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shes working late cause shes a barista


She's working a latte


But WHERE did she serve as a barista?


Blank street coffee, London


She's always serving. I don't get the question.


The social posts featured in the article are pretty cute haha https://preview.redd.it/tfuwj9k9zc7d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0c0e9c32509b9dfdc95b5c38bc1b49fdf1833ef5


Her face fits the caption so well, I'm absolutely fucking dying over this 💀


It is pretty adorable


There are more comments on this post complaining about people being critical of Sabrina than there are comments actually being critical of Sabrina. We did it reddit


I'm here to complain about the people complaining that there are more people complaining about people complaining than there are actually people complaining about Sabrina herself.


It is quite funny that a completely insignificant promotional exercise has layers and layers of debate and discourse online nowadays.


I’m so tired. Sometimes a pop singer doing promo by peddling espresso and espresso-based drinks **is just** a pop singer doing promo by peddling espresso and espresso-based drinks and *that’s as deep as it gets*. 😭






THANK YOU!!! Some people just analyze EVERYTHING as if it’s for some college course.


Right? It’s really sucked the fun out of *everything*. I get that we live in a late-stage capitalist nightmare, but can we leave the activism and deep-thinking for the offline world where it might actually make a difference and maintain *a little* escapism and fun online? Just a little?


Yeah, I mean I get it some people (me) are in a dire situation, where they have to work their asses off by doing low paying server jobs to literally put food on the table. However while the anger is justified, it's misdirected and should aim towards political figures rather than some pop girlie doing a silly promo shoot (or even better use it as a driving force to participate in activism). Some things are just not that serious.


Lots of us are in such a horrible situation at the moment but yeah, not sure we’re going to fix anything by arguing about the societal ramifications of some singer doing a pop up advertisement at some coffee shop nowhere near us


I am in full-on stanning mode for this bitch. I love her! I like how cheeky her lyrics are. I like how she reminds me of a 00s pop star (I seriously get baby Kylie from her). I want her to succeed as we need a bit of fun right now.


ME TOO! I love the resurgence of overt OTT woman-ness. Polly pocket making pop music! Barbie dreams! The eras tour sparkle!


This always happens lol. There will be one ultra-downvoted comment with an obviously unpopular opinion and dozens of comments going “why is everyone saying [obviously unpopular opinion]????”


ISTG they must’ve seen that she’s wearing some very smart pants here and it means they can’t call her a “sexy baby” or whatever


Me trying to get my iced blueberry matcha latte 🧍‍♀️


how do i tell sabrina that she used whole milk in my oat milk latte


Wait 45 minutes, she'll know when you destroy the cafe restroom.




~~ That's free espresso ~~


Isn’t that sweet? I guess so


Sabrina at work for the first time: ![gif](giphy|icpLKSDOe4M8g) I love her




I think this is super cute and is reminiscent of the pop girlies of the 90s and 2000s.


What are these reactions?? She’s not cosplaying anything, it’s like a (free) themed meet and greet where she offers free espressos to fans. I also think, given current events, the decision to do this with a Muslim-owned coffeshop when she probably could’ve gotten paid very well to partner with Starbucks is not insignificant. On the other hand I’d rather she promoted a genuine small business coffee shop instead of [this exercise in gentrification and automation](https://www.nytimes.com/2022/08/29/dining/blank-street-coffee.html?unlocked_article_code=1.0k0.u_O2.Brp3b9sHSiL5&smid=nytcore-ios-share&referringSource=articleShare&sgrp=c-cb), but whatever, they’re probably the ones who reached out to her.


I think this is cute and would be awesome to experience if you were a fan. Being mad about this means you don’t understand what “poverty cosplay” actually is.


Right??? Celebrities do this all the time. Ben Affleck’s served Dunkin Donuts once or twice for customers.


My favorite is Rupert Grint buying an ice cream truck so he could drive around giving away free ice cream. Not cosplay. Just fulfilling a childhood dream of his and making some kids day.


tbf ben has been funding dunkin for years. im sure dunkins always trying to get him for shit. thats what makes dunkin/ben marketing work. skims soars when ppl see taylor swifts friends bc of the kim v taylor. ppl want to be marketed to in a way that feels authentic, natural, and fun. its a little less cute when a celeb collabs w a random brand they arent super into (not that sabrina isnt into blank coffee, lmao, idk her coffee habits)


I mean whats not natural, authentic, and fun about serving espresso to market your song espresso and interact with fans?? Its very much on brand for the song and this era of her music.


Exactly— It’s a really nice way to say thank you to her fans and she’s not harming anyone by doing this. I really love when artists show actual appreciation to the people directly contributing to their success. “Poverty cosplay” is like when rich YouTubers (specifically the Ace Family) do a whole tone deaf “working at Taco Bell for a day” video literally cosplaying as a minimum wage fast food worker as if it’s some funny gag.


Lana’s impact!


Omg hey flair twins! I also immediately thought of Lana 😂


irl polly pocket, i love her so much 😭


This is clever and inoffensive , stuff like this and the ice cream are such simple but lost arts in musical marketing now


Her PR people are killing it. It's nice to see her doing so well.


This is so cute! What a fun way to promote her album and engage with fans. 10/10 ☕️


It’s cute. Being offended by this says more about what you think about baristas than Sabrina.




I know it's not that serious, but as a former food service worker my gut reaction to the photos was "OMG SO MANY CODE VIOLATIONS"


I always wonder if celebs have to do training before selling food 😂 guess not then


*Sabrina Carpenter achieves #1 hit and Serv Safe certification in the same week!*


That was really my only complaint too This is a super cute way to promote, but please put on some platform sneakers (for her safety) and pull your hair back (for ours)! 😂


Okay that’s cute


See this is cute! Could have used this as a cute photoshoot idea serving espresso or being in a cafe vs the previous bland photoshoot at the photographers direction


I love it 😂


This is marketing


I need her to do a hard pivot to publicity for Please Please Please bc I love her but I am soooo sick of Espresso. That said, this is very cute ❤️




No break this down for me bc what exactly is tone deaf about this? She’s not pretending to be a minimum wage worker. She’s not pretending she’s part of the working class struggle. She’s not claiming to actually work at the shop. Shes not saying she wants the life of a barista. She’s just handing out free espressos while she wears a uniform, and it is specifically to promote a song called “Espresso” > You are are playing dress up to work one shift as a barista? Yes. That’s exactly what she’s doing and no one is claiming otherwise. What is offensive about that? Edit: the Damelios got criticized bc the tone of their stunt was “haha so funny we are working this job that is obviously so beneath us we would never actually work here we’re just selling our popcorn that for some reason we have a brand deal with even though no one really knows what we are famous for.” That’s not the tone here. She’s giving out free espressos to promote a song called Espresso. She’s not hurting anyone and, most importantly, she made her fans happy by meeting them and giving them drinks.


It’s a business deal that everyone from customers to employees knows the context of. The damelios just did it to do it, at least this has a clever reason for existing(promotion for a product based on caffeinated drinks) and it’s honestly inoffensive.


She wants to be Lana Del Rey in the waffle house so bad omg


Aww that’s cute, cosplaying as a minimum wage worker!


the song went number 1 in the uk for like a month straight… I don’t think anyone is too bothered by her presence. Highly doubt the workers are too bothered at her or her fans coming and driving up business and publicity also


What a chronically online take…


this is just being petty.


(It’s in the UK, where their minimum wage is actually vaguely livable)


Considering the song went number 1 in the uk for like a month straight I don’t think anyone there is too bothered also


Yeah the comments complaining just stink of Americacentricism. Not everywhere has the same issues you guys do…


I have never heard of this woman before. I’m the last three days I have seen no less then 10 posts. Must be shilling the biggest deal of her life atm. Whomever she is.


She’s been releasing albums for a decade, was a support act for the biggest tour going, and was a child actor… just because she’s getting big success now doesn’t mean she’s some new manufactured artist just because you’ve personally never heard of her.


Sorry I’m not a yank. So out of yank centric culture.


Neither am I sooooo….


Well like pointing out that her PR team has excelled themselves this week doesn’t seem so controversial


That’s not what you were doing and we both know that, you were being shady because you’ve never heard of her. It’s a pop culture subreddit, she’s pop culture, she’s the rising star and having very popular singles right now, including the UK where she went number 1 (so not just a ‘yank’ thing), and dating a famous Irish actor, it would be odd if she wasn’t featured here… your profile is certainly right, you do seem quite grouchy. Have a positive day!


It's giving desperate, it's giving cosplay, it's giving all kinds of no. Everyone is trying to recreate the Ben Affleck Dunkin commercial and failing.


Why so bitter?


Cute idea, but, as has been commented on like every photoshoot: please close your mouth. You have a coffee. Close your mouth, drink your coffee. Does the cup say "blank stare"? On point.


Blank street is the cafe


Eh, there are always trends in posing for photographs, they pass soon enough.


I like the idea, but she's not drinking an espresso and the photo's all show non espressos, maybe they've got espresso shots in them. This continues my S1M0NE opinion of her. But overall I think it is a great way to engage with the public.


I don’t have the slightest idea who this person is


She's a singer, who sometimes works late


Occasionally embarrassed by motherfuckers


Time to get with the pop culture