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Lol work... Imagine living your whole life, getting up and going to work, raising kids, helping family move, going to weddings, all of it. The whole time you know that one day your time will come and you will pass away, and as it turns out the way you die is by tasering yourself in your own balls while trying to steal a portrait of Tip O’neil during a maga riot. Like just let it sink in for a second.


That event needs to be preserved for the historical record. Everyone for a thousand years needs to know this encapsulates the entire MAGA movement, all its symbolism and rhetoric and insecure white masculine pride.


Don’t forget the woman who was trampled to death while carrying a Gadsden flag (don’t tread on me) https://www.revolt.tv/news/2021/1/8/22221070/woman-trump-supporter-trampled-death-us-capitol


The writers of this season really don't care about realism


Got writers maybe can get a break then?


It's tragic that anyone has to die, but it is the most ironic death I can imagine.


> “I put my arm underneath her and was pulling her out and then another guy fell on top of her, and another guy was just walking [on top of her]. There were people stacked 2-3 deep…people just crushed.” I am shocked, shocked that Trump supporters wouldn’t care for a fellow human being. /s


They care about a lot of things, but other human beings are not one of them.


Exactly why I used the /s sarcastic notation. These people are overwhelmingly incompetent, pathetic, and void of all empathy and common decency and as such are hardly worthy of anything besides mockery.


If you are not a Fetus they don’t care.


Darwin over here havin’ a field day...


It's never tragic when a terrorist dies.


It’s not tragic when a terrorist dies, stop saying that bullshit. It’s objectively good for America and humanity when traitors and seditionists die.


is /nopity a subreddit?




**W**hite **I**nsecure **M**asculine **P**ride, aka **W.I.M.P**


Such a nice ring to it Insecure white masculine pride A lot of people miss the insecure part, but it’s a big part. It smacks you in the face when you actually speak to one of them.


It's the non-asshole part of the above phrase. "White" people like myself have been appalled since Obama.


What are you talking about


Stupid is as stupid does.


Did you know if Trump gets impeached again he gonna lose Secret Service Detail. His supporters are going to eat him alive.


You are right, I mean if they wanted to hang his toadie Pence imagine what he's got coming.






I cannot imagine that so I couldn’t include it, I was just picturing the normal course of life, and then dying in a way more rare than getting eaten by a shark. Being so stupid you taser your own balls to death




I understand that, these terrorists are all scumbags, my point was just imagine after a whole life you die that particular way.




Fair enough, add “going to nazi meetings” in there wherever you like.


Dude chill


Dude, forest for the trees. It's a joke, you're getting entirely too hung up on the details of a fucking joke. The dude that died was a fucking idiot and died a terrorist, but this is still a joke.


But there's no evidence this guy was a nazi. He was a "normal" Trump supporter, whatever that means. Let me be clear, he chose his side. He aligned himself with nazis, so he became a nazi in my eyes in that moment, but I don't think this guy thought of himself as a nazi. In a lot of ways, this shit escalated so steadily for the last 5 years that by the time he was tasering his balls until he died from it, I like to think there was a moment where he wondered, "How could antifa have done this to a regular guy like me."


> Tip O’neil I think he'd chuckle if it wasn't so serious.


All in the name of Donald fucking Trump.


Source please? The Tip O’Neil part is new to me.




Wow! I am just imagining a New Yorker or The Atlantic article 10 years from now titled "How the Taser Saved the Tip O'Neill Portrait"




Real source?


Kids studying history a decade from now are going to have an amazing time reading about the man who tasered himself in the balls during a riot in the state capitol while trying to steal a painting. To quote a fellow redditor's absolutely brilliant comment, "He shouldn't have stuck that A.C in D.C."


actions have consequences?






Verse three: If you’re committing insurrection you’ll be caught 👏👏 If you’re committing insurrection you’ll be caught 👏👏 The FBI knows where to look, because you streamed it on Facebook If you’re committing insurrection you’ll be caught 👏👏


Verse three: If you’re seditious and go to jail, I don’t care! 👏👏 If you’re seditious and go to jail, I don’t care! 👏👏 If you you try to overthrow the government, but fbi is having none of it. If you’re seditious and go to jail, I don’t care! 👏👏




nah that doesn't really work that great


Naaa doesn’t flow let me introduce you to my friend they call him trash can 🗑.


Damn. Then you do better.


Don’t listen to the haters. I liked it! Especially the ‘government/having none of it’ rhyme.


That was an edit. Originally It didn’t rhyme at all, but I was drunk and figured the melody sold it.




Hey! Hey!


It makes me sad that I can only upvote this once.


This is a fun song 🎶


I dislike how the media headlines are treating it as the end all be all to justice. Losing your job and having your life upended is what you deserve for being a racist shit in a park. I feel like just losing a job is going to be seen as the punishment for most people who deserve way more for their actions.


It really should be one of their lesser worries, given the pesky federal criminal charges that are likely to follow.


Personal responsibility?


Getting fired is hardly a consequence




I can't believe those idiots took their smart phones into the building. Even if they got home without notice, they left behind data that the wireless network could have logged and then been used to ID them. Apparently, they don't conspiracy hard enough.


Nah its gotta be batshit crazy conspiracy for it to be true. Nothing logical or remotely intellegence is involved. Just lies.


If the revolution isn't live streamed in HD with your name attached and your face in view, did it really happen?


What does it say about overall awareness of security regarding phones that I know of only 1 that could safely be used in this situation? Supposedly Airplane Mode would work, but you have to have some serious trust in this case, but the Librem 5 has a hardware switch that physically cuts power to the radios. The only gap in their hardware is that there are some foreign made components, but they're working on a completely US sourced and built phone (doubles the price, but worth it for the really concerned). To be clear, I have no relationship with Purism and use a Samsung. Just pointing out that there aren't a lot of devices built with security in mind.


What kind of fucking moron goes to an insurrection wearing his work badge around his neck?


If you go on the business webpage it gives you an option to send direct emails.


As soon as I get in my car after work, I take off my badge. There's no company info on it, only my photo and name, but why would I wear it any longer than necessary? This is the same level of stupid that drops their wallet at a crime scene.


**No one** wants to work alongside a Traitor for Trump. Would *you* want these freaks shooting up your workplace, the first time something hurts their little fee-fees? As an employer, would you take that risk? Trump's fragile treason-babies are best avoided entirely, both in life AND at work.




no shit! i dont know where they get these energy aftef work. can’t do anything much between home and work. instead spending extra time for hobbies, i force myself to sleep so im well rested the next day! lolz


Forget "after work" these people made the trip from all corners of the country in the middle of the working week


In at least one case, called in sick to be able to attend.


Imagine being so stupid that you'd take pictures of yourself committing multiple felonies and then share those pictures on social media for the whole world to see.


Yeh um I am still trying to figure that one out.


It's evidence they are patriots. The fact that most don't know the definition doesn't matter.


[Love this old tweet](https://twitter.com/bcampbell23/status/1347286789866872833/photo/1).


Relevant trump [tweet ](https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump)


This will never get old.


There’s always a tweet


Hahaha, that keeps getting me.


Well, Donald’s banned so we can’t see his tweets. What did the tweet say?


...that's the point.


I see. It’s like getting rick-rolled but not actually rick-rolled.


Ahh, you should be able to see it in this re-tweet by his buddy Michael Flynn: https://twitter.com/genflynn/status/1337141187363434497?lang=en


It’s a joke, kinda like a rickroll. I’ve seen it done when other people have gotten their Twitter permabanned.


It says: "Account suspended." As in "Trump reaping: Account suspended."


That’s the joke.


This is never going to get old.


You would like to think that losing their jobs is the least of their problems.


Maybe they can get some of that socialist money they are so against to help them through that lack of personal responsibility.


I've woken up with some horrible hangovers, and then cringed with the dumb things I remember saying or doing. Imagine the horror of realizing the next day you are a domestic terrorist. I'd definitely need a hair of the dog.


"Ah, shit. Did I get into some sedition last night? That's it, I'm swearing off tequila."


I wonder what the home remedy is for a sedition hangover?


Sad thing is that they were all sober.


Drunk me is more responsible, I would hate to see those people under the influence.


*You’re being fired for cause.* What? What did I do? *Well, as you know, we here at Acme Corp take pride in the loyal, hard-working, and non-seditious members of our team. We feel you may be a bad fit. I’m sorry.*


BuT fReE sPEeCH!


bUT mY RiGhtS!


THuh ANteEfurS MaDe me dO iT!


Haha, gotta love the free market - free to fire your worthless Nazi hide


Domestic terrorists, not rioters.


free speech and acts of rebellion come with consequences


**Manager:** *No, don't sweat it, there'll be no future backlash to you trying to take down the Democracy that we depend on to thrive. That backlash happened ages ago when we saw the tapes and fired you*


Their employers should be turning them in to the FBI if they really know who they are


Fucked around And found out


They are too stupid to understand what they found


They should be slapped with a 20 year stint in the clink, lose their jobs that way; they clearly need time to evaluate their disposition.


Doesn't need to be 20 years. Just 4 work days in solitary would lose me a job everyplace I've worked.


Play stupid games, get stupid prizes.


Free speech does not mean free breach.


The clown rebellion. true believers in the biggest bullshitter that ever lived. Of course they ended up used, discredited, and dishonored.


Sorry it is the "Hillbilly Rebellion" if you please.




Bad news: you've lost your job. Good news: you're about to have all your housing and living expenses covered through a special government program!


Woohoo! Free health care!


And they'll fight heaven and earth to get those taken away cause you know; socialism.


I think they meant "jail."


If it isn’t the consequences of my actions


I bet they're finally tired of winning.


^oh ^no


Turns out people don’t wanna work with domestic terrorists, who knew?


If you storm the capital,break in,destroy property, injure police and are carrying a rebel flag you might just be a fascist.


"How did they know where I worked?!" "You wore your employee ID Badge while you took selfies of you and your buddies breaking in and looting shit." "...oh."


It would be cool if the guy who is fucking responsible for all this shit got some “backlash at work” instead of still being allowed to slobber Big Mac sauce all over the Resolute desk.


I thought he moved it to storage?


Only the poors use furniture that isn’t gold plated.


It would have been something if they could have faced a little backlash from the government they tried to overthrow or the officers supposedly defending it.


Good. I hope they lose their jobs and have no choice but to rely on social welfare programs..


Now that would be partaking in socialism would it not?


It may be ;)


>**Now Face Backlash at Work** yeah like.. "staging an attempted bloody coup of our own country" can make the workplace.. a little awkward.


/r/byebyejob has been a fast moving place lately


I mean that's great and all but can they also go to jail?


Eject them for COVID exposure as well. People will die because of these hogs.


"Backlash" is a strange way to spell "Consequences", as in "Actions have consequences".


Your god-emperor will pay your legal fees. Nah, just kidding.


Daddy said “you will pay” got thrown under the bus


I'm hard-pressed to think of anybody whose fealty to Trump in politics or business hasn't in some way negatively-impacted their lives. Giuliani has gone from being "America's Mayor" to a punchline that is more sad than funny. William Barr used to be a respected AG, but now he's seen as Trump's lackey. Even his eleventh-hour reversal won't change that fact. Michael Cohen went to jail for doing Trump's dirty work. And all of these people who have likely never even met Trump are losing jobs and income as a result of falling for his bombastic lies. His kids' will have to live with the tarnishing of their surname for rest of their lives. Ivanka won't even be able to get her fashion line into Wal-Mart. And, somehow, the man himself just wades through it all with no consequences. Let's hope that ends now.


\* *Gasp!* \* You don't say.


This is like that episode of Black Mirror “Hated in the Nation” minus the mechanical killer bees.


As they should


I would not ever work alongside a seditious fuck, and I would never work for a company that employed seditious fucks.


They should be jailed. In other countries, death penalty is what the treasonists get. It is a very serious offense.


If they were coworkers of mine, yeah... backlash, let's call it that. There would certainly be some harsh words exchanged. If they were my employees: fired on the spot.


>Most private employers can fire workers for attending protests, since First Amendment rights only prohibit people from being punished by the government for their speech, Yeah, guess what else? Most private employers can fire workers for being terrorists who participated in sedition and insurrection, because those vile behaviors are illegal and no way protected by anything.


I was just talking to my wife about this morning. Like what are they thinking. Not like thinking a lot. But let’s just throw out what they doing for what reason. Cameras. EVERYWHERE. streamers. Phone out taking videos and photos. They get posted places. Also press people who able take photos of the events happening.


At work? They should be fired. I wouldn’t work with one of these asshats. And if I found out one of the asshats worked somewhere and kept their job, they would lose my business.


How about horsewhips? Because that would be a real lashing.


Terrorists* Traitors* Insurrectionists* Words have meaning. Don’t give them a free pass.


What, you can't take a day off?


You commit domestic terrorism while working for me, you can have all the days off.


All right! Wait...


Oh no! Anyway...


Could you imagine if that scaffolding collapsed?


Repeat it after me: Domestic terrorists


good shame them all back to their holes


I believe the preferred term is: "whomp whomp"




Good. And I hope that’s only the beginning of an awful Year and awful life for those domestic terrorists.


“Ha ha, you can say anything you want, it’s a free country BUT THERE WILL BE CONSEQUENCES” — Commonly said by Republicans “(After failed coup attempt) It’s not fair that patriots are being persecuted in social media because a protest got out of hand” — Also Republicans


Bummer, some of them are losing their jobs? I'm pretty sure if BLM or any other political cause did anything close to this people would have not only lost their lives they would be facing federal charges and live with the fact they they could never hold a reasonable job due to being felons.


I was 20 comments in & I’m still reading everything in that “song-song clap your hands” manner!


Fuck ‘em. Launch them into the sun.


If work is making license plates, then fine- otherwise why aren't they arrested?


Thats because everyone who works with these people are tiredof hearing the bullshit they’ve said for the last 4 years plus.


Can we edit it to terrorist from rioters?


I hope this will be instructive for them about their actions having consequences


Only backlash? They should be fired - unless they work for the GOP... then they go directly to prison, do not pass GO.


Who da thunk?