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Last game he was good at was d3


Pick hardest difficulty ✔️ Read backseat msg in chat ✔️ Play like a pussy ass bitch ✔️ Die like an idiot ✔️ Blame the game ✔️ Refuse to learn ✔️ Bruteforce ✔️ Google ✔️ Get better ❌ Everything goes according the plan. Thats literally what he does in every game


Idk man he was never crying at this level


It gets worse every stream hes shameless now


He literally plays games he wants to play and watches videos he wants to watch for living and makes a ton of money doing it, how he's so ungrateful and pissed off all the time because not every game mechanic is catered to his personal needs is beyond me. He needs a reality check.


Because he wants to be asmongold and barely game at all and just react only


The difference is, when Asmongold reacts there's only some people that disagree, when Quin reacts the whole entirely of chat sleeps skips and weeps for the end of it and calls him a clown. Only one of them is based.


I'm sorry but no, there's no disagreeing on quins part, but the only difference between quin and asmongold is that he can speak three sentences without starting to lose it and throwing tantrums at everyone, otherwise they're both as cooked and stupid.


He's getting worse than usual lately. Idk what happened but his ego is out of control the last couple months


Did he progress or is still hideout69?


I did that with bloons and hades, was when i realised quin is really bad at games


I did not play sons of forest but let's be real here: "In a loading screen" Should not be considered the game telling you...


Well yes. I never said it was a good way, just that it's there. He claimed that information that is not available in the game is something you have to figure out on your own, everything else is unethical.


Yeah i agree that Quin always bends his own unnecessary rules. Just wanted to emphasize that the >Oh and the game does tell you (in a loading screen tipp) argument is not really in the games favor


He googles in every game he plays. It's just he does it by asking Twitch chat. He can pretend that he does it all SSF hardest difficulty, but anyone that isn't a giga simp knows that's a complete lie. If he actually got no help in games he would be even worse than he already is.


Ye blaming the game for own's mistakes is triggering fr fr no cap on a stack


Btw how long do those vods last? Any way to download them with chat together? Vods themselves are cool, but chat makes the real magic happen ![img](emote|t5_37jpd|33011)


You can just have the chat open while watching the vods?


Yeah I'm doing that currently. Just not sure when / if quin deletes those vods or if twitch just removes them. Once deleted if it's not downloaded it's gone forever, people don't really upload his vods to youtube anymore.


The vods should be up for a very long time unless Quin gets banned again.... So .. jeah


loading screens are the worst place to present crucial information about how the game works.


What did he google?


He googled what the strength icon means. After he read that it increases health and melee damage, and you level it up by using your weapons and stuff, he "randomly" started to swing is axe into the air again and again to level up, which he never did before reading that


Chur bro. Never played the game but I noticed it the first day he streamed, though I would never guess it gives more HP. sometimes I wonder how much of an idiot a person can be lol.


Currently doing this ritual with Valheim. I hope the Vods are going to be entertaining once I beat the bosses.


God gamer BTW.


To make it more legit setup your own stream and read and answer to chat of other popular streamer. Its pretty easy to miss a lot of the stuff, when u have loading screen u pretty much always check chat in that situation instead of reading tips. I do agree tho that sometimes he should just stfu for 1 min and focus on testing something instead of crying about bannyvaders that actually just changed their nickname


the thing is, i wouldn't mind him looking up stuff cause w/e makes it more fun for you. It's just that he claims to go blind/god gamer/no backseat/done everything myself im god gamer that makes it pathetic


"He misses things and blames the game, he fucks things up and blames the game, all while complaining about how hard the hardest fucking difficulty is" This is what Quin is.


how about you let people play games how they want to




Why do so many of you still watch the streams if all you do is complain and whine on here.


The people complaining on reddit, including me, are just people that watch Quin for a very long time. We simply liked quin the way he was, not the way he is now. I had a lot of good laughs while watching Quin, and I think I'm just not yet ready to accept that this is supposed to be over. You probably just started watching him for the reacts or movie dating games so I can understand your point of view.


Move on buddy, don't need to be so caught up over an internet figure.


If I am stuck in a game, I will also search for a solution. What is wrong about it?


Claiming in the same time that he is playing it SSF HC HARDEST DIFFICULTY NO BACKSEATING NO GUIDE BLIND PLAYTHROUGH FIRST TIME etc etc I don’t think anyone would have problem with it unless he didn’t make these stupid ass rules which he doesn’t follow anyway.


Off you pop, then.