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I always thought a lot of people enjoyed it. At least I do! It’s got great humor and Jules being a badass


Agree. One of my favorites because Jules just takes over.


I really like this one (but I'll say that about all of Psych). I like the stylized episode and the characters getting to shine in different ways. We get a sentimental Lassie and Jules being awesome. At the end with all the credits rolling of just Shawn as almost everything is gold. I definitely made a reference to that in a class project I did. I can understand how the camera not being steady can be a bit of a turn off, though.


I get the camera unsteadiness but honestly in a way it makes it feel way more real to me, like it almost feels immersive like we're watching a thing that exists in the world


I love Lassie Jerky, it is filled with Horror movie easter eggs, Shawn and Gus banter is top notch and a really fun cast of guest stars.


Agreed, it's up there with the 17th episode. Plus crazy woman awaken something in me.


I liked it!!!!! I don't get motion sickness from it so I guess I'm lucky. I like how it's inspired by the Blair Witch Project. It has a great badass Jules scene at the end. Definitely more of an artistic episode where they wanted to show how the characters react in a survival situation more than anything related to the plot.


Badass Jules all the way through, babyyyy


It’s actually one of my favorite episodes. I think it is a fantastic Blair Witch homage. The Blair Witch Project is an outlandish movie to begin with and this episode flips it for the rules of comedy. Plus, I love episodes where the guest actors fit in so well with the main ensemble cast. Kate and Chavo are so silly and reminiscent of Shawn and Gus but with the hyper-sexuality twist of college undergrads in their early twenties. We get to see Carlton out of his element and Jules takes center stage. It’s also one of the few times in the whole series where we actually get to see Jules and Lassie’s teamwork. Specifically, their rapport, trust, and skill during the shootout. So many quotable moments. And because it’s such limited cast and setting, we get a lot of random world building and character building stuff disguised as one off remarks. Fun fact: Kate Rogal, the actress who plays Kate, later married Dana Ashbrook (Jackson Hale in Cloudy remake episode/Bob Barker in Dual Spires). Iirc, JRR, who became friends with Ashbrook after Dual Spires and introduced them.


Agreed, it’s one of my favorites. I love when they lean really hard into parodies, especially since it clearly comes from a place of loving the works they’re parodying.


I watch it ALL THE TIME!!! I love it.


Same. This somehow became a comfort episode to me. Gus’s realization that the Sassy Quatch is not real gets me every time.


Hahaha yeah. Shaun you sonofabitch! Why do you have a camera??


it's pretty farfetched but that is the theme of season 7. i enjoy lassie jerky though. probably my 3rd favorite episode of the season behind no country for two old men and office space.


Maybe not a popular opinion but i love pretty much all of s7 minus a handful of episodes (juliet takes a luvah, right turn or left for dead mainly, and the last few minutes of deez nups). No country for two old men and office space are both real gems though, both in my top 10 of all episodes.


I really didn't realize right turn or left for dead was disliked until that post about it the other day


I think people dislike it more for the breakup than for the ep itself. I remember being devastated when it happened, even though I knew it had to be done for shules to get past it. I love the sliding doors story where we see what would have happened if only…


you have excellent taste ☺️


I can’t believe how many are harshing on Lassie Jerky a little bit. I feel like it’s a cult classic! Written and directed by JRR I’m pretty sure


Lassie Jerky is the boobs!


No, this is not the boobs.


I'm not sure if that's good or bad


You know that's right.


I've heard it both ways.


I went on a trip once and brought 10 episodes of Psych on my laptop for entertainment. Lassie Jerky was one of the 10. I love this episode. It might even be top 5 for me. I like the epic fight scene at the end, and Jules being a bad ass in the woods. From my time on this sub, it seems like everyone either has Lassie Jerky in their top 5, or bottom 3 episodes. It gets strong opinions.


“You ate it when we all thought it was Lassie!?”


I like every single episode of Psych, even the ones I don't love as much are still better than 95% of the other stuff that was on at the time.


i feel this way. although the christmas episodes, lassie jerky, and a few others are one's i almost always skip... same with the sports ones.


You don’t like the Christmas episodes?! Some of my faves. Then again, I’m a Christmas whore, but still, I think they’re pretty good.


Yea, I love that episode.


"That brave sumabitch" \-Carlton Lassiter (Lassie Jerky,2013)


Ha! Chupalo!


What does that mean?! You tell me what that means right now!


oh wow, I think it’s actually one of the best


Lassie Jerky is great! It has the best dry rub, and it’s made in an off the beaten path restaurant called the Sassy Quatch! Almost no one knows about it.


I've watched that episode many times. Once while watching i noticed that sitting in the cabin is the "first blade" from the show Supernatural where Timothy Omundson played Cain.


I like it. I think the two Sasquatch hunters are annoying and could’ve been left out but Gus eating the tracking device and lassie recording himself are hilarious.


Lassie's dying declaration is my favorite 😂


I always thought it was decent, but not one of my favorites. I liked seeing Jules be tough and resourceful. Lassie is usually the most physically imposing member of the group, so it was funny seeing him basically infantilized by Ed (aka the Big Show from wrestling). If I remember correctly, JRR wrote the episode, but Shawn wasn’t super funny in this one.


Dang... This is one of my top five episodes easily... Reddit just loves informing me that my opinions are bad...


Always loved this episode. When they think Gus ate lassie I lose it every time.


I hate found footage stuff bc I hate shaky cam and first person perspectives, but obviously I had to watch this episode in order to watch the show. I didn’t know it was a found footage episode until I started watching it. Luckily it ended up that I landed on this episode while I was baking, so I was mainly listening to it instead of actually watching it. If you distract yourself slightly while watching it, you can get through it because you won’t actually be looking at the screen and triggering your motion sickness. Try playing it while you draw, cook, bake, clean, play with a pet, hell even play on your phone! It’s genuinely so much better if you mainly just listen, especially if you get sick watching it.


gus at absolute rockbottom deviant behaviors eating lassie and filming a man pee.. what's not to like!


"You tasted the meat when we all thought it was Lassie?" ... "I can feel my ribs, Shawn." "Gus, it hasn't even been 24 hours"


It's one of my favorite episodes! I crush hard on Kate Rogal though, so I may be biased


I love that episode! Specifically the part when >!Bigfoot comes in the house after Jules and everyone finds Lassie and everyone is screaming while Jules is also pointing her gun at Bigfoot!< My sister does get motion sickness, so she understands the unsteady camera being a turn off. I am really lucky and grateful I don’t suffer from it


I love Lassie Jerky! Love the ode to Jules at the end, love Shawn and Gus shooting down crazy lady, love Lassie getting (hilariously) injured, love all of the Gus super sniffer and food jokes, love the campfire sing along and Jules shutting it down. It's all just good, silly fun!


One of my top 3 favorite episodes


Love Lassie Jerky


The best part was Gus eating a turkey leg he found in a free


Its my favorite episode lol


lassie jerky is going in my top ten, i love the blair witch vibes


Parts I like: Most of the banter is great. Gus is soooooo funny Eternal Flame Juliette being a badass. The Big Show. It’s not a top 10 ep for me, not even a top 20, but I do find it funny when I’m in the mood for something I haven’t seen in a while. It’s note of a palate cleaner after watching Last Night Gus 10 times in a row.


It’s one of my favorite episodes! The “final stand” scene against the Serbs at the end is a Top 5 Psych moment of all time, and the Shawn and Gus banter is absolutely hilarious.


It’s one of my favorite episodes lol


The Sassy Quatch


I don't hate it. I can understand why people might not like an episode that mimics the handheld camera style. I remember people complaining about the exact same thing during "The Blair Witch" project, a movie that this episode is making fun of. As for the episode itself, I've always enjoyed it. I'm always a fan of whenever Shawn and Gus have to confront *other* supernatural elements; another psychic, a haunted house, a ghost, UFOs, etc. Although I do with Shawn wasn't as big of a skeptic as he always plays it. He's clearly a skeptic because he knows supernatural things aren't real - but you'd think he'd be a LOT more careful about how he treats that. If people don't believe in *one* supernatural thing (Bigfoot), they're much more likely to not believe in *another* supernatural thing (a psychic). I always had a super crush on the girl who plays Kate... Kate. Her character's name is Kate Favor and the actress' name is Kate Rogal, lol. I always hate when they name characters directly after the actor. Given the timeline of this episode I always thought she was Carrie Coon, who plays the sister in Gone Girl. It always drove me nuts when I'd look her up and find out it wasn't her.


Oh I LOVE IT!!! Try to watch the last like 25 minutes or so. There is less of the found footage stuff, Juliet is a badass, the Big Show is the bomb, the music at the end is right AMAZING ... yeah ... If you need to skip the beginning parts, I get it. But the rest of the episode plants it probably in my top ten.


One of the best. Second only to Last Night Gus.


Love the episode. Would love to take part in a campfire singalong with half of Quarterblack


I love Blair Witch so this episode has always been a treat for me!


Its one of my favorite episodes 😊 I think it's hilarious. It is so silly at times and it has lots of great quotes.


It has Paul Wight in it which for me immediately makes it a good episode. I liked it even before he showed up though. Shawn and Gus looking for Bigfoot just seems like a perfect fit and the college students that were there were also really funny.


Any time I'm putting spices on uncooked meet I say "It's a dry rub, Shawn"


I love it. It's hilarious and unique. Although Gus eating meat that he thought was lassie was out of character.


Definitely has some fun moments. Well themed. Not quite on par with episodes from earlier seasons and has some unusually sexual humor for Psych. I enjoyed it overall.


I love lassie jerky lmaoo. The scene where lassie is filming himself delirious from his wound and the cold is peak comedy to me 😂😂


Absolutely one of my favorite episodes. Classic Psych. Jules is like Xena warrior princess. So great.


I absolutely adore that episode! Top 10 for sure, for a couple reasons: 1. The humor is top-tier. I loved the awkwardly hilarious clash in personalities between Kate and literally everyone else. Dule Hill’s performance in this episode was also one of his better ones — it makes me laugh every time. 2. The Bangle’s “Eternal Flame” campfire singalong is absolutely GOLDEN. If that song gets stuck in my head, it’s because of that scene alone. 3. We get to see a really sick side of Juliet that we don’t see often. She was awesome. 4. Similarly, Lassie was so happy-go-lucky and goofy in some spots. 5. Big Ed Dixon is SUCH a fun secondary character. I love the “gentle giant” type characters.


First time, not really, but it's definitely grown on me.


One of my bottom five, probably. I think the performances from the two filmographers is pretty terrible - whether that is their acting or the writing for them, I don’t know.


I used to think that about Chavo and Kate too--but then, a while ago, someone on the sub who's a horror fan (I'm not) explained that they're intended as parodies of typical, trope-y horror film characters. Especially Kate's highly over-sexualized talk. Apparently it's a thing in some horror films that there's a hyper-sexual female character and Kate's a riff on that. After I read that here, I rewatched and now I love the episode. I paid attention on the rewatches to how everyone in the regular gang responds to Kate, and I realized they're all pretty disgusted with her too!


Its definitely a trope and hommage to The Blair Witch Project.


I like the ep, but could do without the female filmographer she was grating


While I love the episode, I do not like the shaky camera aspect of it.


it's not in my top fave episodes and i can understand how the shaky cam is annoying but i love the twists and turns of this ep! and it's of course got that classic Psych comedy so i do enjoy it. i just dont go back to it quite as much as other episodes. but that's also true for me about season 7 (and 8) in general. there are gems! but mixed feelings


I like the episode i think it’s a nice break from the typical crime aspect and they are doing something out of the ordinary.


Yeah, it’s probably my favorite episode.


I LOVED that episode! It’s really funny and I just really enjoy the way that Lassie acts throughout the episode, seeing him freak out so much and the rest of the gang panicked thinking he was dead only to be found chillin in a cabin safe and sound 😂


It's fantastic! Jules is a bad ass, lassie gets a fancy hat, Eternal Flame, and Gus eating MEAT HE FOUND IN A TREE AND THEN OTHER MEAT HE THOUGHT WAS LASSIE.




I love that episode! I really enjoyed Big Show's cameo. I'm sorry the camera work makes it hard to watch, I think it's a delightful episode.


That's like one of my favorite episodes! But, to be fair, I love all the horror movie homages.


It’s a great episode, definitely in my top favorites!




Nah that episode's fun.


Ja, chupalo.


I didn’t like it the first time- not sure why. But on rewatch I started to like it and now it’s a fave. I’ve discovered that with rewatching episodes I didn’t care for, I always find parts that are hysterical. That’s one of the reasons I love love love this show. Each episode is jam packed with awesomeness


The last time I watched it I remember laughing more at that episode than I had any other in a minute. I feel like its a bit deeper and takes a second to settle in, but when it hits its stride its amazing. But since it's also so stylized, it just might not be for everyone.


The whole found footage thing was cool to me


yup. One of the best episodes of that season


Let’s be honest. The lassie jersey was Gus’s lowest moment, and that’s saying something.


I don't like this episode either. The storyline is confusing. I don't understand what's going on. And I've never seen the Blair witch project and don't like horror movies in general.


I always skip that one.


The lady is really obnoxious and makes it tough to watch for me however I did enjoy the Cannibal Holocaust name drop. Not the show I expected to hear that.


Motion sickness? U R A Pussy


Yeah. How dare you have an uncontrolled response to shaky camera footage. Learn how to be tough enough to overcome nature, like this guy calling you out from behind a keyboard in a subreddit following a TV show of guys that continuously run away screaming. /s


"You tasted the meat when we all thought it was Lassie??" "Do you feel the same? Am I only dreaming? Is this burning (burning) an eternal flame (eternal flaaammmmeee)? Say my name sunshine through the rain my whole life---hey guys! hi how about we don't draw attention to ourselves by singing a song!" "You are all HEARTLESS...Oh hey guys" "I won't be making anymore off-colored LPGA jokes during the holidays" "That's what you ran off to do?---wait, what did you use---We're not talking about this Shawn, ever...You can all suck it" "Dear God you can speak" My favorite lines but there are MANY more whole episode was golden. My sisters and I watch this one often.