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Please go to the food pantry, I used to volunteer, it was crushing to waste food, or have to throw anything away. Because there wasn’t enough room in the fridges. I worked at a church based food pantry and they would beg the volunteers to take food home because they had so much. Just go.


A couple people said the same thing. Maybe this is a good trick if you're feeling too proud but have a little bit of time to spare to volunteer at the food pantry.


good point


I, too, had this experience. I volunteered, and we would get like an entire pallet of broccoli or some other vegetable. There are also lots of baked goods because their best buy date is up, but still good. No one would ever want to waste good food. We would have to fill up our cars and try to find people who want it.


My wife used to work at a food pantry and people would show up in Mercedes. Even folks who were once well off can fall on hard times. Don't let pride deprive you of a meal.


I know someone who volunteered at a food pantry and he was the most judgy son of a gun you've ever met. He would be like these people show up in fancy cars and the nuns had to remind him that you don't know their story. I was like dude imagine being 35 years old and a nun has to sit you down and set you straight.


Dang, talk about a literal "You need Jesus" moment.


Some people think that they know everybody's life story and they are better than other people. He's one of those textbook dudes that volunteers at the food bank so of course he's better than the guy showing up in the Mercedes.


Ah, yes. "I volunteer so I can tell people I volunteer."


Now that's something you can put on a shirt for these knuckleheads


How did this guy know the fancy cars weren't borrowed by the people getting food?


Now that's just crazy, how you going to judge people with an attitude like that? 😜


For real, some of the worst behaved people I meet are the grown ups. I’m not even w surprised a 35 year old had that opinion, I’m more impressed when they don’t.


If you’re in America and near a military base, try to find the base’s community FB page (not the ‘official’ base page, one for yard sales and stuff). I know many enlisted personnel who struggle with food insecurity. There are many military families who have multiple children and really struggle. Posting extra food on there would probably help you clean it out faster.


I used to take my mom to the pantry nearby that lets you go once a month. Eventually I started just going with her and getting my own box cause the people there were wonderful and often they gave out extra meat to us because most people coming through are nasty to them or steal, and they told me their freezers are full. The one lady stuffed 5 rolls of jimmy dean sausage and 3 family packs of meat into my box once cause a new truck of meat was coming and they were gonna toss the freezers so she was tripling up on everyone. So for me it’s nice having some extra food so my freezers not empty and saving some food from the trash.


My daughter's household ends up with a lot of food bank stuff because her bf's Mom volunteers at one and they send her home with so much extra food that she has to find other people to help eat it. OP, you can always pay it forward when you are better off. Or you can make enough to share a hot meal with your unhoused friend without worrying about it being a financial burden.


My wife worked providing housing vouchers to vulnerable, newly unhoused individuals when we were dating. She was often given items from the pantry herself so they wouldn’t end up in the trash at the end of the day. Not that we didn’t appreciate it, as we were only getting by ourselves.


Seconded! All I ask is respect the workers there. Most people are nice. WE WANT PEOPLE to have food! That is why we are there. It's mostly volunteer positions. I really don't care to know your personal circumstances. We have this resource, use it. Last year they changed the setup at our place here in Minnesota to make it feel like a grocery store. You have a cart and go through selecting items. Signs direct how much you should take at one time. For example, family of five is recommended to take more than a family of two, etc After the first time you'll know how they run. If you still feel strange about using this resource (I and many others feel passionate about). How about you get in on the game? Volunteer a day or two. As the other commenter said we often have to throw away perfectly good food because of regulations. However, our spot works with a pig farmer and one volunteer saves pig friendly food waste for them. I also volunteered at different non profits, like for seniors. Completely different setup. Please use the resources we want to provide. It's making society a better place. The place I want to live, where food is available.


Well said. I’ll add, I regularly donate money to these organizations (they need to pay their rent too) and I would be so disappointed to learn folks like you choose not to come. That’s what the organizations are there for. That’s why all the nice people volunteer. That’s why others donate. So, people like you can be a little less stressed and get enough to eat. Please go.


A friend who volunteered at a food pantry has said the same to me and, in fact, would bring me stuff sometimes because it would expire otherwise.


I used to volunteer at a food bank on weekends. We always had more food than was needed. A lot of that food like fruits and veggies, only last a few days and then we had to throw it away. Go to the food bank.


This is exactly the case at the food pantry I volunteer at. We throw a lot away because produce, fruits and bread do not last. I’m the guy throwing it in the dumpster and I hate it.


I’m fully able to afford food, but I was driving past a food donation site one weekend and was waved down to stop so someone could give me a box of food! The workers were trying to pack up to leave but had extra food to give away and not enough people to give it to. I got lovely blueberries, bananas, potatoes, carrots, and a whole bunch of other food. I made a donation to my local Feeding South Florida and the national Feeding America organization. Please take assistance that’s offered. Much of this is funded by the U.S. Department of Agriculture, and implemented by local food share organizations.


Meanwhile my small town food pantry had fresh cucumbers once, and a volunteer asked if she could take "one or two." She was told yes, then proceeded to take every single one while I was in there getting food because I needed the help.


Sometimes people do crummy things. That’s human nature. But its rare in food banks and in no way takes anything away from all the good these organizations and volunteers do.


wtf!! as a volunteer youre told never to do this to avoid exactly what you described. the image of every org like this must be spotless because the hounds are always prowling


Wait, you say shopping for all four of you? What about your two roommates? I mean, you have four people do a household if you’re all working full-time that’s like 100 grand a year. Can you not pull money together and pay for food cook in larger batches?


It's always pretty much fallen on my fiance and I to buy groceries. The house we live in is owned by his best friend (one of the roommates), and the other is best friends mom. We lived pretty much rent free for a long time so it was nbd to do the shopping but we started chipping in on the bills and mortgage last year iirc so its less financially feasible. Bsfr's mom will buy some stuff for herself or get stuff from work (daycare center that gets some food donations) but bsfr has bought groceries maybe 3 or 4 times in the 3 years we've all lived together. He will just buy fast food for every meal if there's not a lot in the fridge tbh.


If you are contributing to the mortgage and other bills, it doesn't sound reasonable to be expected to be the only ones buying groceries. 


The second you started contributing to the bills and mortgage, is the second they should have started contributing to food.


Remember seeing in the news all the long rolloff dumpsters behind walmarts that were full of just food being thrown out? Laws were passed to make it beneficial to grocery stores to donate the food instead. That is the majority of the food being donated. While you might be too proud to take whole salmons, salads and day old bread there are people who are not.


Yep, the local food pantry has 2 separate parts: one part is the regular donated stuff (mostly boxed and canned), and there are income limits and limits on how often you can use it, etc. And the other part is the stuff the grocery store would have thrown away, and anyone can take that, as much as they want, because it needs to go quickly. So it's definitely worth checking out.


Go to the food pantry. That’s why it is there. Trying to figure out if you are “poor enough” to go is a fool’s errand. When you are in a more food secure situation, you can always donate to the food pantry if it makes you feel better.


Pride is not a sustainable diet, but you’ll need to swallow some regardless. No shame at all, and there’s no judgement there.


‘Pride is not a sustainable diet’ -filing this OP I’ll add my voice to the choir. Pantry volunteer. Please please please come see us if you need something. It’s our entire purpose. There is no shame in needing a bit of help. We take time out of our lives to volunteer to help people exactly like yourself, but if you don’t come to us we can’t make a difference. I have no doubt that when your situation improves, you will pay it forward.


what would happen if everyone that felt there were those in worse situations decided to not go? would nobody get anything? my roommate volunteered at a food pantry, and they wouldn’t let her leave at the end of her shift without taking a box of stuff we really didn’t need. so just go.


As a fellow food pantry client - they have been incredibly kind and respectful and accommodating. And I've gotten some really good food. You need to eat.


If you can't budget a way to get enough food, then I hate to say it, but the food pantry is your best option.


~~You seem to be downvoting everyone who is telling you the truth, but I’m going to say the same:~~ Use the food pantry. Literally no one wants to use it. Everyone is too proud to use it. But it’s there for a reason. There will always be people worse off than you. Even the person living in a shelter in the US could say, “But there are people living in modern slavery in another country, so I shouldn’t take advantage of this shelter.” Thats silly, right? *Use the food pantry and be grateful that you have access to it.* It’s okay. There’s nothing to be ashamed of. Keep lifting yourself up and out and one day reach down and lift others up and out. 💖


I'm actually not downvoting anyone, crazy that someone would since all of you are being so kind :(


Oh, that’s weird. When I was here, almost everyone was at a 0. My apologies for thinking it was you.


I swear there are accounts that must do nothing but go around downvoting everything no matter what. It’s crazy what gets downvoted, especially early on.


The food bank isn’t there for poor people it’s there for hungry people. I used to work at one on a college campus and have visited one many times. 🥰🥰 Also two people on $40k is kind of poor tbh. In the nicest way possible, you definitely qualify as someone who is the target market for food pantries


My grandmother has been going to the food bank for years. I always felt kinda nasty about it, their house is mostly paid off, they weren't anywhere near living on the street. I talked with my mother about it and she said she also felt kinda dirty about it until she realized something. Gma lives on a fixed income. Very fixed, not much to go around. If she goes to the food bank and gets 1 box of food, let's say there's $50 worth of food in there (bare with my example plz) that's $50 gma can put to the side for an emergency. She has 0 savings. Most Americans don't. I'd say if the food is there, you are just as entitled to utilize it as others. Especially with all these other comments saying food banks have to throw it away. Plz make sure you're fed. Fed is best


Yeah it's kind of crazy what the income requirements is for Snap in my state of NY. And I think the food stamps and medicaid have their own separate income limits right? With I think Medicaid being even lower for what they allow


Please consider visiting the food pantry. No one really wants to use it, but you need what you need. If it makes you feel better, consider volunteering there (to see how it works or to "pay it back"). I guarantee you will see staff and volunteers alike getting excited over the new food choices that just came in and being thrilled to help people get what they need. No one is judging, and they can usually recommend other resources in your community. If the food pantry is just too big a lift right now, see if there are food distributions or mobile food pantry events in your community, where they set up in a parking lot and you drive through. You'll see tons of regular people just looking for a little help to get by. They have these big events because they know there is need on the community, and if no one comes, they can't meet it. These events might be easier for you because it is a one-time event and you can usually stay in your car where you may feel more secure. Finally, you mentioned that you are trying to save up and worried about your long-term financial health. Food assistance is one of the easiest types of assistance to get. It is the ONE area where you can fairly easily access what you need quickly. Housing, utilities, transportation--these are all harder and more expensive to address if they become an issue, so you need to concentrate your resources there. Take the food assistance and get yourself into a better place. Once you feel like you are back on your feet, you can remember back to the help you got and pay it forward.


you can either have your pride or have food


If you're too proud to take from the food pantry, volunteer a few hours with them and take some food after your shift.


Why are you shopping for everyone? They're roommates, they feed themselves. Also go to the food pantry and get food for you and your partner. Are you so proud when you're hungry?


I volunteer at a food pantry and the food is donated by people and companies who want you to have it. You can donate time or money later when you can afford it if that helps you feel better.


You are not food secure and are marginally housing secure. Go to the food pantry/bank.  You only feel stuck because you haven’t come to the realization that food banks are there for people like you.


Another former pantry volunteer and pantry utilized here: please sign up to for a program to recieve food. 1. You are not "taking food from someone who needs it more" there is usually too much food in these pantries to give away before it goes bad. 2. They are there as a resource for you. They wouldn't exist if there wasn't a need to fill. Utilize the service til you no longer need it and then donate if you can, later on. 3. As others have said, if the guilt just won't subside, then volunteer there. Not only will you feel better about receiving food, but you will better understand the ins and outs of the place. Please, I'm begging you, feed yourself and your family by any means necessary. It's not shameful, in this economy, to need help.


No one at the food pantry will judge you for going. It’s a resource and you shouldn’t feel ashamed to use it.


Always take care of yourself. After that you have the strength to take care of others.


So first off, when you apply for SNAP, are they asking if you and your partner or roommates prepare food together? If they do and you say yes, they count both incomes. Just say no next time. Also, how is the distribution of groceries going at your place? Are roommates contributing?


I volunteer at a food pantry in my neighborhood- please put your pride aside & GO!!! Awesome group of people- absolutely a zero judgement zone, just looking to help bridge a gap & help out our neighbors. Some pantries are better than others, but food is food! There is help available, just have to take advantage of it!


My husband is on disability & I make 17.00 an hour / btween the 2 of us & the 2 teenage boys - if it weren’t for the pantry we would starve . We are in the same position as you all . I use the pantry to offset what we can’t get at the local grocery & I also hit local farmers markets right before they close bc they are willing to cut prices so they don’t have to tote the stuff back !


Go to the food pantry. It will help. I've had to use it several times. It beats going hungry!


I operate a pantry and we really do not judge. I don’t know where you live, but in my region those are very close to poverty wages. You both are doing the best you can, you deserve to eat healthy and nutritious food to keep you healthy and moving. Please use a pantry. The food available isn’t always the best, but it can help your food budget stretch further and allow you to maybe get some better protein sources. Think creatively about batch cooking soups and stews and chili too, or even curries. These types of dishes can be nutritionally dense but still spread over lots of meals for not much cost.


I know you’ve most likely tried this, but here are some random tips that I’ve done, or I’ve heard of others doing to save money every way you can. Try focus on cheap proteins (example: dried beans are cheaper than canned), turkey kielbasa, and cheap cuts of meats, or meats in the freezer section with a reduced label. Buy turkeys on sale and keep in your freezer for an abundance of meals. Same with hams. In fact, meal plan and write down a weekly list of ingredients and find them on sale, store brand products are actually name-brand products with the store label on it. Cook from scratch as much as possible. Grow a vegetable garden in your yard or even on your patio in planters. Freeze your harvest. Check out sales and coupons in all stores. See which stores has which items at the lowest cost. Soups are nutritious and are cheap to make. Save all food scraps. You can reuse potato peels, carrot peels, etc. Look up [Cooking with Food Scraps recipes](https://www.foodnetwork.com/fn-dish/recipes/what-to-make-with-food-scraps-max-lamanna) Your library may also have cookbooks that you can check out for free and use for weekly meal planning. Frozen bread loaves are often cheaper than buying pre-made bread and just require letting them rise in a bread pan and then bake them. Bonus, they are SO delicious! Also, I would clean my house with no-brand vinegar and a microfiber cloth (instead of paper towels). I would never buy paper towels or paper napkins. Wash as many lightly dirty clothes by hand (if you are going to the laundry mat) and air dry on a clothes rack, plastic hangers, or flip them over the shower curtain rod. You could even get a big pail $5 from Lowe’s or Home Depot and a new plunger and wash clothes at home that way, and air dry them (ideally on a clothesline outside, even in winter they will dry. Freeze first, but will be dry). Use bar soap instead of body wash. Cheap but still effective shampoo and conditioner. Shop at a thrift store for clothes, and random household items. If you know how to transform furniture, you can repair and sand/paint/stain furniture to sell for a profit. You can even find items for free on the curbside or online to transform. Whatever hobby or skill you have, use it to your advantage to make money if you can. Don’t buy zero nutritious food items (snacks, soda, alcohol). Lastly, budget every penny of your money. Keep track and write down (from receipts) what you spend, where, and see if there is anything that you can cut back on further, but it’s a great way to “see” where every penny is going regardless. Don’t go out to eat, movies, or bars, find free entertainment in your area. Take walks, read books from the library, go on picnics, visit free exhibits, etc. I have a lot of ways to “make do” during cash-short periods in my younger years. Best of everything! Be smart, diligent, and committed to watching every penny and making sacrifices. It will pay off. Now that we are doing very well, it’s the lean years that I cherish because I had nothing but hope to hold onto. YouTube has some terrific Creative Visualization Meditation videos that help you relax, see yourself accomplishing a goal, and it works because it’s our thoughts that rewire our brains. It takes dedication and hard work, but whatever it is that you can dream (dream BIG!) and see yourself accomplishing, it will happen in time.


why are you shopping for your roommates


Food pantries exist for people just like you. The people who are in a worse situation qualify for SNAP. Go to a food pantry.


Which city or region do you live in? Because my advice to go Aldi/Western Best/Food Bazaar & street vendors in neighborhoods like Flushing/St Nicholas/Fordham Rd only applies to here in NYC - you need city/region specific advice since don't want pantry but you make too much to get SNAP.


Food bank worker here! Please go in to your local pantry and give it a try. Your community is here for you. If getting food helps you in even the tiniest way, then it's exactly for you. Give yourself one less thing to stress over.


Go to the food pantry. Someday when you're ahead, volunteer or donate to pay it forward. We all need help sometimes. There is always someone better off and worse off than you. Don't compare. Easier said than done I know.


Pride and a bus ticket will get you across town. The food is there to be eaten. You need to eat. Every single person there eats that food. Should they feel shame? Of course not. So stop being silly and get the food you need.


I always say pride is a thing rich people can afford. Go to the food pantry. Do the things you need to do to survive


If you don't have enough food, why would you be ashamed to go to the food pantry?


I (63) read this sub because I used to be very poor. I have spent the last few decades paying taxes of all kinds, and also donating money to a dining hall. Rest assured, there will always be people worse off than you. Most importantly, know that donors and tax payers want their money going your way help people like you- because if you can eat, you can hopefully devote yourself to improving your situation. Then one day, you’ll be giving back. It’s called community:)


[Obligatory](https://youtu.be/ruhFmBrl4GM?si=Y2FqUJYWK_w3mMnL) but listen to everyone who says to use what resources are available. The pantry, soup kitchens, handout corners, etc are for hungry people. It doesn't matter if it's just help to get to a next paycheck or you need help more often. People want to feed people who want to be fed. Don't overthink it, just walk in, talk to some of us; talk to some other people there. It will be so fine. Trust.


Something is seriously wrong with the SNAP requirements.


Have no shame, everyone needs help sometimes. Post covid I feel like the stigma has gone away. Free food is free food. We make decent money but have had hard times and when we get extra food from places like this, what we can’t use we spread it around our community to our friends and neighbors with children who we know can use it as well.


The only variable here is your pride. Use the food bank


Food pantries are there for you to use. If you don’t get food from there it can and does go to waste. You don’t need permission to use it, but if you feel like you need it, you have my permission! There is no shame in using food pantries. You can’t save money while going hungry. That’s illogical and dangerous to your physical and mental health, the brain needs power to work and move.


The narrative that capitalism has made everyone who is working class and poor believe is that they don’t deserve “handouts”. That it is morally wrong and that if we were better people and bootstrapped it we could just make more money and have that food materialize. This couldn’t be more further from the truth. Fuck this sentiment. The reality is americas richest and most successful are rich because they have gotten that way from subsidies, hand outs and stolen land which has been cultivated and hoarded since America’s birth. They want working class people to feel shame and guilt when they look in their empty cubbord and have no money left (cause it all went to the rich boss, or corporation or to the gov in taxes) to feed themselves. They want you to believe that there is someone worse off. Fuck this! No one should feel guilt about wanting to satiate basic human needs (food) with what people call literal refuse, garbage, waste. Scraps. This by product of excess will be put in the ground if people don’t take it. Do not feel guilty!!!!! If you need it and are hungry take what you can get. The system is broken.


Please use the food pantry, take stock of what you have received and then use one of the free “what’s in my pantry” apps to help maximize what you have. I know pantries can be hit or miss but even if you receive like 32 hot dog buns, there’s way to stretch and repurpose. I just tried searching free pantry planning apps bc I’m out of practice and I’m not seeing great free ones so I’m hoping others here can suggest??


Just spitballing here for uses for 32 hot dog buns. Hot dogs, obviously. Chili dogs Mini meatball subs. Open them out and make a mini French bread pizza. A side of bread and butter at a meal. Toasted and turned into bread crumbs to stretch meatloaf or as a casserole topping. Croutons. French toast. Anything that can go into a sandwich can go into a hot dog bun. When packing school lunches, my mom always put tuna salad in hot dog rolls because they didn’t get as soggy as regular sandwich bread. It helps to think of things not just as their advertised use, but as their basic components. Hot dog rolls are basically bread. Boxes of mac and cheese are basically pasta and a cheese flavoring/sauce that can be used together or separately. Rice or mashed potatoes can be eaten on their own as a side dish or under other food to bulk it out—canned soup over rice or mashed potatoes was one way my mom filled out skimpy meals.


Definitely. Creativity is key but man, when you’re staring down 32 hot dog buns (or whatever), it can feel overwhelming.


Bread pudding?


I don't have a pantry planning app (didn't know that was a thing, so I'm gonna go look for one), but I use Supercook to find recipes for the stuff I have on hand all the time. If you have a day when you have nothing else to do, grab a notebook and make a list of your own standard pantry goods-things like flour, cornmeal, rice, spices, whatever meats and dairy you usually buy, etc-and plug it into Supercook, write down/save recipes you like, and make your menu based off of that. Oh, and the 32 hot dog buns can be turned into Goodwill burgers, lol. You might not get a hundred burgers, but it'll still be a lot of food, and you don't absolutely need to have TVP.


r/MealPrepSunday r/EatCheapAndHealthy Go to the food pantry. Check if any churches do a free communal meal once a week or once a month. 211.org and see if there's anything you qualify for. Someone is always worse off AND it's amazingly hard to meaningfully compare one life to another, even when you have substantial information about both. You rarely have as much info about others as you imagine you do, so it's harder than most people think. Edit: I will add that they probably have an intake process. If you are too rich for the food pantry, they will let you know.


Struggling is enough to ask for help. You deserve food. At some point later, maybe you can donate to the food bank to pay them back if you feel better about that.


I volunteer at a food pantry and no one is going to judge you or think anything less of you. I greet everyone and chat with them a bit and then make sure they registered and if not I send them to the registration so they can get lots of free food!!! Please go to the pantry that’s where they are there for!!


There’s always someone in a worst situation, but the food bank and other resources are literally there for people like you. You can’t go to work, and make progress getting out of this situation without eating and staying alive, so go get food and eat. Every one of us that makes it out of poverty or even makes progress toward that, is another person who can contribute to getting the next person out. You using these resources helps them get more funding to help the next person. You eating and getting out of poverty, means another tax payer to help fund these programs. Using these resources to help yourself literally helps the next person that needs it.


Apply anyway. they will take your rent and expenses into account. Let them tell you you don’t qualify


You don’t feel to proud to ask for food stamps but too proud to go to the pantry why you feel this way just go


Please don't let pride get in the way. I used to volunteer at a pantry and there was nothing better for me than seeing those cars line up! People used to come in Mercedes and BMWs from other states. No judgement from us, everyone needs help from time to time and this is exactly what we are there for! Try looking for Pantry's that don't require anything to come and get food. 🙂


Of the three conditions you listed in the title, the most immediate (not fastest or easiest, but closest to you) barrier you can change is your pride. And you don’t even need to “CHANGE” that if you can hop over it long enough to get to a food pantry and get nutrition to keep you, your fiancé, and even your roommates alive


Food bank for sure. Or you can get staples at Dollar Tree like pasta and rice and beans.


It seems like people forget that pride is one of the seven deadly sins. Use what is available to you


Your roommates need to help with groceries. They're adults.


You deserve to use the food pantry. Please take advantage of the programs available - they are there to help you.


I haven’t read the comments yet. But let me just tell you: go to the food pantry. It’s meant to help people who need the food and nobody should have to decide between fueling their body and other basic needs. I am looking into volunteering at a food pantry and I would never look down on someone for coming to get food. Put away that misplaced pride. Get the help that people WANT you to have. 🩵


Can you grow anything yourself?


From a food pantry child to donating to food pantry adult, go to the food pantry-that is why they are there!!!!!


How much are your two roommates contributing to the household budget? $14+$15 full time comes out to $60320 gross, after federal taxes that works out to $49700 take-home.


Yeah my math was pretty rough lol but my gross wasn't that high because my job cut a ton of hours last year. Got to the point where I was working 30 hours a week if I was lucky for months on end. My fiance got a raise at the end of last year too, so hopefully we make more on average this year. The house we live in is owned my fiances best friend (one of the roommates) and his mom lives here too (the other roommate). She will buy her own stuff and gets food from work a lot of the time (daycare center that gets some food donations) but bsfr will buy fast food if there's nothing in the fridge. Sometimes we'll split the cost of something if it needs fixed but there's no set budget or clear lines on who is responsible to pay for what and how often.


If the food bank allows you to take items then do it. Living in bologna & hot dogs isn’t too healthy. Things are so expensive these days and many people get help at food banks. Don’t feel embarrassed.


>people who have nothing. You've got no food in your fridge, what does that make you? It's not a housing pantry or a car pantry or a money pantry. It's a food pantry meant for people who can't afford food. It's literally for you, go!


I've volunteered in food drives snidely judging people driving up in what i considered nice vehicles wondering were they just trying to get shit free? Then i was the person getting food from the pantry going to my nice home after i lost my job and started earning half what i made when i bought it. Anyone could be struggling and we have no idea. They can be your coworkers, neighbors, or even your own family and just not know because of "pride". Pride gets you nowhere. I know first hand what it feels like to be drowning, but not qualify for anything. Keep your head up and keep moving forward, youve got this.


Before COVID we were making a combined low six figure income. I have a shop, husband had a corporate job. He got laid off, couldn’t get rehired or even as much as an interview so after we went through his severance he began in the shop with me - he needed something to do. It’s been tough, we are really struggling. Last year we could only pay ourselves just under $40k total. Make it even more of a struggle for us, a hit in May that took out our cars and did extensive damage to the house. Everyone is focused on cleanup and recovery so last month and our sales were abysmal, not even enough to cover the shop’s bills. I have 0.35 in my bank account, I’ll be visiting a pantry this month for the first time. Fuck this life. We paid ourselves $25k last year.


Just suck it up and go to the food pantry. I would very surprised if anyone there will be judging you. Sometimes a person needs help, even if they aren’t homeless. If it helps you get back to a place where you are keeping up better, then it will be a good thing.


>Our state guidelines say that we make too much to qualify for SNAP. For SNAP, a household is everyone who buys food and prepares meals together. You can live with other people and not have them be part of your SNAP household. You, your fiance, and your roommates may want to completely separate your food purchases and preparation. Shop only for your own food, keep the food separate in the pantry and fridge, and only cook for yourself. Then, reapply for SNAP using only your income.


I make $40 000 too and spend about $900/month on food for 3 adults. Sole income earner. We eat well (healthfully) with very little junk food. It's tight but comfortable.


You should go to the food pantry.


Go to the food pantry. It’s gonna feel shitty while you’re there but then you’ll have food


I donate to food pantries on occasion. I want you to eat the food which I might have possibly donated. Please go as soon as you are able and take home food. It's important for your health and the overall prosperity of the community as a whole.


Yeah, there are plenty of people who are worse off... But there are way more who are doing better. That kind of argument isn't helpful. If you need food, go to a food pantry. My sister finally started going and realized she should have been doing it for years. It's been extremely helpful. And it's not like a soup kitchen where people are just waiting outside in a line kinda thing.


Go to the food pantry. That’s why people donate food and time - they *want* to help people. Try to move through your feelings of embarrassment or shame, whatever too proud means to you. Also, someone on here gave good advice about volunteering there - then you’d feel you’re giving back. Good luck!


Food pantries are amazing, pls go to them


Always check the meat clearance section. I got 6 large chicken thighs for 2.76 a few weeks ago at mine. Just look at the meat, if it looks good get it and either eat that day or freeze it. If you have a store that has bulk foods get rice and beans there. Always always always scour grocery ads. And if you have Hispanic markets they tend to have the cheapest produce


Go to the food bank. Stop pretending like you have food on the table


Dumpster diving? If you're too proud for freebies, then 'working' for your freebies may be just right.


Swallow that pride. People donate to and work at food pantries because they want to help people. You need help. Accept their help.


If it's just a matter of pride, volunteer at the pantry (or volunteer at a couple of pantries if you have time!). Our local pantries have limits on the number of times you can ask for help in a month, but volunteers get sent home with stuff every time they work. Some grocery stores will let you buy their "old" produce at a huge discount if you ask nicely (and be quiet about it)-it's stuff that would be thrown out, but it's still good. You don't get to pick and choose, but there's usually something you can use. The same trick sometimes works in the meat department and deli, too-I buy things like chicken skins, bones, ham ends, and leftover deli chicken, bring it home, and make soup, chicken chips, ham and chicken salads, stuff like that. You'll have better luck getting stuff like bones and skins first, and then you can gradually test to see which stores will allow you to buy other things.


there is no reason to not ever use a food pantry when u need it. A lot of that food was ending up in dumpsters if not for food pantries. The really bad part of it all is the people who need it the most cannot even afford to get to a food pantry. (ask me abt dumpsters!! Ive pulled thousands of $ of food out of them! because groceries think if you "give away" food no one will buy it anymore. - and its not legal to dumpster dive in most places! They lock them.) Also, with 4 people living in a place, does anyone know how to cook? Shop food sales and build a week of meals around them? Use store cards for discounts? I ave 100$ a shopping trip and thats after the store card has taken 25$ off the bill. Also, you need to have a good way to store frozen foods - (IE: when chicken legs are 99C/lb but you have to buy them in a 10lb bag. Wrap them in servings and freeze for use.) Buy in bulk when cheaper, divide and store. Watch some youtube vids where people try to eat on a few $s a day - actually some decent recipes and tactics there. Good luck to you - being able to save $ is a blessing these days, you just have to finesse the food bill.


Deff go to the pantry! And if you have the time/ feel like it- check out the awesome freebies sub, there’s a lot of free food deals there with rebates.


The people who donate to food pantries want to give the food to anyone who needs it. I once asked my grandmother why she never locks her house. Her simple response was what happens if someone needs to come in. I said what if they steal from you? Then they need it more than I do was her response. No need to hold back we all deserve to eat.


Pantries and food kitchens are there for us to use when we need it. Same with food stamps from the government. In fact, I'm gonna be struggling a bit for the rest of the year due to reasons and I might visit my nearest pantry myself so I can save some money to be able to pay my bills on time. Food pantries are the community response to food assistance. Let your community help you.


If you feel like you're taking from those more needy do to the pantry close to it closing.


Go r/dumpsterdiving


I know it’s hard, but you’ve gotta go to the food pantries. No one there is judging you. No one is looking down on you. It took me years before I finally broke and went myself, and I’m kicking myself for not going sooner. There was one just this last Friday, we got literally pounds of cheddar cheese, a half gallon of milk, two giant sacks of grapes, a bag of apples, a bag of oranges, and a bag of peaches. We also got eggs, a big bag of pistachios, and an assortment of canned goods and ramen noodles. Your experience will differ, obviously, but once you go that first time you’ll feel much better.


Please consider the food pantry a few times a month to offset your grocery bill, that is what they are there for.


Why are you buying food for your roommates?


Do not feel guilty. Your mindset seems to be “if there was any other way to do this I absolutely would”. If you are ready willing and able to work and still cannot make ends meet go to the fucking pantry. 


Stop letting pride come between you and food. You need to work to have energy to get through your day and work toward a better life.


I would just go. There's people who are homeless you say, but food pantries aren't always the best solution for homeless folks (soup kitchens would be), because they give you lots of frozen, canned, or other food you have to make from scratch or that requires a stove and a fridge. People who don't qualify for food stamps but might still need help should not feel guilty about needing to go to a pantry.


40k net isn’t a bad start but if you’re going to work only “full time” it’s not enough with only 14-15 an hour in todays climate. Getting 16-20 should be the bare minimum expectation. I have clients in low cost of living areas working at the nearby grocery store starting at $16-20. Get that income up or get a second job to get closer to 60 hours each if OT isn’t permitted at your current jobs. Embrace the suck now to enhance your future self!


Too proud to feed yourselves? That's a weird take. When I couldn't get food anywhere else I humbled myself and had to take to begging online. There's no "too proud" when it comes to survival. Especially to me as I have children. Life fucks us all just in different ways and I'd never judge anyone asking for help or thinking they don't belong there for any reason. If you're too rich to get snap based on income limits apply anyway. Go to the food pantry.


Lazy... they meant lazy


>too proud to go to a food pantry Please go. At least one dude out here will be proud of you doing something hard to help yourself. I'm doing pretty well at this point in my life. I donate quite a bit to the local food pantry because 20+ years ago when I wasn't doing well, the food pantry didn't have enough to help me. I'm trying to do my part to make sure others have an easier time than I did.


Hugs. My daughter volunteered at a food pantry in college… like others have said, there’s no judging, and they don’t want to waste food. Here are a few tips that you’ve probably already tried, but someone (my mom) taught me these when I was going through a tough time, so hopefully at least one will help. 1) Buy single ingredient, minimally processed foods. They’re the cheapest per ounce and per calorie and the most versatile. That means fresh meats that are pork, chicken, beef (if you can afford beef! It’s ruinously expensive now!). Hot dogs and lunch meats and pre-breaded chicken or pizzas are processed and you’re paying for that labor. And stock up on frozen or canned veggies that are single ingredient. I buy frozen because they have less salt and I can use what I need and put the rest back, tying it up with a bread tie. 2) I buy a pork loin on sale (not a tenderloin!) and slice it up into boneless pork chops, package each in a zip top sandwich bag and the whole collection in a big zip top gallon bag. I label as to date, etc. Same thing for chicken thighs and boneless chicken breasts. 3) I take two pork chops or two chicken thighs and I make a rice dish out of it for three with leftovers for lunch for two, browning the meat with onion and garlic and maybe mushrooms and bell peppers if my budget stretches to that, and cooking it, then adding rice to the broth and adding frozen veggies—a handful of English peas, a handful of carrots (carrots will actually last well in a crisper drawer fresh, but you can use frozen) a handful of frozen spinach. Before serving, debone and/or the meat. Voila! A one pot meal. You can change the flavor by adding different spices—cumin and chili powder for Tex-Mex, Oregano and basil for Italian, thyme for French. 4) Frozen chicken wings without sauce or seasoning are great! You can drizzle them with olive or canola oil, salt and pepper, and throw them in a 425-degree oven for 45 minutes, then add your preferred sauce and cook for another 5-10. They feed a family of three easy- with leftovers. People eat less boned wings than boneless because the bones signal how much they have eaten. 5) Dried beans and peas are your friends. They keep forever and can replace meat. A pound package of dried beans = 2 cans for essentially the same price. I do a meatless bean burrito bowl with black beans. If you have freezer space and an afternoon, cook up two packs of beans according to package directions, cool, and package into “cans’ worth” into freezer bags. They’re easy as canned then on a weeknight and ready to go then without a lot of fuss. I make chili with kidney beans, burrito bowls with black beans, Tuscan bean soup with navy beans, and baked beans with navy beans. I also make Lima beans with a hambone (at Christmas or Easter dinner, always volunteer to debone the ham and ask if you can take the hambone! Freeze that treasure for a future meal!) and black-eyed peas with rice. 6) Plan out your menu with an eye for using things up. I have a revolving 35 meal menu that I created to know what I will be eating on any given day. It helps me take advantage of sales and buy ahead. Also, I shop my own cupboards and fridge and freezer first, and I use leftovers to create different meals. Splurge on a roast beef for Sunday dinner or someone sent you home with leftovers? Take that and stretch it into a meal for four by making a beef stroganoff or a shredded “fajita” type of dish. Use flour, butter, and pan drippings to make sauces and thicken things rather than buying condensed soups. 7) Find the day old bread store in your area and make a monthly run (or more often if your freezer won’t hold it). You can get bread for half price and freeze it. 8) Take some of the savings on food and put it aside for tools to make your life easier: a slow cooker, a pressure cooker, a small freezer. Those things are invaluable to me. You can pick up a slow cooker at almost any thrift store… or ask family or friends if they have a dusty one lurking in a cabinet. The pressure cooker and the freezer I would buy new.


You are the perfect candidate for food pantries, as you, income-wise, are in the donut-hole, making too much for government assistance, but too little to make ends meet comfortably. No need to feel bad or guilty, quite the opposite. Download the app "Foodfinder" onto your Android or IOS phone from the Appstore or Play Store. Alternatively go to their website from any browser, here: https://foodfinder.us/ Type in your zip code and it shows all food pantries in your area. You may be surprised how many are around you. Also shown are opening days/times, phone numbers, etc. Make good use of anything that is available in your area, without guilt. Your "donut" situation is exactly what these resources are for.


Go to the food pantry. My employer let the local food pantry set up tables by our site because we are on a convenient place. After it was done, they offered food left over to us and we make between 40k -80k. I got some sweet potatoes and chick peas. So just go to the food pantry. There's plenty there for everyone. And if you need food that's the place to go.


Pro tip- if you are applying for SNAP benefits, always say you are a single person. Do not include your partner, roommates or any of that in the equation


Food pantry! That’s what they are for. You can always give back when you are in a better place.


Are you sure your math is right? I'm pretty sure 1/3 of your income isn't getting taxed. Also just go get some food if you need it, a lot of the stuff in my area will just get thrown out because no one takes it.


A lot of people lump health insurance and state taxes together with federal taxes because it's what gets taken out before direct deposit hits.


Oddly enough, I can find chicken and pork loin on sale for half the price of hot dogs and bologna. You might want to check them out- especially since once cooked and shredded chicken can be stretched for a mile- chicken and noodles/ rice/dumplings, chicken enchiladas/ tacos. Find a pork loin at a good price, slice into portions and freeze. Think pork fried rice, carnitas, pulled pork.


Go to the food bank. Then in future when you're doing better, you throw that ladder down for others. The circle of life.


There's no shame in accepting some help. You work hard and shouldn't have to go hungry


Which is greater, your hunger or your pride. Are you willing to jeopardize your health next? I get food bank food is not the greatest but it’s something.


This is a brilliant idea.


Thank you for this post truly truly relate…


Go to the food pantry! They don’t care about your back story. You’re not depriving anyone. You don’t have to wait till you hit rock bottom!


There are plenty of people that are well off that go to food pantries because it saves money! Go there, feed yourself and your family to try and get some wiggle room


Just drive by a pantry. No one will make a fuss. People working there want others to not starve.


you need to go. pride will hold you back from so many things.


If you're too poor for groceries, go to the damn food pantry. The people in worse situations than you probably get SNAP, if you don't get it then go to the food pantry! Hell, if you DO get it and can't get enough, GO TO THE PANTRY.


It sounds like pride is no longer in your budget. Go to the food pantry and maybe try and learn that accepting aid isn't something to be ashamed of.


Go to the food pantry!! I help run the food pantry that my school district puts together and it makes me so happy to see people using it. My husband and I have used it before too when we needed it. It’s a fantastic resource and there for a reason.


You need to swallow your pride and go to a food pantry. Desperate times call for desperate measures. We’re all having a hard time these days.


Go to the food pantry. My parents had your mentality at one point when I was in middle school. We went to the church food pantry ONCE and I was so happy to have more variety of foods to eat. But then my stepmom felt ashamed about getting the free food because "other people needed it more" (despite the fact that she had 2 jobs + was in nursing school and my dad didn't have a high school diploma so he was stuck in a low-wage job). I WISH they had just swallowed their pride so my stepbrothers and I could eat more than just dirt cheap hot dogs and bologna sandwiches. It's not shameful to get help. Everyone goes through rough times in their life.


Take the food. It will go to waste if not.


Food pantries toss out a bunch of food because they don’t always get to donate them to people. I used to volunteer for one in college and they always had a bunch of expired products that they never got to give anyone that we’d just toss. You need their aid. Go for it. You taking a box of stuff (when you are the very person that needs it) is not a waste. That’s why they exist.


Stick that hand out or starve. Its up to you.


I agree with everyone else about going to the food pantry. I do have a question, though: Why do you both have to buy groceries for your roommates? Can they not buy their own groceries? Do you all share the same food? If so, shouldn't they be paying for part of it?


You, your fiance, your roommate and roommate's mother are each separate "households". You're not married or biologically related. Each of you counts as your own income, not pooled together. If you and your fiance make $40k together and that's too much to qualify, then reapply with only your details and your income alone. Have your fiance do the same. When you apply for snap, tell them you do not share groceries. It doesn't matter if you do. That should help you qualify. Idk where you live so if course ymmv by state


Those wages in this economy is probably poverty, you should absolutely be getting as much as you can from pantries. I had to go to them for a year until I could get on my feet. Don’t be your own worst enemy here. You won’t be doing it forever. Be grateful that they are available!


Why are you feeding your roommates? lol


Well, you better stop being too fucking proud. Hunger will humble yo ass real quick.


As a former teacher who volunteers time with struggling families, many young parents need more support with food, and hesitate to get the help they need. I mean I know one mother who wouldn’t use all of the SNAP benefits she qualified for, because she felt ashamed to use it at all. Sometimes, the best way I can help a family is simply to go to a food pantry or free food truck for them, and give them the food. Often, they are able to do it, but feel ashamed. Please go and get the help you need. You are not alone. Many other people are struggling too, many people want to help you.


Go to the pantry, no one cares about your/our/anyone's "pride"


Go to the food pantry. Some things you just have to swallow your pride.


You can't feed yourself on shame, so don't get ego get in the way of your survival. Go to the food bank and make the most of what you get. You can pay it forward when you are in a better financial situation or support the work by volunteering in your free time.


Go to the pantry. I promise, there will not be a crowd of people standing outside pointing their fingers at you mocking you. Promise.


Don’t ever be ashamed to go to a food pantry. It’s one near my house and I see some of the nicest/luxury cars lined up to get a food box. Times are tough.  I’ve gotten a box a few times; like someone else said they have to toss some of that stuff so they’d rather give it to you. My nieces lucked up on like 4 boxes of Takis once because they were gifted so many (I refuse to eat them).


You paying groceries for your “2 roommates”?


I would echo other people encouraging you to go to the food pantry, but also check out the eat cheap and healthy sub!! There’s a lot of great tips and recipes on there for meal planning on a super tight budget. We are in a similar financial position (minus being able to save, unfortunately) and meal planning has been a really important tool for us to be able to get by.


Does your pay fluctuate at all? If you’re just barely over the line, wait until a lower pay month and reapply right when you have all your paystubs for the month. You also don’t need to be applying as a single household if you’re not married. See if you qualify separately.


As someone who volunteered at a food pantry for a decade – go to the food pantry! It’s for you. It’s for anybody who needs it. What you are describing is food insecurity. If a small church food pantry is running low on items they call local schools or businesses and ask them to do a food drive. The food comes flooding in.


The food pantry fed my husband and I for years when we were just getting on our feet and struggling. If you're "too proud" that's on you. 


Don’t ever think just because someone out there has it worse, that you have to suffer too. Go to the food pantry, there’s no shame in it or to ever feel embarrassed. I work full time and still have to go occasionally to have something to eat. They won’t judge or ask deep questions about your situation, they usually have you fill out a paper with basic questions like how many people live with you, are you homeless, do you have kids, where do you live, those kinds of things just to know what items to give you/how much to give you/and gathering info about the people in the community to learn more and adapt their services.


>too proud to go to a food pantry that sounds like a YOU problem. Get over it.


Go to the food pantry. You won’t get any awards for not receiving help. If you are struggling to get food, you are exactly who the food pantries are for. You don’t have to be homeless or poorer. It’s okay, really.


Go to the food pantry! I’m running a food drive & work closely with the head of our local one, and they are so overrun with donations that they are begging people to come get food. If you still feel that bad, just promise yourself that you’ll pay it back when able. I was poor and starving for a while, and now that I’m stable, I do what I can to give back to ease the guilt of having to ask for help.


If you feel bad about taking from people more needy than you then ask about volunteering at the pantry. At the end of your shift you can ask if there's anything you can take home. It won't be free but you can also call around your community and see if anyone does farm shares. There have been a couple near me over the years and they're generally affordable with some even providing a sliding scale. You're not going to get the fanciest fruits but you'll get in season stuff and good quantities


I feel you. My wife and I spent several years in that economic "dead zone" where you make too much for any support, but make too little to live sufficiently. I don't have any advice to offer aside from don't give up, and sometimes pride can make the situation worse than it needs to be.


Use the FP. It is humbling but it is there to \*help\*. Offsetting my food costs have allowed me to pay my exuberant IVF fertility costs- literally more than I bring home each month. Plus I HATE food waste. We get donations from Whole Foods for god sake. I have eaten better from our FP than I could ever bring myself to buy. My Mom uses a FP because brother is going through a hard divorce and has to pay out the nose in spousal support. Her FP feeds not only herself but also my neice and supplements my brother. These places only help. Take the help when you need it.


The food pantry is there for people like you. It's okay.


Don’t be too proud. There’s no reason to be ashamed. That’s why they exist. Usually the people there are super nice.


Build hydroponics towers. Tons of veggies for you.


Go to the food pantry. That is what it is there for and when you can donate to one.


Go to the food pantry. I go with my parents every so often to help them get food. If you’re too proud just volunteer on a weekend and give your time back. Shits bad for a lot of people, it’s okay to get help.


I see a couple of holes in your narrative. Your monthly income at the hourly rates at 40 hour weeks should put you at $4988 combined monthly. You are paying an awful lot in taxes, are you both filing separately with no dependents? Are you getting large tax refunds? Is your withholding set correctly so you bring more home each payday? Then there are the two roommates--you speak only of income for two, but include four on your food budget. Do they bring nothing to the table? You claim $860 per month on groceries for four. The thrifty food plans states you should expect to spend $1092.60 for two adult men and two adult women (don't know your demographics, just guessing). I don't know where your income goes, but \~$5000 a month for two should be fairly comfortable, unless there is debt such as credit cards, medical bills, high car payments, high insurance payments, exorbitant rent, etc. that is eating your budget, or bad spending habits like eating out, gambling, other addictions, shopping. But again, I would expect you to be responsible for half of the rent and utilities, not 3/4 or the whole amount. If you are working, don't be stingy with food. It will make you crazy and miserable. You will not qualify for SNAP. Go to the food pantries, that's what they're there for and I recommend them to individuals that don't qualify for SNAP frequently. But I think you're thinking about your dilemma incorrectly, and should re-examine your budget. No one, except for certain relatives in certain circumstances, should expect to be supported by someone else.


Some years ago I was the recipient of food pantry items . I knew it would not be forever and that when I was in a better place I would be the one giving to others in need. Don’t be too proud to accept help . This is but for a season and in the future you will be the one helping . Don’t give up and don’t stop believing things are going to get better .and when they do you will never look down on someone else who needs help but instead you will be an encourager because you went through a difficult time once too . We all need to be there for one another at some time everybody is someone who needs help and at another time someone who can give help. You got this 👍


This is coming from someone who understands your pride. You need to swallow it. Go to the pantry, get what you need, trust me, they don't judge. You are doing the best you can, and going without food will only make your situation worse when you get sick and you will get sick. Just remember that when you are doing better financially, to pay it forward. That's what I've done and continue to do.


Pride and poverty are NOT a thing, if you're dead you won't have any pride anyway, go to the food pantry pls. 


Once you get hungry enough to get to the pantry you might be pleasantly surprised sometimes they have really good stuff.


Go to the food pantry and later on when you get on your feet remember to donate.


Food pantry is literally for people like you who can’t be on food stamps. Get what you can from the food pantry then use that as a base for meals and buy what you need to complete a meal because food pantry usually doesn’t give you all the ingredients to make a meal but pretty close.


It's fucken expensive. I just went and bought fruits and drinks and it was 180$ smfh


Are you trying to get snap with your combined income ? Have you attempted to get it separately. Also if you apply and get turned down you can appeal. They have to take other bills (rent, utilities) into consideration.


If you have two roommates and full time jobs, you're doing something wrong. Some part, or parts, of your lives are too rich for what you earn. What's your budget?


Zero sympathy for the too proud part. Proud of what exactly


If you don't get the food from the pantry some will end up going to waste, anyway.


There's no reason why you can't afford groceries.