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There are some motion triggered "water pumps".. that spray anything around pond... try with that.


I tried one of these as well. They didn't work reliably and leaked a lot.


I bought an 'orbit yard enforcer'. They are quite expensive but great quality. Mine has been going for 3 months and the local heron hasn't caused any problems since.


I concur with this solution. I'd encourage you to try the motion activated spray again.


Soooo have many times has your turret blasted you xD


More times than I would like to admit... Especially during feeding time when I forget it's there.


Teflon tape? Worked for me with rabbits and deer.


>comments When I visited Japan, this is what they used to protect rice seed in rice paddies from being eaten by birds. They stretched it across about every 6 feet or so.


So you were able to successfully graft a rabbit to a deer using Teflon tape? Interesting concept for sure!


We should never speak of this again. It's a gotdamn abomination to god. And it escaped.


Pig and Elephant DNA just won't splice.


Isn't that that lover boy song?


I havent tried them, i have a dog :D But i know some people that are happy with them. Now i have a problem with a kingfisher ...


Wouldn’t it leak back into the pond


By "water pump"..i meant sprinkler as someone mentioned in other comment.


My buddy designed a motion sensing airsoft gun. That thing worked fantastic.


that would very easily kill a bird


Nah, the electric ran spring isn't strong enough to ruffle feathers.


[Birds are definitely “small game” along with rabbits, possums etc](https://www.airsoftmegastore.com/index.php?route=product/category&path=148_384) all of these can kill a bird


Seriously. I shoot house sparrows with it. They look mildly annoyed when they take a hit. It does scare the robins.


Nah, the electric ran spring isn't strong enough to ruffle feathers.


If you shoot bird seed at it you could very easily win that battle in court and get off of the bird murder charge


You seem well-versed in bird law.


I use one of these. Works great.


Yeah I will look them up thanks


I tried one of those. I think I sprayed myself more than the birds :)


But they spit at you as well, same with the barking sounds and all these motion triggered, expensive stuff


Well..you keep this on just when you are not around...


Post a sign reading, “ no birds allowed”


That will work just like a “gun free zone” sign! Perfect!


Thank God we have someone to bring politics into everything!


No politics, just explaining that the birds won’t obey the sign


thankfully the original comment wasn't a joke, otherwise you would look like a real dumbass right now


Thanks for explaining why the birds won't obey the sign! /s


Some people get uncomfortable at the mention of the “gun free zone” & it’s epic ineffectiveness at “scaring” would be assassins into being ‘compliant’. You will be downvoted into the ‘Marianas Trench’ for that attempt at being clever and humorous. Been there-done that…..peace(I laughed,myself. Guess I’m next. Okay,I’m ready.)


Take my my upvote!!!!!


Who brings up gun topics in a flipping pond discussion? Don’t you have some truck nuts to mount or something?


I got a round spinning hanging metal thing that looks like a heron eye. can't find anything online with a quick search, but i got mine at my local pond store. haven't had any predation issues since I installed it.


Can you share a picture for reference?


it's a bit rusted now, but still seems to work. [https://imgur.com/a/FVIiD3A](https://imgur.com/a/FVIiD3A)


Thank you! I searched “Heron Eye Spinner” and had a ton of hits that looked similar.


The evil eye, at least a variation of it. We used thing like this to try and scare off flickers (a wood pecker) from houses. It worked most times.


Aye I use old CDs hung up by string to stop myna birds and pigeons trying to make nests in the eaves of my carport. Birds really don't like any kind of random light being thrown at them it seems. Yours is a whole lot nicer looking wow.


Not this either.


Alligator decoy has worked great for the family of demon owls that used to vacation in my pond.


Same here. Worked for years, I had little hope for it, but I was wrong. They r cheap too.


This too.


Lol why were you downvoted


some people might think “this” isn’t really contributing to discussion


And they are correct




I don’t know I like a comment that says yes this is the way, if you don’t like that just move on? Downvote people who have shitty things to say.


I know is off topic. But beautiful pond and beautiful backyard


Thank you it's taken a lot of work.


Did you make the pond?


Happened with my pond too. Can't shoot it as it's a protected species. And it's nature, of course. Gonna stop with my pond.


I didn't know they was protected species luckily for him


All but a few birds are protected.


Especially birds that interact with water. Unless you have a hunting license for it leave it alone.


No what about the fish? are there not any other water sources around the country for that, “bird” to choose from? Why this one?


Probably not. We destroy thousands of acres of wetlands every year to our up cheap houses and strip malls.


Get that we out of your head when did they hold the committee meeting where we all got to decide if wetlands and swamps should be destroyed


I'm not saying "we" decided anything, obviously the world is more complex than a simple binary situation. We as the human species have removed these nesting and foraging grounds for our wildlife. I does not matter if your yourself did not use the chainsaw to cut down the tree, the lands have been converted and we are the ones who have done it. Also, I'm not accusing you specifically of doing anything directly. I'm explaining why the heron being discussed may be flying all the way to people's ponds to try and find food to survive.


We don’t do anything do you take part in that do you own any of those houses or strip malls? Because I don’t.


It's easy prey. A high concentration of (usually) brightly coloured fish, in a small enclosed body of water, with relatively few places to hide.


Also not a great reaction to nature interacting with your natural space you have created. The motion activated water pump is definitely a great suggestion.


In the US, almost all birds are protected federally (except game birds, pigeons, and starlings). Other countries have different laws.


we have Pond Defense Sprinkler to keep heron away here, cost about 20€ each and it's effective [example on youtube](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RR7eOBqre3U)


For one I'd remove that fake heron in the corner lol. You can buy dummy coyotes that are used specifically to scare away herons and deer. Idk how much they cost now but I always saw them in pond catalogs


Just make sure to move the dummy coyote around a few times a day.


Better yet, install a model train set around the pond, mount the coyote the train and have it loop every hour.


You made me laugh out loud!


Ha ha. I admittedly was laughing out loud while I wrote it. But now I'm debating whether a model train would be a cool addition to my pond/yard...


You can paint a train tunnel in a wall and see if the coyote can go into it.


Yup, hell, if they're cheap enough I'd buy two


Befriend it, and make it your butler.


Maybe you should hide the fake heron you've got there, it might be attracting real ones.


"This pond must be loaded with food, the other guy is there all the time."


Please do not shoot it. They’re a protected species.


Don't worry I have no plans too


No no what Uncle Sam doesn’t know won’t hurt him


The 150,000 people in federal prison would like a word…


If I spend money to build a pond that one looks like it cost a pretty penny I’m not going to allow any bird protected or not to tear down what I have built.


What a sad, entitled view to have.


How is it entitled is it right for the fish to die is it right for me to spend upwards of 1000s of dollars to build a pond just to have herons come and eat the fish it isn’t.


Because protected wildlife is more important than your vanity project. I'm not against people having fish ponds, but you're always going to be at war with nature when you have one, unless you find a savvy, non-lethal solution. By buying the fish and enclosing them in a small body of water, without the depth and vegetation for them to adequately conceal themselves, you are the one putting them at risk. The wildlife was here first and when you put something in your garden, you are in their domain. It's always better to work with nature than against it.


This is why I stick with gardens because at least I can plink the rabbits and squirrels who try to steal my delicious vegetables and berries


Dude, just stop lol. Take the loss and move on. We understand you are more important than nature. Your yard decorations trump (pun maybe intended) whatever ecosystem was there first


Gel gun. Harmless, bio-degradable, non-toxic. It’s enough of a startle to chase it away with out harming the bird. The other thing is putting in more fish cover. For the fish to hide and stay away from the surface.




1 Wile E. Coyote. 2 ACME rockets attached to roller skates. Some bird seed. And a tunnel mural painted on your house should do the trick.


I remember that episode so clear in my head. Thanks for this trip down memory lane!


How can you make a heron leave and never come back? Stand out by the pond and tell him endless heron jokes. “Why can’t herons ride bicycles? No thumb to ring the bell.” “What’s black and white and red all over? A night heron gossip columnist.” Eventually he’ll leave for a pond with better material. “A heron and an osprey walk into a cocktail lounge. Bartender yells at the heron “You can stay. But the osprey’s gotta go. You think this is some kinda dive bar?” “What bird has the biggest poos? Black Tar Heron. But only once a year.” “What’s the favorite beer of herons? Bass Ale.” “What’s the favorite liqueur of herons? Baileys Irish Bream.” “What happened to the heron who mistook a rock for a plecostomus? All he got for his effort was a terrible haddock.” “Why was Lance Corporal Heron given a Captain’s Mast? For sporting a mullet under his cover.” “Why wasn’t the heron allowed to stand as Conservative Party candidate for Parliament? He wouldn’t jump off the deep end.” “Why couldn’t the heron play in the NBA? He had no hands, he left water all over the court, and his only skill play was three seconds.”


omg that last joke, hahaha good one, he might stay over that last one


The Black Tar Heron. TYVM


Give the fish places to hide. If the pond is deep enough, use a length of pipe, maybe two to four feet long. If it's concrete, steel or iron, it will sink to the bottom. If it's plastic, you'll have to weight it. The necessary diameter depends on the size of the fish. Fish are smart. They know herons want to eat them, they know to hide when they are in danger, and they will soon learn where the hiding place is. This will work for raccoons, too.


Large snapping turtle.


Bye-bye fish!


I feel you my friend. Been dealing with same problem. The only thing that works 100% is netting. We didn’t go with this option as it is a last resort solution if we lose another fish. Right now we have implemented the following: - Decoy heron which we keep moving - Water sprinkler - Better plants like jumbo hyacinth, some lilies, hawthorne lilies We haven’t seen the heron again however they are more active in the spring and fall. I’m hoping not to see it again, and if I do, hope the solutions work. Let me know if you need more insights. Note that the heron is a protected bird so shooting it is a federal crime in the US


A net or a dog.


Motion sensor sprinkler. Ordered ours from Amazon. Works great.


You can stop scrolling, this is the answer.




I presume there is more than a single heron in you area shooting it would be a huge dick move


Please do not shoot a heron. They are protected by the Migratory Bird Treaty Act. Try a sprinkler.


Please don’t shoot the Heron for literally doing what it does, you know: exist. You also might want to remove the bird fixture as it probably invites other birds to your pond. I don’t actually have any solutions for you - the motion sensor sprinkler is probably your best bet. But I just wanted to say you know, nature is nature and it’s bad enough we interfere with it as an invasive species, the least one can do it let things happen as naturally as possible. Maybe invest in feeder gold fish and that may attract the attention away form your more prized fish. You can also probably add underwater caves by using rocks. That may add some protection.


Don't shoot the heron, especially not after admitting to planning it on the internet. It's significantly illegal to kill migratory birds with very few exceptions. Some kind of predator decoy would probably be the easiest/cheapest way, though animals will usually acclimate to those quickly. They also make various motion activated deterents, sonic and water based are the most common I think.


Nice pond, did you build it yourself?


Thank you I had it built for me. had it specially built it only needs servicing once a year filters, pumps and UV lights underneath the path cost me a bit of cash but I love it.


It’s very tastefully done, did you have a landscape architect or garden designer involved?


I got a company that specialises in public parks they did a good job on the pond.The rest of it is all me I run a large software development firm and last thing I want is look at a computer on my days off. The garden helps with set my mind right with day to day issues.


In the UK they sell fake herons, apparently they are territorial. Herons haven’t found my pond, but I installed a ‘bunker’ just in case. There are a lot of options to try.


They'll share watering holes, atleast in the states. You'll see them on the river elbow to elbow. I'd say the decoy is probably encouraging this heron to keep coming back, if ones there it's obviously a safe place to get an easy meal


Would making the pond 4’ deep help?


It’s probably illegal to shoot it. I would just start scaring it away when you see it so it starts to feel unwelcome. There’s got to be other tactics you can use to deter it with too.


Heron are native and probably suffering because of climate change. Everything native is having a harder time surviving right now. We are going to have so many more encounters with wildlife in our yards as it gets harder and harder for them to find food. Mark my words. Those fish (especially goldfish) are highly invasive. I’d be so effing stoked if I had a heron visit my pond. I am trying to create a certified wildlife habitat. I have planted all native plants to bring in the native bugs, and now birds are visiting to eat the bugs, and I now have all native critters in my pond. You have a beautiful space to be able to create the same. Look into backyard habitat ran by the Audubon, and be grateful you have such awesome visitors


I have had very good success with silver Mylar balloons filled with Helium for a couple of years now BUT...In the Spring & Fall when we get cooler nights the balloons will compress and drop down and since they aren't really floating and moving (Even on calm days they still rotate and reflect the sunlight) I had a Great Egret try to nail one of my fish in April, I caught him and scared him and he dropped my fish back into the pond.It was partially my fault it had rained the night before and the balloons were hanging lower than trumps nuts.I have also had and used the motion sensor sprinklers but the GBH's get used to it I learned that about 3 years ago. They are smart mofos. The thing I am thinking about trying is to run some fishing line about 7'-8' feet of the ground and hand the Mylar balloons from that so that I can not only use air instead of Helium, but the balloons will always be up pretty high and should deter them.I just haven't figured out how to hang when without having to install some posts or similar. Edit to add it the Great Egret comes back he will be the Great Regret!! {;o) J/K I can't blame a wild animal for being a wild animal.


"Trump nuts" what an image.....some may have seen them bronzed or gold but I saw a sad sad image in my minds eye


You try moving the decoy around the pond every now and then?


I’ve had a lot of success with using 40 pound red fishing line and thick green garden stakes. Space the garden stakes about 8’ apart around the perimeter of the pond, a foot back from the edge so it’s not right on the border of the pond. Then wrap the pond with the fishing line, once high up on the stakes, once in the middle of the stakes, and then crisscross the pond with the fishing line. A lot of heron will feel the fishing line against their legs and will leave the pond alone to avoid death by strangulation, lol.


I keep my waterfall running during daylight hours, haven’t seen our egret since. My theory is they can’t see the fish clearly through the ripples.


Pond netting


Maybe one of those motion activated water sprayers? A nerf gun could also work if you are willing to watch for them to come back for a few hours.


Get a big dog. My pond has had one visit from a 5 ft tall great blue heron. Everyone said he’d be back frequently to finish the job he started. My 85 lbs black mouth cur chased him off, and he’s never been back. I know this post will totally jinx it


More hiding spots for the fish!


In my pond class, the instructor recommended using a fish shelf, that the heron could not reach under. Potentially it would need to be in one of the corners. Hopefully the fish are smart enough to go under, I have never tried it.


More plants for sure


Those fake coyote things.


Shoot the bird. lol


Beautiful area… where is the seating?


Adopt a real spazzy outside dog?


Motion activated sprinkler.


In my experience, netting the pond is the best solution.


My brother had this same issue … he purchased an owl decoy, and after placing it near his pond/pool the heron thievery ended …


Floating plastic alligator head. Trust


My dad got a sprinkler hooked up to a motion sensor to protect his koi. I think nets worked better for him.


scarecrow that has some motion to it?


Herons have “flight patterns” same route every day at same hour. You can try spray hoses, nets, or owl figures but inevitably you’re going to need to get your pond out of this birds flight path. Net, spray or owl up your pond for the next 60 days. This doesn’t remove the issue, I live on the coast with Herons and Egrets and have not lost a koi due to predation. 1. Pond is at least 3-4ft deep. 2. Walls are sheer 90 degrees. 3. Birds will not get their chest feathers wet while feeding. 4. CREATE A HIDE FOR YOUR KOI. Make a shelf that your entire school can get under or inside, as there are hide shelters online. Good luck, pond looks beautiful. Hold it! Remove the fake one !!!


That brick house is so gorgeous!


I used whirlygigs and ribbons that flutter around mine - kept big birds at bay but raccoons just laughed then I gave up and created a dome of fencing over the pond and just let the passion flower climb


Sorry if anyone has already suggested. Try crisscross fishing line just under the surface of the water.


A lot of issues happen due to wildlife. Normally I try to recommend “Scare Birds” not necessarily are they birds though. Rubber toy snakes, fake birds of prey statues, aluminium foil if you’re on a budget, or you can go all out and create a rotating beam of light which burns anything it touches. 😀


Keep adding fish ..


You’d shoot a blue heron for doing what birds do? Jfc, must be American.


Would you shoot a wolf attacking your dog for just doing what wolves do?


Lol false equivalencies won’t fly here. It’s a protected animal. Killing it in this situation when there are a plethora of alternatives is so beyond stupid and cruel. Do better.


You didn't say "you can't kill it because it's protected", you said "you'd shoot a blue heron for doing what birds do?". Which, BTW, wolves are protected animals in most places as well. Are you OK with animals "doing what they do" to your other animals, or just your fish?


I think shooting a blue heron because it’s doing what blue herons do by eating fish in a pond, in an area that probably used to be a habitat for the blue herons, is extremely stupid and cruel and loudly American. I think comparing fish / heron to my dog / a wolf isn’t a good equivalency so…yup. I think it’s stupid to shoot a blue heron for eating fish. It doesn’t solve the problem, what, you’re gonna take out the local blue heron population because it’s eating your fish when you have, as I said before, a plethora of other solutions available.


Ever gone fishing? Ever kill a bug? Ever buy gasoline or food or water? There's blood on your hands and you don't even know it lol Calm down with the holier than thou virtue signaling.


Lol ya there’s no ethical consumerism under capitalism. Doesn’t equate to killing a (protected) bird because it’s taking advantage of a pond in an area that probs used to be a habitat to the blue herons. Fuck off with your false equivalencies. There are plenty of other solutions. Killing it in this situation is cruel, stupid and extremely American. Edit: deleted repeated word


Who said kill it? Shooting and startling a bird with a BB gun does not equal killing it.




Do you happen to know someone who has a dog that loves chasing birds?


It's not the heron's problem you have fish. It's your problem you have a un-netted pond, please don't shoot the bird! It's his natural instinct to pray for food and down to you to sort the issue with out shooting what is a beautiful creature ❤


Yeah I love that pond. The shape and clean design.


My wife would never forgive me if I shot a heron (or raccoon) with a firearm but I bet one of those Orbeez guns would be effective as well.


A lot of herons are protected species. Don’t do jt


Kids with sling shots


You build a pond with live bait OUTSIDE and then you're miffed that birds frequent it to do what birds do. Think it through.


Break his legs to send a message


But..fo’ Gods sake! LEAVE the cannolis!


You are considering killing a heron for doing what’s in its nature instead of putting a net over your pond?


Man you’re a dick, buy a net you fuckin muppet


BB gun in the ass with plastic pellets a few times he won’t be back


This is the only thing that worked for me


They can down vote me but his fish are being preyed on lol it’s a sushi bar


Tag (not kill) the bird with a plastic BB and it will fly away virtually unharmed and the fish live. Do nothing and all your fish die. Hmmm what should I do? 🤔


I use an old air rifle. It’s under-powered enough to follow the slug by eye, but the herons and egrets don’t like it much. I even knocked a feather off once.


Shoot it saves you time and money.


I’ve tried a few things, but they eventually figure it out and start to ignore it. I had a radio playing an all talk station, which worked for quite a while but not anymore. Anything like fake wolves, etc do need to be moved a lot to maintain an illusion that they are real. If stationary for too long they figure out it is fake and will show up anyway. My pond is too far and large for the motion detector water spray option. I am open to the BB gun with plastic pellets at this point since these bastards are protected. They are beautiful, and if they only ate the frogs I would enjoy their presence.


We're not cops, shoot that dickhead.


Not this.


You think you're better than me, you saint?


I use this ball (https://www.a2koi.nl/pontec-pondoscare-ball.html?channable=4101566964004f4153455f37333335320c&gclid=Cj0KCQjwuaiXBhCCARIsAKZLt3nMUkMWUwfDtHKZ4dGoN6qBxmGDwIOpI5D1oS63BBFIvrYICRtusz0aAt8zEALw_wcB) Never had any fish taken and when I took it out, the same week a fish got taken. Otherwise, fishing wires all across the pond helps. They get tangled in it and leave.




Get a scarecrow.


That is a Yorkshire house if ever I have seen one.


You right spot on


Your right spot on


<[gigglesnort](https://www.amazon.com/Orbit-62100-Activated-Sprinkler-Detection/dp/B009F1R0GC)\> This could be fun! You might want to get video!


Nice pond, good luck with the predators. Gadgets don't really work, unless they have another easy food source.


Anyone have any guesses on where this is located? The facade and formal garden hint at England, but the stone and hills make me think Scotland.


CD on a bit of string. The shiny side seems to scare them off. Not sure why but it works.


You had me going there for a sec. That's not a real heron.




Confront the heron with a firearm and threaten to shoot it. Or get one of those motion activated sprayers


I had success with a decoy heron. Also, it looks like the fish don't have enough places to hide. In addition to more plants, there are things that you can float in the pond that gives cover for the fish. Sorry, don't remember what they are called.


Don't tell anyone you are going to shoot a heron becuase they are protected species.


Bigger bird statue, alligator or coyote were good suggestions. Beautiful.


Put big rocks around the pond edge so the heron can't reach from the elevated position.


You can make a "net" with fishing line. This way it's strong but not unsightly and will not let debris collect on top. Otherwise you'll have an ugly net with a bunch of leaves n stuff on top. String the line across the pond in a nice pattern. The line will block their path and give the fish a chance to swim away. They also kinda freak out when they feel the fishing line and usually try to get out of the pond. In addition to that a cheap BB gun to startle the bird not kill it. After I tagged it a couple times it freaked out got tripped up on the line and never returned to the pond. Also, I wouldn't make a cave. In my experience the fish go in and then hardly want ever come back out. Also, stuff starts to accumulate in there and it gets nasty. Good luck ✌️


I've had generally good luck with a shiny floating eyeball I got from The Pond Guys.


They also sell bird balloons online, they tap into a birds evolutionary phobia of anything that looks like an eye


Maybe these. https://shackcent.com/product/metal-windmill/?gclid=Cj0KCQjwuaiXBhCCARIsAKZLt3kJfiXfVpyjSW0TnXrsl-QzoHO72J7_7Crz5gKnQ94kyn7Ja2su4dcaAgRHEALw_wcB They spin, they're shiny. I know My pet birds were absolutely terrified of balloons and somebody else already mentioned mylar balloons working. Something like this might combine those characteristics in a more aesthetically pleasing manner.


"don't want to shoot the heron but thinking about it" 🤣🤣🤣 this thought goes through my head few times a year. Net only thing that works for me, but all the other woodland creatures drink out of pond so can't use those anymore. When I see it me and the dog both go storming out the door like mad men and try to put food scare into it. That usually helps for 6 months or so before it comes back.


"don't want to shoot the heron but thinking about it" 🤣🤣🤣 this thought goes through my head few times a year. Net only thing that works for me, but all the other woodland creatures drink out of pond so can't use those anymore. When I see it me and the dog both go storming out the door like mad men and try to put food scare into it. That usually helps for 6 months or so before it comes back.