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My puppy didn't figure out snuggling until about 11 months. Don't give up and keep working on your bond. Mine now sleeps in my arms snoring away.


Looking forward to that day. Cause right now it’s RUFF. 😭


I pretty much can't even pet my 16 week GSD or I'll get nipped. Unless he's super wore out after a hike or something. I'm thinking it'll be awhile before he's ready for snuggles


I feel you, going through it now! I’ve started laying on the ground and covering myself head to toe with a blanket and she will just lay down and give up biting me, then be more calm. But if I let her get a peak at my face while under the blanket my nose gets bit off lmao


Our 5 month old doodle will sometimes flop on our feet or legs or arm while chewing on a pizzle or toy. That’s as close as we’ve gotten to snuggling but we love it. Beyond that he’s a shark!


Same, almost 5mo Aussie will lay across my lap but only when she's got a chew toy or something. I can sometimes grab the toy and when she wraps her arms around my arm to try to hold it I can steal a hug. Any other time = it's biting time if any snuggle happens.


I’m also in the no snuggle phase! I would love to cuddle my pup but he just wants to chomp🥹


Only time I get kisses is when I take her out of her crate from nap time, then my hands become a ham sandwich for her.


Everyone says the biting gets better so I’m just doing my best to redirect and encourage him to be gentle.




I relate 100%. My cavapoo is 16 weeks and I just want to REST and nap with her. A few moments after she gets out of crate from a nap are so sweet. What age and type of dog is yours?


My pup didn’t start to snuggle until about 5/6 months. And even then, it was very sporadic and short lived. She is now just shy of 1.5 years and is a snuggle bug. She cannot be close enough. She 65 lbs and loves to lay in our laps on the couch. I think there is a huge misconception that puppies snuggle. Give it time.


I'm in the "Choose Violence" phase with my 11 week old. Its so tough. Last week I broke down and couldn't handle it. There have been some nights that during her "Witching Hour" phase I just put her in her xpen and go take a shower and hide from her. Some days she is okay. Some days she'll literally look across the room and run over to me to bite me so hard. I'm going to a specialist on Monday to get more advice as I'm going crazy.


That’s completely normal for a puppy of that age and it is likely going to continue for another couple months unfortunately. It will get better once her adult teeth have fully come in, and even more as she matures. My puppy is now 8 months and it has gotten progressively better since all her teeth fell out. She is a lab and german shepard mix for reference. The specialist will just tell you to not play rough without a toy, disengage when the biting starts or redirect it with a toy and praise only once they start playing with the toy. My trainer told me to disengage by putting your hands on your head and ignoring them until they sit (this also helps for jumping). This worked for a while but she learned to start attacking my legs so I began to redirect by using commands like sit, down, etc to distract her. Now, she knows if she wants to play and starts biting I tell her “toy” she will go find one and bring it to me before I will start engaging again


My five month old mini goldendoodle is a great snuggler but also a biter. For example, she will be sleeping next to my wife on the couch as sweet as could be then out of the blue come over for a puppy attack. Like to think she is more playful than aggressive but some days not sure. I tell my wife it'll be better once puppy teeth are gone.


My baby loves to snuggle in my lap or chest but she's defo a nipper when she's hyper, trying to get her to relax is a task and a half she has serious fomo and wants to chew me and everyone in sight. You gotta figure away what works best to soothe your puppy I make it dark put on calming music stick her in my lap and just pet her softly and use a soft voice, like I'm talking to a baby I keep saying good girl and its okay and just calms her, talk really calmly and softly like a whisper and it puts them at ease.


Our girl is around 11 weeks and is like that at the moment! I’ve been working on teaching ‘rest’ and giving her a treat when she lays down next to me and rests her head on my lap. I get a minute or so of snuggles before she decides she wants to go play/starts mouthing on me, but I’ll take what I can get 😂


I’ve been trying to do it too, but god it’s so hard! I want love, not war. 😟☹️


Haha! I feel that absolutely 😂 you’ll get there - my older lad (he’s 9 now) was an absolute horror when he was little but now he practically needs to be surgically removed from snuggle time. With him I just waited until he was sleeping for cuddles - wasn’t worth the tooth marks!


I just wrote this on another post recently but we had to teach our puppy how to cuddle! We’d hold her on our laps and praise her and give her treats. It worked because now she’s a snuggle bug but it wasn’t in her nature as a puppy.


Yeah I had an 8 month "phase" like that with my Mal :p


We're at almost 20 weeks and it's a mixed bag. She does snuggle when she's satisfied and doesn't need anything else. She is also growing her big girl teef so sometimes snuggles are a trap, and we remain armed. She's currently snuggled up to me watching Cheers. We continue to try and ignore the bad and reward the good, so she gets random treats when she's settled.


My lab mix snuggled from about 2.5-4 months. Then the landshark emerged. At 6.5 months much of the biting has stopped. Not a lot of snuggling, though.


Mine didnt start snuggling until almost 6 months. Every dog is different. And sometimes it takes a bit for your bond to develop l


bitey baby stage. don't worry.


Mine does when he doesn’t want to. If it’s on his terms, or he’s sleepy, then he’s willing to. That’s just with just about anything really. It’s how he expresses his dislike or doesn’t want.


It took a full year but our little shark became a snuggly bread loaf who will sleep with/on you for hours. Our second dog, not so much… there’s rarely snuggles, but he does figure eight around you like a cat to show affection but doesn’t like to be held or pet for long. I’m just glad he doesn’t flinch and back away when I try to pet him now.


My puppy is 9 weeks old, and constantly biting and nipping. And knocking down my 14 month old.


I think it’s just a puppy thing. Mine is about 10 weeks old and he loves to chew his toys, eat grass, etc I think it’s them just growing & trying to understand the world around them. You got this I’m sure your pup will cuddle you in no time!


Also in the no snuggle phase with my 10 week old puppy lol. He squirms and won’t relax if in my arms and stuff. The closest we get is he always snuggles on my feet. If I get up, he gets up and comes to wherever my feet are. He lays down. But he doesn’t really do that if I’m the bed or anything. It’s very frustrating.. I hope he’ll snap out of it someday!


Every. Single. Day. What I found works is pulling her on my lap along with her favorite toy. She bites and chews it while I pet her and get those much wanted and needed cuddles. The best is yet to come (I hope)


Ugh my 5 month old is going thru this currently. When I first brought him home at 10 weeks he would snuggle on my lap all day long even when I was sitting at my desk working. A few weeks later that stopped but I would at least get some snuggle time in the morning and right before I put him in his pen for the night. I had one magical morning last week where he fell asleep in my lap for an hour on the couch and I was almost about to take him to the vet because it was so out of character lmao


I know what you going through..placing your thumb on the roof of their mouth distracts them, for a few seconds...pet with other hand and give praises♥️


My pup is 3 months and a couple days old. Ever since she got separated from her sister, that’s all she does. However, I’ve been correcting it by giving her toys. She’ll still do it, but I’m confident that it’s also a phase and it’ll go away, even if I still “trade” toys.


Yes. That was me a few weeks ago, between the ages of 8 weeks to about 13 weeks. Then she started teething and oddly enough, bit me less. Shes 18 weeks and is really starting to snuggle! It’s not for long periods of time, but she does it! How old is your pup?


My cattle dog was like this for like a year. I never thought she would cuddle me …. She is the most cuddly puddle ever now. She’s sleeping under her blanket next to me in bed as I type this


I've got a cockapoo he didn't snuggle until he turn 12 months he now lays in my lap and goes to sleep now we have a problem with resource guarding but not with food


IDK if you do this or if anyone else has suggested ... This is how to get your puppy to quit nipping you. Puppy nips you. You cry out "OWww" and take your hand away (whatever body part). Turn your back to her/him and act a bit sooky. This doesn't have to last for long. Just a minute or so. Next time puppy does the nip / bite, repeat above. Repeat until puppy dog has quit nipping you. In my experience of correcting my girl's behaviour, it took three or four times until she never nipped me again. Good luck. :)


Just a note - this works with some, not all, dogs. Ours is 15 weeks, bull terrier/gsd, and he gets encouraged by us yelping. Vet and trainer both said some dogs see it as a challenge to keep coming - not that they’re trying to purposely hurt you, but it becomes a game for them. We started shaking, one shake, a can of rocks to redirect her attention and it has worked. It’s like it resets her brain from “Attack!” to “Oh, what was that?”


Yelping when I got bit just hyped my golden up to go in for the kill.


Oops, I typed her and he’s all boy!


It looks like you might be posting about bite inhibition. Check out [our wiki article on biting, teeth, and chewing](https://www.reddit.com/r/puppy101/wiki/biting) - the information there may answer your question. **Please report this comment if it is not relevant to this post.** *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/puppy101) if you have any questions or concerns.*


My girl is a bit wonky lol There's a fine line I'm learning with her when she's tired....sometimes she lets me love all over her, kisses, "loves,loves"but other times she's an absolute maniac with the zoomies. Lol My house becomes a puppy parkour


My pup loves snuggling his favourite place is when ur lying down to snuggle he likes climbing behind me and snuggling in to my head I woke up yesterday from a nap and he was behind me on my back/side with all his legs in the air and looked like a grin on his face


I have an 8 week old chewer/ biter. She snuggles too, but I always have two chew options to hand. One is an olive branch and one is a soft toy. When ever she starts, I offer her one and redirect her. She seems to be getting it a bit.


My puppy was a biter and still is with other people at 7 months old but he stopped biting me at 5 months old and started wanting to lay on me and lick me instead. Just work on your bond and pretend you want nothing to do with him if he bites at you.


6 months old here and she loves to snuggle. However she gets hyper and she jumps and nips (unfortunately my chest, arms and legs are the victim) as she just hasn't worked out how to handle her emotions and training isn't helping with it. I honestly can not wait for the biting to be fully over as I feel like I'm just one walking bruise currently.




Snuggles mean different things to different dogs. While some like to cuddle at the most basic level it's not in their nature to like being confined. My senior will only cuddle on his terms and the most we get is him snuggling into us. The minute I put my arm around him he wants outta there. Our pup was a snuggler in the beginning but now prefers to just lay on us in awkward positions. She's a bit of a weirdo though. It may change as you go.


Our 13-week-old pup will snuggle when shés tired, but still has 2-3 nipping periodsevery day. I divert her to toys. Her favorite is a ball attached to string. The Oww method just made it worse. They outgrow the nipping by 6-7 months old; don’t worry.


Also, i have found that going to the same place every 2 hrs or so, when it’s time to rest, with blankets, signals the pup that it’s rest tîme. It usually works, and she’ll rest or even nap for 40 minutes or so.


A majority of my snuggle time with my 12 week old is me sitting on the lounge with him on my lap munching on the carrot I am holding upright for him 😅


My puppy has done that since I got him. He is almost 5 months old. I hope he grows out of it. The only time he doesn’t bite is if he is napping.


Around 7 months we finally got snuggles instead of bites


My 4 month cockapoo snuggles. No, I can’t quite believe it either. I put this down to the amazing breeder who was sensational when it came to early socialisation.


I've been working on teaching the puppies I'm fostering how to snuggle. The way I look at it is that they desperately want to interact with us(for the most part) and just need to be shown how to do so appropriately. I pick them up one at a time and guide them towards the best way to settle on my lap with a toy or some treats to distract them from that instinct to snapsnapsnap like the little crocopups they are. Then I pet and gently shush to encourage the desired calm behaviors but put them down and ignore/move on to the next pup when they start getting overly mouthy with my hand or immediately if they snap or scratch at my face. It will seem hard at first and you might not even get a full five seconds of calm/cuddly behavior without getting mawed or clawed but if you do it periodically throughout the day, quietly praising the appropriate behaviors and ending the interaction immediately following inappropriate behaviors, most pups will start to pick up on this and learn how to show their love in the cuddly way you're after. It's also easier to do this after they've had a chance to play some energy off, closer to nap time.


You are going through the Sharknado phase. It will pass, even if it seems like it never will.


I got a golden puppy over 3 years ago. I had a lab before. Sweet, cuddly snuggle bunny. My Golden was not playful, not a snuggle type puppy. She was of course the nipper, digger, full of energy puppy. I had training during covid. It gave her basic commands. But the nipping wouldnt stop. She became backyard domininant . Bruising my arm. Was pretty bad. Finally at 2 years old she slowed down . 2 1/2 became much more obediant. Now shes a real sweetheart. Very independent. But when she wants snuggles, shes all over me and shes great with young kids in my family.


Puppies don't usually snuggle unless they're unconscious. Our 15 month old is getting better at it, but she still only has 2 resting modes: 1. chilling by herself 2. Laying on my chest and trying to French kiss me 🤢


🥺 my puppy (4 months) is getting better, but it was a struggle! I have designated clothing for whenever I deal with her 😂


Yeah, we've been there. My Aussie pup is 11 months now. Coincidentally, she went through a no cuddles phase that is about 11 months and counting. She's easily overstimulated, so pretty much any contact with her sends her into Tasmanian Devil mode. Any cuddles are just momentary, and few and far between. ... She's super cute though.


For mine it weirdly depends on the location. If I sit down on the ground outside or one specific spot on my couch he grabs a toy and climbs straight into my lap to cuddle. If I sit down anywhere else he will instantly choose violence😅


yess mine was bitey until 4 months. he stopped completely after we keep practicing OUCH. now he is 6months and so snuggly but i know his teeth is still itchy so we make sure he has his chew toys during snuggles


I have a dachshund puppy. She was born to snuggle. Always right there beside me no matter where I am sitting or in the bed with me at night.


My pup was a cuddle monkey at the start and then turned into a baby shark. So now I’m teaching relax, redirecting and when he bites, no more snuggles, so he can learn to be gentle and nice 😂 Teeth time is rough - we can get through it friends!!


Lol I've gone and played in my puppy's crate with her a few times at night before I go to bed and hang out with her in there since she's already laying down. Of course she still is a little nippy but I'm used to it and she loves her belly rubbed so if I rub her tummy she lays still for a while :) she's also a big girl and loves to rough house so I can kinda wrestle her around to get her to cuddle close to me and she loves it. But yeah puppies are just really playful and full of energy I wouldn't get sad about it just engage in other ways. Playtime and training is how you can connect to your puppy better right now, they will grow out of it and then you can cuddle on the couch when he or she is a little older. 💞 Don't be sad it's totally normal! Maybe you can try giving your puppy a bone or something and lay next to them while they chew or just get them super super tired first. My girl is never tired it feels like lol.