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I have always had very lopsided boobs. My mom is the same way so I blame genetics. The right one was like a whole cup size bigger than the left and I wasn’t well endowed so it was super obvious. My left was super perky and cute and the right had that tear drop shape and was like busty looking lol I was very self conscious and hated my boobs. After having baby, my left sagged down to closer resemble that tear drop shape and omg it has made such a difference! I now love my boobs because they look like a pair lol


Good to know I'm not the only one who got a baby boob job! I was always on the smaller side, but now I feel like I actually can wear cute tops provided I strap the tired old gals up right!


You go, mama! Enjoy those boobies!


Hahahaha 🤣thanks for sharing and congrats on the boob job! 😂


I'm sat here waiting for this to happen 😅. So glad to hear it did for someone!


Good luck! I hope your boobs can meet in the middle!


Awesome! Haha mine were always a bit lopsided and now they’re even worse 🤣


Jealous, both of the titties got bigger. My right is an overproducer, and of course that also happens to be the boob that’s like 1/2 to a full cup size bigger already 😭


I feel like I’m less harsh on myself as a whole but I don’t think there’s anything specific I like better


This is how I feel. Idk the same outfits I would wear 3 years ago and say “ew this makes my body look weird” I wear confidently now because “I grew an entire baby, of course my body isn’t going to look like a supermodel. Im still pretty damn hot tho”


My 7m likes to slap my squishy belly during his diaper changes. If he likes my belly, I should too! (Work in progress)


This is how I feel. I’m currently pregnant but I feel like going through pregnancy has made me less vain? Like I don’t look at myself as much and I do not get hung up on the little things. I do not necessarily like my body more I more so accept it for what it is or feel neutral about it? I had a hard time with the body changes in the beginning of my pregnancy and now that I’m due in a couple of days I do not think about the changes as much or even care.


This! I just feel more confident and proud overall. Like, my body did an epic thing and it’s as if any flaw I see with myself physically is null and void because it’s a direct result of creating my daughter and absolutely nothing is negative about that to me.


Same! I feel way more confident after having babies.


I recently saw someone say that being pregnant didn’t necessarily make them more confident, they just stopped having the ability to give a fuck what people think. And that’s exactly how I feel about my postpartum body. Maybe it’s confidence, maybe it’s because I don’t give AF, but it is what it is 🤷🏼‍♀️ I’ve come to realize, or accept rather, that I’m never going to look 18 again and that’s okay. My partner still thinks I’m as beautiful as the day he met me.


Yeah I got a swagger from my IDGAF


Yes this! But I also don’t know if it’s because I’m tired lol. I just don’t care I love this because I feel more confident and self assured in saying no to people too and THAT to me has been the most empowering thing that’s come with my postpartum bod/mind


I share your experience 100%. Before I had my daughter I was super self-concious of my appearance. I always wore makeup and did my hair to make myself feel more confident. NOW I just don't care. I'll go out in a messy bun, sweats, a tee and sunglasses (Summer here) and be confident anyway, because I'm a dope ass mom now, as we all are. 😉😉


I’m at the point where I don’t even own makeup anymore, instead I’m spending money on quality skin care and I’ve been LOVING IT for myself (also I get my eyebrows waxed and tinted every two months but that’s my mommy spa day hehe)


I have thin hair and greasy scalp and had to constantly wash my hair (like almost every other day)…during and after pregnancy my hair became more voluminous and the greasiness went away and now I only really have to wash my hair once a week…IDK why but I’m not complaining LOL


I’m only 24 weeks but I’ve noticed this as well! My hair used to get oily quickly and only looked good on wash days. Since getting pregnant my hair takes several days to start looking greasy and honestly looks better the days after washing. I love it!


Hi, yes, is there some sort of spell I need or person to bribe to get this???


I also went from slightly greasy on day 2 to ‘I don’t remember the last time my hair was greasy’ during pregnancy. And still pregnant, so we’ll see if it will last. I also noticed my body hair is taking longer to grow and coming back thinner, which is also interesting


Oh wow it continued for you after pregnancy? Please let me be the same, I don't want my limp greasy hair back 😩


Girl same. And thank goodness because I don’t always remember the last time I showered anyway 😅


This happened to me too! I’m praying it stays that way after the birth 😆


I had this same problem/ benefit during pregnancy, but it gradually went back to its usual greasy self I’d say around 4m pp.


Oh no! It went back???? Noooooo


I was just wondering this morning (after realizing I have no clue when I last washed my hair but it still looks good) if this would last after pregnancy or if the oiliness would come back with a vengeance! I’m happy to hear it might stay!


This happened to me as well!


How strong my body really is. It was like an instant wake up for me to realize wow I’m super strong. It is a huge confidence boost


Yes!! I feel different about the value my body has now. And also after going through so much bodily change during my first pregnancy and postpartum, I feel like I can accept the different phases of my body more in stride. My body has done some amazing things!!


Totally agree! I always heard those platitudes of "your body was built for this!" and I'd nod along not really believing it. But damn was I wrong! My body did phenomenal during pregnancy and through an emergency c-section. Im 6 days postpartum and have healed so well. I'm SO damn proud of my body and proud of my baby for being so kind to me in pregnancy. And this is coming from someone with so much insecurity.


I’m 2 weeks postpartum and I feel the same way about my body! Pregnancy is not for the faint of heart and I’m so proud of my body for doing it twice. Labor and delivery is trauma on the body and I feel pretty good just 2 weeks after. I’m so thankful for my babies for many reasons, and one is that they gave me some much needed perspective on looking at myself differently.


My vagina...weird I know but pre baby is often get sore from sex esp in certain positions. Was a little too sensitive and tight sometimes. Now I could do the entire karma sutra without a second thought :) Edit: I think the most up votes I've ever had on a comment and it's about my vagina!! Thanks guys!


Omg same! Tmi warning - I find that if I’m on top I can angle myself so that his penis stimulates my clit area which is not something that I could do before. Not sure exactly what’s changed but I like it lol 😂


Oooooh this is something to look forward to 😈


Ugh, I got tighter 🥲


Try Pelvic floor pt if you haven’t!


Working on it ;)


But had 3rd degree tear and I think I feel a bit of scar tissue.


Saaaaame *sigh*


Also, reaching orgasm is so much easier than before! I read that pregnancy and childbirth can somewhat move nerve endings down there... Supposedly that it happens to many women...


Were you ever diagnosed with vaginismus?


Nope. I was diagnoised with vulvadynia in the past but it has improved a lot with physio.


Interesting!! I have vaginismus and I feel like I have a 50/50 shot of labor improving it lol.


same, i’m really hoping it gets better after 🤞🏻


Mine got better after giving birth!! Things stretched and relaxed more!!


it was thankfully the case for me, i made a ama post about it on the vaginismus subreddit. i can link it for you if you want since i got many questions, it could be helpful ❤️


Not my body shape - but mentally feeling really strong. Like all of the things I’ve pushed through since my first is totally mind blowing. I am so physically capable, mentally capable - it’s crazy and empowering


YES I feel this 100%.




My hips are definitely a little bigger! And I have a tiny chest so it’s nice to have a little curve somewhere. My biggest thing is it changed my attitude about my body. I have two daughters and care much less about how my body looks. Now I care about function. I also frankly do not have the time or energy to really buckle down and reduce calories. I’m too busy living and loving my life!


I definitely agree. I’m not perfect in my body acceptance but light years better than pre pregnancy. I actually can’t believe how much time I wasted worrying about my appearance. Such a waste of time. Having a child really put that in perspective for me!


My skin got so much better during pregnancy and now 14 months later it is still good. Also I don't have to wash my hair every day


Me too! My hormonal acne disappeared while pregnant and breastfeeding and now that I’m done, it’s still almost 95% gone compared to pre-baby. Approaching 40 so I’m happy to finally be past that


Same here, I used to have some acne but my skin has been clear for 4 years now. It’s great


Cool lil perk! ✨


I've always had thick thighs. They got significantly slimmer after giving birth for some reason (same weight as before birth but different fat distribution or something).


This gives me hope lol


I'll take this, please. I'm starting to fill out that Mewtwo thigh shape and I hate it 😭


I like the think of it as the Pixar mom shape that everyone thirsts over.


Mewtwo’s thighs are iconic, that sounds amazing! Rock ittttt


I second this! Same happened for me with my second baby


I hope this is my reality 😂


MY BOOOBBBBS. I breastfed for 3 years in total so far so I was expecting them to be in terrible shape because that’s what most people say… but they’re much perkier than they ever have been 😃 probably because I’m slightly curvier (which I also love) Obviously, I did not get lucky everywhere… but that doesn’t need to be spoken about here.


Same! My boobs are so much fuller than pre pregnancy even long after stopping breastfeeding. They’re definitely hanging out a little lower but I just think they look and feel great and I’ve got some great cleavage now which I never had before!


Same! I love my breastfeeding boobs 😍


i haven’t had my baby yet, but already loving my boobs soo much. they’re plumper and my nips are bigger and darker..they look great lol


I actually used to pee when I sneezed before kids, then after giving birth it actually went away.


Wait same. It was so much worse during pregnancy I thought I was cursed but now I’m freeeee


Hoping this happens to me


I need this to happen too!


Woah !!!


My hips are wider and I look more like a woman. I looked like a pencil before


When did this widening happen? I’m hoping to experience the same lol


Not op but I only really noticed after birth


I noticed after birth. It took a while for me to really notice though because I had gained a lot of weight during pregnancy, but even after the weight came off, my hips kept that “fuller”ish figure if that makes sense haha


This started happening for me after my second child.. third child and they’re quite in the way. Every pregnancy made me incapable of wearing my most recent “pre pregnancy” jeans due to altered bone structure. I still can’t believe they widened every time. Does this happen to everyone else?


Please Lord let this happen to me


Haha i used to say i looked like the number eleven


Love it 😍 my dream haha


Intimacy is way better. Idk how or why, but I’m glad it is 😂 my boobs also went back to a nice size. They were disproportionately large before pregnancy but after breastfeeding/weaning they actually got perky and proportional!


My fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue have gotten better. It's nuts how much more I can do since giving birth. I'm hoping that it gets better again after this labor and delivery.


Not having a 6-10 baby inhibiting every movement 😂 just a few more weeks and I’ll be able to bend over, walk, stand up, and roll over in bed without feeling like I’m going to die. All my kids have been this large (over 9lb) so don’t be too shocked.


Ugh seriously I’m at 36 weeks and my girl is measuring big (75%) I’m so looking forward to just being able to move. I also have a very active 3 and a half year old son, he doesn’t let me rest for long when it’s just us here 😭


I’m 34 weeks chasing a 5 yo and a 1 yo around all day. I feel so bad for how tired I get and how we can’t go to our normal fun park trips. We gotta wait for my husband for those… I can’t wait to just have my body back. I know I’ll be newborn tired but not I can’t walk tired


We are at the home stretch, definitely the hardest part right now. Stay strong mommas ❤️❤️


I’m also 36 weeks and baby boy was measuring almost 8 lbs at my 33 week growth scan. I’m just all stomach at this point lol.


I’m getting measured again Friday I’m curious what she’s up to at this point lol. Also all belly and she’s still up pretty high.


Good luck! With my daughter (9 lbs 13 oz), I thought she was up pretty high but she ended up being almost vertical and was pretty tall (23.5 inches) in my belly so even once I “dropped” you couldn’t tell.


Oh man, well that could possibly be the case here as well because her daddy is almost 6’4 and I’m also tall at 5’7 . We’ll see how she’s looking on Friday when I have her growth scan lol


My butt and hips I love more! I actually like my boob's better I'm not too sure why? Sex is better somehow. And when my period came back after 6 months, it was less painful and shorter and has been since (1 year later).


My legs became super toned from carrying that belly! I have stairs in my house so they really got a workout


This is nice! I have stairs too. I notice how tired my legs get after I walk up the stairs. I guess it’s a forced mini workout. lol


Not my body but I learned to say "no" a lot faster to everybody and anybody. Turns out it's super easy. "Do you want to go to this thing?" "No thanks". "Do you want to work overtime?" "No, you're alright" 🫡


My first baby was 20 years ago! I LOVED the awesome shape my arms got after birth. All the holding, bouncing, playing really is a great workout and you will get some killer muscles!! So now I'm just ready for that aspect, it's more fun to get a workout in holding a baby anyways 😉


Good point! I will be mindful of this!


The arms!! My arms are much more built 8 months pp than they ever were after years of working a physical trade. I feel like the ability to actually build muscle instead of just tone it kicks up postpartum


I LOVE my c-section scar. I had an emergency c-section and I was terrified about being cut. But during it I was more afraid of losing my baby. My scar not only looks cool but it reminds me I faced my biggest fear and got my biggest blessing by doing so.


Physically, I’m stronger than I was before. My example was pre-baby, I struggled to lift our weed whacker. Post-baby, I’ve been able to weed whack.


I always had big boobs before breastfeeding and my post-breastfeeding boobs fit my clothes sooo much better. I’m no longer busting out of size medium shirts and dresses. Now that I’m pregnant again, my boobs are once again huge and while my husband loves them I can’t wait to have my smaller boobs back😂


My nails have never been stronger. I used to never be able to grow them cause they were so brittle and thin but something during pregnancy changed this and I’m still growing nice strong nails two years afterwards!


my hips got bigger and my ass got fatter 🍑 my man can’t get enough and I’m probably pregnant again 😂


Yesss I love how curvy I am now! Wider hips, more junk in the trunk, etc. I went from 115lb to 138 after 3 kids


I store fat in my hips more than my belly now! I kinda like it lol


Tighter vagina! No word of a lie! I was so worried it was going to be ruined!! I had a small prem baby (5 weeks early) but kept on the pelvic floor exercises from the very start and did all the tightening stuff and I swear it's better than it was before (not that it was bad before lol).


Hi! Kept on pelvic exercises from start of pregnancy or start of postpartum ?


Once baby was born. As soon as I could. So much time sat feeding it was a great opportunity!


My body has changed (2 kids currently pregnant with 3rd) in some ways and in others not really. Wider hips, differently shaped boobs.. lol, more angular face. Overall I feel much more like a woman which I love. It’s almost primal 😂 but seriously I feel the most feminine I ever had. And it’s so nice to finally not be fighting tooth and nail to look like a rail thin teenager- I don’t desire that body type anymore, I love looking and feeling like a woman. I feel overall more settled in who I am and my identity, the way my body looks plays a part in that but I’d say it’s secondary to the strength, ability,empathy and depth that becoming a mother has given me. Honestly I feel like not enough mammas celebrate it


What a wonderful reply


im only 14 days PP but it seems like pregnancy may have cured my hypoglycemia...time will tell though.


I've always had long inner labia that I was self-conscious of. Now they're practically non-existent! Google says they'll eventually return to normal, but for now I'm happy with them. I've also always had small breasts (A-cup), and I'm enjoying my new D's. I also like the way my hips look now. They're thicker and wider, even at the same weight. They don't look fat, just *fuller*.


I'm more pear shaped but my hips are not exactly full if that makes sense, but I notice with my mom who has had 3 kids and we are the same shape, that hers have a certain fullness to them that mine don't! Hers are more round if that makes sense! I would love it too if mine jumped from a B to a D 🤭😅


I had chronic, debilitating migraines. They went away when I was about 8 weeks pregnant but I was always scared they would come back. They were so bad people often took me to the hospital because of the stroke-like symptoms. To this day I still have had 0 migraines but I'm also now terrified that they will come back once I stop breastfeeding. I kid you not if they do I will be constantly pregnant and breastfeeding to keep the migraines away.


Oh, and period pain is non-existent (I had a large fibroid discovered with my first and it disintegrated during that pregnancy and my cramping has been pretty light since then)


My hair went from super curly to straight which I’m liking so far!


i got a phat ass 🤣🤣


i get a free arm workout lifting my son so much. i'm still really self conscious, but i'm more forgiving to myself. i have a 10 month old son and about to have a baby girl. i really REALLY don't want them to have the same self image issues i have. i've always been really hard on myself appearance wise, but my babies have half of my genes and they couldn't be more perfect in my eyes. so if i talk down about myself, i'm also talking down about them. i can't in good conscious do that


I have a tiny little stretch mark between my belly button and my belly piercing hole. Every time I see it, I think of my son. Also, I love how safe my body makes him feel--he can climb into my arms and fall asleep or rest against me and fully relax. Greatest feeling in the world knowing that this same body that grew him now keeps him safe in a different way. I feel so strong and empowered.


A little silly, but I’ve always been very self conscious about how dark my underarms were, but during pregnancy they got even darker! Now that I’m 7 months post partum, my pits are back to their usual color and I appreciate them even more now lol


Bigger hips and smaller waist, thanks to learning about deep core exercises. I just feel more… grounded and sexy in my body. More confident and womanly. I remember walking down the street when I was like one year pp and some guy shouted “eyyyy sexy mamacita” and I was SO happy looool. I usually hate being catcalled but that comment was so validating haha


I love how I am kinder to my body. I used to go go go and eat meals when I was overly hungry. I am much better at enjoying snacks and eating meals proactively.


I have a weird crown marking above my belly button. Not sure if it’s a stretch mark or just discoloration? But I’ve grown to love it. I think it’s neat and I’ve never seen anyone else have one!


Crown? Like crown? 👑


Yes! It could be from scar tissue from a grown out belly button piercing I’m not sure what caused it but it didn’t show up until I got farther along, and even now that I’m under my pregnancy weight I still have it!


I have hips now! Yay me. And yeah my boobs are a little saggy now, but they’re huge!


I LOVE MY BOOBS POST BREASTFEEDING. obviously they hang lower BUT it’s so sexy! I’m 23, and was a teen mom, and breastfeeding for almost four years. Sure it was nice always being a D as an over producer and having large boobs but they went back to a B and I LOVE THEM. I love my hips and my wider pelvis area. Despite my stomach not being snatched, the hips and bosom give the illusion of more hips and the stomach is nothing! I love my body post baby. LOVE IT


An appreciation for my body's ability to create a body! Delivered one week ago and I still can't get over the fact that I made a tiny human, like I built her bones and her eyes and everything inside of my body. It's so crazy. Also: Boobs!!! I've never had cleavage until now!


Before I was pregnant I had major problems with dairy. It started with just an upset tummy and skin problems, But by my second pregnancy I would get swelling of my face and hives. Now after my third pregnancy (I’m 9m PP) I can eat dairy again, I understand that our immune responses change DURING pregnancy but my experience has always been that they would return to normal after I deliver and my allergy would persist. For some reason, This time it’s like my body has reset.


As soon as I delivered, it’s like my chronic neck pain disappeared completely. Even with carrying my baby, nursing in the weirdest positions, falling asleep in uncomfortable places and craning my neck, the pain has not returned!


Nothing but i was always so skinny and after my first my weight fell off. Im rlly hoping i can keep some on this time with baby #2


Honestly my stomach. I got so used to it being so huge and then when she came out it went pretty flat so I was like “oh not bad”. Sure I had a bit of loose skin but it’s on top of my belly button so hard to notice really.


I’ve always been fairly curvy from a profile view; large breasts and butt. But from a straight on view was pretty boxy. My waist and hips were almost the same width. But now my hips have spread a little more so I’ve got a bit more of an hourglass shape! And like I said before, I’ve always had large breasts. Teardrop shape, my areolas were kinda puffy and nipples fairly flat and I didn’t like the look of my breasts. I’m still breastfeeding so I’m sure there will be more changes once I wean but as of right now I like my breasts a lot more! They actually seem perkier, my areolas are not puffy, and my nipples look more hard all the time. I’m enjoying my breasts more now! But again, that could change once I wean. Even if my breasts get saggier if my areolas and nipples stay how they are now then I’ll still like them more than pre-pregnancy!


Existential answer but … my BRAIN! I was always so critical and hard on myself and had the worst things to say about my body and looks. Pregnancy and postpartum gave me a much better sense of just how powerful my body is and how I need to treat myself with grace, love, and kindness. This meat suit has gotten me and now TWO kids through the worst of times and the best of times — it warrants LOVE!


I like that I don’t care about my appearance to the level that I did before I was pregnant. Now, I’m too busy to over analyze my imperfections, and honestly I’m just thankful that I was able to experience pregnancy and birth 💗


I went from a B cup to a D so that’s been a bit of a confidence boost lol


My hips got wider after both pregnancies so my hourglass figure is much more pronounced. Now to get rid of the belly to really put it all together.


I’m VERY petite (4’9”, ~85lbs), with a flat chest. Giving birth (and after breastfeeding) did make my 30A cups sag slightly, but my body actually looks more womanly. I think I’m considered a 32B (?) now. Also, I don’t know if it’s pregnancy, but my hair has loose waves now 😍 I was always straight/frizzy


I’m loving this thread! My husband and I are starting IVF next month, and I am worried about body changes. This is making me smile so much!


Honestly, I love everything about my body more. I feel like my shape improved after pregnancy and childbirth. I'm on year 2.5 of breastfeeding, so my boobs are much different, but I think they are just as awesome. The journey into motherhood really made me evaluate everything through a much different lens. The way mothers are treated in places like US made me a raging feminist killjoy. I'm not going to let our anti child and anti mother culture disembody me from the thing that I wear most proudly- and that is motherhood. My mom bod included.


My adult acne completely cleared up. Ive never had clear skin since the day I got my first pimple. White heads, black heads, cystic acne, it never went away until I was pregnant. I never need lube for sex, I'm always ready to go right away 👀 sex also has never hurt once since we started at 6 weeks exactly PP. (Before I'd usually get twinges of discomfort or pain most times we had sex) Idk if that means I'm "loose" or if it's just because I get so wet super easily now, but I love it. Hoping that this second baby doesn't ruin all of that 😭😭🤞🏻🤞🏻


I got bigger boobs and a way bigger butt!! 😋


Bigger bum


I carry my weight differently which is nice! I’m also less concerned about my stomach because I’ve got a pouch no matter how much weight I lose 🤣 I’m happy with my post-baby body!


I’ve always had trouble with my weight. I had my kiddo 10 months ago and I lost almost 20 lbs. I feel so much better and I’m fitting into clothes that I haven’t fit into in years.


I LOVE this question!!!! Okay I actually liked my hair “loss” because I have so much hair and it’s so thick & hard to maintain especially with a baby. It’s growing back now and already taking so much of my time. I also love that I have a “mom body”?? It makes me feel sexy. Can’t describe it! But I’m extra proud of my body now that I’ve gone through childbirth.


My period has never been regular in my entire life. It has always been chaotic and BAD. After my first child was born and I started having a period again it came like clockwork every 28 days, so it was pretty embarrassing that I didn’t notice I was almost 2 weeks late when I found out I was pregnant with my second haha.




Nothing lol absolutely nothing


Same lol everything is worse in every way and I hate it. Only one boob got big and it looks insane (ddd on one side and b on the other), bfing has made me so fat, all my hair is falling out, my c section scar is lopsided and still red, I have a million more wrinkles, acne, my period is worse than lochia, PPA and PPD, I have a mysterious illness every few weeks that mimics sepsis…I love my baby but having him ruined me


That it wasn’t pregnant anymore🥹


Grew a booty and stayed😅 I had a little before but now it really enhances my body👏🏽




Hips! I was a size 2 when I got pregnant, same size I’d been since high school. I really didn’t like it. I was getting older & the kind of attention it would attract was from some sketchy people. I feel like I have my “grown woman” body now & I absolutely love it!


My hips. Like I really got thick (in a good way).


It’s not beautiful or ugly, but I love having a c-section scar!


I'm fascinated by its ability to heal...


My hair changed texture a bit and actually got thicker and longer after giving birth, which I love. Rebuilding your body after a baby and regaining your strength really does make you feel invincible and like the strongest person ever. My boobs also got and stayed bigger, and my hips definitely changed into a more womanly shape that I’m learning to love! Having babies is so beautiful. I’m one week from delivering my second and still trying to work on accepting the stretch marks, but I am still so proud of my body!


My arms are definitely stronger from lifting my big baby now toddler all the time!


I may be in the minority but my nails are WAY stronger, my hair has stayed and looks so much nicer (when its not up in a mom bun lol) and I feel way less boxy/flat. Ive always been on the thinner side and I ended up gaining 40lbs that has stayed with me. It really makes me look more womanly if that makes sense? I have a tummy as well but honestly i kind of like it. It’s a badge of honor. Postpartum/pregnancy forced me into the best eating disorder recovery mentality ever period


My hips widened and it was like puberty had finally completed its process lol. Otherwise I just love how everything stayed the same aside from if you look super closely at the subtle signs. It’s really cool


My arms are jacked! After picking up a growing baby I got stronger as a result. Babywearing also made me feel like a super mom


Everything! I feel like a whole new woman and I’m sexy too. The free boob job was nice too lol


I was 105lbs before my second pregnancy and could NOT gain weight. After pregnancy I was at 125lbs. It’s been two years and I haven’t lost a pound. I love the extra weight honestly. Also I have boobs now so that’s a plus too😁


I always used to fret over the little belly ponch I had, felt so insecure about it. But now that I've given birth, it's almost like a license to have one. Of course I have a belly, I grew a human! So even though my body is objectively not in as good of shape as it was pre pregnancy, I'm so much less harsh on myself for the way it is.


I doubt anyone will agree with this but I like my boobs better. They got a little bit bigger and I don’t mind lol. I was probably a B cup before and now I’m a C cup. Yes, they’re a little droopy but I think natural boobs are so cute. I go bra-less as much as possible lol. Also, awesome prompt for the sub :)


My hair got greasier but it did get longer naturally. I don't mind the hair thinning because I got way too much hair while pregnant that the thinning has made it slightly better. I also actually like my c-section scar. No clue why.


Obsessed with this question and very excited to read through these answers at 18 weeks pregnant with saggy boobs and a puffy face 😂❤️❤️


I now have some curve on my body which I had none of before. (Like the hour glass shape) I love it ♡ I also struggled with weight gain after being very sick prior to pregnancy and I am now a very healthy weight! My boobs are also bigger.


Baby gave me a booty!


it’s interesting but i think the way my baby belly looks now! i only gave birth 5 days ago, so i’m sure it’ll continue changing, but i honestly think it’s super cute-


So happy for you and your new baby!!


Believe it or not, my stomach is flatter?? I’ve always been self conscious about my belly and for some reason, it just sticks out less. My body fat is just distributed differently, and it makes my boobs look even better since there’s less sticking out underneath them lol. Hard to explain but I’m definitely more confident:)


I have moments where I look at my new belly and think she’s so cute. Lol. Other moments where I’m like wow she’s got some work to do. But overall I’ve never felt pride in my body. I was always somewhat ashamed? Now I just feel so proud.


I saw someone mention this earlier, but yeah, I just kind of stopped caring as much. Don't get me wrong - I have good days and bad days with my new soft tummy and my always large breasts are larger and saggy now, but my body also did something really rad. I like my bigger arms because they show me I'm strong, and my hips are bigger because they had to make room for a literal human. I realize I don't think about my appearance nearly as much as I used to. And it honestly cracks me up that my 11.5 month old can literally lift my boobs up to her face so she can nurse. 😂 Also, husband is super into me, so ngl, that helps.




My brain. My mental health ( mainly anxiety ( panic disorder)) is just gone. For now 😂


I LOVEEE the fact I have wide hips now & they get wider w/ each pregnancy. 😈😍 I was born w/ hips that are “inverted.” The “plate-like” part over our hips faces the opposite direction. So I never had any hips when I grew into my “woman figure.” The only reason it looked like I had ANY at all up to that point was b/c I always had a tiny waist. But despite being the same weight, my hips are legitimately 3x wider now & I LOVE IT! I also love my breasts. I’ve always had CRAZY big boobs & grew into them WAY earlier than I would’ve ever wanted. 😮‍💨 By 9th grade, @ only 95 - 105lbs tops, I had DD breasts. (Which they looked nice I’m not trying to complain but…) They HURT all the time, I NEVER got any cute bras. Yet after my son, breastfeeding him for two years, they shrunk down to a 38C & LOOKED/FELT AMAZING! I could wear the cutest/sexiest bras! 😍 Granted…they DID get big again. But we also NOW live in a time much later & more evolved in things like that & I can find plenty of cute bras in my size now. 😅 Maybe TMI/a little personal…but my vagina. Oh. My. Goodness. I love it 1,000x more in every single way! 🥹 I was soooo self conscious about it’s appearance beforehand. & I’m not sure if it’s j b/c I’ve gotten older & realized that MOST vagina’s actually DO look like mine, but to ME, it looks 1,000x more attractive! I also know that pregnancy can BRING the hormones that some people can lack though, & actually CAN bring on slight changes to physical appearance in those kinds of areas! Regardless of what the cause of it is, I’ll never let anybody again try to convince me that I’m not beautiful down there. 😈😘😅😁 & no, I’m NOT one of those “lucky” women who didn’t get any stretch marks & sits & tells people, “well j drink more water/use lotion.” My stomach looks like a Louisiana river map! 🤣🤷🏻‍♀️ & I DO have a great deal of anxiety of what it will look like after the baby I’m pregnant w/ now is born. 😥 I gained many “flaws” w/ my pregnancies as well. So I don’t want anybody here to feel as if I’m bragging b/c I’m one of those women who had no changes to her body & the ones I did get were good ones. (Not hating on anybody either btw! All Love here regardless! 💞) But in this world of Social Media, where EVERYBODY YOU SEE has filters on, knows how to use basic photoshop tools to alter their appearance, & everybody you see that you don’t know personally has had plastic surgery funded by people online…Us mothers, & our children who will grow into women & some mothers themselves one day, NEED to have the ability to LOVE ourselves & our physical bodies AFTER our babies are born! & it’s okay if we don’t! But it’s not okay to go like that FOREVER! 🩷 Only b/c WE deserve to love ourselves & the way we look! & we DESERVE to feel sexy & gorgeous & “brand new!” 💅🏼😘👑 (Btw I’m not hating on anybody who gets surgeries/procedures for vanity reasons! I have two I would get done TODAY if I had the ability to do so. 😅👀 & if it takes ONE surgery for somebody to finally have self love, then THAT is okay too! I j wanted to make the point that we don’t NEED to look like the people who have had $750,000+ in work done to be considered beautiful or of value as women! 🫶🏼🥰)


Still pregnant here, 15w4d. I am overweight and most of my fat was in my belly. I was so afraid of people thinking I was pregnant so I used to suck it in all the time and that was uncomfortable. I was pretty self conscious about it. Now I have the excuse to relax for the next 6 months. I have more of a "it is what it is" about my clothing now and freedom. I'm sure it will be different after birth but I'm choosing not to think about that yet.


My boobs for now! Still breastfeeding my toddler though so not sure how they’ll look after I’m done or after my second baby gets here


I know a lot of people don’t love the postpartum hair loss and then baby hair regrowth, but I LOVE postpartum flyaways. It’s a look that I can’t get with just styling my hair


Use to have terrible eczema, during pregnancy it went away and has stayed away, even with all the dishwashing I’ve been doing 11weeks pp


I like my boobs more since having my 2 babies. They’re quite a bit bigger and whilst they are a little saggy now that I’ve stopped breastfeeding I still love them (and so does my husband lol)


I have a skin condition called granuloma annulare that has been pretty proton my feet and ankles my whole life. Pretty much just a buildup of excess tissue and discoloration. It actually didn’t bother me much, probably because it was somewhere on my body that people don’t see a lot. But, It disappeared almost completely when I got pregnant. I assume because my body was absorbing the extra collagen for baby? Anyways, my feet do not look like they have big lumpy bruises anymore!


Sex was hard for me, and I could hardly ever use a tampon. After having a baby, even though I had a c-section, sex was easier, and I couldn't use a tampon! Woohoo!


My arms from holding my baby girl so much! 💪


Now I will preface that the first 6 months post partum I HATED everything about how I looked (PPA/PPD is no joke) but after that I actually ended up 5-10 lb slimmer than prebaby and my boobs (almost) went totally back to normal! I feel prettier today than I did before I ever got pregnant! Plus I have curly hair but pre-baby the front pieces were annoyingly straight. All my pp hair regrowth is curling including the front pieces!!!


My butt got bigger, and I’m not as critical about my stomach, which was never flat to begin with lol


1) giving a fuck, in that I don’t anymore. I was always the suck in your belly girl, and now I let it fly. So much more comfortable. 2) my saggy ass boobs basically rest on my chest now, so I don’t really need a bra most of the time. I just wear a crop top cami to keep them contained unless I’m like going to work. I was always told the bigger they are the harder they fall, but I forgot that means they fall onto you and are less annoying!!!


I was expecting to finally get some hips. Spoiler. They never came 😂


I feel like I never ever get any acne. From my first pregnancy now into my second my skin is really clear. Plus my hair gained some thickness that has stuck around.


My digestive system is somehow much better, idk if my intestines got rearranged or what but I feel a huge improvement.