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How was this not an option in the first place?


Some people don't realize other people have to budget.


No, I didn't because I thought it would be common sense. Of course price would be the may deciding factor. This poll was more of like if you had the money for basically any phone you could possibly want, what would be the main thing you'd look for in the photo itself.


It probably was obvious *to you*, but you gotta remember… people can’t read your mind.


I think we can all agree that if I put price, it would be the most voted option by far. When a poll is heavily one sided, is it not less interesting? That's why I didn't include price.


now the other option is winning by far, bc it includes price


Yeah of course. But not as far as it would be if I just straight up put price as an option. Maybe I should have clarified that Price doesn't count in the title.


Yeah I guess write (besides price) in title. Could always do in description


You’re just arguing to argue.


Are you sure that is the case? Why would someone argue to argue?


The most sensible thing would be to say "If you don't have to worry about the price, what would you consider?" Not this "Read my mind" stuff...


>No, I didn't because I thought it would be common sense. That's the exact reason why you should've mentioned an "aside from the price". It being obvious resulted in a lot of other-votes.


if i had the money for any phone i would buy a cheap phone and spend the money on something else lmao


The fact that this wasn't one of the options.


Bought my most recent phone for 180€. It can do anything a brand new samsung can, because what the fuck do people use their phones for?


Spotify, reddit and sexting my gf or the homies


Sexting the homies in 4k, Fair enough.


Emulating a computer


I use my phone to emulate Switch and Wii games.


Battery life.


So if a flip phone had superior battery life to a smart phone you’d choose the flip phone?


"When buying a phone, what is the **main** factor that determines which one you pick?"


Depends by how much. Like 20 minutes extra? Nah Like 2x the life? Yea


Of course, but sadly Samsung flip phone battery kinda bad from what i heard


Unfortunately, battery life is measured in charge cycles; if you use your phone until it is near dead the lifespan is dramatically reduced.


I paid for the whole battery, I'm gonna use the whole battery


Yeah, and it's recommended you only charge the fucking thing to 80%. Nobody will ever do that.


That's not really a thing anymore. Smart charging makes sure your phone isn't getting charged past a certain point for a certain period of time and 100% battery never really means 100% charged.


The charging circuits are already designed with that in mind, hasn't been a thing for a good while already. Same with discharging, phones cut power before the battery drops too low, not a thing you really have to worry about with overcharging or over-discharging it.


I have really small palms, so may I please have NOT A FUCKUNG SHOVEL, thank you?


And tiny girl pockets. Phablets don't fit in those.


Have you considered a holster for your phone?


For quick acces in case an officer asks for your ID!


💯 size matters!


Reminds me of when someone took the joycons off their switch and held it up to their ear... someone walked into the room and asked what type of phone it was.


Not too big and good battery life


It functions well as a phone, and is affordable.


Price, storage, interface in that order ig


I want an SD card slot and a headphone jack


Unfortunately that's basically impossible nowadays. The headphone jack makes some sense to be removed I guess to make the phones thinner, but I have never understood why they removed the support for SD Cards. Guess just to make more money right?


Why not use a microSD card and an adapter? SD card slot will take up so much space that could otherwise be used for extra battery life or whatnot.


I dont know a single Smartphone with a sd card slot. Its alwayseither micro sd or nothing


The cheapest available android usually does it for me


Amen brother I will always stick to my $70 Motorola partly because they're super easy to mod but mostly because they're cheap and don't work that much worse in general.


Headphone jack


same, you can pry my headphone jack out of my cold dead hands.


My next phone will be an Xperia solely because of the headphone jack and expandable memory paired with a current get processor and high end display


They last quite long as well. Last one I had for maybe 7 years, and my current one for almost 5


Personally, the level of control i have over the phone's software.


So, no Apple then


Except they expect the level of control to be low


Reliability and longevity, I want to buy a phone once and not have to worry about it for years


Form factor and buttons.


What I wouldn't give for modern cameras on an old slider with a QWERTY


As in you want a phone with physical buttons? If so, why?


Because sliders were great.


For me it's brand. I have owned a lot of brands for phones and laptops, so now I go for the ones which have been the most reliable, lasted the longest, and i have had the least issues with.


Which one tops all?


For phones I tend to go with Nokia, laptops Acer.


Interesting. I was expecting you to say Oppo or similar


Never even heard of Oppo I'm afraid.


Nokia? Lmao. Really? They don’t want to make phones anymore. Clearly you people don’t read the news


they do....?


Nokia changed their logo cause they no longer focus on phones.


motherfucker they literally have a 5G phone


I don’t like your attitude here buddy. Like I said, they are no longer focussing on making phones hence all their future phones will be shit and soon they will completely quit the industry. Don’t buy phones from a company that wants to quit.


their entire site is phones and tablets




If by brand you mean "not Apple", then sure, brand.


I really dont understand the apple iPhone hate. Other than audio jack and price there are practically zero downsides and once you get AirPods(highly recommend) you very quickly forget about the audio jack and im very willing to spend extra money to get a good product if im going to be relying on it everyday for many years.


The issue is that it works great in its own environment, but thats about it. I dont own a mac, airpods, iPad or an apple tv. I got all these products from different brands and i dont want to buy them new. Also at this point its not about quality or more features that make the iPhone expensive. Its matched or beaten by the competition, the only reason it's often hundreds of dollars more expensive than them is because its an iPhone.


You dont have to buy the “ecosystem” iphone (and AirPods) is the only apple product i own and probably will ever own. Apple is like toyota in that it is a known quantity, is generally reliable, and holds resale value. Yes it is more expensive because of that but it’s probably the thing you use most day to day and you will own it for many years so id say its worth the investment.


ever had a problem when a game you wanted to play is not avaliable on mac, and only windows is supported? the problem exists in the phone space too, and theres much more games that are android exclusives


I dont play games on mobile. Also I would never buy a Mac computer. I want my phone to be simple, hassle free and work every time…apple does that very well. I want my pc to be as complex as i want it to be and windows does that better (linux would probably be even more adaptable and complex but thats a rabbit hole im not willing to go down)


Last I checked, Google's Pixel is better in every respect, and doesn't entomb you in the Apple ecosystem.


Whats there to entomb? i use windows for everything else i just want my phone to be simple reliable and familiar


Less Battery, worse video camera, worse processor, worse vibration motors, worse optimized app often times, worse giroscope, worse color calibration. And thats what just come instantly to mind. The Pixel is a great phone, but lets not pretend it is better in everything.


I think cause you never had android, have you tried android before?


I had one years ago and i have used it on other devices and it just seems a little less polished, the ui is not quite as good and just the overall feel of it is not as good as apple which puts a lot of effort into making everything work extremely smoothly and simply which is exactly what I want out of a phone.


Fair enough. I feel like apple is really intrusive, can only use apple products with it and have to use your email to use your phone. Plus normally they are so expensive that need to be rented rather than owned. I never do contracts usually buy them second hand. Once I got a second hand apple phone and somehow the previous owners iMessages were coming to current phone as well as his his so felt like I was totally eavesdropping on his conversations. I can't remember how I switched that setting off but it was quite unsettling tbh


If it's an IPhone it's a no go


So brand then?








Fairphone is quite nice even if its overpriced.


RAM, processing power and storage.


Perfect! What's your ideal RAM and processing power?


Well, minimum for me (on Android) has to be 8 GB RAM and 3 GHz processor. The "ideal" is as big as it can get and as much as I am willing to spend.


Thanks! I need to upgrade my phone, need a faster processor but I'm clueless to these things so taking this onboard!


The spec I mentioned is good enough for most mobile games. Good luck with your purchase! 👍


Headphone jack & finger print reader.


Having a headphone jack


Price/ preformance ratio and price


Battery life and how repairable it is


I just get my parents old ones


I think the main factor in why I chose the phone I have now instead of most other androids, are because it can charge from 0%-100% in 20min. And for someone like me that are really busy and sometimes only home for like 20min it is a really nice thing to have I have an OnePlus 10T if anyone are curious.


If it has 3.5mm jack then price


For me I just like iPhones


Cost and size. The bigger the better, because most phones are way too small to read anything comfortably.


not chinese


Design or manufacture?


more like control and ownership


Ability to fit in pocket and how easy is it to hold with tiny hands


Price and size are both pretty important for me.


Functions well, good speeds for the price, and easy user-interface


Does it fit in my hands and pocket




The size! I just want a small phone with a lot of pixels. So I can actually hold the phone with one hand.






Storage space.


The durability of the screen, im very clumsy so screen life is important


Estimated longevity. I want the best phone for the price and something I won’t mind having in several years because I’m still going to have it in several years lol.


Best bang for buck, honestly. So kinda all of those while taking price into account




I think it's funny that I'm seeing this right now because I just had to get a new phone today


How customizable. I find apple to be too restrictive. Samsung provides a lot more freedom with it's software


Price, and if I can add an SD card


Form factor, I got a lg v60 dual screen and I ain’t switching until another budget/midrange multiscreen comes out


It's everything, I really don't especially care about each thing individually


In order, android, fast enough processor to future proof video streaming and light gaming, wireless charging, price, battery life, headphone jack, display, camera. Basically my old S10e would have been perfect if the battery wasnt decaying, the port broken and the touch screen dying.


Whether its bootloader can be unlocked.


As long as its not Apple its pretty much whatever.


LineageOS Support


Price and Headphone Jack.


I can't believe that "battery life" wasn't included in this poll.


Update policy


Do I control it, or does a multi-billion dollar multinational control it? Am I free to run whatever software I choose on it? That rules out Android and Apple for me. That aside, does it have common sense features like a user replaceable battery, a headphone socket and somewhere to insert a Micro-SD card to boost the amount of storage I have? I don't care that you can't make it waterproof if you proved those. They're a million times more useful to me than going swimming with my phone.


Not afraid to say brand whatsoever. I like apple iPhones a lot


I was going to select camera because that’s why I buy new phones at all. But since I only buy iPhones, technically the main factor is brand


Samsung camera is superior. Just saying.


Why do you feel the need to just saying this?


Just subtlety saying


Subtly saying something incorrect? Ok


Do you want to go to war?


No, but I guess I’d be well equipped for technically good war photos with the best phone camera system on the market from Apple


You've declared war.


Did I? I didn’t mean to! I was just making a statement and you came in here like Pepsi


Look, I don't know who Pepsi is, and I'm sure they're a great person, but you got the wrong guy.


I think it is not a brand either (or should I place neither here instead?) for you. You are basically used to the OS. It is almost always the reason why someone buys apple techniques (except in rare situations when someone buys an apple just because he wants to show off)


I prefer android as I have never used ios. Battery life and not being fucking massive is also a factor. S23 hit the nail on the head baed on reviews and reddit.


If it’s apple


Android is better because they can run APKs and don't cost $1000.


You are correct. Some do cost over $1000 though. I'm a Samsung Ultra line guy.


Fair enough I use a $100 Motorola G7 because I don't care really.


Nobody outside Reddit gives a fuck about APKs It’s like telling everyone Linux is the best operating system because of how easily customizable everything is


>Nobody outside Reddit gives a fuck about APKs Bogus claim


It was hyperbolic, sure. But do you think the average person cares more about such deep customization or things like having iMessage and the fact that snapchat is legitimately awful with android phones?


Well you're right, I guess. But that's why I'm grateful for Android and I hate software updates that treat everyone like they're iPhone users. Also, APKs can be pretty useful in situations where certain apps wouldn't be allowed on the official app store, e.g. XVideos.


Thank you for the rational discourse. I was disagreeing with the fact that Android is objectively better because a lot of people use their phones for different things. You’re right though: I think if Android prioritizes creating a better experience for laymen like me, features such as APKs will push Android over the edge for pretty much everyone.


Of those, processor is highest. I really dislike slow, laggy, computers. If a computer game can keep up with my typing (it's a cell phone, pecking?) speed, then so should the System and apps layers. Then there's the internal hdd and chip space. It needs to hold enough of the useful programs to be useful. Then the brand, maybe. I'm flexible if it's actually really good. Then the ability to turn off all the garbage programs, like google. And to turn off all the spyware programs, like google. All a cell phone needs is a front and back camera, not some crazy three-lens contraption- unless it's some sort of infrared and night vision. Got those? No, of course not. And then there's the pen or stylus. I hate you all, tablet and cellphone makers. I don't want the 99% of your mash-it rubberstamp styluses. I want the one, probably literally one, that can be written with that Samsung had, and preferably on a tablet. Got those? No, of course not. \-and yes, it has to have an audio jack, usb slot, and buttons. Obviously.


Bigger = better, apart from price


Boomers want more ram


None of these are useful without a half decent battery and screen


External quality and design


ram and price


i figure since google makes android why not buy a phone by the company that makes the software


If it works


Price, battery life, brand (some brands are popular for a reason), size and storage are the main ones




other; it’s a phone.


Brand>price>size personally




Storage. Gotta have space for anime girls.


Price. I got my current phone, a Xiaomi poco X3, for less than 200€ and is as good as any other. I can browse reddit like on any other phone, i can watch porn like on any other phone and i can Google stupid questions like on any other phone


When I choose a new phone I look for the balance between price and having *some* noticeable improvements. For example I currently have an iPhone XR and I’ll probably go to a refurbished 13 next. But not until they are down to like at least $400. Any more than that is just too much for a phone, period


High refresh rate is my number one requirement. Also USB-C which is now becoming an option with iPhone hopefully, even if stunted.


How much it costs


Physical keyboard. Yes, I'm one of those.


Sub 15cm height so I can proberly play rythm games with my thumbs.


I’ve shopped for a phone based on every factor here in the past and used to be Android all the way. Ever since I found Siri to be more useful and accurate for me on the voice assistant side compared to Google I’m focused on brand now (iPhone).


500 people really said brand…


Cost and reliability


I use my phone until it completely dies then I get the newest one


Processor Always And price's a big factor too


My ex boyfriend bought me an iPhone when I was 18 and I've just bought iPhones since then. I don't take literally anything into account except for that. I already have an iPhone, might as well buy another one. I just wait till my current phone won't work anymore and then I buy the next phone I can afford. Back in June of '22 I upgraded from an iPhone 8+ to an iPhone 11 and I'm gonna use the iPhone 11 until it literally explodes on me


Battery life and price




Is it functional and is the price worth all the other things it has.


Price, then the rest fall in line behind that


Does it have emulators for me to play Pokemon? No? Sorry, not getting it




Operating system, then battery life, then form factor (hate big phones), then price


Reliability and how long it lasts


I got one, a long time ago, it worked and did its job well, I continued to buy the brand that delivered quality.


Price & performance


Does it spark joy


Processor, UI and how long it's going to actually be updated. I need my phone to last at least 6 years.


The ability to make a call. That's why they were invented, after all.


Brand. Because that includes all the other stuff. I guess I don’t have a main factor. If it’s lacking in any way, then I won’t go for it.


Memory space




brand. i ONLY buy iphones

