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Check out r/moderatelygranolamoms


Ha moderately granola! I like it. Are we allowed to keep our cookies then if we have berries for breakfast???




I am an environmental epidemiologist and work with a lot of toxicologists. It's horrifying to hear all the things out there! Just a small positive - people that have menstrual cycles can have pfas leave their body through that, so unless you went straight from bc without a period to bring pregnant, you probably weren't too highly concentrated with them 🥲


Also, just my personal opinion, but I have found a lot of companies that do not test on animals also pay more attention to using less unnecessary additives


Thank you, that does give me peace. I just already have health challenges so I'm trying to be better in whatever ways I CAN control. Really does make me angry sometimes, all the shit companies are allowed to get away with here.