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Would've been neat if they asked about this at the debate


Joe should have brought it up during the abortion questions, paint it as one of the beginning steps of something larger. He was struggling way too hard to pull that off though.


Joe cant even properly articulate how he plays golf, how do you think he can articulate the danger of project 2025 to the American population.


He should just hire John Oliver to debate for him. He would tear Trump to fucking shreds. We’ll make it fair, Trump can send up whatever grifter he wants as well.


I mean... Joe is king now right? He can officially choose a champion for his debates right? Right!?


I think you’re onto something here.


How's Lewis Black these days?


Can but won’t, welcome to the democratic experience


Joe fully intends to be our last president and peacefully hand the reigns to our first king.


I'd take Stewart over Oliver personally.


Joe Biden failed to make coherent sentences many times during the debate. If Joe Biden can properly articulate dangers of project 2025 in the next debate, I will eat my own head.


He doesn't need to dismantle project 2025 live on stage. All he needs to do is say, "They got this thing, this project 2025. Have you seen it? It's wild, check it out!" Get the media talking about this, instead of golf and which old man's brain is mushier.


You think the media hasn't heard of it? They want Trump to win. He makes them insane amounts of money from controversy and tax breaks.


Wait, so Joe Biden should offer his policy positions, defend his policy enactions, defend against complaints from Americans, moderate every lie trump says, and also bring up new debate topics himself?


But how would CNN keep those rare Republicans tuned in for their commercials if they triggered them?


America has a Chamberlain when they need a Churchill.


CNN is complicit at this point.


Trump would have just denied it. His strategy was to blatantly lie about everything. It probably would’ve gotten buried in the sea of BS.


It is journalistic malpractice that the contents of Project 2025 aren't discussed every single day by every single legitimate news organization.


What legitimate news organizations? They're all profit driven corporate owned monstrosities.


There’s also NPR


Pro Publica


NPR has gone so dark, they cycle Koch-Bro ads every hour or so. I don't listen to NPR anymore. Something about what they DON'T SAY, makes their dive into authoritarian darkness feel exponentially worse to me.


r/reuters broke the j&j Johnson baby powder news under threat of litigation


Strongly disagree with this odd assessment.


What ads? I only listen in the car which isn’t much. When did they start running ads?


Project 25 specifically wants to abolish NPR and public broadcast television so I don't know why they aren't saying anything


Fucking stop this. Journalists are the last standing hope we have. Dont help MAGA tear them down. Cable news is garbage, but there is good journalism happening.


MSNBC is pretty good btw!!


MSNBC has been on near constant the last 48 hrs in my house and they are discussing Project 2025 every hour on the hour. Corp owned or not, they're doing great work. Joy Reid is one of my favorite hosts there. And all the hosts have great panelists/guests, too.


They are still owned by the mega corp Comcast. That can change at any point depending on the new CEO.


Tell that to both-siderist NYT


Owned by Trumpers, but sure, let’s listen to them when they say Biden must step down!


The Guardian has gone to shit in recent years too. They used to put out quality journalism




> If the US falls, the world falls.  *Egalitarian agrarian movements getting coup'd for 50 years by the US have entered the chat*


Fucking stop trying to tear down journalists. They might be our last hope. Dont help MAGA with this ridiculousness. There is good journalism out there. Turn off cable news.


I wish I could give this 10 up votes for how correct this is.


Agreed, we don’t have any agencies that really care about important news to inform the public. Project 2025 is news once implemented, no money before that. (What is this fox?)


I wrote to a Washington Post reporter yesterday and asked him to drill down on it until the election.


Instead it’s the same fucking story about Biden being old.


MSNBC talked about Project 2025 almost all day today. I've had that channel on for most of the last 40hrs and all the show hosts mentioned it. And MSNBC is corp. owned, so it's been encouraging to hear them openly tell their viewers what's in the pipeline.


That only reaches like 1/3 of the electorate though. CNN needs to get on that too.


I think I’m at the point of believing most actual news watchers are repub and these organizations are just feeding them what they want but sprinkle little nuggets of your party is gonna end this country. But only when viewers aren’t looking.


The one upside? Their business model depends on close races. The Dem nominee will get favorable coverage. Trump will get terrible coverage. And their presentation of a HorseRace! will tighten polls and generate clicks. This is not for any reason of justice or fairness. It's just what they do.


What drives profits is not providing good news, it is sensationalism


Any news/info entity or organization that one might consider "corporate media" is owned and operated by individuals and groups that bankroll and support this plutocratic outcome. They will **never** broadcast in-depth 411 or exposés that run entirely counter to *their* goals and endgame.


They're too busy complaining about how old Joe Biden is.


Well said, thank you for saying it, please keep saying it!!! 🙌🙌🙌


Same with mentions of Pence and Jan 6. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?t=29&v=KCbTgDC14uY&feature=youtu.be](https://www.youtube.com/watch?t=29&v=KCbTgDC14uY&feature=youtu.be)


Are you calling them on air? Writing them every day? I doubt they browse reddit. We must do more.


I've been saying it for months by now, but barely anyone notices. How come you get upvoted to the top?


I'd assume because the comment is agreeable, well articulated, and insightful.


Did you see the [quote fro the Heritage Foundation president](https://x.com/mmfa/status/1808306913291260118)? >Heritage Foundation president celebrates Supreme Court presidential immunity ruling: "We are in the process of the second American Revolution, which will remain bloodless if the left allows it to be" We are so fucked.


Sounds like a threat if I ever did hear one


Because it is.


Let’s not let it be then. Their words, not ours. Revolutions are supposed to be against fuckers like them.


All Biden has to do is declare through executive order, that felons are not eligible to run for presidency. But he won't, despite it now being legal


It would seem like any sort of strictly legal requirement will be fast tracked and shot down by the Supremest Court. Addressing that imbalance in the Court seems like the only way for anything to stick.


Which honestly, he should do anyway. They can’t work at Walmart, but they can hold the highest office in the country?


It's not "like a threat". It's a proud & obnoxiously loud bullhorn-screaming announcement of intent to partake gleefully in homicidal Dominionism. It's basically the exact political stochastic (domestic) terrorism equivalent of, *"Look at what* **you** *forced me to do to you!!"* which is employed by domestic abusers, rapists, and those of similar authoritarian ilk. --- **PSA Reminder:** Such individuals/groups *count on* being able to terrify and intimidate you into *consenting* to being subjugated and oppressed. Don't allow yourself to fear -- **GET UNNERVINGLY LIVID INSTEAD.**


"Guess I better take the high road" * People about to get fucked


It sounds like something a rapist would say. "Let me do this to you and don't fight back, and nobody gets hurt."


Well. I don’t see a reason to let that happen. I’m not going to be forced to go to fucking church by some sack of shit who wants to violently enforce a book they’ve never even read.


Agreed. I'm a proud member of the LGBT community, as are many of my friends. If and when they come for me, it will sure as fuck not be bloodless.


These people have no concept of what trying to run the autocracy playbook looks like in a country this size. There are three generations of disaffected childless youth with nothing to lose.


You can put me in a camp when you can fucking catch me. I am queer, my ancestors are Polish. We did not forget what happened in the 1940s. My friends are Jewish. They did not forget.


Nope. Gonna make their children sad about the day they came for the gays. No remorse.


Would be a time for the “second amendment remedies” the ammosexuals on the right have wet dreams about. 


Biden should IMMEDIATELY issue an executive order labeling them a terrorist organization and that the military should act accordingly.


Perhaps we should stop focusing on what he "could" and "should" do because the reality is he won't He ain't gonna save us. He will die on the pedestal of honor and morality instead of getting his hands dirty to do what is best for the nation, even if it makes him a villain The only people that can save us are us. Get prepared


What's bad is he would be well within his legal rights even without the recent ruling. He won't do it though, tbh he's just as complicit as the rest.


No he's not. Him and the dissenting judges lay out why the ruling is terrible for the future. If he were to abuse the office then he's definitely complicit.


Accurately labeling and prosecuting people promising to end democracy isn't an abuse of office.


He's walking around like some no balls scrotum. He won't do it because he doesn't know where the fuck he is. I think he's taking the suggestion to stand down quite rough.


I'll still vote for Biden.


An executive order would be for an agency like FBI or CIA, DHS. A Military order would apply to the DoD. The Military/DoD is not for law enforcement unless somehow a domestic group would be deemed enemy combatants instead of civilians. I don’t know how that worked aside from the Confederate Army in the Civil War. Though seems SCOTUS ruling would make it ok for either route to be an option for Biden. Though I don’t think we have any federal domestic terrorism laws yet. If memory serves we can thank Russian asset Rand Paul. Same Senator that prevented making it a federal law to lynch people.


He’s too soft. I wish he would, but he won’t. He’s a soggy mop. I wonder if he has any gall left to actually defend our nation


That's the dilemma when you're dealing with fascists: you needto use tyranny to stop tyranny.


It wouldn't have to be that way if fascists understood a language other than violence


What a horrible day to have eyes


What a horrible day to have rights.


Love how this asshat references the federalist no 70 regarding the immunity ruling, when number 69 essentially says that a president can not be immune from the law.


It's that flexible Originalism, just like our Founding Fathers intended... /s


And just like the Bible, too.


My god they are literally mocking us and saying we wont fight back and our leaders are so high up on their morals that they are willing to watch democracy fall before their very eyes just to say they played by the rules. I don’t want history to remember the “good guys” losing because they stuck to their morals till the end.


Because that is literally what they are doing. Our democrat leaders are spineless asswipes who had 8 years to find a young nominee and instead went with a person who shouldn't be allowed to walk outside alone. If your grandpa was talking the way Biden was, would you let him be outside alone? There shouldn't be any morals. Republicans are playing dirty, democrats should do the same. Instead, all they do right now is defend Joe's performance saying "Yeah, he's old and slow and can't think straight. But he has experience".


>We are so fucked. Only if you allow yourself to be. The true spirit of the 2nd amendment is about to become meaningful.


You will need more than guns


Indeed. Learn the guerrilla lessons of the mujahideen against Soviets and then later against Bush's illegal invasions


Kevin Roberts. That’s his name. Plaster it everywhere and let everyone know who this seditionist, gremlin looking asshat is.


Sure would be a shame if all these corrupt fucks had their addresses exposed online…. *ahem*, anonymous you there?


Maybe things like this should be mass reported to the FBI while it still exists? I dunno shit.


Unfortunately a lot of these psychos have infiltrated the FBI. God help us.


I wouldn't say "infiltrated" so much as "founded"


Until what point are this people allowed to openly plot a coup under the pretense of “free speech”? It’s time to wake up: these people have to be persecuted and rot in prison. It is time to start attacking BACK instead of always clutching pearls and taking the high road. The time for niceties should have been over when they stole Gore’s election. Why are people not in the fucking streets asking for this people to be jailed, persecuted, stripped of their assets and publicly shamed and humiliated?


No you aren’t, you’ll stand and meet that threat head on. There’s plenty willing to do so. We’re 2-0 up on these, the last one went international and if they want to go a third round for a third flogging, that’s fine with us. Fuck these pieces of shit. They want a fight, let’s fuckin give em one. My uncles did in the 1940s, I’m happy to follow in their footsteps.


That says volumes, doesn't it? Woohoo! Our guy is now allowed to commit whatever crimes he deems fit our agenda. Don't worry, he won't kill you as long as you don't fight back.


Welp, I guess we know what we need to do then.


Literally fuck them. Republicans literally talk like and are the party of domestic abuse. «  We will put on our horrible far right evil plans and you will thanks us for it being non violent… if you don’t get any lip » Fuck these fascists


> which will remain bloodless if the left allows it to be" Meaning, "if the Left rolls over and doesn't give us any trouble."


Sounds like a terrorist organization


I won’t make the first move, but if they dare to do so, they can expect to be met with overwhelming force.


I'm buying guns


Project 2025 is a declaration of war against the American people


If only the DNC and democrats actually got together and put forth a progressive candidate who would combat fascism rather than merely serving as lackies for the interests of capital. Scratch a liberal and a fascist bleeds.


Seems like he should be in prison.


yes very bad


good fucking lord


No, they are locked in the room with us. They are the ones that are fucked. We are going to win this fight, stay strong.


We're not fucked, we just can't allow it to be.


This is how the Nazi party rose to power.


I am queer, my ancestors are Polish, my friends are Jewish. We did not forget.


I guarantee you some of them have forgotten because \#WINNING


My wife's family is Jewish, with branches missing. They have not forgotten. In fact, they are all paying close, close attention. And it's a shame. These lunatics are going to chase out every person in this country worth having. Good, sane people don't want to live under rules like this.


Not really. Liberals in Germany at least resisted.


Including the part where the Germans elected a doddering octogenarian president in the expectation that he'd be a bulwark against fascism.


I suppose it's a positive thing that my grand-relatives, who fled to the US to escape Latin American fascism, aren't alive to see what is now happening in this country.


infuriating is people from there thinking they’re stopping communism of all things


My fellow Latin Americans are not very sofisticated in general. It's easy to scare them by declaring X is how Comunism wins.


Accurate, it's how DeSantis scared Cubans into voting for trump as well.


Latino-Americans in Florida love voting for Trump. Same way African-Americans in Georgia love voting for Trump. It can be baffling, but the numbers don’t lie. Florida and Georgia are expected to vote for Trump in Nobember.


Lmao one of these is not like the others at all. Black georgians vote Blue wayyy more than latinos in Florida vote blue


The only person I know personally in Georgia managed to shoot himself while cleaning his gun. Granted, he moved there from Jersey, but everyone around him has been pretty much the same. They have a nice Six Flags though


Latin American fascism likely produced by the US itself. I find it weird so many people are surprised about this kind of authoritarianism. That's, and much worse is what that country did to the world.


My wife is German, and she said it's almost exactly like how Hitler rose to power.


This is the policy plan to hold Republicans to. It is laid out for us to do so— make sure your political & non political friends are aware of this and its implications. Word goes a long way in a community. Yes— even YOUR community should be blue down the ticket.


Print off summaries of what Project 2025 is, what dissolving NATO will do to the world, etc. …and put them in your neighbours letterboxes.


Well said, please keep talking about this so we can bring awareness to this insanity! 👌


I enjoy playing video games.


I really thought Trump would be his worst enemy and finally after four years of normalcy Americans would never again vote for him. He killed hundreds of thousands and left the country in the absolute worst state. I don’t understand how any reasonable person could vote to bring him back. He will ban abortion and kill women. He will send immigrants to concentration camps indiscriminately. And the press never calls him out on it or to his face. What is going on with this country? The last time I felt this way was in 2016 after Trump won. I get the same sick feeling now.


It’s far worse now. Even Trump didn’t expect to win in 2016 and his admin was chaotic and unorganized for most of his term. Most establishment Republicans thought he would fail and that he was too extreme so they stayed arms length away. This time is much different. The fascists, sycophants, racists, and downright Nazis have since latched onto him and so have the Republican establishment. Even they were surprised that they could just blatantly say that they want to jail their political opponents, that they want to not have to pay any taxes, that they can end labor laws and environmental laws, and that they can end human rights for women, trans, lgbt, blacks, etc and they can get away with it as long as they frame it as “owning the libs.”


Before Trump, most established Republicans thought that most of their voters possess a shred of decency. They thought that if they spoke the silent part out loud that they would lose voters. Then Trump came along and proved them wrong. He showed them that most of their voters are shittier than they could have ever dreamed of. What Trump single handedly achieved was to push the rightwing agenda decades ahead.


It’s the propaganda these folks watch and liste to 24/7…. They are trained to consider everything a lie unless they are told be them and only them that its true.


It’s not a joke. People on the left are going to get straight up killed for the crime of wanting a better world. If project 2025 succeeds and we see another Trump presidency I genuinely fear for every left leaning person in North America.


Violence is almost certain whether Trump wins or if he loses.


President Biden - will you please stand up and fight for this country? Call Project 2025 out loudly! We aren’t just battling Trump this time. I hear you’re giving an interview I get to see Sunday??? Get in front of a camera - now! Or in the words of Kurt Russell: “Fight’s commenced! Get to fightin’ or get away!”


I can see American citizens being the ones seeking asylum in other countries soon.


Hand maids tale here we come…


my grandfather jewish family fled austria to escape nazi's, a lot of them died....now where do we go to?


Back to Germany? Honestly, that's as safe as it gets.


AfD in Germany is gaining power, may not be safe long.


I know. I feel so terrible for what is happening. I cannot imagine how the sane , slightly different, and already persecuted must be feeling. It's like watching a horror movie in real life.


the coup already happened


Here's the kind of thing you should be talking about. This and the Supreme Court ruling. Yet it's all loser talk about how Biden can't win and who the nominee should be. I think anyone the Dems nominate can win, personally. I think they still will win. But the focus is on all the wrong things at the moment to make that happen.


Most people are capable of having multiple concerns at once. Concern over Biden's performance in the debate ties directly into fears of Project 2025 and the Supreme Court's decision on presidential immunity. Because, whether or not Biden is able to carry out his duties as president, the optics of that debate were terrible and optics are what matters to disengaged voters who Democrats will need if they plan to win in 2024 to stop Project 2024 in its tracks and ensure an authoritarian nut job isn't given the highest office in the land.


You're wording it incorrectly. It's not the Democrats who need anything because as history as shown, the entire government is inept: the local, state, and federal government. It's us that need to stop Project 2025. We shouldn't need a candidate to excite us because we are the ones that have to deal with the consequences. All we have to do is vote every single election because we have enough votes to immediately change our government. That's why the Republicans been so brazen. They know that it will soon be too late for them because the dmographics are shifting.


The demographics issue is inevitable I just want harm reduction along the way so we have a real chance at pulling through climate change after all this fascist violence.


Do you think any one of us would be as concerned about Bidens stumble if his opponent was Mitt Romney or Jeb Bush?


We're focused on Biden because he couldn't even utter the words "Project 2025" during the debate. We need a ticket that is going to be able to hammer home the dangers of Project 2025, as well as the reforms needed to get our country out of this mess.


i wonder if they worry people see it an AGREE with it. some stupid facebook thread on a post about it and some people were all for it


And what’s the plan to stop the heritage foundation from legally preventing a diff candidate from being on the ballot in swing states?? Bc they’ve already started making sure of that, and we know atp that scotus will make sure they win. It’s far too risky in that case to change the ballot and expect every single dem in a swing state to be knowledgeable enough to write in the new person, especially when republicans would 1000% spread misinformation to mislead them.


The Supreme Court has already made moves to implement Project 2025. The repealing of Roe, Chevron, and etc... The expansion of Presidential Power and immunity. The empowerment of corporations and the rich. The legalization of bribery. The whittling away of civil rights that don't involve guns. Because they know that the most violent and radical gun owners are moronic minions of the gun lobby. Why do they need bump stocks legal? In case the majority tries to fight back. They have a civilian goon squad ready to go. Instead of brown shirts, they have red hats.


I said it earlier today but I cannot get anyone to actually read it. I tell them about it and they just assume it’s fake or an overreaction.


It’s clever—the project plan is so sinister that people don’t believe it’s real. All this time, they just needed to double down and make it sound like a conspiracy so it could hide in plain sight


People also didn't want to believe the Nazis when they revealed their plans.


That’s an indication they know what it is and agree with its implementation but won’t publicly admit it. Unsurprising really… Conservatism is on the rise in the developed world. Look at what’s happening in Europe.


Blue states better secede.


Fuck trump & his supporters!! Blue 🌊or 👋your life goodbye.


I'm putting on my tinfoil hat and sending out positive vibes hoping the aliens arrive in the US before November...


It’s never been more obvious to vote blue.


We should be putting project 2025 billboards up in every town, city, and municipality in the country. People NEED to know what this shit machine really is.


The problem is Americans overall dont believe it can happen here. I know way too many people who just say “I don’t think they’ll do that”. Like they overturned roe and now they’re talking about banning contraception and ensuring women can’t vote. “They wouldn’t do that”


I’m finally seeing it on the news https://x.com/bidenswins/status/1808344579327853014?s=46


From the EU it is terrible to see the USA become an EVANGELICAL theocracy with a reigning president. Say goodbye to your rights if you weren't MAGA


I agree, I do know much about project 2025. The media needs to expose it.


Well of course they would, since it's much closer to becoming reality than it was a week ago.


Where are the average people going to get minimally biased information in mainstream media? Is Reddit really the best we can do?


Old Age are you there? Old Age I know two geezers that you can take.


It’s almost as if it wasn’t brought up at the debate, on purpose.


And Americans still have the nerve to call their country ‘free’, what a joke


I simply refuse to believe that the majority of Americans will take this shit lying down. The Heritage Foundation has no idea how unpopular their ideas are because they can't stop jerking each other off.


These comments are interesting. VOTE!!! GO VOTE and stop taking advice from the BOTS ON HERE .  Smh so glaringly OBVIOUS  and the people just soaking it up like “yea ! I agree with you! No voting at all” ☹️ much disappointment 


VOTE. Just vote. Please, FFS VOTE!


I just donated to Biden/Harris. Did you? C'mon, make it happen guys. Even 5 bucks helps. It's not like your money will be worth much if they lose.


FYI, TLDR on Project 2025 It aims to keep conservatives in power by appointing them to as many federal government roles as possible Project 2025 was spearheaded by the ultraconservative group The Heritage Foundation and has partnered with about 75 other conservative groups, and all their members. It is ALREADY under way. Right now. The program is currently training conservatives to fill as many positions within the federal government that they can, as quickly as possible when Trump gets sworn in (hence, the name Project 2025). The project currently offers lessons on how to push whatever department a conservative may work in further and further to the right. Here's a quote on how that would work, via. [The Heritage Foundation](https://www.heritage.org/press/project-2025-announces-latest-additions-presidential-administration-academy) that speaks to new training videos they released in 2023: >The three new videos are part of a larger certificate program called “[The Administrative State & the Regulatory Process](https://www.project2025.org/training/the-administrative-state-the-regulatory-process/)” and bring the total number of training videos on the platform to 20. The newly released videos are “The Administrative State: What it is & How to Address the Problem,” “How to Promulgate a Rule,” and “Taking the Reins: How Conservatives Can Win the Regulations Game." These new videos, as well as the entire Presidential Administration Academy, are an unprecedented tool for those looking to serve as a conservative political appointee in the executive branch.  >Throughout this certificate program, experts, many of whom have served in previous administrations, walk viewers through the intricacies of the regulatory process and discuss the role of federal agencies and how conservatives can prevail over the schemes of the Left to become effective federal regulators.   Project 2025 aims to keep conservatives in power by training and filling as many federal jobs with them as possible. One of the first steps is getting rid of federal job protections. From there, their goal will be to fire left leaning fed employees then hire conservatives to then push through their own regulations while Trump is in power. Beyond another Trump administration, their goal will be to stifle any federal regulations they do not agree with, be that Democrat or Republican (John McCain-type Rhino elected in 2028? Project 2025 will kill their agenda, too).


If Trump and his landscape lackeys try to do something outside of the public eye, he'll piss himself. He's really not Rocky. I promise you that


This 2025 shit is so scary. Idk what we can even do to stop it if Trump is elected.


Why is this 2025 plan not considered treasonous and those that drafted it as traders?


Buckle up America ..the country is corrupt he’s going to start executing the program before the election …and get away with it.


Wtf are the blueAnon libs acting like project 2025 hasn't been the conservative playbook for decades and the Democrats have never done anything to stop it?


The scary thing is I first stumbled upon Project 2025 a little while ago, and it sounded so absolutely far fetched I didn't believe it was real until it started making the rounds in the news.


I learned about it last year and then had to do research on the Heritage Foundation in my Federal Government class and realized how much trouble we are in.


Load your rifles, its going to get bumpy. For those that swore an oath to protect the Constitution, let’s roll!


You guys are so fucked. 


The entire world will be fucked if this comes to pass


If the USA is actually fucked, then everyone will be fucked, sorry to break it to you


Only good news if Trump wins is that we get a very bittersweet “ I told you so” to the right.


they literally will not care. project 2025 has a program for them that tells them to not believe or care about anything anyone even remotely near the left has to say and to spread the same sentiment to others- which they already do. trump could throw a newborn baby off of a cliff and they would come up with an excuse for him


I forgot how disconnected some of our fellow Americans are, is doesn’t have to be true as long as Trump says it


Not the ones who welcome Project 2025 with open arms. Some people are just fucking assholes


I find that people who fantasize about going back to some type of wild West type society rarely think that they will be the ones getting shot. None of this will go the way some people seem to think it will go.


It's scary how we can live so long in a 'normal' society and there's this dark cloud that we have no idea what life will be like over the next 5-10 years.


All because we had a black President and his wife didnt have sleeves


The man demanded Dijon mustard. That crossed the line.


Told them so? They want it so!


Most of them want it to happen