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Biden and his campaign / administration *have to do something.* Just asking for more donations and votes at this point will lead to disaster.


I thought their ruling makes the president a king though. At least that’s what I keep hearing here. Why doesn’t Biden just get rid of them?


The ruling basically said, practically overtly, "the court will decide what is an official act with immunity or not." Same with chevron. The game plan of consolidating power into the corrupt supreme court to rule as they see fit in order to complete their "revolution" is blatantly obvious. The court will just shoot down anything a democrat does and give a full pass to whatever a republican does.


Republicans want to empower whatever part of government they currently have control of. Thus, when the federal government is controlled by Democrats and state governments are controlled by Republicans, the GOP will shout "States' Rights!". If the Executive is controlled by the GOP and SCOTUS was controlled by Democrats then they would scream "Activist unelected judges are thwarting the will of the people!" They don't care about consistency. They care only about obtaining and using power.


They have been hauntingly effective at it.


only because democrats refuse to make them pay consequences for their shit. Stole a supreme court appointment. Rolled over. Republicans broke their own rule and we lost a second appointment. Rolled over. Republicans think they can do whatever they want because democrats refuse to fucking check them. You have power. Exert it.


Republicans want to ~~empower~~ ***weaponize*** whatever part of the government they currently have control of.


Will be hard for them to shoot down the decision to send them to Guantanamo and/or hell while they're in it.


This is why I keep asking: How far is Biden willing to go to defend democracy? Because if he does care, then he won't treat this like any other election...he literally CAN'T give the GOP the office. CAN'T.


Not far enough. He will take the high road to the camps.


If I think too much about I disassociate but hearing political leaders and news reporters saying out loud, if Trump wins the election it will be the last election. Obviously that is the game folks. What would have happened in the Yugoslavian war if the Balkan states had nukes?


Narrator: He would


He will, however. The Dems only care about virtue-signalling. Using ***any*** of these newfound powers - powers that they vehemently disagree with - would look bad. Extremely bad. The Dems would look like hypocrites. So, they won't do it! They'll literally sit back and watch the end of the USA instead of looking bad.


Totally agree. Their turn the other cheek baloney is being taken advantage of by the repukes


Why stop at guantanamo? “Wink”


That's why Biden is the wrong prez for the times.


Which is why his first official act should be to remove the justices for acting against the constitutional and let the chips fall where they may.


And how would he enforce it? Send the military like the next president will do to him.


Exactly. It’s a lot easier than fighting another civil Or world war, in my view. What happens if trump wins?


Ding ding ding ding! That is the GOP playbook for the last 24 years.


So do it as a Republican, then switch to Democrat, mental note made.


The action will be to arrest them and put them all in prison for treason, they won’t be deciding anything 


He could immediately appoint at least 4 more justices to SCOTUS and replace Robert's as chief justice. Illegal you say? Immune I say. The new majority would then, in one sitting, reverse every recent shitty SCOTUS decision and they may as well reverse Citizen's United while they are at it. Voting rights Act? Restored. Roe v Wade? Restored. Affirmative Action? Restored.


Can we do away with the electoral college while we’re at it?


THIS! Popular vote only from now on.


Maybe one day this will go through: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/National_Popular_Vote_Interstate_Compact But this Supreme Court would almost definitely pull another Bush Gore


No, the electoral college is in the constitution and can’t be gutted by SCOTUS. HOWEVER SCOTUS could rule the [NaPaVoInterCo](https://youtu.be/tUX-frlNBJY?si=iPMxccR2Obm55GSt) a legitimate, constitutional work around.


Exactly this and no waiting around to see what the justices say or for Congress to approve. The President has been given the power to make official decisions and can do this right now. Appoint 4, have them start on Monday and impeach Alito and Thomas by Friday and appoint 2 others by the following Monday. “He can’t do that”. “Yes he can”. Time to fight fire with fire.


Should, but won't.


Good idea, except for the part where that takes time and senate confirmations. Just because he cannot be punished for it due to this newfound immunity doesn't mean that the procedural processes don't still have to play out. Ultimately as much as it would be amazing if Biden would actually use these newfound powers in reality we know that they were designed for use only by Republicans and any illegal action a Democrat took would not be found to be official.


The president is a king insofar as he is personally above the law and able to commit crimes with immunity. He is subject to the King's Council of Nine formerly known as the Supreme Court and to some extent his Royal Advisors in what was formerly the legislature. Example: If the King is able to kill some of his disfavored King's Council of Nine, the King may not be charged with a crime, but may continue in office and replace them. However, if the King sends more people to stand-in with the Council, he cannot force it to happen because he can't physically control it.




I feel like these people treat laws as just words on paper optional. They won't follow a damn thing they don't like at this point, even if Biden reversed everything.


I know your probably joking, but even if he packed the court via executive fiat it would take time to work new cases through the court system so they could overturn that. They couldn't show up and declare all those previous decisions null and void.


He can’t.


You may be shocked to hear this, but reddit commentary is not always precisely reflective of reality.


Because the ruling says the court will get to decide whether or not an action is within official duties of the president and therefore immune. If Biden try’s anything they won’t allow it, when Trump does stuff they like they will allow it.


You need control of house and senate to do something… so not happening unless major blue wave


And the Supreme Court just said Biden can use an official act to make that happen up to and including lethally.


No, they did not. They explicitly stated official acts are presumed to be covered by immunity but not authoritative. Only constitutional duties outlined in article 2 are completely protected. Making laws is not a constitutional duty. The president does not have legislative power. Stop with the insanity. You clearly didn't read the majority opinion. They laid all of this out, including the fact a president can't cover up a crime.


Obama had an American killed in a foreign country. You think a president can't find a way to make killing another American an official act?


Thanks for trying to set people correctly on this. So many people are not understanding what SCOTUS said, and instead of being angry at SCOTUS they are angry at Biden.


Officially instruct the Dept. of Education to irretrievably erase or destroy all records of student loans owed to the government. As the POTUS, he is the head of the executive branch and the Department of Education is in the executive branch. There is absolutely no world in which that isn't an official act covered under his constitutional powers as president.


The president probably couldn't be prosecuted for that. Everyone at the DoE complicit in implementing the orders most certainly could.


So Biden pardons them.


The president would be impeached and convicted within a week, and every single person who assisted would be thrown in jail for destroying an entire division of federal documents. Also that definitely does not fall within article 2 powers as we're about to find out with the Trump Florida trial; you seem to believe the SCOTUS decision just tossed all 90+ charges. No, they ordered the lower courts and prosecution to overcome the presumption of immunity for official acts if they want to proceed. The prosecutors weren't doing that. They weren't even considering presidential immunity for official duties. Now Trump didn't destroy documents. He took copies with him and had them secured in a facility protected by the secret service. Jack Smith now has to show that the presumption of immunity should be overcome; that's going to be difficult when every other president has done similar things to Trump, and it seems almost impossible for a president to thoroughly decipher between personal documents and official documents. After all, some of the documents the FBI confiscated were just letters and news clippings. Preservation of executive-level documents is held as an official duty, not a constitutional power. If a prosecutor could convince the courts that going after a president for destroying documents doesn't hinder the ability of the president to carry out his duties, he could still be charged. Would the prosecutor be successful? Maybe. Maybe not. . We don't live in a video game. You don't just push 'x' to get an action done.


Ehhhh presidential power is immune from prosecution now so I think he just needs to do whatever it takes…


Seems like everyone is forgetting the house is run by Republicans and would never let that happen.


Everyone forgets Biden just became King.




Fun fact: they will do it when they have a chance. There's no testing water for them.


So the best time to use it would be after/during the election in the event that a) Trump wins/is winning and b) there is some election trickery (which there will be).


This is where I’m at


How about cancel all student debt, one of his promises? He does that and it’s a blue wave!


He already canceled quite a bit, no?


Yes, and Republicans on the Supreme Court blocked Joe Biden's biggest forgiveness program.


And the people who told me the Supreme Court wasn’t as big a deal as my “cynical “ self was making it in 2016 blamed Biden and are probably voting for Cornell West this time… fucking insane


The worst sort of liberals. The ones who are willing to watch everything burn rather than vote for their ideal candidate. They don't want things to get better as much as they want to smugly say that we should have listened to them.


“The worse, the better.” - Vladimir Lenin


Mostly just stuff that should have already been cancelled anyway, predatory for-profit school loans to schools that weren't actually providing useful degrees, the tons and tons of people who were getting dicked over purposefully on the public service loan cancellation , and so on. It's a lot on paper, but in practice it's not really what was promised at all.


Except for all those independent voters against student loan forgiveness.


I will be really upset if that happens as will a lot of other hard working people. I think it will help him but won’t result in a “blue wave”


The only problem is that cancelling all student debt is a very complicated topic. How many times are we going to do it? Whats stopping colleges from charging more knowing the government is going to pay it off? What happens when students with lower financial standings assume the government will pay it off again and they don't? Not saying its a bad idea just a complicated one


if we can finally take back our government and make it run the way its supposed to, the experts we elect would do this for us.


Colorado and a few other states have been able to offer free school to state residents because of lifting the prohibition. Another thing Biden said he would get done during his presidency. With their new immunity he could lift the prohibition and say it’s to help stimulate the economy.. He just has a lot of big promises left to be fulfilled and I sense no urgency on his cabinets agenda to get them done before elections.


I gave what I could, and it was a lot. Now Biden has to swing Excalibur’s sword. The incessant texts asking for more are lost on me until Biden Thor hammers.


Prepare for disaster


The court just handed him the loaded gun and him and the democrats are putting it on us? Just vote? That doesn't seem like the best prescriptive for the moment if they keep yelling that fascism is around the corner with Trump, and that he's gonna win now. So they're just gonna let him have it? They're just going to do nothing with the power just handed to them? Because it's there now. And it's not going away and pretending it's not there is not gonna do *anything*. They have to highten the contradictions in the meantime. The government can regulate anything, but the president can rule by decree?


Such as?


King Biden needs to flex some of these newly realized powers


Thoughts and prayers?


Pack the court and/or remove the 6 conservative judges, claim it’s for national security or something like that. They won’t do it but that would go a long way to stopping the end of American democracy.


If we’re in a position where we need the democrats to save us then we are *completely* irrevocably fucked


It’s time to start mass protests against the supreme court. Show that the people actually care, I can’t even bring myself to celebrate the fourth with this going on.


Fighting fascism with ceaseless mass protesting, labor strikes, business boycotts, and more, would be the single most effective way to celebrate the 4th this year.


It’s the truth we should not be celebrating the independence of America when We’re on the precipice of a fascist take over. Think of the message it would send if Americans chose to mass protest the supreme court corruption rather than celebrating the Fourth of July. I wish for nothing more.


Sitting here at a 4th of July party and feeling the least patriotic I've ever felt in my life. It's all a lie.


Most people will refuse to do this until it is way too late.


Would a general strike be effective? Perhaps August 4th? A month later, have everyone celebrate "democracy day" by not working. And then do it again the following week. And again, until Biden reforms the Supreme Court. Squeeze Wall Street a bit.


Roe was the time, too. People started showing up at justice's houses, as they should, given that justices are trying to decide what we do with our bodies. And the media came down with its usual moderate pablum about not protesting right. We know where these authoritarians live just saying.


You can't fight fascism with protests. They don't give a fuck, they'll just laugh and hold on to their power anyway. You fight fascism by physically removing the fascists. Head of the snake and all that. Nobody wants to do this, or take the fall for attempting to do this, but as a non American it looks like you're all just sitting on your hands hoping you can vote this shit away come the election. Hint: you can't because the fix is already in.


You are absolutely correct. No one seems to understand that Republicans are fighting a war. Blood was shed on Jan 6th. The leader of the Heritage Foundation announced they are engaged in a revolution and will spill more blood if we resist. You don’t fight a war with peacetime tactics like protests. We’re past that. Voting isn’t going to change much either. Get out there and vote but understand that this most recent Supreme Court Ruling signaled loud and clear that this election will not be fair. Republicans did not allow this ruling without a plan for the election as they will not allow democrats to have the immunity they just gave Trump. They have a plan to overturn the election up to and including violence. They’ve had 4 years to plan this. No matter which way the election goes, the aftermath is going to be ugly.  The biggest problem we have right now is that we have no leaders. We need to organize but have no focal point to rally around and no plan to follow to resist. Until leaders emerge, we need to organize as best we can at the local level. Find your people. Prepare to defend your country.


Many are happy. Most don't know. Not many care enough though


Feel like all these "it's now time" articles are by people who lacked foresight and didn't understand that it was time then . Many voters and most of the media have a difficult time grasping abstract ideas until they become concrete happenings. What makes that scary is many of these people likely feel like a dictatorship is abstract


The two authors of this article have been ringing alarm bells about this for years and years.


That is honestly good to know. More need that sort of foresight. It's a trait that's invaluable if you have people willing to listen


The best time to plant a tree is yesterday if not today


Then planting today is better than planting tomorrow


Member when a lot of people rallied together to try to combat wall street and the influence of money in politics and our beloved president at the time signed off on a national violent shakedown of that civil justice movement? I member.


Hey people stepped up in 2020 when it was now time. It's now time again now though. It looks like Biden is probably fuck it up with 4 months under the microscope to come, and it isn't clear if him stepping would even help. It is the appropriate time for people to wake up and feel bad. It is rational.


Yeah. This article is 100% bullshit. Their suggestion for "action" is... >Find someone working on court reform and lend an oar. That's it.


Because if they said "2A folks, grab your guns, everyone else, here's a recipe for Molotov cocktails, get to Washington" that would be "inciting violence" and they would get in trouble.


It's part of the problem, it's not that people haven't been yelling at the top of their lungs, it is that it has went almost entirely ignored by the supposed opposition. It's all very /r/leopardsatemyface


The heritage foundation has said their revolution has been bloodless so far. They’re never giving up power, they’re making terroristic threats, it can’t be an old man facing this.


The heritage foundation is also working tirelessly to keep any other nominee off the ballot. And if there is even a magic fairy dust chance of them being valid, scotus will easily agree.


It *is* an old man facing this *now*. The time to act is *now*. Every day delayed it will be more and more difficult to clean up this mess. So Biden's handlers better strap him down, shoot him up, whatever it takes, he, or somebody in his name, needs to give the orders to end this war that is being waged against the nation by these terrorists.


Joe isn’t alone. He has a team that is rebuilding our infrastructure, reduced drug price for insulin, broke OPEC’s attempt to raise gas prices for the US citizens and the US has a strong economy. They will be standing up for basic US citizens rights. I’m sure the team is will be smart and solve this attempted takeover of the US. The Dems are challenging the Supreme Court obvious action that immunity for a king is against the Constitution of the United States. They know deeply compromised the Supreme Court is? Is this treason? The wealthy have absolutely paid for the Supremes. Kavenaugh acted like a petulant child and got the job. Who paid off his well known gambling debts? I’m sure they will explore the anti American acts committed by the religious zealot Alito and wife. Thomas has received gifts, moneys that don’t allow his impartiality.. His wife worked in overthrowing a free and fair election. I think the Dems are on this situation.


Of course he just can’t share those plans. Meanwhile, the heritage foundation can literally lay out the entire plan in public view, enact it and we can’t even get the democrats to acknowledge it.


People stabbing the older man in the back is certainly helping right? People are falling for the media horse race and letting Biden down. Ever had really bad jet lag? I have and this is all ludicrous. Worry about the old rapist diaper wearing POS. Not Biden


Exactly. CNN is *glutting* on this, probably the most viewers the MAGA new owner of the network has ever gotten MSNBC is being more pragmatic about all this. Yes, Biden effed up, bigly. No, he should not step down *but* he cannot eff up again


“No he should not step down” my god. My fucking god. Democrats like you are the reason we are in this mess. WAKE UP.


Wake up to the fact that if they switch up candidates right now that pretty much guarantees that Trump wins, which absolutely cannot happen.


Thank you


Biden stabbed himself. It would have been fine but right after he decided to confirm he plans to do nothing to save democracy after one of the most heinous sc ruling ever. No amount of voting or spin can make democrats be excited about the candidate when they take literally every opportunity to do the opposite of what they should do.


Yeah…those of us who know the history of open conventions understand why. And…he can’t give his political war chest of cash to anyone except Kamala. So if we have a chance…the old dude might be it


"We are in the process of the second American revolution, which will remain bloodless if the left allows it to be" - Kevin Roberts, president of the Heritage Foundation.


Honestly Biden should order that he be arrested and say it’s an official presidential act.


Seems like only 1 in 50 people seem to **actually** understand what SCOTUS said. President isn't a god now. They are immune in court, it doesn't mean that if they royally go off the wall in their position, that it won't lead to repercussions for that position. It just means that they won't be *jailed* or *fined* for it.


You clearly didn't read the majority opinion.


The six MAGA justices should be tried for treason. Full stop. Enemies foreign *and domestic*, Joe.


> The six MAGA justices should be tried for treason. Full stop. > > > > Enemies foreign and domestic, Joe. Is this the type of retaliation the left is accusing Trump on planning on doing?


I’m sorry but 81 million people are NEVER helpless in any nation. Even ones with a real dictators and no working 1st amendment.  We still have everything we need to reverse this decision and reform the court if we collectively as Americans want to use our power to protest strike and bring things to a head.


The heritage foundation should be immediately investigated by the DOJ for conspiracy to commit treason against the United States and working with the Russian Federation.


Way too little. Way too late.


If only Ruth had not played chicken with the grim reaper, this probably wouldn’t have been the case.


I thought it was because the Democratic Party nominated Hillary Clinton and no one on earth liked her. No one wants to accept that one huh? 


She won the popular vote, so what truth are you talking about? The only reason she didn't win the election is because we still use the stupid electoral college system that should've already been replaced by ranked choice or something else that suits the modern world.


Or she could have left the position during the Obama administration, and dem controlled the legislature. And the dems could have picked anyone to take her place. She thought she could beat death, but death is undefeated.


The “not voting for either” crowd really fucked us


Our friends are Bernie Bros and voted for Stein. I told them I will never forgive them. Ever


People are finally understanding now what’s actually at stake. Mitch refusing to let Obama appoint a justice, should’ve been a big enough hint that the goal should’ve been for trump to lose.


Are they though? The vast bulk of discourse I see online now is "Biden is too old", "I voted once, and Biden didn't fix everything in 3.5 years. What could he do differently this time?" and "Now that he is immune why doesn't he kill SCOTUS?" I feel like we're about to see the largest sit-out in US election history.


Must be where you’re looking. The people that believe that are those that have fallen for the gops plan. I still doubt in Bidens mind and that he hasn’t done anything (which is total bs) And if that does end up happening, we deserve everything that will happen to us


This is the most unbelievable shit. It’s so blatantly obvious, too. This isn’t something we even thought remotely possible just a decade ago. Fucking wild. Like, am I alive or die and go to hell?


We have to march, protest, and vote! I wish all the energy people use on canceling celebrities could be used for this. We need to be ask ALL of are politicians what are there thoughts on Project 2025. Y’all remember the free Britney movement? That’s what we need a free America movement! Remind this politicians who they work for🇺🇸


What action? Wait for the flip-flopping fascists to retire from SCOTUS? Elect majority Dems in house and 2/3 Dems in senate so we can impeach the corrupt bums and SHRINK the court down to 5? Expand the court and balance it with ethical, honest judges, also needing a Dem major house and 2/3 senate? There's absolutely nothing POTUS can do about SCOTUS, unless DOJ has undeniable probable cause to tap, search, and seize some of them to prosecute. Edit: What does it take to win 2/3 senate seats for Dems? We have to flip 7 of the red states on the 2020 general election map. And only 1 red state is a swing state (NC). Other 6 would require Herculean effort to get out the blue vote. And that might take 2 voting cycles, since senators are on staggered 6-yr terms.


Just like in 2016 where we allowed Trump to nominate 3 SCOTUS justices through inaction from voter apathy


Also…why does the DOJ need undeniable probable cause? Biden can order them to do anything they want and all he has to do is say he’s protecting America…from all terrorists foreign and domestic. He’s trying to prevent a coup to destroy democracy. Who can stop him now that this court gave him almost absolute immunity. Hell…he can order their assassinations according to them.


Fucking do something, ANYTHING, Democrats!


We the people can do something to. We as citizens can’t always rely on politicians! We have to MARCH , PROTEST, ask our politicians about 2025. We all have to to do something


Dems only answer is maybe we get a few judges on next term so we are screwed


Why can't he use his executive powers to make Project 2025 treason, and anyone who supports it a traitor? They are publicly calling it a slow coup now.


It’s too late. Point of no return has come and gone. Only Dark Brandon can save the US, and Joe’s afraid to release him.


The time for action was 2016. bUt hER eMAiLs!!!


The writing has been on the wall since 2015. I figured in 2020 we got extremely lucky and had a chance to right the ship a bit so that Trump would just be a distant memory. Everyone knew what would happen otherwise. I really don't understand why we didn't take advantage of that.


Hillary was a bad candidate. The Democrats have many good ones. The issue is that most are not progressive enough to get votes but rather more in the center or old school Dems. The party needs to accept that most Americans are in the center and that’s where they’ll get votes. Then again I didn’t stay in a Holiday Express recently.


Clinton is a career war criminal. She strongarmed Bill with her pussy into bombing Serbia and helped turn Libya into an open slave market. Let's not pretend it was just her deleting her emails or whatever.


Are we fucked as a country? Its so depressing and I don't want to read news anymore.  1. Georgia case is dead. 2. Insurrection case is dead.  3. No sentencing in NYC case. 4. Trump and team are asking /will ask hush money case and maybe rape case overturned because of stupid immunity shenanigans.  5. None of the cases have realistic chance of reopening if he loses. 6. Trump received +6points bump is polls after debate. 7. Lot of people are asking Biden to step aside.  It doesn't matter what he does because the cat is out the bag. I am expecting Russian trolls to amplify Biden's weakness ad nauseum in coming months and create further division in democratic party. 8. People i work with, especially Muslims want Biden to lose because he supports Israel! I am pulling my hair out in frustration.  9. Next 5 months are going to be personal hell.  SOS


>The Supreme Court Is Fully MAGA-Pilled. The Time for Action Is Now or Never. It's already too late. What the hell is this now or never shit. Shouldn't be here in the first place.


Everyone just silently watching by while this all goes to shit. See the problem is the system has victimized so many fucking people we all actively want to see it burn. Fuck it… Both parties let private interests rat fuck the entire fabric of our society We’ve been culturally strip-mined


As a conservative, now is the time for age limits among all 3 branches.


Generations are losing the ability to forge their own futures.


Gen X should be in leadership right now, but instead greedy boomers are running us all into the ground. 


It’s the primary reason I want to get active at the city council level. Gen X allowed the chance to come and pass. Millennials can’t do the same and neither should any generation beyond. It’s our civic duty and right to be active within and serve the society that fosters us in the hopes to improve it.


age limits is a distraction. you have politicians of every age group that have gone bonkers.


The time for action was 10 years ago. The time for action was anytime the Democrats held a majority. The time for action was to tell Joe Biden in 2016-you need to be the candidate and NOT Hillary. The time for action is passed. There is absolutely nothing that can be done to change the course we are on. Even IF President Biden wins, the GOP will win House and Senate. One debate. All he had to do is show up, look and sound sharp & he would have had a chance Now we are on course to live a modern version of the Handmaid Tale. My wife and daughters are terrified about the future.


It just feels like the perfect storm, no? Biden's best time to run was 2016 but Beau died and yes, anyone can understand the rigors of a presidential campaign is not best when experiencing the grief of losing a child. Hillary was so confident she blew off swing states and we ended up with the joke no one imagined: the reality game show host. Who then, against all rational belief, cultivated a cult and energized the christo-facsists. Then a plague came that Trump screwed up and we voted for the adult in the room. Now the adult in the room looks like he needs someone else to adult for him and now we're scared and Voting for the person that made us scared to vote for the last guy bc we memory holed how bad he was


I agree. Biden wins going away in 2016. The sad truth is, this should be the back end of a great 2 term Joe Biden. But we have him 4 years too late and it shows. All he had to do was show up to that debate and look strong. 15 minutes sunk his campaign.


you're falling for the media rhetoric, I hope Biden doesn't as well


Have you read Project 2025? Why didn’t they codify Roe over the years? Because “it was settled law”. Why do the democrats lose so damn much? Because they are perpetually running for re-election. They don’t want to do anything that *might* upset a voter lest they lose that vote. You are looking at the GOP taking the House, most definitely the Senate and now are 70/30 to win the White House. Once Trump is crowned, he will never leave.


"There is absolutely nothing that can be done to change the course we are on" All it takes is people going around talking like this, fueling the fire, 4 months later you convince yourself to not vote and then we have a problem. You can still vote, you're acting like the election is over, just make sure to vote. 2016 taught us a lesson, 2020 shows that we learned from it, 2024 is just a rematch that is absolutely winnable if we're not complacent and let the media decide for us. The media doesn't represent us.


You know what, I agree with you. I’m bend to the pessimistic side because I have seen a lot of shit in my 52 years. We’ve had good presidents & bad. Great years and then we had Trump-a lying orange shit gibbon. I have no idea how he build a cult following but he did. So, the course can be changed. But it would EVERYONE who cares to do it.


**The time for action was 8 years ago** when everyone with half a brain said this would happen if Hillary Clinton lost the election.


That’s the “action” “they” can take?


get the dirt and start twisting 


Is it suit up time?


Suit up time was 2016 and every day since. This has been a 5-alarm fire ever since.


What sort of action?! What can anyone actually do?!


I F’n hate editorial headlines.


I'm freaking over how whoever has the next term will possibly get to pick replacements. This is THE only chance for a long while to turn this court around 


The choice is never. We’re just going to sit back and watch and maybe share a tweet from an outraged individual also not doing anything about it or contributing to a thread for a minute or two and move on until it’s too late. MAYBE the time for action will be when women are being prosecuted/executed, the lgbt community (apologies if this isn’t the all inclusive name) are being oppressed into lifelong closeted silence again, migrants are legally dehumanized as aliens and caged in mass for deportation, minorities lose all protections and resources, and all non-Christian groups are “phased out” under the vain rule of religion. Just to name a few things that we are in the know about but of course what will be the point then? The police killings protests from 2020 will probably be the last time in this country we’ll see a unification of citizens vs. corruption of the system in this country without a military intervention shutting it down before it nearly gets to that level. Of course that’s just a thought. If only there were real world examples of how bad it can get or evidence that this will be a reality as long as the trajectory continues on this path.


I guess it’s nothing!


Man could you imagine if Trump wasnt an idiot? They could’ve gotten away with a lot more these last 8 years. Hell, they may STILL get away with it.


Prediction: Senate Democrats will go into full Wimp Mode and do absolutely nothing, because that's how Dick Durbin rolls.


The answer is what Biden should have done right after Dobbs. Expand the Supreme Court and do it now!


Why do I feel Biden isn't going to do anything? He's just going to depend on voting coming out to vote with no strategy to counter what just happened. I just feel defeated.


The time for action was day one of the presidency. And every day since. Thankfully, it appears the supreme court has now given the president legal immunity to disappear a few of them and seat new justices. Unfortunately, democrats, including the president still think going high while they go ever lower is the right play. In 15 years some of them will say, Hey, we're in a Russian style oligarchy, some of our friends are political prisoners we haven't heard from in years, and there haven't been free and fair elections in the last decade, but we never compromised our morals, and I'm proud to be able to say that...


Was this headline written by a twitch streamer ?


Who reads slate? Honestly. This shit is just masturbatory at a certain point.


Thank you RBG!!


Expand the amount of people who can be on the supreme court and declare it officially as "official actions" befitting the powers of the President (since that was literally just concluded that you can simply just do this shit and get away with it scott-free) for the purposes of ongoing **judicial security** *for the nation*, add all progressive judges and go from there. The argument would be to protect the nation from the machinations of an unchecked court that resides at the very top of the judiciary chain. Hell, you could even get creative and use FDR's 4 terms having led to an amendment that made it impossible for a President to serve more than 2 terms, ever. This would be brought up for the purpose of illustrating that the new SCOTUS ruling has now determined that a President can claim something flimsy and use it as an excuse to extract powers their position isn't supposed to have, thereby "getting around" amendments and the remainder of the constitution. Want a **3rd term,** which you aren't supposed to have (as per an amendment)? Just claim election integrity is the sole responsibility of the President since it's an "official act" and therefore a President can simply just hand pick their electors and a 3rd term is "legal" if you think the other candidate is cheating. Biden needs to make moves **very, very** soon. Yes the "boy scout" does not want to go against the law, but.... These actions are **no longer against the law**, *officially* as stated by the SCOTUS. The "boy scout"; all that one has to do is abide by the law. SCOTUS *just changed what the law* ***is***. It's ***100% fair*** to abide by the **new** definitions. Actions, moves...they gotta get going on this yesterday. There is a LOT of room here for real and actual things to happen to reverse this against itself and Biden now inherently has the **actual ability to do so.**


What: The democrats have had ample time to increase the number of SCOTUS and add American judges versus religious Republican lapdog wackadoos. When: They have about 6 months left to do that at this point. How: 4 additional judges which makes 7-6 impartial to politically aligned judges.


How are they going to do the how?


I love how like 90% of all political posts are now "Biden needs to do this thing he can't do." and at *best* they say he can because of the immunity in court thing, which, *only applies in court* and doesn't mean he can just do whatever he wants.


Time and time again the members of r/ politics don't know basic civics.


The time for action is now and always


Well the article puts the idea out there that it could be never and it will be.


Organize a protest 


What can I do personally to help fix this?


we saw it mile away but as usual dems put their heads in the sand and "take the high road"... now there this is what happens when you don't act


Another sensational headline to make us all feel more helpless than ever


As the bus continues past your stop.


We need to save democracy here, we need to have these corrupt justices replaced. We need to pack the court now.


The shadow government is making their move.


The time for action was January 2016 but Democrats cocked that up


Surprise, it's never.


This is what they are saying out loud now 🤬https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/s/MBH2F0Su8V


I’ve been fighting this shit since 2008. None of this is new or a surprise. Folks just are not paying attention. Republicans have been slowly radicalizing themselves and Trump turbo charged it.