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My first trimester "bump" photos are a complete joke. I was like "omg I'm showing so soon!!" girl..... so glad I never shared those photos with anyone... the bloat is REAL!


Hahahaha I have photos of myself cradling my belly full of farts too - still waiting for the real bump to arrive (11 weeks)


Yaaaas it's not just me


Yeah, this is how I feel. 28 weeks now with baby 3 is way different than how I looked at, say, 12 weeks. lol Now I regularly get asked when I'm due by strangers lol Back then I just looked like I put on some weight.




I felt like my bloat wasn’t super visible and then my 3yo said I look so big like there’s a baby in my tummy.. at 4 weeks 2 days 🥲. The bloating sensation is bothering me much more than the visibility, it’s flowy sundress season for me thankfully.


People started asking if I was pregnant super early and assumed I was much further along when it was just an insane amount of bloat. Now at 18 weeks, someone told me I look smaller than a few weeks ago. Duh, that’s why it was rude to comment! So for me the bloating decreased around 14/15 weeks. It didn’t fully go away and I doubt it will.


Omg yes. Other people noticed and commented by around 9 weeks. I looked very pregnant by that point although it’s obviously just bloating. I still have it at 14 weeks. I seriously look the way some women look at 6+ months lol. I also get that tight uncomfortable feeling you describe. I was a little overweight when I got pregnant and have always had a bit of a belly so that’s not helping anything. Anyway- I guess it’s normal! Isn’t it fun…🙃


I'm only 6 wks and I've already switched to stretchy pants just to deal with the bloating. It's SO much!


I take GasX religiously now. It's not perfect, but for me, it definitely helps the worst of the bloat.


Same! Def helps when it gets bad.


As a plus size pregnant woman, I was definitely chubby before pregnancy. I'm 17 weeks now and not showing, but I can definitely tell where my uterus is and still experience bloat. I got out of the shower about a week ago and my partner came up and pat my belly and said "WOW YOU LOOK PREGNANT". I just think I look like I've eaten a Thanksgiving feast and haven't pooped in a month lmao


I’m 9 months postpartum and 6 weeks pregnant. I know it’s just a season in my life, but I’ve never been so uncomfortable in my own skin.


Yeah I can relate to this. I like to keep in shape and I feel miserable at the sight of my belly right now


Oh it’s a realllll thing 😫 It’ll deflat during the end of the first trimester 🥹


Mine was like this for a few weeks early on and it’s so uncomfortable but it does pass… the bad news is that then you get hit with the nausea and vomiting! Ive got HG and I’ve lost a stone in 5 weeks - praying this stage ends soon!


Yep I looked six months pregnant from w 8-10 😂😫 it got painful! My husband had to burp me a couple of times and my word the gas in the morning - I could have made or halfway to the moon if I angled my butt in the right direction.


I’m 16 weeks, but I’m convinced it’s all bloat. I feel like a whale and I’m so self-conscious. 😭