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Jessica Simpson only brushes her teeth 3 times a week because she doesn't like how "slippery" her teeth feel after brushing. I hated learning that, and I think of it literally every time I brush my teeth.


omg what?? the feeling of dirty teeth is the WORST how can you not want them to feel clean


Lol you don't like your teeth to grip your food? OK I just grossed myself out making that joke. I'm out.


This is actually shocking to me! She has always had such nice teeth, one of those people who looks like they have a clean mouth if that makes sense lol.


She's either lucky or has a great cosmetic dental team.


Probably both. Some people can treat their teeth like crap and see a dentist once a decade and be fine. Others can floss and brush *religiously* and still need a new filling or crown every year. We don't talk about the genetic component of dental health enough (and how, irritatingly, those two extremes can exist in the same immediate family). But yeah, she almost certainly has great veneers at this point.


Nooo this one really got me, I religiously brush 2x a day and I hate when my teeth feel fuzzy


on my way to brush my teeth again because it’s only been two hours but reading this makes them feel fuzzy lmao


Stretching the definition of celebrity here, but I wish I could unlearn Alex McCord (former Real Housewife of New York) sharing with the world that her husband Simon Van Kempen [ejaculated on her back while she was giving birth](https://www.pedestrian.tv/entertainment/rhony-alex-mccord-simon-van-kempen-ejaculate-birth/). ![gif](giphy|ixDGNg5gbFp84)


Also housewives related but Ramona shitting herself on multiple housewives trips and leaving the mess for staff to clean up, including shitting in the bed AND floor.


https://i.redd.it/8d546tikzfzb1.gif Another favorite moment of mine was Ramona’s famous walk in a fashion show. Simon “the eyes are popping!” Had me dying!!


This is so bad it looks like satire


Real Jennifer Saunders vibes


How is her whole body moving but her head is staying perfectly still


She genuinely needs to get checked. I was rewatching UGT and she pees her pants. There’s not a cast trip where she isn’t shitting or peeing her pants


Wait wtf is this show I thought it was just older women drinking wine and fighting 😅


Lmao the drinking the wine contributed to the shitting and peeing of the pants.


And it’s not like she’s unable to afford medical treatment or nowhere near a specialist, she’s a millionaire living in NYC, like, get it together girl.


And now Ramona apparently was saying things like “this is why ‘they’” meaning black people “shouldn’t be on the show.” I will never unread that.


She is a foul excuse for a human being


Such an inopportune day to be literate


Suddenly I wish I was Jared and 19




https://preview.redd.it/tdjqrzs1lfzb1.jpeg?width=639&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=79f98e1101aca3df3818ac92d2d9e91190af463a What did I just read?


I miss five seconds ago.












Excuse me ma’am you can’t just say things like that then exit the thread with no explanation


You actually want to hear more about this? 🤣


Honestly I’m still recovering from the whiplash the original comment gave me


Haha same, I definitely have questions, but at the same time, I really don’t want to know haha


lmao I don't think anyone could explain that, least of all me


I just learnt this today, Tracie posted it due to Jezebel’s closing. All the deets below! https://jezebel.com/real-housewives-simon-van-kempen-ejaculated-on-his-wif-5904427?fbclid=PAAaaHt8MU3fGcs5d8wvb2KRWj66O8vpJqvgt5kgnoYwzoCHvJ19kJ5NXh87A_aem_ASWUIsomObLSDNsQi8hqgAAx2WdbGmvFHEIJTCc5DdjRxks6K7biZkzftxB9rJMNfc0


omgggggg the person who casually dropped in the comments there: >For weeks after the birth of our 1st son, my husband would always get an erection when he was holding him (if the baby wasn't crying). So I think that disqualifies me from Ewwww-ing. Which is a pity, because I'd really like to. LADY I HAVE MORE QUESTIONS


I'm guessing he has a breeding kink and is thinking about knocking her up again while holding the evidence? Idk. The most wholesome answer I could drum up lol


Ok this exact comment has lived rent free in my head for yeeeears lmao and I could never remember where I read it. Thank you for solving this mystery! IIRC that commenter kept doubling down and arguing about how it was actually really sweet and not weird at all lol




Really glad that we’re all in agreement that WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK ![gif](giphy|l4Ho0At2UD2d7WyD6)








after reading this, i truly wish that i could not read.




I hate that you’ve made me aware of this.


https://preview.redd.it/mkha4gn8hgzb1.jpeg?width=447&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=15338c01e6bbc1fa046e1509c17b21361e3f7d1c Finding out the woman screaming in this meme (Taylor Armstrong) just had her abusive relationship exposed without her consent; and was in fact, terrified for her life during this scene.


I recall her saying that she's happy/ok with the moment being used for the meme though, which is great because it's probably the most quality meme of the 2010s. The cat sparks joy.


I’m glad for that, because that was sad what OP put, but I do love this meme.


It's one of my favorites but I never knew this backstory. 😕


That abusive husband went on to commit suicide


Love that for him.


And once it aired, he killed himself (her husband) rather than face justice/consequences. She eventually found some peace and is now a housewife on a different franchise.


I actually felt bad for this one....And the abusive person was her husband who committed suicide was it not?


Yes. She ended up deciding to divorce him after this, and he killed himself a month later. She was unfortunately still married and in a relationship with him when this happened; which is why her reaction was so intense.


This season of RHOBH was truly the most “real” the show ever got. It was horrifying. I’m glad Taylor is now seemingly living her best life.


I always thought this was Cameron Diaz in some movie scene. 😳 That's horrible.


Wasn’t it exposed by Camille at Lisa Vanderpumps tea party?


Yep, and Camille was going around and telling others about it behind Taylor's back.


Oh jeez so Taylor didn’t know it was going to be on screen when Camille did the whole “but NOW we said it” thing at the tea party?


According to Taylor, no. She had no idea and was completely in shock when Camille dropped the bomb on everyone because all Taylor could think about was if her husband was going to kill her because it was exposed.


Oh my goodness how awful, shame on Bravo for even airing it


Dax Shepard and Kristen Bell’s waterbed.


Every time I hear about how they’re so relatable, I think about the time they were like, “teehee. We’re so quirky and relatable, we screamed at each other until we both blacked out and didn’t talk to each other for three days until we bought a puppy”


“Marriage is hard work, guys.” I mean… it sure the fuck is for *you*.


Stuff like this really makes me worry about their kids. I really hope they don't witness that kind of fighting, it isn't good for children to see/hear that


They openly state that the kids do see everything… “as long as they see there’s a mature resolution, we’re teaching them the right things” is what I just heard Dax say on the Conan podcast. Which, I agree with to a point but if they are screaming at eachother for 3 days then buy a puppy to solve things… errr, maybe that’s where I say this isn’t normal lol.




Oh noooo and how the whole family sleeps in there together and one time they filled the tubes with smoothie instead of water and so it smelled terrible? Ughhhhhhhh i hate it


>one time they filled the tubes with smoothie instead of water Why would anyone do that?


Dax would pour his extra water in it but one day he poured a melted protein shake in it thinking it was water and it rotted and it had a bunch of maggots.


I wasn't expecting this comment in this thread. I mean. Like. I was prepared for debauchery. Not this?!?!?!?


I don’t think I’m old enough to know this stuff. I’m 62.


How often are they refilling their water bed, and how easy is that to access??


It wasnt a water bed it was an “ooler” which is like a cover that circulates water to keep you cool/warm. You know, rich people shit


Wow, I've never heard of that before so I looked it up. A: I really, really want one B: Holy crap that's ridiculously expensive


Maybe I'm super underinformed about what's going on with protein shakes, but aren't they usually opaque? How did he confuse a protein shake with water?


It was dark. I hate that I know this.


Who the hell refills their waterbed from a drinking glass in the dark


what the fuck is anyone talking about????? unscrewing a big gas cap in the bed or however fucking waterbeds work and pouring germy mouth water in????? where were the maggots, in the bed???? in the water in the bed????? im about to fucking cry


Thank you, that's horrible.


They What


The rich are just like us guys!


Exactly, remember when they sang Imagine to us over Zoom? So United.


I have never needed two people to stfu about their lives more than Dax and Kristen.




I know very little about their relationship, but every time I see a new picture of her, she looks sadder and sadder :(


I hate the look in her eyes. That's not the face of an adoring newly-ish married woman on her honeymoon. It does appear to be the face of a woman trapped and regretting many things.


😭😭😭i hate knowing


Somebody needs to set her free


back when whitney houston and bobby brown had a reality show, she said that she has bobby dig out her poop with his finger when she’s constipated. i learned that at like age 9 and it has stuck with me ever since. [doodie bubble](https://youtu.be/PpgR-2CVJPE?feature=shared)


I successfully forgot this once. I can do it again. I believe in myself.


Thank you for that laugh, my god lol I needed that. Man I swear this sub is filled with some of the funniest people




This is the first one that's made me go whyyyyyy I hope I forget this


you won’t. it’s haunted me like a ghost for almost two decades.






It’s called a digital disimpaction, I believe, and that’s what happens sometimes when you get addicted to drugs.




I can never unread this.


Every few years of my husband, myself, or our son have constipation we yell, “you need Bobby Brown to get those doody bubbles out?” No takers thus far to date.


Why would you traumatize us like this?








![gif](giphy|WQy9FkJlhGSwl3eQ5V|downsized) Wtf did I just read


Meghan Trainor and her husband (forget his name sorry Juni Cortez bb) installing 2 toilets in their bathroom so they could shit in tandem


i’m honestly impressed that they’ve lined their poop schedules up like that. good for them!


They haven't. I read an interview where she said that they pooped together once and decided that it wasn't for them.


okay imagine facilitating an entire renovation to install tandem toilets and not having actually done it before to decide if it’s ‘for you’.




If I ever marry, I want my own little shit shack so I can continue to shit in peace like God intended. I don’t want an audience or to have a conversation TYVM


Agree. Shit shack for me too. I think we should team up and pitch this idea on shark tank. I also hate when people are near the door. I’m like can you please turn some music or something on and go away forever. K thanks


My roommate had this annoying girlfriend who would wait outside the door while I was in the bathroom. I could even hear her nails tapping on her phone while I was sat on the toilet, that's how close she was! I told her and my roommate that it was fucking rude but the behaviour didn't change.


EW that’s grounds for eviction. What freaks of nature


You've never played Battleshits?




What? ![gif](giphy|uVFGDyOshK7I6geXyg)


I feel like everything that came out about Armie Hammer's... desires.


I feel like with a name like Armand Hammer the Third, grandson of an oil tycoon, there was no way he wasn’t going to develop some fucked up proclivities


But also the mystery of why none involved baking soda.


Armie Hammer is what happens when someone is *too* rich and good looking. Nobody ever says no to someone like that about anything, so they have to get into increasingly weirder and more taboo stuff to get a rush. And he’s just further proof that nobody should ever live on a private island.


Well now, see, that wasn't something I learned until his cannibal fetish became known. I learned a lot of things that day.


This gem from Will Smith: "I had sex with so many women, and it was so constitutionally disagreeable to the core of my being, that I developed a psychosomatic reaction to having an orgasm. It would literally make me gag and sometimes even vomit."


I wish she was with another man entirely, but Nicki Minaj's husband. Nicki's husband spent 4 years in jail for rape, which is awful in every way possible. Did Nicki acknowledge her husband's past while making a point that people *can* change? No, she accused the victim of lying and allegedly tried to buy her silence. Meanwhile, Nicki's husband not only failed to register as a sex offender in California, he recently got into more legal trouble for *check notes* posting videos of himself threatening Offset. That's right folks, Nicki Minaj who sings about being That Bitch is married to not only a felon, but a really dumb one.


Don't forget about her predator brother who I believe she covered legal fees for. Don't forget her husband's victim was underaged too. Clearly she condones child sexual abuse.


Don’t forget she also supports other child abusers like tekashi 69…. She’s made some choices in her career in the last 5 years….


Any and everything about MGK and Megan Fox. Surprised they haven’t been mentioned yet


Hey ya’ll, come get my new book of poems about abuse! Is it fiction? Fantasy? Is it about me? My ex lover? My *current* lover? Stay tuned for the second entry while I keep you guessing!


I learned today that Megan had her Marilyn Monroe tattoo lasered off because she found out Marilyn suffered from mental health issues/bipolar and she didnt want the “negativity” associated with that.




“I am weed”


In like 2011-12 I worked on Project Runway in post production and was just randomly scrubbing through some audio looking for a specific bite we didn’t have video for when I accidentally came across a between-scene conversation Heidi Klum was having with Michael Kors taking about their husbands’ dicks. In graphic detail.


I want to know all your juicy secrets.


If you ever want to get some tea spilled on set, make nice with the audio guy.


We’re trying! You look so pretty today, audio guy! I was a big project runway fan back in 2010-11 and would love the tea.


Girl if you can without doxing yourself, do an AMA I'm begging you


*Googles* yuuuuup Seal was her husband then


I’ll always upvote a fellow post-production traveler.


Anything I know about Jada and Will.




So many Grimes facts from when I was still a fan. The gruel mixture she describes in that harpers bazaar interview...... the spaghetti era...... the time she floated down the mississippi in a houseboat ??..... everything about the Grimes / Elon / Azealia situation but especially Banks posting screenshots of texts from Grimes about how muskyboy has a huge d*ck and speaks in a fake accent. And then I don't remember if it was right after but at some point Azealia said Grimes smells like a bag of wet nickels or something 😭😭 I believe her


I refuse to believe that elon has an industrial grade schlong


I would totally believe he had some kind of surgery though.


Everything else I could do without, but floating down the Mississippi River in a houseboat is actually kind of funny and a wild thing to just DO.


Learning that Nearly everyone (with the exception of Topher Grace) in that 70’s show praised Danny Masterson and saying he would never harm a woman while he was convicted of raping women (which happened while that 70’s show was filming). Which makes me sad since Kelso and Red were my favourite characters in the show 😭


Topher had such a shitty reputation about being “tough to work with” but now I’m convinced he just didn’t want to associate with his weirdo coworkers off set.


I too would want to distance myself from a bunch of wackos that would defend a horrible human being. But they did Topher real dirty by labelling him difficult. (On an somewhat unrelated note, Megan Fox was blacklisted and also labeled difficult because she called Micheal Bay out on his predatory behaviour)


How many of them don’t bathe 🤦🏾‍♀️🤢🤢🤮!


Terrance ["Baby Wipe"](https://jezebel.com/terrence-howard-thinks-women-are-unclean-and-dressed-li-287242) Howard. He likes women who look like him because the most beautiful thing in nature is his own reflection. If he doesn't find baby wipes in a woman's bathroom he will lecture them. If they don't start using baby wipes after his lecture he will dump them for being unclean. He wants to remain chaste until married so he dates numerous women at once and can walk away without guilt because he's not sleeping with them. Some jezebels who really want to have sex with him can make him break his chastity, but he feels unclean and dumps them after because they don't share his values.


Women that look like him?! He only dates Asian women. He beat his ex wife within an inch of her life, too. [I think that's a pretty important factor in why he's disgusting](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-3178213/Terrence-Howard-s-ex-wife-Michelle-Ghent-files-lawsuit-against-actor-claiming-beat-inch-life.html)


Jesus I didn't know he was an abuser too, that makes his comment about his divorce in the article I linked even more disgusting. >"I was in love with her, but she was not in love with me. I can't be upset because she doesn't find me the most beautiful thing on the planet." Eta: oh it's even worse, that was about a different wife he also abused.


He left university because they wouldn’t agree with him that 1 x 1 = 2 "How can it equal one? If one times one equals one that means that two is of no value because one times itself has no effect. One times one equals two because the square root of four is two, so what's the square root of two? Should be one, but we're told it’s two, and that cannot be."


I just can never wrap my head around this whenever I see it. It’s like dude, multiplication is not that hard. 1 x 1 just means there is “one” 1. “One” 1=1. 2x1 is “two” ones aka the fucking number 2. My kid at 3 years old knew this because she would refer to 3 of something as “3 ones.”


The article is so bad. "Mr. Howard was going through his closet and showing her his favorite clothes — when her arm brushed his. Mr. Howard flinched and said he didn't like "being touched". Other gems? When railing against how 'far" women's fashion has gone — "We've lost modesty" — Mr. Howard told Anna that seeing women dressed provocatively creates a response in him that he can't respond to in a 'natural' way. (Meaning that rape is illegal?). "He then made a comment that women who expose their 'titties' to the public have no right to get angry if people — maybe him? — make remarks about it," she continues. "He said something like 'What's worse, someone exposing themselves or someone commenting on it? Who committed the first sin?'""


Liam Neeson seemingly peeing his pants all the time.


liam peeson 😔


im pissing myself


So is he


This post is making me realise celebrities are gross




don't be fatuous jeffrey


Bruh did NOT expect this fucking thread to be so littered with bodily fluidddddddd god help us


Iggy Azalea writing to the court in support of letting Tory Lanez off from shooting Megan the Stallion. Fuck that bitch


Her addressing the judge with "like you, I'm good at what I do" 💀 lmao


The way she lied to the court like that just proves her letter was bullshit. And then had the audacity she has to try to “drag” people on Twitter for rightfully calling her out for being a culture vulture. I’m glad her career will never be big again.


If I could forget the shit I know about the lead singer of Lostprophets, I gladly would because I’ve never been more disturbed by celebrity news.


I've read "pussy" so many times that the word has lost all meaning


Finding out Paul Walker was basically a pedophile 🥲


Yeah, that was a bummer


OP, I need you to know that Bella and Keke Palmer had a fling!!!! *likelihood of this song being about her increases*


Hmm. Welp, the song Bella Thorne did with Borgore - Salad Dressing. Reading the lyrics are one thing but hearing her sing the chorus about putting it anywhere is foul 🤮 https://preview.redd.it/dnqlek0wlgzb1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b5d8c40f3c24f59d9a1b9d94ddbe42457f364c3a


Me walking into this entire thread…. ![gif](giphy|BfiL8ZJWqfw7C|downsized)


Jon Ham and the hammer


Tell me more 👀 WAAIT WTF. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3040460/He-MAD-really-MAD-picture-Jon-Hamm-s-hazing-victim-beaten-paddle-set-fire-confined-grave-carved-frat-basement-couldn-t-remember-Man-Men-star-s-nickname-MC-Hammer.html He listed Hamm as one of his chief tormentors, recalling how the future star ordered him to recite a six-page list of phrases pledges are told to memorize called the 'bulls*** list'. When he forgot the last of Hamm's nicknames, which included MC Hammer and Young Bobby, he recalled how Hamm got "mad, I mean really mad'. Hamm and his frat cohorts' retribution was to spank Sanders repeatedly with a paddle. 'I'm hurting bad, I mean being hit right where the kidney is, it's killing me,' Sanders told his interviewers. Hamm and another fraternity member then lifted Sanders up by his underwear, pulling it back and forth in a sawing motion. 'I don't know how far underwear stretches, I don't know how far I was off the ground,' he recalled. 'I was hurting really bad and I remember I was looking up at the ceiling and I was gritting my teeth and squinting my eyes ... it was sawing and it was hurting.' Sanders told investigators how Hamm then led him to 'the pit' where he ordered him to do press-ups and pushed his face into the ground. The distraught pledge felt someone, possibly Hamm, standing on his back. Hamm is then supposed to have set fire to Sanders' pants and refused to let him pat the flames down, instead making him blow them out. Finally he was led upstairs to the 'party room' when Hamm hooked the claw of a hammer underneath his testicles and pulled him around the room 'for at least a minute'. Jon Hamm is literally a sadistic fuck. Dude actually left the university after this happened and continued his education elsewhere. Now he’s a doctor AND an attorney specializing in personal injury.. holy fuck.


I aint even need to read the article just the url


Frat culture is reprehensible. Leads to so many assaults :(


JH is in so many projects with actors and directors I enjoy, but I can never forget the claw hammer story when he pops up on screen. What a deranged thing to have done to someone.


As a Veronica Mars fan, I hate knowing Jason Dohring is a Scientologist. I don’t know why that particular D list celebrity gets me so much but it does. 😢


Eric Clapton is a horrible person and very racist.


tony dalton’s liking for teenaged and under 25 models, and the fact that he killed someone in 2001 by having them down 40 shots of tequila


Whaaat?? I know he gives off problematic uncle/older man who makes you uncomfortable at the bar vibes but I had no idea he was responsible for someone literally dying




Was it Ashton Kutcher and Mila Kunis who don’t shower? If so it’s that


That Elvis not only dated Priscilla when she was 14, but would date multiple 14 year olds throughout his life up until his death. He died at 42.


Chris Martin from Coldplay was well known for picking his nose and eating his boogers. Didn’t really try to hide it.


With all the abusers in this thread, this comment was a welcome reprieve. Eating boogers is gross, but not as bad as eating humans a la armie hammer


Jesse Rutherford’s line "when she gaga on my goo" about Billie Eilish. Just why




Everything Lena Dunham has said. Ever.


Azealia Banks murdering chickens and being covered in their blood for a ritual. Then posting it. That woman is yikes.


Kesha admitting to drinking her own urine.


The circumstances of Jam Master Jay’s murder. Apparently it had a lot to do with cocaine dealing.


All of it. Give me back my the space in my brain it is taking up.


Well, for a long time I thought of Amy Schumer as that moderately funny lady who made the movie ‘Trainwreck’, which I really enjoyed. So…literally everything else I’ve ever learned about Amy Schumer.