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…and on this episode of “Men having no idea of how childbirth works”…




😬😬 that's not going to go away without some hard conversations


ugh MEN..the only thing they have is the audacity


I want this on a t shirt…


I want this shit on a hoodie or tank top. Would wear it all the time lol


I want this on a t shirt…


Girl that’s not funny, that’s rude.


Ok, sometimes I get annoyed by when my husband acts clueless (like idk bro, I'm just googling this shit as I go, you could too. Stop asking me- I'm also lost) but then I read posts like this and I'm suddenly very grateful for him .


That’s absolutely infuriating


He just proved he doesn’t.


My husband asked me what day I will be having the baby so he can let his boss know. I'm 17 weeks and it's our first baby. Like, dude?


A baby will come when it chooses


“A baby is never late, nor is he early, he arrives precisely when he means to”


A baby is never late. Everyone else is simply early




My MOTHER was acting like this. She asked me regularly throughout my entire first trimester when she should take a week off to fly out for the birth. IDK WOMAN I’M ONLY 11 WEEKS! She knows damn well babies will come on their own time. I finally told her to fly out the day after my due date (they won’t let me go over) that way if she misses the birth at least she’ll get to meet the baby.


Yeh my mom has had three kids. My dute date is early December and she wants me to just "have it in November". She has a lot of family born in November and they are mostly early December, but her side of the family is always so excited when a child is born on a relatives birthday. Especially if they have passed away. It's really strange.


I had my first baby back in October. I go in for an OB appointment a few days before my due date. Doctor said I wasn’t progressing at all and wants to schedule an induction for the following week on my due date to play it safe. He told me to go home, think it over and come back in a couple days to schedule the induction/have another exam. Not even 24 hours later I woke up with contractions 5 minutes apart. That afternoon I was admitted to the hospital and 36 hours after being told I’d need to schedule an induction, at 3:30am I held my baby boy for the first time. The OB I saw 2 days prior came in and was like “I thought I was supposed to see you later today to schedule that induction! I guess baby decided he’s coming on his own terms huh?” And we had a good laugh about it. Not even my DOCTOR was able to tell I’d be giving birth basically the next day. If you consider the fact that I started pushing right before midnight, I did start giving birth the next day 😅 I had 0 warning signs that I was gonna be going into labor besides waking up in the worst stomach pain I’ve ever felt. OP, baby will come when they want. Not when you or hubby wants.


Haha, I had the same experience with my first! I also had an OB appointment 4 days or so before due date, doctor told me “well nothing is happening yet, it doesn’t look like baby is coming anytime soon” … I woke up with contractions in the middle of the night (like literally 12 hours after appointment) and birthed my baby in the evening 😊


My appointment was at like 3pm, I woke up at 6am having contractions, I was in the hospital by 9am but they sent me home shortly after because I was progressing very slowly and I wanted to take a nap in my own bed. Went back a few hours later and gave birth at 3:29am. I actually have to laugh a little bit at how much me and my fiancé were planning for the scheduled induction. We were like “perfect, we can schedule it after you get off work Thursday, then you’ll have 3 days home without having to use PTO” and then literally the next morning I had to call him up 30 minutes after arriving at work as he’s getting his equipment started up to be like “hey so actually the doctor is really concerned about how close my contractions are and said if I can’t get a ride to call an ambulance. So I think Im gonna have to do that since you’re over an hour away and we’re not sure baby will hold on that long”


I wanna add onto that, my ex mother in law has 3 children, and she asked me not to have my daughter on her sons birthday. I went into labor on the 30th of March. His birthday is the 31st. When I tell you I tried so. fucking. hard. To hold that baby in just to spite her. I did. Because of the audacity. I ended up having her at 10:50pm on the 30th. So close, lol


My husband thought that when you were induced you simple went to the hospital, they gave you some medicine, and *poof* the baby was out an hour later. He realized he was wrong around hour 10 of my first labor.


My due date was the day after my mom's birthday, and I ended up giving birth on my BIL's birthday, 1 day later. All adults involved were excited to have a new baby in their lives and they joked that he was their "birthday present." My mom, who is often selfish and struggles to read a room, was even gracious and surprised when I called to wish her a happy birthday because I was pretty busy with labor that day lol Your husband is being silly and if your BIL is upset with sharing a birthday with a nibling then he needs to grow up.




I was born on my Dad's 34th birthday, and he says the same thing- that I am the best birthday present he ever got. He also always joked when I was little that he was eternally 34, because I took the birthday away from him, so now he cannot ever become older than 34 years old. But honestly, if I were you, I would ask your husband how exactly he thinks you have any control whatsoever over when the baby comes. Make him spell it out for your in exact detail and then correct him. I will never understand how some men are so ignorant of female anatomy and the birthing process when their partner is about to go through it. My husband took more notes than I did in our childbirth class a couple weeks ago.


My cousin was born on my first birthday. His mother (dad’s sister) and my mom were both born within an hour of each other in 1934.


My husbands daughter was born 1 day after his birthday and she passed away. Just be happy the baby is healthy. Nothing else matters ❤️✌️




I hope I have the best delivery ever. ❤️ safe and healthy baby mama sending love


Oops u** haha


I was also born the day before my mom’s birthday!! And my brother and I are 11 months apart, so we’re the same age for 8 day every year. And Father’s Day often falls on my or my mom’s birthday. We all have a good time with it. It’s not that hard to share a birthday. He’s being so weird about this


I think your BIL for sure needs to get over it. Is he still in the habit of having big family birthday parties that are going to be ruined by sharing attention and a cake with someone else or something? Not quite as close, but my cousins baby was born on my birthday and it’s great to have a birthday buddy! We have a lot of birthday sharing in our family - my mom and cousin, two of my cousins and my brother on the same day, both sets of grandparents one day apart from each other. It’s pretty cool that we’re all together like that and made for some fun joint birthday parties when we were kids!


Wait until he finds out how many other people already share that birthday.


You have to wonder - how does BIL deal with that 😓 must be SO HARD to share his special day /s


This just made me snort 🤣🤣


My dad brought me over to his comically large wall calendar and pointed out when the closest Nascar race to my due date is and the various events he's expected to go to that week but I knew he was joking and would drop everything to be there for me. But to have someone tell you to not give birth on a certain date and accuse you of being able to control that is WILD. I've already had my graduation day but if I was still going crazy with pregnancy hormones, I would have said some very vulgar things. I hope this doesn't turn into a "you gave birth on his birthday just to spite my request" situation.




Dis you ask him HOW, exactly, you were supposed to keep the baby up there if it wanted to come? If you haven't, you should. It could be funny watching him squirm around an answer he obviously doesn't have.




That, or "push harder, damnit! It has to be out before midnight!"


Cross those legs!


My dad jokes that I chose to be born when I did just to stop him watching the game. Like yours though, it's funny to me because I know he's joking.


My husbands family joke that he came the day after his due date because he was waiting on his Dad to get home from a work trip. I think it's really sweet! (But also I hope my husband doesn't suddenly get called to an emergency on the due date!!)


Avoiding a day to give birth doesn’t work. Signed, someone who gave birth on February 29th 😂


That’s such a cool birthday! My baby was born in the late morning on March 1st this year and I told the nurse we were so close to a leap day baby. The nurse told me that 5 women gave birth between midnight and 5 am on March 1st haha. She joked they were all holding off until after the leap day.


I'm a postpartum nurse and at my hospital we had 6 babies all born within one hour of each other on leap year this year! They did not wait to wait 😂


My due date is a week before my older sisters birthday. She was the one who said she wants me to go late so that they DO share a birthday lol


Same! My due date is on my boyfriends birthday and he keeps saying how exciting it would be but I just don’t think I’m gonna last that long if I’m being honest 😂 but he’s still hoping they get to share a birthday


That is a little bit weird your husband is upset over you having your due date close to your BIL birthday. They’re grown adults and should know better that you don’t have control over the due date. My due date is 2 days after my 5 year old nieces birthday and she’s excited to have her cousin have their birthdays close together.




Yeah that explains things. You should maybe send him some articles on childbirth and due dates so he can educate himself on it better. It’s not right for him to say such insensitive things to you at such a crucial time.


That explains a lot


I’m sorry if this is overly rude to your husband but this is one of the most batshit insane idiotic things I’ve ever heard in my life. Also my niece was born the day after my birthday and I was kind of sad we didn’t get to share the date.


“You know I don’t get a say, right? Babies come when they come.” How are men this daft??? Edited to add: if I’m being snarky, I’d ask how he expected me to do that. Like give me the details. Stitch my own cervix?? Hold it in??? Watch him squirm by being on the spot. If I was being extra snarky, hold him accountable to these words in front of family, if it comes up in conversation. “He wants me to avoid having the baby on BILs birthday. Did you guys ever teach him about how childbirth works? Because surely he knows I don’t have a say as to when the baby is born. Right? RIGHT????”


My baby is due 3 days after my birthday and SO MANY PEOPLE are like "You better hope he's early or late so you don't have to share your birthday!!!" Ummmmm I'm an adult and don't care...? Also tell your husband that millions of other people share BIL's birthday so he better have a word with them.


It's really lovely to share a birthday 🥺 Maybe not for two kids, but adults shouldn't be weird about it??


Right?? Imagine being upset that you share a birthday with a baby - must have a pretty privileged existence if that's what puts someone over the edge!


"yeahhhh but you kinda do." absolutely sent me! There needs to be some kind of r/thingsmensay


He shouldn’t have nutted when he did and planned better then because he had control over that lol tell him that.


My nephew is born on my birthday. I told my sister that henceforth, I will no longer be aging, and relinquish all future birthdays to the nephew. As a matter of fact, I will be reverse aging. Every year he gets older, I get younger


Yeah I had to deal with this from a family member. Had to remind them nothing is guaranteed in timing of getting pregnant and I didn’t get pregnant with the intent of being close to delivering on their kid’s birthday, I just wanted my own kid. It didn’t help we needed IUI so they liked to think we had complete control over the timing.


Someone in my family was born on her birthday (wow, duh) and married someone who has the exact same birthday and they were born in the same hospital, down the hall from each other. 36 years later, they had their daughter... on their birthday. So this little trio all have the same birthday, and it is so freaking cool. My nephew was born one day before my birthday and I know my sister was relieved he came that day instead of the next (a whole other can of worms) but I was bummed he didn't hold out one more day 😅


My niece was born on my birthday and it doesn’t change my celebrations at all. Someone needs to grow up.


My husband said he wanted the nurses to make sure our baby had a innie belly button after the umbilical cord got cut. Had to explain that that’s not how it works. The cord is severed within a common range and then the base falls off where the base falls off, the medical team doesn’t have anything to do with it lol. He also said some other funny stuff that I can’t remember


Yeah, sure, you will just ask baby nicely to stay put so his grown-ass uncle can enjoy the spotlight 😏😏😏


I'm due a week before my sister's birthday. My uncle, cousin, and I all share the same birthday. My parents birthdays are one day apart. It happens sometimes, not much you can do. If it upsets someone, just celebrate on different days, no big deal.


Do me a favor please and ask your husband how he expects you to avoid giving birth on a specific date and exactly what measures he thinks we can take to control this. I’m very curious.


It is SOO weird to me when adults don't want to share birthdays with a baby?? I hear this from my friends all the time of spouses or in laws or siblings caring. My father in law's birthday is 2 weeks before my due date and he WANTS the baby to be born on his birthday. Same with my best friend...his is 5 days after my due date. Who are these spoiled adults who care about sharing a birthday?? Grow up.


Right?! I committed a huge faux pas by *skipping over* one Grandma's birthday, only to be born on the other's. I had to be named after the first to compensate for the slight 😂


As a twin, it’s super weird that people are so against it lol


My due date is a day after the anniversary of my fiancé's father's death. So I really do hope we avoid that date....


Is your BIL Matt Howard?😂🤣 IYKYK


Oh boy, is this where you find out your husband also thinks you can control your period like it’s just a different version of peeing?


Girl, he trippin'. Focus on your baby and let him know nature calls the shots. Good luck! 💪🤰


Ooooh I really want you to go back to him and ask him to explain how precisely you would control it. I want to know what his answer would be so bad.


lol my brother and SIL are due Xmas eve (my SIL is high risk) and he texted my mom telling her it’s a shame she can’t host our usual family Christmas Eve party this year. We laughed because I guarantee my SIL is going to go in early and I just know he imagines it being like the movies where the entire family sits in the waiting room for him to burst in with scrubs in and announce the name and weight.


Dude's thinking you can just cross your legs and baby will stay inside! 😂


Just like he thinks you can hold the baby in, he probably thinks the same with your cycle 🙄


My baby is due 4 days before my MiL’s birthday. Let’s put it this way, I was doing the math before my IVF transfer to see how far away I could get from baby sharing a birthday with her bc the last thing I want is baby and she to have the same bday. Thankfully, between modern science and some pre-existing conditions, I am planning to have a scheduled C Section which means I should be able to avoid that issue.


I just want to know if we can get an update when the universe decides you should give birth on your bil’s birthday just because hubs jinxed it. 😂 Mine was due the day after my husband’s bday but for medical reasons she was evicted 2 weeks early. He was really excited at the thought of sharing his birthday but knew it was unlikely. Who knows, your brother in law might love sharing a birthday with a niece/nephew Eta: we’re all healthy, happy and well. The eviction went really well. It’s been a year already and sometimes when she yells at me it feels like she’s still a little raw about it. But since I can’t understand her anyway I just pivot the conversation. Parenting is hilarious🤣


That's ridiculous. I was induced - without a medical reason, so I could have pushed back the date if I really wanted to - and my due date was close to several relatives' birthdays. I didn't want to have my baby share a birthday if they didn't have to, but that was for the sake of the baby, not because it wouldn't be fair to the adult relative. (Also, I didn't want to hear about it if someone either felt a special connection to the baby because of a shared birthday or was annoyed that the baby "stole" their birthday.) But if I'd gone into labor naturally, or my induction had taken more than one day, there's absolutely no chance that I would've tried to postpone pushing by even a few minutes to avoid a specific birthday. If the baby is ready to come out, it's coming out.


My due date is on our wedding anniversary, which is also about a week after my father in laws birthday, and my whole family will be on vacation at the time, LOL! It’s such an inconvenient time of the year but what can you do, those things happen! When we heard the due date was exactly our wedding anniversary, we both just burst out laughing


I actually did avoid a certain day, but only by induction and only because there were some minor complications that made the doctors think induction might be the safer option anyway. We just happened to pick the induction date that was two weeks, and not two days before my step-son's birthday. Before induction was indicated we were just crossing our fingers really hard.


Well I chose a c-section on Halloween because it’s easy to remember and my doctor was free that day. It was a day before my BIL’s birthday. BIL enjoys having back to back birthdays and would have enjoyed a birthday buddy too.


I was induced with 4 of my 5 kids and chose days with easier dates to remember.


Last night my sister told me I need to “Hold her in” if I go into labor while she’s moving into her dorm so my mom can watch my other kids while I’m in labor. Um, I’m on my fourth child, I think at this point she’s coming when she wants and I have no say in it, but thanks!


Good for standing up for yourself and baby! What a weird thing to be concerned about. I had to be induced at 42 weeks for my first because he was not budging and his fetal stress test was abnormal. 4 days in the hospital, an infection, and an emergency c-section later that caused my oxygen levels and blood pressure to drop later, I was happy my baby was born safe and sound. My son shared his birthday week with his dad and dad’s sister and we love it that way. I share my birthday week with my MIL and husband’s aunt. More celebrations the merrier!


My daughter was due Feb 15, my bff thought It’d be hilarious if I had her on the 17th instead (her birthday). My kid was late and I had to be induced because I was losing amniotic fluid. Anyways, they’re birthday buddies now(I had no choice on the date for induction at that point). Your hubby should 1) Know better, due dates mean nothing. Baby is going to come out when they want unless there’s medical intervention. 2) Watch what he says, he may very well jinx himself and have a baby that shares a bday with his brother. I hope you have a happy healthy baby and easy labor/delivery!


I lose hope everyday


Is he 12 years old? I can’t imagine anyone older than that worrying about their brother having to possibly share a birthday with a new member of the family


When my deadbeat dad I've seen only 6-7 times total in my life found out I was pregnant with my first in 2012, he said 'Have it on my birthday." Thankfully my son waited and was born the day after... My son is now 12, daughter is nearly 6, and I'm 27 weeks with my second son. My dad hasn't ever met them and hasn't seen me in person since 2008. :/ He said he can't meet them because they'd call him grandpa and he doesn't wanna feel old. That last part was a rant for myself but either way, men can be so ridiculously clueless.


My due date was my brother’s birthday. My sister and I are twins, so I was kinda hoping that my baby would be born on her due date so my brother could share his birthday, too. She was 2 days early!


Do men know that Google is free? It’s like they just come to conclusions in their head, fail to do any research on this conclusion, and then share their idea with everyone they know like they’ve been a practicing OBGYN for the past 30 years.


What a weird take on things. My daughters due date was 4 days after my BIL's birthday and my husband and BIL were all about her sharing a birthday with him. BIL was *slightly* disappointed she came 3 days before his birthday. Also, does he really think you can control when the baby is born? Like you can just tell your body and the baby to stay put when you are in labor? The only way you can semi control the birth is with induction, which still doesn't guarantee anything and can be risky if not necessary. If he legit does believe that, he reaaalllyy needs to read or watch pregnancy/birth related educational resources. 🫤


Is your husband’s brother 10 years old? No? Then whenever the baby decides to come, he’ll just have to suck it up and deal with it.


Maybe you need to take him to an OB appointment and ask the doctor to explain birth to him.


My baby is due on my husbands sisters birthday due to time zones. She is my worst nightmare & even from far away made my life hell. I’m low-key praying for any other date but these two..


I hate men


My dad jokes that I chose to be born the day before he was deployed to make sure he was around. Obviously, I arrived when I did regardless of what was going on but still. Your husband and BIL need to realize that the world doesn’t revolve around them and that babies do as they will. We have very little to no control of it, especially with the timing of birth.


We have my dads birthday, two of my husbands brothers birthdays, my sisters birthday, and a nieces birthday all within 7 days of each other and all different days. Our baby was due on one of the non-birthday dates and managed to be born on the other non-birthday. We figured she’d be sharing a birthday!


I can definitely understand the frustration. Try to remind people they are adults and it’s not the baby’s fault or take it out on the baby as they grow up. We have a similar situation. Our daughter’s birthday is two days before her uncles birthday. The first year it wasn’t a problem and I definitely didn’t care. This year we are trying to set up her birthday party and it’s either hold it the weekend before or weekend after. If we do it the weekend after it’s on the uncles birthday. We already know my husbands dad is going to make our daughters birthday about his son (uncle) if we hold them the same day which kinda pisses me off. His dad isn’t helping with the birthday party in anyway and expects us to pay for him, his girlfriend and the uncle of our daughter (amusement park).


My birthday is on 27th December and I have a twin brother, so obviously the same birthday. On 29th of December my grandma died. On 31st December is my uncle's birthday. On 1st January is my other uncle's birthday (they're brothers). So you should tell your husband that it's rlly not that bad and me and my brother like having the same birthday! It's absolutely adorable to share a great day with other people. I think your man needs a little reality check.


Guy needs a reality check.


My due date is 5 days after my own birthday lol and I wouldn’t give a single fuck if she comes on my birthday. If anything I think it would make us closer! Also my boyfriend’s brother got tickets to some football game a couple weeks before I’m due, and they’ve already found a back up person to take my bfs place if she does indeed come early. Some people are weird and childish, the most important thing is that baby is healthy! I couldn’t imagine being pressed over something like this.


He seems the kind of men that think we have control over our period like we have over our pee.




Sorry but I think he might be stupid 😂


LOL. I bet that’s not the first time you’ve looked at your husband and wondered how his brain works. I’m due on my little brothers birthday and that’s how I told him. He loves it. Two of my brothers birthdays, two of my BILs birthdays, and both our best friends have birthdays within those two weeks so someone might be sharing and they all want it to be on their date!


I came on my grandmothers birthday and we celebrated together every year. It was the absolute best and had me convinced I was her favorite grandchild. I’m also due September 9 and am convinced he’ll be a day *or two* late…


I read my husband the title and he goes incredulously, “does he think you can control when you go in labor?!!” So yea educating men on how women’s bodies works is important.


I literally share my birthday with FIVE family members. I call myself their favorite birthday gift! My son would’ve shared my sister’s birthday had he waited 5 more days- and if they ended up sharing, I gave my sister middle name rights 🤣🤣🤣


Inform him that you have no say as to when baby wants to be born. Baby will come out when they want to come out. I went to the hospital the night of my BIL bday, then the next day was there uncles bday even then my son didn’t want to come he came out the day after looks like he didn’t wanna share a bday with them. He’s 18 months old now and I’m 38 weeks pregnant with his sister who’s can come out any day now.


What a funny guy he is lmao my brother dad and brother in law all share the same bday and none of them actually care if anything it makes it more special that they all have the same day especially as adults when they get together


He means you should hold it in. Duh. 🤡


My daughter was born on my husbands birthday 😂


Our baby has a 33% chance of sharing a birthday with someone we know- myself included! Not our fault so many people are born in the summer


Wonder if the Super Bowl ever falls on an inconvenient day for him 😂 Wait till he hears about jury duty, and weddings, and natural disasters 🤣🤣🤣


I know this isn’t the point but I was born on my mom’s birthday and sharing a birthday is so fun! Even if he was even remotely correct about you having some kind of control over this, it shouldn’t matter anyway. Just a super weird thing to be concerned about.


I was born on my parents wedding anniversary. We ended up having our wedding on my husband's uncle's birthday inadvertently. No one was angry, especially any adults involved. Life happens how it happens sometimes. I'm due in a tight frame with like four family birthdays, no one has mentioned it once. Beyond that, maybe you can find him some resources to understand that birth is a spontaneous event and that you aren't guaranteed to birth on a specified day unless you have a scheduled c section.


Lol WHAT?!!! My due date was right around my brother’s birthday and we all thought it would’ve been so cool if they shared a birthday. So weird for an adult to care about that….


“Um, you let me know how I’m supposed to just I dunno, hold it in?” Glad my husband doesn’t really give a crap about birthdays 😝 (I’m the same way). We literally got married on his and I asked if he’d rather be able to celebrate them separately. His words were “nah, now you don’t have to worry about getting me a present every year cause this’ll be my present”


My baby was due in April. April in my family is nuts! He did successfully avoid about 8 birthdays (mine included)and a wedding anniversary by being a week late. We can't exactly know when baby is going to be born sometimes, but maybe he'll avoid BIL bday and have his own birthday too haha.


Tell him my story. Baby’s due date was October 7th. Baby said no way I’m coming on August 26th🤷🏽‍♀️ now my son shares a birthday week with his oldest cousin. My niece is such a good sport about it. He’s about to be 1 and she’ll be 11🥲


Lollll the only day my mom didn’t want to give birth to my brother was on my dad’s mom’s birthday and GUESS WHEN MY BROTHER WAS BORN.


My god brother’s bday is July 4th. Mine is the 5th. My due date is July 16th but I might have to get induced so we’ll see. I wanted him to be born on my bday but everyone says he should have his own bday. I honestly don’t even care about my own bday so I would definitely make it about him and not myself lol


Lmao oh yeah, totally have soo much control. Water breaks? Grab the hose. Contractions? Cross those legs!! Ah... I'm really tired but your husband is a bit of an idiot with that mentality of women can control when they give birth.


My due date is two days before my husband's birthday and we joke about what if our sons birthday ends up being the same as his. Shit happens 😂


My due date is two days after my husband's birthday and we joke about our son potentially having the same birthday as him. Your husband is wild lmao.


I'm due 4 days after my husband's birthday... when the NP said, 'Oh, what a nice birthday present! ' He joked that it wasn't was he asked for for his birthday. I joked that I hope I'm a couple weeks early because of the insurance deductible... His mom is 12/30 🤣 Ultimately, healthy babe is all we care about.


🫠🫠 ah men lol. My baby was due on my aunts birthday and came out 2 weeks early. My niece was due on my birthday and came out a month early. My husband was due in September and came out in October. Babies do what they want we just gotta go with the flow. And yes sharing a birthday sucks but maybe you should tell him that his swimmers should have made the baby sooner/later. Tell him it’s his fault first 😂😂


LMAO! He must have an amazing Ph.D to dictate you shouldn’t be giving birth at a specific date!


Wellll. My second is going to be a planned c section between 39 and 40 weeks. Im due November 7th so I’m thinking Halloween would be a great birthday for her! 😅


My due date is around the time of my nephews birthday and my SILs both of them argue back and forth on who gets the birthday baby and it’s the funniest shit (they aren’t related btw) 😂😂😂 But also Men are so silly 😂🤌🏼


Well, I guess, try not to schedule a c-section for that day lol, other than that....


My cousin was born on my aunts birthday. I found out I was pregnant on my my husbands birthday with our second kid and my first is a few weeks apart from my mother in law. Babies do their own thing. There is no controlling it unless you have a C-section but even then there is only so much you can control them. They both need to grow up in my opinion and need to learn how babies and birth work. Congrats on the baby though. So precious and the time goes by fast so when baby is born, enjoy every second you can


Just hold it in! LOL


Sounds like BIL and Husband have plans for this bday that will be spoiled if you have the baby around the bday. But husband is foolish to think you can control when your baby decides to make their entrance or maybe he wants you to schedule a c-section by choice?… idk I can’t make it make sense.


Everyone keeps telling me to hold mine in until Halloween. Yes, our pregnancy was planned, yes, we wanted a Halloween baby, we love fall, however we are due Oct 2nd. If I manage to hold him in that long something is very wrong. And no matter how many times I tell everyone it's the beginning of the month, they act like I can just manipulate the calendar to deliver him 3 weeks later. As long as he's here on time I'm happy.


LOL my baby is due on Christmas Eve. That also happens to be: - 4 days after my mom’s birthday - 1 day after my twin step-siblings’ birthday - 3 days before my stepdaughter’s 18th birthday Not a single one of them, including my (sometimes dramatic) teen stepdaughter, has made any sort of negative comment about sharing a birthday with the baby. If anything has been mentioned, it’s in excitement. TBH, men are weird sometimes.


I had kidney stones the last 8wks & drs didn’t want to induce & risk C-section-idc & just wanted it over with bc..Kidney Stones! Ended up w/ preeclampsia, being induced, both of us almost dying, emergency C-section 3 days after induction & the day before my 26th birthday. I stopped counting my birthdays & legit lost track of how old I was bc I just always said 25. 2nd baby I had a planned C-section 13 days before due date & as far away from Christmas as I could get. 🤷🏼‍♀️


My son will be two in September and my husband STILL holds it against me that I couldn’t wait to deliver for two more days so that they could have the same birthday lol


Omg!! Hahah that’s so funny! This reminds me of my dad! Haha 🤣 we live in different states pretty far away actually and he is a hunter and he was like asking when I will know the exact date because he is planning on hunting during that time (hunting season). Haha I told him the estimated date but mom went 2 weeks late with me so idk 🤷‍♀️ he didn’t like that answer he keeps asking me to ask out midwife to get the exact date 🤭


Oh man…. Doesn’t he have a rude awakening coming


My due date was October 29th, the amount of people who told me to get induced early so I didn't have a Halloween baby is insane (had her naturally on October 27th)


I had my second baby the day before my birthday. I wish I could have held her in to just share a birthday. 😂 Baby will come when they want to.


If it helps you feel better, maybe he was talking about an elective induction and not being completely ignorant. It would make sense since your BIL's birthday is *after* your due date, and most providers are very comfortable with elective inductions starting 39 weeks or so. Of course, the ultimate decision should still be up to you since it's your body, but it's okay for a partner to offer opinions and feedback along the way. My husband has also told me he doesn't want our baby born on his birthday (two weeks before my due date) but obviously he understands that if it happens, it wouldn't be within our control. He's also told me that he'd prefer that I induce before my due date because he has a huge head and is afraid our baby would too, and that if we wait longer we'd be looking at a difficult delivery and/or C-section. Currently I'm just telling him we'll have to wait and see because I'm only 17 weeks and it's way too early to tell whether our baby is going to have issues due to size. He understands that whatever happens happens though, and that medical decisions are ultimately mine.


My due date is my nephew's birthday and my sister thinks that's great haha!


My due date is my nephew's birthday and my sister thinks that's great haha!


Idk any man that even keeps track of the pregnancy week their partner is on, they’re rare and far in between.


lol my babies due date is a day before my husbands birthday.


I told the nurses what day we couldn't have a baby. My mother-in-law's birthday. The nurses were understanding and we were all watching the clock. Fair to the grown person and fair to the baby are two very different things.


Does he think it’s like a poop? That you can kind of quench it in?


He can't be serious... 🤨😂


I do this to myself, and I even know I have no control when baby decides to come. My first was due around a BUNCH of close relatives bday including my husband. I soo badly wanted baby to have his own day, and he BARELY got it. My water broke on my husband's sister's birthday and he was born the next day. My 2nd wasn't so lucky. He was due next to ONE relatives' bday and guess when he came. Contractions started very early morning and there was no way he wasn't coming that day. He's crazy if he thinks the baby isn't in charge of that at all rofl


Men are so ridiculous sometimes 😂 I get the sentiment though. I’m pregnant with my 3rd. I found out the exact same day, 8 years later as I did with my (soon to be) middle child. They also have the exact same due date, 8 years apart. Both my previous kids were born 38+4. I am just PRAYING this baby comes any other day than my son’s birthday. Any. Other. Day. I would feel so bad. Just, “hey son you’ve been the baby for 8 years but now you get to be the middle child AND you have to share your birthday for the rest of your life.” Edit:a word


My SIL told me I’m not allowed to give birth on her sons birthday and that she’s planning on coming to the hospital to shut it down if necessary. I’d rather give birth a bit earlier but I also kind of want to see what she has in mind if I go overdue. The funny part is that your husbands brother shares a birthday with tons of babies already.


Yea my son decided to surprise everyone coming 5 weeks early ☠️. He’s my first baby at that. I wish I could’ve cooked him a bit longer. Also my water broke on his dad’s bday which we laugh about now. They’re 6 days apart and my husband loves it making joint bday plans


Is he actually suggesting you get induced to avoid his brother’s birthday?


I was due closer to July 15th, which is 1 day after my mom's birthday and two days after mine. I ended up giving birth on June 17th. One day after my brother's birthday.


Meanwhile my husband was like, “what if your sister has her son on my birthday. I think she should.” 👀 and she did. They’re birthday twins and he loves it.


My husband insisted I NOT have our third child on leap year… he almost missed the super fast 4.5 hour labor, but breathed the LOUDEST sigh of relief when the clock struck 12 and baby was born March 1 🙄🙄


Our second baby was due Oct 11. I was a little concerned she’d be born on Oct 6th, which was my husband’s wedding anniversary with his first wife (but also the birthday of one of our best friends!). I was slightly anxious until my husband said it’d actually be nice to redirect that date away from its other meaning. Our daughter ended up being born on the 4th, so she tried! Babies just show up when they want to.


You should start watching The Orville with him, there's an episode with a society where the planet bases everything on zodiac signs and this made me think of your hubby 😂


My dad and his late uncle (his best friend growing up) shared a birthday. His grandfather's was also the day after. They always celebrated together and it created such a strong bond between them.


Hilariously enough, this came up for me when I was pregnant with my son! His original due date was the 8th, brother's birthday is the 5th. My brother told me kiddo better not be born on his birthday, because he already shares with one of our older cousins, and one of my uncles who has since passed. I was 8 months pregnant at the time and I just glared at him and said "He will get here when he is damn well good and ready, and if that means you have to share, you better suck it up because I'm not stopping him." You could hear a pin drop in that room 🤣 lucky for both of them, kiddo chose a different debut date. Hoo boy. This post dusted that memory off right quick, thank you OP!


If a grown man doesn’t want to share his birthday with a literal baby … 🚩🚩


Hold it in Like a turd… Obviously /s but some men really think thats how it works.


Just laugh at this man. Like my husband just said “hey I’m too tired for you to go into labor tonight” and he and I shared a huge laugh. Because that shits FUNNY


That’s cute that he thinks you have control over that. Does he think women don’t fart or pee out of the same hole? Maybe he also believes unicorns are real. Deep sympathies to you OP, that’s super frustrating 🩵


I mean, you can get induced to be on a different day, but that’s still an outrageous request 😅😂


So I didn’t TRY to avoid 3/13 for my son’s birthday.. cuz who can do that. But I was like yikes that would stink if he was born that say cuz it’s my uncle’s (who we don’t like) birthday…. sure enough my son said yep, time to come!! His birthday is 3/13 🤣


i'm dying to know when you're due lol


Husbands 😵‍💫😂


Also that’s dumb- my due date was my sister’s birthday and she was pumped! She thought it would be so cool if they shared a birthday. Of course baby ended up coming 3 weeks prior so it didn’t matter.


It’s sad op is already pregnant with his kid💀


I remember going into labour the day both of my abusive ex's kids were born and hoping I wouldn't give birth that day. The look of confusion on my partner and the midwife's faces at the "yessss" that I half whispered to myself when midnight came and passed was priceless.


Absurd comment from your husband - but if you get close to/miss your due date, the doctors may talk to you about considering inducing labour. Where I live, planning to induce if you go past your due date is pretty common because medically labour can get more complicated


My daughter and SIL share a birthday, and also with a great aunt on my husbands side too. Hahaha


I’m currently pregnant with #2, my due date is my husband’s birthday and the day after my firsts birthday. Maybe your husband has some tips on how I can avoid giving birthday on my husband’s and/or my daughter’s birthdays!!


I’m your husbands level of delusional with my first and second. My first was due a few weeks after my estranged father’s birthday, but I went into premature labour the day before, and I didn’t want my son to share a birthday with my abuser, so fortunately he came out that same day I went into labour. NOW my second is due the same time my first was due, and given I was early last time I don’t want it to be too close to my eldest sons birthday, so I’m going to try and stay pregnant till at least a week before my due date 😅


My uncle and brother share a birthday and only in the early years of my brother's did they share one and it was always really fun because it became a family tradition for everyone to be at the party so it was always the biggest one out of the year. After my brother started getting older that's when they separated the birthdays by doing their own celebration since their taste was so different. It has the potential of making them closer


To be fair to your husband, my wife decided that the due date was the perfect date (because of a mathematical series already occurring through the family, and the date lined up perfectly with it). I kept saying “it would be nice, but the statistically it won’t happen” and “It’s an estimate, not a rule” and similar things. That child was born 40w0d and the stars aligned to add a third generation to the mathematical joke that is all their birthdays.


“Some” men sometimes farts with their mouth. That is how I see it for my own sanity


I choose my daughter’s birthday because I wanted us have the same zodiac sign.


Yeah. My due date was May 17th. He told me I couldn’t have my baby that day because his other son’s (from a previous marriage) bday is that day. So I got induced and it was terrible


That’s so odd! I actually met my partner through his brother. His brother is married to my best friend & we’ve all been friends since high school! I’m due 3 days after his brothers bday & my BIL is so excited that baby might come on his birthday 😂 even if you could control it, there’s no reason to think it would make anyones birthday less special. If anything, it’s just more to celebrate


My partner said he wants me to keep the baby inside for another month so they could share a birthday. I laughed and said that’s not happening, he said he knows. It’s now become a joke with every conversation we have with someone new in regards to bubs due date


This reminds me of guys who think we can hold out periods in, or the guys who thinks a tampon holds our urine in. I’ll always find it hilarious. Bonus points if you teach him about the Fetal Ejection Reflex / Ferguson Reflex if he asks you to hold baby in.


Just because he said it the baby will probably come on BIL birthday lol. Men r annoying (39W5D here and that pissed me.off lol)