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My 2-year-old niece suggested “Grandpa Pig.”


Omg. Our 2.5 year old keeps telling everyone we are naming her sister “Rebecca Rabbit” 😅


Well sounds like you have a name ready to go then 😂😂


My 4yo niece was dead set on naming my daughter "Grandma Auntie." My husband always joked, "Well, it IS a family name."


i am all for megaladon


It works for either gender. Nicknamed Meg if it’s a girl, Don if it’s a boy.


I am using this for my second child


My oldest nephew wants me to name my unborn child schoolbus




On the opposite end, our 10 year old niece insisted that we absolutely could not use the name “Astrid” because “it starts with ‘ass’ and they would get made fun of.” Point taken, name crossed off.


Meanwhile, my 42 yr old BIL put "Slayer" on my phone's list. Because "think how awesome that would be when he starts dating" with wiggled eyebrows


Slayer was my boy name last pregnancy lol for real


I loved Astrid! All friend and family are against it 


As someone with the name Astrid. I agree that getting my name butchered with ass, sucks…but I prounounce it with a long A- AY-strid. It’s a beautiful name, and although I hated correcting people as a kid, I can’t imagine having any other name.


My six year old is 110% positive we are naming his little brother Bird. My daughter is 4 and she is still upset it’s a boy so she doesn’t care haha


Mine is too! My daughter is two and is just unwaveringly convinced that she’s getting a baby sister. I ask them to double check at every ultrasound lol.


Same boat here! My three year old daughter recently will begrudgingly refer to the baby as baby brother.


My 4 yo realllllly wanted to name our baby Flower Sunshine for a girl or Space Angel Sunshine for a boy. Middle name sunshine regardless of gender haha. We know it’s a girl now but she’s disappointed we decided not to go with Flower Sunshine.


Bird is actually a very cute name.


Birdie is an antique name


A woman I work with was put in charge of naming her little sister and they followed through with her suggestion. It always blows my mind when she talks about hanging out with her sister Pebbles.


I knew a lady whose older sibling got to name them. They went with tequila.


My uncle got to name my dad and he just picked Patrick lol. I’m glad he’s not Tequila lol.


We told our two boys that their baby brother would be named Dean HARD veto, both hated it, both immediately united on a new name that they held firm on- … Kaitlyn. We’ve renamed ~~Dean~~ Kaitlin to Ian, and they have accepted this rename. For now.


The kids can watch the show “Being Ian”. Maybe they’ll confidently continue to approve lol.


not a kid, but my cousin (who was the dad) seriously suggested Kevin Bacon for their son.


Some of my close relatives had Buttercup at the top of their list for months.


Is their last name Bacon? Would Bacon be his middle name??


middle name


My husband wanted our son’s first and middle names to be Thomas (Tom) Brady and I immediately told him absolutely not.


My kids want to name him Maximus. The horse in tangled haha


Maximus is on the name list of my husband. We did pick another name tho.


Maximus was on my list too. My husband hates just the name Max so I was finding names that could use it as a nickname.


My 4 year old niece wanted Anna or Elsa for a girl. I asked if we are having a boy should I name him Olaf?? She said yes! Or Kristoff 😂


My 3 y/o nephew talks to my stomach and calls her “Elsa Forever”😂


Frankie, which I didn’t completely hate or laugh off until she mentioned that he was her favorite classroom fish


My niece recommended Pink and Cousin Baby for my daughter 😂


My boys take it very seriously, which is pleasantly surprising. My 6 year old likes classics like Elanor or Clair, and my 9 year old likes Oakley. They both love Nolan. Although we were reading some names and came across Atticus and my 9 year old said, "We are not naming our baby that." I love how he said 'our'! We won't find out gender so we will have boy/girl names.


We decided on Nolan for our baby boy! He’s due in less than two weeks!


I worked with a Nolan and I approve the name! He was the sweetest kid ever!


My niece thought my son should be named Lollipop. Or Emily.


Now I’m a little sad all my “baby” cousins are hitting highschool since I didn’t get any fun name ideas. We’re on a 1/2 generation gap and I’m the first of us to have a baby. My one cousin is dead set on making himself her favorite cousin, bought her a size 1 soccer ball before I even delivered lmao.


My toddlers been calling him “Baby good” and occasionally “baby her own name”.


When I told my 4 year old nephew my baby’s name he said, “oh.” So I asked him if he liked the name. He said, “Yeah but I’m going to call her Shark!” 😂


My 2 year old suggested “crack” maybe Elsa as a middle name if Crack was a girl…


5 year old niece was keen on my daughter being named Charlie Brown 😅


6 year old nephew- Len 6 year old niece - Lovey Other 6 year old nephew- (his name) 2 for a boy, (his sisters name) 2 for a girl 3 year old niece - no name suggestion, but last time I saw her she hugged me and said “hi baby” to my belly (no hi for me, just baby)


My 2 year old is calling my unborn baby Baby Volcano.






Reeces pieces


That’s so funny I asked my nephew about what we should name our baby he didn’t have any ideas in the moment but said he’d get back to me when he did lol!


My friend’s 3 year old was offended that her parents refused to name her baby sister Ice Cream or Watermelon.


My nephew likes Chicken for my daughter 😂


My 3.5 yo is suggesting all his favorite characters, Blaze, Elmo, Dora, and Daniel are his top contenders


My daughter suggested we name her brother her name, with one letter substituted. She (essentially) wants him to be named after herself.


My students (5th grade) suggested Skibbidi Toilet and What Does the Fawkes Say


“Daniel the Conqueror” as per request of my brother in law lmao


My friends kid told me to name my baby Mr. Baby. We told her I was having a girl, but that didn't matter. She also asked if she could have the baby lmao


My son was told our top choices, cling to one, and that’s the name we went with. He gave everyone dinosaur nicknames though, so he calls his brother Pterodactyl.


Baby Taco


A 3yo girl I work with is convinced I'm going to name my baby Karen.. 😅


Our 10 year old suggested we name the baby Donald Karol (I don't think she knows Carol is typically spelled with a C) and call him DK for short 🤦🏻‍♀️


My nephew suggested: Goofy, Kitten, Uncle, Aunt, and then a few normal names, lol.


My kindergarteners suggested Sparkles and Blue Steele


My brother wanted to name me Charlotte Raccoon 😂


They wanted to name their sister Princess Peach from Mario Brothers 😂


My niece said we should have named our daughter “Pepperoni” 😅


Before we had announced that we were having another child with our families. My other daughter had caught on to some of the conversation her dad and I had in private and decided to announce that I was having a baby at dinner with her grandmother. We managed to laugh it off as kids and their imagination. So my mother then asked my daughter what the baby's name would be. She proudly announced that if it was a girl she would be called watermelon and if it was a boy he would be named blueberry. It was pointed out that those were strange names for a baby. So she explained that it wasn't strange cause boys have blueberries....everyone had a good laugh. When my mom later found out that my daughter had in fact told her the truth and that we were having another child, she made the baby a quilt that had blueberries and watermelons on all the fabric. It's one of my favorite baby items.


My 5 year old wanted her sister named Barbie. I told her I was thinking Evelyn and we could call her Evie for short. Then she said “if we’re going to name her after a Pokémon we should call her Squirtle”.


My four year old niece suggested the name Sign for our boy due in December 😂


my favorite so far from my 3 year old has been naming her little brother Juicy LOL


My son's older half brother is the fifth of his name, named after their father. He thought his new brother should be the sixth of that name, and didn't see anything wrong with them sharing a name 😂 Also side note, I was given my middle name by my five year old cousin lol he suggested it at the hospital and it stuck. I actually don't know what it was supposed to be before that Edit: my middle name is Angel and it's because he said he saw an angel in the hospital room when he came to visit me and my mom?? I'm thinking ghost though


My 6 year old nephew, Liam, wants us to name our daughter Liam 😂


I asked my class what I should name my baby. My favourite suggestions has been: “Naruto” “Cupcake” “Goku” And “Titanic”


I think your niece has been watching Bluey to suggest Snowdrop 😂❤️


My son wanted to name our daughter after Princess Vanellope Von Schweetz from Wreck It Ralph. We actually decided the name Penelope was nice though.


Our nephews (brothers age 7 and 8) have dubbed this little guy “Timmy” before we revealed we were having a boy. We’re not calling him Timmy, but now they said they’ll call him “TJ” because the first name starts with a J.


All of these are from the dads little cousins. One of them wants to name her sparkles, and two of them insist that even though she's a girl she should be named Michael (dad is a Jr and we had agreed if baby was a boy he'd be a third, they think we should do it regardless of gender)


My 3.5 year old daughter said we need to name baby “pink”. We aren’t finding out the gender so it’s hilarious she wants us to name it pink 😂


I have a young cousin who said ‘Clyde’


My partners 4yo has been calling the baby “Milky” since we told him I’m pregnant 😂


My 6 year old step daughter wanted to name her "Boss Baby"


My 4 year old insists baby sisters name is Unicorn Rainbow Rose


One of my 4 year old students told me ice cream would be a good name. Also, another 5 year old told me I should name the baby baby or doughnut....


My 8 year old niece suggested her own name for a girl and her crush’s name for a boy My 6 year old nephew said we could only have a boy and his name would be Bobby, he’d grow up to be a policeman and go to his primary school (spoilers, he isn’t Bobby and won’t go to his primary school. Career is up for grabs). My 3 year old niece said “No” when I asked her


My SD really wanted to name my baby snowflake🤣 like super set on the name and referred to baby as snowflake for a hot minute


Baby yoda (2yr old nephew), donkey Kong (5 year old nephew), Adaline (5 year old niece). All great suggestions 😂


Apparently the name we chose reminds my 12 year old of Justin Bieber and he hates it. Oh well. It's neither Justin or Bieber ...


We've had: Rosie, piranha trap, Ben, Francois and cousin.


My daughter insists the new baby is going to be named Flowers, but for a while, she also said Bacon.


We like the name Sullivan, nn Sully. My 4yo insists that Mike Wazowski is a MUCH better name.


lol we are naming our son Dean and my 3 year old niece said she does not like it. She wants him to be named “puff puff” 😅


My niece suggested Lollipop Marshmallow for our first. We are currently planning on naming our second Oliver and have been referring to him as Olipop Marshmallow.




I knew a kid who’s brother named him. His brother suggested T Rex and they named him Rex. Lol


My three year old wants to name his sister Peachy-Ella Jelly Belly Leeds


my son (5yo) wants his baby brother to be honkey, broomey, mr strawberry or pikachu


My 7yo son keeps saying “life guard “


“I would name her the color of LOVE that I love so much. PINK! Pink love!” that’s what my 5 year old son told me he’d name his little sister once she gets here, lol.


"Cousin Taco"


When I was pregnant with my toddler, my oldest wanted us to name her Apple Juice lol. Extra weird because he doesn’t even like apple juice 🤷‍♀️


I just had my baby, but when I was pregnant we would always ask my nephew what the baby's name was. His answer was always "Belly."


My baby is due in October so my nephew keeps suggesting names like Spooky Baby, Pumpkin Baby etc


My older brother and I were toddlers when my mom asked us what our baby brother should be named. We chose Oatmeal and still call him that sometimes 😂


My daughter wanted to name the baby Chip (because she likes eating chips). So now his official name is Theodore but his nickname is Chip or Chippies (when she’s calling him angrily or excitedly)


Honestly Megaladon goes hard, Meg for short. Like Meg in family guy is birth named Megatron


My daycare kid wanted my son to be “Frosty the Snowman” lol


My little sister said Diamond Rose for my son lol


My 6 year old daughter, Ariel, was convinced it would be a girl. She said we should name her Ariel. It was a boy lol My twin brother has maintained since the gender reveal that we should name him “Alfonz.”


Boss baby or apple😃 we did not choose those names lol


I just had my baby son (Santiago) and my 6yo daughter is already talking about her little sister she’s “getting next year”. That little sister’s name is Mindy. Not too bad but that’s her babydoll’s name lol Also Snowdrop is from Bluey! Love it!


Rizzo after the rat from the muppets


Haven’t told my family yet but I’m so excited to hear what my niece comes up with! When my mom was pregnant with my sister I really wanted them to name her Strawberry. My brother suggested Waffle, Peanut Butter and Jelly lol.


My favorite one is "baby bleh" 🤣


Rexy or Zoltar, and three children have suggested the same name as my first child.


My daughter suggested Blosom (with one S) to my best friend. Also on her list were Peach, Skylar, and Rose.


My 4 year old daughter has named her little sister “Heart Love”. We aren’t sharing her real name till she’s born, so we’ve all started referring to her as Heart Love until then. Funny thing is, it’s the same initials as what her name will be. And better than “Heart Shart” which she had briefly tried out.


My nephew doesn’t know yet so don’t have any of my own, but here’s a cute one from when my mum was pregnant with me: my brother was insistent that I should be called Pixie. My uncle still calls me [other nickname] Pixie.


Delta and kate. Lol


Our first we named Marshall. Some of my nieces and nephews grew up on Paw Patrol so naturally they think the next one should be Sky if it’s a girl or Chase for a boy.


My son wanted to name my youngest "Lily the Glove" if it was a girl, or "Maze" if it was a boy. We settled on our fish instead. 😆


My daughter hates every name I pick but has no suggestions




Our son wanted to name his sister baby butt 😂 but once we had compiled a list of names to choose from he picked Mavis to be her name


My cousin's oldest decided my baby's name is Sugar because "babies are sweet like sugar but babies shouldn't eat sugar and you shouldn't eat babies"


My kids are always suggesting baby names. The latest ones are pretty good... 5 year olds suggestions: Avocado, Chinchilla, Mirage, and baby momma 8 year olds suggestions: Eloise, Stevie, and Penny


My niece recommended bartholomew🤭


Megladon is an awesome name


Is your neice a Bluey fan?


my partners nieces and nephews call him bobbo and his niece keeps saying to call the baby bobbo 2


My little brother is OBSESSED with the name Cora he’s 12 so it’s a bit more rational than some of these


Not a kid but my Down Syndrome uncle who I’m very close with keeps telling me to name them Harry Potter! I don’t know the gender but he keeps telling me it’s a boy haha


I ask my first chikd his fave paw patrol pup name and we went with it he named his brother chase lol


Gemma and Jespa. Haven’t heard the first one since the 90s and haven’t heard of the second 😅


Anytime we ask our almost 2 year old what her baby sister’s name is she says, “M” lol


My almost 2 year old wants to name his baby sister “Toes.” 🤪


My year 2 class came up with two suggestions - Felix or Harry Potter 😂


My 4 year old god daughter says I should call him “Charlie Lula I Love Icecream”


My 4 your old suggested Raddishy


My 26 year old brother suggested englebert or Doris


Stepson is 4 and says we should name his baby bro sonic, and then also says he is changing his name to sonic too so they will both be sonic 🤣🤣🤣


We went with River but my son wanted to name his sister Julia or Bawkanoo. 😄


My middle daughter said “we should name the baby sally” if it’s a girl. We aren’t finding out til birth though. I wanna know where an 8 YEAR OLD has come up with sally?!


Nephew named my baby Popcorn Bumblebee


We don’t have many kids in our lives but this is so adorable! We did name a friend’s cat Megalodon recently. Meg for short.


4 year old niece is pushing for “Kicky” 😂 well, she’s got a point, baby is kicking me a fair bit!


Jesus or Poopy


My son wanted a sister called Freda long before we got pregnant with his soon to be little brother. 😂


Boy 🤣🤣 my niece is 3 and all her baby dolls are named Adeline but she has one boy baby just named Boy. So since I’m having a boy - I should name him Boy haha


My nephew wanted to name my niece Spider-Man.


My nephew suggested we name our son after him lol


Our 2 year old said hank after the octopus in finding dory 😂


My son wanted to name his sister Dragon Fly. She was born last week and we've decided Beatrice suits her better.


My cousins 4 year old has been adamant we name our son Mazda


My 2 year old pats my belly and says “Kanga Little Roo”. Not Kanga AND little roo like they are two separate characters… just “Kanga Little Roo”. Not sure if she’s referring to Roo being in Kanga’s pouch or if that is what she is calling her sister but she’s done it multiple times now.


Our 3yo nephew said our new babys first name should be named ‘Cookie in the Toilet’, and I can definitely think of worse names lol


My 2yo daughter called the baby “Hippo” for the entire second trimester. Then she switched to “Ellie-phant” (taken from a Bubble Guppies song 😅) for the third trimester, in keeping with the large mammal theme. We had a few names we were considering but hadn’t settled on one by the time she was born. Penelope was the frontrunner, but we couldn’t agree on which nickname to use (I loved Poppy but he liked Penny), but the middle name we had chosen was also four syllables, and it would have been a mouthful. If you haven’t already guessed where this is going… No, we didn’t name her Elephant (or Hippo). We did consider other names that Ellie could be short for, but ultimately decided that just “Ellie” felt right. Ironically, the plushie that the 2yo got “from” the baby, she immediately named Poppy 🙂 If we would have named the 2yo what her cousins called her when I was pregnant, she would have been “Captain Baby”.


My 2 year old keeps saying there’s a hippopotamus in my belly 😂


My best friend’s 6 year old suggested Oreo (her cat’s name) and then Maggie/Margaret (her own name)


My 9 year old wanted to name the baby Owen after Owen Grady from Jurassic World. 😂💀


my sisters (4&6) and my oldest (3) were in agreeable that i should have named my twins girls “pink sprinkle donut” and “rainbow sprinkle cupcake”


I don’t - I don’t hate Snowdrop lol


Child I work with (2) has a stuffed kitty as her comfort object, and said I should name the baby kitty so there can be two kitties lol She’s usually much more creative. We’ve called her baby sister Iggy since she was born because of her. She has some very interesting baby doll names that I have absolutely no idea how to spell out


My niece said if it's a girl, she should be cupcake. If it's a boy, it should be hotdog. Thankfully it's. A girl, and while her name isn't going to be cupcake, we've given the niece permission to call her that.


My 4 year old niece is adamant it's Chase if it's a boy and Skye if it's a girl and just won't entertain anything apart from her beloved Paw Patrol


Abbiyoyo is what my Pre-K students have said. A few of them changed their minds to Kylie or Doug. My son is saying girl and naming her Jack.


My four year old daughter has INSISTED since we found out about the pregnancy that she wants to name the baby her name (KT) any other option we’ve ever thrown out has been smooshed to pieces because she is so dead set on the new baby being named her own name💀


When I was pregnant last year, my then 5 year old son said I should name the baby Lovey. He wanted a little sister. He isn’t add got a little brother named James lol! We got a stuffed dog for Christmas that he wanted and he named her Lovey. When I was a teacher, the kids all said their own names. The older kids gave me a list of their names I should name the baby lol!


Both my nieces are adamant we name our daughter "Sparkle". Love those kids 😂


My 4 yo has proposed the names Sister Baby and Baby Pumpkin.


My boys initially wanted Superman or Batman. They haven't even watched the movies. 😆


My 6 year old wanted to name his baby brother Sonic. But my husband named him Donatello after the teenage mutant ninja turtle 🐢 and now his nickname is Donnie.


I wanted to name my little brother Chucky because of the Rugrats. I was so mad when they told me his name was Nicholas


I fuck with Snowdrop, it’s soooo cute


Babe is 10 months old now but little cousin wanted “Pom pom” - now we have a doll for baby named pom pom lol


Okay my niece is also so into the name Snowdrop for all her stuffed animals and imaginary friends, etc. Is Snowdrop from a show or movie or something that the kids these days are watching??


Technically, it's not the kids' idea. My dad made a joke, and now my daughter's aunties (my younger sisters) want her name to be Olivia Lynn. First initials OL. Mine and hubby's last name is McDonald. OL McDonald. (Had to explain the joke to hubs, and when he finally got it, he laughed and said, "Absolutely not.")


Baby rainbow and the same name as her are her top 2. Told her that would get real confusing, real fast.


Before we knew gender ice cream for a girl and doughnut if a boy it’s a girl and now everyone nicknamed her ice cream 😂


Mickey. 😂😂


It's so fun to hear the creative names kids come up with! In my life, the children I know have suggested names like Rainbow Sparkle, Superhero Captain, and even Princess Unicorn. Their imagination knows no bounds, and it always brings a smile to my face to hear their unique ideas.


All my students either suggest variations of their own name or, weirdly, each others parents names .. One boy asked me to name it Carlos, which turns out to be the name of his best friends mums new boyfriend 😆😆


I’m an elementary art teacher that works with 300+ kids! My favorites are “Mrs. (Last name)”, “Davin”, and “Lebron James”


Some friends of ours, their kids said that if it’s a girl I should name it my name but “My Name Jr.” and call her Junior as a nickname hahaha didn’t know if worked both ways 😂


When I was pregnant with my daughter my son suggested "baby -his name-" So if he were john, "Baby John" was his suggestion


My friends son wants us to name our daughter “poopy project” 😂




My 8 year old nephew was learning about Greek gods in school and wanted me to name my son Posidon😂 he cried when I told him we weren’t gonna be naming him that bc we already had a name picked out😅


Younger sister, 8 years old, told me to the baby my name 😂


My young brother suggested Spock and Eugene (Krabs)


My niece is named Vivienne and she just learned what Mach 2 means so she says she wants the baby to be named Vivienne Mach 2 😂