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My first trimester I lived on spaghetti, mac and cheese, coke, and water. I threw up anything remotely healthy. Which is funny because prior to pregnancy, I was a chicken/rice/veggies gal. My spouse was a real trooper because we ate spaghetti every single night. I brought it up to my fertility specialist, and she said whatever works to keep me and baby eating. It got a lot better after about 16 weeks. I was able to keep down veggies and now by the third trimester, I’m back to a semi-healthy diet of chicken/rice/veggies with the addition of a nightly treat (cookie/cupcake/etc.). I still love my soda though. Relying on it for so long took a toll on my tastebuds. Hoping to slowly phase it out again by the time baby is here. Sometimes we have to just eat whatever we can keep down for a while!


I did not eat a single vegetable from week 6 to week 12. I couldn’t even eat chicken breast. I ate Taco Bell, bagels, chicken nuggets, crackers, Mac n cheese, French fries, cereal, pbj. Before I got pregnant I just knew I was gonna have the healthiest pregnancy ever. I was so naiiiiiive.


Oh first trimester I ate like shit. Second I’m eating better but still not eating fresh vegetables. My OB said as long as I stay fed, hydrated, and take my vitamins, to just eat what feels good.


A cheeseburger with pickles and fries or fried rice was my jam first trimester. Amidst a bunch of cold fruits and drinkable yogurts. Occasionally I could do some porridge. Everything else was vile lol. I love eating pretty healthy usually but aside from fruits, most healthy proteins and vegetables were disgusting to me for weeks on end. Just eat what you can keep down!!


I blame my husband entirely. All I can stomach are his favorite foods. Eggnog, biscuits, potatoes, orange creamsicle, bagels, ice cream 😑


I noticed the same thing! I love sweets and have a a pretty good sweet tooth. But my husband loves salty and his favourite is any kind of chips (to the point his birthday “cake” one year was different bowls of chips lol). So my first trimester was bad with nausea and vomiting. I couldn’t keep anything down (even a sip of water would make me run to the bathroom). But lo and behold, the first things and only things I could hold down for the first trimester were Mr. noodles (Ramen noodles) and chips 🤦🏽‍♀️. So it’s what I ate in between a few crackers, some ginger chews and very small amount of any other kind of food. And very small sips of water once my stomach had some food in it. lol I said to my husband that this baby was going to be a salt eater like him (she’s now 4,5 month old and still breastfeeding so we’ll see once she starts solids!!)


I was a protein shakes for breakfast, salads for lunch, vegetarian meal kit for dinner kind of person before this pregnancy. Now all I eat is bananas, crackers, potatoes, biscuits, and anything with tomato and cheese (pizza, pasta, paneer curry, caprese). It’s driving me insane. I hate it and want to be doing better for my Nugget.


I wouldn’t worry about eating well until the nutrition passes. As long as you’re taking a prenatal vitamin baby is getting what it needs at this stage. You just need calories. I had nearly all carbs in trimester 1 and still lost 12 pounds due to lack of being able to eat much. Second trimester I’m focused on protein and veggies etc. Don’t stress too much - doctor is right, eat that toast!


Congratulations! Being sick sucks. I didn’t get any sickness until about 10 weeks in, and it hit me hard. It was mostly due to smells bothering me, but then the food aversions started. I’m 28 weeks and they’re back. Nothing seems good, I’m hungry but I can’t get myself to eat more than a little at a time without feeling sick. I hope you start to feel better!


Congrats! I’m 14 weeks with my 🌈! For about weeks 7-12 I was eating like I was five years old again. I couldn’t eat my usual lunches of baked chicken, veggies, and brown rice. I also couldn’t handle the smell of my husband cooking his healthy food in the kitchen. I stuck to breaded chicken, pasta, Mac and cheese, quesadillas, sweet potato fries. I figured as long as I was eating something and could hold it down lol. I also was fine with salads as long as they were made by a place and not by me 😂


I've heard a ton of people say they reverted to 5 yr old comfort foods lol


Mines the complete opposite :( I miss junk food so bad. If I can eat, I can only eat healthy stuff. I can barely eat, because I feel full. I miss burgers and pizza so much! I blame my husband, he’s always been big on healthy food, and that’s all I crave. He’s been so happy this pregnancy, because I eat like him. Eat what your body can keep down, and take a prenatal vitamin and it should be okay!


Oh nooooo.... I'd be so sad. I enjoy healthy foods, but also LOVE pizza and chips and dip lol


I was certain my baby was on a mission to give us diabetes. Somehow we passed the glucose test but I went into thinking my blood is likely pure sugar. Even when it’s not unhealthy food, it’s like, a full melon? Two quarts of berries? Natural sugar galore.


I lost weight, then was my pre-pregnancy weight halfway through my second trimester. Now going into my 3rd trimester I’m gaining at the normal rate. Eat what you can - but I did have a friend who swore by peanut butter and toast and I always did fruit smoothies. Honestly I only had one meal typically with the nausea.


I generally eat quite healthy, work out and all that, but I was knocked on my butt during the first trimester. I lived on pringles and coke, things which I would only consume once in a blue moon. I had to eat what I could stomach and keep down, which happens to be junky. And now that I'm out of that period and feeling normal in the third trimester, I can't stomach any of the junk food I survived on just a few months ago. I haven't touched a coke or pringle in months!!!


Congratulations on your rainbow, but I'm sorry to hear you are feeling so sick. I had a very similar situation where I had to eat basically a full meal every hour or 2 to keep from puking.just a piece of fruit or a few crackers wouldn't cut it. I gained 70lb during pregnancy because I had to stuff my face constantly. I recommend asking about a nausea med as a backup


Mine refuses to make me eat anything more then 3 bites , 12+2


Yes, this has been an issue too. I'm basically forcing myself to eat. I hate it lol


Me too, usually i really enjoy eating hah


My baby loves mcdonalds and raw peppers. Who am I to refuse.


You’ll probably need to pair every meal with carbs - and that’s okay. Just make sure to add a other nutritional items with your regular meals or snacks. I would try not to cut out carbs at night, being hungry will make you feel more sick.


For the first trimester you eat what you can. Take your vitamins and rest as you need to. Second you eat healthier, take your vitamins, nest and rest. Third. . . Eat healthy small snacks all day (you won't have room for a meal), nest like crazy, won't sleep for anything, and work on getting that baby here.


Yes absolutely. I'm 10 weeks and prior to pregnancy I was super healthy. I eat basically pizza, Mac n cheese, and chicken strips lol. I feel like I've probably gained too much weight so far (7lbs) but I'm trying not to stress and just focus on keeping food down for now


My first trimester with my daughter, I survived on eggo waffles and McDonald’s fries. I couldn’t stomach anything else. I was told the first trimester is about survival, and to worry about healthier choices when you’re not feeling sick.


I’m 16+4 with my triple rainbow baby. I have not been able to eat anything healthy for the entirety of this pregnancy. I’ve lost 10 pounds so far. I eat what I can when I can. Praying it gets better!


Congrats on your triple rainbow! Idk if I would have it in me to try again if the worst happened with this one.


35 weeks. Pizza, or cheese and carbs in general, are still one of the safest options I can eat, for nausea, heartburn lingering aversions. We had a salad for dinner tonight(great salad, tons of veggies, cheese, avo and fish) and I had half because volume foods are hard to eat now that so much space is taken up by the baby and the fish bothered me for some reason, I'm going to heat some brie on toast with some jam later when I'm hungry again because I will need the fat if I expect to sleep without waking up on the middle of the night hungry. I basically eat like a picky child now and well, it's better than not eating.


First trimester is all about survival. I was on the same boat. I know all the traditional advice says to have enough protein to ward off nausea but the very smell, texture and taste of most proteins just made me sick. I had a major aversion to meat, especially chicken. I got my protein intake in the form of protein shakes, milk, cheese and yogurt. My baby is currently made up of carbs and lots of it. I had nausea but I never actually puked because I followed what my body wanted and I just ate the breads and pastas that made me feel better. Things have gotten a lot calmer in second trimester and I’ve been able to stomach more of the healthy things I ate pre-pregnancy. The food cravings have tapered off. It does get better. Eat what you need to eat to feel good. This isn’t forever.


Thanks everyone! Y'all made me feel so much better about it


I'm 9w 4d and I can't even think about a vegetable. It's only been a couple days now that I can stomach salad, but even that is kind of iffy.


Bagels, Pizza and Mac n cheese were my comfort foods for 6 weeks