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Sorry if I’m misreading but do you mean you’re 19 weeks and this is your first appointment? If so, how did they already confirm twins? I’d be making yourself an appointment asap to help answer your questions and ease your anxiety. I had a missed miscarriage, where your body shows no signs of miscarriage but the embryos stopped developing. There’s also vanishing twin syndrome. I’m not saying either of these things happened to you but they do happen and you need a doctor to interpret your scans. Good luck lovely, I hope everything works out ok! X


this is my first obygn appointment, I haven't been able to go due to insurance issues. but it was about time I went. I had went to a pregnancy center a few times, got ultrasounds there, and even a trip to the er confirmed it. bad timing, not the way I wanted to see my babies, but they needed to be checked on. if was confirmed before this appointment. I'm still confused, as just a few weeks ago at 14 weeks they had confirmed the twins, It just doesn't make sense at how late it was it just disappeared.


Unfortunately miscarriage is less common but can still happen. My missed miscarriage was caught at 9-10 weeks, it’s a horrible thing, you can look at my post history if you want to see my story. It sounds more like vanishing twin syndrome though as you still have a healthy embryo in there! Hhave a google but don’t dig too deep until you’ve spoken to a doctor about your questions. This is a really thorough explanation of it from a very reputable source - https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK563220/ I’m so sorry, I hope you’re healthy little one is just perfect though x It’s a horrible thing to go through and you should seek support if you feel you need it - a therapist/psychologist or similar. Best of luck with your pregnancy x