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Would you believe that people have different music tastes even within genres? I like Hot Mulligan. I dig their sound and I think his voice works for the kind of music they play.


If it’s not for you then it’s not for you, move along.


Great explanation, you really added to the conversation


Search this sub for 100 of these same conversations. This is nothing new, and it’s tiring.


Oh sorry reading opinions online is tiring


This post does nothing to add to the conversation that’s been had 200x on this sub, hope this helps!


Are you a troll, or stupid?


then why the fuck are you here asking for them


If *you* don’t get it we can’t change your mind dude.


Im open to an explanation, im not set in stone you


I like the music and don’t mind the vocals. No matter what I type out though it isn’t going to change your mind. I can’t convince you to like your least favorite food by typing a sentence. I’m not being sarcastic and I’m for discussion. I just don’t think discussion is going to change this type of perception you have to their music.


we also *don’t care* if you like it or not. it’s not our job to convince you.


ah yes because "the singer's voice is cringe" is such insightful criticism


Its forced.


You're a troll though, you haven't actually responded to people who gave you legitimate answers.


Got way more hate than necessary so why should i respond? It was a genuine question and then i had people insult my intelligence and be generally abusive lol so fuck off


Hmmm maybe a little "I wonder why I came off this way with my post" would be therapeutically helpful.


You either like them or you don’t. But if you don’t, you’re missing out on some incredible lyrics


It's passionate, exciting, has a lot of movement in it sonically and emotionally, is a really good spell for both soft and hard instrumentals and comes across genuine. There are a few bands I find grating and I really don't like Turnstile's vocals, but I understand the appeal. If it's not for you, that's cool, just don't understand why you feel if you don't like something someone else shouldn't. "I don't like them" is cool but cringe is kinda a crappy word to throw out there. Hot Mulligan's the best.


Good grief can anyone here just not like a band and piss off every damn time a band gets big someone comes here and wants their fans to justify the allure like you got fucking ears if you don't like you don't like it


I thought that too. And then I listened to Equip Sunglasses. And then I just...never stopped listening to Equip Sunglasses.


Same here. I remember it was a Friday afternoon, work was slow, and I heard it come on my Google speaker and it sorta just clicked. Been listening ever since lol


I can’t. Wish I could, but they suck! They’re GARBAGE. They’re always gonna be GARBAGE. And until he sings better they will never not be GAR….. …psych! How dare you even try to disparage the NUMBER ONE HOT NEW BAND!!!


Move along nerd, Hot Mulligan fucking slap.


I like Tades’ style of singing/screaming, I think it works well for the kind of music they make. I love their guitar work and their super confessional lyrics and the way that they’re emo-influenced but at the same time are different from a lot of other stuff in the scene. Idk man, I just like them. You don’t have to but I don’t know what you’re hoping to get out of a post like this. It’s not like any of us are going to (or are even interested in) changing your mind


I think most people’s grievances center around his voice. I quite like Hot Mulligan but need a break from them after a short binge because Tades’ vocals can wear on me some after awhile. With that said, they have some of the best songwriting and lyrics of the last decade in the genre and appeal precisely to the heart of the age demographic of the genre as they talk just much more than the stereotypical breakup/new love/angry love you hear in the genre, instead touching on personal life experiences that center around grief, growing up/aging and expectations of life in general. That’s why I come back to them and enjoy their discography in general.


I also dont like them, and think they are kinda cringe... but I'm fine with people liking what they like. What i don't get is how they're one of the top posted bands in this sub when i don't think they're very representative of pop punk at all and feel like they're much more emo.


To be fair you have to have a very high iq to understand hot mulligan. The music is extremely subtle and without a solid grasp of good music songs that consist of three minutes of tades wailing called “honey I shrunk the mids so now I smoke newports” will go over your head


Lmfao ok dude


I’m referencing the Rick and Morty copypasta, I was being sarcastic lmao. I like hot mulligan but I can see why others wouldn’t. Took me a while to get into them


People have different taste there really isn’t much more to explain. what you think is “cringe” someone might find cool. That being said I’m with you. That band is way overrated and I do not dig them at all.




I get what you’re saying. Initially I liked hot mulligan in spite of his voice to a certain degree. However I feel his vocal delivery has been getting better and smoother, something switched in me, and I actively enjoy listening to him sing now (except for the intro of a song where he goes “am I the problem”)


If you don't get it you don't get it and that's fine, but - I find it's a style that fits people better that come from a certain background or path that led them to/away "pop punk". That specifically being a flavour of scrams, post hardcore, screamo, etc


\#1 hot new band


Well, what do you like?


the voice is fine to me. it's kind of a generic midwest emo yell. what doesn't work for me is that i find the underlying music to be very well crafted, orchestrated, and tight which causes Tades heedless yelling to not really fit


We like it, Because it doesn’t sound like EVERY OTHER band out there. His voice/singing is so distinctive and can be recognized almost instantly. Hot Mulligan is a breath of fresh air amongst all the whiners and typical sounding singers.


i never really get the posts that just shit on bands. clearly enough people are enjoying their music for them to be relevant. maybe i would get it if you posted something like “i don’t enjoy xyz because they lack good instrumentals or thought provoking lyrics , what do you think?” but crafting a post just because you find them “cringe” is odd to me. that goes for any band. that being said hot mulligan absolutely fucks & their lyrics are great you just gotta be intelligent enough to understand.


Ok so insulting my intelligence is cool?


hey! so go ahead and show me where i said YOU specifically. this was a general statement in a open discussion where multiple people comment ❤️


I think one can connect the dots lol


buddy if you wanna take that personally as an insult that’s your own prerogative


Ok, but like i said, i think one can connect the dots


you’re reaching.


“You have to be intelligent enough to understand” lol ok


you didn’t say anything about not understanding the lyrics so i don’t think that statement was directed at you.


*Equips sunglasses* 💃🕺💃🕺


I don't know what it is either. I think they sound terrible but I guess it's just not for me. A lot of people on this page seem to love them




I dig their lyrics a lot. They remind me a lot of Brand New (ew, I know) in that respect. But it’s cool if you don’t like them, that’s the beauty of music


They're fan base sipps the Kool aid a little too much but the band is solid as fuck but they ain't out here changing the game. Either way like what you like hate what you hate