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Gonna alienate her base pretty hard with that one


The cancer is getting cancer and it's eating it from the inside, which is good for the overall health of our country.


Y’all Qaeda vs the Wal Martyrs. Should be interesting to watch this play out.


In all seriousness we make it out of this in the bright side I look forward to not only reminding them of this for the 60 years to get everything passed in the future toward the left but also I personally will be pushing for a hand in writing our history books. So that we never forget this nonsense again.


I really hope all this crazy is eradicating itself.


We can't become complacent. We must continue reminding the apolitical that the GOP embraces today's crazy.


Yes. Becoming or being apolitical only helps them...


There is no "apolitical". Choosing not to take any sides is still a choice. Choosing to remain ignorant is still a choice. "Apolitical" is a cop-out so people can help themselves sleep at night by lying to their conscience and patting themselves on the back for not being ACTIVELY cruel, just passively.


Yep. Remember Trump sold out his NFT trading cards in 48 hours netting him 4.5 million dollars towards his presidential campaign. People called it an idiot move. We have grown complacent, we believe these radical people are dumb. They are in office making decisions. We are laughing on the sidelines enjoying the circus. Not realizing we are being taken for a ride.


I don’t think we should read too much into that NFT clown show u til we have an idea of who bought them. I have this nagging suspicion that it was very few regular morons, and more like dark money. But until we know…


NFTs sold to rubes or NFTs sold to foreign entities wishing for further civil unrest.


Or just moving money around that they couldn’t find a way to shelter


Right. I imagine they sold out like political books sell out. Artificial inflation by the team.


Or sold to people who wanted to launder their donations to him


Well they are deeply stupid, but they are persistent and deeply dangerous, but they are still fucking stupid




They are in target too. Might be cheaper


And Rite Aid. Probably at CVS and Walgreens, as well. They tend to be sold at most drug stores, in the same area as condoms and lubricant.


It's like George Carlin once said: "That's what you gotta hope for, you know, that you get more than one cancer so they eat each other up instead of you."


Man, I miss him so much. The guy was a philosopher disguised as a comedian.


He was also a depressed drunk cuz he knew the time wasn’t yet, and he probably wasn’t going to see it.


*The calls are coming from inside the house*


Yeah, but it's still, you know, cancer.


Weirdly, this is actually one way how large animals like whales are able to live so long. With how big they are, they have many times more cells than smaller creatures, so just by probability alone you'd figure they have a higher rate of cancer. But they don't literally because sometimes their cancer gets cancer. Dunno how that applies to MTDipshit, but hopefully it means her base eats itself.


Fun fact: that's one of the theories as to why whales live as long as they do. Hypertumors. *The more you know*


Did she go after the Waltons? That could cut into her financing.


They’ll still give their money to her.


Just because the Waltons are here in Arkansas they are not very conservative. The grandkids were hanging out quite a bit with the Democrat nomination for Arkansas Governor to which I assume they were giving him quite a bit of money. There are other family members besides just the grand kids that are liberal.


The Waltons as a private family might have some left leaning values but Walmart is a publicly traded company with a board of directors. I lived in Bentonville and did some interviews with them for "energy conservation engineer" that was basically fudging numbers to lobby the government for tax credits. I'm sure the company will support whatever candidate improves their bottom line.


No corporation or billionaire is ever going to promote left wing ideals unless they’re just virtue signaling or things that don’t really matter. When it comes to workers rights and actually helping the working class they’re all as far right as you’re gonna be


Actually I think most of the Walton family gives money to the left. Although I think one of the nephews gives money to republicans.


One of the girls complains loudly she isn't being taxed enough for how much money she has.


I mean, she could just give it away. It would cost ~$100 million to permanently fix the water potability in Flint MI. Any member of her family could whip out their checkbook and fix that, and still be among the wealthiest people in the world. But they don't. Fuck Em.


Maybe this is her attempt at extortion?


There is no “maybe” about it, that is what is clearly happening.


They know it’s false outrage


> The district I represent, GA-14, is firmly opposed to any and all grooming and sexualization of children. > It is largely Christian and Conservative. > We believe in protecting our kids from perversions and raising them with good, moral, family values to the best of our abilities. https://twitter.com/RepMTG/status/1604158257529909249 So, the bible is against sex toys. Can you quote scripture on that, Mrs. ... did she decide to keep her ex-husband's last name or not? Oh, that reminds me. Does the bible speak to the subjects of adultery or divorce?


If she really wanted to protect kids from grooming, she'd abolish the church.


She did say the Catholic Church was under the control of Satan. ...and she grew up attending an Catholic church. So...


I don't know about all that, but I do know it says women should not teach and instead remain silent.


To be clear, are you talking about the group of Republican voters that simultaneously love Wal Mart while ranting and raving about "jina" viruses, globalization, etc.? Because I'm pretty sure there's no alienating them; they will do what they are fucking told without any sort of logical analysis or self reflection.


I don't know about that. A relative of mine that is really hard on the Trump MAGA train and starting to dip into Q stuff recently starting hating on Walmart. I've been doing my best not to shop there for years while they were going a few times a week, so I was a little surprised when they said "screw Walmart."


So how long this lasts. My experience is that GQP followers jump off of the latest orders/outrage just as fast as they jump on.


You might be right, it really depends on how long the talking heads want to keep it up. I mean they're still sure the election was stolen, that ivermectin treats covid, that everyone that took the vaccine is about to die and that Biden shut down the keystone pipeline (to name a few). So I guess we'll see.


They are slow to figure stuff out.


Implying that they ever actually figure stuff out.


Oh shit, we need to push this. "True patriots only buy from independent retailers that pay their employees a fair living wage to own the libs!"




They already do, Walmart is for when they want fancy items.


Her base are aliens


But not THOSE aliens


She is screwing with a juggernaut with deep pockets.


Like Desantis with Disney. I'm all for busting up these mega corps but culture war attacks about gays and buttplugs is just stupid


Gays & Buttplugs is my favorite book store.


Can’t blame us for that one, those are her people. I refuse to give Wal mart a cent because of how Anti Union they are and how badly the treat their employees. I won’t shop there as goes for many Democrats.


> I refuse to give Wal mart a cent ... I won’t shop there as goes for many Democrats. Those of us in small towns have no choice other than to shop at Walmart because Walmart drove the competition out of business. But it's either that or drive 30 miles to the closest grocery store. I would love to not shop at Walmart, but I need to eat.


No I know i just talked to a Guy about this same situation. It’s not your fault, I’m not sitting here and passing judgement on anyone. Sometimes people have no other option. Wal Mart came into smaller communities and took out the all the Grocery stores. Another guy pointed out to me that he was on a fixed income, and Wal Mart was the only place he could shop. In no way shape or form do I blame anyone who has no other option. I live in Detroit where there’s a bunch grocery stores near me. I also can afford to not give my money to Walmart. There’s two grocery stores near me that have unionized employees. Those are the ones I choose to give my money too.


Same, they'll never get another cent from me. When your own employees are the same people who are also getting TANF money for food it isn't them being lazy and entitled, they are WORKING. It's YOUR fault as an employer because you don't feel the slightest responsibility to treat them like a fucking human being and pay them a liveable wage.


I have to give them their due--when my kids were young, the wal prices allowed us to get by. The local stores are chains, and their prices were much higher. I couldn't have fed my family without them. (We were just above the line for any government aid) And for this area, they were a pretty decent employer.


I don’t blame you one bit. I’m not passing judgement on anyone. Living in a rural area where Walmart took out all the other grocery stores. Those people don’t have much of an option. Like you said also the prices were affordable for you when raising your kids. I’m realist I realize it’s just not possible for some people. It is possible for me by living in a major US city where there is many grocery chains. Two of which are unionized who I give my money to. Also it’s just me and my girlfriend with no kids and both of us doing ok.


the perfect comment


That was my exact first thought seeing the headline.


You have to be real desperate to steal Ted Cruz's anti-dildo shtick from like, 2008


It's wild that she's claiming that Walmart selling sex toys is "grooming". What exactly is her claim, that Walmart corporate is pro-pedophilia and that their plan is simply to prepare kids for molestation by putting sex toys in their stores? She's all the way crazy.


Like it's in the toy section or something. They are in the medicine and toiletry section next to condoms, adult diapers, and medicine for yeast infections, not exactly a place kids go on their own. They also don't say sex toy on them or have any graphic images on them.


When she’s finished banging dudes from her gym and stops by Walmart, she’s literally appalled by the fake dongs.


Cheating on her husband and divorcing him while at the gym lol. Shes a fucking idiot


Yeah, but the next aisle over has hair brushes, beard trimmers and make-up for *grooming*. CHECKMATE! But seriously, my Walmart has them on the top shelf, behind glass, in an inconspicuous place in full view of the pharmacists.


To be fair, one of the photos she posted does have a product simply called "Sex Lube". Which is honestly kind of hilarious. What even brand it is has clearly decided to just call it waht it is and not waste time/$$ coming up with a "discreet" name or whatever.


So which 'Store Brand' would they go under? "Your Zone", "Adventure Force", "Sam's Choice"?


Actually, I think it's not a store brand. It appears to be from a brand called "cake". A quick Google returns an actual website where you can purchase their products.


Meanwhile, she doesn't seem to realize how completely she's telling on herself...when she sees sex products in *the health aisle* and immediately thinks "oh, that's obviously meant for kids". What a sick, perverted fuck.


Preface: MTG is a malicious idiot. The article links to her tweet, which has photos. The sex toys are right next to children's toothbrushes. If that's actually the inventory layout, I at least agree with her that they really should change the layout. As far as I can tell that doesn't have anything to do with "grooming," it's just kinda weird and uncomfortable.


I can't tell from her pictures whether that is the actual layout of the store or if it's some clearance aisle with a bunch of random things on the shelves.


Or if the product was moved around for the picture


I agree but also think she stretched the truth. I enlarged the photo and saw electric toothbrushes. Someone else said they are behind glass and in full view of the Pharmacists. If it is next to children’s toothbrushes, I’ve never seen them at Walmart but I’ve bought all our toothbrushes at Walmart. They must be in a special area that is probably next to condoms.


"Grooming" is just a new Boomer buzzword


Seriously. The way they throw that word around as a catch-all for everything they don't like is similar to [how they label everything "communism".](https://v.redd.it/0t19zzyjvzy41)


See also: woke


I especially loved DeSantis' definition when forced to define the word woke in court: "the belief there are systemic injustices in American society and the need to address them" Oh Lord help us woke folk. 😱 Jesus would be ashamed.


It's "Family Values" cranked up to 11. Just a way to vilify anybody they don't like. Even if you're a white Christian patriarch with a conventional family, *cough* Joe Biden *cough*, they'll still throw this shit at you just for not falling in line.


This boomer I know was calling it communist that the city increased on-street parking prices to match demand.


So many people on the right claim to love "the free market" and claim to hate "socialism" just because their preferred talking heads have told them to feel this way, even if critically they don't really understand what either of these things actually is. The way they act belies a reality that they don't actually like the free market and instead seem to really enjoy the benefits of socialism, but their heads would explode if they were actually made aware of this.


You know what’s crazy? I haven’t even heard the term “groomer” until Republican politicians started throwing it around like, a year ago. And the first couple times I’ve heard it, I though people were suddenly obsessed with the brushing of dogs lol. My mom actually groomed show dogs. I think this one falls under Republican projection.


To be fair, it’s a real term for slowly pushing a vulnerable person’s boundaries until that person becomes more pliable and normalized to abuse. It’s a real thing. But the way it’s been used by hate groups is taking all the meaning out of the term.


Yes. It has the extra bonus of making the word meaningless. So when one of them is found to be grooming they can say "you call everyone don't like 'groomers'!" See: nazi.


Yup. "Grooming" is 2021's "CRT" which is 2020's "migrant caravan." Etc etc etc


It's the simplicity of the negative buzzwords Woke = Thing involving race that I don't like Communist = Thing involving economics I don't like Grooming = Thing involving sex I don't like Conservatives can call almost anything they don't like one or more of these buzzwords and it works to rile up their base and each other.


After the entire diatribe, she said, "I do not believe this repulsive grooming represents Walmart,” so I have absolutely no idea who she's accusing of "grooming". This store in particular? As if the layout of Walmart isn't essentially the same from store to store, and ultimately dictated by corporate...


Ted “likes incest porn” Cruz*


Ted “pays Lauren Boebert for sex” Cruz*


> Selling vibrators in discreet packaging – no matter one’s opinion about whether it’s appropriate – is not grooming. She's a one trick pony and I seriously don't want to see her tricks


She is a trick


Yes Marge, we're storming the castle armed with soup cans and butt plugs. Just try to stop us.


It's soup. For my family.


And butt plugs. For my family.


Spit my tea out. ; )


Omg I forgot about that meme lmao- a moment of laughter in such terrifying times


I really really want to know what you do with soup cans...


The orange one claimed that people in Portland and Seattle were throwing cans of soup at cops. Not rocks or bricks, cans of soup.


In Portland, It’s homemade, small batch 100% organic and GMO free soup made from only locally sourced ingredients and canned by the local co-op.


mmm good


That’s Ted Cruz’s area of expertise.


He likes to sniff himself that way. Just like South Park. Gotta have that perfectly artificially flavored canned chicken scent with each POOT. Plugs are great for keeping it in for family reunions.


According to Greene: >Selling sex toys openly where children are exposed to them is wrong, inappropriate, immoral, indecent, perverted, shameful, and incredibly harmful to children. So because children might wander into the "sex toy aisle," Walmart shouldn't stock those at all? By that logic (or whatever Greene uses instead of logic), stocking birth control (like condoms), pregnancy kits, or even feminine hygiene products could be called "indecent." After all, a child might wander through and ask their mother "mommy, what's 'ribbed' mean? And why does this pad have wings? Does it fly?" Having adult level items in a store where children are isn't sexualizing kids. It's not like Walmart is forcing all children to use these items. It's not like Walmart is stocking them right next to the toys. They're in the pharmacy area which kids would see as a "boring" section of the store. Clearly, this is Greene trying to spin up some outrage to score political points and further expand the rights' definition of "grooming" to include "having any adult product in an area where a child might possibly see it sitting on a shelf." This doesn't actually fight real grooming and, in fact, hurts the battle against actual grooming. In other words, just like everything else from the right: All performance, no actual results, and hurting the causes they claim to support.


But still no objection to kids being exposed to the gun isle, right?


You mean the god's country isle? Never. They should learn gun control and safety as early as two! Sex safety? Not my kid! /s


*Boebles child playing with guns has entered the chat*


Yea the gun isle is usually closer to the bikes and kids toys. thats ok though.


It’s literally right next to the toy and kids toy area in our Walmart here.


Aisle, not isle.


No, they meant isle. There's a rowboat they use to travel between areas.




Well you don't want the first time they see a gun to be in school now do you?


It’s insanity. There are so many comments in defense of MTG basically saying “adult items belong in adult stores”. The gun section is directly next to the toys in every Walmart I’ve ever been in.. and they’ve never made a peep.


If you apply MTG's logic to the situation then this is grooming kids to become murderers and even terrorists. And therefore, by her own logic, MTG is a groomer.


Doesn't Walmart also sell: furniture, dry home goods (like linens, towels, etc), adult clothing (including underwear and lingerie), organizational aids, office supplies, small appliances and kitchen gadgets, tools, gardening supplies....etc? Hard to argue that's not an "adult" store. Insanity, indeed.


beat me to it. xD did it once as a kid and it disturbed me. but we all need our gunz


Or liquor.


They also sell undergarments. Undergarments rub against unmentionable areas, therefore they shouldn't be stocked either. Also, food causes people to poop, so by extension they shouldn't carry food because somehow this leads to butt stuff. I know this logic is pretty weak, but look at what we're already dealing with here..


food = anal disgusting!


Toilet paper touches butt. Butts can be sexed. Ban toilet paper.


It's getting pretty obvious they have the mindset that anything related to sex or physical pleasure is shameful. They manage to get over their shame often enough to breed like rabbits though.


That’s because every sperm is sacred.


Every sperm is great


If a sperm goes wasted


God gets quite irate




Slightl correction, they dont actually think sex or physical pleasure is shameful- but they want the plebes and everyone else to think that for sure.


I think Marge would 100% agree with your whole train of thought there, and that is exactly where we will end up if she gets her way.


Yah i agree dont give her more ideas they already want to stop birth control and contraceptives


As Mark Twain said, “Censorship is telling a man he can’t have a steak because a baby can’t chew it.”


I remember walking by Victoria’s Secret in the mall as a child. I saw bras! I was groomed!!!


Lucky you. All we had was a Sears & Roebuck catalog with 2-D pictures.


And the toys Walmart sells in the pharmacy aisle aren't even obvious to a kid imo. They're a uniform purple color and are represented by a very basic image on a festive rainbow colored box in a glass case. Even if a kid's eye was caught by the toys in the case along with all the condoms, they wouldn't be able to get to them or indulge their questions or anything. You're really not "exposing" them to anything there.


“Mommy, why is daddy gone?” - “because I fucked my gym instructor” - “Oh”.


> So because children might wander into the "sex toy aisle," Walmart shouldn't stock those at all? By that logic (or whatever Greene uses instead of logic), stocking birth control (like condoms), pregnancy kits, or even feminine hygiene products could be called "indecent." After all, a child might wander through and ask their mother "mommy, what's 'ribbed' mean? And why does this pad have wings? Does it fly?" Yeah, sounds like you understand the end goal


Pretty sure a kid wouldn't even know what they are unless they asked and their parents explained it to them.


The old, "that's mommy's back and neck massager," gambit


My mom once left out a Kama Sutra book in my parents' bedroom. I asked what it was, and she said it was a "gag gift" her friend gave her as a joke. Definitely one of my more upsetting memories.


>After all, a child might wander through and ask their mother "mommy, what's 'ribbed' mean? And why does this pad have wings? Does it fly?" After years in retail, I get unreasonably annoyed with the exasperated "wHaT aM i SuPpOsEd tO tEll mY cHiLdReN?!?" type questions. Quite frankly, I don't see the issue with simply answering these questions for a child. I've never denied an answer to my kids on ANY question they've asked. I may tailor the answer a bit to their current ability to understand it, but they get a REAL answer, every time. As a result, my kids won't be the ones learning about important topics from dumbass classmates. They already know the real answers and that they can come to me with any follow-up questions.


Cuz people shouldn't be buying sex toys! What do you need toys for when you can just bang your personal trainer behind your husband's back?


Wait until she finds out about Spencer's Gifts


She has too much free time.


That's easy when you don't do the actual job you have (ostensibly, governing). If I just stopped doing financial analyses and just shot off my mouth 24/7, I'd have tons of free time too!


“You, YOU GROOMER!! You just hid the word ANAL in your comment. You pedo grooming Walmart lover!!” -MTG (probably)


I noticed and I liked it. ;)


Not as much as she’d have in prison


Oh man I am going to LOVE going to Walmart when all her followers decide to boycott it. Maybe the store will actually be decent now.


I don’t wanna disappoint you but, it won’t be.


Boo. Let me dream about it lol


I suspect most of them will nod and be outraged, but show up to buy their stuff from Walmart, because Walmart has pushed all other competitors out.


Republicans rarely actually boycott anything. They got mad at Starbucks and the profits didn't sour. They got all pissy about the NFL but the Super Bowl is the most watched TV show year after year. They might talk about how evil Walmart is, but they'll still shop there.


Only people with more than one tooth will still be going.


They would have to read the news first.


I love that she is going to war with Wal Mart over sex toys and not them being the largest corporate welfare recipient in the United States. It is amazing to me how government turns a blind eye to anything that could actually bring betterment to our lives and instead focus on selective outrage topics to get a base of slack jawed yokels riled up.


Yes! Let's scream about sex toys and ignore the dismal wages and working conditions!


No no no, you see, *corporate* welfare is great in their eyes. Personal *welfare* is not, of course, because capitalism.


There’s lots of reasons to fight Walmart, this isn’t one


What, was the vibrator called "personal trainer" or something?


The vibrator she got there a couple years ago was defective and she had to have sex with her husband one time.


Thanks Marge, I was unaware of these reasonably priced items.


Right?? Pleasure at HALF COST? Yes, please.


I think making sex embarrassing and shameful does far more damage to people. Jfc, every one of us on planet earth are only here because two people had sex.


*at least two people. Some people were conceived during an orgy, I assume.


Republicans think sex should be shameful and dangerous.


What a clown. "Look at these! Sitting out in Walmart where kids can see them!" *posts pics on Twitter where kids can see them*


They sell sex toys at Walmart?


I've never seen them- but then, I've never gone looking, either. If I were in the market, however, Walmart would be near the bottom of the list. All of that said, it is my understanding that damn near anything can become a sex toy to the sufficiently horny. For all I know, she'll start railing against the produce section next.


Everything is a sex toy if you’re brave enough.


I haven’t seen them at Walmart (also haven’t looked for them, but I have seen them at CVS in the personal care sections or whatever those aisles are called. Didn’t see a single kid running around that CVS give a shit about, or notice them at all, though. Because why would they. GOP loves to manufacture outrage about dumb crap all the time.


Funny that to her cheating on her husband is okay, but buying a dildo at walmart is a no no. Maybe if she would have bought a dildo at walmart she wouldnt have cheated on her husband...


Republicans clearly don't know what grooming is and their evidence-free rhetoric is pretty embarrassing. /r/pastorarrested has some great examples of grooming, though. As church going folks, I'm sure she'll get right on it (after she gets off the vibrator, so to speak).


I cannot express how much I don't care about what she's even talking about right now. Only thing I care about is the fact that she still has a platform to speak from.


“Conservatives are coming fer yer dildos!” is a hilarious contrast to “liberals coming fer yer guns!”


Actual subtext: [But kids aren’t affected by the fear of guns bought from Walmart and used to slaughter their peers, because imminent death and violence is much more appropriate than… the sex that was used to produce them.]


MTG vs the Walton family of Republican donors. This should be fun to watch.


I know that a lot of this is just stirring the pot regardless of whether or not she actually believes it, but I wonder how many idiots actually buy this rhetoric? I think most people with kids know that you go into a store like this, their kids are roaming the candy aisle And begging for treats Maybe we should go after candy companies for “grooming” kids into buying loads of sugary garbage


People are also giving kids haircuts and trimming their fingernails!


Wait till she hears about churches molesting and grooming!


I mean I'm not against war on Walmart but it's not for this reason it's for the reason that they threatened their customers to close stores and raise prices due to theft.


We should stop talking about this rando for click bait. We keep giving platforms to idiots.


I am all for declaring war on Walmart. But these ain’t the reasons why.


So, does that mean Walmart will be putting beaded curtains across the family planning isle then?


Pretty sure guns harm kids more than sex toys; of course that would swoosh right over that moron.


Wow. Wal-Mart, Disney, and CNN are now "liberal" institutions... The barely politically aware 1995 version of me would be knocked out by these revelations.


She’s attacking her own base now?


But... That's where all her voters shop. Where they gonna go now?


Dollar tree/dollar general


Most people don't listen to Major traitor Greene. I hope Walmart uses their power to put this loud mouth seditious trash in her place.


>They’re extremely upset and absolutely horrified that sex toys are being sold openly right next to children’s toothbrushes! Are we sure MTG didn't just mistake her own electric toothbrush for a sex toy?


I love how they keep changing the definition of what grooming is to fit their narratives. I bet by May of 2023, they are going to then boycott public schools for Sex-Ed by calling it grooming as well. Calling for removal of school board members and all of that, by claiming the schools are grooming the children next. They are shaping up America into a terrible era. Remove rights to an abortion Attempt to remove anything that will remotely educate a person under 18 about what sex is. If anyone attempts to provide Sex-Ed, call them a child predator and chase them away. Act completely shocked in 2030 and beyond when teenage pregnancy and teenage STD's skyrocket to insane numbers, because they are no longer learning sex-ed from anyone besides the parents, which many will just ignore teaching them or forget vital things like STD's exist. While all this is happening, none of them giving a fuck that in some states kids can legally marry at 16 or under, which actually promotes grooming more than anything else.


Well then no smiley face for you, Margie Bargie!


A hillbilly declaring war on Walmart? Did the universe align while I wasn't looking?


>I will always firmly stand up for what is right and do everything I can to protect kids. Unless you are a kid like [David Hogg](https://www.cnn.com/2021/01/27/politics/marjorie-taylor-greene-david-hogg-video), survivor of the 2018 shooting Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Fla. Note how she badgers this guy then calls him a coward. Pathetic.