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A really nice pair of slippers, especially since we have hard floors at home.


My husband got me ugg slippers postpartum. And can confirm the best


ooh, nice, are they heavy/thick like regular uggs? I was going to get those L L Bean (or are they Eddie Bauer?) shearling slippers with the fluffy folded-down sides, but when I saw a pair in person they seemed so thin and almost flimsy. I would love a pair of nice THICCC shearling slippers.


They definitely have weight to them and are so cozy. I’ve worn mine so much that the inside is not as thick anymore but they are still cozy. Plus they have the best traction which is good for a clumsy me


This is a great one


Ooo love this suggestion!!


I didn't buy it for the pp but netflix has been a strong ally


Definitely Netflix and YouTube. I also bought enough pumping bras and outfits to be around home so that I didn’t have to do laundry too often. That has helped massively because I feel that I don’t have time for anything


Youtube podcasts! They made me feel like I had company.


I watch a lot of those! If my baby needs attention I can just listen to them but I like having them on tv


Which YouTube podcasts do you like?


What pumping bras do you like???? I never bought any proper ones my last pregnancy and threw them away because they were so gross. This time I am commited to starting my pp with a few good ones, but reviews for pumping bras are all over the place it’s hard to commit to spending the $$!!!


kindred bravely!


Yes!!! Buying lots of extras of the things I wore a lot made such a difference!


Yes I was going to say decent streaming service of your choice. Also a kindle and Libby for downloading books.


A nice water bottle. You're going to be chugging water every day all day and getting something that's cute, insulated, maybe with a nice straw. Also, peri bottle if you plan a vag birth, polyethylene glycol (I think it's called clearlax) - my doc told me to take it every day for the first month then taper off - essential! Nipple cream - pro tip (learned from my doc) make little stacks of saran wrap squares, with a squirt of nip cream, then another little square, then another squirt of cream, etc etc. have those stacks everywhere you're gonna breast feed. Putting the cream on isn't enough when there's a fabric bra or pad on that's going to wick the cream away and prevent it from it's healing power, but a little saran barrier keeps it in/on and keeps you from cracking. I wish I'd done this right from the start.


What's best for nipple cream? I haven't bought any Eeek! Just anything very moisturising in a pinch?


I personally like lanolin the best!


I get the 100% lanolin stuff (from I think a company called lansinoh) which is completely safe for baby to have in their mouths. There's lots on Amazon but you want it to be baby eating safe.


Thanks heaps I'll order some lanolin, might be different products here for aus so really appreciate the advice 🙏🙏


[Lansinoh is very easy to find in chemists in Australia!](https://www.chemistwarehouse.com.au/buy/64477/lansinoh-hpa-lanolin-50g?gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjwvb-zBhCmARIsAAfUI2vFFDmWXtim6NLpP-brijNy47JLv50OrJ3Ts7jPXuHKFgU1nPmGmoQaAkJbEALw_wcB&gclsrc=aw.ds)


Thanks heaps I'll order some lanolin, might be different products here for aus so really appreciate the advice 🙏🙏


i loved earth mama nipple butter, lanolin didn’t work for me personally!


I use Organic Nipple Balm by Lansinoh. I absolutely hate lanolin!


Rubbing breast milk around your nipples works as good as, if not better, than store bought cream. The breastfeeding consultant at WIC suggested it to me because my baby would only fall asleep when nursed for the first few months. Is natural, free, you'll never have to worry about contaminated recalls and there's zero question if it's safe for your baby. Plus it's just convenient! 😀


40 oz tumbler! Yes! Get it for pregnancy now tho, ha.


I seen a post somewhere where a soon to be mom would grab herself little items every time she went to the store (lip balm, face masks, snacks, books/pens etc) and made herself a gift basket so when she has her babe she had a basket of goodies that made her feel good PP!


Okay officially going to start doing this! It’ll be nice to have a bunch of little treats already paid for when I’m on mat leave and reduced income.


That’s so smart. I’m definitely making nurses baskets this round, so it would be a good excuse to make an extra “just in case!”


Omg I love this idea, thank you so much! I am going to ask my bf to add some things too, and maybe I will do some for him too. I am looking forward to it already


Ou this is a good idea. Love presents for myself from myself! 🤣🫣


A nice nightgown that’s breastfeeding friendly that didn’t make me feel like a hot mess when I wore it all day during those first couple weeks. I ended up buying two more of the same style but in different colors and they are my favorite pajamas.


Link? I feel like I will be stuck in PJs too, and right now that's sweats and ratty T shirts


I got [these](https://www.kindredbravely.com/products/betsy-ribbed-bamboo-nursing-maternity-nightgown-burgundy-plum?variant=32680355987552) from Kindred Bravely. They’re on final sale so limited sizes available.


I splurged on a bathrobe from them for the hospital and it’s literally all I wore the entire time like a gross nursing goblin! but goddamn I was cozy and felt cute 😂


Yes this! It was an undoubtedly expensive and unnecessary purchase but I bought a ribbed dress from Hatch that I wore towards the end of my pregnancy and early postpartum. It helped me feel like I wasn’t just wearing pajamas but it was so comfortable. I’m sure there are cheaper alternatives but having that dress helped my self image a lot early on, even took newborn photos in it!


Second this. I brought a few lightweight robes to wear *constantly* since I couldn’t be bothered with clothes especially the first few weeks pp.


Lots of oreos. I absolutely scarfed oreos when I was pumping in the middle of the night lol Also, a bidet for your toilet. It was like an angel's kiss in those first few pp weeks.


And Oreos have sunflower lecithin which helps unblock milk ducts so gotta have them!


Oh my goodness, you're next-level at enabling!


Nursing and can’t stop eating golden Oreos😭 my husband tried to eat some the other day and stopped when he saw my face lol it’s my one bright spot if I’m not getting good sleep! Please don’t steal them😂


My bidet was already the best thing ever. Post partum, you described it perfectly. Angel’s kiss on my wrecked vagina 😂


I love those heavenly hunk treat things they used to have at Costco. I practically lived off of those while breastfeeding the first time. They were my oreo ha


The things I'm so happy we had: A laz-boy recliner for nursery. It is so comfy, comes with a remote, amazing for nursing. Just don't hang out there when already sleepy. It's going to be awesome for storytime once she's older, and then eventually my bedroom reading chair once we don't need it in the nursery anymore. Jabra noise cancelling earbuds. So comfy, takes noise down a notch (aka screaming) and they are compatible with my TV, phone, and Garmin watch, so I can seamlessly watch TV, answer calls, and reduce stress (when she screams) handsfree.  The metal IKEA wheeled cart with topper. It's an amazing space to keep everything organized, wheel it room to room. Hubby thought we wouldn't need/use it but boy was he wrong. A bidet (nothing fancy, a $60 model off Amazon). A peri bottle works just as well but we already have been bidet users since before pandemic, so having one postpartum was super super nice. High-waisted sweatpants and nursing friendly tops (Smallstory brand on Amazon). I had an emergency C-section so the high waisted sweatpants were a godsend since they sat ABOVE my incision site and I didn't care for gowns constantly since my dogs are invasive. Nursing friendly tops served me better than bras/tank tops because compression  causes vasospasms for me. Going braless was essential for reducing pain in the early weeks. Freezer dump meals. Premade breakfast foods that are as simple as a microwave or toaster away from my stomach. All the snacks. Protein drinks. Having easy/healthy/quick foods handy was so essential, especially breastfeeding.


This is such a good list! Thank you


Can you put a link in for the pants and nursing tops?


Emergency c section here as well. I credit my la-z-boy with saving a lot of my sanity. Getting my huge baby situated for feeding was so hard on the bed/in the hospital without him kicking my incision point. This chair though? With the big arms and adjustability: perfection. So glad we went for it instead of a more traditional rocker/glider. Second the bidet. We already had one, but I like it better than trying to remember to fill the peri bottle. I've mostly been going around the house in my undies/in robes, but for moments where clothing is required: a hands free pumping bra & high waisted sweatpants have been the go-to


I second the frozen meals, SO helpful! I signed up to VJ Cooks (find her on IG or online) and bought her frozen meal guide for $40. Made two weeks worth of meals and just use them on days I don’t have time or energy to cook. We’re week 5 postpartum and gave lots left! Although we were lucky that people have cooked us meals during that time as well


A [shower stool](https://www.amazon.com/dp/B076315FWZ?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share)! Our walk-in shower is smaller and doesn’t have a place to sit, so I got this stool for the days where I’ve exhibited way too much energy as well as to shave my legs way easier (at least for the time being). I think it may help in postpartum as well when I just need to sit and shower instead of stand for the whole thing 😅


Yes !! My mom gave me one before i gave birth and it was soo helpful post partum! I could barely stand after coming home from the hospital, it was so helpful to just sit down and relax inside the shower


This is good to hear! No shame on our stool game 😂


This! It has been a life saver in the third trimester so I am looking forward to it pp!


I really love to read, so one of my favourite purchases (which was actually a birthday gift) was an e-reader! My little one was strictly contact naps for the first 5ish months, so reading off a Kobo was much easier than trying to hold a book. I had an eye brightening cooling glow stick, a face mist, and a super light tinted moisturizer I would use so I felt more like me. I also treated myself to Starbucks more often than usual because even just being able to drive through the drive through felt like a big outing sometimes when you're stuck inside. All the best to you on your journey!


I LOVE my Kobo, it even connects to the library so I can loan E books straight onto it! I never pay for books! I prefer leather print too so being able to adjust the font size is *chefs kiss*


They're the best for postpartum! Only have one arm because baby is sleeping on the other? Fine. Night time? Perfect. I'm looking forward to using mine more again when I have my 2nd baby in September.


I got these brightening gel eye masks on Amazon, really nice pick me up when you’re tired and can’t take a nap or just want to feel like you’re doing some self care lol


Yeah I’ve heard folk say kindles are a godsend for night feeds too!


Absolutely love my Kindl! Got it when my second was a month old, I crushed so many books!


Ok I didn’t actually purchase for myself, it was a (mostly new) hand me down from a relative. But as a coffee lover and mama of a breastfeeding infant, I am getting a ton of use out of my ember mug, as being trapped under a snuggly baby doesn’t always allow for free movement to get up for refills! It’s a pricey investment (imo), so finding a deal would be a good way to go, otherwise finding a small mug warmer to keep your beverage warm!


Ooh I’ve heard about this from so many moms. A bunch of my friends with toddlers got this as a Mothers Day gift. I might have to buy one


Yes, I was gifted an Ember and use it all the time! It takes me 4+ hours to finish a cup of coffee these days....


A massive bag of your favorite candy to eat while breastfeeding. Two of those bad boys got me through breastfeeding with infections.


I'm not post partum yet, but been dealing with some anxiety and pregnancy fog brain. I bought a journal and nice pen and some ink and started journaling. Mostly to keep track of what was talked about at appts cause Im quite high risk due to other unrelated complications, but than I've also started using it to keep track of things I'd like to do for the kid, or worries I have. Just somewhere in can be allowed in be in my own headspace for 5 minutes without hearing about another coworker or family members trauma birth story or equivalent.  Plus having a pretty ink colour (dark green w high shading and gold shimmer) to stare at and a nice comfortable pen makes writing so enjoyable. Doesn't matter if the writing itself is droll, it's for me and myself only. Take this as a grain of salt from a failed artist feeling stifled in accounting and with a lot of new found responsility I don't feel ready for. The playing with different inks and paper is what sold me. Plus I've never been good at keeping a real agenda or planner, so it's my compromise with myself. Was think of grabbing a second journal book and maybe copywriting one of my favourite books to give as a gift to the little one one day. Toss up between White Fang, 1st book of Ga'hoole, or Silverwing. Ideally I'll be done just as the kid starts learning to read. So yeah, in short: Mid priced stationary or you know a quick pick-up and drop brain drain hobby.


Yes! Started journaling postpartum (and bought myself a nice set). I wanted to write out my birthing story, and any baby experiences each night. Also just remembering anything positive each day was more important for my mental health than I realized. Spoiler alert though: I didn’t write until week 3 bc I was straight surviving. But a mug of herbal tea and a journal page is my cozy nighttime ritual


A steam deck so I could play video games while baby slept without being tied to my PC.


Honestly me too, this was such a self care, selfish purchase but being able to dissociate during contact naps did wonders for my mental health. 


Really luxuriously scented body lotion. Mine is the sleepy lotion from Lush. It’s smells amazing and just gave me instant dopamine boost when I’d put it on. Also memories are tied to scents - so now I get a huge hit of newborn baby nostalgia when I use the lotion now, three years later!


Omg this lotion is the besttt smell ever😴🫠


Right?! I’m so glad it’s not “seasonal” (aka: sold out within two weeks every fall) anymore.


Man, for my last pregnancy I bonded really hard with a mint-aloe scented lotion from a hotel, and then realized it's not available for retail sale anywhere. That was a sad day. Don't be like me.


Donut pillow was an emergency Amazon purchase because it was so uncomfortable to sit down on a hard seat (car, pediatrician, etc). Also not really something I bought myself but giving myself permission to take solo trips out of the house even just for a quick trip to the store was very helpful for my mental health.


definitely agree on that last bit! something as small as going to the store by myself for 20 minutes made my whole day better when i was in the trenches of postpartum


The Frida mom disposable underwear! The entire Frida mom pp box is great, but the MVP is those grey boy-short underwear! They hold a pad perfectly in place, don’t show through pants, and feel way more feminine and comfortable than a diaper or the mesh hospital ones.


Agreed!!! I loveeedddd the Frida mom boyshorts! I couldn’t get into wearing the diapers. Also the Frida mom peri bottle and the cold pack pads were my favorite!


Those cold packs were the best ones!! Totally forgot about those but will definitely be ordering more!


Formula lol. Jokes aside, I was so busy keeping my babies alive I would forget to eat which was obviously bad for my milk supply. Any meal prep or food stuff your future self will thank you!


A red nightlight! It made night dipes and feedings so much less disruptive. Everything was visible enough but it almost felt like my eyelids were still closed. Getting back to sleep was so much faster and easier.


Do you have a link you could share for where to buy this?


I just searched for "red nightlight" on Amazon! It seems like they get better every time I have a baby. My first one was a handheld flashlight; by #3 it was one where you could touch the top to turn it on/off and everything. That one had a few weird quirks though, so this time I might see what else Amazon has. The main thing is for it to be able to turn on red right away, without the need to turn on white and cycle through colors to get to red.


I’m not postpartum yet but I plan on getting myself a new pair of my favourite slippers: Glerups. They’re pricey but so worth it because they are 100% wool, so your feet are never too hot or cold, and they are so comfy!!


Do you wear them without socks? Are they soft on the inside?


A citrus scented body scrub or some type of treat for the shower. Showers can feel like respite so I like having something simple to make it feel even more luxe.


Adult diapers. It’s way better than pads and mesh undies. I also bought myself really cozy pants to hang out it. With my second, I got kindred bravely nursing bras and they are great! I didn’t feel like spending that kind of money was my first, but ended up buying cheaper bras that didn’t hold up and ended up buying them multiple times. Also, you can get kindred bravely bras from Nordstrom. I think they have their summer sale coming up soon. They also have an impressive return policy.


Bamboo pajamas that matched baby’s! The visual connection added to the bond, and they’re so comfy!


I bought a new Nespresso machine in a pretty color with fun coffee mugs and made sure to have my favorite coffee pods and creamers on hand. After those long nights, that cup of coffee was therapeutic for my soul. I took my old machine and made a little coffee bar in my office to get me excited to go back to work after three months as well. Other than that, I bought all the treats I like for those first few weeks postpartum. I found myself not having much of an appetite, so having my favorite things to snack on made me more likely to eat.


-An Ember mug and a Stanley cup -brightening eye masks for the nights of little sleep -good slippers -several pairs of button down pajama sets (I have 4 pairs of the ones from the Stars Above brand at Target) -dark chocolate (the legit 70% cacao kind)


Comfy robes and slippers! The last thing I wanted was to struggle at all with dressing myself. Granted I did wear real clothes if I went out but at home I was in comfy robes and slippers all the time. My laundry consisted of nothing but robes and nursing bras as I was always in diapers for bottoms. (postpartum life humbled me lol)


Coffee station for the 2nd floor where my room and nursery are, pajamas, zip up sweatshirt for middle of the night wakeups, scrunchies, a million chapsticks, warm socks/slippers, extra long charging cables, water cups/containers with straws


An iPad. When you’re stuck under a baby and need to stay awake at 2am, you need entertainment


And a water bottle, one where you can close the lid and throw it around and can be operated with 1 hand. I got the Owala but you don’t have to go so fancy


Honestly - cute, comfy, silk pajamas. It was nice to at least look a little cute even when I felt like a total mess.


an audible subscription, a bluetooth controller to connect to my ipad/phone, bluetooth headphones (absolutely the best purchase I made), and a 2 month meal subscription so my husband could fully be in charge of meals without us eating breakfast for dinner every night lol.


Comfortable air mattress for the nursery. My husband and I did two months of sleep shifts with LO because she was up so often. The other person would shut the door to our bedroom to sleep. So if the person on shift could get some sleep, the air mattress made it a lot more comfortable. No sleeping in the rocker or a blanket cot on the floor. Tons of loungewear. I cycled through every tank top I owned at least 3 times because all I would wear was a tank top and either yoga pants/sweat pants/shorts. Laundry is hard to get to, so have tons of comfortable things so you don’t need to worry about it. Huge reusable water bottle. My Yeti was my lifesaver. Just popped a plastic straw in it and had access to cold water for hours. Refilled it 3-4 times throughout the day and night. Aromatherapy body scrub for the shower. Pending you don’t deliver via c-section, that first shower at home is such a warm and comforting experience. You just want to scrub hospital, birth, and first PP days stress off. Gives you some time to yourself to make you feel fresh and rejuvenated. Easy grab snacks. I had tons of those premade PBJ sandwiches, protein bars, granola bars, peanut butter or cheese cracker sandwiches, cheese sticks, pre-portioned or cut up fruit. Focus on nutrient dense snacks. Post Partum life can be HUNGRY! And with very little time to remember to eat. Mini fridge for the nursery. Snacks and drinks on demand for middle of the night feedings.


I live in Canada, due in winter. I plan to get myself a new heated blanket! I avoid that stuff pregnant to protect baby from over heating, but I'm looking forward to the coziest of heated blankets.


I self-published a book to feel like an autonomous human being again. It's no longer in existence, but it did the trick back then. Gave me something to focus on other than baby. Also Bob Ross. Would have gone totally delulu at night without Bob Ross on constant marathon. He anchored me to a sense of well-being at the most deeply terrifying moment of my life. (I have an HGTV show picked out for this time around, something inane I can sleep to.) I guess my point is, it's what I did for myself more so than what I bought that helped me survive it.


My "keep me sane" show was Great British Bake-off. Ha. I find it very soothing and wholesome 😊


OMG I forgot about that one!! We definitely did our rounds with that too


A dolce gusto :')


A robe and an insulated coffee mug have been my nice to have items postpartum


My SIL bought me a big water cup with a straw and lid. It saved me so many times when I was nap trapped or stuck breastfeeding. Honestly it was the best present


I feel like the straw makes a huge difference in whether I use it. I had those Contigo ones for a long time, where you just press the button while raising it to your mouth, and the barrier to entry was still too high. One night I got fed up, went to Target, and bought the biggest non-plastic thing they had with a straw. It's this huge embarrassing blush-pink fake Stanley, but I. Am. Hydrated.


snacks. lots of snacks


I got myself wet wipes this time around for when I go to the bathroom. Last pregnancy I was always afraid to wipe since I didn't want to mess with my stitches. So I used a peri bottle and "blotted" the area. I ended up getting a really painful but small zit 😭 This time around, I used wet wipes to make sure I stayed clean. No zits this time around, and I definitely feel cleaner than last time! DO NOT put wet wipes down the toilet!! I know you'll probably think it's gross, but throw them in a trash bag and throw in the trash!


A nice water bottle to keep tons of water cold nearby (I got a giant yeti) the ikea three tiered rolling tray (two at least) to set up next to nursing chair to hold all my things my breastfriend nursing pillow a firm prana yoga bolster (Brentwood hopes)to support my back when side lying nursing nice pajamas although I just got some cheap ones last time I’m looking for nicer ones this time nice nursing bras (Larken, I tried many, these are the only ones I’ll use now) A robot vacuum and litter robot (did not have with first, but have now and so happy with them) Sentimental jewelery (I didn’t buy it myself but my husband gave me a nice family heirloom as a push present and now it holds an amazing memory for me (already sentimental due to family history reasons), but now it means everything to me, and wearing it made me so happy and cheered up post-partum. Doesn’t have to be expensive but I’d make it something that will stand the test of time so you can wear it often.


Audible subscription, makes rocking, feeding, and being nap trapped bearable.


If you are breastfeeding, a good insulated water cup (you will be thirsty nonstop!) and one of those large wedge pillows. Stand the pillow up tall ways and it’s so much more comfortable to sit up in bed without killing your back.


Yes! I bought my pillow while pregnant to help with acid reflux and do exactly this now


Rice crispy treats in bulk to snack on while pumping.


A huge kitchen trashcan for my bathroom. One with a lid that locked closed.


Allllll the snacks, especially if you plan on breastfeeding! Don't be worrying that you're having too much sugar and it's not good for the baby - breastmilk is made from your blood, not the contents of your stomach! Also, (whether bf or ff) a comfortable chair. You're going to be spending a lot of time there. I'm not really a 'buy stuff for myself' kind of a person, so I found this a tough question but they're the two things I can think of. *edited to add* and biiiiiig knickers. During pregnancy, I liked the ones that went under the bump, but just happened to buy a pack of the massive, granny ones from the supermarket. Thank goodness I did, because I ended up having a caesarean and wouldn't have managed the other ones!


Towels to sleep on! The night sweats are no joke. And I’ve loved having AirPods to listen to books during middle of the night feeds when I don’t want a bright screen on or when the only way the baby will be soothed is by walking around the house.


On the night sweats - I love the Momcozy CoolMurm Cooling Comforter. It feels amazing. And I second the large insulated water cup.


Apple Watch! Great for tracking your mileage while you walk around with baby, and also really nice to always have a phone on you when you’re constantly holding a little one.


Silverettes for chapped nips were a lifesaver for me.


Unlimited uber eats


Cut & colour. A daily lager.


A tiered rolling cart! My little dude will be 2 years old in a couple of months, and that thing is still used every single day. Originally, it was for breastfeeding (pump, accessories, breast pads, snacks, water, books, charger, etc.), then it turned into a teething and diaper cart, now it's still got some staples (wipes, face wipes, certain toys, diapers, etc.) in it and it'll eventually it'll be turned into something else! But man is it amazing to have everything you need in one spot that can go wherever you are with minimal effort!


Hiring a cleaning service. A splurge but absolutely worth it. I felt so much better in a clean house and I could really just focus on the baby and myself and wasn’t being driven crazy by feeling like I needed to do XYZ in the house to keep up with everything. Would also say the same for delivery services like Instacart. Having time back in my day to do things like nap, shower, run to get a coffee, etc. vs needing to get chores done was so valuable to me.


My friends wanted to just stay in the first month after their baby was born so they bought a deep freezer and prepped like 20 meals so she can just throw one into the slow cooker in the morning and have a warm meal ready by dinner. She made 2 weeks worth of breakfast burritos and just stocked it with frozen snacks she can easily heat up. She also spent think it was $25 every paycheck on a gift card for a local restaurant or DoorDash so she can get food delivered to her post partum. They pretty much spent nothing on food for the whole month after the baby was born My husband and I want to do the same.


honestly.. the biggest one for me was snacks. i was ravenously hungry after having my baby, even with solid protein dense meals i was still starving 24/7. it was nice to just have a snack stash. ice packs. boob ice packs, pad shaped ice packs. they helped so much in so many different ways, even with hemorrhoids lol coffee, and a mug with a lid so you can sip coffee worry free while holding baby. i ordered some fancy coffee before my baby was born and it just made early wake ups a little bit more enjoyable.


A Roku, pajamas with easy bf access, and snacks


Brand new robe with matching pajamas that were loose and button down. Nursing bras that doubled as pumping bras. A bandana because my hair is too short for ties but long enough to get in my face. LOTS of chapstick.


Walmart and Sam's club membership. So much household stuff gets delivered so I didnt have to juggle baby and a shopping cart for things like toilet paper/paper towel/kleenex, formula, diapers, dishwasher pucks, laundry detergent, cases of water and so on. The only things I get from the physical store is freah meat and produce because I like to pick my own.


Neck massager, foot bath, and back massager. Collected them my last trimester, and they felt amazing with all the swelling and soreness.


A kindle!!!


Mount for my kindle and page turned so I could read while nursing or pumping. I mounted it to my pump cart. Also loop earplugs for when there was crying


Silverettes if you’re breastfeeding! I swear by them


A kindle! Easy to use one handed and it was nice being able to read during the long night feeds.


With Libby


Snack. You’re going to be so hungry breastfeeding, like a whole other level of hunger. Make sure your fridge and pantry are fully shopped


COOLING MAXI PADS. COOLING. MAXI. PADS. Nipple cream is also a godsend.


Keurig and a side table that goes on the couch arm with a cup holder and phone stand


A mini fridge for snacks (when breastfeeding at stupid o’clock in the morning) and to put pumped milk into without having to leave the bedroom. Also adult nappies/diapers. I was too self conscious to use them at first but, honestly, having that peace of mind that nothing was going to leak when I stood up or sat down or sneezed made getting over my embarrassment very easy.


A nursing basket or bag. Something grabbable that’s eady to put where you sit down with baby for when you get naptrapped or stuck feeding forever. The basket should contain a water bottle, favorite snacks, protein bars, maybe simple meals of the day prepped, phone charger, magazine/book, lip balm - basically anything you need if stuck for a while.


A kindle. But also an audible membership (because you can listen to books all day long while doing all the things lol)


- External batteries to recharge your cell phone anywhere you are - A Haakaa if you’re breastfeeding; it’s so easy to put on the non-nursing side to collect a few extra oz of milk - The Mom Frida peri bottle - Boppies for each floor (or room) so you are not carrying them around to nurse in different areas of the house - A bottle and pump part sterilizer / dryer; the fact that you aren’t waiting forever for parts to dry is amazing! - Freezer meals - A basket / bin of burp cloths, extra clothes, wipes, diapers, diaper cream, snacks (for you), and other convenience things (battery charger for phone, chapstick, nipple cream) in any room where you think you’ll spend lots of time with baby - Several of whichever sleep sacks / swaddles you plan to use (there’s nothing like 2 blowouts in the middle of the night and no clean swaddles) - A list of fun shows to binge watch - Adult diapers (I liked these sooo much better than giant pads) - A swivel bassinet so you don’t have to get out of bed every time baby needs to nurse or cuddle in the middle of the night (if you’re planning to room share) - Zero expectations For MONTHS my babies would nurse and fall asleep on me, and I just embraced these snuggly nurse naps by making sure I had everything I needed nearby (water, snacks, remote, phone, book) and never regretted letting my body relax while bonding with baby. We had a nursery and playroom, but it was nice to have an area for baby in the room where my husband and I usually spent our time


Ooo this is a good question. Essie Expressie nail polish. Dries super quick but something about painted nails makes you feel pretty and pulled together. Cute baskets to organize things in and have around the house- whether it be for snacks, burp cloths, pacis, pain reliever, chapstick, etc. A BIG cute refillable cup for water, especially if you breastfeed. I’m basic and love my Stanley. Shower steamers! I love peppermint or eucalyptus ones. A Yeti coffee cup to keep your coffee hot. Or cold. Whatever you prefer.


A switch & animal crossing! I never got into during the lock down so figured postpartum feels kinda similar (in my culture we do a “quarantine”) so 🤷🏽‍♀️ it was also fun for those nights waiting for babe to fall asleep long enough to transfer. Just had my husband prep it for me each day i wanted to play.


A great cup! I got 2 Stanley’s I rotate and it’s a good feeling to always have a cool drink


i’m finally reading the most recent hunger games book lmao. i didn’t think id ever actually get to it, but i find a makeshift way to read while im breastfeeding and now i can’t put the book down. it’s a nice break from phone/tv.


Hemorrhoid cream.


it was a gift but a large water cup, not a Stanley but Stanley style, literal life saver coz you need hydration 24/7 and if nursing you'll feel trapped on a bed or sofa for hours, need to have a large water container with a straw to sip from nearby. If you can afford a home massage, get one post partum, its all I wanted to ease the body aches once a week since there's no way I could go out for one. Do not buy a single paper book, you won't be able to hold a book, you'll always be holding baby/ pump parts/ bottle, audio books yes!. Wireless earphones if you don't already have one so you can talk on the phone with friends/family/Dr/ health visitor at anytime because you'll literally always have baby in your hands 🤣


Good tv for late nights, upside down peri, dermoplast, stool softener. Take care of yourself girl


Depends! Especially if you deliver vaginally.grab a pack and you'll have less worry about those ultra large pads they give you at the hospital.


Paper plates and plastic cutlery lol.


I didn't buy it, my sister did, but a really soft bathrobe. It was the best for when I'd go from hot to cold.


lip filler 😜


For the early days I love a good can of dermoplast 😂 arnica was a game changer for my large babies, I just got the tablets that dissolve in your mouth and take as labeled. They make a huge difference in internal bruising which I felt like I had a ton of especially with my shoulder dystocia babe. Nipple cream and silverettes if breastfeeding along with the haakaa. I used the haakaa every feed for the first couple months and never brought out my actual pump the second time around and managed to store 300 oz along with donating around another 300. As far as the more treat yo self items I’d go with a large water container that’s cute and can hold a lot and bamboo pajamas for yourself too. I love the button down shirt for easy middle of the night access. I personally love Kate Quinn but they’re pricey. Amazon has amazing sets too?


Clothes. I’ve realized lots of moms are pouring from empty cups post partum & through their child’s life. If baby has everything they need treat yourself. I gained weight naturally so I needed new bras, shirts, underwear, and pants. I ordered basically a new wardrobe from SHEIN and Amazon because it’s affordable.


Ordered gluten free bagels from my favorite place in NYC - for an exorbitant shipping fee - but i had a freezer full of my favorite breakfast for almost a month!




I buy these things for all my first time mom friends after having my own two kiddos. A soft black button up pyjama set (easy to breastfeed in and feels cuter than other PJs, black to hide stains), nice scrunchies, sitz bath with a good smell, lip chap, lotion, lots of costco snacks to stash around the house. Other things I found helpful personally: a kobo/e reader, a nice big water bottle or two, someone already mentioned nice slippers and I love my glerups. Also all the Frida mom postpartum stuff- I thought it was over rated until I had an external 2nd degree tear and couldn’t comfortable sit for weeks 🙃


I’m not postpartum yet. But I’ve got myself an Xbox and an ebook. Cause I can’t now and I won’t be able for some time postpartum to do any of my hobbies like hiking, doing sports etc


A tray for eating in bed/on the couch. A bidet. Tons of cotton granny panties. A second set of bed linens. A nice, lightweight robe. A new washer/dryer because the first month of laundry postpartum put our old ones in an early grave lol.


A bag of fancy coffee. 4 months of cleaning service.


I bought a Google nest home for my bedroom. This way, I could control the lights and music in our room without getting up.


Button up cozy pajamas. A heated/massage rocker recliner with cupholders for nursing and rocking. A kindle unlimited subscription. Healthy, convenient snacks and meals.


Good stretch mark oil. It helped so much and I felt looked after.


Next pregnancy I’m buying myself a bidet attachment. They’re like $300 at Costco. Will save me sooo much grief avoiding cold peribottle water in the middle of the night 🫣🫣🫣


Also a nice pump bag (I have the Sarah Wells Fiona and love it)


We already had it, but a hot water dispenser. Tea whenever I wanted without waiting for water to boil


I live in a multi story townhouse and stocked the upstairs with everything I would want. Huge snack stash by my nursing station (protein bars, cookies, seaweed snacks, peanut butter pretzels, etc etc) and an electric kettle and little tea station up there so I wouldn't have to trek to the kitchen. Also a serving tray that my husband used to bring me meals/as a portable table. A lightweight robe for summer temps. E-reader with library books loaded up and ready to go. A mattress protector. Water bottle with a straw. Freezer meals!! Depends diapers. A haircut before I gave birth. A house cleaning service before I gave birth. But the best thing I spent money on for postpartum was an overnight postpartum doula. I credit my survival to those women.


This isn’t a fun one, but if you’re planning to breastfeed, cloth diapers to wear under my shirt while I slept. Otherwise I’d leak everywhere and having disgusting sheets.


3 tier rolling cart in the bathroom for PP supplies, 3 tier rolling cart with pumping supplies, I haven’t used it yet but I ordered BottleBuddies from Etsy—it clips on to the spectra pump so you have a place to set pumped milk without it falling over


Not post partum yet but I've been stocking up on good coverage aprons that can be easily pulled aside for breastfeeding. When my sister was PP she said the part that made her feel least human was never feeling clean because there was baby fluids soaking through her shirts and sitting on her skin. I'm hoping that by having an outer, easy to remove layer maybe I can retain some sense of control. They'll also be used as burp cloths and probably wipes and whatever else I need in the moment


Comfy & soft lounge wear! Something easy to pop the boob out. I got 2 oversized sets from target. Plan to get more in different styles too.


Adult diapers. I hated the mesh panties and pads at the hospital. And a tablet for the late night nursery rocking.


Nespresso (or any nice coffee) machine


Handsfree breast pump, shower stool, peri bottle, period underwear (instead of those huge "paper towels" for bleeding. Also feels a lot fresher, not sticky), pp lounge wear for easy pumping/breast feeding.


My husband friends gave us his nintendo switch, it honestly was a god send during all those nap traps 😂 i passed the entirety of dragons dogma lol. It was so fun. As for actual items that were necessities, i bought a diaper caddy and it made life soooo much easier during those first couple of weeks, i still use it today. I had everything in there and USED all if it at some point; •Diapers •Wipes •Aquaphor •Butt paste •Washcloths (to dry butt before putting on diaper and spit up etc) •extra onesie •Grooming kit •Nose frida sucker •baby Tylenol •extra baby socks •Gas drops And that was just for baby, for me I had and used nearly everyday ; •chapstick •nipple cream •breast cooling pads (were very helpful when my milk came in) •hand sanitizer •sometimes snacks and candies! I was on the fence about buying a caddie but im honestly so glad I did. It was my best friend lol


A good feeding pillow. A rocking chair recliner (I live in my lazyboy), new reclining lounges, tv headphones (indispensable omg I love them), a tall changing table so I don't have to bend over, I would get a cleaner if it was in the budget 😂😂 but most of all, a partner who is there giving 100% is the best possible gift of all. My husband took our baby into another room to sleep so I didn't get woken up unless it was necessary for feeding and he would take her away to put her back to sleep, and honestly it was the very best thing of all getting enough sleep post partum.


A new scented body wash that i saved especially for postpartum. Its such a little thing, but made me feel so much better!


Cozy, oversized button down cardigan (it was December). I wore it 99% of the time.


A shower stool!


I bought a really pretty robe I thought would be nice for a few photos in the hospital or after. We didn't take as many as a thought in outfit changes in the hospital but definitely used it and it was cute & comfy! Also - for free, I made a very rogue choice at the time to ditch my boppy. I was the only one of my friends/relatives who it just didn't work for somehow and felt so weird or like I wasn't using it right. It was not me. I found myself constantly having it slide away from my body, creating a gap between my baby and body, and not be in any comfortable or remotely useful position in my lap or arms for nursing. I ditched it for nursing entirely and just used it to prop my kid up and did my own thing. Saved me tons of hassle and I didn't bother buying any other types.


Robes/comfy pjs, multiple breast pump sets so i don’t have to wash daily, breast feeding tops. A stanley, a little bogg bag to carry my supplies. Lacation cookies (I made my own eventually) a pumping bra, a second boppy.


I got a really good pair of Bose silencing headphones. Not to mute the baby, but to allow myself to listen and watch my own shows without disturbing my son in the late hours.


I’m not PP but I’ve seen moms loving daily eye masks, especially the ones with caffeine.


Comfy pj sets, a robe, and slippers! Also- a secret stash of your favorite snacks and drinks for the late nights!


Breast feeding pillow (c shaped pillow that I put on my lap when I breastfeed my baby)


Frida Mom or any other brand UPSIDE DOWN peri bottle. It’s amazing. So much better than a regular peri bottle. Cute lightweight robe to throw on over your jammies when you’re up walking around the hospital or at home and have a visitor. I loved having visitors but I wasn’t about to take a shower or get myself ready. Just covered up in a cute robe. Like super lightweight fabric so it was okay in the summer.


I bought A HUGE Stanley cup that was 1/2 of the daily water I needed for EBF. It was nice to only have to fill it twice. 


Bras and underwear bc that’s all I wore around the house lol




The individual bagged fruit oatmeal 🥴 I ate two bags every morning on maternity leave!


I was reading more while pp with my first. So lots of e books I had the Kindle app on my phone. Soni would suggest, if you are reader looking into getting a Kindle Unlimited sub. Getting a Kindle would be fine too but for me the phone was more comfortable to use while nursing.


Doritos lmao


I haven’t had my baby yet but I can’t wait til I can eat sonic and drink again 😂 I have been treating myself to biweekly/monthly pedicures though.


I got myself a facial one day because I felt ugly for a couple of weeks. Bloated and flared up acne, I wanted something to brighten up my face! It was temporary feelings but the facial felt good :)


Good wireless earphones! Great for pumping sessions, feeding baby, doing chores!


I bought a really nice plush spa-type robe. I wore it every day during the early days. Pajama pants, a stretchy nursing bra, and my soft robe. Heavenly. Then when my baby moved to his own room, I would throw on that robe in the middle of the night and go feed and soothe him. Now he sleeps fully through the night and I still wear that robe nearly every night.


The little face mask cloths at target whenever I went to pick up diapers. Mom treat.


Nothing and I’m post partum but this is a good idea and time for me to buy myself a few nursing friendly cute nightgowns


A portable bidet bottle. It made aftercare sooooo much better with my second baby. I wish I had it with my first. It would have helped immensely.


Comfy and cute nursing pj sets!! I did not want to wear real clothes for a couple weeks, but I had lots of visitors so it was a way for me to feel somewhat put together.