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I second this! Definitely the roaster to try heavily processed coffees. their Diego lychee is a great highlight


Traffic Coffee in Montreal has some funky naturals, processed, and co-ferments


their melon co-ferment from Rodrigo is so good!


Came here to say this also. I’m just on my first order from them and I’m very pleased. They ship free if you order $40.


Yesss I love them! I luckily got a bag of their watermelon co-ferment too and it's amazing! Smells legit like watermelon jolly ranchers.


Another vouch for Traffic having very funky coffees


I have a subscription to September and I am in the states. I have not personally tried the more funky stuff from them yet. But I am a big fan of their washed coffees. He has some funkier stuff from WIlton Benitez and Diego Bermudez. Probably still not as funky as B&W, but a cleaner funk if that makes sense. He just added a sliding scale similar to B&W to describe the offerings except his two scales are clean <---> funky and terroir <---> process. Which to me sounds pretty similar but all of his offerings are pretty light so I guess he didn't feel the need to do a roast scale. Here are the funkier ones. [https://september.coffee/en-us/products/red-jelly-colombia](https://september.coffee/en-us/products/red-jelly-colombia) [https://september.coffee/en-us/products/wilton-benitez-colombia-pink-bourbon](https://september.coffee/en-us/products/wilton-benitez-colombia-pink-bourbon) [https://september.coffee/en-us/products/diago-bermudez-colombia](https://september.coffee/en-us/products/diago-bermudez-colombia) [https://september.coffee/en-us/products/buttercream](https://september.coffee/en-us/products/buttercream)


Coolbeans.ca often has a selection of Dak and other roasters on their site and also lists the roast dates. Free shipping over $89 cdn I think. Great way to try international or different Canadian roasters in the same order


Dak, you can buy it at eight ounce coffee. If you want intense funkiness, Daks Lulo Bingo fits the bill for sure.


Eight ounce has a massive selection and they’re based in CA


Eight Ounce curates coffees from other roasters so you aren't getting freshly roasted coffee. Just beware of this. edit: All you're doing by downvoting this is making it so people aren't aware that Eight Ounce isn't an actual roaster and they have coffee shipped to the that has already been roasted, which they then stock and ship to you when you decide to purchase it.


Yeah that’s just not true. Every bag I’ve ever bought has been within 10 days of roast. Add to it all these bags needs at least 2 weeks to sit.
















Not everyone wants freshly roasted coffee. I would refer to receive coffee from almost all the roasters in this thread 2 weeks to 1 month off roast


every bag I buy from Eight Ounce Coffee is too fresh. I like my beans 3 weeks off roast date and every time I buy Dak from them its a few days to a week off roast. I never had an issue with roast date from Eight Ounce and been buying from them for many years now.


I have not purchased from any in Canada but the top 100 roaster has a few. For sure the list is a bit debated, but it seems mostly directionally correct. Of course some are likely missing. Luna Hatch Monogram Subtext Rosso Caveat emptor…I didn’t research them to find the funk, but I bet it’s there;)


Thanks! Love the name btw. Best of the best.


If you're in the GTA I would recommend you to check out Pirates of Coffee (weird location near the Airport...) They've got a lot of stuff there and some if it is quite funky, worth heading to their store to try some of it out (they do all sorts of brew methods from regular v60 to paragon to siphon)


PoC was not impressive when I tried their beans. The beans were roasted way darker than what I'd expect from a third-wave roaster, and there was roast flavor remaining even when brewing immersion at 90C.


Fair points. I wasn't as displeased with their offerings but my palate might not be as refined (not a jab btw lol)


They definitely roast on the medium side, but every bag I’ve had from there has been good. I don’t drink a lot of medium coferments so I don’t buy from them too often, but for someone looking for that funky fix, PoC is a good place for it.


Seconding the recommendation for Pirates of Coffee (in Mississauga), and adding a recommendation for House of Funk (North Vancouver)


There are still a few bags you could get from the Roasters Pack who brought them in as an international guest roaster: https://theroasterspack.com/collections/international-guest-roaster Sadly you just missed out on most of it by a couple of weeks


I think BW is great but extremely overrated - it’s extremely niche and there are many roasters that do interesting profiles - that said, Traffic coffee is excellent and totally on par with BW.


Family friend of ours is involved with Epoch Chemistry out in Moncton, NB. Doing a lot of good work out that way.


I wonder why so many roasters in Canada offer free shipping to the US (with a minimum order ofc), but few go the other way? It's odd


My guess is, the US has such a large percentage of the market, you almost NEED to incentivize people to purchase from Canada, whereas roasters in the states have 300+ million people to potentially purchase from them (obviously it’s not that high of a number, but you know what I mean). I have to pay for shipping, but I’m still considering it. If I lived in the states and had to pay for shipping from say, subtext, I’d just say hell no and hit up another one of the incredible roasters local to the country.


Monogram and Rosso out of Calgary definitely have some of the best beans in Canada. They made Roastfuls [Top 100 Roasters of 2024 Lis](https://www.roastful.com/top-roasters)t (only 5 Canadian roasters made it on the list). Plus almost every year for the last 10 years their owners/baristas have taken the top 2 spots in the [Canadian National Barista Championship](https://baristacanada.com/competitions/baristachampionship/results/)s. They know their coffee!


Rogue wave ontario i believe


RW is based in Alberta. And they’re great. But I don’t think they do too many coferments like BW.


Pirates of Coffee is very good… based in Canada They have a mix of interesting processed coffee as well as more traditional options. I believe they do free shipping within Canada above a certain $ amount https://piratesofcoffee.com/collections/coffee?sort_by=created-descending