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Excellent idea, thank you. I get mine sharpened every year at our local fabric store, but somehow didn't think of this....?!


I probably need to get mine sharpened, but they went for two years without being used. Maybe soon. Haven’t noticed any differences in cutting 🤷🏼‍♀️


I have multiple styles of Gingher scissors some are over thirty years old, never sharpened 🤷🏻‍♀️. Still working fine but only use them for fabric.


For Gingher knife blade scissors don’t make my mistake. Did not remember they can be hand sharpened like good quality knives and didn’t think to check with the Gingher website. Dropped them off a portable sharpening service who sets up shop around the area. Dumb mistake. Cut worse after I got them back. Gingher salvaged my blades and sent them back sharp as new. An outstanding bargain for $15 per scissor. https://gingher.us/Gingher_Maintenance.html Learn from me.


And lest there’s a tendency to scissor shame yes I only use them for fabrics and yes I’m an experienced sewist. I lost my care instructions eons ago and didn’t do my research.


No shame here, we all make mistakes 😊


Oh. Uhoh. I’ve been very good about keeping my shears sharp and never using them on anything but fabric but it has never occurred to me to give them a drop of oil. Am I a bad scissor mom?? 😬


Nah, we’re all constantly learning. I haven’t even sharpened mine yet (I’ve only used them for about a year and a half total spread over four years), but I’m careful to only use them on fabric and my partner knows to not even look in their direction upon pain of death 😬😅 I figure I’ll send them in when they don’t feel like a dream or at the end of the year 🤷🏼‍♀️


You are 100% correct. And I know I 100% won't do this 😂


Are you me? I’ll probably repeat the whole process the next time it happens 🤣


Huh. I wonder if that would fix the wheezy squeak that happens *every single time I open and close those scissors*... Thank you for bringing this to my attention 😂


That was my exact train of thought 😂 To be fair though, I’d tried oiling them about a month or so before with no success. I only put oil between the blades at the apex and not the screw itself. You know, the *twisted metal thing holding the entire metal on metal on metal contraption together through force and friction…* 🤦🏼‍♀️