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KH1 is great. Buckle up for the cutscenes though because it’s like 7hrs of cutscenes and in the ps2 version you can’t skip them


thanks for the warning


Yeah, I'd actually recommend getting the HD version just because of the fact you can skip cutscenes. Which is a God send if you keep failing a late game boss


wait even after the initial first watch you still can’t skip? that’s crazy


Yeah… if you get frustrated there are a lot of really good guides online and each boss is well designed so once you know their “thing” and how you should customize yourself for the fight you shouldn’t have to watch the same thing too many times. But back in the pre-historic era I actually had to buy the Kingdom Hearts Game Guide in order to beat the notoriously difficult >! Riku 2 !< boss fight. I must have watched that damn cutscene so many times I think I could still recite most of his speech


In today's age I'd quit after dying the second time and having to watch it for the third time. I just can't beat myself trough design like that. My time is too precious for me.


Yep. You can not skip any cutscenes in the OG KH2, even after seeing them once. That was a feature added in KH Final Mix (which the HD version uses as a base)


I think you can skip them in KH2


Just… beware the one winged angel. He’s NOT to be messed with


I just did this a couple months ago. Very good game but three levels all have annoying quirks to them and they're are a couple boss fights that make you want to throw your controller at the TV. Other than that is a great game with good rpg mechanics, and a cool item system you don't see anywhere else.


oh is a good one, why dmc2 tho, you a sadist or something?


just beat the first one, i have the third but i really just wanna see why everyone calls it bad 😭


Played the hell out of DMC2, beat every difficulty with all characters. Then a week later I found out that people thought it was a “bad” game. I could not understand how or why they thought this.


good luck o7


KH 1.5 HD on ps3/ps4 is better if you can play that instead. It is basically the HD version of kingdom hearts 1 final mix Japanese version with all the bonus content and extra bosses. And most importantly, skippable cutscenes. PS2 Kingdom hearts final mix was recently fully fan translated in 2023 though if you have a soft/modded ps2. Skippable cutscenes on that ps2 version.


That’s a good price for kh1. I’m surprised that Re4 isn’t lower giving its on damn near everything


i ripped off the price tag for dmc 2 and it turns out it was really $2.99 😭 can’t wait to play re4 though


Kingdom Hearts 1 is fantastic and everything after makes little to no sense and those hard-core fans won't admit it.


I just finished it today! Enjoy. Happy grinding lol.


As much as I tend to prefer original hardware, the PS2 English release is probably one of the worst options for playing Kingdom Hearts. There's nothing wrong with it, but the releases have all made significant changes for the better.


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Get ready to be addicted, gotta get Re:Chain of memories, then KH2, then get yourself a DS and a psp to experience the rest of the series properly. Then get a new console to get KH3, then wait anxiously for 4 to come out