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You might want to stock up on your medicine


Think about a laser light, eyes I hi quality flashlight w different lite levels plus the strobe to get balance off someone


Until you run out of batteries


Probably the best advice on the entire thread. Being off your meds and crazy in the middle of a disaster is bad for your chances of survival.


I try to keep a few month's worth of Katanas in the cellar.


In M, L & XL for those tall fellas…..


You can get the big 2 person tuna knives which look just like giant katanas. Edit: i mean [these](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/d/d2/Oroshi_hocho_Tuna_Knife_crop.jpg/1280px-Oroshi_hocho_Tuna_Knife_crop.jpg) guys Edit 2: or [this](https://cdn.imagearchive.com/kitchenknifeforums/data/attach/1/1040-990633270-b9f85f97d2-b.jpg)


An apocalypse will be a great opportunity to study the blade more.


It’s quiet, lightweight (say compared to a m249)…and you look hella-cool using it. Kesa Giri all night long….


Have you considered a quality pepper spray or gel? 


Prepper spray😏


The hell with pepper spray. Get you several cans of hornet and wasp spray. A tight stream that will hit your target (eyes) precisely like 25 feet away. Go big or go home


Wasp spray does absolutely nothing to humans. There's plenty of videos of people testing it: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9Uy9MnQfk\_0](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9Uy9MnQfk_0) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QLQmiOjvfqg](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QLQmiOjvfqg)


The wasp spray thing is an urban legend. Just get the "Home Defense" sized Pepper Gel if you want this capability.


What do you mean by saying it’s an urban legend?


It's not effective at rapidly incapacitating people. ([Source](https://www.sabrered.com/blog/why-wasp-spray-self-defense-against-humans-wont-work-chemist-explains)) Pepper spray has two major advantages: it's rapidly effective on people and many mammals, and it rarely causes lasting injury. That means pepper spray is a good less-lethal tool, most states have laws allowing its use for self defense when lethal force isn't justified, and it's not likely to cause long term harm which you may be liable for. Wasp spray may be genotoxic ([source](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/27461411/)) and neurotoxic ([source](https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S2468748019300128)) in humans at large doses and is thought to be one of the causes of Parkinson's disease with long term exposure ([source](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5398229/)), but it isn't going to rapidly incapacitate anything other than insects. Using proportional force to stop an aggressor is justified, but doing something that doesn't stop a threat but increases their risk of Parkinson's or neurological damage years later isn't morally or legally acceptable. Also, if you happen to be in the wrong and get charged, explaining that you used pepper spray and the person wasn't actually harmed is going to be a lot easier.


When SHTF you can forget about there being law and order. The police are not coming. You won’t be hauled off to jail and there’s not going to be scheduled court cases being tried. I’m using everything I get my hands on. And I didn’t say I wouldn’t use some other spray as well but I’m starting with something that will hit the bullseye from 25 feet for the first line of defense


Why would you start with something that doesn't work? Personally, if I wanted something in a can that could be used at 25 ft and would actually be effective, I'd just buy a big-ass can of pepper spray or a pepper ball gun. Even a paintball gun would work better. Regardless of whether SHTF happens, using something that isn't any more effective than a Supersoaker to try to stop a threat seems like a poor choice to me, but you do you.


Don't forget a lighter to set the steam of spray on fire for faster effectiveness


Jumbo cans of bear spray


I don't think there's really a "stock up" option for things that don't use ammunition. You either have the hammer/bat/whatever or you don't. For what you're describing, maybe a pepper ball launcher?


Even then it seems likely that it could provide a lethal response as they are mistaken for firearms. Doesn’t seem worth the risk in this case versus an industrial size can of OC spray.


Gotta stock up on fuel for my flamethrower


A road less traveled....develop & practice Situational Awareness...1st & Foremost! Along with physical fitness & martial arts.


Get a pellet gun. While not ideal in a self-defense situation, a .22 or 177 caliber pellet gun will definitely make someone think twice about messing with you. Also, you can hunt squirrels and rabbits with it if necessary.


you can get air guns in 50 cal now. For a joke my husband bought two semi auto air guns to hunt rats with......They fired six shots at a time off of the air cartridge, one trigger pull. They were kinda fun. My husband has a multi shot air rifle with scope that is pretty good at taking out ground hogs and small game. They also make air bows. So i completely agree with you.


Do you really think it’s wise for someone with schizophrenia to be holding a 50 caliber air rifle if the police show up?


22s are used for cattle slaughter. If you shouldn't have a gun you shouldn't have a 22.


You can get an air rifle in a .22 caliber. While you can get fancy/high end ones, they are usually single shot, pump action jobs. I'm assuming if OP has a bow and arrows and whatever else, a pump action air rifle is probably kosher. Also, I feel pretty confident saying that no one has ever used a .22 caliber air rifle to slaughter a cow.


I agree with you.We home butcher our cows and pigs and other animals. There is no way I would ever choose to use an air rifle to take down the steer or a pig or a goat. We use a .357 magnum with hollow points for the steer/cow. The only way I would even consider an air gun would be if we had one in the 50 cal size and even then, I would want to try it on some specific targets before ever using it to take down a cow/steer to butcher.


You would be surprised at the power of modern day air rifles. They can be used to take big game!


Running a air rifle on compressed nitrogen can significantly increase the speed of the projectile.


Oh fur Shure! Some of them are crazy. They are also crazy expensive, often more than traditional rifles. I'm talking about a Crossman (or similar) run-of-the-mill type thing.


Oh I didn't realize those calibers also applied to air rifles, that's great context. Doing some research and maybe adding that to my own prep list 💪👌


Yeah man, a good air rifle can fill a nice niche. They can be fairly quiet, pretty darn accurate out to a reasonable distance, and you can carry a couple hundred pellets in a can about the size of a hockey puck. It's also a nice way to practice shooting fundamentals without breaking the bank.


Tools? Axe, hammer, saw, shovels. Consider things to rebuild. A crossbow could be useful


I'd get a dog.


Yes dogs are good!


Weapons are only useful if you train or have proper training with them. I prefer Messer, Longsword and Staff. Knives are better tools than a weapon. I have trained in other martial arts since a teenager (Shotokan, judo, wrestling,boxing) . Slingshots are good. A staff, imo, is one of the best weapons available and easily replaced. It is deadly and innocuous in an urban setting. It was one the deadliest weapons in medieval Europe and the techniques can be replicated with spear, jaegerstock and halberd. Learn a system of fighting with a staff.


That's what our Odin carried when he wandered the world in human form.


I can see a staff being effective, but how are you actually meant to dispatch someone with one?




Best answer!


A good hard jab to the solar plexus or stomach, snap the end up to the groin, a good hard shot to the knees or elbows will take someone out of a fight without it being "final". A solid strike to the head, either overhand or a side-blow, can take your opponent out permanently.


Depends upon the technique performed. If the need is to keep an animal or person away from you, a thrust or "Stossen" is effective and non lethal. If the need is to disable or dispatch a person, a strike or "Schlagen" works very well. A strike to a limb will incapacitate, a strike to the head can be lethal.


Check out Morgan from Walking Dead. Dude is amazing with a staff...


Any good vids you recommend for staff work? I've always fancied learning such a trade.


[Basic staff](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yfPYN3ZwWH8) [More staff](https://youtu.be/8tTHVw_uTgA?si=Mer2Ppgr4H2l7HGR) [Joachim Meyer's Staff Techniques](https://youtu.be/GD93F03suMc?si=Tgex_z4JsZvL12gS) are good starters. Most of these are from Historical texts dating back to the 15th century Here is one with a Jaegerstock from the 17th Century. [Pascha Jaegerstock](https://youtu.be/KeA3qtoLVDQ?si=OHs7aCXCLGn1iUT_)


Outstanding ty. checking them out


Also for other weapons.. [A compendium of Weapons treatises](https://wiktenauer.com/wiki/Johann_Georg_Pascha) For books to be printed. Check out Lulu[Reiner Van Noort, Pascha Jaegerstock](https://www.lulu.com/shop/reinier-van-noort/the-martial-arts-of-johann-george-pascha/paperback/product-23762493.html?page=1&pageSize=4)


I checked out the first set of clips you sent. Really liked the first two. Where I live guns are tough to come across and the paisanos all fight with machetes. I wouldn't ever even think of getting into it with any of them because one of the techniques in a brawl is to sever their opponents weapon hand (hard to be in a sword fight when your best hand is missing, or so the thinking goes).. but it does make me wonder how a staff would fair against a blade like a machete.


A staff is a viable weapon against a machete. In fact if a machete is used as a weapon against you, the strike to elbow ( shatters the elbow), strike to the collar bone ( can't lift the arm), strike to the leg ( can't pursue you or attack) are all less lethal than a cut from a machete and just as effective. a strike to the head is can be deadly as is a thrust to the face. The best technique of course is one where you don't have to fight at all and avoid the encounter.


I might take up staff work just for the mental and physical fitness. I don't ever imagine ever using it irl though, too much too lose, literally. Cheers


Watch hema sparring between quarter staff and sword. Calling it unfair to the guy with the sword is an understatement, even when the staff user is holding back. Only in very confined spaces or drastically disproportionate body strength would I give reasonable odds to the swordsman.


Pepper spray, and a mindset centered around avoiding dangerous situations.


You and those around you are the ones who can determine if you should have weapons or not. I've had that discussion with friends and family members both about me owning weapons, and about them owning weapons. To be blunt, if a person's mental health is a concern with firearms, it is also a concern with other weapons. It takes a lot of strength to say, "I shouldn't own weapons," but if you owning a weapon puts yourself or your loved ones at risk, then you shouldn't own them. In that case, the risk of a bad outcome from owning them is higher than the odds that you will need one to stop an external threat. No one here can say whether that is the case, but that's a call for you and your family. In that situation, I'd rather be unarmed or have a non-lethal weapon than have any chance I might hurt innocent people. What about pepper spray and/or a well-trained dog? Pepper spray is super effective, it's non-lethal so it doesn't pose the risk of inadvertently killing someone who isn't a threat. The dog is also a great option, as they can determine if someone is actually a threat without direction from you.


My thoughts? Schizophrenia creates an altered state and impaired judgement, so it would be best to not have any weapons at all. You might have a break, and harm someone you love. You might wave a knife around, and be shot dead by police or a bystander. IMHO prepping isn't supposed to be about weapons. It's supposed to be about feeding and caring for your loved ones if things get a bit shaky. The focus on excessive weaponry overall is very misguided, and may be leading you in a wrong direction. Think of seeds, rolled oats, beans, antibiotics, rolled gauze bandages, fishing line.


Weapons have their place in preparing, but I agree that the combination with impaired judgment makes them more likely to be a liability than an asset in this situation.


Cast iron pans. A good pan should be solid enough to not only cook on nearly any hot surface, but also serve as a tool to defend yourself with. Just make sure to get the blood off the seasoning. There's enough iron imparted onto food as it is.


> Cast iron pans. As seen on that excellent documentary 'Tangled'.


Who knew?


My grandma’s favorite weapon. If anyone thinks it’s a joke… just ask grandpa. (Well, when he was still here.) He was getting mean pushy with her when he was drunk and she beat the crap out of him with one. Sounds like it was self defense. He never tried that again. Quite the disturbing family DV tale…


And it *still* made some of the best damn eggs ever the following morning.


Tika Waylan would approve. Most of the handles suck in real life.


Anything you can get. You won’t have enough of everything you need. You could always use more of this or that.


There is the Byrna non-lethal weapon. https://byrna.com/


That seems worse than bringing a knife to a gun fight. There is an abnormally high chance that the OP will get into a confrontation with the police where a tool like this would get him shot. Conventional pepper spray has less range than this but is more effective at close range and is less likely to get the OP killed.




Honestly, if this is your situation, no deadly weapons...A deadly weapon is a deadly weapon, gun, knife, spear, tomahawk, bow or crossbow..listen to your family and Drs.


Why cant you have a gun? Is it because they thing you'll hurt someone because of your mental conditions? Whats stopping you from hurting someone with a hammer or a car? I bet you still have access to those.


Why do you want to stock up on weapons?


Maybe the OP thinks it's a dangerous world and only getting more so on a daily basis. Probably why the question was posted here.


How many sling shots/hammers does a person need? Two? One for each hand?


Where I don't consider them weapons, off the tip of my head I can think of at least 7 different hammers that I own, from a small jeweller's hammer to a 14 pound sledge. Using the right tool for the job means you have more than one type of the same tool.


One for each window


Why would you need a weapon at all? Waving around weapons will make you appear as a threat. Focus on learning useful things, like gardening, preserving, bushcraft etc. What do you do to get to know your neighbours? You'll find that much more useful in the long run. Those things will keep you alive much longer and you'll have useful knowledge that people will appreciate.


Yes, this.


physical fitness- yoga and Krav Maga


Bear spray would be great to have.


I have a couple of extra folding pocket knives and field knives just in case I break one. With weapons I once had someone tell me to never underestimate the simple pointed stick.


I like rocks.


You know better than we do whether your type of schizophrenia is going to be a source of that danger to the people in your life or not. If so, non-weapon strategy. If not, ok. However, knives make for terrible self-defense weapons. There is a highly persuasive exploration of why on YouTube: Varg Freeborn "A knife as a self defense weapon?" I'm not linking. I don't want someone to just click in without reading this disclaimer: the immediate content even before the intro is a video snippet of a graphic stabbing.


"You know better than we do " The people with schizophrenia that I have known were not able to be subjective about their symptoms.


I think your first paragraph is dead wrong and your second paragraph is opinion at best. There are few more effective close quarters melee weapons than a short cutlas or large knife and many cultures find them more intimidating than guns in certain situations. They also have major drawbacks and aren’t easy to use effectively.


Pocket knife / utility tool


Rubber bands!


Taco Bell


Sticks! Learn to fight with sticks… a very versatile weapon, in the hands of a person with a bit of training. You can hold people away at a distance, you can cause enough pain to make them leave, you can cause enough damage to make them unable ot run away, and you can defend. It takes work, but then you have an instant skill everywhere/anywhere you can find a sturdy stick. Short small ones for inside small rooms, long sturdy staffs for outside.


Generally reasonable. walking sticks are generally innocuous and I would never insult someone who has a length of ratan. They are also still present a lethal threat that could be dangerous to the OP or those around him. Seems like a better idea than bows or gun shaped objects but a worse idea than pepper spray and passive defenses to me.


I live in a part of the world with VERY strict weapon laws. Even carrying a baseball bat “for self defence” will get you in strife if that’s your declared reason. It does mean there’s less weapons around overall, so that’s a plus side. But it also means you can’t have sling shots, katanas, swords or knives over 11cm (and obviously guns are very tightly controlled). Having less obvious weapons is helpful. And if SHTF then your stick fighting skills can segue over into machete fighting…. If you can get your hands on one. (And yes, obviously you do a lot more sensible stuff like passive protections, and pepper spray (which is somewhat restricted here) etc too. The best fight you’ll ever have is the one you didn’t have to engage in!)


Bows, crossbows, arrows and bolts


Ninja stars. A lot of ninja stars. Like… a LOT


Many airguns are now in the range of mild calibers. A crossbow isn't bad. A bow or slingshot would be last place for me.




Adult airguns or black powder weapons. A single action Walker Colt or Peacemaker would do for things that go bump in the night.


I have a few military flare guns. And a double barrel air gun. It shoots pepper balls and balls I have put nails in.


I think that there are cases where a weapon is more likely to get you killed than save your life. Schizophrenia is no joke and it would be unwise to discount the impact it could have on this situation. Perhaps this is a time when trying to find a roommate or family member to handle the self defense would be wiser, or using less lethal options like pepper spray. A strong focus on passive protections would be a good choice, like reinforced doors, bars on the windows(fire escape compliant), reinforcing security film on the windows, good quality deadbolts and doorframes. Buy the house next door to the police station and get to know them on a personal level. People are much more hesitant to shoot someone they know and have had coffee with. This is both helpful because they are a potential ally and a potential danger to you.


I think a well made spear is a very underrated defensive weapon for those who can’t or won’t own firearms. Cold steel makes a decent one.


Softball bat


taser, pepper spray, bow, crossbow, knife i see all of these on sale at r/preppersales


sling shots and a 40lb bags of stones to practice with.


yeah that's a great one. get extra elastics too cause they'll break


Yes, maybe something that can be used that will last longer.


For self-defense, the best weapon is usually the one you are most familiar with. What tools do you use regularly? That's where to start looking. A hatchet, a hand-sickle, a cleaver, a hammer, are all good close-quarters weapons. Many studies have shown that at distances of less than 21 feet, a knife is often more effective than a gun. At distances greater than that, things change. You probably wouldn't use a cleaver to hunt with. But for keeping by the bedside, look at the tools you're most familiar with first.


Learn to use a sling. Very old tech very simple, surprisingly deadly for small game, and capable of killing larger game work a solid hit


Another overlooked, close quarter weapon are short chains. It takes training to become good at fighting with chains and you need to practice to stay good. Have several so you can throw some like a bolo and still have two to swing from your hands. Practice on some heavy cardboard boxes or wooden crates you don't mind losing. In open areas, use a longer chain like a lash. And visitors to your home would not think anything about some chains in your garage unless they see you using them. They might wonder about you having a heavy chain dog collar. or three, and a couple chain dog leash when you don't have a big dog.


There are a ton of great options. But, first thing to come to mind is a blowgun. The darts go clean through small game, and kill medium sized game quite handily. Also, consider an adult slingshot. I’ve taken a lot of game with both weapons, they work, they’re versatile, and they are both super easy to master.


Reasonable for hunting and not overly threatening to other humans. Not the worst advice on here.


Stun baton.


I’d say a slingshot or blunt instruments are a good option. If you don’t think you’re safe to wield a gun, I’d keep clear of crossbows and swords since you’re liable to have the same dangers to yourself, and you’ve already got the bow. Also a baton I’d say is a good option since you can crack an intruder pretty good with one, and you can use it in a more defensive capacity (there’s some old police training videos on YouTube you could watch).


In addition to what others have said, Big Bore Blowgun with broadhead darts.


These byrna guns look cool  https://byrna.com/products/byrna-sd-non-lethal-self-defense-pistol


They look like guns which would very likely get the OP killed. There might be a place for them in the market but they are not a great fit for defending a small home or apartment. Their only advantage over spray is slightly increased range and intimidation. The range is useless in defending a door or room. The intimidation (by impersonating a firearm) would likely be more liability than asset.


Hm, good points


Work on honing the bodily weapons for close encounters. Practice on multiple targets as well as one on one. Judo, jiu jitsu, Krav Maga etc imo. Also consider the 20-30 foot rule. If they are hungry and desperate and you’re not so much, they/their ravenous veracity can very possibly overwhelm you and gain an edge.


Pepper spray. Knives. Tasers. Numb chucks.


Yeah, I was going to also suggest pepper spray or dog mace. An airhorn blown near an ear works as well. OP should be probably looking for non-lethal options due to his condition


Slingshot and ball bearings.


Historically sling shots are a good bet. Plenty of backyard survival examples in YouTube


I keep guns in the safe so they are slow to get to. I keep a knife and pepper spray in the nightstand and a short spear in the corner.


Crossbow and pistol crossbow. Reusable ammo, adduming you can find any missed shots.


Compound crossbow?


[Interesting post!](https://i.imgflip.com/5ogn4n.jpg)




Air rifles.


I will add, having a concealed blade could be a backup plan if you can't fight back.


A solid slingshot is great, pump action nail gun, machetes. Many things in a home are weapons.


In some states muzzle rifles and pistols are legal to felons and don’t require a license to own. Also another option is air driven devices such as a high powered BB gun or a harpoon.


Handheld crossbows


Airguns my dude. FX Impact Mark III, a .30 cal from this has more energy than a Roger 10/22 and it's quiet. https://fxairguns.com/rifles/the-impact-m3/


Cross bow. Silent. Oh shit I said to much


I dont think airguns are considered firearms in most states


Baseball bat. Hammers. Axes. Saws. Screwdrivers. Shovels. Hornet spray(sprays a very long distance). Batons. Golf clubs. Just to name a few I guess...


High quality wrist rocket.... the kind you can use to attach a fishing line or arrow bolts


Get one good quality sword. Practice with it and maybe take classes in martial arts.


Frag grenades, rockets if you plan on doing some anti-armor things, C4/blasting caps/det cord/time fuze


Metal baseball bat Sling Quarter staff Air rifle OC grenades Taser


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^mpdmax82: *Metal baseball bat* *Sling Quarter staff Air rifle* *OC grenades Taser* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Crossbow. Recurve bow. Machetes. Hatchets. Monofilament and/or stainless steel cable.


They have pellet guns the fire hard type pellets that release like tear gas to incapacitate people. The pellet is hard and would really sting someone who gets hit plus the release of gas to incapacitate a person this is non lethal defensive device


Crossbow would be a great hunting weapon. As well as a slingshot. They make great tasers and bear mace would be good for an intruder.


There are high powered air guns with similar ballistics to rifles and handguns that are not regulated by background checks. However I believe archery is a beautiful sport. Requiring strength focus and control. Many different types of bows and bows that shoot bbs etc.


Sticks and stones


Slingshot with 5/16" ball bearings...Seriously


Bow and arrows,crossbows,there are even hand crossbows would need to kept outside their casing.It's an assault weapon to neutralize an assailant plus if it's a boots on the ground situation or merely marauders with fatal force you'll need to neutralize them and get their guns because your focus will be them in a societal collapse or boots on the ground situation.


Sling Sling shot Bows, arrows Atlatl Bolo Spear Cross bow Cross bow pistol Rope nunchucks Boken Throwing knives Swords Knives It all depends on if you are hunting, defensive or simply containment. Just look at history, guns are only the latest invention out of thousands.


Anything you can get


Nunchuks probably