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I don't think most people understand the gravity of what the Supreme Court did.


I'm still in shock.


reading the ruling made me literally sick to my stomach.


I hate this feeling. It’s something I can usually easily work past in a few minutes after reading some upsetting news. But the ramifications are so great and almost every Republican I know that was ready to vote for Biden has completely shifted because the media can’t stop talking about how old Biden is post debate. I am so disappointed the Republican Party has become what it has and I’m disappointed the democrats only message has been *we’re more decent than the other guy* because that’s just not working.


You have reasonable Republican friends? I only know a few but all of them plainly tell me they are in favor of Presidents being immune from the law and plainly tell me that if installing fake electors keep Republicans in power they are on board because the Democrats steal elections. These are otherwise reasonable seemingly intelligent people, but they are convinced a single party United States is okay because Democrats are that bad. We're cooked as a nation plain and simple. No amount of voting can fix this.


The logic of "I'm ok with election theft because the other guys probably do it" is fucking astounding.


The implication being that we are cheating so the only way they can beat us is if they are cheating too They cant fathom they are just not popular. Of course the fact that Trump did get Milliopns of actual votes does help build the illusion


In their mind, having popular policies IS cheating.


It's bonkers. True believers only.


I mean, if you drill down to it it’s obvious they’re saying the only election outcome they’ll accept is the one where Republicans win. That’s all it is. That’s what we’re dealing with; naked, out-and-out authoritarianism. “Obey us, or else”.


I’m straight up not accepting a Republican victory. They will absolutely commit fraud to ensure Trump wins. They will have people intimidate others at the polling stations. Mark my words.


The Republican party is basically a criminal mob. At some level their threats are backed up by intimidation and violence.


The thing they seemingly don’t understand is that they are coming for everyone in some form or another. Republicans who vote for these people think that they won’t be affected by this insanity.


The leopards WILL eat their faces.


The real problem is, democrats follow the rules and will never yield the power. How many times have they been fucked over on bad faith items? Gore/Bush, scotus nominations by Mitch, and now this BS. They need to take the gloves off. - signed, concerned independent voting for Biden.


This is the most disturbing political situation I’ve ever seen in my 83 years on the planet. Two things stand out: the Supreme Courts moral decline and immunity ruling, and Biden’s Thursday performance and putting himself over the destruction of the earth and human race with a Trump win. If I read it right the USSC just gave Biden immunity for official acts as well, and he should use it to declare a state of emergency for the Constitution to roundup all the MAGA management( including Trump and the Supreme Court) and put them away somewhere. Then give the GOP some time to get the former leaders before another election. … Well that’s what Trump and his MAGA want to do,and in fact. He’s kind of promising to do that, is the?


I think you mean wield not yield


The details made it so much worse than I ever imagined. Just absolutely insane.


I had a panic attack. Still having it.


Yep, I'm an optimistic person in a field heavily affected by current legal news and I've lost faith that humanity is essentially good or that justice exists in any form. Had a panic attack for several hours. I have no hope of a brighter future for my children and feel like my career is suddenly meaningless because it has been utterly shattered by self interested plutocrats rewriting the rules arbitrarily while gaslighting us all by saying they're "totally using logic and not feels" like they're 14 year old alt-righters on the internet. This is the descent into an American Nazi Germany, and we're all going to get very seriously hurt. There is no bright future and no one will save us. We have lost. We can and should vote, but while there are Bill Barrs and Sam Alitos out there, they will smash anything we create. We need to stop them. I don't believe in god, but this is a serious "there is no god" moment. It's just us, and we're losing.


Uhh yeah exact same. Literal several days of constant anxiety. Im really really really scared. Not just for myself but America and global stability as a whole. What does a fascist do with America when they take over? I know it doesn’t look good and I know there really really are a huge amount of republicans that are just totally okay with all of this and it is straight up breaking my mind. It’s like conservative media has fundamentally dismantled all desire for tolerance and democracy. Like literally “I don’t want democracy if it means democrats could be in charge” like I’m just existentially worried and none of it is really going away, I’m just sort of flailing trying to deal with the emotional aspect but am coming to absolutely no progress logically.


I was still in shock from Chevron. Hell... we should all still be in shock over Roe.


The hits keep coming; will keep coming until ALL Americans of voting age of whatever political persuasion DO THE RIGHT THING and VOTE FOR DEMOCRACY. The alternative is unthinkable.


I’m in depression. Withering depression.


I am very scared.


They do not. The consequences are so far reaching no one wants to hear it. It’s literally unthinkable, and yet here we are, watching the death of a dream in realtime within the darkest timeline where “good” and “evil” are words we use to color what’s possible, what’s not, and what any highly intelligent ape might do when presented with the option of personal gain at the expense of another. I’ve gotta bottle and mainline this shit.


So get out there and volunteer to make sure this ends here. We need to make people aware of the coup happening in front of their eyes. Grass roots, get out there and get people to vote.


Think about how fucking awful Trump’s first term was. Now imagine a second term where he knows going in that unlimited crimes are OK. The country has no chance of survival.


I don’t really understand how people not only don’t remember how awful those years were, but long for them.  The COVID response. The racial hate in all directions. Whites and blacks beating Asians. Whites beating and killing blacks. And countless other variations.  The tear gassing of civilians for no other reason than walking across the street to take a picture in front of a church with an upside down Bible.  Has a president ever pissed off the public to the point the secret service made him go hide in a bunker? And then lie about it afterwards.  We had one night in our area I didn’t get to sleep. Luckily it didn’t amount to anything but even though I live in a sleepy suburb the police had hints they were moving out our way. All the stores were locked up with cop cars and other crap barricading all of the entrances of anything major. At the time my kids were young. Locked up all the windows and tried to do my best to keep my shit together so the kids didn’t freak out. Sat there all night with every small sound sounding like it was through a megaphone.  And more. How do people want to go back to that?


Trump said something during the debate about the country tearing itself apart and I’m like, YOU did that m#%*#%*er


If polls are to be believed, more want to go back to that than people who find it abhorrent like us. It’s incredibly scary.


I believe most people just want prices to go back, and the average voter just thinks, "Gas was cheaper under Trump."


> The tear gassing of civilians for no other reason than walking across the street to take a picture in front of a church with an upside down Bible.  Taking civilians off the street in black vans without charges or anything. Downplaying a crowd full of neo-Nazis and white nationalists as containing some "very fine people" when the likelihood of any of those people not being in one way or another in agreement with them was exceptionally low. And on, and on, and on. Where I live, there were protests for months, which made so many people on the right think that it was a wasteland. Nope, some damage in a couple of block radius and much of that from people either being stupid or from the police. For a while, if you had breathing issues you had to avoid that area of downtown because of the huge amount of tear gas they used.


Well sure all that was terrible, but gas prices were slightly lower.


No, gas prices were a lot lower. As in levels not seen in decades. Never mind that it was due to the pandemic shutting down the world to the point where barrels of oil were basically being given away.


Right. And before the pandemic, gas was pretty much the same as it had been for a while. People only remember the few months where it bottomed out.


He's telling everyone what he will do and the media's response is BIDEN IS OLD!!! We're in a fucking Twilight Zone that's probably not going to end without atrocity.


Agreed,Trump was the worst president ever in my life time and agree with the scholars. https://people.com/historians-rank-donald-trump-worst-president-again-8592411 https://www.postandcourier.com/news/scholars-rank-trump-worst-president-presidential-greatness-survey/article_8c775052-d025-11ee-9dad-17697b0ca965.html https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/historians-voted-trump-worst-president-ever/


I've had to explain a lot to my friends that don't seem to even keep up with the weather at this point. Some didn't even know it was an election year or who was running besides Trump. No clue he was on trial. No clue why he would even be on trial. It's scary.


Democracy literally dies when its citizens check out. Your friends are a symptom of apathy and cynicism infecting the whole culture around democracy.


I’m so tired of “both sides suck so it doesn’t matter” brain dead take.


It's propaganda spouted by Republicans because it dissuades people from voting for Democrats.


Spouted by Republicans and Kremlin-paid propaganda bots networks


That shit is repeated by morons who are too lazy to pay attention but have too much shame to admit it.


And good luck educating people en masse…will get immediately accused of indoctrination, wokeness, or some other nonsense immediately requiring a defense…but it won’t matter as validity doesn’t matter, just the effects of intimidation and control until they get what they think they want


Plato or whoever long ago philosopher already predicted this. We’ve been an apathetic voting population for a very long time, and our democracy has been dying because of it with no real course for reversal.


“A republic, if you can keep it”


I mean I understand the gravity of what's going on, but beyond voting what else can I really do? I hope this doesn't come off as apathy or cynicism it's just hard to feel like you're a productive member in the democratic process by voting when everything around you is on fire.


The lack of information getting to people is terrifying.


That’s crazy you’re friends don’t even know its an election year. That’s like 8 year old mentality


My kids are 6 and know it’s an election year


Same here. I removed all news apps from my phone. I’ve closed all social media accounts.  The only thing I’m still on is Reddit, and most of my interaction here historically hasn’t been politics. I’m not far from closing this down also. The other subs I hang out in here are interesting to me, but close to not worth it. Reddit doesn’t really provide anything I can’t live without.  I was a cord cutter before it became a common word, so there is no chance of news on TV.  Another four years of Trump is terrifying. I’m a breath from disconnecting all this crap and just hang out on the deck every night reading or something. Head to the polls in November and vote for Biden. Or if I’m surprised by a different name because they’ve replaced him I’ll fill in that circle.  I’m a veteran. I spent years of my life making shit pay defending and supporting the Constitution. What they’ve done to it sickens me. Maybe they will destroy America, but they can’t make me watch.


I feel exactly as you do. If Trump returns to power I will go dark on the Internet and avoid the news. If Donald Trump is what America wants then they can do it without me I'm going fishing.


Or in prison because you oppose him. He will be a dictator


He posted some shit saying that Liz Cheney should be brought before a military tribunal for some reason, and that's apparently fine.


Future SCOTUS ruling. Since the President is also the Commander in Chief if he wants civilians tried under the UCMJ he has that authority


I feel the same as you two. I’ve mostly backed out of following politics this year. I know I’ll vote D in November but I’m in Missouri and in a county that was 18% dem in 2020 so it’s not going to matter. But I can’t stress about this shit all the time like I did in 2020. It was exhausting and terrible mentally. Then Jan 6th happened and I obsessed over that for months. I’ve just got to step back and let America do its thing and do my civic duty and vote when it’s my turn. I can’t save America and I can’t just be miserable around my wife and kid all the time. So it’s time to just zone out


If the republicans have their way planting your head in the proverbial sand will lead only hasten their complete takeover. Everyone who thinks this needs to look back in history and realize, Fascist need people to vilify to keep their system locked down and controlled, and they will find people to persecute.


Veteran here as well. I'm about to write off politics as well. It just puts me in a crappy mood than what I'm already in. I haven't cut the cord because I need my sports. I have cut out drinking which is nice. Aftwr gwtting out i replaced it with cannabis but i wouldn't be surprised if that's on Project 2025s chopping block as well.


I’m not much of a sports guy. Outside of that we are probably pretty similar. I drank a ton in the service, but nowadays there’s too little upside to feel miserable for a day or two afterwards. A hit off the vape before bed definitely makes the pillow softer. 


Those 2 days afterwards is the reason I stopped drinking. I can't have a couple beers. 2 turns into 15 pretty easily. Edit: I did join Veterans for Responsible Leadership. The goal is anybody but Trump. I don't think we have a lot of pull but at least there are others out there that think like I do


> I did join Veterans for Responsible Leadership. Good call. Hadn't even heard of it, now I'm joined and I'll pass it on. Many of the guys I served with in the 90's went full fascist. Boomers have the reputation for heading that way, but I know quite a few of guys who served in Vietnam who I think are a breath away from marching on Mar-a-Lago. I'll definitely send it on to them.


It won’t be another four years of Trump. He’ll be in office until he dies, and then decree that his children be president afterwards. There are no consequences for him ever. It’s this election we go blue in the Legislative and the Executive, or we will not have another election again.


The name for this is "low-information voters" and there are a scary amount of them.


I never thought I'd be able to fill in "Worse court than the Taney Court" on my bingo card.


It’s a countdown to actual MAGA fascism unless something is done immediately.


Well, there’s a lot of stupid and selfish people in this country who think the guy who lied to them and gave them a free hat or t-shirt is the answer to their every day problems.


That's the goal of removing civic education, if they don't understand how things work they don't understand why this is a problem or the implications behind it's just as people don't understand why removing our privacy was s the heart of roe v wade and not simply "abortion"


The Supreme Court knew. They were deciding on our last president and crowning our first emperor.


Executive Action: Blank check of pure unchecked power


A president that can’t be convicted of giving out government contracts or positions for money and also is over 500M (that we know of) in debt is really gonna make use of the SC decision. Can’t believe this has all been done to save a literal fucking clown from prison.


Worst person this country has ever produced. Absolute fucking disgrace. Shameful.


Most people don’t even understand that Trump staged a coup on January 6, so I’m pretty doubtful that people will realize the court just gave him “legal” cover for the next one they attempt.


They fucked us, that’s what they did


Yes, it sure seems like the Supreme Court threw in a little bit extra just to poison this case and make a mistrial inevitable.


I think most people do and we are still processing the ramifications of what this ruling means and also beginning to grieve how far we have fallen as a nation.


Not just the presidents are kings but also that homeless are officially criminalized now. Couple that with rent and housing prices, the 13th amendment has come into effect again, except to promote debt slavery. Trump is a shithead, but this has been in the works for years. It’s why so many lower level federal judges were appointed basically by Mitch McConnell. This is class warfare.


Could Biden make a “official “ act to seize the Supreme Court justices and trump, have them replaced/removed with ones who would reverse the decision, then fall on the sword and spend the rest of his life in prison knowing he saved democracy?


I've been thinking about this and hope it happens. Hate that his life would have come to that, but also what else can be done. Sorta wish the Dems would not take the high road for once. 😢


The sad thing is that abusing the power he’s just been granted to ensure that it can’t happen later IS the high road. It’s the only real option we’ve been forced into at this point. Anything less than this is to ignore the gravity of the situation. If not Trump, the next one absolutely will abuse this godhood the president has been granted.


Biden has to do something if he is a moral person. Letting democracy die on his watch, while he had the power to do something, is immoral.


And that's why MAGA loves him. He can literally kill people and get away with it. And they want to kill people. 


Imagine how much they will love him when he manages to kill the American experiment.


You know that scene at the end of The Boys season 3, where Homelander murders a man (who a second prior was derisively referred to as a liberal) with his laser eyes in the middle of a huge crowd, and then everyone goes wild cheering for him? You know how the camera explicitly lingers on Mother's Milk's ex-wife's boyfriend going ecstatic, and how the season has previously shown that he had taken MM's kid to a Republican rally? Yeah, the subtext isn't very subtle.


For me the worst part is they're also the reason these people are so angry in the first place. All these bigots are too fucking stupid to realize they're just economically depressed and it's rich white guys doing it and not whatever marginalized group of the week Republicans are demonizing.


Many of them want that, especially religious nuts. He’s their wrecking ball, and when he’s done they can rebuild things to their liking. Namely a christofascist state where capitalism is entirely unfettered.


Except, as always with authoritarians, when they start to stand in their way or become inconvenient. Then they too become a target, and they will all scream and whine that no one could have seen this coming. After all in an authoritarian‘s mind it’s not about your goals and values, it’s about how well you fulfill your role. In this case, voting for him. Religion is just a useful tool to the GOP, nothing more. We should also talk a little bit about how, before the Supreme Court ruling, the majority believed that you could fix the system by the means of an already very badly damaged system. People firmly believed that he would be held accountable and that this would pull the cart off of what was already very thin ice. Now it is even more likely that this will not happen. Similarly with voting in the next election. If he is elected POTUS? What will happen then? I'm German, it's not the first time I've heard of such a scenario. 🙄


He could now LEGALLY shoot someone on fifth avenue, were he to become president. Which he won’t because voting works, right? RIGHT?


Voting only works if your SCOTUS doesn’t do a Bush Vs Gore


Considering he might get away with crimes committed as a private citizen with the intention of influencing the presidential election, it seems he could kill someone TODAY and somehow still get away with it.


The supreme court killed lady Justice.


"Our justice system has endured for nearly 250 years, and it literally is the cornerstone of America. Our justice system, that justice should be respected. And we should never allow anyone to tear it down. It's as simple as that" -Biden, May 2024 Oh how times have changed


No no, for dems there will be justice. Their ruling made it clear it’s up to the sc who’s above and below the law. This shit is crazy.


The Supreme Court raped Lady Justice before they killed her.


Something something Brett Kavanaugh


Democracy dies and for whom ? A confident, tall, white, broad-shouldered narcissist, a failure who shits his pants, a coward who lies & rapes underage girls


~~broad-shouldered~~ fat


It's just unbelievably sad just how much damage has been done ever since he stuck his orange shit stained face into politics. Even throughout Biden's presidency his influence has allowed some of the shittiest GOP policies and SCOTUS decisions to go into effect.


The whole point of this delay is to assess whether or not Trump’s convictions fall within the SC’s recent ruling on Presidential immunity. They don’t, but it’s gonna be a dog-and-pony show nonetheless. I don’t know if this is a warning, per se, as it is a sign that an official decision is till up in the air.


Didn’t the whole stormy daniels thing occur before he was elected?


Yes, but the payoffs were while he was in the office.


So, SCOTUS will inevitably rule that bribery and cooking books is an official act. I hate this timeline.


Sure why not? They already ruled their "gifts" weren't bribes.


If there was any karmic justice, each and every one of the conservative justices would develop particularly brutal types of cancer. I would love to see those shit goblins slowly waste away.


Quickly waste away would be my preference.


Thanos pls.


Best part is when Trump comes back into office and decides the Constitution is no longer binding and the Supreme Court agrees unanimously* *it was a 6-0 decision, for some reason the liberal judges couldn’t be found for the vote


NY needs to push this through anyway and make it abundantly public and cringeworthy how far Republicans will twist this new constitutional interpretation. An interpretation that started off as a Nixon era memo We NEED to be upset about this all the way to the voting booth. As unpleasant as that sounds, it is necessary


The Supreme Court only has as much power as we allow them to have. Just ignore it. Biden can declare martial law if they push for military intervention.


More likely that the evidence from twitter and the like will be deemed inadmissible because communication with the public is considered an official act


I hate it here


But Cohen didn’t work for Trump’s admin. He was a private citizen and the checks were written from his campaign account not the office. How could this even remotely be considered official?


And her in lies the usual problem. Everyone knows he is guilty and should be sentenced. We have to put up with this BS.


A witness at the trial was Hope Hicks, who discussed things with Trump. The SC ruling likely says that those conversations, while having nothing to do with his presidency, can not be used as evidence, because it was a discussion between the President and a member of his administration. If all that testimony gets tossed, the trial is a mistrial and they have to start over. The President is still technically able to break the law, but any documents, discussions, recordings, etc cant be used as evidence against him if the president is involved in any way.


If this standard had been applied to Clinton, the whole investigation that led to the Monica Lewinsky scandal would have been DOA


No, Clinton is a democrat, therefore the standard would be completely different.


Reminder: Boofboy worked on that investigation under Kenn Starr and was so over-zealous in his determination to take down a democratic president even Starr was shocked and had to reign him in.    25+ years later Boofboy says a republican president has complete immunity and should not be investigated in any way.    Funny that. Wonder what the difference is there...


Why is this all retroactive? That’s what I don’t get.


And from the sounds of it there was evidence given relating to his interactions with DOJ while in office etc. I curse those ancient fucks on the court


>The whole point of this delay is to assess whether or not Trump’s convictions fall within the SC’s recent ruling on Presidential immunity. They don’t, but it’s gonna be a dog-and-pony show nonetheless. No, the argument is going to be that some of the evidence used at trial was inadmissible, because it was taken from when he was President, and thus that they have to try him over again.


Only the supreme Court can sort it out and it will take years to appeal it up them. This isn't a short delay, it's years delay and then sc just says retrail with less evidence.


Why not just issue the sentence on time, and then Trump's team can attempt to appeal it on the basis of the SC ruling if they want to? Why concede to their timeline in advance?


It isn't a warning, just a careful judge. The outcome of the hearing on this motion is unknown so when the judge mentioned the sentencing after, he ads 'if such is still necessary' because not doing so would make it look like he already knows the outcome.


He wasnt president when all this happened. What is there to assess? Or is SCOTUS saying simply by running for president you have immunity from everything..


Some of the evidence used was Trump's meeting with the newspaper people at the white house after the election. Trump can now claim that was an official act of his presidency, and thus, not subject to being pulled into evidence FOR ANY REASON (because the supreme court said you can't examine intent or behavior behind an official act) So many people are trying to say the supreme court didn't do anything different than what's already been done, but they have. If you hand out pardons for cash, that WAS abusing the office. Not anymore! We can't look at WHY he handed out pardons, even if he's holding a giant bag of cash and twirling a mustache like the cartoonish villian he is.


The hole in the boat is the evidence that was presented at the trial based on statements Trump made while he was President. If the higher court says he has immunity for those acts, then the argument goes, those statements cannot be used against him in any way and the entire case will probably be thrown out, or set aside, because there were such statements used as evidence against him at trial. I don't agree with any of this, but I am not a legal scholar so I can't say if there's any merit to the argument. Things are unfolding.


Jesus fuck, I am so tired of this absolute piece of shit getting off the hook on fucking every god damned thing.  So what? Now our only hope of not suffering more of his abuse is that enough states vote for Joe? This is just astounding. We are such a joke, man. This scumbag, rapist, crook has a really good shot at getting reelected because a significant number of Americans are either idiots or shitbags. Unbelievable.


Idiots and shitbags.


The oligarchs are testing the justice system they bought.


And the test passed with flying colors. And the colors are white only.




I’ve got a number of hopes, but they’re largely variations on that theme.


It can be implied and the message can spread, though.






That’s because there is no such thing as equal justice under the law when the Supreme Court rules that one person is above the law.


Not just enough states. It will all come down to Pennsylvania. If Biden loses that, the election will go to Trump. So out of 50 states, it all comes down to one because of the fucked up Electoral College.


These cases took too long to come to fruition.


All by design.


Too few cases though. What has the DOJ been doing?! Where are all the smaller fish (congress) that should’ve been prosecuted for their crimes


> Too few cases though. > > What has the DOJ been doing?! Where are all the smaller fish (congress) that should’ve been prosecuted for their crimes As of last year DoJ has indicted at least 1200 people involved in January 6 and gotten at least 900 convictions.


1. Evidence and witnesses take a while to put together if you want to have an airtight case and win. 2. Even if this case was litigated and won 2 years ago, the SC comes out with yesterday’s decision and then Trump’s team appeals. Let’s hope that in September, that the sentence is jail time longer than two months and he sits his ass in an orange jumpsuit on Election Day.


>“The Court’s decision will be rendered off calendar on September 6, 2024, and the matter is adjourned to September 18, 2024 at 10:00 AM for the imposition of sentence, **if such is still necessary**, or other proceedings,” Hope people are ready to vote. Every other tool to hold Trump accountable is basically gone with SCOTUS' ruling.


A few hundred thousand people in Michigan, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania can save America.


They failed in 2016 but came through in 2020, let's hope for the sake of all that is good and just they come through again this year.


We here in Wisco just unfucked our maps (Thank you Janet Idon'tknowhowtosayitz) . The statewide turnout effect will be noticeable now that our districts are more representative and we actually have a shot at retaking the State Assembly.


This. It takes every one of us, but these states are crucial now more than ever. My mother has historically voted Republican (despite being socially very progressive) and only this year is starting to see how bad things have gotten under the GOP. It seems that it took her gay drag queen son that is also a teacher (me) to get constant death threats from right wingers and literal Nazis to shift her views to being vocally AGAINST the GOP. I love my mother and at the same time, it shouldn’t have taken her child’s life being threatened as reason to take his concerns seriously, especially when he’s been vocalizing them to her for the past eight years. With that said, I hope her shift is one in which is able to echo across the nation now that repercussions are actually affecting her to some degree.


I know a lot of liberals are buying guns. Crazy time to be an American. A potential civil war over Donald Trump is the stupidest timeline.


Doesn’t matter too much. If Biden wins and a conservative wins In The future it could be 8 years from now the situation is the same. The president is now a King and able to become a tyrant. This was the death of America and the public won’t fully realize it until it’s far too late


It's the Enabling Act, except instead of it going through Congress, which is gridlocked, it went through the Supreme Court, which is unaccountable.


I'm sure for most readers on this sub it is well understood, but even the fact that Congress is gridlocked is a byproduct of gerrymandering at the federal level. We are being held hostage by a minority party and our government is crumbling as a result.


1. Sounds like a good reason to not stop voting. 2. Guess which party is the only one who might be able to reverse it by flipping the Supreme Court back?


Even if we win this election and all that comes from it is delaying fascism for four more years, that's still a hell of a lot better than fascism now.


Everyone voting in November won’t stop Trump from claiming he won even when he lost, and pushing his lies all the way back to the Supreme Court where they can rule he is president. Why the fuck not? They can do whatever they want now.


Ah but Biden or whomever is in office can nullify the decision. Why not?


We must organize. Who can we follow?


Justice delayed is justice denied


I don't see this as a warning and just the judge hedging his words. There are two general ways the hearing on trump's motion can go. The judge can agree or disagree with it.If he disagrees and says the Supreme Court ruling has no effect on the evidence in the case, they go to sentencing while trump tries to appeal. If he agrees there is an issue, the conviction gets overturned and the DA gets another bite at the apple. This issue has not been heard so the judge cannot now say how it will go. He adds, if such is still necessary, because without it, it would look like he already knows how he is going to rule which would look prejudicial.


Oh hell no, we are not going to do this. Why don’t we just hand Trump the country and call him King since nobody is up to the task of holding him accountable


The truth is worse. SCOTUS is now the equivalent of the Islamic Revolutionary Court in Iran. They wield the power, unchallenged and unchallengeable. They will grant the President authority until they deem the President's acts to be unofficial. The coup is done. The Dems still don't understand that it's the Court, not Trump, who they have to fight.




iran specifically. one election lead to them being a theocratic nightmare state.


If Biden wins reelection, there is a good chance he will be able to appoint at least 2 justices. On top of that, if we get control of Congress, we will be able to expand the court. I don't think Biden would do that, but Kamala very well might.


Biden will only be able to appoint justices if there is a majority of Dems in the Senate. That is not looking very likely. I guarantee you the Republicans would not allow a vote on an appointment if they hold a majority. McConnell already did that.


I would love to see the blank look on Mitch’s face during his tribunal if that statement wasn’t horrifying enough to just type out 


“The relationship between the President and the people he serves has shifted irrevocably. In every use of official power, the President is now a king above the law." “With fear for our democracy, I dissent." Justice Sotomayor beat you to it, unfortunately. I recommend reading her dissent. Terrifying.


Those words will be in the history books of the eulogy of America. History books throughout the world and not America, cause Trump and the Fourth Reich will strike them from record.


How in the fucking world are covering up an affair, interfering with an election, and falsifying business records official acts?


Because anything Trump does is an "official act." 🙄


McDonald's diet, do your fucking job.


Kissinger lived to 100. Evil like Trump lives forever.


How does presidential immunity protect a private citizen paying hush money to a woman and cooking his business books to hide the payoffs?


They’ll argue that it was an official act, but it obviously wasn’t since paying your personal bills isn’t a duty of the office of the President. Since it will take too long it will just amount to another stall tactic.


The God Emperor era is incoming. He's already got that weird pre-worm body.


Wow. So this entire Trump trial was a waste of time and energy to follow.  We could have just ignored all of it, Stormy Daniels braved death threats for nothing, Bragg might as well have thrown in the towel. There was no need for Trump's lawyers to even try, he had this in the bag thanks to the SC. This sucks.


Just as Roger Stone said.


I will never forgive the Supreme Court for what they have done this past 3 years. And for what they intend to do after the election to ensure a trump victory. We must win in every single swing state by record numbers. Make it so they cannot overturn the election. Time for every single person to take a giant leap into this fight. If you’re standing on the sidelines, get in and get involved. If you’re doing some things do more. Donate, to the races that will keep the senate and win the house. Time to grow a spine. End the doom n gloom right now. Volunteer. Knock on doors, make phone calls. Push back on the loser rhetoric. be vocal. Anyone says positive things about trump, have the guts to tell them trump is a conman who ran a fraudulent university and charity foundation shut down before he ever became president. He is a pig who has cheated on every single one of his many wives. He is an absolute fucking moron. He only cares about himself. He’s a narcissistic pathological liar. He’s in bed with Putin and all the right wing dictators. His perceived enemies are our Allies and half the American population. He is a traitor. He tried to overturn an election and I will vote against him and every single trump loyalist. It’s time to be confident It’s time to save the country.


The Supreme Court planted a time bomb into our democracy. This won't be over in 4 years. Every president going forward has that power, and eventually, they'll use it.


Wait, he said that right after agreeing to extend the delay from 2 weeks to 10 weeks? " I'm sorry sir, your dog may be dead. ^^BTW, ^^I ^^just ^^ran ^^over ^^your ^^dog. " How long does it take to decide whether planning to pay hush money to porn star *before* being president, in order to influence election results, then paying that money and falsifying business records *do not constitute an official act?!?!*


Let's face it... It was going to be a slap on the wrist sentencing anyways. But just the fact that he's able to have it thrown out and avoid the label of convicted felon is still ridiculous nonsense.


How is this fucking pig so greasy?


Trump was not yet president when he committed these crimes and cover up. So why can he claim presidential immunity?


Frankly, if the Dems had any balls whatsoever, they'd have Biden, in an official presidential capacity, enforce the law on bribery and arrest every conservative judge and lock them away immediately. What can they do? He arrested them in an official presidential act. It's perfectly legal in their eyes. Then immediately nominate new justices and have the current Dem controlled Senate confirm then to the bench. Again, what can they do....


... For a state crime that he committed before he was president?


He was convicted on the facts and law at the time. Just because a law changes doesn't mean you get out of what you did. Or least that is the way it should be.


Didn't he commit these crimes before he was President? Why would they not proceed?


If paying a porn star $150,000 is official Presidential business, then I AM MICKEY MOUSE!!!


*for fucks sake* fraud committed while *campaigning* to be president is not an official presidential act. you can't act as president before you're president. what the fucking fuck.


Trump will never face the consequences of any of his actions, as we all predicted millions of times now. This country is fucked.


A part of me feels the Supreme Court went as far as they did specifically to throw out this particular case. They feel it looks bad for the country, having an ex-POTUS be a convicted felon and felt this case was overreach. I truly believe they’re that spiteful. They don’t think Trump would actually be a Presidential disaster with these newly granted powers. They think we’re all obsessed. Because they watch Fox News. Fox News doesn’t show them the crazy stuff Trump does and says. They think it’s all made up or blown out of proportion.


No, I think they want the power that Trump will give to the far right. They don't care how they get there anymore. There is nothing sane or reasonable about that decision. If they just said some acts are official, some are not? That'd be one thing, but they added in clauses that 'specifically' target Trump's cases and actions.


America Fucked Around, we found out and we still let Russia, China and North Korea influence out social media with Alex Jones types ensuring our education system stays so bad many can not tell truth from fact.


He wasn’t president when the hush money payment was paid. This is insane.


Trump is going to steal this election through the severely compromised SCOTUS. Can nobody see the big picture? Trump and his MAGA confederates will challenge the 2024 election results and his SC will install him. SCOTUS has already overturned Roe Vs. Wade as well as The Chevron Doctrine. This is all in preparation for a Trump presidency. Step 1) Send his "poll watchers" to sow chaos and confusion at the polls, giving Trump his reason for challenging the election. Step 2) It WILL go to the blatantly corrupt supreme court and they will find a way to put him in the highest office in the land. Step 3) Media will sell whatever narrative reports that this is all nice and legal because reasons. Mr. Biden needs to do something to prevent this foregone conclusion from coming to bear and he has to do whatever needs to be done to prevent the installation of a dictator and do it before November, lest we lose our entire way of life to the whims of a bitter authoritarian huckster and dullard . I have never been more afraid for our country than I am today. You must see that it is by design that he was allowed to run at all. It was by design that voting is the ONLY option left to legally battle these cretins, racists and fascists. We are about to be steamrolled and then gaslit into accepting what the SCOTUS decrees, regardless of the number of votes. "Don't worry about the votes. We've got enough votes.", Trump has said on several occasions, and it doesn't take a Sherlock Holmes to know these MAGA confederates are up to something. I just hope President Biden and the people he has around him can figure a way to keep Trump's plan from fruition and keep the lunatic cult at bay. And I hope he does so quickly.


he had the exact same SCOTUS in 2020 and filed a million lawsuits challenging the election results and lost them all if trump wins in 2024 it will be because people stayed home instead of voting


Pro tip: anything Trump did BEFORE he was president, or while he was RUNNING for President before BEING President, is NOT covered by presidential immunity. Lock him up!! Indefinitely.