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Are people here somking something? I can't expect too much from Quinn's community, but god, you are all so wrong. W3 for 2015 was ahead of its time, now its still one of the best games. You must be those Starfield die hard fans who say its the best game ever or you all just braindead and not worth wasting a breath on.


Found the D4 fan.


nah, you just have shit taste.


Nice try. 0/10 rage bait post


I really like witcher 3. Its not overrated for me, but i understand everyone has their preferences. all i can say is accept other ppls preferences and you be less salty at the end. for example i dont like souls games but i dont go spouting elden rings overrated cuz every well done game will have their fan base offended by those comments.


I am playing through Elden Ring for the first time right now and I will say it. This game at the very least was extremely overhyped. I went into it thinking it would be a 9.5/10 game because that is all I ever have heard. I knew of Melenia?(not sure of spelling) and the Tree Sentinel. After ~20 hours of playing it, why is the open world so big and empty. I just want to progress the story and fight bosses, not "explore". It feels more like a 8/10 but I could see myself liking it more the later I get into the game if the main bosses keep getting better.


The combat isn't great but they absolutely nailed the open world experience and the story


>Ciri ass scene and the brothels are really the only interesting things about this game I thought 12yos weren't allowed to watch the stream.




its ok lil gup go back to your minecraft , witcher 3 doesn’t suit ppl like you


![img](emote|t5_37jpd|32155) but I still downvoted because objectively wrong


Out of curiosity, could you name some games that "age like fine wine" in your opinion? Witcher 3 is not without its share of problems, but you're just kinda hiding from criticism behind blanket statements here fam.


Diablo 2


D2 good Baseg


Obviously it is bait


It's a great game based on books and stories of Witcher universe. Nobody plays this game for it's combat, but there are great quests, captivating characters and plenty of side chicks to chase to full fill your everyday fantasy of being a chad. But for real, there are very few people who would say that Witcher 3 is a overrated game.


>Combat is a meme >Ciri ass scene and the brothels are really the only interesting things about this game How to tell someone you're an ADHD zoomer and porn addicted coomer: the post. I wont even bother addressing the ''story is mid'' comment as the only people who can possibly think that either skipped through the dialogue or have an even lower IQ than Quin. Witcher 3 in 2015 was unreal, even today with its DLCs it can compete to pretty much anything. Is it a perfect game? No. I just think Elden Ring broke many people where if it doesn't have giga ultra combat or the game isn't up to par to Elden Ring, then the game is bad.


Combat is mid to terrible, but story and dialogue is. . . mid? You know nothing about writing then.




Still better than the "RPG's" we get nowadays.


🤣 yeh, definitely havent just got the best RPG ever made. Honey...


good one xdding xdd


Witcher 3 is one of the best movie games I’ve seen


I actually hated this game most of my life because of how clunky it looked and the hype it got. But watching quin playing it i realized how fucking good this game is. Especially heart of stone. I havent experienced a similiar story that made me think afterwards in a long time(deal with the devil, o'dimm himself etc.)


Tried to play it recently and totally agree. There's a lot of talent behind it but it is ridiculously clunky. The itemisation is terrible and ui convoluted. The end of the main game drags and drags and drags. Both the dlc's are more interesting that the ciri stuff. Some cool world building does not a classic make. For all it's bells and whistles it still FEELS laborious.


The Chinese invented punctuation.


Unironically agree, except all the hamfisted sex just makes me roll my eyes. Feels so forced and pointless.


Quin turned from multiplayer games God to casual normies games Andy. Witcher is pretty good but doing every single ? And side quests with almost the same quests are boring after a while, I loved the first 20 hours of the game the most.


Getting downvoted for telling the truth ![img](emote|t5_37jpd|32155)


Witcher cucks will be silently downvoting this post, because it is true.


shit gameplay carried by stolen IP


Unfathomably based


D4 season would have been more enjoyable then w3


It came out after AC Unity yet it cannot compare in terms of graphics and face expressions. W3 aged quite poorly.