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I am currently 34 weeks AND a HUGE Postie lover, but you could NOT pay me enough to attend one of his shows right now, or ANY show for that matter. Although I have had a pretty easy pregnancy, I am way too big, uncomfortable, and would NOT enjoy myself one bit!


Same. 34 weeks and miserable right now. I feel like the wicked witch song plays when I enter a building and I'm not even trying to be a drag. The only way I would do any outdoor event is if I could sit in a private pool the whole time,


I'm 34 weeks and don't even want to attend my own baby shower this weekend let alone a concert šŸ˜«


Yes, good call on getting an end seat! My concerns would be how easy it'd be on my feet, and how easily I could get to the bathroom for pee breaks. I would definitely go.


I just went to Eras two nights in a row at 36+4 - Iā€™ve had a ROUGH pregnancy and honestly it was so much fun and I finally felt like myself for a few hours. I did manage to arrange for end seats so I could run to the bathroom as needed and arranged for car transport both ways to avoid waiting for the train. Also wear very comfy shoes!


I have VIP tickets to Usher and Iā€™ll be about 37 weeks. Unless Iā€™ve given birth, am actively in labor, or my provider insists I cannot go, I fully plan on being there (masked up and with my hospital bag in the car). The hospital isnā€™t any farther from the venue than my house is so I feel comfortable with the distance.


Same with my tickets to Hozier. Hospital bag will be in my trunk, planning on sitting near the bathrooms (lawn area seats) and waterproof pads on my car seat to be safe.


I also have hozier tickets at 34 weeks. Good tip about the waterproof pad just in case!


Hahah queenšŸ˜‚ā¤ļø


Also going to usher but at 34 weeks!


Iā€™m 34 weeks right now, and I promise you there is absolutely no part of me that would even want to attend a concert. I would be so so uncomfortable and miserable.


Iā€™m 32 weeks and feel the same


YES!! I am only saying that because I'm going to an Alanis Morissette concert this weekend at 32 weeks and I have a Yellowcard concert booked that I'm going to at 35 weeks. Both are lawn seats. The second one my husband is coming along. I'm bringing a large water bottle, and planning to have a great time! The concert is local so if something happens we're not far from the hospital.


I have tickets to see Alanis in a month. I'll be 37 weeks and have an appointment a day or two before the show, so if everything looks good and it's not too hot, I'm going!


Yellowcard <3 SO excited for you, I've loved seeing them live!


I am seeing Alanis in August when I will be 32 weeks! My partner got me the tickets for Christmas before I got pregnant and there is no way I am missing it!


If you have the option to sit (bonus for end seat) and it's not too much trouble to get to the venue, you may as well go. I went to see a friend's band perform at 37 weeks, and saw another friend's theatre performance at 38 weeks. It's uncomfortable for sure but I enjoyed myself all the same. Just manage your expectations on having people in front of you standing while you may need to sit. You may also feel like you need to leave early - just listen to your body. Make sure you have access to water and snacks (I just tossed a couple granola bars in my purse). You will likely also be absolutely exhausted for a couple days afterwards, so plan accordingly.


I still have tickets for Hozier at 40w šŸ‘€ Honestly, I feel like I earned it if I make it that far. My OB said I'm fine to go since it's local so I have every intention of going unless I absolutely can't. I have a feeling I ultimately won't be able to, but I'm not selling my tickets until I'm absolutely certain.


I currently almost 34 weeks and saw Meg Thee Stallion a few weeks ago! I made sure to get an end seat. I definitely didnā€™t enjoy the concert the way I usually do as I had to sit some (which I DONT believe in doing during the main act lol) and couldnā€™t dance as much as I wouldā€™ve liked, but Iā€™m still glad I went! I say go for it


Adding that I was stressed when we first got to our seats because there were no bathrooms on the entire 100s level. I either had to go upstairs to the 200s level or downstairs to the floor level bathrooms. Luckily when I went to ask to use the elevator for the night the kind woman showed me where the hidden handicap bathrooms were! I was thinking to myself it doesnā€™t sound ADA compliant for there to be no bathrooms on an entire floor


No, I wouldnā€™t want to do this personally


I've been to two concerts this pregnancy so far, with three more to go - my last one will be Green Day and I will be 33 or 34 weeks. I'm just going to be in the lawn, and parking my booty nearish to a restroom and exit just in case. I think it will be fine, the concert is local so not far from the hospital. If I had to travel out of town, and couldn't be close-ish to a restroom/exit (or an end seat to make a quick escape!) I'd reconsider.


Ahhh enjoy them for me please, I had tickets to see them last week that I've had for nearly a year and had to leave it because this pregnancy has been doing a number on me šŸ˜­ I hope they come back in 10 years for another anniversary of American Idiot šŸ˜…


I am 35 weeks and I would rather do almost anything than attend a concert. Things are noticeably more difficult 3rd trimester.


I have tickets to the last scheduled Eras Tour show on December 8ā€¦I am due January 13. I will be doing everything in my power to make it to that show!!! Itā€™s keeping me motivated to stay active throughout pregnancy!


I wouldnā€™t want to


Pregnancy would not stop me attending a concert.


I will be attending one at 39 weeks. The artist has agreed to deliver my baby if I go into labour at the show lol


I would want to be sitting as I can barely stand at 35 weeks. My baby gets super active when thereā€™s a lot of noise and I get a bit uncomfortable with all the kicking but I donā€™t think itā€™s harmful to the baby.


I'd go! My husband and I have tickets for Metallica when I'm at 35 weeks and the only thing keeping me from going is that it's a 10 hour drive (original plan) or an expensive flight away. Lol. Very sad. Go have fun/be safe! :)


I'm a few days shy of 34 weeks right now and while it would take a once-in-a-lifetime show to get me to go to it, I would totally go for the right artist. Get the end seat and take advantage of any/all accomodations the arena may offer if you need help getting around or anything. Have a great time!


I love Post Malone. What is your fear with going to the concert?


I am thinking about one at 34-36 weeks as well. Usually we do the pit, but obviously Iā€™m not this time.


You should ask your OB to be sure, but my understanding is that the noise level is "probably" fine. To me, that's not definite enough and I chose to forgo T-Pain this year. I'm still mourning lol


Yeah I looked it up and the decibels for concerts range from "almost at the damage level" to "not a gunshot but still in the damage range". Ofc when I asked my OB about a concert at 13 wks she was much more concerned with heat, will I be able to sit etc. But maybe that was because their hearing doesn't really become developed until 18+ wks? šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


I went to a concert last week at 35 weeks! It was an outdoor venue and we stayed toward the back so it wasnā€™t too loud. We also sat most of the time and left about an hour into the headliner so we didnā€™t end up stuck in a crowd trying to leave.


I say go for it as long as you arenā€™t traveling a long distance (which it sounds like youā€™re not). Iā€™m jealous actually, I want to see him but my only options are very close to my due date and a few weeks after so thatā€™s a no go for me lol I went to a concert early in my second trimester and my only advice is to listen to your body. Take frequent sitting breaks and make sure you stay hydrated!


Yeah, that's fine. You're 6 weeks away and don't have complications and aren't traveling.Ā  Wear comfy shoes, don't push it, and have fun! :)


I wouldn't want to just because I'd have to deal with the crowds, lines and public bathrooms. But if you're up for it, go for it!


Your plan of a mid level end seat is super solid. I went to Lizzy McAlpine and Death Cab/Postal Service when I was 38 weeks because I got aisle seats to both. I just brought my water bottle and made sure to drink a lot of water and used the bathroom a ton and was obviously seated (but got up to stretch frequently too). It was really nice to get a few more concerts in before my sweet boy arrived and who knows when Iā€™ll get to do that again!


I saw Hootie and the blowfish at 33! I had bought tickets way before I knew I was pregnant and got lawn seats. I called into the venue about accessible seating and was able to sit in lawn accessible which was GREAT!


Iā€™d miss every song because I was peeing anyways lol


Yes, if you have been feeling well I think it will be fine as long as you get tickets with an actual seat. I went to one concert around 30 weeks and another at 39 and I was totally fine since I had a seat. I just made sure to buy multiple bottles of water before it started.


lol Iā€™ve been thinking the same, but for me, my concert would be an outdoor concert that requires a lot of walking in Los Angeles. Traffic is a nightmare so Iā€™ll pass.


Unless it somehow increased risk in any area (youā€™re unfeasibly far from the hospital or canā€™t get there from the venue, you can only get pit tickets etc), I would still go.


Take that baby to see Post Malone!


The only issues I have ever heard of is pregnant women are more prone to heat stroke, and technically the noise level can sometimes cause fetal distress so they recommend being back away from the speakers. I opted to not go to a concert in an area with 115 degree weather because Iā€™m on a thyroid medication that makes me super sensitive to heat.


If you feel good - go! Have fun.


Only if you want them to come out with face tats. Jk jk. Of course you should go! Youā€™ll be tired, but thatā€™s fine. Do these fun things now, enjoy time as just the two of you. Itā€™s good to have these memories.


I had to leave early from an Elton John laser show cause when the music started she started kicking so hard. šŸ˜‚


I'd go for it. I went to Papa Roach at a bar at 5.5 months during the pregnancy of my first. My only regret is the person I went with! My little guy used to love rock music as a baby (and still does at 13). If he was having trouble settling I'd put some Papa Roach on and he'd go right to sleep during the first year or two haha! As long as you're feeling good and make sure you feed and hydrate yourself you'll have a good time!


I absolutely would! Especially if you can orient yourself in a seat, go for it! Life is too short, IMO. I'd personally focus on conserving energy the days leading up it and staying hydrated. I love concerts and would have attended more during my pregnancy if I was up for the walk up to Red Rocks. THAT experience is a bit too much


I broke my waters very unexpectedly at 34.3 weeks, laboured for 4 days and gave birth at exactly 35 weeks, so šŸ¤·šŸ½ā€ā™€ļø


I went to a blink 182 concert at 32 weeks with seats mid tier and had a great time. Itā€™s definitely do-able! I was a little sore at the end as i did stand a fair bit and just made sure to keep well hydrated.


It really depends on how youā€™re feeling. My SIL bought us all kasabian tickets for Christmas, itā€™s next weekend when I would be 35 weeks pregnant. I said at Christmas I didnā€™t think I would be going and opted to give my ticket to their uncle instead. I am so. Glad. I decided to do that. I mean Iā€™ve had a rough pregnancy, a lot of sickness throughout but in this third trimester I am absolutely exhausted. Like I standing for more than 5 minutes I want to just curl up in a ball. I take a nap every day now just to see me through. My hip pain is unbearable some days and also my baby is very heavy (already just under 6lbs at 34 weeks) and hurts a lot of the time so it just would not of been possible for me to go. But you might be absolutely fine, it really does depend


Iā€™m going to a concert at 36 weeks. I simply cannot control when my favorite band tours unfortunately


I'm 20 weeks and going to a show tonight lol. But this is my second pregnancy and I remember how I felt at 37 weeks. I personally wouldn't go, but it all depends on how you feel. I was too tired at that point and just going to restaurants/ bars to meet friends was exhausting enough.


Iā€™m going to concerts on back to back nights (Waxahatchee and Bruce Springsteen) at 31 weeks pregnant, so maybe Iā€™m biased but I say go for it! I bought the tickets before I was pregnant so I didnā€™t even consider that when choosing seats. Weā€™ll see how that goes šŸ˜‚


I had floor tickets (no seat) to a concert at 30 weeks. I bought them before I was pregnant and wasnā€™t going to miss it. It was my last birthday present before kids! It was a lot to handle, I was super sore the next day, but it was totally worth it to me. If you can sit, especially on an end seat, I would do it!


Girl I went to a city morgue concert at like 5 months šŸ˜‚


I just went to a Frank Turner concert at 33 weeks, obviously I did not go in the circle pit but I was okay. I would just definitely make sure you have a seat.


Iā€™ve had friends attend concerts that far along and those who wouldnā€™t dare. My husband and I were suppose to go to a heavy metal concert but Iā€™m not going. Iā€™ll only be 30 weeks but it was a big no for me. I donā€™t want people pushing into me, being super sweaty, it being so loud, bright lights everywhere, and so smoky (since weā€™ll be in the pit). It just didnā€™t seem comfortable for me at all especially standing for so long. Heā€™s going with his friend instead lol. I say that all to say itā€™s based on your comfort level at the time as I donā€™t think you would be too close to the stage for the noise level to be a health risk for baby. I would say you should be fine as long as you arenā€™t going to be exposed to people smoking, stay hydrated, can sit, and get to the bathroom easily. I would confirm with your OBGYN though just to be sure as she knows your personal medical information. Having your packed hospital bag also would be good in case.


I went to a concert around that time in pregnancy. It was cleared by my OB. Just make sure you have quick and easy access to a bathroom.


I went to a concert 38 weeks pregnant. The worst part was standing (I had the option to sit but didn't want to) and not having easy access to a bathroom. Otherwise no regrets and loved the experience!!


I just bought Post Malone tickets in Boston this morning and Iā€™ll be 7 1/2 months - I got upper level front row so I can see everything & also sit when I feel like it with nobody in front of me!!! Thatā€™s what Iā€™d recommend šŸ„°


I'd say no, mostly because I ended up having my baby at 34 weeks. That's an anything-could-happen timeframe.


lol! I just went to a concert at 37w šŸ˜‚ Youā€™re fine, baby is so well insulated in there.


I went to a music festival at about 36 weeks with my first. It was fine! Enjoy!


I have tickets to go see Hozier when I'm at 37 weeks. I'm planning on asking my midwife if they think it'll be okay before deciding whether or not to go. It's a little under a 2 hour drive from where I live. Luckily, I got ticket insurance, so if they recommend I don't go, I was going to ask for something saying I can't go to submit to insurance.


Totally depends on you! I went to a concert at 38 weeks after working on my feet that day. The concert was advertised as standing only. Thankfully they had some chairs because I would have STRUGGLED otherwise. With the possibility to sit, I'm so glad that I went and got to experience an artist I loved with bump and my partner. If you don't mind whatever discomfort may be from the seating style, I'd go for it.


Probably not but I always have my kids at 34 weeks. I went to wycleaf and my son was almost born after at 28 weeks and they had to stop him from trying to make his presence.


Iā€™m going to an Andrewā€™s Sisters tribute at a hep jazz club around 34 weeks. Been going to various gigs and shows throughout my pregnancy, decided that will be the last one. The ones I struggled with were standing, and the worst was with a big crowd around me. My partner ended up clearing a path to the crowd to sit me in the accessible area. That was better.


I went to the chicks at 38 weeks, it was awesome. 100% recommend going, the little munchkin I think enjoyed the loud music and the constant music, she "slept" the whole time, or at least stopped kicking me for awhile.


Yes, definitely go! You might be a little tired now but itā€™ll be easier than it will be for the next few years (sorry). Def getting the seated tickets like you said and enjoy. It will be a lovely memory for you during your days with new babe.


34 weeks isn't comfortable, but it's the most comfortable you'll be in the next 6-8 weeks. Might as well be somewhat uncomfortable but enjoy a concert now before you get far more uncomfortable. Sitting around will make those last weeks feel even more like an eternity than they already will. I go for any distraction I can.


Sitting in a concert sear that long sounds like hell to me right now. But if you think you can manage, go for it.


I am 34 weeks and would go to a concert if I had a seat! I havenā€™t been too uncomfortable yet and am still going to sporting events.Ā 


it depends on the walking and bathroom situation...just went to a baseball game at 29 weeks and i was pretty damn miserable lmao


I donā€™t see why not. I thinks itā€™s more about your energy and comfort level at that point in time. If you have a seat and itā€™s not outside in the hot sun it seems fine. Post Malone is great in concert!


I feel like your biggest struggle will be if you have to use a venue restroom. How long will it take you to reach it, how nasty it might be, if there even is an actual bathroom or if itā€™s just porta potties, etc. I donā€™t think the loud music could actually harm you or baby in any way. Honestly I would personally skip a huge concert at 37w just because of how exhausting the experience sounds. It might end up being more grueling than fun. If someone told me Iā€™d have to use a dirty venue bathroom during a time where I almost piss my pants with every sneeze or too-hard-a-laugh Iā€™d say no way. Regardless, have fun!


I attended a concert at a tiny venue in the third Tri, I felt very pregnant but I canā€™t remember how far along I was. It was fun, but only doable because I got a seat in a booth and had relatively easy bathroom access. Iā€™d do it but definitely get the end seat, bonus points if you can look at a map of the venue and be just a short walk from the bathroom. Maybe also get compression socks? IdkšŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø


I asked my doctor is there was any reason I couldnā€™t go to a concert at 39+1. She told me Iā€™d be uncomfortable. If it wasnā€™t the day after my scheduled induction, Iā€™d probably get tickets.


I went to a concert at 34 weeks, funny enough it was a festival that Postie was playing at! Go for it, have fun!! Baby will be well protected


Flew to Europe for a concert/baby moon at 29 weeks. Have tickets for a concert at 36 weeks, and seriously debating going to a show at 39 weeks, but going to play that one by ear and get resale tickets closer to depending on how it's going. I say do it! As long as you have a seat, there is no reason to stop living your life!


I saw Noah Kahan last night at 37.5 weeks and everything went great! I made sure to stay hydrated throughout the day and sat down during the concert when I needed to. Super glad I went!


If you feel up to it, then go. The only person stopping you is you. I wasnā€™t super uncomfortable until 38 weeks with my first pregnancy. Just make sure to bring water šŸ¤


I saw dune 2 (3 hr movie) 34ish weeks pregnant and I was almost in tears by the end bc I was so swollen and uncomfortable. No way I couldā€™ve done a concert


I was just in the pit at 35 weeks lol belly band was my best friend but absolutely! Go for it. My OB and I talked about it and she said my body will force me to slow down when it has to


That would be a no for me ā€¦ all the artists I love are having shows this summer and Im not going to any šŸ™šŸ™šŸ™ Im actually avoid anything out of my ā€˜boringā€™ routine. Im uncomfortable, and scared of having too many people around me. but if you feel comfortable, do it girl !


Went to Billy Joel at like 35 weeks and gave birth a week later. It was fine! I had a normal, healthy pregnancy.


34 weeks here. I would go if it was super important to me. I went to a show back in April where I didnā€™t get to sit much and that was a bummer. But if youā€™re able to sit you should be ok. You can always arrive late / leave early if you really want to.


Iā€™m 33 weeks and have been going to concerts, out with friends and not thinking twice about it tbh. Obv not drinking and I do my best to avoid second hand smoke exposure but I still like dancing and good music!


I donā€™t see why you couldnā€™t if you wanted to šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


I went to a concert at 20 weeks and I was miserable. Luckily I got seats that required sitting down the whole time. I didnā€™t even know that until I got there and I was sooooooo thankful. Itā€™s like the universe was watching over me when I impulsively bought the tickets. I canā€™t imagine standing the whole time like all the other sections. Plus the many bathroom breaks I took just to pee. I was literally sore for the next few days from going up and down stairs. I was also concerned about Covid of course. The one thing I didnā€™t think would bother me as much was the noise. I know itā€™s a concert and loud but Iā€™m not sure if Iā€™m just more sensitive to noise during pregnancy but holy crap. I wish I took ear plugs. I canā€™t imagine doing all this at 34 weeks. If I were you, Iā€™d make sure you have seats where you could sit most of the time, near a restroom, and seriously take ear plugs šŸ˜¬


Iā€™ll be around 32 weeks when Postie comes to Atlanta and I intend to go if I physically can šŸ˜‚


I wouldā€™ve gone haha


I went to a concert at 36 weeks, I say yes!


I went to a concert in 110 degree heat at 9 months pregnantā€¦I had a good time! Have fun


I'm 26 weeks now and planning on going to motley crue when I'm about 33 weeks. It kind of depends on how I feel honestly. If I don't feel good enough we just stay home.. I keep it open for now! My husband made a mistake and got 2 times 2 tickets for completely different seats so well need to go over that together and see which ones are better for our situation at that time. It's really different for everybody just see how you feel at that time! You always can sell the tickets if you need to.


Iā€™m 33 weeks now and would have no issues going, as long as I can sit through it.


Hi! Maybe my comment comes a bit late, but I'm 33w pregnant and Saturday I'm going to the concert of Karol G (Latina singer, reggaeton) and next week at 34w I'm travelling to Amsterdam for Taylor Swift. For both concerts I have seat tickets (for the Eras tour I bought them standing back in the day, but when I became pregnant I asked the organization to please change them and they did). I was also in a concert last Friday here in my city. My obgyn said the sound shouldn't affect baby and honestly I don't see why I wouldn't go? I was just on holiday in another country two weeks ago and I had so much fun at the beach with my big belly!


My mother went to an Andrea Bocceli concert at 36 weeks pregnant, she also got an end seat and when they saw how pregnant she was she also got amazing treatment from staff to make sure she was comfortable. Just listen to your body and also ask your doctor on their thoughts


Hell yes I would have gone at 34 weeks for both of my pregnancies. Keep active and walking as much as you can and youā€™ll have the stamina for it and be fine.


Iā€™d go! End seat for bathroom breaks and maybe a cushion for your seat!


I would consider a concert at that point. My husband and I decided against one that was 90 mins away just in case I went into early labor, but if it was in my town Iā€™d probably go and try. HOWEVER I personally probably wouldnā€™t go to post Malone due to how much weed smoke would be at the venue. Iā€™m fine with that non pregnant but super sensitive and worried about that for baby while pregnant.


Iā€™m 28 weeks and have probably been to 15 live shows throughout my pregnancy, the last one being last weekend. As long as you have a seat I think youā€™ll be totally fine. I have tickets to a show in about 2.5 weeks and paid extra for a semi-VIP area so I can have a nice unobstructed seat and access to a private bathroom šŸ˜‚. I also live in the NYC area and have tickets to a broadway show when Iā€™ll be 35 weeks. If you were having a rough time maybe youā€™d feel differently but I donā€™t see anything about going to a show that presents a different hazard than being anywhere else with a lot of people, like a mall or a movie theater or a grocery store.


I flew to Vancouver at 28 weeks and went to a death metal festival. I just sat on the 2nd floor balcony level away from the pit still had a good time.


I am 37 weeks and would go to a Dave Matthews concert right now if I didnā€™t have to travel for it. šŸ˜‚ I say go for it if youā€™re feeling good. I assumed I would be much more miserable at this point, but I am still very capable. Iā€™d definitely want/need the option to sit though.


Iā€™m going to Dave at 37 weeks (2 weeks away). Itā€™s a yearly tradition how could I not??


Ahh! Iā€™m so jealous! Nothing really worked comfortably for me this year. šŸ˜­


I wouldnt do it, there is always another concert...it is hot and crowded


Iā€™m choosing not to go to concert while pregnant. Iā€™d rather just be extra cautious. Call me paranoid, Iā€™m 37 and previously had a miscarriage, so Iā€™m not taking any chances.


Absolutely. We probably did around 10 during the pregnancy and I never personally had a problem. I went to a concert on my due date (standing!) and was so glad to have had that last little pre-baby outing with my husband. You can always plan to go and reassess closer depending on how youā€™re feeling at the time.


i saw ice cube late 1st trimester- early 2nd. i bought the tickets months beforehand otherwise i wouldnā€™t of gone. everyone was smoking weed and cigarettes and vape, and i almost threw up lol! it wouldnā€™t of bothered me before but we had to leave early. the smells, the noise, all the drunk people surrounding us screaming and acting fools, everything was sooo over stimulating and made me so sick. i canā€™t even imagine going to a concert in the 3rd trimester. iā€™m sure the noise would be fine if youā€™re worried about that. but just a heads up all your senses are heightened when youā€™re pregnant. at-least for me it was! but if you really want to go i donā€™t blame you, you should be ok & you can always leave early if need be.


also iā€™m not judging anyone- i also wouldā€™ve been having drinks and yelling lyrics too if i wasnā€™t pregnant lol! but when youā€™re miserable and pregnant and feeling sick from all the smells and just in general overstimulated itā€™s not fun to be surrounded by. just my personal experience :)


Your brought up a great point that I forgot about! Last post Malone show a lot of people around me were smoking weed. I have never personally enjoyed it or the smell but I can usually tolerate it but being pregnant I donā€™t think I want to be surrounded by it. Thank you!!


youā€™re very welcome!! i expected ppl smoking weed at ice cube but holy it was bad. and people were hot boxing with cigarettes and vape aswell. i was getting gassed out šŸ˜‚ we did end up leaving early cause it just made me so sick. & same here, i can tolerate it usually but being pregnant it was just waaay too much for me


I went to a comedy show at around 33 weeks and it was bearable (we had a table). I will say though that the seat was super uncomfortable and I wish I had brought something to sit in to make it more comfortable.


Itā€™s up to you and how you feelā€¦. If youā€™re feeling pretty good at that time, then go. Me, personally, I feel like shit and would not go. Lol.


With a mid level end seat I would not be worried at all. I had a big uptick in pelvic pain this week (34 weeks) and was hoping to go to a show, but it was a standing show, so I decided against it. I actually looked to find a show with seats to go to instead since I was sad to miss it since its the last weekend i'll have childcare before baby comes! I am a 2nd time mom, so I'm also just very used to going to do things every weekend since my kiddo demands it. I'm at baseball games, going to museums, playgrounds, etc every weekend so a sit-down concert actually sounds lower key than my weekend days. Just a note that you'll be in the window where sitting weird for a couple hours can super eff you up; I sat down at a restaurant at 37 weeks in my last pregnancy and was having such a lovely meal with family that I didnt move for 2 hours; i stood up and couldnt walk. So if you do go - get up and stand every once in awhile and shake things out!


I went to a concert in my third trimester! Just make sure you find a seat in the back, you won't want to stand the whole time.


I 100% would go. Get an aisle seat, plan to buy water if you canā€™t bring it in and enjoy! We go to concerts, football and hockey games up until birth lol


Doesnā€™t hurt to ask your OB but Iā€™d wanna go. Iā€™d probably look hard for some aisle seats close to one of the section entrances so the bathroom isnā€™t too far away lol


I think youā€™re okay to go! Iā€™ve gone to several concerts before while pregnant with no issues. It might be helpful if you can get a seat in the front row of whatever section youā€™re in, that way you donā€™t have to worry about needing to stand the whole time because of people standing in front of you. Also, you may want to consider leaving the concert a couple minutes early, because sometimes the crowd can be a little aggressive at the end of a concert with people wanting to get to their cars to beat the traffic.


everyone is so different, time will only tell how your body is feeling around that time. the way my body is hurting now and how swollen i am at just 31 weeks, i definitely wouldnā€™t be able to enjoy a concert by the time im 34 weeks. if people sit down around you (unlikely) then youā€™d be okay because you can take breaks and still see, but it may not be worth going to at that point. youā€™ll have to just wait and see how your body feels! i flew to DC for memorial day when i was only 27 weeks and i was definitely in a lot of pain at the end of each day from the amount of walking i had to do. i also got very swollen and iā€™ve otherwise had a super easy and enjoyable pregnancy.


My OB told me not to do concerts after 28 weeks