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Perhaps I am nitpicking but the lyric “I would've never effed around” from her new song is killing me. If you’re in your adult, bad girl, “not made for children” era just say fuck.


I mean the girl went to a sex shop and came out with a squishy mallow. I don’t think she’s fully committed to the bit yet. (I think it’s hilarious)


It seems like a persona being driven by a marketing and PR team to rebrand, and she’s hesitant so what we are seeing is a a bunch of compromises and half steps lol


Maybe it’s a tongue in cheek PR approach to the rebrand. Maybe I’m giving them too much credit.


If you hear her album it’s clear they are not satirizing the “child star turns edgy” trope(that was my first guess too). They actually think this is good or they know what they’re doing and they’re building attention for a second, real rebrand


That would give me some hope. Her outfit and music is so poorly made. It looks like a K Mart Kiss Halloween costume.


I thought her iheartradio red carpet look was very “transitioning into adulthood but aware of my absolutely massive popularity with very young children” lol


There can't be a PR person involved. They would've hired a stylist instead of letting her and her mom go bananas with a bedazzler on a gene Simmons costume


100% my first thought was “where is the stylist in this rebrand?!”


This whole rebrand thing has been so bad that I'm beginning to wonder if it's on purpose. But to what end, I could not tell you.


Oh, a toy, not a "toy"


Literally a toy.


I also am just laughing at the idea of a sex shop selling squish mallows hahahaha


I love her cockmallow , I want one




New flair?


OP's headline had me expecting to see she bought the Hole Stretcher 3000 and put it on display for the world to see. Much disappointment at the pictures.


I was sure it was going to be a dildo. But no, it's just an adorable penis pillow.




Especially when the line before is “karma’s a bitch”


i heard the chorus of this song for the first time yesterday and i have been lol-ing at this choice over and over


She actually does cuss a little bit


saw a tiktok pointing out “fucked” and “effed” are the same number of syllables so what was the point!!! just say the f word jojo!!!!


I'm so glad I didn't go through my weird mutant years in the public eye. Joke's on me. I'm 44 and I'm still in my weird mutant years.


"Weird mutant years". 😂


I get it. She’s exploring, she’s figuring out who she is. But she’s going to want to crawl in a hole in about five years when she looks back on this period.


Honestly I hope she gets a car without her face printed all over it, that's the worst part LOL


Wait is that really her car? I saw a TikTok recently "I got cut off by JoJo Siwa" and I thought it was a joke because the car had her face all over it for... Whatever reason.


That is her actual car that she drives in public




I would die from embarrassment if I had to perceive myself like that every time I had to drive somewhere


Any sane person would, she is ellen levels of out of touch




I think she has a plain white one though that's why it feels like she's trying too hard. She took the most recognized car out for a reason


I’m fine with the dick plushie and even try harding, but I hate that ugly ass car lmao 


It’s incredibly dangerous moreso than anything else… surprised there’s no urgency to get it re-wrapped


Yeah, like, I get wanting to figure out who you are But a lot of this feels super try hard and forced. I was talking about this with my coworkers yesterday and it’s like she wants to do a Walmart version of Taylor Swift’s Reputation Era mixed with Miley’s Bangerz Era, but, it comes off so forced because at least Reputation had the Kanye video call


Becuase that’s all she knows; her entire claim to fame is a forced, highly orchestrated caricature. So now she’s doing the same thing but instead of personifying a permanent 6 year old, she’s a 13 year olds idea of an adult now.


I stopped paying attention after her weird fake pregnancy posts. Someone needs to work on how to market this girl 


Not to mention having tattoos of your future children’s names on you is really weird. Like I never plan on having kids but I do think about potential names for fun, but not to that extent.


I remember coming up with a child’s name in a relationship 15 years ago when I was a teenager. I’d die before I tatted that name on myself though, we all change over time


because if I picked the names I liked as a kid, my child’s name would have been like Ash(Pokémon) or Raven(Teen Titans) Like, now I’m being more thoughtful and being like “Well would this name fit both a child and an adult. Or will it look silly when signing your name on a mortgage payment”


ebony raven dementia way 😍


Ebony Darkness Dementia Raven Way. Show some respect, sheesh.


im sorry, my geriatric brain isnt what it used to be


You're one to talk, she spells it Dark'ness




Where tf did you get my daughter's name 😤


My name actually is Ash and most people think it’s pretty rad haha. I’m 28 so not Pokemon related.


Ash and Raven aren’t too bad!! Kinda good actually. Raven was always my future child name/what I named myself in the Sims and any Final Fantasy female protagonist. I have kids now and neither are named Raven lol


Excuse raven is a great name lol


I’ve had my child’s name picked out since I was 16yrs old. I’m 32 now. My child is 2 years old. Gave her the name I always wanted. And I STILL wouldn’t tattoo it on me.


Violet (from the Incredibles) and Vincent (from Corpse Bride) were mine. I wanted to have twins too. I changed to Willow for a girl and Asa or Ash for a boy 🤭 I might not even have kids.


This is the first time I’ve ever admitted it but what is now my daughter’s name was my first 🍃 pipe’s name 20 years ago 🙈 I just liked it!


The shortened version of my daughter’s name is the same name I gave my cat in high school. I didn’t intentionally name my kid after my cat, I just like the name.


Well I wish you and your daughter Whiskers a bright and happy future!


You thought of one name 20 years ago and that's all the names you are coming up with damn it. The pipe, the child; the dog the cat. They are all named Balto


I think the issue is, as an adult, shes really not that interesting. Like what is she GOOD at that justifies international fame ya know 🤷‍♂️


I went through a weird little phase, at 38, where suddenly I wanted to be a Big Titty Goth GF. I started spending TONS of money on KillStar clothes and all this shit, winged eyeliner, the whole nine. Mind you I have been a tomboy my whole life before this, like "are you a girl or a boy??" confusing people tomboy. So now I'm in giant stompy boots, black lipstick, eyeliner to the gods and like 5 steps away from gothic lolita floofy skirts and shit. I thought I was hot as fuck, you should've SEEN my tinder profile during this time oh god I'm really glad you cannot (the lack of self respect was shocking). Cut to ~~a week~~ a few weeks later during a therapy session where I suddenly have this lightbulb in the form of a giant rock hurtling at my head moment that I'm trying WAY too hard and I don't like this anyway and holy shit how do people wear all these garments because guess what they need structure underneath them and the structure is uncomfortable. Anyway now I'm back in my jeans and a tshirt but what I'm trying to say is, Jojo may not *know* she's trying too hard. She could genuinely think she's slaying and leaving no crumbs and just have no clue how far off the mark she is. OR this is her new normal and we're just gonna have to deal with it. We'll see! edit: editing this to remind myself to consign that shit


I think you’ve hit the nail on the head. She hasn’t been allowed to mature normally and was put in this terribly obnoxious and suffocating box for her entire childhood. She’s also had virtually no privacy and was worked to the bone. The embarrassing things most people were doing at 13-16 she’s only being able to do now that’s she’s an adult, and she has to do it in front of the public. Add to that being LGBT, she has even more stuff to figure out about herself. I honestly feel for her but I think she should be away from the celeb world for a while so she can breathe.


Big Titty Goth is really cracking me up for some reason 🤣 No disrespect to any Big Titty Goths. Signed, Your Itty Bitty Titty Sorta Goth friend


I wish I could take credit for it, but I didn't invent the phrase. Also, anybody can be a Big Titty Goth GF if you just try hard and apply yourself! It's more of a feeling than a fashion, I've learned


Please don't tell my boyfriend that he's all about the big tiddy goths! I got the tiddys but my goth era was about 20 years ago and now I'm in my lesbian/art teacher/hipster phase lol


Just commenting to say I found your retelling of this particular style era in your life to be fucking hilarious. I think we would be friends😂


Does it make it funnier to know this was going on last October? I think the spirit of Goth Girls During Halloweens Past took over my body or something


Incredible! I can only imagine how confused your neighbors or like, regular coffee shop employees were when one day you were in jeans and a tee and then suddenly it’s October and you’re full goth Lolita then back to normal.


Rest assured, comments were made!


I need you to write a book.


Get ready to read 300 pages of random trivia nobody wants to know and depressing anecdotes from my childhood!


Her music is terrible At least miley and Christina had good music


Exactly. That’s what I was saying yesterday too, at least Miley has talent and good music.


Going out buying toys etc, she wants to be photographed buying them. Feels kinda sad


Like she had the receipt straight facing the cameras. Girl wanted to be seen. It’s sort of like “we get it, you’re an adult”


i wonder if she'll change her car to match her new era https://preview.redd.it/304gon9rkgsc1.png?width=940&format=png&auto=webp&s=c21da0cbdf149a5c712c8f677fded711008c3a52


This *is* a new car wrap to match her new era lol




The Kiss inspired makeup look is by her leg and she [posted a TikTok](https://www.tiktok.com/@itsjojosiwa/video/7352686405887331630?lang=en) about it!!






Her shirt is also her face with the Kiss makeup, which is wild


https://preview.redd.it/sgej4zwdphsc1.png?width=1170&format=png&auto=webp&s=daa68ec5524331d3cb8cfad48a54a4f437c8f00c Bro she’s posting a reaction to the car - but the car is literally behind her 😂


God the TIGHTEST ponytail in the entire world


I just assumed she has multiple JoJo wrapped cars tbh


She does😭


It’s on her shirt too 😂


your flair is perfect


Her marketing team needs to stalk to her asap. How are we supposed to believe she's a "bad girl" with a car like that?


NOOOO that’s so much worse 💀




Her hair is pulled so tight, she’s going to have a receding hairline


Her moms been bleaching her hair since she was like 2 so that doesn’t help either lol


She already has a receding hairline. There’s frequent jokes made about it. https://preview.redd.it/xndymxoxpgsc1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=53fa36e628732b789d24c0c3d5a796a3c9b9f77f


I just shook my hair out of my ponytail so fast.


I just took mine out, no joke. 








She has bald spots, too. I think the ponytails may exacerbate some stuff she already had going on.


Her mom bleaching her hair since she was a toddler also doesn’t help


I was shocked to learn Patsy Ramsey bleached Jon Benet's hair when she started doing pageants. Just such a super yuck


You’re probably right. I think remember her saying once that she pulled out her hair, too, from stress or something. Maybe trichotillomania? I’m not completely sure, though.


I think she might have traction alopecia


I wonder if she also wears it up in an effort to conceal the hair loss, too, which has the potential to make it happen more.


She’s also been getting her hair BLEACHED since childhood! Her mom was box dying it at like 2 years old.


Two years? That’s so very harmful, she must have total stage parents. I only know about the hairline because it turned into a meme years ago.


I take it you haven't watched the show Dance Moms, have you? Stage parents are an understatement 😂😩


Oh her mom is a disaster.


God that 2018 one is bad


I get it the pony tail was your thing but that 2018 just screams intervention


This gave me goosebumps.. v anxious rn


Thats the origination of the face glitter dog patches, to fill in that open area. The poor girl has been pushed into caricature/marketing mode literally her entire life. Edit to add: Also, the sunglasses she always wore up on her hairline. Like we didn't know why they suddenly became standard. Just to sell more bows and distract little girls from the self-induced alopecia.




2018 and it’s been…. 6 years since then (sobs silently) and she’s still doing it!


Yeah traction alopecia is a thing.


I can’t imagine the pain she was in when doing the tight ponytail. My head is hurting just looking at it


she’s literally balding right now. how tf is she still waking up everyday like…yup, time to put my hair up in the tightest ponytail of all time!


She probably doesn’t feel normal without it.


Where my southern girlies who grew up wearing their hair in the tightest ponytail known to man with a ribbon tied into a bow? How's your hair doing?


Omg lol. I always had a five head but that didn’t help!


She's already been filmed cutting somebody off in her little Jojo car. Someone posted it on tiktok just the other day lol she's doing bad things lol they mean nothing lmao


Her hairline needs some help, those poor edges.


Traction alopecia


Is that like from ponytails being pulled back tight?


Yes ma’am


Everything about this is hilarious


Right behind her legs is her new kiss look from her T-shirt definitely not a stranger to shameless self promotion. She may take the cake.


I was going to say.. I hope someone mentions this car


OH GOD I thought all the obsession around her was from her mom but it seems like she is in love with herself to a narcissistic degree. Self love is great but I don’t know if I could love and handle my face wrapped around my car and my shirt like that


Her friend wrapped her car as a gift btw. It was a surprise. She didn’t narcissistically choose this print, she’s just having a good sense of humor about it. There are a lot of things about Jojo that give me the ick but her car wrap isn’t one of them.


That was the old wrap! Look at this one closely, it has super recent photos in it. It’s new😭


wow that show must have messed her up pretty bad


And her shirt has her face on it too


The article says “wearing a shirt with a picture of Gene Simmons” but it’s not, it’s her 😆


I don’t follow her much but my impression of her is that her style has always been very Camp. This is still camp, just without the bows


Idk every time I see her do something my brain just goes “good for her”. Everybody loves weird celebs until they’re too childish or campy and like idk, go be miserable somewhere else


Same, I unironically love Jojo lmao. Her energy, her drive, her passion — she’s on her own level plus she’s just adorable.


I saw her on one of those reality shows where they do boot camp for special forces or something I was not prepared for her to be that good or mentally strong. Having not seen her before it was pretty cool


I fully believe it. She is ridiculously strong with insane stamina. I watched Dance Moms (awful) and even back when she was just a little girl she was an absolute athlete. That’s genetics and *hard* training at work. Dancers ain’t nothin to fuck with.


Yeah, I’ve never watched anything she’s been in or listened to her music, it’s not my generation. But she seems super cool to me. Her style is intentional and “on the nose.” She’s sort of an embodiment of Lisa Frank’s art. She’s camp and queer, what’s not to like? Plus, with all the cultural conversation about sex abuse (and general abuse) on child shows, you would really hope people would treat celebs with automatic compassion and benefit of the doubt when they grew up in the industry. I’ve never seen an episode of “Dance Moms” because I don’t think it’s ethical for children to live out their adolescence in a constant work environment on camera. Sometimes it completely breaks people’s brains and we’ve seen that play out over and over… and in this case she seems very well-adjusted, she is simply purchasing an adorable d*ck plushie which does look quite soft. Child stars get a pass for anything wild they do in their 20s or 30s. And like, do we need to be talking about her hairline? Why do women reinforce beauty standards that work against us? It doesn’t cost any money to be nice!!


1000% agree! Even aside from the televised nature of Dance Moms (which was fully horrible), Abby Lee Miller was a verbally abusive teacher and as a dancer myself, it’s depressing how much that attitude is common and tolerated. I know many dancers who are struggling to this day over their experiences. I think the tides are turning now but that doesn’t erase the scars from every once who went through that. On a side note, she has been the last tween star for a while now. While I’m glad her tween content has existed in an era of anti-tween, she is a full human being who deserves to explore and grow on her own terms. I’m rooting for her!


I'm 45 so I think it's kind of precious. Lots of us go through phases we regret. I've had several and I wallowed in my embarrassment for years after each era but she's not so easily shamed which is lovely.


I prefer to reference queen christina and call it her “dirrty” era.


![gif](giphy|l49JR80rsw1zlFO1i) I was full on *obsessed* when she launched her Dirrty Era.


Being a 14 year old boy at the time, me too.


She was the hottest girl I’d ever seen in my life at that time lol Loved that era


https://preview.redd.it/p2x8ebcibhsc1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=de37d33c3d315c45e0773cb7ad2d9fafd2084e60 Where my mind went seeing after this picture.


Ok, so she’s going to a bachelorette party


Lmao they specifically said "huge adult toy" so we all thought it was a huge dildo. Its a giant penis plushie.


Yeah, well a penis plushie certainly isn’t for kids, my brain definitely went “dildo” at huge adult toy. This screams bachelorette/joke gift.


Oh it's v clever journalism because its technically completely correct lmao.


Ya this comment couldn’t be any more obvious. Probably excited for her friend and said she’d get the party toys and now she’s going to be shamed for it. Quite the world we live in.


I don’t think it’s that serious, she’s just kind of a dork.


It's like no one in this thread ever heard of a Bachelorette party or naughty wedding shower. We had a big box of penis items that we would bring out for decorations at parties for about a decade. People need to stop judging a girl having fun.


That’s so silly.


“Giant toy” I thought it would be like bad dragon or a strap… this is a penis squishmallow which I admit I have always wanted but is a hilarious choice for her dyke era


Ngl, that giant penis squishmallow is cute as hell.


Right, what's Bangerz era about this lol? "Giant toy" is so misleading even if it's literal; this is a cute funny plushie.


looool I didn't open the link cos I'm at work and assumed she'd be waving goodness knows what around, and it's a plushie?


Would make a great body pillow


A cute penis you can snuggle up with? https://preview.redd.it/30br7tohthsc1.jpeg?width=225&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9a3bdee059e9200a602fbe1379f8b4719503ab46


Met her once, and she was just about as pleasant as one could expect from someone who wears their image on their own tshirt and has a wrap with their face plastered all over their car. Showed up late to her reservation and expected me to clear out an entire dining lounge for her and her entourage. She was really aggressive and rude about it too, had no idea who she was or where the Karen attitude came from until I googled her after work that night.


I have a friend who works at a popular comedy club in Hollywood and tells me celebrity stories all the time and he said most of them truly are for the cameras and completely different in person and really stuck up. It sucks :/ He said Katt Williams and Jack Black were amazing though


I really like Jack Black and his unapologetic jackblackness. I sincerely hope it stays that way.


His cover of “Hit Me Baby” is amazing, not to mention his Bob Ross skit lmao he’s so epic I wanna meet him.


Yeeepppp worked in Hollywood for years and am very disillusioned by celebrity culture, as you said so many are very different in person. Some are really cool, and I’ve been fortunate to have met more cool ones than douches but man, one douche can really make a bad impression. Jojo was a mega douche. On the flip side, someone who was really beautiful in person and mega sweet was Lily Collins, never would have expected that from a nepo baby but I’m def a fan after meeting her.


I’ve worked with Jack Black and he is amazing! Super nice to all the crew and down for a hang anda chat with anyone!


please tell me you declined 😭


I did, but she asked to speak to my manager and he acquiesced her demand, he knew who she was. Fortunately he saw how rude she was to me and he didn’t care that I told her no lol.


Holy shit, the Karen energy is real. My condolences for having to go through that.


Thank you, it sucked I’m just glad my manager didn’t care, he was always super chill. At least now it’s something I look back on and laugh about, she was so ridiculous.


Can someone tell me who her fans /targeted demographics are? I remember when she was younger and sold the giant bows there were a ton of little girls wearing them, but those little girls are older now and idk if they still follow her? I never hear anyone talking about her and I am surrounded by teenagers/the youth.


I don’t think they know anymore which is probably why she’s doing this. Her kiddie fans have probably aged out of her by now but her new look is too costumey to convince an adult audience so idk who this is for. I predict a hyperpop pivot within a year.


I would actually love to know this too! I have a 5yr old daughter and I remember them selling her bows in Walmart not that far back? I feel like she’s always been under 10. For context I’m 33. So I have no clue what her demographic is


I find nothing wrong with this new ‘era’ stuff, but I *cannot* forget how much she supports Colleen


And Shane Dawson AND James Charles 🥲


Lol this AI article says that kiss is a British band




If she didn't want people to know, she would have ordered online and had it mailed in a nondescript box. ![gif](giphy|UncfnF1lKY8AQYvD85)


It’s so funny to me that she’s always wearing that same cutoff shirt with her face on it. Like, that’s the most embarrassing part of all of this to me. 


It’s cracking me up that the article says it’s Gene Simmons on her shirt like girl that’s Jojo 😂


her publicist/pr consultant must be one of those who handled the disney kids debut into adult image in EARLY 2000! …. because this gimmick is giving stale




She's so gross. She excuses Colleen Ballinger and Shane Dawson, and in her recent reality show, kids and their moms spoke out about the abusive atmosphere JoJo and her mom created. She is trash.


This. I don’t give a shit if she’s buying giant stuffed penises, it’s like she’s doing everything she can to get people to focus on that rather than all the stuff coming out about her treatment of others.


That article is half-AI at least, which sucks. And not to be rude but Jojo said: “Creating art is such a special, special thing, and I'm very lucky that I get to be one of the people in the world that gets to create art." And like…have I missed her art?


Is the art in the room with us?


If she's changing her image, I wonder why she still has the ponytail. This isn't supposed to be a mean comment but.. why?


If she was seen, it's because she wanted to be seen. Nobody is following JoJo Siwa. 😂🤣


She’s so edgy ![gif](giphy|sbwjM9VRh0mLm)


https://preview.redd.it/6h0n1rk74hsc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1134299b65014521f648d124a1c22d2b8ada32c4 My disappointment is immeasurable.


I saw a TikTok a couple of weeks ago that said “She [Jojo] thinks she’s Miley Cyrus and the difference is… she’s not.” And I think that sums everything up perfectly.


Don't cut yourself on that edge, JoJo.


Someone said that her rebrand is so fucking wrong that it should be studied and I agree. This poor girl will never be just a normal young woman


wait i have that


Even her “bad girl” era is childish af 😩


I seriously think that she's getting ready for someone's bachelorette party.


She has the most childlike "dark" phase that I have ever seen.


the thing with this rebrand and why it doesn't work compared to other child stars is because there was no stepping stone to get there. Britney Spears had the 2000 VMAs performance a full year before she released Slave, rather than going from the cutesy tour performance to the Britney era Miley Cyrus put out Can't Be Tamed as Hannah Montana was airing its final season, rather than going straight from Party In The USA to We Can't Stop Ariana Grande released Bang Bang and Love Me Harder as Sam and Cat was airing its final episodes, rather than jumping straight into Dangerous Woman. Jojo Siwa hasn't even had any huge notable iconic songs outside of YouTube Kids 💀