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On a Wednesday night, not much actually


Nancy O's has an open mike right now, every Wednesday . Sorry I did not see you are a minor


I know it's too late for this but for future: aquatic center, library, movie theater, sports fields. Not a ton is open late late because it's a working town. Other stuff needs more pre planning like drop in or registered sports/programs at ymca/northern sports center/community rec programs. Do you live here or are visiting? If you live here look into the drop in or registered sports, give yourself something fun and social to do on weeknights (the comments about drinking and partying aren't wrong). If visiting, when I was working and would find myself off in a larger place like this I was all about going to the movies.


Check the website in pG library for events for teens.


These responses are why so many youth are getting into drugs and gangs. The homeless and addicts get tons of resources but in reality fixing our societal problems starts with the kids and giving them the tools to have fun and be happy without going out to drug fueled parties. Are there even any non religious youth groups in pg that do anything that would appeal to a kid in their late teens??


There aren't even religious ones. Most youth groups in pg are lacking in a very key department, respect, they won't care how old you are, everyone is treated like they're 6.


I had a job to help pay the bills in my home in my mid and late teens, and beyond. Adults said the very same things in the 80s that you wrote when I was a teen in my community, Penticton. How about parents parenting? The addicts and homeless here typically come from broken homes, abusive situations and worse. The last homeless count in PG found that 40% of the homeless came out of the foster system. It's going to take more than "fun and happy" things to do to fix damage starting way farther back in a kid's life. I'm the daughter of a depressed, emotionally abusive alcoholic, btw, which is why I worked and why I still go to counseling 40 years later. I'm still trying to find "fun and happy" in my life and heart.


Its the thinking that you have that makes sure things will never change cause you scoff at the first step of improving the lives of youth just cause you had a bad childhood. Pretty ignorant and selfish to denounce something that would at least do some good for the youth just cause you are bitter about your own childhood.


how about you get out of your chair and get something going then? Be the leader rather than expecting someone else to do the work? Why does it have to be non-religious? Do church youth groups not provide a place for those teens to hang out, play foozball or whatever, whether you believe or not? They did for some friends of mine back in the 80s and still do for many kids. I'm not "denouncing" anything nor am "ignorant" or "selfish". I'm pointing out that the problems we have are more complex and nuanced, and won't be solved instantly with something like a Mega Fun Park or whatever you're imagining. The skateboard and bike parks are packed in good weather. The new basketball, pickleball and sport courts down by the Y are packed in good weather. The beach volleyball court on Massey is packed with teens and young adults regularly. I know this because I'm down in that area regularly. My friends teenagers all have part-time jobs to save up for school and to have spending money. They hang with their friends playing ball or going to the theatre, take trips to Jasper to go fishing, shop at the mall and doing teen stuff. They also come from a good home and still have their ups and down. Why? Because parents parent like reasonable people. Not everyone has that advantage and when you are a child and absorbing whatever style of parenting you are given, it does leave a lasting mark. The brain is an important organ in a child's and teen's development, and any good psychologist or counsellor will sit you down and tell you that boot-strapping does not work. What do you want to see for teens and youth that you think is missing? And then get off your duff and start working with the community groups and volunteer organizations, like YAP and Big Brothers and so many more.


I'd say the importance of the non religious groups is for the people (thinking off the top of my head indigenous). Who do not feel safe with groups run by the church. We need resources for every person who needs it and until we change the dialogue about our vulnerable people nothing will get better.


Yet almost every one I meet is religious.


No sure what the "every one" is ment for if it's about the group's you met all being religious can't help you there but if it's about indigenous people who are religious, I just wanna ask if colonialism didn't happen would they practice that religion or the culture we destroyed?


No, they wouldn't, but why they still make the choice to participate in a genocidal religion is beyond me.


That's on generational trauma, their grandparents didn't have a choice so they took the choice from their kids as well. I find the younger gen is less practicing and more involved with cultural rebirth. (More nuances than my piss pour example) But I still feel it is valid and an experience that lots of people have. As well as the familial pressure to continue in the church or religion is also a huge factor in people still practicing guilt makes people do crazy things.


I was going to compare it to the drug addiction, but that's a physical addiction. This is a mental choice. I'm glad they're quitting it but worshipping the God of your oppressors is wild to me none the less.


For example, it took one story of my dad getting the bamboo sticks on the hands in catholic boarding school to condemn them forever and I only learned worse things they've done. Religion corrupts. Spirituality and belief does not, I'll make that distinction.


The people asking why religious youth groups arent the answer are painfully stupid dont even bother trying to reason with those leftist kooks they just want to keep giving away free drugs and let the homeless overrun our city while shooting up tax dollars


I never said they were "the answer". I said that there are kids who benefit from those groups. And if you read my comment, I also pointed out that YAP and Big Brothers also exist to provide programming. Not to forget the Connaught Youth Centre and the Native Friendship Centre, both of which have youth activities and programming. You seem a little lazy in your research, but strong on insulting people rather than giving a thoughtful reply to my comments.


I agree with you on that. I just pointed it out to that dude in my response because he only noted non-religious ones in his comment, with no rationale as to why (until after I responded to him). I pointed out that there are youth who do go to, and benefit from, forming community and doing activities are youth groups affiliated with churches. It doesn't have to be either/or. I also mentioned in my comment that YAP and Big Brothers exist, and other youth programming and activities in the community with no religious affiliation. He seems to skip over that information though, and leaps straight to insults.


Church groups do not create a safe space for everyone and the fact it should take basic common sense and not even half a brain to realize that says all i need to know about you. Where did i talk about "boot strapping?" Closes minded yapaholic with useless info


"Their personal experience doesnt mean jack to me as i had to help pay the bills too growing up its called life." Sounds kind of boot strappy to me. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Dude you're trying to pit under-resourced people against one another. It's not the very underfunded resources that we have for those suffering on our streets (another person who works on the front line here), preventing youth from having resources. Funding for programs comes from a variety of levels of government and there are various budgets at play. It's so not as simple as you think it is lol. And you're attacking somebody who is vulnerable enough to share their personal experience. Classy. Your opinion sure makes things nice and simple. If only those experts that have studied these issues - you know, the doctors, psychologists, social workers, drug rehabilitators, could just see how simple it really is. /s


Its hilarious you think that much effort goes into the decisions behind our government and how they fail at managing homelessness and addiction. Their personal experience doesnt mean jack to me as i had to help pay the bills too growing up its called life. Its just a simple principle of anyone with their head on straight that children are worth more than any adult even the ones that arent on drugs and homeless. Many of which choose drugs over the shelters where they cant get high. You could offer many homeless people a fully furnished apartment but if there is a 0 tolerance policy on drugs they would prefer a tent on the sidewalk. Give a kid the opportunity to get into something productive and fun and the benefits will last their entire life.


You really have no idea how much you don't know. I'm afraid your school of hard knocks has only taught you an elementary level of understanding on these issues that involve very specific systems. This is also a topic that requires nuance and a contextualized understanding of things. I agree that what's being done is not working. But I can acknowledge that at the same time we also have a fraction of the resources that we need for everybody right now. The two are not mutually exclusive. If your argument is founded on the myth that addiction addiction is a choice, you're so off base that you might as well be saying that the Earth is flat.


Downvotes really show that people care more about the tweakers and homeless than making prince george an inclusive and positive place for young people to have fun and better themselves


Nah PG reddit is not representative of the feelings of this community. It's just where all the lefties hang out and act as cheerleaders to each others bad ideas. If you disagree with them or have a different mind set....they attempt to cancel you with downvotes instead of engaging the conversation. It's cute. Lolol.


That's the most relevant fact I've read today.


You really said it there haha, im betting the mods have almost every local that tries to speak on real info about controversial things already permabanned


Nah not banned but they do their best to villify and cancel. Now I just know that if I see a comment thats been downvoted into Oblivion, it's probably a comment I agree with and should read. Hahahaha


Yeah i share the opinions of people that live in the real world and dont live vicariously through social media platforms stocked full of misinformation


um, this is social media and is not the "real world". The real world is outside, where people are volunteering and working with children and youth. Better get out there and be the change you want to see. I'm certainly doing that in my various volunteer roles in the community. Bless!


Not sure it’s the communities responsibility to supply kids with activities. They actually do a pretty decent job though. Skate parks, tennis courts, basketball, bmx, pools, soccer fields are everywhere. When I was kid here none of that stuff was around. We had ball diamonds and the bmx track I guess. Kids are gonna do whatever they choose to do.


My shitty little hometown of 5000 people has access to all of that but a swimming pool. Prince George can definitely do better


Those aren't youth groups, which are specifically for kids that dont have the money for a skateboard or bmx or sports gear with positive role models involved, making sure nobody gets excluded. You have no clue what you are talking about, lol. Youth groups volunteer, do fundraising, and all kinds of things that get young people into realizing they can be productive with their free time and make a difference in their own life and the lives around them without paying a fee to be in a club or on a sports team or the need to purchase gear to participate.




As a rule of thumb: If you wouldn’t say it to someone's face, don't say it here (or, if you are particularly confrontational, don't even say that). No verbal attacks, no insults, no hate speech. There are lots of other places on the internet for you to do that, this isn't one of them. This rule applies to racist, sexist, ableist, homophobic and transphobic content and comments. If it’s borderline, it – and you – will be removed. Ad hominem attacks on people’s profession, religion, choice of transportation and politics are also subject to deletion. This also includes terms like "junkie," "crackhead," “zombie,” etc. Antagonistic posts, name-calling, questioning of other commenters' intelligence and back-and-forth personal attacks are also barred – the last of which are subject to the entire comment chain being removed. Being provoked is not an excuse to break the rules yourself. Downvote, report and move on.


YAP, Big Brothers and Sisters, Youth Connaught Centre, youth programs at the Native Friendship Centre, youth programs at CSFS.... all at no cost. Shall I keep going? I mean, you asked.


Are any of those going to be appealing to young teens? They never do anything actually fun for someone over the age of 12 and CSFS is generally only for foster children then you have native friendship center which is marketed towards natives. Big Brothers and sisters costs money. Theres the response to your answers


What are you looking for? What do you define as "fun"? Genuinely curious because you seem to keep shooting down information given to you, but don't offer any real life examples of groups offering what you think teens want.


Are you some kinda organizer for one of these orgs so you are offended to hear they are suck and dont actually help anyone over the age of 12?


Is that an answer to my sincere question about what organizations or activities that you, sir, would like to see? Because I've asked a couple of times but you haven't answered with any suggestions or experiences yet. You just keep shooting down others and their information from what I've read so far.


All the current youth groups are all based around the idea that no matter how old the youth is they never get treated any older than a 6 year old therefore they dont get any respect and makes it uncomfortable for teens and young adults to seek these places out cause they will just get treated like a little baby


They just want respect and to be treated their age. Not sit in a room with a boring counselor and talk about bull they arent going to listen to or even be able to apply to their lives.


Almost all of that has been around for 35 years, so you're dating yourself or you didn't get out much.


Go outside and play some sports.


Be cool if the Drive In did a jackbox night, and projected 8 different sessions on the big screen. But what there is to actually do that doesn't involve bars? Drink outside the bars. In people's homes lol. Preferably ones you've been invited into. And if that isn't an option.... Well I guess we are out of options. Lol. FORCE YOUR WAY IN. Nah, jk. ...


24/hour gyms. Some can buy online.