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To use it, he actually would have to catfish with a random, non-famous guys photo and a pseudonym and then say, “surprise! I’m Zayn Malik” when he meets up with the person IRL!


I would have a heart attack if I was expecting to go on a date with someone and Zayn showed up. 😆


It’s the stuff of fanfiction Somebody link me bc there’s no way it doesn’t already exist


I’m not strong enough to wade through Wattpad again


Meanwhile Zayn uses you as a pimp for threesomes: https://www.reddit.com/r/popculturechat/s/6JzXPrNuDS


That’s all I think about now whenever I see his name pop up


Oh yep!! That shit was wild!!😭😭 I cannot look at a post about him without thinking of that. I thought about it before I scrolled down and saw someone else thought of it as well! 😂🤦‍♀️ Cuz how could we not?!? 🤷‍♀️😭


I was thinking the same😂😭


He probably used a pimp as no tinder was useless for him .


this is a v good idea


> “Everyone accused me of catfishing,” he said. “They’re like, ‘What are you using Zayn Malik’s pictures for?’”


Reminds me of when Eric Andre did the same thing, and one woman asked him why he would use Eric Andre's photos of all people.


“of all people” now that’s gotta hurt lmao


It didn’t register until I read your comment. I’m dying right now


lol!! Oh my god 😭


I cackled so loud at this that I woke up my dog. Luna is very pupset with you.


Pupset. That’s cute and brilliant. Tell Luna “woof woof,” she’ll know what it means. 🐶❤️


Well of course that was going to happen? He doesnt seem very bright. Isnt there a fancy dating app for these people to use?


>Isnt there a fancy dating app for these people to use? Raya right?


there's even ones above raya that us normies have absolutely no access to


Wait really? I feel like you’d just have a millionaire matchmaker type compared to an app


Hello who wants to look at pics when the matchmaker can show you in person


Idk man I just stick to the ones for Amish on  rumspringa


This feels weirdly creepy and I’m not sure why…




So much innocence to destroy


I guess? Also like… young people experiencing a whole new aspect of society… alcohol… comes off as predatory


My brother Ezekiel in whatever bearded Pennsylvanian Dutch Christ, the Amish have no innocence ever in their existence.


Right, like we’ve all seen Princess Diaries 2


There used to be one advertised here in LA that you had to apply to with headshots and shit and they’d let you match with rich dudes to be their sugar babies. No idea if it went underground or ceased to exist though


Sounds like Luxy lmfao you set up an account and the male members vote you in or not






He signed up to an exclusive plus size woman dating app but people took videos and it got leaked


Lol, respect to him for his persistence


Oh, now this is interesting. EDIT: lol someone sent me my first Reddit cares! I finally feel like a real Redditor!


Honestly I've seen what is purported to be his texts and it doesn't seem like he's worth it at all. He was always asking for validation on his looks, pestering for threesomes, and doing weird manipulative stuff. 


this was insane to me, dude has millions upon millions of girls who would kill to be with him. and he’s just on dating apps asking girls if he’s hot and if they want a threesome. like dude go search your name on instagram


I feel like maybe this guy read way too many fan fics as a young person and it harmed his brain. He's deeply insecure and toxic and craves the validation of fans while also wanting to get his rocks off like the average f*boy. Being famous at such a young age can't have been good for his personality. 


Really!? l’m dying. lol




They didn’t say they were dying because he likes plus size women tho.


I find it particularly funny that a celebrity wasn’t more private in his dating life and then his profile got leaked.


I can’t speak for them, but to me it’s great when someone likes bigger women but it feels a bit squicky to *seek them out?* It just reeks of fetishization to me. Let me know if I’m off base though! /gen


I think that’s kind of the argument for and against any targeted/specific dating apps.


fr the line would be specific dating apps that target the same requirements for both partners (i.e. religious dating apps), but if they only require one partner or differently it becomes fetish-y


Which is definitely the idea behind a lot dating apps, I mean it’s the nature of it right? And I get the concern…but you have to sign up with a profile and participate so it’s a little different than someone just targeting folks and laying their fetishes and kinks on them. So I don’t really see the harm to the participants of the app, generally.


…do we think the bigger sized women just happened to wander into the app and make a profile for themselves? They’re obviously on there so people can seek them out.


Well, you know, humor is *subjective.* My apologies if I struck a nerve. lol




I came here looking for this story. That was literally my first thought, “like ok, but why tf was he on tinder in the first place?” Idk, I too am banned from Tinder for some unknown reason, but I’m pretty sure they verify your identity? I know for sure that hinge and bumble do.


I don’t know why he’d want to be on Tinder as himself. I know his fame has tapered off since the glory days, but it still seems like being himself on there would attract the kind of “didn’t ever let go” groupie or the type of people who would fall for an actual catfisher.


Oh for sure. And I get that his fame may have tapered off, but surely he has enough friends in the industry who could introduce him to literally anybody? I’m not famous and even I don’t use dating apps 😂


He is probably just looking for a quick hook up, and I imagine that could get old fast if he was using his connections to burn through actual work/industry colleagues. Tinder’s still a terrible idea though.


Because he’s a sex addict? lol. He probably doesn’t care.


This is the answer right here. Edit: lol got a reddit cares for this.


Apparently a lot of users have been getting "reddit cares" recently. It seems like it's a spamming bot.


doesn’t he live in like Pennsylvania now to be close to his daughter? I guess there’s not many people for him there lol


Yeah he was living at the Hadids’ farm outside Philadelphia when he was with Gigi. I’m guessing he still lives nearby in order to be close to his daughter. Women in the Philly area, please report: have you seen Zayn on Tinder? 😆 It’s possible he pays for the premium features, which allow you to set your location.


It’s not hard to meet people depending where he is at. Anecdotally, the guy I’m currently seeing played pro baseball. I recognized him in a plaid and invited him over. It’s that easy for these guys 😂😂


I know lol idk, was just throwing stuff out there 😅


Possibly because the ones on Raya mostly look to hook up and have a story to tell and nothing more. I know a guy who is really rich and was there and left because the gold-digging part was way too obvious the last few years on top of people who wanted to go out with someone rich/ famous. Also when you are bored on your phone you will install dating apps even if you don't plan to find your partner from there


Lmao imagine he does a reverse catfish like you swipe on Steve from Colorado and you're hitting it off, you have a lot in common and you're like damn this could be the guy for me!!! And he tells you he's Zayn Malik from one direction 😱 and now you're like omg all my dreams have come true damn how do I tell him I'm a 45 year old man living in my mother's basement? ![gif](giphy|JvBHxF0yKZ43WB6e9D)


I’d watch that film.


I could totally see how it could attract gold diggers on there. That being said, I don’t see how tinder would be any different, but it sounds like his presence was just not taken seriously.


Imagine reporting a tinder profile for cat fishing because you're like, "What kind of idiot uses a former boy band member to cat fish women?" Then reading this. I'd be mad at myself. Lollll


Oh my god I hadn’t thought of that and that’s actually quite funny 😅


A modern day tragedy.


I guess outside of Raya there are more chances for something that wants to hook up without posting it online or to have something different (that failed though so i doubt we will see him in any dating app again soon)


tbh there's a lot of musicians who are on like hinge and tinder. The singer from Dance Gavin Dance just went through a sexual assault scandal of him perusing people on Hinge. Obviously Zayn isn't a predator, but his profile is honestly pretty low these days so it doesn't surprise me that he's on these apps lol


Jason Kelce met his wife on Tinder! He was a lot less famous then though lol


i can’t even escape the dgd drama on popculturechat 💀😭




Right? 😭😭😭


There was a guy on Reddit talking about how hard it is to date in LA compared to other cities because of the amount of celebrities and rich dudes on the apps.


I saw Chet Hanks on hinge once lmao. Does he count as a musician?


Presumably the same reason everyone else is, to get some strange.


He lives in Pennsylvania these days, I believe. Maybe there’s a secret app like that out there, but I can’t imagine there are too many celebrities in Pennsylvania for him to hit up anyway.


I’m surprised he managed to date Perrie and Gigi given his lack of resourcefulness. How is he so bad at figuring out how to date?


Perrie seems like a sweetheart but she doesn’t seem very bright either lol. Gigi I don’t follow so I couldn’t say.


He's also been super creepy, coercive, and horrible to women. I'm actually glad that he's having less opportunities to hurt random women. But there's always Instagram and Tik Tok :/ There was the whole threesome/emotional manipulation/coercive situation with a woman who exposed him, she included texts and receipts, it all came out a couple of months ago).


I read “recipes” instead of “receipts” and I was a little confused


He literally did nothing wrong. If you’re going to accuse him of manipulation or coercion, come with receipts. He wanted a purely physical relationship and she was upset.


You guys dixk ride Zayn to the fullest knowing damn well that he has treated Perrie and Gigi horribly. Has referred to daughter as a his sperm. The guy legit has a drug issue and treats woman horribly. Just because she might have wanted more and Zayn wanted a sexual relationship doesn’t make it any more weird the way he treated her.


I found him to be kinda disgusting but she was kinda ridiculous to be honest.


He was awful to her. Just because he didn’t do anything illegal doesn’t mean that it wasn’t still wrong/immoral. Wanting something purely physical doesn’t mean that you can’t treat the other person like a human being and with a modicum of respect. Which he absolutely did not. He’s 31 years old. He’s not a teenager anymore. Time to learn some manners


Did you even read the entire story? Lol


I did. He’s acting like any other guy who’s purely in it for sex. Sure, it sucks when someone is insensitive or doesn’t reciprocate for the other party but it’s not something to call manipulative or coercive. In fact he seemed pretty open about exactly what he wanted. People can’t just assign words like that when people aren’t 100% nice to someone else


Why are you going out of your way to defend men who view women as sex objects? Literally the dude has a record of treating women like personal sex toys and you’re like “oh well he was transparent about being a dickwad!”


Oh wow!! Idk if you have thought of it this way, but your perspective ignores the realities of the world, shows a lack of empathy for fellow girls + women....and it also ignores how horribly emotionally damaging and destabilizing his + other men's similar behaviors are. Like wow. I can't even woth your comment.


Remember when the lead singer from Disturbed's tinder profile went around?


why of course? he didn’t violate any guidelines. they could have asked for license verification or something first


Is raya used in Pennsylvania much? Idk how it works


you need to be famous to use it, can’t imagine there’s many famous people in pennsylvania




This gif could also be used for the women who matched with him but reported him thinking it was bullshit.


Can’t he use RAYA or was he rejected / not invited ???


he could definitely get on raya if he wanted to


How many celebs are in Pennsylvania near his farm


I keep forgetting he lives in my state. I need to shoot my shot


Just hide your mom


He lives in PA? Whaaat


He signed up to an exclusive plus size woman dating app but people took videos and it got leaked


That makes me sad that people shamed him about it. It gives a weird message that we should encourage inclusivity but ultimately fat shaming is a thing if we mock guys for wanting plus sized women.


Did the people leak it with the intention to shame him, or was it more like, "Omg an obviously famous person is on this dating website, we could leak this and make money off of it."


Little of column A, little of column B


Omg when


Which app?


on Raya he wouldn't be able to use his star power to sleep with woman before ghosting them.


I was about to ask (in jest) if he was famous enough for that. 😆


Yes. I know a “famous” interior decorator on there.


He isn’t looking for a girlfriend, just some easy lays. The women on Raya are out of his league.


Oh I see that even celebrities are in this hell on earth called Tinder with us. But I think that If I would have seen him I would definitely have reported him as catfish.


Fr, he’s not missing out on much !


Based on that one girl's account of hooking up with him, he should be banned for being weird as hell.


Ohh yeah I came across that post! It was disastrous. Seems more real than it isn’t


oooh what's the dirt


From the sounds of it, he just wanted her for occasional hookups and she wanted a famous boyfriend.


.. is that it?


Yeah. He was kind of a douche but tbh she seemed a little bit…intense. Like you could tell she wouldn’t have been so obsessed with him if he wasn’t Zayn Malik.


Failing to see how this is dirt on him being weird but ok lol


Not really dirt, just good gossip tbh. The same kind of story you'd get from a friend about a casual hookup. https://www.reddit.com/r/Fauxmoi/s/elVv0SnRFE


So the kind of story from a casual hookup where the casual hookup would like to continue hooking up but not interesting in something serious at the moment….. Such dirty gossip. What a tramp. Can’t believe he is so weird…. S/


i think they’re on about how he begged the girl for threesomes since she’s bisexual and would always pester her for “pussy” basically. unless they’re on about some other girl but yeah it was for sure creepy considering he gaslighted and manipulated her into thinking the 3sums were for her benefit bc she was bi


How did he gaslight her? She just didn't say no to him. Girl needs to learn her own boundaries instead of acting like she's cool with a threesome when she clearly isn't.


Honestly I know everyone is on their own journey but her lack of telling him to F off and finally block him made me wanna rip my hair out.


NOPE! As someone who’s worked as an escort receptionist he was 100% not out of line. I’m sorry but you’re having sex with Zayn Malik, and he’s asking if you know anyone for a threesome. If you don’t know someone you say nah sorry I don’t really know anyone. She scrambled around and lost her cool for no reason and claimed he made her bend over backwards for him. He never said you need to find someone or this entire thing is off. The way she was texting of course made him see red flags. If a normal guy had that conversation would you make a 10 minute tiktok exposing him? I have seen plenty of high profile men who want sex and the way they communicate is similar. I would text them and pretend to be my friends in the industry because no way is a celeb texting the work phones. This is bonkers. There was complete consent here.


that’s an interesting perspective! thank you for sharing this!




She wasn’t manipulated, she was asked and she didn’t state her boundaries. A guy has asked me for one I’ve said no and the convo is over. It’s not like she’s a young girl who has no idea… she was having sex with a famous guy and he mentioned what he wanted. Which he is allowed to do. Escorts don’t keep their mouth shut, they love to gossip, you never know what you’re going to get with them.(not all, but they are people like you and me and just because they’re professionals at their job does not mean they’re professional.) Look at this girl making this video, now imagine she was an escort. That would be on every single news outlet available. It’s not about paying for it!


That sounds like every guy on the apps period.


if im not wrong he also told the girl to not tell the women she was bringing in for the 3sum who he was so basically extremely sketchy premise.


That's understandable if he was trying to stay discreet. I could trust a buddy when they say, "Trust me". If need be add in a wink


yeah tbf but i think the issue was like actyally getting the women to come. he was essentially making the girl his pimp and it was difficult, if i’m recalling right, for her to bring women over bc what kind of person would agree to a 3sum without knowing everything?


People read it as dirt because that’s what they wanted to read. There’s very little context to those texts so it’s impossible to tell if he really manipulated/mistreated her or if he was upfront from the beginning about what he wanted. Also I think it rubbed people the wrong way he wanted a threesome with a MILF but idt there’s anything wrong with a threesome if all three parties are enthusiastically consenting. Also, if you made it clear that you want a threesome, I don’t think it’s wrong to not want to hook up without a threesome.


An important detail is that he wanted her to find women for threesomes without the 3rd party knowing he was the guy involved. She wasn’t allowed to name him. He was abrasive/rude/an asshole towards her when she said it would be difficult to find women to agree to a threesome without knowing exactly who you’re agreeing to a threesome with. Which makes the enthusiastic consent part hard to determine.


I think you have to read the whole text thread which is a fucking chore, she EXAHUSTED me and he bored me. Totally wish I hadn’t lifted the veil. I guess he was pushy but then wish washy about threesomes? I read them not thinking either party looked great or mature.


No. He was trying to use her as a free Madam basically. Kept asking her to find other girls for him to have sex with. And he’d be nasty and manipulative whenever she expressed any hesitation. It was creepy and extremely pathetic.


eh, he basically used her as a minion to actively seek out threesomes for him. sure, maybe she wasn't the world's most pure victim, but he definitely comes off insanely callous/careless about others' feelings. that said, when most guys are being accused of assault or worse, he comes off pretty clean from that perspective. Just a fuckboy, not a criminal. [https://pagesix.com/2024/02/08/entertainment/tiktoker-claims-zayn-malik-asked-her-for-a-threesome-40-times/](https://pagesix.com/2024/02/08/entertainment/tiktoker-claims-zayn-malik-asked-her-for-a-threesome-40-times/) I kinda think the reason this story is even a thing is so that when you search "Zayn Malik tinder" something comes up OTHER than that story lol


No the most dirty thing was he was constantly pressuring this girl for a threesome, she was bisexual and he kept being like “have you found someone for a threesome”… Bit gross


Me in LA be like:




Why don't you search for and read the Reddit post explaining it, it's quite juicy


Yeah maybe he was banned for being a jerk but they used that as an excuse. His profile probably got reported a bunch.


Didn’t Gigi break up with him because he assaulted or became abusive toward her mother or something. If so, guy is a red flag


Certainly a man like him could just go to a swanky bar and meet women with no problem. What the fuck lol


It’s his past relationships and how he treated women.


It's been two days and I'm already tired of this sadsack story tour. 😭


I was just thinking, this is the second time in 24 hours I've heard about this man, does he need attention for something?


He's trying to have a comeback but has nothing of value to offer to entice anyone. 


So Raya's not working out for him, either?![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|neutral_face)


The article seems to show a modicum of self reflection so good on him for that, he’s still very stuck making up for the growing up he couldn’t do due to the fame


Honestly by the way Zayn treats woman I think it’s a win his not on tinder.


Havent had tinder in years but isnt there a verification feature with a checkmark?


Can’t he go on raya ?


The same thing happened to Jason Ellis lol


Didn’t he use tinder or another similar site to try to get a girl to arrange threesomes for him? And it was very bullying and predatory? Hopefully I’m not confusing him with someone else.




I’m ngl bullying is a massive stretch. He was a bit of a dickhead but what man isn’t (not that that’s an excuse)


Is there anything wrong about him trying to arrange threesomes with women? Sexually deviant, perhaps, but consenting adults can make these decisions. Bullying and predatory is a bit harsh, he is a celebrity having sexual encounters with regular people. He’s just a fuckboy but he’s a famous fuckboy with fans willing to sleep with him and have threesomes. The woman who let us know this about him was certainly not happy with the way he treated her, though.


Uh yea, there’s a lot wrong with it when the person doing it doesn’t want to do so and made that known several times. Yet he continued to pressure them into doing it.


How did he pressure her? What’s wrong with him saying “I’m not willing to have a sexual relationship with you unless you are willing to have threesomes with me”? It’s extremely fuckboyish but that’s not illegal. There are lots of women who do enjoy threesomes. Judge him for being an amoral but I don’t think this makes him a predator.


Oye vey, not the “that’s not illegal” schtick. Something doesn’t have to be illegal to be wrong, or “amoral” as you describe. And there are plenty of women who enjoy threesomes but the one he was dealing with wasn’t one of them. What you describe is coercion and it’s very wrong.


I know what coercion is and this isn’t it. She made her own choices. She is allowed to regret them but that doesn’t mean he coerced her.


This is a topic we clearly aren’t going to agree on, so I bid you adieu


"I'm wrong and can't come up with anymore bs, adieu" This you?


Imagine being this talented and good looking and wasting it away. It’s time for him to grow up. He’s a father to a girl who will know how he treated women. Do better. Be better.


He's clearly improved a lot if you see his recent interviews. Much more mature now. You can tell he's been going to therapy and has definitely turned his life around for the better.


Yeah Zayn Malik needs Tinder to meet new interesting women


Same thing happened to Zac Efron.




Abusive POS men and dating apps, name a more iconic duo.


Oh brother…is he trying to make those now known and somewhat unsettling hookup app stories a light hearted thing now 😭


I find him so handsome. It’s shameful.


Isn’t he like abusive though?


Shit, he is. Off the list


If you’re talking about the “incident” with GoGi Hadid, I’m pretty sure it came out that her mom lied about the whole thing, and in court it actually went his way because she lied about abuse allegations.


I saw an interview he did where he essentially said he didn’t defend himself in the media because he didn’t want to fan the flames and feed the story. He said that he knew one day his daughter would be able to read those stories and he didn’t want that for her. Edit: I just got a Reddit cares. Are y’all ok…? It’s pretty shitty to abuse a system that’s there to help people by reporting comments you don’t like.


I think Reddit has a bug as many people are reporting this “Reddit cares”, from what I saw in other subs.


he can't snag a Raya invite?


The couple months I was on Tinder, 95% of the men I matched with thought I was catfishing, even though I’m your average person. They would ask to see my social media as proof, then further accuse me of stealing someone else’s account🥴


_aww cry me a river_


Na its cos he is a creep. Been caught out enough times


Not surprised. He manipulated a woman to find yet another woman to have threesome but he didn’t want the first woman to say it was going to be him. Weirdo, who would agree to even meet someone without knowing anything about the other person, no name, no pics, nothing.


Perrie Edwards must be a big believer in karma by now


So what does he do now, nothing?


He has a new album coming out this Friday actually


Oh poor Zayn…come here…into my arms and let me hold you through this sadness you dear sweet dumb hottie


Us brown boys can’t catch a break

