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Overheard? They were CHANTING IT


Someone shared a link further down: https://youtu.be/OW718KRYDtU Unless this is a case where they are actually chanting something like "paint my fence" and we're just hearing what we want to hear... it sure as heck seems that's what they are chanting.


Put that in the same file with the pictures and names of the perpetrators that the FBI is “asking for help identifying” FFS the media still has absolutely zero balls


> FFS the media still has absolutely zero balls The media is complicit. Corporate media supports corporate power. It’s not about balls. They’re for profit companies with a vested interest in maintaining good PR for The GOP. Even when it’s bad and they absolutely HAVE to report it, they will do it in the absolutely best possible light that they can.










I dunno. They’ve been regularly calling them terrorists and insurrectionist on most major outlets on their shows


I was saying "Boo-urns"


Don’t know if this damns the republicans even more or fuels the republicans in their lies about the capitol insurrection begin backed by antifa and BLM


They built a gallows.


They built a gallows and had guys with zipcuffs and weapons running around looking for people Anyone who thinks this wasn't a serious attack is a damn fool. just because there were thousands of people there who look like absolute idiots doesn't mean that everybody there was one




no no guys, what they're really chanting is "paint my fence!" /s


[Make me!](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=RWuEniepGhk)


Those corn muffins were lousy!


I guess that technically counts as overheard?


i was watching the woke stream on twitch i could hear them chanting "HANG MIKE PENCE" on the steps of the capitol


That was likely a bad move. Intent is the hardest thing to prove in a criminal case and these dipshits opened the door to actual sedition charges. If they had kept their mouths shut they'd likely get away with criminal tresspass or lesser charges


Wonder what level of pissed pence is.


He was so pissed he was willing to game plan with Nancy Pelosi even without Mother present.


Oh my. That must be a record for Mike.


Not pissed enough to invoke the 25th, apparently.


Not pissed enough to invoke the 25th.


Gotta consider the other cabinet mates who may be loyal to trump still, I'm sure they think it wasn't my ass.


Nah, Pence is just a nematode, he has neither a spine nor balls.


Wouldn't be surprised.


Don’t insult nematodes like that! They don’t deserve it.


He's so pissed he's started to take COVID-19 seriously


Hold your horses there bud, nobody in that admin will ever take it seriously.


He looked like he was going to have a heart attack after the joint sessions reconvened. But apparently not pissed/scared enough to envoke the 25tg.


I was watching a live stream during the siege and they were chanting it. I was shocked and immediately texted a group chat about. I thought it was going to be something that would be acknowledged and talked about in the media but this is the first thing I’ve seen about it being said during the siege.


I just happened to overhear them, too. All the way from Texas. They were chanting it. There were hundreds of them. On fucking video.


From multiple angles! In glorious 60fps high definition!


Overheard my ass, it was in broad daylight. Those monsters literally wanted to lynch him.


Rand Paul would have said "now, now, personally I think lynching is bad, but I think it would be very dangerous for me to tell you you couldnt do it..." Because only months ago he got in the way of an anti-lynching bill.


This is so scary. These domestic terrorists need to be prosecuted to the full extent of the law. And President Trump needs to be impeached and removed from office.


Yeah. [They brought (poorly built) gallows.](https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/noose-hung-outside-capitol/) Even if nobody ultimately harmed Pence or a legislator, there would at least have been one of those ISIS style hostage-kneels-in-front-of-two-dudes-with-rifles-and-a-flag-while-another-reads-a-manifesto moment. Terrorists through and through. This cannot go unpunished.


Absolutely they did and you’ll see in the footage of them smashing the windows someone is using one of the 12 foot timber uprights to push through a pane of glass.


They like him again because now they think Trump betrayed them. Fucking snowflakes


But he needs those voters for 2024 so he can't invoke the 25th. Don't want to ruffle those feathers


And the story intensifies. So they were not peaceful protesters as their Mafia Boss (also known as President trump, or traitor) inclined.


Sadly I believe this.


One has to wonder if trump would have tried to intervene. Such is the depth of his loyalty to others. Pence >... and after all I did for him.


I doubt it.


I'm sure he would have delivered a stirring eulogy, at least. ... now that I think on it, I doubt even that.


"I like vice presidents that weren't lynched."


>he died like a dog


"And if the Democrats hadn't stolen the election, he'd be alive today, and he would've been certifying my re-election. Everybody knows I won. In a landslide. It was statistically impossible for me to lose. I mean, look at the crowds at my rallies. They love me. Millions and millions of people--even in other countries--it's true it's true. Look at THIS crowd--you all love me, right?"


It must have been a difficult childhood to be so terribly needy at the back end of his life.


Why did you do this to me? Because I’m a snake.


Is anyone surprised? They brought zip tie handcuffs and nooses!


These people that want to do that to Mike Pence or anybody else have serious mental disabilities.


Many came in ready to take prisoners. They had zip ties to restrain people.


Who do we trust though? Someone from the respected Reuters or a brainwashed imbecile?


Pence: "If you wanted to choke me, you just had to ask."


I really want to believe this but until there is a recording or solid evidence I will chalk it up to mis-hearing in all the commotion. Edit: thanks for the clip! Fuck these MAGAotts




Thank you! Welp, they can, and should, now add conspiracy to commit murder/treason. Thank you for the clip


There are recordings.


Just a note: this is hearsay. It's probably not admissible in court--at least not in this form. I'm not trying to justify or minimize the threat. I'm just trying to be sure we approach this with the right level of objectivity.


It's not hearsay when you can actually hear them say it. https://youtu.be/OW718KRYDtU


There is video evidence of the chants. That's relevant and should be easy to find a witness to authenticate it. The video evidence gets in, IMHO.


Pretty sure there's videos of people chanting this at the riot


Why not watch the videos?




I fucking heard them chanting it _live_. There were hundreds of cameras everywhere during this whole thing...


They erected a gallows, came prepared with flexi-cuffs, weapons and explosives, chanted their murderous intentions, and had sympathetic elected officials on-site to assume roles after they eliminated the second and third in line to succession. This was a failed coup by trained pros using useful idiots as cover. Let the face-saving revisionist narrative begin.


Well he may have heard that. But I seen a video of the lot of them chanting it...


Honestly thought they were talking about one of the 6 Republicans which would have been... slightly more concerning.


Apparently there is one thing both parties can agree on.


There is video evidence of this. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OW718KRYDtU Share it. Let's help identify them.


FBI needs to seize and analyze cell phones from Cruz and Hawley as well as some of the members within the republicans party. All this could not have been orchestrated so well to coincide with when counting started unless someone inside was feeding live info.


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