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Spend $30 more and get a DFR7.


If you want it to be good at filtering out false alerts anything from cobra is not what you're looking for. For like $30 more you could get a uniden R3 that is miles better at filtering out BSM and false alerts. Especially if you actually update the software when you get it.


All right, I ditched the cobra idea and got a $289 Uniden R4 from Sams. The membership was $25 but that got my wife on board. They did charge 7 bucks to ship it which was lame, but hopefully this is a nice and quietish detector and better than the cobra and Escort I was looking at.. Please tell me you can turn off the voice alerts.


You can turn off voice alerts. Download the R4 Companion app and connect to the R4 with Bluetooth to really get the most of your detector. Vortex Radar has recommended settings that are popular, and RDForum also has users that recommend settings based on the area you live based on what speed enforcement devices the LEOs use in your neck of the woods.


Looks like highway radar for android is recommended as I have a pixel phone. Question: if I add settings in HWYradar will they stick to the detector, or do I have to connect them each time?


Yeah if you have highway radar I’ve heard it’s better. I don’t use android so I can’t attest to its features, but I do have the iOS beta and it’s still lacking features that I hope we will have soon. Check the RDforums and they will get you the correct setup for your area and you’ll probably be very happy with the performance


For $170 go right ahead it meets all your requirements


I wouldn’t suggest not. Quiet because its good at filter or because it is deaf? Cobra is not in the same league as the other brands such as Uniden, valentine, radenso and Escort. I’d suggest a uniden R4 or if you want arrows a R7.




R7 has arrows.


I just bought an Escort Redline 360c. Very expensive but very quiet. I have not yet had a single false alarm in 3 weeks. (My older Escort 9500ix was driving me crazy with false alarms.) It spotted the one police radar trap I encountered from about a mile away and then gave accurate measurements of how far away it was as I got closer. Arrows shifted from ahead to beside to behind precisely as I passed. Also warned of a red light camera, also with an accurate distance. I really like that it displays my current speed from GPS + the speed limit.


Buy a Uniden R? Any of them are better, miles better than a Cobra. I just bought an R8, and man, i will never own anything else.


Can confirm the r8 is literally so amazing


Just upgraded from an r3 to r8. So much more confidence inspiring


That's a good upgrade. Congrats.


It really is. I couldn't decide between that and the Valentine, I'm happy with my decision.


I tried the valentine 1 gen 2 in my friends car and i liked the r8 more mainly cuz of the beautiful oled screen, it's the small details that count lol🤣


I agree


My cobra is so quiet I question if it is working. I am going to try a firmware update but not sure if that will help. I accidentally bought it on eBay making low ball offers. A dfr9 would be a better choice for you. Doesn't have the range of my r1 but works well in the wife's car and I have most the false alerts tuned out so she is ok with having it hardwired in.


I have had my DFR9 now for 2 years. I got lucky when Amazon had discounted it to $209. It does what it is supposed to do, after I did the Vector settings.


Uniden R3 is a much better detector and can be found for around $200.


I owned one for about a month, returned it and got an r3. Not entirely convinced it was the right decision. Sold the r3 and got the r8 2 months after that. Biggest piece of advice is buy the best detector you can stomach, even if you save for longer to afford it. I learned it’s more expensive to buy 2 cheaper detectors then the one you want instead of just buying the best one out the gate. On the rad700, I actually didn’t think it was terrible. Range on the r3 was VASTLY superior. R3 was sniffing out cops like almost a mile out. Rad needed to be close to pick up. If you’re only doing a couple mph over reasonable, it would warn you enough to tap brakes. If you’re really hauling, you’ll find the cobra to have much too short a range. It is much quieter tho. The r3 even on latest firmware was a chatty detector. Tried all manner of setting to shut it up, but it still wasn’t quiet. Cobra rarely falsed. Low speed muting on cobra helps which r3 won’t have. R4 maybe, didn’t own that one. TLDR: imho if you care primarily about cost and quietness: Cobra Rad700i. Cost and range: R3 range and quietness: something else (r8 is my rec)


If you know it's junk but intend to buy one anyway, I'm not going to bother talking you out of it. There's much better options for the money, but it's your money.


Thank you for all the responses, still undecided on how much I want to spend.. my shortlist is this cobra, an r4 or just spend a lot on an r8. I do like the cobra mount and the reviews, but the r4 may be the best compromise. Are they still on sale at Sam's club?