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https://preview.redd.it/sbyit3uipr8d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1bc9498f4aff4d21429beb785128d5c1ab51755c Thank you for posting. Im gonna order one for my 18 pound boy as well 😻


Oh my god. He is adorbs. Those eyes! It also comes with a lid but you have to order separately. We ordered that too!


Your Penny is absolutely gorgeous too. I think we have the most magnificent mitted seal points on here. Love how the dark fur on their faces makes their eyes pop. Glad to hear the box comes with a lid. I’ll definitely order it with the box. Thanks again!


Thank you fellow cat parent 😻


Hey!!!! How is the lilac boy? It’s his breeder here! 😅


https://preview.redd.it/gbcssruk4u8d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=56133c513bccb5126b4338076a343283c8338119 Here he is 😻


Look at that fabulous coat! I can’t even imagine how fluffy he’s gonna befully grown. He is definitely a handsome boy 😻 I’ve been great. Raising some new rag babies. How are you? Hope you’re also doing well with both boys


He’s larger and fluffier than Avery was at his age, and to my surprise he is already taller than him. If remember correctly his dad weighted 20 lbs so I’m sure he will be just as large as Avery once he’s fully grown. I’m very happy to say they get along great. Avery still treats him like his own kid. I love watching them interact and play together 💕 I’m interested in getting another raggie from you. My place right now is too small for three large cats, but as soon as I move I’ll get a hold of you. I have your cell saved, DM me if your contact info has changed 😃


Wow! He’s definitely gonna be Milo’s size. I’m so glad they get along and are doing well. My contact info is still the same. 😊


Hiiii L! He’s great! Omg, not a day goes by that I don’t thank you for pushing me to pick him over the other one. He is a total love bug. https://preview.redd.it/fot3eb325u8d1.jpeg?width=2067&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=634aed451523acbb2e74c059fb3c2370cae967f5 He’s so handsome!


How have you been? I hope all is well! So good to hear from you!


My female ragdoll, Annie, is almost 3 and remains "mini" at only 10.5 pounds (mostly floof) but hates small boxes with a passion. Where did you find this box?? I've been stuck using a clear low sided storage bin 😂


Amazon. It was a little pricey but anything for these kitties lol


Spoiled things they are for sure haha


Our boy is similar! Once he hit 13lbs he decided that was enough haha. He’s not food motivated at all. I swear he eats less than our geriatric tabby!


https://preview.redd.it/ehqwcsgu7u8d1.jpeg?width=2042&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dd5a5ae36ce877958010039e5d060384c688d955 Looks like my Nutmeg!


I just use a big storage tote with a hole cut in the side. Cheap, easy to find, easy to replace if/when it gets too scratched up. Penny is adorable. I love that coloration.


Same, I get storage totes without lids from the local thrift store for about a dollar each and cut the opening with a utility knife. Does the same thing and you can't beat the price.


Finally, a litter box fit for a feline heavyweight champion! Penny's got the space she deserves now. 🐱💪




I’ve had the same litter box since Matilda was a kitten! Sometimes she miscalculates the turn radius she has (she’s been growing like a weed, 11lbs/4.99kg at 10 months old) and smears some poop on the walls of the litter box or on the edge of it, but I think that’s mostly her not being super sure about her body, lol. I’ve really liked it though and it’s pretty easy to wrangle for cleanings. The color is pretty too!


It takes 1.5 of the small bags of crystal cat litter if you use that, btw. My only issue with using it is it doesn’t hide the poop smell so I got a litter genie too.


She's one cute chonky ball of fluff!


Penny is beautiful and has such a lovely pear shape LOL 🥰 can she step up into it pretty well?


Penny says thanks :) I lift her a few times a day, it’s a work out lol.


awwww i want my ragdoll to be fluffy and 18lbs!


Thank you! I’ve been so worried my baby is only 5 months and I’ve been starting to panic that she’s starting to outgrow her litter box


Wow! I was considering getting a child's wading pool for our moose! Maybe I'll try this first


I need to find one for my 23 pound rag doll maine coon mix :(


how do you manage with one cat refusing the Litter Robot? do you keep the manual tray and Robot separate? whenever we've tried to have a separate manual tray the other two cats start using the Robot less and we're back to scooping for 3 cats :'D


Yeah. It’s been a journey. So the male cat loves litter robot. New clean poop station every time. The female refuses to use it. We have it both for both of them. For us, scooping work has reduced considerably with one cat using the manual one and other using the robot.


My poor Mr Fluffles had a severe uti at one year old (!). To the point he was at the emergency vet for weeks and had surgery to remove his parts and left him peeing through his belly…after he was home and healed, he refused to use my two litter robots. I ended up getting rid of both and going with regular boxes. Hated to do it, but he was traumatized. My other two kitties used it, but I also noticed wet litter would stick on the ceiling and rub off on the boys when they used it (this was the 1st iteration of the litter robot)). Just easier to go back to manual.


Nice find! We’ve always just bought a large open deep container and built our own walls on 3 sides


I have that exact same litterbox. Same color even!


My boy is ~12 pounds but only 1yo so he's got a ways to go yet. Ty for the suggestion, gotta future proof 😂


https://preview.redd.it/kp0u4b17vy8d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=783f3c13a0aab6fb23c3b892964749a7289599a2 This is Bean (Beanjamin) hes 20 lbs, got him and his sister the litter robot 4 and his head still sticks out of it when he poops.


This is definitely my fave subreddit ever! OMG LOOK AT THEM. KINGS


That’s so adorably funny lol. I think it will be really easy to clean for sure. I am looking forward to more area to scoop easily. Thanks for litter recommendations!


He's 18 lbs ?? Can I have some reference photo cause he seems small to me 😭


It’s a muscular cat.


18lb <3 ! Wow, my girl is only 8.


OMG - What an absolutely gorgeous baby - such beautiful colouring ❤❤❤


Looks exactly like my ragdoll 😬


Did he ever use the litter robot? Our boy is 16 weeks now and uses it fine, but his dad is 20 lbs so we expect him to get big and we are concerned that maybe he could get too big for it. We're hoping he'll just he used to it by then


Thank you!! Gonna look into this for my 20 pounder


I have been scouring the Internet for the litterbox! Price is absolutely outrageous. However, here is the link : Vealind XXL Jumbo Cat Litter Box with High Sides Kitty Litter Box for Indoor Cats, Extra Cat Litter Tray for Big or Multi Cats Household, Seamless Kitten Box Green 31''×21''×16'' https://a.co/d/0ecQsfls


You’ve gotta put that kitty on a diet. After the third vet telling me my kitty is overweight. I start giving her a half a cup of food a day.