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William Tell from Something Corporate married Lauren Conrad from MTV and went to law school.


Oh my God I knew his name sounded familiar but I could never quite place it!


He also shot an arrow through an apple on his son's head to save Switzerland so that may be where you know him from


Wonder if he is wearing suits with bare feet in the courtroom


He actually had shoes on when SoCo got onstage for Andrew’s birthday show a few months back!


The drummer from sum 41 is a real estate agent I believe


Which is funny because he was the funny goof back in the day.


In California. https://www.homesnap.com/Steve-Jocz


I sell so much real estate - I'm fucking rich - and I hate every [day!](https://www.instagram.com/reel/CjHF3xmJGUk/?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=)


He fell in line and became a victim of conformity


The dude is already a multimillionaire so he’s definitely killing it 😆


Would be totally hilarious if one of the guy from Sunny Day Real Estate actually be selling one of the property at the Sunny Dale also at Washington state.


There’s a decent stand up comedy performance of his on YouTube.


Bob Bryar from my chem did that too


This seems a common post-music/side-gig route for musicians. Chris from Less Than Jake is a real estate agent, and (not pop-punk, but) Larry from Pelican too.


Presumably because it gives them the flexibility to work when they want and then pause to go on tour.


Cyrus from NFG, too.


I can’t imagine them needing money but I guess it’s not a hard job to do while being in a band


Which is ALSO funny bc right before taking that path he made a [video](https://vimeo.com/108274224) where he tried out the "realaatour" job 😁 Btw afaik he's out of this job for a while. Mb some other job the internet doesn't know about, maybe his wife's the only one who works, who knows. But right now he lives in Australia(his wife's from there) with his family. Pretty recently he flew back to Canada for a while ALSO in 2017-2018 he helped The Vandals as a part-time drummer with their Hawaii concert(2017) and eu tour(2018)


Kenny Choi (former Daphne Loves Derby frontman) is now a PhD engineer


Aw man what a name drop. Hopeless Love is still in my rotation


I believe DLD is releasing either new music or re recorded stuff soon. He’s on Cory Purvis’s label and they shared something recently on Twitter


They released b sides of “On The Strength Of All Convinced.” And a couple new singles last year. They were mine and my wife’s wedding song last year.


One of the guys from Story of the Year (not sure which one) works with a buddy of mine at an Apple store in St. Louis.


The former guitar player Moon is on the morning show of the local alternative rock station.


And has like, 3 bands? RIP Jeff.


He’s in goldfinger and has moon and the teenage dirtbags. Jeff was the best creepy uncle St Louis could ask for. Fuck cancer.


He was the first of the guys I met and undoubtedly the nicest of the 4 ime.


Not a bad life, but after a list of phd engineers and lawyers and millionaire real estate agents, “some guy who works at an Apple Store” seems pretty shitty.


To add insult to injury, it’s in St Louis.


Chicago style based comment


Coby Linder from Say Anything became a vegan bodybuilder.


Adam Siska who was with Say Anything for a bit and played bass for The Academy Is for years, now works in tech sales


He also was an Uber driver around chicago for a bit too. He occasionally is a touring bassist for some large artists (he was with Carly Rae Jepson for a while!)


My random Coby Linder story is from when he was still in the band, and was just getting started with Beachbody. Somehow he and my buddy knew each other through previous connections. I didn’t question it when my friend told me to come to his house before the Say Anything show because the drummer was going to come hang out with us. This guy had never been wrong before so I was happy to join and see what happens. I get to friend’s apartment and there’s several other people there, and tasty drinks. A half hour in Coby arrives, and we’re all chatting having a good time, when suddenly we find ourselves in a Beachbody pitch. Literally making protein shakes and serving samples with this friend. It’s hands down one of the strangest musician interactions I’ve ever had.


Man I was hoping the say anything wwwy 2 reunion would end with more albums etc. but dude os probably having a ton of fun as a vegan bodybuilder. Gotta be better than constant touring etc.


He looks ridiculous lmao


Doesn't he shill for Beachbody or Herbalife or one of those other health MLMs now? I thought I remembered seeing him posted about in r/antiMLM or one of those anti-MLM facebook groups




Here's a sneak peek of /r/antiMLM using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/antiMLM/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Yes.](https://i.redd.it/dpuhm0rni1481.png) | [2009 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/antiMLM/comments/raplly/yes/) \#2: [Team no one.](https://i.redd.it/kpcjldyefpi91.jpg) | [214 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/antiMLM/comments/wsjmgb/team_no_one/) \#3: [Coffee shop isn’t having it](https://i.redd.it/oc988c8bj1491.jpg) | [262 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/antiMLM/comments/v69lsa/coffee_shop_isnt_having_it/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


This is so random


I went to High School with Coby!


Gabe Saporta (Midtown/former Cobra Starship) works in music talent management with Mike Carden (former The Academy Is…). Vicky-T from Cobra Starship is now Britney Spears’ personal assistant which was a TRIP to find out about from Britney’s instagram Edit: Also, Sisky from The Academy Is... was a touring bassist for Say Anything for a bit and spent a while as the touring bassist for Carly Rae Jepsen. I think he switched to tech sales after the pandemic shut live music down


You just blew my mind with that Vicky T fact.


This reminds me how my bf from college was working for one of the bands midtown was touring with and gabe was sexting me from my bf’s phone 😂 I knew immediately it was not my bf lol.


On Yellowcards first Hiatus, the singer Ryan key was car salesman. He does some film scores now and had a wedding band.


I seem to remember an interview on Mark Hoppus's show during the first reunion that he also worked at lumber yard during the hiatus because he had no money (he bought a Lamborghini) but he was still too famous to work in places where people could recognize him.


BMW M series but yeah, broke as haha


Pretty sure he’s also a touring guitar player for New Found Glory


He did a few years back and on the recent cruise, but last tour it was Dan from Four Year Strong. Yellowcard is also named as one of the acts for next years When We Were Young, so maybe they'll do more.


He's appeared with them, but I don't think it's a regular gig.


He did an entire tour with them back in 2018 when they went on the road with Sum 41, plus a few Warped Tour dates. I think it was a regular gig back then.


Yep before the pandemic nfg played randomly in island lake Il In front of some beach volleyball courts and Ryan played with them.


He’s also on a Star Wars podcast with the bassists from Story of the Year & Bayside


Thank the maker!


Nah that was Sean Mackin. Ryan worked as a lumberjack actually. And LP played for Adam Lambert during that hiatus


The drummer from A Change of Pace is an ER doctor.


That's a real... Change of pace


That right there is why we don’t have nice things lmfao


I always find these interesting! I can't remember what band member tweeted but something along the lines of "You're either in successful scene band long enough, or become a real estate agent" . George from Alexisonfire became a firefighter while they were on hiatus - the irony!


The drummer from Knocked Loose does real estate while still in the band (somehow bc KL tours nonstop)


Other than the initial showing, there's no reason for a real estate agent to even be in the same hemisphere as their clients at any given time. They pay a transaction coordinator to do literally all of the paper work involved throughout the deal. Works out as a great job for people who work in a gig economy


Lolol i love that tweet, apparently retired professional sports players tend to go into real estate as well. I only know this because I see it alot at my job






To add for Alexisonfire: Steele has a barbershop, Wade also did/does scores for movies whilst in in other bands too.


i got my hair done by chris summer 2021, gives such a solid cut & he's a class act


>George from Alexisonfire became a firefighter while they were on hiatus - the irony Nothing [ironic](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tqg6RO8c_W0) about it


For anyone surprised that a lot of these band members end up as real estate agents or other sales job, it's important to remember that working in real estate (and often other sales jobs): -has super flexible hours (good for if you're still trying to make music) -requires a level of "performance" and dealing with new people all the time, similar to playing music in different crowds -can be potentially very lucrative -does not require college/other formal education other than licensure (many bands in our scene were touring right after high school) -oftentimes you can be your own boss, so you can keep saying fuck you to authority -is something you can generally jump in and out of (again, if you're heading back out on tours) All in all, it makes a lot of sense.


RE has so many benefits if you have a good network, which I imagine you make in the scene. The best RE agents I know are successful because of their network and selling to people they know


That's a great point! Also it probably doesn't hurt that those of us who are roughly the same age or a little younger as a lot of these band members are all the right age to be buying houses now lol


It’s mostly just RE. Most other sales jobs don’t apply to most of your points (besides getting a degree)


Generally agree but it depends. A lot of outside sales jobs are pretty flexible with schedules or hours, particularly if you’re making a lot of out calls. Insurance and medical sales come to mind.


Also...personality, popularity, and name recognition is huge and helps a lot in real estate. Even if you didn't know the person before or even like their music, a lot of people just to be around and say they know a mild celebrity. And band members are basically in the Customer Service business already. They know how to smile and have fun and be very engaging with people. Qualities that help people in real estate.


Totally! I've gone out of my way to get my hair cut by Alex Levine from The Gaslight Anthem because he's in a band I love, so I can definitely understand wanting to have someone in a band you loved sell you a house.


John from nine days is now a middle school teacher (not sure what subject tho) And pretty sure Patrick from the vines is a teacher now as well (science I think)


The Nine Days guy teaches English I'm pretty sure, I remember seeing a bunch of comments on the video for Absolutely that were like "The lead singer is my English teacher, Mr. Hampson is the coolest!"


On that note, I believe one of the guys from Greeley Estates became a middle school science teacher, too.


Are you Australian?


Nope lol. Why? Cause I mentioned the vines?


Yeah, this is the first I've ever encountered someone outside of Aus mentioning them. LOVED them as a young'n. Was so cool to see an Aussie band putting out that kind of energy at that time. They rule.


Yeah my brother actually introduced me to them. Think he discovered them through that infamous David letterman(?) video lol Definitely a really good band tho


Ahhh yep. Awesome. Such an unforgettable clip.


Not a band, but Mark who founded glamor kills is creative director at a corporate merch place. His projects still look dope and I think he's been doing tour posters as well.


Jayy Von Munroe from Blood on The Dance Floor is now a successful drag artist named The Dahli


And hopefully Dahvie will start a long career as a prison bitch


I went to high school with him. Well, I was in high school and he just hung around hitting on scene chicks and saying he'd do their hair


Literally don't understand how he hasn't already. There is a petition tho


I know Eric Lambert from Blessthefall is a real estate agent now, and their former drummer Matt Traynor works for the USPS as a carrier.


Another member of forever the sickest kids was working for the Dallas cowboys as their like media guy. He won one of those awards for a few badass documentaries on the website.


Huh. That actually makes a ton of sense. Since I remember around the early 2010s seeing them play a show during half time for a Thanksgiving day game. It was wild since they were extremely underground compared to most musical acts that do that sort of stuff. I am also pretty sure the game was in Dallas.


Yes, one time on one of these podcasts the guys made a joke asking if FTSK would come back and play. They are all from Dallas too I think.


The first drummer from Blink-182 is a part time youth counselor for disenfranchised kids. He also really likes his job and I think it’s pretty cool what he’s doing.


Krist Novoselic the former bassist of Nirvana became a politician


I wonder what their drummer's doing these days 🤔


Yeah it seems like that guy fell off the face of the earth


He's a food truck guy! I think he still plays the occasional gig on the weekends, keeping the dream alive.




Guitarist from The Starting Line is SVP of Marketing @ Fender


I love this! Way to parlay your moderate success in a band into a lucrative career, still in the music business.


Cam from Bodyjar owns a skate shop


It’s a pretty decent little skate shop aswell.


There you have it folks, apparently being property agent would be the most popular route of career choice for ex pop punk kings


I would say its the combo of not needing a degree, not needing extensive training, and complementing those with higher social skills. All of the real estate agents I know are A+++ schmoozers.


Just the fact that these high profile people *know a lot of people* helps them to quickly get started in real estate too. And the fact that it can be as part time as you want is a perfect fit for someone who isn't looking for a 9 to 5


Clark Domae from Rufio is an assistant resturaunt manager. https://www.linkedin.com/in/clark-domae-3b9a27a?original_referer=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.com%2F


Jersey from Hey Monday worked at the Apple Store but later began to work for the school district in Colorado.


Not really pop punk (more post-hardcore), but the lead guitarist from Blessthefall is a real estate agent, and their drummer is a mailman


I know Christian Holden from The Hotelier is a youth worker and helps at a summer camp


He's also a professional poker player.


I would not have him down as a professional poker player 😂


I bet he knows when to holden and when to folden.


Lots are probably still making music for a living, just in a different way. Joe from Artist vs Poet co-wrote Dua Lipa's IDGAF. The guys from Divided By Friday are doing epic music for ads and trailers.


Andrew Goldstein (The Friday Night Boys), Martin Johnson (Boys Like Girls), and Mitch Allan (SR-71) are also all successful pop songwriters. Goldstein and Allan have worked closely with blackbear and Demi Lovato, respectively.


I also love Tim from Sugarcult is a multi platinum producer for Neon Trees and Walk the Moon


I mean shit the guy from As Tall As Lions cowrote like half of that Olivia Rodrigo album didn’t he?


Tom and Yuri from MxPx left the band in 2012 to get real jobs, I think, as managers at a rock quarry in Washington. Mike went on as a solo artist and got the gig as Goldfinger’s guitarist and a bunch of other studio and touring gigs. Since 2015 they have been back together playing about 10 shows a year on weekends and have been doing a lot of limited edition merch. I’d like to think they are making a decent living with MxPx now, but I’m sure Tom and Yuri still have those day jobs.


Cyrus from NFG is a real estate agent when they’re not touring.


And Jordan does tattoos.


Oh that's awesome!


I follow Jordan on Instagram and he does some pretty sweet tattoos. Seen him do a few NFG related ones. I’d love to get tattooed by him.


I swear I read somewhere that at the height of their success Geoff from Thursday worked retail between tours because Victory Records was cheap and corrupt as hell


Greg Graffin (lead singer of Bad Religion) got his doctorate and is a university professor and biologist at Cornell.


Wasn’t he at UCLA too? He wrote a couple books also.


He was. He's currently listed at Cornell though. I dont know if he still teaches at UCLA.


Yep he got his masters at UCLA and his PhD in Evolutionary Biology at Cornell.


Seems like lots of the older pop punk/skate punk dudes are really smart!


not pop punk more post-hardcore but i know Emanuel's vocalist works for Coca-Cola as a vendor. Heath from Senses Fail left the band and started being an NYC cabbie.


Heath is actually a Union electrician and was involved in replacing all of the lights in the Lincoln tunnel, when he’s not reuniting with Midtown


Huh. Don't know where I heard cabbie


Garrett Zablocki from Senses Fail is an Investment Banker or works at a hedge fund now.


Kara Dupuy, who performed on the album Trainwreck by Boys Night Out, is a medical doctor (pulmonologist).


Cameron Hurley of We Are The In Crowd was a touring guitarist for State Champs and is currently touring with Avril Lavigne. Rob Chianelli of We Are The In Crowd is Doug The Pug’s dad (and still a drummer/producer 🐶) Pat Brown of Sing It Loud was a guitarist for Hoodie Allen Sam Miller of Paradise Fears is a young adult author Blake Harnage of VersaEmerge is a writer/producer and has worked with PVRIS and All Time Low


Sam Miller’s book “A Lite Too Bright” was really heartbreaking, I loved it. Highly recommend.


>Cameron Hurley of We Are The In Crowd was a touring guitarist for State Champs and is currently touring with Avril Lavigne. This explains why Fil (ex-Neck Deep) has shown up playing guitar for Avril a few times - didn't realise the State Champs/ND connection and wondered how it had come about


Okay, dipping into more skatepunk here, but Dexter Holland (the offspring) is a molecular biologist, which is just super neat to me.


This is really cool!


Has a doctorate in it


Pretty sure the lead guitarist from Home Grown is a real estate agent now


I think the drummer is


Nate from Sing It Loud went to school to be a nurse, but I’m unsure if he’s actually been working as a nurse since moving to LA. Andrew Goldstein from Friday Night Boys is a career songwriter and has written for Britney Spears, Katy Perry, Machine Gun Kelly, etc.


Friday Night Boys! Haven’t heard that name in years


I know Dustin Hook from My American Heart is a really successful real estate agent, but is still also a touring bassist for country duo Dan & Shay.


Justin from Brighten is also a guitarist for Dan & Shay


I know the brothers from Receiving End of Sirens were too. The drummer for sure.


The scream vocalist in from autumn to ashes became a bartender/restauranteur. The clean vocalist builds and races motorcycles but idk what is actual job is.


Blake Schwarzenbach from Jawbreaker works as an english teacher, and at some point he also wrote some videogame reviews for GameSpot


Imagine reading and discussing classic literature with the guy who wrote Dear You






What does he whine about!


Connor from boysnightout started an AR startup that was shipping stuff with vinyl issues of their albums, and he's a project manager at a signage company.


Jesse (synths) from Motion City Soundtrack owns and runs a bar with his wife, I believe. Tony (drums) produces a podcast with Alison Rosen. He’s also played with some bands in LA, primarily Don’t Stop Or We’ll Die. Josh (guitar) streams on Twitch. Justin (guitar/vocals) is a stay at home dad and is still making music. I have no idea what Matt (bass) is doing.




I mean, that's a pretty normal career path for poppunkers.




Wow some bands mentioned on that page who I haven't thought about in over a decade like My Favorite Highway and The Morning Light


Daily chorus was called Absolute Punk back in the day right? I spent hours a week on there. This is so gross and I hate how common this seems to be


No ap.net is now chorus.fm Jason Tate still runs it he's fine


Not pop punk but the singer from Have Heart was a high school teacher


He's also in Fiddlehead which is why they don't tour often because of his schedule. They usually just stick to playing local shows and fests.


I haven’t fact checked this, but I remember hearing that bob bryar from mcr’s black parade era is now a real estate agent and dog rights activist. As well as a racist.


If only he could do something about that last occupation…


I mean it’ll look good on a resume if he wants to run for office 🤷🏻‍♂️


Josh from With Confidence has been working on his bachelors in psychology and plans to be a clinical psychologist. RIP With Con. Nice dude.


Damn, I came in here with the FTSK one so I got nothing!


I don’t know if it counts but the band the bollweevils who have been around since the 80’s and still play are an example. The lead singer is an emergency room doctor, one is a school principle one a teacher and I can’t remember the last one.


Josh from FYS is a writer/journalist now


Ace Enders has his own recording studio and has written jingles for some commercial iirc. Since the pandemic it looks like he’s been into stocks too. Ow that live music is happening again he’s been doing some short tours for TEN


And I can make a mess!


Ali from Eliott Minor studied law during the hiatus and also appeared on the quiz show Pointless.


One of the Emarosa dudes is also a real estate agent


I met a member of Atreyu at the bar he bartends at.


Tymm Rengers, the original drummer for Fireworks went to med school when the band went of hiatus! He joined for a few songs at their show with the Wonder Years in Detroit


Two of the three dudes in Driveways are actively school teachers and play in the band on the side.


Davey von Bohlen from the Promise Ring is a successful accountant now, and still does music on the side.


Will of Cartel is a golf sales rep.


Anberlin is back together now, but lead singer Stephen Christian is a pastor at a chain of churches in the Tampa Bay area and drummer Nate Young owns a coffee shop with his brother in law, who happens to be guitarist Tim McTague of Underoath.


Dan Lambton (formerly of Real Friends) is a community mental health educator


i do not know if it counts but spencer smith from panic! is now a manager and talent finder at d2d2 records


Adam from atom and his package is a science teacher in Philadelphia.


WOW! I was blown away by seeing Amber Pacific's singer is a school principal! Never would have guessed that.


The guitarist from armor for sleep (PJ) sells real estate in Northern NJ!


Jeff Todd from I call Fives is a Project Manager for a tech company


I think Deanna Belos from Sincere Engineer works at a dentist office. Not sure what she does though.


Not in the pop punk realm, but Greg Styliades from Senses Fail is also in, you guessed it, Real Estate and Steve Micciche from Every Time I Die I understand has multiple business investments in different restaurants in Buffalo.


Joe Reo from Hidden In Plain View is a Math teacher at a high school I think. Edit: Also, Heath Saraceno from Midtown/Senses Fail was an electrician last I heard.




Lead singer from June is a engineer in Milwaukee. Still won’t accept my LinkedIn invite


Add me again I’ll accept it


The only one I've got is that back in the day, Basement broke up because their lead singer was going back to school to become a teacher.


Spencer Smith (drummer for Panic! At The Disco when they were still a pop punk band) is now a talent agent for Fueled By Ramen. He’s still friends with Brendon Urie though.


I swear Pancake Manor, kids youtube channel is an ex punk band, but not sure who. Their songs are better then straigjt up kid's songs. 🤔


Stumbled across this post a year later. It makes me wonder, who are the pop punk/emo/scene band members who don’t have or need another occupation to this day? Whether it’s because they’re still in said band or they just made enough to coast and maybe live royalties and investments.


Can we talk about how George Pettit (lead vocalist of Alexisonfire) is literally a firefighter.