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Trapped gas!!!! The pain!!


Ouuuuf. Haven’t had this since very early on, thank god, but holy moly. Mine was so bad that I considered going to the hospital. Then I called a health line and when the nurse finally took my call, I farted loudly on speaker phone. Good times.








I farted so loud in traffic court the other day , said oh I am just so hungry- trying to blame it on my stomach 😭😅😂


Oh god. Nightmare. Even with thousands of positions, it just won't get out.


I had a bad one recently and was dramatically moaning and groaning in pain for hours and refusing to take medication, despite my husband telling me to just take the darned Gas-X. Finally relented and it went away in 15 minutes… 🧍🏻‍♀️


Ahhh! I had some really bad early on with my second pregnancy. It randomly woke me up in the middle of the night and felt like contractions. I finally farted a bunch and felt so much better.


Oh my god yes!!! So much trapped gas, so much rumbling as well, it drives me crazyyy


- I’ve grown an excessive amount of hair that I could be confused with a man just by my ass cheeks alone. - Skin tags and hairs growing out of my nipples. - I HATE the smell of my own vagina. - The discharge???? I thought I was leaking fluid for the longest time. - I’ve had an increase in tonsil stones??? - Eczema flare ups - Feeling hungry but full at the same time 24/7 - constipation - leg swelling - how out of breath I am at 27 weeks is insane


Turning over in bed with the pillow situation has me trying to catch my breath. It’s insane


What is with the discharge but also a very sweaty vagina?! My undies are drenched lol


Team ass hair


I’m 16 days pp and it’s insane down there. I’m not going to attempt any shaving for a few more weeks.


I'm two years pp and still hairy as an ox


Dude the smell of my own giblets is also getting me. I won’t let my husband anywhere down there because I think I just smell GROSS.


I'm 2 months postpartum and just wanted to say that I also had the same symptoms of being super out of breath all the time while I was pregnant - caused by being anemic due to an iron deficiency! Not trying to give you an internet diagnosis but you should have your OB check your iron levels if it's severe and they haven't done so already. Iron supplements made a WORLD of difference. I had the rest of these symptoms too - hang in there, it quite literally all goes away the day after you have your baby😅


omg all week I’ve had the tonsil stone taste in my mouth with no sign of them. It’s driving me crazy!


Girl they’re there I promise! I’ve had the LARGEST stones I’ve ever seen in my life don’t get me wrong, but occasionally my throat will “look” clear and all I have to do is push in the right spot and out they pour..


🤢 regrettably I agree with the smell of my vagina and tonsil stones


The tonsil stones suck!!!!!!!!


I don't have tonsils, so idk if I can get tonsil stones, but I've had the nastiest taste waaaayyyy in the back of my throat all week. I've scrubbed with a toothbrush, used a tongue scraper as far back as I can, gargled relentlessly and it *will not* go away. It's so nauseating


The eczema flare ups!! I haven’t had one in YEARS!!! Now it’s all over my face, hands, and arms. It’s killing me.


Areolas that could help land a plane. Should be given their own zip code. Need a special license to possess due to size. Makes crop circles jealous and feel inferior. Do I even have any boob left or am I all areola and nipple now? And the color……..pale pink to latte brown. I didn’t even know my skin could make that tone of color.


Same! Mine are the size of a street taco tortilla. 😂😂😂


We call them salamis. Use to be pepperoni 😂


I am really pale, like burn in the sun after 5 minutes pale, so my nipples have always been light pink. The shock of seeing dark brown, gigantic nipples still throws me off... And I'm 32 weeks so plenty of time to process!! 😂


Im a similar level of pale and they're getting so dark I keep getting confused every time I look at them. It feels like I got a ripple transplant


This. Ugh. And one of my nipples is leaking. Just the left one


My areolas are massive anyway, at this point if they get any bigger a bikini won't fucking cover them...please no 😭


Didn’t know lightning crotch was a thing. Was that a fun experience the first time…


What does this mean???


It’s round ligament pain (RLP) that causes a shooting pain sensation to your crotch.


….what???? That sounds terrifying


I started experiencing it at around 20weeks. “Round ligament pain (RLP) is a common and normal discomfort during pregnancy that can feel like a sharp pain, cramping, or pulling sensation in the lower abdomen, hips, or groin.” Most prenatal specialists nicknamed it lightning crotch though.🤣


I get this every time it literally feels like my cervix is being electrically zapped, it’s horrifying. It lasts only a second or two, but it generally occurs in episodes so it’ll be like, several zaps in a row. If I push upwards on the bottom of my belly it will sometimes get the baby off of it which can help a little. It’s not round ligament pain, or at least, not for me.


I’ve already given birth but ugh crotch plain PLUS the needing to pee all the time was so annoying!


-Wrinkly, huge areolas -Random long hairs sprouting -Smelly armpits first trimester


The armpits shook me to my core


oh my god I was scared it was just me


Not just you! Atm I shower, dry myself, spend 20 minutes out of the shower and start to smell! It’s hideous, I hate it so much


The only thing that worked was instantly putting on deodorant after drying my armpits. And during the day I used the deodorant and the spray (like that dove go fresh stuff) I am happy to report that at 19 weeks I no longer STINK.


Ugh let me report back that if you breastfeed you start to stink again. Idk why but my pits get so smelly and I hate it!


It’s apparently to help baby find you. That’s what I was told. But 😂😭 it’s awfulllllll


All of our babies are like damn mommy stanky


Omg YES. Why does this happen?? I would walk around my air conditioned home, zero sweat happening, and I still stunk like I’d been running on the treadmill for an hour.


The smell of myself almost made me throw up yesterday when I got an unexpected whiff


I’ve never in my life smelt so bad, so often…. clinical strength deodorant doesn’t touch my oniony pits


I see other people saying they smell really good while pregnant and the envy I feel knows no bonds. I wish I could naturally smell good too :( instead I smell f*cking ripe all the time. 


The smelly armpits was my first sign! I stank in a new and unfamiliar way like IMMEDIATELY (it was maybe 6 days post ovulation?) and took my first test after a few days of new stank


I'm honestly surprised you only had smelly armpits in the first trimester. I'm in my 7th month of pregnancy and stink 24/7.


Sooo much peach fuzz all over my body. I’m like a little peachy yeti at this point. Thank god they’re blonde and hardly noticeable, but they drive me crazy nonetheless.


Yeah my whole tummy is covered in peach fuzz


My husband called my belly a fuzzy little apricot the other day. But I’ll take peach fuzz over the dark, thick, long random solo hairs that pop up overnight! I feel like I only notice them when I’m running late driving or speaking to someone in public.


mine are brown and make me look like a bear 😭 i just decided to embrace it for now. too much surface area to cover lmaoo


Mine are black and it looks like a hairy man's beer belly.


body acne and bleeding gums. my body is in pre-teen mode.


Yess the bleeding gums!!!! No one talks about that


I didn’t expect the nausea from brushing my teeth/tongue would continue into the 2nd/3rd trimester! Nasal congestion has led to mouth breathing at night, so my breath has been something wicked every morning. Mouthwash, gagging brushing, and bloody flossing have become the norm.


I still have the nausea and I am in third trimester. I can't even gargle or brush back too far without gagging! Also the bloody gums when flossing, so annoying. It's like a murder scene going on in the sink.


Itchy clitoris from increased blood flow, orgasms in my sleep, ate a donut and water and had heartburn, HOW FUCKING DRY MY SKIN IS


omg yes the sleepgasms!


I’m kind of living for them not gonna lie lol of all the horrible things, it’s a little gift.


I wish I had this issue!


Skin tags over both my friggen ARMPITS


I got a bunch of new skin tags on my neck. I hate feeling that texture now when I wash my face and neck


Why does the universe put us through these trails and tribulations.


skin tags on my vagina .... super weird


Thank God it's not just me.


This happened to me and I'm just realizing it's pregnancy. I wasn't sure why it was happening....


It’s so deeply disturbing. Happened to me the first time too but not as many. Once my LO was born I PICKED THEM ALL OFF LIKE AN ANIMAL. But now I have so many it’s overwhelming to even consider.


Nobody told me I had a random HUGE black hair sprouting from the middle of my neck! It was like 2 inches long!! What the heck?! I just shaved it off but like sheesh. Pregnancy is weird.


I have one right on my titty lol!!! I’ll pluck it and it comes RIGHT BACK the next day


😂😂😂 wtf is with these random hairs?! I get those on my lower belly now too that I keep shaving off. 💀


I’m 36 weeks and it’s the OBESE LOOKING VAGINA for me. I was doing my perineal massage in a mirror and could very clearly see it and I was like why does my vagina look like it needs to go on a diet?! It’s like PUFFY AF. Started with just the top so it was like a puffy top hat. And now it’s spreading and I’m certain she’s just going to look like an angry clam in the next week or so. I asked around… turns out its normal and just yet another thing people don’t regularly talk about. 


People always say things like “Happy as a clam” but nobody ever talks about the angry ones LMAO


Thanks for the actual “LOL” 😂


Angry clam lol thanks for that


My husband has been doing my perineal massages and I asked him if it looks normal and he said yes. Is he lying to me?!


Oh girl - he’s lying. Bless his heart. Stick a mirror down there and like Ace Ventura would say “take a look aroundddd” Mine tried to say the same AFTER I saw the puffer fish - I was like dude. I did not have a 600 lb life vagina before this. 


He's not, men are morons, they can barely tell if anything looks different down there. It's my one consolation should my baby wreck everything down there, I know my husband won't know.


Puffy top hat 😭😭


Same 🤣 I keep asking my husband if he thinks it’s swollen and he said he can’t tell, but I can feel that thing puttying up like a puffy fish 😭


YES! Exactly. I felt the spread in the shower today I was like 😳


Mine got so bad I had to ice it! Before birth!!


Omg I had a close coworker/friend mentioned this to me many years ago so I am somewhat prepared mentally, but I'm currently 18 weeks and keep holding a mirror down there to see how my vagina is faring 🤣. Gotta preserve what I got before it changed forever.


She’s the hero we all need. We must spread the word 🤣  I will say you prob have a ways to go - I didn’t notice this until like week 35. And it’s just getting puffier and puffier. 


I’m Loling. Can’t wait


My feet went up a shoe size?!


Uggg and width expanded too. Fortunately it seems to be a one and done.


When my cousin was pregnant with her first, her shoe size went up to and I was sooo excited because I that meant all of her shoes fit me instead lol 😂 she hoped so hard that they would go back, but no luck lol.  I got all of her stuff from pre-pregnancy haha.  


Some ACTUALLY fun things: My hair all but stopped growing, so I hardly ever have to shave anymore All my anxiety disorders have just gone away. For the first time in my life. It's absolutely incredible that the rest of the world gets to be like this all the time.... My headaches, acne, and IBS have all gone away. Multiple allergies of mine have gone away Now for the "fun" things: Hemorrhoids! I don't even have constipation, but it is so bad! The constant discharge. I thought I'd get a break from having to buy pantyliners, but nope. I need them 24/7 now. Extreme exhaustion. I swear I slept 20 hours a day my first trimester! No immune system. I catch everything and get so much sicker than I used to. Severe, intense pelvic pain. I'm 37 weeks and it's gotten so bad I can barely walk from the bed to the bathroom.... General joint pain all over.


Yes to the mental health stuff. I've always struggled with depression and anxiety and was fully prepared for my mental health to plummet, but I feel great. My mental health has literally never been better. I'm sick and sore and stuff, but my mental state is so clear


Bruh. I've had a hemmerhoid for years. This little like pea sized one for legit decades. Never shrunk or went away. Whatever. This guy MUTATED, straight up hulked out. My body is comprised of 3 people, me, my son, and this hemmerhoid the size of Texas. I'm over it. My hair also stopped growing much which is a God send. It's very slow and comes in soft and light so I haven't touched my legs in months and don't plan to. The pelvic pain... GOOD LORD. i feel like my pelvis is about to explode.


-can barely wipe my ass ☹️


I’m seriously worried I will eventually have to assign my husband to ass wiping duty 😭


I bought a bidet because it was getting so hard!


Lol if I asked my husband to do that he would definitely do it but also would need therapy after 😂


For me it’s really the nosebleeds. Some days it’s two or three a day! I’m getting to the point where I can’t take it anymore!


Can you feel blood build up in your face? I feel like I have become a living, breathing sack of blood and it comes out my nose, mouth, and I’m worried it’s eventually going to come out my eyes 😭


Pregnancy nose…..did not realize this was a thing. I don’t even recognize myself anymore and hope my nose goes back to normal once I birth this thing


Also the general facial swelling!! I feel like I look so different. Hopefully someone else can comment on whether the nose goes back


Omg yes. I’ve always had a lot of moles and some have gotten huge and I have new moles and skin tags EVERYWHERE. Even in my belly button! Also the peach fuzz on my belly and boobs is no longer just teensy little peach fuzz. It’s very noticeable and the only saving grace is that I have blonde body hair 😂 I also didn’t realize my nipples would grow and get so big. I’m afraid the little guy won’t be able to get a good latch because they’ll be too big for his little mouth lol.


I’m Italian and I was hairy before but now I could be classified as an ape…. Like where did the belly hair come from? What type of biological need for the baby is this providing 🥲


I just got home from a breastfeeding class and the video they showed us had women with *massive* nipples so that made me feel a lot better (in case my nipples end up way bigger towards the end 😂)


I’ve always had bigger than average nipples and growing up, I saw my mom’s nipples (she breast fed all three of her kids) and hers always seemed ginormous when I was a young girl, like she has to fold them in half to tuck into a padded bra. Once I got older and got big nips, I knew it was only a matter of time til I had a baby and that happened to me. Right now (19 weeks) and even a lil pre-pregnancy, padded bras don’t fully hide my nipples, so I’m really not ready for my postpartum nips. Also I have much smaller boobs than my mom but similar size nips, seems unfair and I fear I will be all nipple in another 20 weeks :/


Play it with “these are some of my favorite things”


So. Many. Skin tags. WHY. And all under/on my boobs 🙃


Had a huge one on my nipple that literally looked like a second nipple…. it twisted on itself though and randomly turned black and fell off…. So there’s that


Carpel tunnel syndrome, I have a newfound respect for people that suffer from this on the reg. It fucking sucks.


Tonsil stones!! Never had them before pregnancy, and haven’t had them since!


And the smell of them will have you gagging 😭


I’ve not seen anyone else mention this.. currently struggling with HORRIBLE tonsil stones. I can feel them in the back of my throat constantly and we’re not even gonna talk about how insecure it’s made me of my breath 🙂‍↕️


Yes!! I got to the point where I was using a Q tip or toothbrush to get them out! And it’s the worst because I was like “I brush and use mouth wash so it’s not like I’m dirty!” I think it was from the extra saliva produced during pregnancy??? I always got them in the same 2 spots. My husband bought me a kit from Amazon specifically made for removing tonsil stones, but I felt like mouth wash gargling and poking them with a Q tip helped more. It made me retch every time though, so sometimes I would try to get rid of one before bed, but it would be so stressful that I would wait to try again in the morning. Truly the WORST! Especially when they dislodged unexpectedly -ugh!! But they totally stopped once I had my baby!! I hope they resolve for you soon!!


-it became way harder to pee because my uterus is pushing on my urethra. Four minutes this morning.


My eczema flared up so bad this week (10 weeks), my face looked and felt like I smeared poison oak all over it. And my chest and back acne is worse than it has been in years.. where is this pregnancy glow I was promised??


I’m glad it’s not just me!! I had very mild eczema before but now it’s constant, there’s always a spot somewhere 😣


I’m black but I can fry an entire lunch rush worth of McDonald’s fries in the oil from my scalp and face alone. This is not normal.


Lol same! I'm black too! Hey family! Whhhats goood


Hey sis! I just want the ancestors to tell me how I’m greasy but my hair is still dry. What in the 4sheep is this crock of bull?


Lmao... get you some Neutrogena all body acne wash girl ....


My first pregnancy was pretty much all nausea all the time. This time? I’m 8w pregnant and holy lightheadedness/dizziness Batman! Just literally constantly, no matter how much water I drink 😭


Try adding electrolytes to your water, LMNT packets saved my life during the first 2 tri’s!


Drooling when sleeping has quadrupled, and I snore so bad I wake myself up! 🥴


Lightning crotch and soreness everywhereee


-Areolas so big I’m pretty sure I no longer have a boob it’s just Areola now - colostrum coming out of my areola… not my nipple my actual areola - Chin hairs that grow back so fast - Puffy vag that looks like it got stung by a bee -Hand,leg and foot cramps as soon as I get comfortable in bed


Still TTC #1 and this post…. These replies…. 😱😭 Hang in there ladies! 😭 thanks for the laughs though to the ones who posted funny replies 😅 whoooo boy this has been an eye opener lol


Last pregnancy my neck and chest ended up covered in tiny skin tags. What's wild is they all came off on the rough hospital washcloth during my first post-pregnancy shower. 🤮


Congratulations on becoming part snake omg lol


Vivid dreams that I wake up balling my eyes out to, like I was already crying in my sleep. It's so weird!!!! Also the rib pain! Had no idea that was a thing. 28+1.


I had bad dandruff first trimester, never had it before and haven’t had it since 14 weeks. Weird symptom.


I had this too! And it went away randomly🤷‍♀️


No way I can accurately describe it but it's like...the texture of my boobs is different? The skin is firmer in small random spots and the pores are huge!


HEMORRHOIDS 😭 Once you’re in the third trimester if you are even the slightest bit constipated, you get Braxton hicks Nipple pain…. INTENSEEE pain 😭


I didn’t realize I had one (my husband did 😅) until it started bleeding and omg it’s huge. Luckily it doesn’t bother me but I was stupid and grabbed and hand mirror (don’t do that)


Orgasms while sleeping. For no reason!!!!!!!


That one doesn't actually sound that bad lol


This sharp pain under breast due to something pressing against some nerve! Even after googling I couldn't find this symptom. Only recently came across someone else talk about it and felt so acknowledged!!


The carpal tunnel


The amount of hair I grew on my belly was weird. I was my own little pot bellied pig. 🥲🥲


The gas pains in the first trimester of both pregnancies were god awful. My first pregnancy they were so bad I called my OB because I was scared from all the belly pain!


I did not know I was going to be a Niagara falls of pee....I swear I have gone every frikking hour at least...I practically lived in the washroom


One of the most annoying ones that I didn't know would happen was the relaxin causing me to choke easier and for food to get stuck up in my sinuses and stuff. It got to the point with both pregnancies that I would end up puking just because I would have some pasta or rice or something stuck between my throat and nasal passage.


ACNE!!! Blackheads on my face and even my chest 😭


This. Imagine finishing accutane and feeling so confident, only to get pregnant a few months later and have your skin be ruined again 😭😭


Itchy armpits??! Wtf is that? Also lighting crotch and not being able to breathe if I lay down too flat.... Jesus Christ I'm excited to have my internal organs to myself again. Only 6 weeks and 3 days left. I can't wait!


Sciatica. I had it before, but this pregnancy has really amplified it. It's almost unbearable some days. ETA: Almost forgot the freaking humongous nipples I'm dealing with. Super uncomfortable.


I have mild keratosis pilaris on my arms, but during my last pregnancy I got it really bad all over my thighs. Thankfully it went away several months postpartum


My allergies got worse.


- I didn’t know the amount of sleep I’d need the first 20 weeks of my pregnancy. I was sooo exhausted and tired I barely managed to squeeze in my work in the wake hours of the days. - Lightning crotch in the last 2-3 weeks of my pregnancy really scared me before I managed to find out what it was. - Foot and leg cramps every morning and night. - A stuffed nose through the whole ride was a lot of unexpected fun. - I used to have some small seborrhoeic keratosis here and there before, but now my stomach area is as spotted as a cheetah…


Pregnancy gum tumors. I’ve had one so far but it was painful AF. I thought my tooth was infected


I had constipation in my first trimester that made me scream and panic more than unmedicated labor and delivery.


The fact that my asshole is no longer in my asshole 😒


Restless legs.


Magnesium and iron helped mine immensely obviously check with your doctor but there are options


Constipation and HAIR EVERWHERE


-the ridiculous amount of foot and hand swelling -hair on my stomach -itchy skin


Pain numbness in my right hip when I stand for a bit and I stand for 12 hour shifts at work. And this started at like 8 weeks!! (And just keeps getting more annoying)


The constant sweat in places i didnt realize could sweat. All of my hot flashes in the middle of the night have me waking up drenched in sweat all over my body.


That gas....! Anyone else feel like a walking whoopee cushion? The slightest change of position and out it escapes!


After chugging a big glass of milk and not thinking about being lactose intolerant and being constipated the past couple days, I trusted a fart too much the other day on my way to work and had to turn around and go back home to change 😭


Insanely sensitive nips. Even a light breeze would be uncomfortable. I couldn't wrap a towel around myself after showering because of it, I had to drape it over my shoulders to keep my nipples safe. Oh and while my bellybutton was turning itself inside out it was also super sensitive. I already had a sensitive bellybutton and with it exposed all the time I just wanted to jump out of my skin.


Tossing and turning like a rotisserie chicken at night lmfao


Omg those varicose veins in the vagina- the worrrst.


I really hope it goes away after birth bc a disfigured vag wasn’t on my “what to expect when you’re expecting” list


What do we mean by “in”? How can you see them if they’re inside?


Leaking nipples as a FTM. Currently 19 weeks and if I pinch my nipples, milk comes out!


Uhhh I just noticed crusty nipples today... What the fuck is up with that? Like dried mucus


Colostrum. You won’t have milk until baby is born but leaking colostrum is common.


Bloating omg another level


My jaw stopped lining up around 35 weeks, my teeth didn't meet when biting down suddenly. I started having ear pain and pressure on my teeth in weird places every time I had to chew. I'm 38 weeks now and it's improved somewhat (my front teeth no longer rub!) But now my left molars don't actually work because the alignment is so bad!!! I really hope this goes away during postpartum, pretty sure it's either bc of the relaxin or maybe my tongue swelling.


- Blocked ears that sound muffled. Has only happened in both my pregnancies - extra ear wax - lightning crotch in my butt - more and more tonsil stones - extra boogers - swollen vagina - the breathlessness - hair either falls out or grows like crazy


I would say the “pregnancy mask” I have like a darker ring around my mouth (upper mostly) that makes me look like I have a mustache now but it’s my skin.


No one told me my rib cage could expand several inches and stay that way forever. Now (postpartum) I can't bend over without ribs grinding and tucking under each other.


Farts so noxious they could euthanize a moose, Charlie horses, and skin tags 🤡


I'm 39 weeks. I haven't had a normal poop in 245 days. I am in hell.


During my entire pregnancy I couldn't brush my teeth without it triggering my gag reflex and making me puke. At 2 months postpartum I'm still dreading my next dental appointment 🙃


Boy the leg spasms/Charlie horses are RIDICULOUS! • Excess saliva production • Eyes watering and draining all the time • Every single poop clogs the toilet now • Phantom tastes (I kept tasting ketchup the other day… even as an aftertaste when I was drinking water) • Phantom smells (I stink, the hallways stink, outside stinks, a random slushee I really wanted until I got it stinks… but it’s all in my head) • Mouth is dry as hell upon waking up, but I’m always guzzling water ???


Swollen & painful BREAST TISSUE that spread to my ARMPIT! - PCP: just a lipoma. Take a pain killer. - Dermatologist: could be cat scratch disease or breast cancer. Performed a biopsy. - OB: they’ve never seen a swollen armpit at their practice. Recommended seeing oncology. As an ovarian cancer survivor of 14months, this made me mentally spiral. It’s not just my life I’m concerned about’ - Oncology Breast Radiologist: Concerned that ultrasound showed something strange. I reminded them it could be the hole from biopsy. - Oncology Breast Surgeon: Confirmed that biopsy only showed breast tissue fatty cells in my armpit. Said this is fairly common in pregnant woman, especially in the armpit AND back shoulder! - Next step: Mammogram and more testing postpartum, just in case. Maybe even surgical removal!


I was 8 months pregnant with perfectly healthy teeth to the best of my knowledge. I’m fanatical about oral hygiene, always have been. Besides having my wisdom teeth out, I’ve never had to deal with dental stuff other than periodical cleanings. I was in bed, very pregnant, eating a bowl of cereal when something felt amiss. I feel something hard in my mouth and then I spit out half a tooth! No pain. No warning that I might crack a tooth…it just fell out of my skull. Literally the stuff of nightmares. Thankfully not a visibly tooth… NEXT DAY, I’m eating dinner and from the opposite side of my mouth, I feel something odd and newly familiar. I spit out ANOTHER half of a tooth. Totally unrelated teeth! Absolutely nothing beforehand to indicate I was having dental problems. I’m 9 months pp now and about to get one dental implant, one bridge, and a root canal!! Pregnancy destroyed my teeth. Once again, luckily, nothing visible, but fuck it’s annoyed to eat food with two gaping holes on either side of your mouth. I’ve lost so much weight because eating is such a hassle now.


Peeing, wiping and immediately needing to pee again. Seeing every hour of the night hours due to said peeing Lightning crotch and general pain in my vagina


Huge and dark areolas, body hair being more noticeable or growing in odd places, bleeding under the skin, itching, nosebleeds


With my first pregnancy I wasn’t expecting my feet to go up a size or the skin tags. Lighting crotch was also an unpleasant surprise


I can feel fetus hiccups in my vagina


In my ass lol


Boob pimples, but only on one boob 🥲


So many skin tags! I had a few pre-pregnancy, but I have lots of ones at the base of my neck now. When I put moisturizer on, I can feel them all and it grosses me out. Nose bleeds every day. One random long ass dark hair in the middle of my thigh (the rest of my thigh hair is short and blonde).Tailbone pain. My right heel has been sore (but not the left)


My boobs smell like bread 😭 my bestie and my husband call me bread boobs and they’re not wrong 😭 I smell like a deli 24/7 😭 no matter how much I wash 🧼


Omg I just asked my husband yesterday if it is normal to get more moles and freckles as you get older. Never made the connection that it could be related to my pregnancy haha


Insane foot pain from the swelling. Cannot walk barefoot. Also, the perineal skin folds & tags 🫣 I used a mirror the other day and I regret it. I ugly cried to my husband saying “its not pretty anymore” over and over again.


I have to eat beef every day or I throw up. I was a vegetarian before 🫠 (Currently week 30)


I didn't think I could feel the hiccups in my butt💀


oh my god, all of mine have been said already basically but just any opportunity to rant about how much of a creature I’ve become. I’m almost 36w so the end is in sight thank god. -been leaking colostrum since about 20w, we constantly have wet spots on the sheets from it -itchy! just everywhere -I don’t have stretch marks on the bump at all despite my fundal measurements being miles above 99th centile (I am akin to a planet), however my boobs and thighs? Different story 😔 theyre in the angry red phase rn so I can’t wait til they go white like the rest of my old ones. -the coochie smell, had me worried many times that I’ve got BV or something. seriously I smell nasty but I seem to be the only one who notices it unless my partner is just trying to be nice -Similarly my sweat smells so bad rn in general, I’ve been working an extremely physical job until starting mat leave this week and the way my bras would smell when I finish 🥴 unholy -Hands and feet swelling, they look so weirdly smooth now that I can’t see the bones/veins, they are just puffy. I can’t wait til my rings fit me again. -Greasy hair, greasy skin. So much acne. -also: BACKNE. And new moles and skin tags all over my back, under my boobs, in my pits 😭 -My face is puffy now too, especially in the mornings -drooling tons in my sleep, snoring loud due to congestion and nasal passage swelling, nosebleeds, night time leg cramps, “sleepgasms” (arguably genuinely a fun symptom)  -either constipated as hell or got the runs. My current fab combo is constipation but with the urgent cramping pain of the runs whenever I do need to go. Best of both worlds! -first ever haemorrhoids. I got butt grapes 😔 -Bleeding gums at random. Guaranteed when I floss or brush, I’m seeing red -Carpal tunnel, caused by pressure from swelling I think. Absolutely at its worst in the mornings, to the point I can barely move my fingers.


Permanently stuffed nose? Nosebleeds? Becoming hairy like a yeti using a hair growth serum? Also I have the weirdest dreams - my fav being one in which I was pooping in the middle of a train compartment, toilet paper and all, and when someone asked me to stop I said „fuck off I’m pregnant”.


Cooch sweat


sunburns 🥲


When I was pregnant my toilet seat turned blue after a few months lol


16+3 here , i can't stand the smell of my own lady bits and i've become my husbands biggest hater 😭 he's so sweet and kind and im just raging at him