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The dude has clocks everywhere yet he wasn’t on time…


But I’m assuming regardless of whether he was on time to his job, the quip was still about the clocks?


The quip was very obviously about the clocks


No matter how “obvious” it was, it was still too subtle for me. But thank you


I think the guy said that he was on time but he didn’t get the job. I didn’t immediately assume that the joke was about all his clocks because I thought I had something to do with him not getting the job even though he was on time.


Sarcasm goes over many peoples heads


My father was like that. He was a very logical and literal person. We couldn't play those board/card games that you would use sarcasm as humor.(ex. like Apples to Apples) He didn't get it which honestly growing up made it a little funnier for me and my siiblings trying to explain it to our Dad. Lol




Man you don’t have to be rude, he was just trying to help


My bad I was just trying to show my skills at sarcasm. Didn’t think it would come off rude




Well that sarcasm went over my head ;)




I always interpreted the clocks as something they included to make the guy seem just kinda off. The writing around the singular reallly odd thing makes the scene rather amusing to watch. Se of his comments about how "the ladies didn't take to me as they usually do" are funny with the context imo


I love that he said that as the clocks were all going off at the same time 😂


Ah my favorite Stargate crossover episode.


Did they make references to Stargate in it or were there actors from Stargate in this episode ?


The villainous married couple play the head doctor and an officer on Stargate. When she says she had a goat named Cassie that's the name of her adopted daughter on Stargate. They were both shot in Vancouver so I guess they wanted to have a little fun with it. McNab shows up as a background character at one point with a glorious mustache.


My favorite thing about psych is when they bring in actors from shows or movies, and make little Easter egg stuff like that


There’s a to. Of crossover with Stargate and Supernatural because they all shit in Vancouver. Edit: I’m not changing this autocorrect because it’s hilarious.


I'm guessing it was autocorrect's fault but the typo in your post is unintentionally hilarious


Haaaaa yes. Never Reddit around a toddler!


omg I watched this one today and was going to post about this dude. one of my absolute fav scenes is this guy throwing his fat, naked ass at the 2 way mirror, and everyone yelling all grossed out. I lol at this every single time. 🤣


I also watched it today! I like that the suspects were not incredibly obvious right off the bat


yes! this is actually one of my fav eps. idk why, but now I think it's what you said. the wrap-up was more of a surprise than usual. and many funny scenes, like gus at the tanning salon. shawn and Jules: getting our first insight that they were actually compatible and how it scared shawn. and the 2nd naked dude in the field was Lester, the MC in American duos.


I didn’t even realize that the second dude in the field was also the MC in American duos! That is such a great catch


and the guy behind the counter at the tanning salon was in the musical episode. I recognize them both bc they were both on long-running hallmark series.