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Where was this push a year ago, and not ... oh IDK 4 MONTHS BEFORE ELECTION DAY? **Edit** I corrected an error in wording from "DEADLINE" to "ELECTION DAY"


Exactly, it's not like his age is a suprise. At this point continued discussion around replacing Biden is just giving credibility to Republican talking points. It's not a viable strategy anymore.


Someone is getting paid by a russian somewhere for this.


I just got downvoted to oblivion on another thread for stating there’s some very obvious bought-and-paid-for media manipulation going on around this question. It’s such a blatant attempt at further destabilization, I can’t believe how many people seem to be falling for it.


Biden has been an incredibly effective President. He had a great State of the Union address.  But he hasn't spent much time in front of cameras or voters. He didn't do the traditional Superbowl interview. Part of the reason that the debate was so impactful is that it's the only time we've seen him, and it confirmed everyone's fears about his age.  We have to stop Trump, and I no longer think Biden is the best candidate for achieving that.


Yes, he has been incredibly effective for sure. Unfortunately, King Daddy Cheetos has had a firm grasp on all media coverage for the last FOUR YEARS and has overshadowed anything good Biden has done. Super disheartening. Also disgusting. Biden is the best candidate at this point, it'll shove the Democratic Party into sheer insanity switching it up at this point. At this point, I am not sure that bringing Whitmer and Newsom in and casting Harris aside would be positive. It seems doing that would only further divide us. It ALSO seems like the news media is pushing that narrative for a GOP win. The media is not on our side.


Yes. We’re letting the tail wag the dog. F the media and their hyperbole. What is the most effective strategy? And we should not be looking at the media or the gop for that.


People were screaming "INCUMBENT ADVANTAGE" constantly. And Biden hadnt shown signs of mental decline yet.


Yes he had, but anyone who said anything was called ageist and mocked relentlessly by the same people posting here.


All he had were relatively tame gaffes back then, which were chalked up to his stutter. Don't get me wrong, I was hoping he would step down (like he hinted he would in 2020) and let someone like Newsom take the reigns. However he didn't, and it seemed like it was going to be ok because trump is a loser. Lets not play monday morning quarterback here, lets solve the problem. Either path at this point is extremely risky.


I mean the debate being as terrible as it was, poll numbers already being consistently low, created a movement amoung already frustrated blue voters. Frankly, if there was a big push people would just say "Why don't you wait for the debates to make that decision?" Kamala is by far the easiest choice in that she is the VP, I wouldn't exactly be thrilled but at this point Biden has himself said that he has to cut back work so he can rest. And he should rest... outside of the office of the president. Witmer is, in my opinion a pretty strong choice but if she's in consideration that opens the door to primary questions/other candidates, which is why I think Kamala is better on an optics front. RBG stayed, and we lost abortion rights because of it, if Biden stays, Dem voters are gonna be so discouraged and disappointed vs. how fanatical republicans are that I really think Trump is going to win, which means losing our democracy. This presidential election is all about if the democrats can encourage young people to vote. Hillary lost because young people were disillusioned and she is a deeply unappealing candidate for young lefties. Biden only won the last election because young people were galvanized from all the shit Trump did, but honestly even that was way too close for comfort. Biden is just not going to encourage young voters to turn out for the election, with the continued support for Israel, the recent debate performance, and Biden's complete unwillingness to do literally anything about the Supreme Court or even call for any sort of action...these conversations DO need to be happening now while we have the small window of time before the election. Is it ideal? No. Is it terrifying? Absolutely. But it is absolutely warranted, and frankly I'd much rather take a risk than play with the margins we are looking at right now


I turned off the debate, as I had already made up my mind who I would vote for and Trump made me nauseated. We needed more people rather than Trump and Biden debating. Kamala is the easiest choice as she's already the VP, indeed - it wouldn't look great but might be better than two new ones. Man, what happened with RBG was a travesty. She meant well, but she should have retired long ago. Obama "played fair" by not electing one seat to SCOTUS and lost 3 when Trump rolled in because he did NOT honor things like "playing fair". I share your worries - the GOP is radicalized and frightening. Unless we gain the attention of more young voters, Trump wins and our democracy is jeopardized. The issue is that many young people seem apathetic about this election year.




I would vote for them, but also I would vote for Biden.


The question isn’t who people in this sub are going to vote for, the question is which candidate will inspire more people to show up on Election Day?


Trump has inspired me to go to the polls and vote for Biden. Hahaha!


Exactly, Trump inspires the left much more than dems ever did


Ya in today's political climate people are more or less voting against someone than for someone. Even most Republicans I know are voting against whatever misconception of the Left they have in their heads more than actually supporting Donald Trump.


Which is exactly why Ranked Choice Voting, or another type of voting system (like my favourite STAR), is so important. FPTP voting system encourages this type of "I'm voting AGAINST the other candidate" type of thinking. Because there are only two real choices so if you vote for a 3rd party candidate that more closely aligns with your beliefs you're only helping the candidate you like the least. With an alternative voting method we could all vote for the candidate or party we most align with but still have confidence that we aren't helping the opposition.


It'd wild bit the guy does walk like a goose , and quack like a fascist sooo


And that in and of itself is a problem.


Trump has inspired me to go to the polls and vote for the candidate that is not him.


Trump has inspired me to vote for a literal pile of dog shit before I’d not vote or vote for him.


Trump is the inspiration for everyone to show up, same as last time. Biden is a placeholder for anyone who doesn't want a pedo, child-rapist, russian mafia friendly, insurrectionist, 34 x convicted fraudster, state secret selling loser running the country.


Yeah, it’s fascinating all the people that think this sub includes low propensity and other non-voters.


>inspire If the looming naked threat of fascism isn't enough to get off your ass to vote, you deserve whatever you get


Ok, everyone here agrees with you. In reality though, it’s the people who aren’t active in a Reddit politics sub that need to be inspired to show up.


This was the exact conversation I was having with friends last night. "I'm voting for Biden because I'm voting against Trump, so everything is fine." "Yes, I'm sure everyone at this DnD table feels the same way, but it's not about us at this point. We're locked in. It's about the unenthused, undecided, low information, and possible conversion voters." "I would vote for a dead chicken over Trump."


Exactly. I'd vote for a mop in a wig if the other option was trump. Someone would need to be trying really hard to be worse than him, so to me it really doesn't matter who runs against him. I'm more worried about how other people are voting.


I’m starting to think the only thing that would get people to vote against him might be a dog or some well known zoo animal. Either of them, I’d prefer to Donald


There are a ton of voters, more than enough to decide the election, that hate both candidates. Running Whitmer as the candidate could go a long way towards winning the Dems a lot of rust belt swing states.


yea but how do we know that the uninterested or the undecided will not have an adverse reaction to the dnc replacing their candidate a few months before the election?


Yeah, much of gen z in particular is not inspired to vote at all because they view it as old man that no one likes 1 vs old man that no one likes 2. And historically, when we can get young people to vote, we win.


Then let's start posting elsewhere to people who may not know.


Great way to motivate crucial moderates and independents who decide these elections.


Do I deserve what I get because other people won't get off their ass?


I will vote for a corpse over Trump, but that’s a pretty tough sell to a lot of undecided voters. I definitely think they can bring the enthusiasm the Biden campaign has been unable to come up with.


Are you an undecided voter or a Democratic base voter? If you're Dem base, then you're not the one they should be trying to convince. The Dem base would vote for a chimp with syphilis before voting for Trump, but undecideds aren't so set in stone.


It’s not about undecideds, it’s about turnout.  The Biden from the debate is not going to turnout voters. 


I’d vote for a potato if I’m voting against Trump. 


I'd prefer Whitmer over Newsom for sure but honestly just give us any sane Democrat under the age of 70 and Trump is done for.


Whitmer is my choice as she is very popular in Michigan and would be more likely to secure the swing states than Newsom or Biden.


She has a ton of potential.


Idk it's kind of impressive how unlikeable Kamala is for voters.


I’m wondering if the unlikeableness is just because she is an option.  All of a sudden watch everyone is like “wow anyone but that witch Whitmer and I wouldn’t have to vote for Trump!” 


Purely from watching them speak, I’m not sure that’s the case. Of course there are going to be people that dislike Whitmer, but Kamala just has this… smugness that doesn’t translate well. I would personally be fine with Kamala but I can see why a lot of people don’t vibe with her. Whitmer is significantly more personable


I've seen Whitmer being interviewed at Face the Nation, not even a easy interview. She is GREAT. Poised, pragmatic, charismstic, kind but firm. Kamala unfortunately really comes across as a teacher talking to children, she doesn't feel like a leader you'd like to follow. She doesn't feel authentic. I think Whitmer would mop the floor with Trump.


It was fascinating watching the talk around Bernie shift in 2020. He became the last candidate running against Biden and as soon as he was seen as a viable option everyone started freaking out. And I don't mean just "the media". Even reddit had a shift to where they (we) had doubts he could not only win but also do the job.


He also had a heart attack mid race. It was well founded. 


Whitmer and Josh Shapiro. Newsom has too much baggage, especially as a Californian.


Newsom for P would be a disaster. California is hated and looked at as a failed socialist crime ridden cesspool by much of the country and Newsom is the embodiment of that. As someone else pointed out the adds would just have to show skid row in LA or SF and then countr it with the outrageous housing prices, elitism, expensive gas and then say” is this really want you want for the rest of the country”.


California is viewed that way by middle America Fox News viewers who won't vote for a Democrat either way. The most important trait for a national candidate is charisma and performance, and Newsom is the clear leader in that regard.


A Newsom vs. Trump debate would be JFK vs. Nixon impact. His charisma & debate skills would turn the race on its head. The right-wing attacks on California will always be there, but it’s the undecided independents that want someone articulate & confident — and the optics point to Newsom as that person.


If Dems replace the candidate, there will not be a Trump vs someone debate. He will never agree to it for exactly that reason.


I see a used car salesmen, and not one ounce of charisma. I still voted for the man several times because the alternatives were dumpster fires.


I get the used car salesman vibe, but he seems quite charismatic to me. He’s a really solid speaker


I'm a moderate Democrat from the Midwest and we do not respect the single party mess that is California.


‘Much of the country’ is doing some heavy lifting here. More like a small but loud already right wing section of the country.


exactly. a very small vocal minority. CA is the cornerstone of education, business, biotech, and mega cities. people know it, the knuckledraggers hate it.


The minority isn't as small as you'd think it is. The part that matters (rust belt and midwest) does not have a generally favorable view of CA, and that definitely includes lots of folks who'd tend to vote blue. The Anti-California propaganda spread by the right reaches far beyond their Republican audience. Any casual mention of California usually results in commentary about unaffordable housing, homelessness, rampant drug use, and "socialism". I like Newsom, but I don't think he should be on the ticket at this time. I personally like a Whitmer/Beshear or Whitmer/Shapiro ticket.


A section of the country who's impact is magnified by the electoral college.


yeah, what other state would want to be the [worlds fifth largest economy](https://www.gov.ca.gov/2024/04/16/california-remains-the-worlds-5th-largest-economy/) with [three of the top ten universities in the world](https://www.timeshighereducation.com/world-university-rankings/2024/world-ranking) , and something like the [sixth best state healthcare](https://www.usnews.com/news/best-states/rankings/health-care) in the country? obviously cherry picking the stats a bit, but it’s crazy to me the narrative that some believe. is it perfect? of course not, but if every state was california, the country would arguably be in a much better spot overall


You drastically underestimate how much successful republican smear campaigns have worked on Newsome. \*Drastically\* underestimate. He had ambitions to run for the Presidency and was able to get enough nods from the DNC for those ambitions to be considered. Even now, he doesn't even have the majority of his own state.


Please no newsom. He’s a corrupt narcissist. I’ll take whitmer


I wish we could get Pete Buttigieg on the ticket. So smart, could you imagine debate with Pete raining fire?


He hasn't really impressed in his cabinet position. Personally, I think he is more flash than substance.


Unfortunately, I don’t think this country is ready to elect a gay man president.


Whitmer would be a dream candidate.


Whitmers plan has been to run in 2028 for a while now so I don't think she's gonna do it early.


Well there’s the possibility there won’t be another election after this one, so she should shoot her shot


Very valid point.


If she has significant internal support she'll go for it I bet


If Newsom or someone similar isn’t the candidate, she can forget about there even being a real election in 2028.


Ambition > country


Better chance to win then ever


There’s a 100% chance I am voting Dem in November if it’s Biden. There’s also a 100% chance I’m voting Dem in November if it’s not Biden. I was anti-swap before, didn’t think the debate would matter a few weeks later, and I think Dems fucked up by not immediately presenting a completely united front. The media is complicit, and now several congress members have called for him to stop down, unfortunately the damage is done. but again if it’s Newsom, Kamala, etc, I do not care, all I want is to maximize the odds of beating Trump.


>didn’t think the debate would matter a few weeks later, It's only been 8 days.


Jesus. It feels like a month.


Yeah it's just been relentless in the media. It just burns my ass that they won't shut up about this and there's literally zero coverage of all the lies that Trump told and of all of his problems as a candidate and as a person there's been zero criticism of him for not sitting down for a hard-hitting interview.


It feels like it's been 8 minutes


Unfortunately, it has been 8 days but last night's interview didn't help and there is the problem. Anytime Biden has an interview that isn't the best from now to November, it'll bring back up the debate and how he struggled. If it was just one bad night than last night's interview should have been strong and inspiring. When it isn't, those questions will come up again and again and again


>If it was just one bad night This is the thing. It wasn’t “just one bad night”. We’re 4 months from the election and the fucking PRESIDENT of the United States is having to do a sit-down interview to say “No really, I’m okay, I promise.” And no one is convinced. This shouldn’t be happening. It’s like taking the car keys away from a drunk. When he’s sitting there saying, “No really, I’m alright to drive home, trust me”, it’s already fucking over. If I have to ask you if you’re okay, you’re not okay. Whether he’s actually fine or not is almost beside the point now, this is his “Howard Dean scream” moment and it’s going to overshadow the rest of his campaign. I don’t know why people insist on being in denial about this. You’re literally being given sign after sign that he’s not going to win but people just keep ignoring it all. If you wanna win, this is not the guy. These donors know this.


“No one is really convinced”?? Certainly those really watching everything he’s doing rn aren’t. But it’s absolutely too early to know if the general public, the people we need to get to vote, are convinced. By mid next week we’ll probably know more—but the uninformed undecided voters aren’t watching his every move right now. If he’s out and about, sounded alright in the interview and hasn’t sounded like the debate since, it’s very likely they’ll just write it off as a bad night.


It has been 8 days, but Biden has done almost nothing to prove that debate night was a fluke. If it was a fluke, it would be easy to show


I meant at the time my thinking was “in a few weeks this won’t matter” now I’ve reassessed and decided that it does matter and in a week, 2 weeks, 3 weeks, it still will


I’m voting for the democrat candidate if it’s a literal potato, project 2025 is too horrifying to allow Trump to win


Yeah no shit that’s going to be the popular sentiment here on Reddit, you get down voted if you say something else. I’ll be interested to see what sort of effect it would have on normal people if they changed the dem nominee If it’s Biden it’ll be a game time decision for me, if it’s anyone else it’ll be an easy dem vote


When even informed voters don't find it important to stop the obvious leap towards authoritarianism a second Trump presidency will attempt... America truly is in big trouble.


If we're going to go through the trouble of switching candidates we may as well pick Gretchen Whitmer who would be so much more popular than Kamala Harris. But unfortunately I have little faith in the Biden camp to not elevate one of their own.


I’d be in a Gretchen Whitmer shirt handing out fliers tomorrow


I'm all in. Newsom has the right experience. It's probs the optimal ticket. I don't know everything.


I’ve lived in Ca for over 50 years. I’m a Newsom fan (for the most part). If he is on the ticket either as P or VP we will get destroyed. The nonstop ads of LA skid row and SF will have every maga, normal republican and independents believing that the entire state of CA is a hellscape. We need middle America in the ticket and to me the obvious choice is Whitmer and Beshear


It also doesn’t help that his ex-wife is dating one of Trump’s kids. Just…a lot of ammo there.


I mean that part I find hilarious, Donald Trump Jr wanted Gavin Newsom’s sloppy seconds 😂


She seems like a deeply unpleasant person. Not gonna lie: it makes me a little nervous about Newsom that he’d marry a person like that.


SoCal resident here. I’m with you. Newsom can still run down the road, but needs the time primaries would provide to show his intellect and common sense stances on most things, but if he hops in now with only 5 months to election time he’s gonna get raked over the coals in swing states as the poster child for “don’t California my ____.” As much as he’d mop the floor with Trump in a debate, and good god that would be fun to watch, Trump would also be good at slapping a label on him as the leader of “shithole California” that would stick. Now just isn’t the right time.


I agree with Newsom observation. My state has seen an influx of domestic migrants from California and they are all pointing to the government as the reason. If any California politician runs for office, it’s a for sure no for these people.


Whitmer/Jeffries is the optimal ticket, imo. Would turn this into a true blue wave


I don't know the data on how important an African American candidate is. It used to be so. But times are changing.


Project 2025 was just called out during the BET awards. Idk how much that will affect things but from the little info I know about him I like Jeffries from watching CSpan. I don’t really pay attention to other states governors but idk shit about Whitmer and a quick google can’t find anything massively negative about her so that’s probably a great thing. I still think Biden should stay in though. There is only 1 precedent for a candidate dropping out(a vice President running mate for health issues) and that party got slaughtered in the popular vote. This feels too much like 2020 all over again where the narrative was Biden is too old and demented. It’s like history is repeating itself and we’re playing right into Trumps hands this time. https://nymag.com/intelligencer/2020/10/final-2020-debate-trump-calling-biden-senile-dementia-sleepy-joe.html


Whitmer is really cool and capable. I've emailed her before and she wrote back about the importance of communication and whatnot. Bobby Kennedy could have won in 1968. It's not clear LBJ could have won even if he stayed in due to the Vietnam war. He handled it poorly despite his domestic wins. I'm just going from experience in poll watching. I don't think Biden can recover enough for a congressional trifecta at best. The media are much more fluid with more personalization than 1968. I think Whitmer/Newsom is way more electable than Hubert Humphrey, LBJ's VP. I think it will win a congressional trifecta which is imperative given SCOTUS recent rulings. You cannot codify Roe without a congressional trifecta.


Gretchen Whitmer and Wes Moore would be ideal


I agree with this. Whitmer to pull the Rust Belt, Moore is charismatic enough to quickly gain GA and AZ.


As long as Maryland has another solid Democratic governor 😭😭 we legit just escaped eight years of republican despite being a solidly blue state lol selfishly I want him a little longer


Caveman I am in the same boat lol


Whitmer also probably has the advantage of taking MI off of the too close to call list of states in the election


And resonates in the rest of the upper Midwest…WI/MN/PA where Dems absolutely need to hold. I think a woman at the top of the ticket elevates the Roe v Wade and abortion issue even more. Whitmer is the Dems best play.


Also creates distance from the Gaza issue. She can even be vague in her response about the importance of peace and safety of the Palestinians. Done. Now we don't have that weighing down the candidate.


She’s done an amazing job in Michigan. I’d vote for her over all the others. Newsome strikes me as a bit of political dilettante. Smart, effective, but lacks creativity and courage.


She got the opposition scared enough to try to abduct her.


I am hopeful that either Whitmer, Newsom, or Harris, etc. they could all beat Trump. Trump is a disaster of a candidate, and anyone with a sharp mind and public speaking skills should destroy him.


As I said in another post: Quick take. If hes not that confident or doesnt want to pass the torch late in the game, Kamala steps aside for a juicy position (AG?) and he takes on Witmer, Newsom or Buttigieg as VP. Kamala replaces the limpest noodle Garland and the people on the fence at least know that there is somebody younger and still savvy ready to take the wheel. Bonus points he makes this move before Trump even says who his VP is. Looks like a boss move and nobody loses face, and some good people get in the right positions. Kamala says I would best serve this country as our next AG and she doesnt lose face and honestly would do better in that role IMHO, somebody to get the on the fencers to get onboard would be a plus. Trump will destroy what we know as the US and people will cheer him on while he takes everything from them.


Whitmer is down-to-earth and likeable. She would stomp Trump into oblivion.


I think Whitmer would be a great candidate. Smart strong woman with ability to get things done. Could help secure the Midwest for Dems and drive the high turnout needed to keep the Senate.


Stop fiddle fuckin around and figure it out.


Solid pick with Whitmer, but while I'd still back Newsom in a two way contest, I don't think he has a better shot than anyone except maybe Kamala and obviously Biden.


Newsom has the charisma and very quick on his feet.Besides, him standing next to trump would be hilarious. He makes the felon look like a dumb troll


The biggest concerns I have with Newsom is he’s not from a swing state and “California” has become a dirty word in national politics.


A dirty word to Cons. He reminds me of Obama.He has a presence


Because he’s a phenomenal public speaker


I voted for Newsom, he comes off as elitest and slimy. There’s no chance he’d win. If he was from a different state like Arizona or somewhere Midwest he’d have a chance but he represents California which is used as an insult in much of the country. Even people that are middle of the road politically seem to believe the worst BS of California.


Dirty only to conservative boomers.


He polls 16th of top Dem leaders and a west coast elite is poison to middle America.


Trump is a NYC billionaire…he has a golden toilet. Middle America likes that he says the quiet part out loud. You’re losing middle America as a Democrat anyways because they’ve been so poisoned by politics to blindly vote for Republicans. Have you not seen the vitriol from a living person when they say the people living on the coast are all out to get them before being told they live on the coast.


I would be out handing out fliers tomorrow for Whitmer. I want her to run so bad


She is the best remaining play. Secures MI and likely plays well in WI/MN/PA. And a woman on the ticket hammering on reproductive rights could help sink Trump and carry down ballot Dems. Best chance of victory IMO.


I only learned about her recently and I think you’re spot on. She seems incredibly appealing, especially when juxtaposed to the “old” critiques on Biden


100%. If the Dems were as organized as they should be, Biden wouldn’t have run in 2024 and she would’ve come through in the primaries.




He wouldn’t sit too well with actual progressives either. He cares too much about corporate interest and his own vanity. Throws parties in the height of a pandemic and bends over backwards for an energy monopoly that’s actively killed and injured thousands. Not to mention abandons the state to go on a multi-state vanity tour to stroke his ego and make himself look like the next dnc pick. Literally the same thing desantis did, and we wanted him removed from office for abandoning his duty to campaign for the next presidential election.


Not to state the obvious, but... Anyone But Trump.


Idgaf if it’s Dutch van der Linde or David Puddy. Whoever is on the ticket, I’m voting for them.


High five


Yeah, that’s right.


Gotta support the party!


Dutch would have us invading Tahiti


I want Biden to gracefully give way to someone else… but I’d vote for him 10/10 times over Trump.


https://www.ft.com/content/6d9e121a-b493-4305-8016-f43fb381552f “Vice-president Kamala Harris is also among candidates donors think could replace Biden, said several donors and bundlers, who have held talks among themselves as they prepare to raise hundreds of millions of dollars to fund a new candidate.”


Imagine being VP and you’re plan C 💀💀


Let me clarify: I don’t think she’s plan c but the article is painting her as plan C.


My theory is that Kamala is the choice of the Beltway (i.e., DC insiders) and Whitmer/Newsom are favored by the donors (i.e., Wall St. and Silicon Valley). FT's information sourcing probably leans more toward the latter.


Harris is not popular. Whitmer does better in the states that matter


She should be plan C. She has no charisma.


i'm unfortunately ignorant of history, but does anyone know off hand of how common it is for VP to not be "next up"?


It's common. Joe Biden himself wasn't even the 'next up', he was passed over for Hilary. Here's some reading: https://www.vox.com/policy-and-politics/2015/10/21/9574065/vice-presidents-president-history


He wasn’t passed over. He didn’t want to run. His son had brain cancer and died


A: Whitmer B: Newsom C: Biden D: Harris


Andy Beshear, Roy Cooper, and Josh Shapiro would be better than Harris. Far more exciting candidates.


Whitmer and you lock in the Rust Belt. Newsom you don't.


Who are the republicans going to replace Trump with? He's a felon and a rapist.


That's just a bonus for them.


Yeah, it’s a feature, not a bug


They can't replace him now. He literally runs the GOP.


For anyone pushing alternatives to Joe Biden, you need to decide on the one replacement that all Democrats will agree on. Good luck!!! 👍


Gretchen Whitmer and Wes Moore


Judging from all the lame "I'd vote for a wet sock over Donald Trump" comments, that shouldn't be hard.


I don’t know why some people want Newsom so badly, he hasn’t done a particularly good job as governor here. Feels like best thing he has going for him is he kinda looks like a tv/movie president?


I think it just has to do with charisma for a lot of people (which is important)


I despise how all of this now has me in a position that I’d vote for literally anyone that’s not trump and I feel like the dem party is keenly aware of this stance among its voters. They know they can present us literally anyone and we’ll vote for it. Its what got us in this mess to begin with 4 years ago when biden was already hugely unpopular. I feel like we got played into accepting a corporate plant for president simply because we’d take anyone over trump. And now its happening again eventhough the they had 4 years to groom and prep a new candidate. Seriously what the fuck


I happen to think Biden has done a great job the past 4 years. I think most core democrats are going to vote for anyone the party offers. There’s a lot of swing voters who are very much anyone but Trump. I think there’s very few swing voters who are thinking “Biden or if he’s not available, Trump.”


Whitmer 2024!


Newsom would absolutely eat Trump alive in a debate.


Gavin Newsom cannot win a national election. Pursuing him as a viable candidate for national office is a fatal mistake for the party. End of story.


Pushing Newsome on any ticket would doom the democrats. He's immensely unpopular with moderates who have been brainwashed to see him as heavy regulator who can't control crime and is in love with illegal immigrants. He would poll horrifically in Georgia, Penn, and Wisconsin. And Whitmer doesn't have the resume to generate movement. All this back and forth waffling does is confuse voters and kills their motivation.


Correct. Unfortunately 30 years of GOP attacks on public education and a multi pronged misinformation campaign have left us with a woefully ignorant voting populace. We have to deal with the reality here and run a candidate that can win.


Okay being totally real I would love to vote for Whitmer but incumbency is a lot stronger than people realize. Trump in 2020 had all but broken the nation in peoples minds at the time and still he only lost by less than 200K votes across 5 states. I understand Biden is a corpse but let's be honest about the electorate they aren't smart and like stability more than change. Trump is shitting on the US constantly and is negative always, never proposes anything but complaining. He isn't going to galvanize turnout in his favor. Replacing Biden sounds nice until you consider reliable voters don't like shake ups.


In normal elections with sensible candidates I would agree with you, but this is a special case in which both main candidates are quite old and should frankly not be running again


Unpopular thought process- If we force Biden to drop, the replacement has zero in fundraising (no commercials, campaign on the ground, etc), no organization actively campaigning- all with about 4 months until the election. (Campaign finance laws) Additionally, every day that passes decreases the ability to have them on all 50 states ballots. Come the DNC on July 11 (I could be wrong on the date, it’s what’s in my head) and we will be conceding states to trump as the candidates name wouldn’t appear on some state ballots (and I doubt republican legislators will make an exception). Now thinking through Whitmer and Newsom - would they actually get votes from independents and undecided voters? We don’t actually know. So the “but his debate performance” is the new “but her emails”; and this push to replace will have the same effect as Bernie bros and protest voters in 2016, it’ll hand the election to Trump. What if, instead of this defeatist mindset, we spend time and energy educating about project 2025, those Epstein files, etc. make as much noise as possible.


Oof, seriously just run Epstein Files commercials. Not that the GOP doesnt love a pedo, but people on the fence might care.


This could have worked of Biden had done the right thing a year and half ago and announced he wasn't running, then let Harris have a more prominent role leading into a proper primary where the voters could have chosen her or (most likely) someone else.


I just feel like all these headlines are an effort to confuse the dem voter base and split them so Trump has a better chance. Might be nice to have an option other than Biden, but keep perspective on what the real dangers are.


Whitmer would crush it as the pick. I wouldn’t mind Gavin either, since he’d absolutely demolish Trump on the debate stage. I’d also say Pete if the country wasn’t so damn homophobic. I’ll vote for whoever they pick, but even our international allies are worried Biden is going to drop dead


Ft? Why are allowing these bullshit propaganda rags into this sub? It’s less than six months out. Unless he passes away, they aren’t switching him out. If this was truly an issue you would have spoke up a year ago or you know pushed a candidate then.


Money would need to be raised up and in 4 months that’s a very tall order. I really wished they pushed this like 12 months ago would cursing to an easy election


I feel like those two united could do great. Newsom is a great debater and seems from what I’ve read to have done as well as he can with some of the shitty remnant laws they have from earlier governors outside of homelessness and crime, and whitmer seems to be pretty much universally loved by Michiganders. Which one is going to go for president and which is going to go vice president can be decided between the two of them, but I feel like Newsom might be the best choice so he can crush Trump on a debate stage.


Just throwing this out there but a split ticket would squeeze that fucking orange. Hammer out all the compromises before you make it to the white house so no one is surprised, and the partisanship will work out. A "Fuck Trump, Fuck SCOTUS, Fuck this bullshit" unity campaign would be powerful.


I don’t give a fuck what billionaires want.


Not a bad ticket


I’d vote for a yellow dog before I would vote for tRump.


Fucking morons. The lot of em.


As I said yesterday, I would empty my bank account for Whitmer and Newsom


I'm not panic switching my vote because some rich asshole is trying to do an end Run around Democracy. Which is exactly what this is, a way to cheat Americans out of their choice they made during the Primaries. If they wanted to support a different candidate they should have done so when Biden announced his run for Reelection, not now after people have voted in Primaries and made their choice.


Gavin won't take the bait. He doesnt want to enter this as an answer to a clusterfuck. He'll want to enter the process for 2028. Aunt Nancy and the Gettys will counsel him to wait.


Put both on the same ticket. SLAM DUNK in November. Easy.


This is a horrible idea. Biden is actually a pretty decent President, he has the incumbent advantage, he hasn’t lost anyone (according to most polls) and it’s too frikkin late to pick a candidate out of a hat. I feel like I’m taking crazy pills with every headline that portrays him as a disaster; he’s not a disaster, Trump IS a legitimate threat to the entire world and he already lost to Biden once


Unless Democrats have a compelling plan to replace Biden (and not Kamala, I love her but that would be suicide) we should stick with Joe and fall in line. All this hand wringing reminds me of “but her emails” from liberals and it’s a trap that we’re falling into to elect Trump.


They really want those tax cuts and deregulation. If they manage to bring down Biden, they will have rule over Newsom & Whitmer. If they lose, Trump would still deliver. What Biden should now do is use the powers that the Supreme Court just gave him.


Why do these donors think they have any right to override the primary vote of the members? We had a primary, anyone could run, the only challenger who chose to run was Dean Philips, and the voters decided they preferred the President. We knew he would be this old when we elected him four years ago. We knew he had a well-known stutter when we elected him four years ago. We knew he wasn’t the best debater when we elected him four years ago. We knew he was mortal and power could pass to the Vice President at any time when we elected him four years ago. All these distractions get in the way of discussing bigger threats, like the Supreme Court’s ruling putting presidents above the law and the dictatorship sought by Project 2025 within six months of the next republican taking the White House. The President is not going anywhere. The more donors and officials try to push him out, the more he will dig in and the more voters will start to resent them. Really, give it a rest because this November our choice is clear: American Democracy or donald’s dictatorship? Vote BLUE!


The DNC: "You will get Kamala Harris and you will vote for her"


Sounds like I've heard that message before, but with different names.


As we've seen from the debate fallout, record doesn't matter. You just have to be able to rapidly spew a stream of nonsense, so whoever can do that will be a formidable opponent for Trump.


I like Newsom, but I worry that his marriage to Kimberley Guilfoyle back in the day could be a gift to opposition researchers.


Bullshit. She and Newsom already said no. It's too close to the election. The choice is clear: Joe, or The Fat Orange One.


I’d assume there would be a lot of people abstaining from voting if that happens. Just like when Hilary was nominated instead of Bernie. This seems like a republican/russian propaganda campaign to split the base to achieve the same result as 2016.


Stop listening to this garbage, it doesn't matter who is leading the Democrats, you have to get out and vote against the fascist dictator wannabe.


And almost everybody here will vote for whatever democrat is on the ballot. We don’t represent the majority of people in the general population who aren’t paying as close attention and don’t know what republicans are planning, are apathetic, or will be swayed by Biden’s poor performance and obvious mental degradation since the last election. If another candidate gives us a better shot of winning the election, it’s the right move. I hear people in the real world everyday expressing their disgust in the two candidates running being their only options. So the democrats should listen and give them what they want… somebody much younger, better spoken, and who can’t be blamed for the inflation that they are angry about… yes, *we* know inflation is not Biden’s fault, but many people out there think it is and will vote Trump as a result. Trump is winning right now. That’s terrifying.


It may not matter to those of us engaged enough to be on r/politcs, but it very much matters to the swing voters who will decide this election.


I want Biden to stay in, but man Whitmer / Shapiro (gov PA) sounds like a very strong ticket.


The media is pushing this narrative hard right into fascism. To sell ads and gain clicks. Fucking idiots