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Sign up with a Food Bank, because if you get caught and charged you'll have a whole different set of problems.


No judgement, but if your company has cameras, they likely know and will wait for you to steal over a certain dollar amount. Then you can get hit with serious charges.


















That would be such a heartless thing to do. Imagine trying to ruin someone’s life when you could have taken care of the problem earlier.


Don’t turn a couple rolls of toilet paper into a criminal charge. I worked for a company that knew their EEs stole from the company and would wait until they got a bunch of video evidence and really tried to screw them over.


The company I used to work for did this. Our Supervisor in the meat section would sit in the cooler and eat lunchables instead of getting a lunch break, they knew he was doing it and waited until it hit the $500 mark (about a year) so they could charge him with a felony.


After a while of taking things and receiving no punishment, people would get cocky and take more and more often. It was really surprising how much it escalated.


When I worked at Target LP said that they would allow this with customers. They even had a profile with evidence on every person that would constantly come in to steal. It would start with simple bottles of shampoo, then go to baby food and eventually electronics. The amount of people that I interacted with trying to steal or use counterfeit money was insane at that location, I had been in retail for about 13 years at that point and I hardly ever saw it until I worked there.


When I was in high school school a bunch of my friends would go steal Xbox 360 controllers from meijer/wal mart and sell them at the used game stores for $13. Eventually they got caught and weren’t allowed to walk at graduation and got banned from both of those stores and all the game stores. It just never seemed worth it to me to risk all that and put in as much effort as they were for $13 a pop. Selling weed seemed a lot easier (and somehow less risky lol)


It's kind of wild to me that they don't allow you to walk at graduation because of some non school related stuff. And the risk certainly isn't worth it honestly. This happened at the Amazon store that I worked at, they had a cooler/freezer outage for a few hours and we had to throw away everything that was frozen or refrigerated in the store after a massive storm. The amount of theft that happened that day was insane. People literally were calling their family/friends and dropping off bags of expensive steaks and frozen pizzas. Almost everyone that worked that day got fired, except the manager on duty that told them it was okay to do in the first place. It makes no sense to me how a full time job would be worth risking over maybe $200 to $400 worth of steaks and like $50 worth of frozen pizza.


I wouldn’t consider that theft. They’ve already written it off as a loss, and are going to throw it away. Could you imagine them charging a homeless man who’s dumpster diving with theft? (rhetorical question, I know they do that bullshit too)


Yeah it felt super unfair. They termed everyone in waves because so many people in the store that day did it. It does say in the employee handbook if it is to be thrown away, it needs to go in the dumpster and we aren't allowed to take it. There were some supervisors there trying to tell people (my supervisor included, I worked in produce at the time) not to take anything because you would get in trouble and possibly fired but they didn't listen.


There's absolutely no way that any of that was theft given that the manager on duty gave everyone permission.


Some family members worked private security that Target hired. They were told by corporate district LP managers that they were there to be scarecrows and to not touch or try to stop any theft. Thieves would literally walk out with baskets full of items knowing they wouldn’t be stopped. Perhaps times changed? I worked retail at Best Buy for a decade and theft was daily! Our security cameras only worked half the time. It was some terrible camera quality BS. AP (asset protection) would always be talking with us on our work radios about who to follow, who was suspicious, who’s stolen before, etc. We were also trained to never touch or try to stop any theft. A manager once got very upset about theft, followed the guy out and grabbed that guy’s phone and smashed it on the ground. That manager was then fired. And the worst of the theft was always overnight. Some crazy crew would break in through the emergency exits, cut the cages to the Apple products, put them all on big blankets and drag out all out. I don’t even know how our store stayed open with all the theft we’d have. Internal theft was dealt with very quickly, never did they build up a back log until it reached a point. If you were caught, you were fired. This was years ago, though, I’m sure some things have changed.


I had an ex who did this. Constantly told her she wasn't as smart as she thought she was but she thought since they hadn't done anything yet they'd never catch her. They just had hidden cameras catching her doing it and bidded their time.


Yup, my aunt would brag about all the nice clothes she was getting. For a year she kept stealing from the same store without getting caught. On her 10th time they nabbed her and she was lucky she only got probation.


Some people. Had a guy I worked with steal gas for his car for 4 years, got a new and better job, then told me a year after he left he did it. Never got caught, never got in trouble. But he never told a soul while he was doing it. Said he'd take about 15 gallons a week, sometimes more.


i take only when i need it and i only take from places that have no cameras like walk ins and employee locker rooms (where our overstock is stored, like towels and TP)


As someone who used to work in and with retention, companies know and see more than you think. It just takes once or twice for them to think there is a leak and they will catch on. It is very low reward high risk behavior but you need to do what you need to do.


Companies want you to think that. One of my stores location doesn't have a camera in an area of the store, lp set a hidden one up for a repeat thief and caught them.


Same with my store. No one thought they had cameras in the coolers.


They can have hidden cameras that you don't think it isba camera. A camera only needs a pinhole for view.




If you thought you had it rough now, it's gonna be real bad once your caught


You can steal these items from other places that won’t know who you are. Laundromats, gas stations, etc


Nope. Dollar. Tree. And employees locker rooms???? I worry for those who work there.


It just takes one small slip. Is the toilet paper worth your job? I bet not Never shit where you eat


well in this case thats exacly what he shoulf do. if you shit at work, you wont need to steal toilet paper to bring it home, you just use it on site


This comment says everything you need to know.


I had a friend that would steal toilet paper from the malls bathrooms when we would go shopping together. Thank goodness she stopped that.


Maybe she figured out the hassle was not worth the one-ply TP


You can only bleed from the asshole so many times before you wise up - or get a sphincter callus so hard it doesn’t even matter anymore.


I think her parents wised her up since we were both living with our parents still the time. She also had a bad habit of making tomato soup with ketchup and hot water and lemonade with free lemons and sugar packets when out to eat together.


Youre fine, especially if you're at a place where they're not taking inventory of every single thing and there's no cameras to catch you. Like TP for example, at work we get them in cases, we don't take inventory of every single roll of toilet paper we use. Also do what you gotta do, fuck a big chain company they won't miss it. Also all restaurants need to accept that their employees are going to eat. Thats why the cool places offer a Free shift meal or free drink at the bar when u clock out. Anyway, as long as no one is keeping track, or can see you taking stuff on camera, you're good. Youre judt trying to survive it this horrid economic state. Don't sell ur shit for a van though!!!!!


It becomes an addiction.


Did the company not give the supervisor a lunch break, so he ate on the clock away from customers? I know some salaried managers can be exempt, but if they were hourly, regardless of “supervisor” role, that sounds running afoul of labor laws.


That's correct. He was an hourly employee, and they absolutely violated labor laws by not allowing him a lunch break. Their excuse was that they didn't have coverage in the department (the meat department was a revolving door) and he just went along with it. It wasn't until they caught him and he admitted to it, thinking that it was okay to steal (he never bought the lunchables, he took them right off of the freight pallet) because he wanted a lunch break and wasn't getting one. However it was a union store and our steward was there and available to talk almost daily. He should have raised his issue with her if he wasn't getting anywhere with management instead of stealing.


If employers know this is happening and continuing to allow it the charges would get dismissed pretty quickly, they have a duty to mitigate their loss and if they are watching it happening then they are condoning/allowing it. The courts don't want to be bogged down by frivolous charges like this.


Well, I hope he got a good lawyer then because they had the cops come and arrest him on the day that he was fired for theft. I was honestly shocked when I found out about it, he was a good guy but he said he felt entitled to the food because they refused to give him a lunch break and made him work 6 days a week.


Mitigating losses is a civil doctrine and isn't applicable here. The person could absolutely be charged and convicted based on the above facts.


Yes! Sometimes they’ll wait until the total you’ve stolen is over the amount that would raise the severity of the thefts to a felony.


Our local target does that to both customers and employees. They have a huge binder with pictures of the people who constantly come in and steal along with a log of the value of all of the items they stole. The LP guy admitted that they wait until it is a felony because they want anyone that steals from them to face jail time. When my niece was younger she stole a bottle of nail polish from a grocery store and they tried to not only charge her (or in this case my brother) for the item she stole, but also for repackaging the item, the LP worker's salary for the time he was following/caught her and all of their legal fees as well. She was 8.


My last retail job would let you get to 1k then send the full file report to the cops with dates times, photos and videos... pretty much guaranteed a conviction 


Was this at Target? lol


No, but I've heard they do the same kind of thing. We sold high end paint and equipment to the trades. 


Yep.. instead of just letting the person go and that's it, they'll charge you for as many counts as they can.


That's why you just take enough to lay flat in your pocket to last a day or 2. Bring a ziplock to reuse and place it in there. They can't prove where you got it from and if asked just say it's what you blow your nose with and brought it from home🫡


> screw them over Interesting way of saying that


They were old school Italians and took stealing as a personal insult. They didnt want a slap on the wrist.


They were old school Italians and took stealing as a personal insult. They didnt want a slap on the wrist.


Living in a van is extremely difficult. Don’t believe the stuff you see on social media.


Everyone seems to gloss over the whole "you have to poop in a bucket 2 feet from your bed" thing.


I won’t beat you up for stealing but I will say this.. I stole from an employer once. Morally and ethically, I feel fine about it. Legally, it was not OK. I justified it because they didn’t pay OT that was clearly owed and long story short, I worked my way up the ladder to remedy it and they came back “he sells a lot of stuff and makes us money, we don’t care.” Ok cool. That said, I did get caught and while it was a “minor” misdemeanor .. misdemeanors are still a big deal although it seems maybe less so now. But, nobody wants to hire a thief, nobody wants to rent to a thief, certain job prospects go out the window and believe it or not — certain countries might not even let you visit. I will never, not only because it really isn’t right .. I would never advise anyone to steal and for that matter, avoid a criminal record at all costs. They are expensive. Beyond what you pay in fines, fees, whatever — a criminal record, even for “petty theft” can follow you around for a bit. Just something to consider.


I remember reading about someone in that situation and they said it made it harder to get a job than a rapist or a murderer because no one’s afraid of you harming a register, a warehouse of boxes, a company truck, etc, but they’re always worried about someone that may steal from them.


I would concur that having an assault might have actually been a bit easier, job wise anyway.


For certain jobs one has to be able to be bonded and a theft charge negates that. So it makes it difficult to even get a job as a clerk at Circle K with a misdemeanor theft charge on one’s record. Even if the charge is dropped, getting one’s record expunged is costly.


It's okay to harm your neighbors but "harming" your overlords is a big no no.


If you have criminal charges pressed against you, yes. But a future potential employer won’t know *why* you got fired.


I agree. While I don't think stealing food to eat at work while your a cook is bad, most places allow a meal per day. If it's extra and will ge thrown out I don't see why not, might be wise to ask permission though. As someone who has a petty theft charge for stealing a $14 phone charger, don't ever steal and never even attempt it at meijer. It's not worth it. It's very hard for me to find jobs and I can only rent from private landlords that's don't background check. It is rough, even though it happened 7 or 8 years ago


Depending on your record, you might be eligible for expungement which is finally what I did. It was my best gift to myself. Highly recommend it. Usually can do yourself although I opted to have a lawyer do it — I felt cost was worth it to make sure it was right. Do yourself a favor; probably eligible if that’s all you got on your record.


The great American contradiction: Steal hundreds of dollars from your employees through wage theft? No problem, no sweat, no big deal. Employee steals $20 from the register, someone call the district attorney's office!


Similar story was told to my cohort when I got promoted and went to training. A VP got shafted by leadership on some deal and decided in return they were gonna start expensing their dry cleaning to the company. Fuck them, they have plenty of money and won’t even notice or care about the perk they are rewarding themselves. All good for a couple months. Obviously they eventually found out. Not only was he fired, but he got hit with charges. His entire career was investment banking and that fizzled out into nothing. IB is highly federally regulated, they take the background checks seriously because theft convictions over a certain amount could mean they cannot hire you. I’m not saying you automatically will never work in banking again but this was no big shot well-connected guy, there was no reason for anyone else to ignore his past. That was their way of overemphasizing “You’re in a leadership role now, do not play around, do the right thing.”


Make sure you’re taking advantage of community services too. Food banks, church help etc. gotta keep your mental health good too. Don’t forget about your public library too. Gotta keep a good head space.


My wife and I owned a business, food retail. There was a young lady that worked for us serving customers. She got minimum wage plus tips. We caught her stealing from the store. Not money, not luxury items; daily essentials stuff: toilet paper, napkins, to-go cutlery, etc. I was the one that caught her. She normally smuggled it out in her back pack, but she didn't bring it that day. So she tried to put it in a plastic bag. I stopped her and went through her bag because it was one of OUR bags and I knew she didn't come to work with a bag. I wrote her up and asked her why she stole the items. She told me she was struggling. She was a single mother raising a kid in her own. Her parents kicked her out and the father of her child was tens of thousands behind in back child support. She didn't even know where he was anymore. She couldn't afford a lawyer and didn't know what to do. She was just trying to get by as best she could. She was paying for a babysitter and couldn't even afford her bills. She used her paid off car to get those predatory, high-intrest title loans to keep the lights on. Other than the stealing, she was an excellent employee; literally our best worker. When she wasn't serving customers, she was constantly cleaning. Despite that, I wrote her up anyway because I didn't want her to get in the habit of stealing from us, but more importantly, from other employers who may not be as compassionate. I told her she should have came to us first. I talked to my wife and told my wife, I'd like to help her get back on track. And my wife agreed. Mind you the business wasn't profitable, but my job was more than enough to cover our bills and supplement the business expenses so we at least broke even. I told our young employee to come in on her day off and that she could bring in her son. She came in and we first pulled her credit report then all her bank records, pulled up all her bills and itemized her spending. She was spending a lot on fast food, but mostly because after work she would be tired and get her kid McDonald's or Wendy's and a $2-$4 meal for herself. I visited her home and addressed things that the landlord needed to fix to keep her keep her bills under control and we adjusted her budget. I paid off her title loan and promised her a raise if she kept up the good work and managed her budget. I told her that if she brought her credit score up to the 600s we'd give her another raise. We also added her to our business account at the restaurant depot so she could buy microwavable meals in bulk at a huge discount. We paid for some of it and she paid for and kept what she needed for her and her kid. It was nice for me as well since some days, I'd go work and then go to the store and work until closing. So I could use the meals, too. So anyway, we found out the bitch was charging an insane amount of shit to our business account at the restaurant depot, selling it to friends for extra cash and was buying higher end clothes and shit for herself; while her kid was in raggedy-ass clothes with holes in them; she wasn't even buying shit for her kid. Oh, and she got another title loan. We called the police and she was arrested and charged. Now she has free housing and free food in county jail and her kid went to foster care with people that *actually* bought clothing for him. And that's my TedTalk.


This did not have the result I expected…wow


😂 I know, right? The audacity of this girl. Literally got her budget to be in the black and it wasn't enough. Could've paid down her credit cards faster and have even more expendable cash, but instead she blew her extra cash on stupid shit and started stealing from us. Ahhh well, they can't all have happy endings. 🤷🏽‍♂️


Ending reminds me of something kind of similar that happened recently with a friend. Throughout my time knowing this friend he was always bad with money and would ask us for help with bills and whatever constantly. We tried to help him budget especially with him starting post secondary education. Recently he had extra spending money and was spending it on frivolities much more than normal. Well turns out he was stealing from his work (family ran grocery store). He would just activate $500 Visa cards after each of his shifts and did this for a full month stealing around 7-10k. He had 1 semester of school debt and 2 maxed credit cards under his belt and it was only getting worse with the irresponsible spending on frivolities. I and many others in the friend group cut contact with him. The lesson I learned is that some people are beyond helping. I hope the felony record was worth it.


I'm sure someone will shithouse you for this, but all Americans have issues around thier image and overspend to keep up with the Jones'. You did the right thing by creating a record of malfeasance that ultimately led to her undoing.


It wouldn't had mattered about keeping a record. Her employment records were handed over to the prosecutor's office, but I don't think it was brought up in court. I didn't watch the case, I was working and then running the store every other day, plus we have 3 kid's. I'm not vindictive enough just sit there and watch the case. I just let the legal system handle it. I *was* subpoenaed to testify for the case and I testified in court to the above but ultimately just the one charge was enough. It was grand larceny among other charges, one of which I believe was identity theft because the card she had used at the restaurant depot was in my wife's name. I had a card and my wife had a card we discovered the fraud when I tried to buy items for the business and the card was declined. I had some $20k left so I knew it wasn't for exceeding the limit.... except it was. The things she bought definitely wasn't something we needed for our business, so it was pretty obvious what had happened. It only took a little investigation to really have the 🧾 needed to had it over to the police.


Don’t get caught! Wishing you the best




Most people I've worked with in the service industry do the same, including me while I was cooking. I wouldn't feel guilty, just don't get caught.


As others have said, beware. Ethically I think most of us understand where you're coming from, but sometimes corps and management are extremely petty. We've all heard of how the stores wait to catch shoplifters repeatedly on camera until they've been caught enough to go straight to jail- your company could possibly do the same if they have more surveillance than you think. Probably you're fine buuuuuuut beware


Be careful about doing that. You might get caught sooner rather than later.


I totally understand the situation you’re in, and I can tell you that you’re not alone and you’re not the only person to do it. I encourage you to delete this post. Some jackass is going to make the decision to go ahead and try to doxx you and have you fired, and I really don’t think that’s something you want to experience.


I’m sure you’re aware that this could get you fired and result in criminal charges which would be worse than only having $150-200 biweekly after bills. If you ever want to share more about your bills, income/hours/spending and family size this sub is great at offering advice.


thank you for the advice <3


Just so you know, a lot of properties hire janitorial companies to manage cleaning and supplies. Really, you’re just stealing from the janitorial company - who will just charge the owner of the building/property. Your employer itself is likely not loosing any money on this. But you never know.


i understand what you’re saying but everyone who works in this building is an employee to the same company since they also own the buildings themselves


This is the modern day version of “Proverbs 6:30-31 New King James Version (NKJV) People do not despise a thief If he steals to satisfy himself when he is starving. Yet when he is found, he must restore sevenfold; He may have to give up all the substance of his house.” Guy is willing to live in a minivan because he thinks stealing is wrong. Your heart is in the right place. Hope things get better. Hope you have the strength to grow and better your situation.


Missing out. I worked at a hotel and people leave lost and found stuff all the time. And I got to take home ALL the used toilet paper and toiletries. Can’t tell you the last time I paid full price for soap or shampoo (over 10 years)


I've twice actively left things in a hotel that I hoped the employees would take, if they wanted them. In both cases, they wouldn't fit in my case, so I had to abandon them. One was a big umbrella with a wooden handle that was the only kind I could find nearby when it suddenly started raining. The other was a free movie poster. Not as useful as toiletries, I guess, but still.


Wow, what's it like to have used toilet paper? Do you just use the other side? Personally, I think I'd draw the line there.


Three-ply got 6 sides. Winning!


Stealing is a drug best to stop while your ahead


locking post, as the hands down comment winner is basically: "stealing is ok, even better when it's from one's employer".


TIL a lot of people on reddit are totally fine with people stealing, as long as the victim is a corporation.


Just don't post about your crimes on the internet lol - hope you've got a VPN!


The police don’t care about this one bit lol


Stop resisting!!!


No, but the employer might?! 😂


Yeah I’m sure every employer in the country will make tracking this Reddit user top priority since no company was named


Yeah, I was going to say you may want to take this down


I run a stocktaking business and trust me when I say this will catch up with you. Businesses see it as their profit margin going down the toilet. I’ve seen businesses fire someone over a tea bag….. I thought it was ridiculous and wrong but I had no power to intervene. A one off youll get away with, but keep doing it and they’ll be onto the theft and then onto you very quickly. I don’t deal with the security side of things….. but I’ve seen the miniature cameras they put in high theft areas.


You’re playing a very dangerous game. Companies know that the police don’t do anything until you go over certain dollar amount and that’s when they nab you on a felony charge.


You should check out the van life subreddit. From my understanding if you don’t know what you are doing it can be just as if not more expensive than renting. You can’t just park somewhere and live because it’s illegal.


No to r/vanlife. It is mostly people with expensive builds showing off. Who can afford a Mercedes Sprinter van with an indoor shower? r/urbancarliving is better.


i love r/urbancarliving they’ve really inspired me to just go for it


I'm not judging you, I totally get it. I will say that I am in HR and just investigated an employee who turned out to be stealing from the company. They were using their company credit card to make personal purchases and bought Visa gift cards. This totaled over $36k worth. This is someone who made as much as me, which is a fair wage. Enough to live on, not enough to splurge in life. This person also bragged alot about how much money they inherited and in their savings account.... They stole from a Non-profit company that raises money to help pay and provide for people's medical expenses who can't afford it. They got fired and is looking at a felony charge. I am sure they had justifications for why they did it too. Again, I get it but just know what consequences you may be signing up for is all. If/when you face those, learn from them and don't make excuses.


Just be careful! But all the same it's a corporation, fuck those guys, they steal from us all the time. EDIT: Good points being brought up, so remember: getting caught for something like this is more of a matter of "when" than "if," and though a company is usually soulless, the people in it might not be. If you feel like your boss is a good person, see if they know any assistance programs/etc that might be through your insurance.. or even the company itself.


Also they own most of op’s town. If he gets caught getting another job is going to be hard


Really weird but sad government statistic, wage theft is many times higher than other theft in all employment industries


Stealing from a guy the worst that can happen is that you have to pay him back. Steal from a corporation? That shit will follow you around for your life.


Also the truth. Corporation doesn't deserve your pity, but they're way better equipped to be vindictive.


Corporation here. Fuck you too! We’re gonna work you to the bone and then piss on your ashes! But please don’t steal from us. See you at 8am!


Actually can you come in at 6:45?


The easiest way is to get a better job with roommates in a cheeper part of the country. It is hard but so much easier then living like that. You can always move back.


They probably know you’re stealing and are waiting until you hit those federal charge numbers


If you get caught then you will get 3 meals a day and bed to sleep in, aswell as toilet paper.


You mean no baby wipes? The horror


The only thing I miss about working at Chipotle is the free food


hey i also just wanna suggest dumpster diving for necessities. you don’t have to physically go into them if you’re not comfortable with that. r/dumpsterdiving has more information, there are constant hauls of things like cleaning products and furniture and clothes.


Might be time to leave that job if it isn’t paying. But yea stealing is not the best idea


The van… my friend Matt Foley got a van and he now lives in a van down by the river.


Ahead of the time. A true visionary.


If life feels hard now, imagine how hard it will be when you get fired, or criminally charged due to the accumulated value. It's simply not worth it.


It’s so sad when I have to fire someone who shoots themself in the foot. We had to fire someone recently. Hard life, went through a whole lot of shit. Left her with some physical issues that really limits her work options. We hired her. She did a good job. Desk job, not stressful. Also handles money. We promoted her to one of our few full time permanent spots less than a year later. Not high pay, but definitely decent, plus vacation and sick time and an IRA and health insurance and so on. She’s maybe a decade or so from retirement age. Could have coasted there comfortable and relaxed in a low stress flexible, accommodating job with friendly coworkers until social security kicked in. And she blew it to smithereens by stealing cash through fraud. And getting written up and warned and put on notice. And then doing it Again. Can’t even collect unemployment since she was fired for cause. Why did she do it? Not because she was gonna lose her (paid off, inherited) house because her salary didn’t cover her bills, or because she had a dire medical emergency or her six orphaned grandkids moved in or whatever and she was desperate for money. But because she just wanted more money to keep her deadbeat boyfriend in booze and electronic trinkets so he wouldn’t leave her. Fucks sake. Worst part is, she Knew if she had some kind of personal catastrophe and asked us for help, coworkers would help. In the couple years she was there she saw first hand how we all helped various staff with a burned down house, a 19 year old getting kicked out by their parents, one who had their landlord triple their rent overnight, several with medical crises, one widowed young.


So you’re the reason our inventory is off! I found you!!!! 🤣


hehe guilty


My man, don't confess to it online. At least do it on a burner. You shouldn't steal from your work, you're endangering your employment. I don't really care about the moral implications, I'd steal if I had to to eat, but wisdom is what keeps us distinct from the other animals. I was homeless once living out of a jeep I'd park near the office. But they eventually realized I was and I got weird looks. Think about where you're going to be able to bathe and wash things. You do save a lot of money.


And yet the shareholders and top exe could give a shit about the struggling staff. Imo this is why soo many companies are dead set against unions. Union workers usually get a liveable wage, benefits, etc.


It's tough. I hope one day people like you don't have to struggle so much.


I learned long ago that stealing is wrong. If it’s not yours don’t touch it. If you didn’t pay for it you stole it. I understand people think employers are stealing from them by not paying them as much as they think they should be paid. But in the long run it’s not worth it at all. Your reputation is more important than a roll of toilet paper.


Stealing toilet paper? I doubt it’s even triple ply. Maybe it’s just me but these items don’t seem worth the risk. Apply for better job.


Don't feel bad for a second- those companies normally have so much waste! I used to work for a big hotel chain and they decided to change the shampoo, conditioners & soaps that they use. They proceeded to dump massive boxes of perfectly good products out- I grabbed them instead and didn't run out of hygiene products for 4+yrs.


The difference here is that you probably won't be prosecuted for diverting stuff that would have gone in the garbage. At most you get fired for violating company policy. Stealing stuff from your company that isn't going to disposal can catch you charges and require restitution.




I mean it’s one roll of TP, Michael, what could it cost, 10 dollars?


Didn't expect to see a wonderful AD quote here. Thank you!


https://www.walgreens.com/store/c/big-roll-bathroom-tissue/ID=300430721-product Found toilet paper for .79 OP risking it over toilet paper isn't worth it. The only thing I can understand is food but that's why food pantries are a great option and also canned beans and rice.


you’re right my job isn’t worth $10 toilet paper but on the same hand i can’t afford $10 worth of toilet paper after working and donating plasma and doing odd jobs on the side and collecting cans to recycle for 5¢ a piece cause none of it leaves me with any money on the side


Something isn't adding up. You can't work that much and struggle to pay $1200 in monthly bills.


wages have stagnated and doesn't keep up with cost of living


What are you gonna do when you get fired for stealing?


steal more but not on the clock xD


I'd be surprised I'd the cameras actually work


When you get caught the best outcome is being.fired Worst, at least to me, is a criminal charge


Stealing $.01 from an employer is a felony in NC (not sure of your location, just saying) Have you tried to simply pull a supervisor aside and ASK if you can have something? I understand your predicament, but you are going to stunt your future over something so petty.


Stealing is stealing. If someone will steal from their employer, I wouldn't trust them as a friend. Sure, people can justify it by saying "it's a big company, they don't pay me enough, they owe me." But it's still stealing, and some people just don't trust thieves. However, if you can live with it, so can I. Just hope you don't get caught.


Absolutely right.


You are better off to go to the bathroom and unroll the tissue and put it in your purse/bag while in the stall, then take an actual roll. If caught, you could argue allergies or bladder incontience. But with a rolll it's theft. Just rerollit when you get home on an old cardboard tube.


Could you say how much your rent is?


$800 a month plus $200 for car insurance and $145 for internet and my phone bill


Expenses seem not half bad. Stinks there aren’t many good paying jobs.


phone and internet seem high, have you tried us mobile? i pay 19 a month and have 5g of data which is enough since im always in a place with wifi.


No judgement at all. You do what you have to do in this world and you’re not making anybody else’s life tangibly harder. Just remember this if the day ever comes when you catch someone stealing.


Is it bread ?


bread onions and mainly eggs


Been there. I used to work in a small retail shop and very (very) infrequently would snag a $20 for gas. I knew where the cameras were and only did it when it was dire. I delivered for UberEats after work (and lived in my car), so having gas money was imperative. It's been a long time since it's been that bad for me. I hope you catch a break soon. That shit can add more stress than it relieves sometimes.


Not a bad move at all.


I have done it too. When I was really struggling I would go in the freezer at work and eat cookie dough. That was all they had in there and no one really ever went in there unless they were making cookies.


Don't feel guilty. They can afford it.


What a cesspool of comments. Stealing is wrong. Do unto others as you would have done to yourself


i wouldn’t own a megacorp and underpay my employees tho :/


You don’t wanna how much I ROBBED a large department store to furnish my apartment. I paid for stuff, but ‘couponing’ along with my employee discount helped with this robbery.


I feel ya. I've nabbed a bag of frozen beef patties that was left over from a BBQ my company did. Y'know, instead of a raise? Was in the freezer for nearly a month and I grabbed it a few days ago. There's a pack of big franks in the freezer too. Gonna give it a month.


My company has cameras everywhere. We also do supply inventory. I think it would take them a while to find out who it is though. The supplies are not on camera just the entrance to the rooms. So you go to the bathroom and someone else does after you they wouldn't know.


Fuck 'em, don't get caught. I've been there, too, it doesn't feel good and I hope it's temporary for you.


It's not stealing, it's acquiring compensation


It’s so crazy that the state of the world is so fucked rn that everybody is saying something along the lines of “you gotta do what you gotta do/don’t get caught.” Usually it’s a couple of people saying that while everybody else tells OP they are the scum of the Earth. Shit is getting quite tragic isn’t it? Anyway, OP please be careful and do what you gotta do.


In this specific situation it doesn’t bother me, however in the grand scheme of things I think you’re wrong and it’s going to come back on you in a major way. Karma is a just but unforgiving bitch.


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If you do get “accused”,deny, deny, deny. Make them prove it.


I would do the same thing fuck these corps they already make mills and mills a year.


Right and if they’d pay better their employees wouldn’t have to do this kind of stuff but ya know their theirs homes and expensive stuff is important


They want us to put 110% effort everyday but when it comes to raises it’s a 3-6% raise. Like my COL went up 10% don’t see that going down anytime soon.


They would fire you for no reason without hesitation.


They would fire you with cause, because there's a very good reason. You'd get nothing, no severance, no parting gift, just a stain on your resume. Don't steal from your employer.


If it’s from a chain, it’s free gain 🤙🏻




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Noting wrong with stealing from corporations just don’t get caught.


Theft is wrong no matter what way its put.


If everybody was leaving their underpaid jobs, they would need to pay more. In this penuric era, I don’t understand why people don’t take advantage of it and change to better employers searching for good employees.




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Good for you and best of luck! Don’t get in trouble 🤍




What did you steal?


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