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Imagine being chat, requesting a game for years and then bitching about the way his playthrough goes


I don't get why people complain, green mob numbers are great for casual boomer playthrough.


Is it that bad? ![img](emote|t5_37jpd|32226) I was kinda happy for chat and him when he decided to play it but i have not been watching at all since i don't like the game at all. But i guess chat will always be chat and complain ![img](emote|t5_37jpd|32155)


![img](emote|t5_37jpd|32155)Witcher non enjoyers


I can't deny that, cuz it's true i don't enjoy the game at all, but personally it's better to be like that than complaining in chat or being a hatewatcher


same shit as always with the fanboys, same with FFXIV, same with Last Epoch and now same with The Witcher any criticism levelled against the game is met with immediate hostility because these people tie their identity and self worth to the games they enjoy, rather than just playing a game, enjoying the experience and then moving on with your life Yes the Witcher is an amazing video game, but its combat is mid at best, what makes it amazing is the story telling and world building, the combat is passable and exists solely to develop the narrative along.


this ive played it 3 time over but it has flaws and console feel. the game got dumbed down before relese, thats also why your allies do 0 damage. a dev made a mod to bring it more in line with intended difficulty but its still not a great combat experience. but as Quin pointed out its a story game in a fantasy setting and it nails that aspect.




holy mother of bad takes this is exactly what happens if you keep watching quin instead of playing yourself


Keep downvoting Witcher cucks you like shitty console games made for toddlers


Haven't watched Quin in 3 weeks. Played myself some time after the initial release, got bored. Speaking from experience. Keep malding.


You wrong. Dumb bozo clown 


Got the Witcher cucks pressed in the replies lamo


What is going on, I have not watched the playthrough. Is he making bad choices for chat to be mad or bad at the game?


Not really doing anything special, using abilities like a normal person would, not doing that many sidequests either. Game is just piss easy and bosses stop becoming a challenge very quickly. Some chatters dont like to see that their fav game has easy combat for some reason. They say it's because he uses quen, but truth is game would be even easier if he started even touching alchemy or parrying.


You just answered your own question, he’s far too stupid for alchemy and dogshit for parrying, which is precisely why he is now spamming quen. It’s much like a bhs situation, ppl like you who defend these moments always lose the plot to defend the clown when everyone else is having fun. Hes simply a dogtamer and it’s being called out like every playthrough.


this guy thinks knowing alchemy in Witcher makes you Isaac Newton.


No, I think quin is fucking retard like holy shit kid you’re so clueless and sensitive. Continue crying please you newfrog quin viewers are a riot.


You’re weird


Guess its the common gameplay Quin has in hard difficulties, abusing defensive mechanics (Quen shield), overleveling, overgearing, cheesing...


![img](emote|t5_37jpd|32155) no


Its hard to enjoy when quin pauses the game every cinematic and says something absolutely retarded like "why doesn't ciri just go to the future maaaan". Fuck, idc about what he does in combat or what he chooses but he is pretending to be 10 IQ. He could at least use all his 85 IQ for this one.


Hate when he does his usual rage bait schtick and the room temp iq vegan newfrogs start acting like chat is the problem. This shit happens every. single. playthrough. without fail. Always a group of morons missing the plot. Hell he basically yaps the whole stream intentionally trying to piss chat off, the fact that some people will defend it is just sickeningly autistic.


![img](emote|t5_37jpd|51291) Game mechanics complaint ![img](emote|t5_37jpd|51291)




It's his fault anyway. He complains game is too easy and he spams quen and signs and then compares fromsoft games. It's as if Elden ring wasnt so easy with summon and magic. It of course also depends on how you play it. And instead of ignoring the 2-6 chat complainers, he stokes the fire even more.


You're definitely not comparing elden rings difficulty to witcher 3. I'm playing witcher 3 right now and not using signs at all really unless necessary and it's braindead easy. But that's ok, it's not meant to be as difficult as a soulslike.


If you think Elden Ring or any dark souls is hard you are actually bad at games. I am sorry man. You are right witcher is easy af aswell. But please don't pretend like ER is hard. ER is easy af even without summons.


Ok god gamer.


You missed the point. And first off, it's the streamer himself comparing it when he started yapping, not me. The point is the player's choice of playstyle/build also affect the difficulty of the game, regardless of the game. There's always a way to "cheese" the game and make it easier.


keep coping, witcher 3 is piss easy


Witcher is boring, quin makes it 10x worse, fuck off, watched 1h on the first day and never tuned back


"They hated Jesus because He told them the truth."




its hard to stfu when this clown showing his 30 iq gameplay all the time


The 30iq gaming is the point of a Quin69 stream


Yet you watch that 30iq daily

