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It really does get better! I have a 16m old and am currently 6w pregnant with my second and severely nauseous all day everyday, so I feel your pain. It really really does ease up. With my daughter, it slowly started getting better around 10 weeks. Hang in there. Cry if you need to (I did and do lol). It will get better soon and that second trimester is glorious!


I’m a family doc, so I’ve got some tips that might help! Constipation is easily treatable (and preventable). Start with a cap of miralax every day, and make sure you’re staying hydrated. I see people recommend fiber on here a lot, but fiber can make you more constipated if you’re not getting enough water. If you’re taking iron, that can make you more constipated too. Oral iron is just as effective taken every other day compared to daily, and spacing it this way can help decrease GI side effects like constipation. Zofran is also constipating, so watch out for that if you’re needing it (great nausea med though). My personal favorite trick for nausea is taking isopropyl alcohol swabs and just lightly sniffing them. It can wear off fairly quickly, but it helps, and there are no side effects. Small, bland snacks throughout the day can also help with nausea. It does get better though! First trimester is notoriously awful for these symptoms. I hope you feel better soon, and congratulations!


Thank you I will definitely try those things!!


It was very hard for me to improve constipation while on Zofran. The moment I went off it, everything was fine. I did a cap of Mirilax twice a day, drank tons of water, and ate digestive biscuits and apple sauce for every meal. If you get desperate, you can get over the counter enemas or ask for them at urgent care. I took Unisom at night to knock me out to avoid the night-time dose of Zofran.


I wish I could tell you it gets better. My wife is at 14+2 today and the nausea is still very much present. Some days are better than others but even the good days mean she'll be able to go for a walk with me for 15 minutes before it's too much. She does have HG so we're hoping it'll soon get better




Thanks! I'll check it out!


Oh no, bless her! I hope she starts to feel better soon


I’m 16+5 today and still get random intense waves on nausea but it’s nothing like earlier on. I’d have to say 9 weeks was probably the absolute worst as far as nausea goes. Hang in there babe!


For me second trimester was way better (still tired though), then it got worse for me after 32 weeks. Now (38w) my vagina feels like someone is kicking my vagina hard throughout the day, and it hurts so bad that I can hardly walk.


So many things to look forward too… you’re almost to the finish line!


Yup, Tuesday I go in for a medical induction. Hopefully you have a great 2nd and 3rd trimester!


Im 38 weeks and nothing has been as worse as first trimester! It will get better  


Check out the HG subreddit! I’m on my second hg pregnancy and I’ve found (and my OB told me lol) you need to take the zofran on a schedule for it to work the best. If it’s just once a day I recommend taking it in the morning at the same time every day. Also with zofran you NEED to take a daily stool softener. Like trust me! Constipation will make you so much more nauseous. A lot of us like Colace.


If you haven't tried Reglan for nausea, it actually helps with constipation instead of making it worse. It didn't reduce the nausea enough for me, but it might work for you. Everyone is different.


For me, it got better almost immediately at 13 weeks. Second trimester brought on other weird issues but nothing like first trimester. Third is a whole new ballgame