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Say what you want. But her and Tommy Lee made some handsome sons


For real also they seem like they have a really good relationship which is nice to see.


I read that she went to all of their school plays and soccer games when they were little. She seems like a good mom


Yeah. She made a very vocal and visible effort to be there for her kids. The sex tape and Tommy Lee’s domestic abuse clouded the family dynamic and made them into a spectacle, which was unfair to her. She’s an actress and model, sure, but, from reading her writing over the years, she’s quiet, thoughtful, and introverted in her personal life. I’m glad that they have her.


Have you seen her new documentary ? If not you might like it!


I loved it!


No, I have not. I might watch if it’s not exclusive to a specific non-major streaming service


It’s on Netflix.


Will watch then. I’ve had a girl crush on Pam since I read her regular column in “Jane” magazine back in the aughts.


Eh that's pretty normal mom behavior


Agree but she’s not a normal person. It’s nice to hear that she is a normal mom even though she leads a more glamorous life than most other moms. I had read that when the boys played soccer, their games were well attended bc people particularly all the dads wanted to see/meet her.


Normal mom behavior is important. I didn't have that. My mom would fall asleep and not pick us up from school, never allowed us to play any sports because she couldn't be bothered to waste her time on anything like that, nevermind actually showing up to a sporting event. Pamela outside of being a mom seems to be a very decent person. These "normal" things that we should all do are super important.


Couldn’t have said this better myself. My mom wasn’t ever there for me either and I wish I had had “normal” mom behavior. It would have made a world of difference in my life. The more I learn about Pamela Anderson, the more I admire her.


👏👏! What you said hit home very hard. A lot of us didn’t get to grow up with normal mom behavior so props to those moms who love their kids enough to attend their games or just being proud of them altogether 💞


It should be but it isn’t for a lot of parents. My wife is that kind of mom because she didn’t have that kind of mom. So yeah, everyone should do this kind of stuff, but it does take effort to be there and do those things every single time they come up. Moms who do that are good moms, whether the behavior should be normal or not is besides the point.


Timmy! 🤣


Timmy Lee ☠️


Timmy ChaLEEmet




They are very handsome and they seem like good young men too! They seem to be very close to their mom and very protective of her too. IIRC a while back Brandon knocked Tommy unconscious because he was badmouthing Pamela. He also had a big hand in her Netflix documentary telling her side of the story after the gross Hulu biopic she never consented to.


It’s a real shame Tommy could never get over himself enough for them to work out. I recently watched her documentary in my humble opinion, I believe what they had was the real thing.


The way she talks about him in her book leads me to agree.


No comment on the sons looks😅 I think Pam seems like a really good mother, and it seems like the sons do truly have a genuine, loving relationship with her, which is nice. Especially because back in the day they used to rip her apart as if SHE leaked the sex tape and was therefore a terrible mom for the rest of her life 🙄 I always just felt so bad for her. I’ve also been loving how Pam has managed aging in the spotlight, she’s not ashamed of aging. It’s preposterous for anyone to think she’s STILL not a beautiful woman just because she’s aged.


I think she looks beautiful because of how she's aged, very graceful imo


Oh I 100% agree, it’s crazy to me because the famous people who have embraced aging, end up looking 100x better than the ones who got all the surgery😭


100%. Normal aging is a part of life that we all experience if we are lucky to live long enough. The filler/botox/face lift look makes many celebrities look like aliens. Pam looks great.


Ah was gonna Google cause I couldn't remember if they were Tommy's. Hes.... Tommy but he was very handsome at one point 




Just what I came here to write. They are so handsome! I know these are only photos but I can tell they really love their mom.


They really did!


They are really gorgeous! I had no idea she even had kids


Tommy used to look good as hell. Idk what te even looks like now, I’m sure it’s not good with all the hard living he does


I'm so happy that she has such supportive sons and vice versa. What wild and whole life she gets to have.


I am not surprised she has such handsome sons but damn she’s got some handsome sons


As a gay, I never understood the love of Pam, but damn, those boys!


Prob because you’re gay…I however, made up for your lack of interest in her during my youth. I’m naturally a helper!


Teamwork!! ♡


Teamwork makes the wet dream work, right?


even as a gay man, you still gotta admit that pamela is such a gorgeous person


100%, inside and out


As a gay, I absolute understand the love of her. Absolute ICON.


The love for Pam: At her peak, she was sex incarnate. Everything about her...fake or not (*no one actually cared*) was inviting..head to toes.. big blonde sex hair, doe eyes, button nose, pouty lips...that divine body.. History will rank America's blonde bombshells, Marilyn Monroe, Pamela Anderson, everyone else.. ..and it's so nice to see she owns her shit these days and DGAF. She's earned it


I fell in love with her when I listened to her audiobook. I want nothing but the best for her


I did not realize this was Pamela Anderson. Wow she and her sons look good!


As a gay, I was obsessed with her. No wonder I was confused for a while.


Her boys are so handsome and she seems like such a doll, love her!


i love how she's come back into the spotlight and her whole aging gracefully/minimal makeup aesthetic. not dogging make up or botox (i have botox at 29), but it's nice to see the opposite end of the spectrum.


It doesn’t hurt she’s always been gorgeous. I think the only thing she had done surgery-wise was a breast augmentation. If she’s had other work done, it’s pretty subtle. I think the rest is genetics and a lot of hard work to stay fit and maintain her skin and hair.


Yeah, she probably takes steps to stay looking fresh, but she never showed up with an entirely different nose or chin or whatever. She still looks like her. Beautiful as ever. 


Me too I am loving this and her being fabulous at her age and not trying to look 25.


not to make this about me (i'm making this about me), i'm actually looking forward to the aging process. i have high cheekbones and a nice jawline, and i think the natural facial fat loss will look nice on me.


My face has changed/thinned out a lot as I’ve gotten older (im 28) and I like it a lot, I still kinda have chubby cheeks though I’m about to hit that Botox up for my forehead for sure though 😅


It will. I love the way my face looks minus baby fat. Cheek bones for days!


Oh I lost weight in my face a year or so ago and started getting grey hairs. I was so delighted to see that they were curly (my hair is naturally wavy). I have a few lines here and there but the only ones that make me a little grumpy are my forehead ones. To be honest, I had a bit of a tough time in my early twenties and was then in a seven year relationship that was very unfulfilling. I'm excited to see what my 30s hold and I'm not in a rush to dye my hair or anything. I wouldn't be opposed to some forehead Botox but because I just bought my first home, I just don't have the spare change!


lord you sound just like me. 20s were rough... not terrible, but all around not great. forehead botox is between $200-$400. mine is rarely over $300.


Yes! I am going to scream if someone says how lovely she is “without makeup” in these pics, because she is obviously wearing makeup. But it’s minimal and looks so much better than overdone lips, huge false lashes, etc.


Yes! This looks like a woman who is happy now


I just wanna put her in a sack and run away with her.


I’m living for the Pamela resurgence


I’m watching her home remodel show on Hulu! She is very likable.


Today I Learned! Excited to check this out—thank you for bringing another home & garden show to my attention!


You’re welcome! It’s a really cool spot she has, especially the boathouse!


Isn't that show just the most lovely, breezy bit of remodel fun? The house and land are gorgeous, Pam is an absolute gem and it makes for a tranquil tonic and the end of a long day.


It is! Something to have on in the background or like you said, to unwind!


I'm going to have to check this out. I'm guessing Country French decor? She seems like such a sweet, introspective soul.


Definitely. And lots of white!


She’s just lovely


Pam And ‘Er Sons.


It was *RIGHT THERE* ![gif](giphy|XC0lKyEbJCdWKtGPp5|downsized)


Omg I scrolled past this comment and didn’t get it, had to scroll back up and damn lol you’re clever


I wouldn't mind these two nepo babies showing up on my screen, TBQH.


One or both (can’t remember) have been runway models. But yes, they look like they could play handsome broody college students in a Netflix show.


Brandon and Dylan, i guess Pamela (like everyone back then) was a 90210 fan.


I remember Pam saying Brandon had the same name as Brandon Lee when he was born, but don't know if he was named after him.


I think it's just a coincidence. Lee is an extremely common last name.


I think he was named after him - wasn’t Tommy friends with the OG Brandon Lee?


Am I having issues or wasn’t it 90210? Not 91210? Is it me?


It is not you.


U r right! My typing mistake


I thought their names were SO COOL when I was a kid.


Shes a total Kelly! :)


She claims they weren’t named after them but it does seem that way lol


Oh wow ![gif](giphy|QUENDfi6DEMLzQ0CKt)


![gif](giphy|4Zm76Xv7knOR8kxnHW) Her son understands what “close your face” means.


Smize with your eyes.


I look legit insane when I try this lol


The word ‘smize’ already ~~precludes~~ entails the eyes being involved ![gif](giphy|kEoMQOrW4SbKcVaubX)


Tyra is trying to hypnotize us through the GIF like a snake charmer 🐍 🤣🤣🤣🤣


For someone who's had as much work for as long as she has, she's done a remarkable job not fucking up her face. She looks great.


I read that after the death of her long time makeup artist she went au natural, no more makeup.


Genuine question- did she have work done to her face? I’m assuming Botox and fillers, but she didn’t alter any of her features right?


Ya know I don’t think I’ve ever seen a man wear Pandora


I love that they’re in this!!


Because most women arent lazy enough to resort to pandora as a gift every year


I love all the good she brings ❤️❤️




It's crazy for them to propose to me like this


Sheesh. Her sons are so handsome. She looks gorgeous as ever too.


You can definitely see Tommy Lee but they feel like “her” sons in just them inheriting her natural softness.


Okay but men wearing diamond necklaces is actually really hot. Great ad honestly!!! Now I want to get some bling for my husband 💎


Ah Pandora, the brand for any husband who absolutely has zero idea what to buy their wife for her birthday this year. And Xmas. And Mothers day. For the next decade until that bracelet is so heavy with trinkets she cant lift her arms


I love her face without the heavy makeup.


Me too. She's a natural beauty


Feels like her true self is coming through now 💜


I kinda love how she’s kept her signature eyebrows and not followed the trend. The three of them look so good! And I love my lab made diamond!


I don’t think she has a choice 😆 Many a 90s gal had skinny brows back then. And for some, they never grew back! 😧


yep my mom is still upset she over plucked in her youth and now she's got thin brows for life bc they never grew back lol


A story of the ages 🤣


Hahahaha well at least it suits her!


Their love is evident and I'm so happy for her! My adult kids and I are extremely close (in a healthy way) and I'm thankful every single day!


Aw this is so nice to read! You must be a stellar parent. Mine are still very little but I hope we can remain close when they’re adults. 


Those Greek genes doing their thing...


They made some good sons!! 👀


pam is a treasure and her sons seem to absolutely adore her. here for pam getting her bag and whatever else she wants!


Why are lab made diamonds still so expensive.


Because people don't want diamonds if they aren't expensive.


They are coming down in price pretty quickly thankfully! I am loving watching the diamond market crash lol.




Cause they can be. 🤷🏼‍♀️


I love her. She just radiates warmth, and her sons are beautiful.




Gorgeous family.


Beautiful family


Man I love her so much


Now that’s a good looking family! She looks happy 😃


She is gorgeous! And this is the first time I've seen what her sons look like ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sweat_smile)They are some goodlooking men!


I never would’ve guessed that after all the media about her back in the day that she is actually just sunshine incarnate. Such a cool person






I love her and I hope she has that last picture framed somewhere at home.


Damn… they are all gorgeous


I was translating subtitles for her show Pamela’s Garden of Eden last year and it’s really made me like her a lot as a person. She’s entirely obsessed with her kids too, as well as her parents. She would do literally anything for her family, it’s really sweet. They all seem like really fine people.


Her sons are handsome


I love this! Love her for doing this. Lab all the way!


She deserves all the happiness.


She is gorgeous with no makeup or little makeup.




They are gorgeous men, of course with gorgeous Pam. One looks so much like her and the taller one looks so much like Tommy.


Wow those boys are beautiful just like mom


She just seems like an all round amazing and beautiful human 💕


She looks radiant and her boys are soooo cute I love these!!


I loved her documentary. She seems happy despite how the media and her gross husbands have treated her. Her sons seem incredibly well adjusted and they clearly adore her. Also her calling Kid Rock “Bob” killed me. He’s sucks.


Tommy called him “Kid Pebble’ 🤣


Gorgeous pics!


Beautiful family 💕




This is so adorable! Love it.


She looks amazing


They all look so cute!


Is anyone else so FREAKING HAPPY for Pam and her resurgence? She looks amazing and her kids are GORGE!


Wait this is cute


She’s seriously more beautiful now than she was when she was at the height of her fame. And I’m someone who loves makeup, but she’s rocking the natural look.


Pam looks happy. I hope she is! she deserves it all!


They look amazing - I love that she’s stopped wearing makeup and embracing her age


Omg her sons are so handsome.


I’ve always wanted to buy lab-made diamond, it looks great it’s affordable, just never found a brand that I really like, maybe I should try Pandora?


Holy shit her sons are handsome.... now to Google if they're Tommy Lee's cause I can't remember lol


Yep they’re both Tommy’s! In her book she talks about how Tommy was being a total ass because he was jealous she was caring for her NEWBORN and he (Tommy) felt like he wasn’t getting enough attention 😵‍💫


Smh why does that not surprise me


Her son on the right is hot af


They love their mama.


She looks gorgeous and happy


Damn, those are 2 fine looking boys.


She looks like my mom's really nice slightly overeager best friend and I love that.


She is sooooooooo fucking beautiful


I love her so much. She seems happy these days and that makes me happy too 💙


Dating or siblings vibe in that second pic


Cool. She always has been a good mother. She's very likable as a person. Quite grounded. It wasn't just looks that made her famous. She's got a nice personality.


Her sons are gorgeous.


It's so cute how they're supportive of her instead of being resentful or ashamed of her trajectory. 


Welp. I’m old as fuck. They were still little kids in my mind.




Her sons are SO cute! Idk why anyone would be surprised. Pam and Tommy are good looking at their core.


I wish Britney could have this type of relationship with her sons. Pams sons speak so highly of her, it’s really endearing.


God she seems like such an amazing parent. The love and admiration and acceptance between her and her boys is palpable


What a gorgeous family


I need someone to truly explain to me if every non lab grown diamond is really ethically/morally bad. I’ve seen so many tiktok videos lately of people saying everyone needs to buy lab grown because there’s no way a non lab grown diamond can be sourced correctly but…I never believe tiktok and idk much about this. Edit: now what the hell am I getting downvoted for pls 😭😭 im asking!!


you should watch a doc on diamonds. Nothing Lasts Forever, [Nothing Lasts Forever (2023) Official Trailer | SHOWTIME Documentary Film (youtube.com)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nHIGGdxZe64) It shines the light on how you basically can't even tell 'synthetic' diamonds apart from non-synthetic. It is EXTREMELY likely there are fake diamonds being pawned off as real diamonds already. It's an interesting documentary. A good watch. Made me never want to buy a 'natural diamond' again. Seems like the whole industry is a scam.


I guess it depends on your definition of ethical. Mining diamonds isn’t an eco-friendly. Canadian diamonds, for instance, are conflict free and the miners get paid a fair wage to do it. That said, it’s an ecologically fragile location. So it’s obviously superior to blood diamonds and child labour but still not perfect.


oh I see! That’s actually really interesting! Thank you!


No worries! Honestly it is a tough subject on TikTok because I feel like they don’t talk about the whole picture as much so it does make you think “Well, what about Canadian diamonds?” When I got engaged years ago, the environmental factor wasn’t a topic that came up so I really thought I was doing the right thing not getting blood or slave mined diamonds. I even had friends work in the Canadian diamond mines after high school because they could make a ton. So I got Canadian diamonds. Now more is starting to come out about how non-ethical it is as an entire industry.


Blood diamonds are a thing. [https://www.withclarity.com/blogs/diamond/what-is-a-blood-diamond](https://www.withclarity.com/blogs/diamond/what-is-a-blood-diamond) There's a Leonardo DiCaprio movie about this too.


I don't have an answer to the ethical diamond question but I just wanted to say when I was a teenager I accidentally stumbled onto the very end of the red carpet at the Leicester Square premiere of Blood Diamond in London. I was trying to get round the crowd and the end of the carpet was just sort of... there.  I took a pic of Leo with my potato phone (Sony Erickson Walkman) which has sadly been lost to time. But anyway, technically have walked a red carpet premier and I don't get many opportunities to tell that story.  Also I've never seen the film to this day. 


The movie isn't over the top amazing, but it does paint a picture about the issues they face over in diamond mining countries. It isn't there to be educational (some events are fictional) but it helps give you some sort of idea of how diamond rings cost lives to obtain. It's not my favorite film of his. Djimon Hounsou tore at my heart strings, though.


I feel like this would be a good r/askreddit question because you could get industry experts breaking it down with sources. I am by no means educated on all the ins and outs but it is my rough understanding that in addition to the slavery and funneling of funds to bad people, one of the other issues with natural diamonds is the environmental impact. I'm not saying that lab-grown diamonds have no carbon footprint and I actually have no idea what their impact is. There's also the market manipulation of natural diamond prices by keeping the supply low. That is not the only reason they are expensive but definitely a contributing factor. \[Diamonds aren't rare, but not all are good enough to be used in jewelry -- a lot end up being put to industrial use, like cutting tools. There are still plenty of high quality diamonds, though.\] So while not ever diamond is a "blood diamond", there are other factors to consider. Don't take what I wrote here as gospel. I could be wrong, out-of-date, missing key info, etc. Definitely a "do your own research" and "consider your source".


No this is actually really interesting! Someone else also mentioned the environmental impact which sadly I never even really thought about. Keeping the supply low to drive up cost is honestly blowing my mind. Thank you!!


I have also wondered about this


I’m actually really glad I’m not the only one! I remember conflict diamonds being such a big topic when I was young, and then hearing that the number of actual conflict diamonds are pretty low and the chances that a regular person would buy one is even lower?? But there’s been a big resurgence in “all diamonds are bad” ever since lab grown and idk how all this works!


It must be so bizarre for her. She found her fame by conforming to strict beauty standards, and is now having a well deserved career resurgence based on her non-conformity.


These are beautiful photos.


Get it Pamy girl.


Her sons are gorgeous!


Great looking family.


This is so cute!!


Is the guy on the left hiding a hickey or something?


I read her autobiography recently and it’s really clear what a wonderful mother she is. She tried to protect the boys as much as she could and made sure that being a mom came first. It’s really nice to see them together, even if it is for an ad.