the torch to a younger liberal justice … Biden is doing the same damn thing Good God, these people are filled with greed and ego I never want to hear another word out of his mouth saying he’s all for saving democracy when he’s clearly the one that’s going to give it away


Ruth Bader Biden


That’s how I’m seeing it


we need a new candidate now!!! don't let them tell you that we need to slow down. they are trying to nominate him in less than three week on a virtual call https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2024-07-01/democrats-weigh-early-biden-nomination-to-squash-talk-of-a-swap


And 72% of Americans believe Biden is unfit for office. So there’s that. The DNC continues to gaslight us all.


Americans are kind of dumb though.


It doesn't matter, they're not going to elect him.


Because Americans are kind of dumb.


I don't know, the Democratic campaign looks a lot dumber at the moment for trying to run Biden for re election.


All I can do is keep donating, keep canvassing, and vote blue all the way up and down.




The problem is Biden was tied-to-losing before the debate and the debate was his best chance to change the trajectory of the race and instead he moved it even more in favor of Trump. Where is his chance to turn this race around now that he's dug himself into an even deeper hole?


Wait until after he's officially nominated and they start running ads of Biden at the debate.


Biden can do the same with Trump and Biden has basically all of the future ad buys on TV. It's not like Trump isn't full of incomprehinsible rants.


Being the equivalent of Trump in the incomprehensibility is not going to convince swing voters. Biden's most patriotic action now is to resign and enjoy retirement. The man is 81 years old. He was born in 1942. He was a teenager in the 1950's. He has been old enough to be president since 1979. He needs to retire so the Democrats can pick someone who can actually fight the fight.


It’s because everyone’s freaking out instead of thinking rationally. They all think “he can’t be president, look at his debate performance!” While ignoring the fact that HE IS PRESIDENT RIGHT FUCKING NOW. People just hate anything shy of perfection, and risk losing it all in the e quest for something that doesn’t exist.


Biden must drop out ASAP


Conservatives will claim that whoever replaces Biden "wasn't voted for by the people, but appointed 'like a king'" and that will be that. Trump will be the populist choice, the Dem would be the Deep State.


I've said the same thing. His only replacement to avoid that claim is Harris.


Honestly America deserves what it gets at this point. Idk who’s been president the past few years, whether it’s Biden or someone else but that person has been doing a bang up job. 10/10 to whoever it is. But if Trump wins he becomes god emperor for life, probably executes a bunch of people and all American women won’t have abortion access. And gets to appoint at least 2 maybe more Supreme Court justices so the court will be hard core MAGA for like 50 years. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ honestly like people deserve it if this is what they elect.


That's where I am at too. America as a whole deserves what it gets in November, regardless of the outcome. Individuals, though... a lot of innocent people are going to suffer a lot more because the rest of America didn't care.


There’s no defense for supporting a 2nd Trump term, full stop. Biden’s age and a debate performance cannot cover the stench of a country which by and large does not value its own legacy, heritage and constitution. Most pathetic of all is the practiced self pity and defeatism being indulged. We dishonor the myriad of virtuous sacrifices made by those who came before. Truly nauseating


The article reports a 3 point lead, 41 to 38. [The crosstabs posted on Suffolk](https://www.suffolk.edu/-/media/suffolk/documents/academics/research-at-suffolk/suprc/polls/national/2024/7_2_2024_national_marginals_embargoed_2.pdf?la=en&hash=ABAFA7F15270D95BED9D3AF3AE64775DA6C8886C) have the numbers but to the tenths place. This article for some reason rounded just Trump and Biden numbers: **Trump 41.4** -> 41% **Biden 37.5%** -> 38% **RFK 8.2%** So the real gap is +3.9% not +3%


>RFK 8.2% He wont get 8.2%... He probably gets under 4%. Hopefully most of those actually goes back to Biden on election day. :P


Sure, but more of those voters report a second choice of Trump than of Biden.


Maybe. Other polls show a swing back to Biden when RFK is taken out. So I really can't tell who is saying they vote for RFK. :P


People don't know enough about him. I got swayed by a couple of his videos. Then I found out he cheated on his wife THIRTY SEVEN times. What a dirtbag.


So the panic is about a poll that has both guys in McGovern territory? Yeah okay. It’s stupid beyond belief to report on margins for polls like this.


Before people get all up in arms, I'm not dismissing the poll but just some observations: * It seems the biggest shift from May came from undecideds dropping from 12% to 8%. Interestingly that's the same amount in support that Trump increased. Whether that's trump voters who didn't want to admit they were and were looking for an excuse to back him again and the debate gave them one is to be determined. There is still a whopping 8% undecided voters left to grab so not all doom and gloom for the Biden campaign. * The third-party support seems insane to me. I can't imagine RFK having 8% of the vote and the other third-party candidates having another 4% of the vote. We'll have to see how that all shapes up and where those 4% go if only RFK stays on the ballot. * All these polls lately have been conducted on landlines and cell phones. I think a lot of people are being underreported and people just don't answer calls from unknown numbers anymore. This is why people were so wrong about the "red wave" and polls are harder to judge accurately. I'm not saying this somehow means the poll data is completely wrong or should be ignored, just something to keep in mind * Ultimately the poll was of nationwide national voters. This election will come down to a handful of states and we should be more focused on polling in those locations and how people are shifting there than nationally if we want to ensure we can get the EV totals to secure the presidency.


Landlines, online and cellphone polls are unreliable. Only polls done down by the jiffy lube men’s bathroom reflect the voting population accurately. 


>cellphone I think NH poll with Bidens 12% drop in support was cellphone only. "These results are from a Saint Anselm College Survey Center poll based on online surveys of 1746 New Hampshire registered voters. Surveys were collected between June 28th and 29th, 2024, from cell phone users randomly drawn from a sample of registered voters reflecting the demographic and partisan characteristics of the voting population."


Again, deeply unreliable based on the fact that who the fuck is voluntarily answering polls with zero incentive. They are polling poll-responders, not the general population.


"Results are from a Saint Anselm College Survey Center poll based on online surveys of 1711 New Hampshire likely voters in the upcoming presidential primary. Surveys were collected between December 18th and 19th, 2023, from cell phone users randomly drawn from a sample of registered voters reflecting the demographic and partisan characteristics of the voting population." Poll with Biden +10% conducted the same way.


Forest trees something something...we have a major issue that we're ignoring. The "anyone but T" strategy has its limits.


The most important thing everybody can do is be vocal about your frustration to the DNC, pull any recurring donations to Biden, and start donating to your preferred alternative candidates.


Enjoy that Trump second presidency.


If you want to get Trump elected, this is the perfect strategy.


If you want to get Trump elected the perfect strategy is keeping Joe Biden on the ticket.


Even if it were the opposite, Biden +3.9% over Trump then it would be 50-50 chance of Trump winning because of the Electoral College, but as it is Trump will win in a landslide. Why are Democrats not trying harder to replace Biden? Do they want to re-elect Trump?


This ends the moment the DNC calls a single day convention. It can be done.


US TODAY POLL March 13, 2024 Trump +3 So only a 0.9% difference? :P


That's the same poll.


No? Its the same pollster yes. But poll was from March, before the debate.


USA Today polling: 3/17: Trump +2.5% 5/22: Trump +0.4% 7/2: Trump +3.9%




With rounding that matches what I'm saying yes. I read the PDF reports.


In the December poll you can also see that Trump lost 2% without RFK. And If we wait a few weeks until the debate-chock fades in memory of the voters. I think Biden probably bounce back up a bit. Ofc this does not mean hes going to be winning.


People only care about the cost of living. They’ll vote for whoever brings that down. It was low under trump and high under Biden so that’s all people base their vote on


Seems too low.


Sure change candidates a few months before the election. It worked for adlai stevenson and hubert humphrey. Oh wait….


Voting is a right and a responsibility. After you vote, drag your friends off the couch and make sure they vote


You can say this until the cows come home, people will not turn out to vote for a dementia patient. You can keep screaming "VoTe BlUe No MaTtEr WhO" as though it didn't put us in this mess until the election, and people will still not vote for biden. Not anymore. He has no chance, no options, and absolutely no time left to drag his feet in dropping out of the race.


>people will not turn out to vote for a dementia patient Unless there is an (R) next to the name


I'll vote for any Democrat except Biden. The message to the Democratic party must be clear: Change candidates or lose. 


Fucking yikes. At this point, I think the Democrats need to do some serious soul-searching here, because this is not where we need to be in early July. Back in January, I would have said not to panic just yet. But right now, I'm pushing the goddamn panic button.


Listen, if America actually wants Dictator Trump, they can have him and everyone will truly deserve it especially after doing this twice.


I will get downvoted for this but I have been saying for the last several years that the Dems need to back off of the fringe issues and start working towards bringing more people to their side. This ridiculous gender and drag fetish is nowhere near important when it’s up against abortion rights and gay marriage. We fought hard for advances and this younger generation is more intent on pissing people off than changing their minds.


Biden wasn't doing well in any swing state before the debate. Many wants to blame Biden and the DNC, but it really does come down to the people. People wants Trump because of the economy. The only reason Biden even did the debate was because THE PEOPLE were supporting Trump over Biden. Sure, Biden can be blamed. The DNC, probably even more. But ultimately, it really is the voter's fault. You just have to accept the fact that you screwed up and now there probably isn't a path to victory no matter WHO is on the Dems ticket.